DAY IN THE LIFE OF A D1 ATHLETE - game day edition vs Stanford

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you're so annoying it's game day baby it's G [Music] [Music] baby I'm about to get dressed now um it's kind of chilly so I'm going to find something a little warmer to put on um so yeah let's get dressed so what's up guys for those of you that don't know me I'm Hector I'm a division one athlete at St Mary's College and I play soccer um or football whatever you guys want to call it I'm not trying to get into no arguments um but yeah today's game day if you could already tell by the title of this video um we're playing the number one ranked team in the country Stanford so I'm super hyped there going to be a big crowd it's a big game and yeah last season I red shirted this season I'm starting to get some minutes so I'm pretty hyped my true position is left back uh but this season I'm playing more as left mid I got some minutes to at left wing and I think that's one of the most important things just being able to adapt and just play any position that your coach ask you to to perform at and it just gives you a higher chance of of playing so yeah I'm just super excited for today um about to go make some breakfast and yeah and if you guys aren't already following the Instagram make sure you guys go follow the Instagram stay up to date with my life on and off the field yeah let's get going guys our game is until 7:00 p.m. tonight um so I'm going to do a little bit bigger of breakfast since I have a lot of time and yeah usually when we have a earlier game like 1:00 p.m. or 12:00 I have a lighter breakfast cuz I don't really like to feel that full um but yeah we have loads of time so it'll be no problem have a big [Music] breakfast and again I can't stress this enough on game days you guys need to make sure you're h hydrating water just helps keep your muscles hydrated and it's going to help you from preventing injuries and getting cramps and just playing better on the field so yeah remember stay hydrated guys and for all the OG's out there we're going to call a special someone right now um so they can let us know what day it is um hopefully he picks up so yeah let's see Yo Wade yeah can can you let the the Vlog know what day it is you're so annoying it's game day baby it's game day baby all right see you brother it's game day baby what's it smelling like what's it smelling like what's it smelling like smells at three points yes sir I bet you would I got breakfast ready let me show you guys what I got three eggs some sausage um half a bagel and then some granola and some yogurt and then I almost forgot my I don't know if this is a white peach or a nectarine but whatever still hella good um so yeah we're about to eat this I'm going to put some Champions League highlights on cuz I've had a busy week and wasn't really able to catch all the games and yeah let me give you guys a quick little living room tour cuz I haven't shown you guys the living room [Music] yet and I almost forgot to refill my water bottle got to stay gred this is about to be my second and a half water bottle of the day so yeah just got to keep drinking [Music] a so yeah I got everything ready um got to turn off the TV and we got to head of class see you Gage I'm about to head out see you brother so now that I live off campus I got to drive to school but it's pretty close like a 3 minute 3 minute drive um and yeah today we have data lab so just a one hour class and then I'll head back home so yeah I just made it to school um about to head a class and I'll catch you guys after so yeah I'm back in the car now just finished class it was a pretty chill day um didn't do that much just a little bit of some Excel sheets learned some new formulas and yeah I have some exciting news for you guys so I'm going to be doing a giveaway with the client Sports Performance training app and for those of you that don't know I recently partnered with them they're one of the best apps in the app store to get your workouts in whether you're baseball player soccer player football player any sport you play they have sports specific workouts for you guys so that you actually feel faster and stronger on the field and not just doing bodybuilding movements so basically what this giveaway includes is I'm going to be giving away five oneyear subscriptions for free to some of you guys so to win all you guys have to do is follow me on my Instagram at hector. Sorano and follow the client training app on Instagram and then once you do that just comment done in the comments down below and I'll announce the winner in 2 weeks yeah super excited for this can't wait for you guys to try out the app and let's head home so yeah I just got home on game days I don't really like to do anything to stimulating or anything that's going to waste too much energy so I don't like to really be on my phone that much watch too much TV so like I was saying on game days I don't like to do things that are too stimulating just too many screens in general um so whether that be reading doing some stretching just doing little chores to keep myself active but like also relax throughout the day um that's what I like to do on game days so now I'm just going to do a quick little stretching routine just a little bit of Mobility my feet have been really tight lately so I'm just sitting on my on my feet trying to loosen the up a little bit this helps with your shins [Music] too my glutes or super sore too my well not super sore they're just a little tight so just loosening up everything making sure my body feels as best as it can feel before the game I'm going to do some back exercises really quick [Music] exercise so I'm going be taking a quick nap and if you guys know I got this bed from flexi spot speaking about flexy spot I just got my desk setup renovated and got a new standing desk E7 Pro from flexi spot along with their Ergo chair as a division one athlete a big part of my day spent studying and working long hours sitting at a desk and doing a lot of homework studying for tests and stuff of that nature so having a desk like the E7 Pro allows me to work in different postures so that my neck and back don't start to hurt as you guys know I've had a lot of neck and back problems in my past and I found that the flexi spot S7 pro has done a good job at combating these problems as I said I'm able to work in different postures whether that be standing sitting or anything in between and it just allows me to stay fresh and got a lot of work done and this great desk paired with their Ergo chair is a recipe for Success I've never felt more productive and excited to get to work when I get back from school and I just love the modern look of the desk and how it Blends into my room one feature of this desk that I really love and is a true testimony to how durable it is is that it has a 440 lb weight capacity and as you guys can see here I've even tried using it as a mini elevator as you guys know from previous videos I'm a huge fan of flexy spot and I also use a flexi spot adjust bed Bas S5 flexi spot also provides all kinds of standing desk and ergonomic chairs to meet your demands if you want a standing desk with a t frame you can check their E7 basic frame and if you're in a limited budget you can choose the E2 model which cost only $150 which obviously comes with a basic standing function that we all love make sure you use my promo code youtube3 for $30 off any order over $500 make sure you guys go check out flexi spot you'll find something you love and let's get back to the video so I got everything ready I got my toiletry bag all the essentials in here I got some of my stuff I also need for the game I got a banana in here I got some hydration stuff and then compression shorts stuff like that so I'm about to head out and go pick up my food and then head to the locker room and meet the team so yeah the boys are buzzing Max is getting his fresh cut you know I already know looking H over here line them up line them up so yeah for my pregame meal um I'm just having something super simple I'm going to a local Thai restaurant around here and I'm just getting a fried rice just a simple fried rice it has some veggies and some chicken and some egg and rice obviously um so yeah just something light yeah that's what I like to have before a game and I'm probably not going to eat the whole thing just like half um just to get something on my system and I feel too full even though game starts in 4 hours kickoff is at 7:00 and it's currently 2:40 so we have uh 4 hours and 20 minutes to kick off so yeah I'm going to go pick this up and then we'll slide to the locker room just secured the bag um let's go yo what is up you know what day it is it's game day baby Ratt bro got like tomato feel so good so here we were off to Stanford the drive is only like an hour 30 minutes I was L to some music had a little snack and then we finally got to the field um Stanford facilities are one of the best in the country I would say their pitch is imaculate stands not the biggest but it was a pretty packed Stadium for the game I think there might have been like around 5,000 6,000 people and yeah then we had a nice little look around the pitch someone was having fun doing some visualization and let's see some clips from the game let's see some highlights so in this game we were playing in a 352 um and I was obviously playing on the left side of the diamond I came in for like the last 10 minutes of the first half I think it was and then I might have played played like 18 some minutes in the second half um so I came that left wing back and this first play right here um I think it's in the second half uh it's a good step see the ball going to their outside back and I guy gets nervous slips on the ball and I'm able to win the second ball uh and I don't know the the tracker thing was working kind of weird but yeah we get a good attacking opportunity um and it was some good pressure there this next play right here just do a good job winning the ball back open up wide and then Luke plays inside y plays me and then right here I'm going pause it I think I think I'm a fast enough player to take this down the line maybe um something I've been trying to work on a little bit more and something I've been doing in practice is playing a little bit faster when I get the ball out wide and not always stopping uh cuz it just slows everything down and let a player catch up to me but yeah right here I think I should just taking my Straight My Touch straight down but instead I try to force across which I don't think I should have um and it deflects off him and yeah don't really get anything out of it this next play right here I do a good job of shielding the ball off with Louie and then it bounces out and then it comes back to me and good long ball to Camy play it down the channel wasn't able to get there but we get a throw in so we gained territory um as our coach says so yeah that was nice play uh this play right here ball comes back I start to tuck in a little bit as you see there and then and then when it shoots out here um I get on my bike I get there put a hard tackle in and we get the ball secure The Possession so some good work by me there and then this next play here uh see the ball pop up keep my run forward and get it and then I play a nice ball to Finn through um not able to beat his man but we lose a ball up on the field so not the worst place to lose a ball and then this next play here open up good George plays me a good ball um and then I try to beat my man inside it's not on so I cut it back and I play l and then I keep my run going forward and then I think this is Cammy Cammy plays me I play a try to turn no space to go in so I play back then I get the ball back and then it's a good look here to cross the ball I guess um but it's kind of in a tight area so I don't have the best touch out of my body and it's hard to get some good whip in it from there so it's really lofted and then the Standford player doesn't really deal with it that well um not the worst play by me again maybe should just whipped it a little bit harder but we live and we learn this next play here I get the ball out wide um I don't know why the tracker doesn't stay on me but I get the ball out wide play a good ball to Finn Finn does well to deal with it and then I was pretty disappointed on this play cuz I usually do a good job of this of cutting it inside and using my speed and my technical ability dribbling but I don't know what I was thinking I just I got kind of like my eyes like lit up when I saw all the space open up and I just took a really poor touch but yeah Finn plays me inside just take a poor touch and run right into the defender but I had loads of space to go there down the line let me go a little bit back yeah like I had so much space to go down and I just my foot just like caught on the ball it's whatever though this next play here ball bounces inside do a good job of getting my head on the ball keeping possession or at least not giving the ball to Stanford but but yeah and then this next play right here uh I think Jack plays me a good ball in the air and I need to do much better dealing with the ball here really Bad Touch by me I got nervous when I saw the guy coming from behind and from the front but and you have the composure there to just take a good touch trust myself and keep the ball but yeah ball bounces to Stanford guy Stanford guy gets it and then good thing I do here is even though I lose the ball I work hard to get it back or at least put a good tackle in but yeah I know I can do better better on that and I will do better for the future um but yeah it was good to get some minutes against Stanford was pretty packed uh Stadium I think there was maybe 5,000 people was pretty loud environment to play in um but yeah we have two games now left of the Season uh By the time this is up we'll already have played Portland so hopefully that goes well and then we play LMU for a last game of the season and that will dictate if we make it to the tournament or not so hopefully all goes well um we're kind of in a hard situation right now but never giving up and yeah we're just going to keep working hard keep trying and doing our best so yeah catch you guys in the next video and thanks for watching peace guys
Channel: Hector Serrano
Views: 57,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day in the life of a footaballer, football, soccer, best home workout, home workout for athletes, best football drills to do at home, pro football journey, how to train like a footballer, footballers diet, footballers workout, footballer leg workout, footballer workout, day in the life, shooting drills, cristiano ronaldo, training like cristiano ronaldo, cr7, match analysis, winger analysis, footballer match highlights, footballer match analysis
Id: 1Awy9kPyKa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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