Pro Chef HATES.. Jamie Oliver's Veggie Lasagna!

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so get yourself a little potato masher what and  just mash it just put your weight onto it and   you can feel the BR beans and peas popping this  will be absolutely like a lasagna no this is not   a lasagna today we're going to be seeing Jamie  Oliver make his vegetable lasagna my question   is should I be worried because we have seen  some failures in the past then again this is   Italian quisine and Jamie knows Italian cuisine  he normally does really good with Italian or fairly    good so I don't know maybe it'll be pass before we  do get going guys if you have seen multiple videos   of mine and you keep coming back and you like  my videos and you're not a subscriber yet then   be sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't  miss out on any future content and also like the   video because it does help out greatly now let's  get started I'm going to show you how to make an   absolutely delicious one pan veggie lasagna  one pan lasagna oh boy (Tiene una pinta) as they say   here it looks like um well this is going to be an  interesting video we're going to be biging up some   beautiful veggies lovely sweet leaks with butter  we've got asparagus we're going to use frozen   veggies cuz I love frozen veggies broad beans and  peas which are really easy to get a hold of well   we already know that he likes frozen veggies and  peas I mean we just have to watch a couple of the   other videos to see that and the method is really  simple I've stripped it right down so that you can   make it all in one pan there's only one thing  to wash up we get it in that oven and in about   40 minutes you have got something that you're  absolutely going to love well I beg to differ   because the last time that he said that with the  butter chicken I mind you um it's not something   that we absolutely loved so I don't know let's  keep our fingers crossed maybe we'll get lucky   with this recipe first up we're going to slice up  a leaf so what I do is I strip the outer Leaf off   like this just get the knife and just run it down  like that so what I want to do is just show you a   way to clean these efficiently we wash it away  from the root water going down right it's good   that Jamie's showing you on how to use a leak  because a lot of people don't really know on   how to use them the one thing Jamie didn't show  though is that you need to cut a portion of the   bottom off you need to cut the root off to be able  to use it finally slice the green part and then as   we get to the white part of the leak then we're  going to go from finally slice to little slices   like that what right why because it's more kind of  chunky and substantial why are we cutting the link   super thin like you should be doing for this and  then we're cutting it the link in bigger pieces   there's no reason it likes a chunky and then just  leave everything chunky if you like it like that   I want to do it in a pan like a casserole style  pan sort of low-sided I'm going to go in with a   knob of butter for anybody learning English a knob  of butter is not an exact measurement it's just   like a piece of butter that you use now calling  somebody a knob this is also called an insult   yeah if you call somebody a knob basically you're  calling them an idiot so just keep this in mind if   somebody calls you a knob it's not a compliment  and knobbing is another thing and then a nice   drizzle of extra virgin olive oil I'm then going  to go in with the leaks we're going to sweat off   those lovely leaks now you can saut with butter  at home the only thing is you need to be a little   careful if the pan gets too hot and to do that  you need to keep moving the ingredients around   and adding a little more butter at a time to help  keep the temperature down otherwise the butter   will brown or you can do what Jamie is doing is by  adding a little bit of olive oil with the butter   and mixing the two what is this do it raises the  temperature threshold and that way the butter will   not turn nutty it will not brown on you as quickly  obviously if you crank up the heat you're going to   reach a smoking point but the olive oil can help  that with the asparagus I'll pretty much always   just trim off the edge of the asparagus and I  nearly always turn that into a soup or a sauce   so if you have enough asparagus you can use the  stems and actually make a soup out of it or even   make some vegetable stock which by the way I do  have a very good recipe for a vegetable stock   and a vegetable paella on my YouTube channel I can  leave the link down below for you guys to check   that out and if you are interested in learning  more on how to cook then be sure to check out   my cooking course which I have a link down in the  description below for you guys to check out with   more Basics to Advanced I explain quite a few things  and I show quite a few things as well so if you're   interested check it out just finally slice it like  that what I like to do is save the tips to put   in at the last moment you know funny thing when I  was little I only used to eat asparagus tops like   sitting at the dinner table and then I used to get  in trouble I did the same thing with broccoli too   I just eat the top of the broccoli and I wouldn't  eat the rest of it yeah the top it's the best part   so in here I'm going to add a nice pinch of salt  a nice pinch of pepper you can add a little Swig   of water to create a little bit of humidity in  the pan no you don't need to add water to the   pan not unless of course the Pan's getting too  hot and you need to drop the temperature you   can add a splash but not too much you don't want  to be adding a lot of water to this you want to   reduce the moisture in the veggies so look this  has had about 10 minutes now so traditionally   you'd make a bechamel sauce but that's another pan or two  right to wash up deal with but actually we can do   it all in the pan normally you make the bechamel sauce separately and then you add it to the dish but it   looks like Jamie is going to be cheating a little  bit I'm going to put the flour into this pan so 2   tables or 50 g of plain flour goes in I'm also  going to put two teaspoons of English mustard   in gan's English mustard he's actually adding  mustard to this o boy Vincenzo actually reacted   to this video I wonder what he said (ma per favore) Jamie I think you your brain I don't know   what happened to you Jamie but you are you lost  it you lost it chili jamy he fried rice master   in the lasagna you are mad 800 Ms of milk scrape  the bottom of the pan 300 G of that we're going to   use then but 300 G of frozen peas move it around  let's get that just simmering for 5 minutes you   know the further that this recipe keeps going on  the more that this is becoming like an English   lasagna it's not a lasagna yeah this is more  like an English type casserole this is turning   into like another creation half a bunch of mint  uh and literally all I do is just rip off those   top mint leaves I'll use that for other things  um and I'm just going to fairly roughly chop the   mint it's going to taste absolutely amazing the  thing is with mint it makes the spring veg taste   fresh it makes them taste even like lighter you  know when you add mint to them which is delicious   and when I used to work in London at burner's  Tavern we used to have a like barley Roto now   it wasn't actually a risoto it was just called a  barley risotto and it was with spring veg if any   Italians are getting a little angry with me it's  it was different yeah and that used to go with the   lamb shoulder because mint mint sauce is typical  with lamb and having spring veg with this as like   a little barley type result though was delicious  so it's not uncommon to add mint to say spring   veg the mustard though turns me off this no I  am going to be not traditional Again by using   parmesan cuz I love it and that is traditional  but I'm using some cheddar ahh yeah why not add   a bit of cheddar Cheddar's an amazing cheese  it's full of flavor and it melts and oozes in   the most beautiful way the thing is with cheddar  is is that I love cheddar it's one of my favorite   types of cheeses it's just that there are a lot  of different types of cheddar there are Cheddars   that are sharper than others there are also some  Cheddars though that are drier than others the   thing is is that the thing that they sell at  madona it's a decent it's an okay cheddar it's   just that it's a very dry cheddar so when I cut it  to like put it in a sandwich it just breaks apart   so when you go to bite it the bloody thing keeps  like falling out and it's very annoying because   I love cheddar cheese I love a nice sharp cheddar  and this one every time so get yourself a little   potato masher what and just mash it just put your  weight onto it and you can feel the Bro beans and   peas popping smashing the veg why use a potato  masher to smash the spring veg Jamie please it's   bad enough that you're going to be boiling the  you know what out of them they're not going to be   nice and green anymore they're going to be brown  but you don't need to smash them then I'm going   to go in with most of the cheese right not all  of it most of it go on you know you want to put   more cheese in there yeah might as well the more  we watch this the more it looks like something   that Jack would make then you take your big bag of  cheese the whole entire 2 lbs and you just dump it   all in don't be shy it doesn't have to be pretty  all it has to do is taste good and it's going to   taste delicious trust you me and the asparagus  tips right and then the curve ball of course   is the pasta curveball what curve ball what do you  mean the pasta are we going to get some like funky   type different type of pasta or something I'd  expect it right now I would so the key here is   using fresh lasagna sheets it's brilliant you can  get it in all the supermarkets and the fact that   it's fresh means it cooks very quickly and it's  really elegant silky and very kind of luxurious   so I'm literally going to grab it like a pack of  cards and tear it tearing the pasta Sheets if we   were making the lasagna like normal you wouldn't  really need to tear the lasagna sheets not unless   you know you need to fill one of the gaps but come  on just like a stack of card and you should cut it   anyway don't tear it so that way it's a little  more uniformal also first thing that he said   you can get it in all the supermarkets you can't  find fresh pasta in every single grocery store   at least worldwide and when I lived in London I  actually lived at edgear Road I used to go to a   Saints berries that was literally on the corner  with Marble Arch and I don't remember seeing any   fresh pasta I'm not saying it's not possible but  I don't remember that and that was in London and   then all I'm going to do right is just dish out  the lasagna cards around and then just stir it   through this will be absolutely like a lasagna  no this is not a lasagna as much as I love you   Jamie this isn't and it's not going to look like  a lasagna at the end you are mucking about just   mixing the pasta in it's not going to cook evenly  either the pasta sheets there's a reason why you   layer it all nice and uniformly guys please help  me finish this video by hitting the like button   and sharing with others and you know what Let's  Make a Deal yes because we did this in a previous   video two years ago and I kept my word and we'll  do it again if this video gets half a million 500k views we may make this recipe and actually test it  for ourselves because right now I don't think it's   going to taste very good so this will serve six  people really nicely so I think this is a really   lovely meal for any day of the week actually and  another the funny thing is that if you really want   to piss off like Italians all you have to do is  basically add a little bit the mustard to lasagna   but just imagine that if this was a Spanish dish  if anything goes wrong it makes the national news so it's a good thing that this is an Italian  Dish and not Spanish and what I like to do you   know just to be aesthetic is kind of have a nice  layer of pasta on the top the pasta on the top   but if you don't cover the pasta that's on the  top then it dries out and then it's not like   nice it's just like hard pasta and it's not even  like crunchy because it's normally thicker it's   just not nice you want to like cover that with the  sauce and with cheese so then you know the pasta   stays nice and tender so the last ingredient for  a little flourish of texture flavor and nutrition   is almonds almonds now why are we going to add  nuts to this as well I mean the next thing you   going to tell me is that he's going to be adding  some sundried tomatoes to this and a bit of pesto   and what I love to do is just bash them up have  some fine have some hole have some cracked and   then I'll literally just let that snow down on our  lovely lasagna here almonds a little kiss of olive   oil honestly what is it get yourself a lemon lemon  and just a little bit of the zest just a tiny bit   and we're adding lemon zest now I mean you can  add a little bit of like fresh lemon zest at   the end and you really get the fragrance of the  the oils from the lemon adding lemon to this is   questionable that's now going to go in the oven  for 25 minutes that's all 25 minutes that's it   it'll be crispy gnarly gnarly there's his favorite  word this is a word that he loves to express   chicken's looking amazing gnarly on both sides and  just cook through perfectly but gnarly is maybe   not the best word to use when wanting to describe  something tasty any it goes right I'm going to be   honest with all of you I need a beer right now  and it's lunch time my time and I honestly think   I'm going to go to the store get some beer and  make a pizza for myself I need some comfort food   right now I really do so the lasagna has had 25  minutes it's looking and smelling amazing look   at that imagine that on the dinner table Jamie  as much as I love you I can't imagine this at my   dinner table firstly I wouldn't make this for  my dinner table I would make something else I   make proper lasagna or at least another type but  make it a little different a lot differently not   a little differently a lot and saying that this  looks delicious and tastes delicious yeah that's   very subjective yeah very I'm not criticizing  people that say it is I'm just saying it's   subjective very one of the things that you can  do which is a little bit of an optional extra   is put a little bit of pesto on the top pesto he's  actually adding pesto to this now too what is this   turning into you know I called it too didn't I I  said pesto I was being sarcastic I didn't actually   think he was going to add pesto to this though  and if you are going to add pesto hey add fresh   don't add store bought pesto we don't want to use  loads of it but little bombs of pesto as you start   serving this just just mix up with the lovely  creamy hot white sauce just a little bit goes   a long way yeah well so did his butter chicken  a little bit went along way why because I didn't   want to eat it I'll be honest I didn't finish it  I didn't throw the chicken out but I didn't finish   the sauce I couldn't I honestly could not finish  the sauce what I like is you still get crispy bits   from the lasagna like that and you know you get  the veggies but you also get the lovely creamy   sauce which is absolutely beautiful if you look  it's not even ult to see just zoom in a little   bit you can see he burnt it the top of this is  burnt you should cover this in the oven if you   notice that the top is starting to Brown too much  yeah you can see a little bit of the asparagus   here and there is torched and maybe some of the  Almond burnt a little bit because almonds contain   a lot of oil and it's easy to burn almonds it is  easy it may have been better to add the almonds   at the end you know toast them separately and  add them at the end if you want to add a little   bit of texture to this instead of adding it in the  beginning can you see the crispy bits at the side   look at that stodgy crispy stodgy crispy he's proud  of the crispy bits isn't he if pasta to me is a   little burnt and it's a little dry I don't like  it with my lasagna I'm sorry I don't if anything   is going to be crispy it should be the nice cheese  or the bechamel sauce on top that has a nice crust to it   but not the pasta because when you bite into the  pasta it can be you know a little too like hard   it's not good it can even be chewy at times not  good maybe just a little bit of Parmesan on top   and that my friends is a beautiful one pan veggie  lasagna that's it that's how he's going to do the   plate it if you wanted to add something you could  add maybe a little bit of Rocket a little bit of   arugula no to this arugula goes well yes this does  or or maybe even some chives as well but in any case yum yum triple yum so good crispy enough  soft enough stodgy enough cheesy enough Jamie   is a very good showman and he is trying to  sell this lasagna creation thing as something   super delicious but to me he doesn't seem  super excited maybe a long day maybe tired   I don't know but it doesn't seem like he's  as excited as he has been with some other recipes hopefully guys you did enjoy this video  of us seeing Jamie Oliver's vegetable lasagna   that turned out to be something else entirely and  one thing I do want to say is that please don't   pick on Jamie Jamie does have a good message  and he does try to help people make things at   home and try to get them into cooking which is a  good thing but it's just sometimes some of these   recipes um fall a little short kind of like the  butter chicken that was a disgusting recipe if   you did enjoy it and you did like the reaction  and everything and some useful on helpful tips   then be sure to give this video a like and a  share and if you want to see more videos and   be sure to check them out here and I will see you  guys again very soon until then take [Music] care
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 124,704
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Keywords: cooking, how to cook, kitchen, James Makinson, Chef James, food videos, food recipes, food vlogs, pro chef reacts to jamie oliver, pro chef learns, jamie oliver, jamie oliver veggie lasagne, jamie one pot meals, jamie oliver one pan veggie lasagne, pro chef reacts to vincenzo, vincenzo reacts to jamie oliver, jamie oliver veggie lasagna, vegetarian lasagna recipe jamie oliver, chef reacts to jamie oliver, chef james makinson, chef james reacts, chef james reacts to uncle roger
Id: sKcwqRGC15U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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