Pro Chef Reacts.. To Cooking With Jack WORST PIZZA?

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iron Pizza this looks simple  but I'm sure I'll find a way to screw it up   well with that we can both agree on if this is the  first time that you're seeing me react to Jack's   cooking just keep in mind that I have seen quite  a few of his videos well a few of his videos and   I may maybe a little sarcastic with this video  maybe a little more than normal I'm not trying   to make this into like a nasty video and I do not  recommend anybody to pick on Jack all right we're   focusing more on the food not on him even though  he can be funny at times go on in close and I'll   show you the ingredients so obviously some pizza  sauce some shredded mozzarella cheese one thing   that I am already liking about this video is that  Jack has actually moved so he has a nicer looking   kitchen this kitchen I like a lot more than the  previous one but I don't know about this recipe I   kind of feel like Tweety Bird here in the bowl  I've got freshly cut from the deli pepperoni   slices I might I'm still debating whether I  want to cut these or leave them whole I think   I'm going to cut them into pieces hey that's a  big decision do we leave it whole or do we cut   the pepperoni all jokes aside if the pepperoni  is this big you do you may need to cut it the   red bell pepper onions and freshly picked leaves  from my garden of Basil so let's get this thing   started oh yeah and don't forget the pizza dough  pizza dough hold on minute let me grab that don't   tell me that Jack bought the pizza dough and  he's showing you on how to make a pizza at home   a that's the whole part about making the pizza  I mean come on I mean it's pretty easy to put   the toppings on it's the dough that you need the  recipe for went to my bakery and grabbed a ball   of pizza dough it's a lot easier than making it  myself you want to make yourself have a party have   a pizza dough party and make pizza dough all day  long me personally I don't have time I got videos   to film so let's get started wait a minute Jack  is saying that he doesn't have time to make pizza   dough let me get this straight so Jack doesn't  want to make pizza dough for a video that he's   making to show on how to make pizza because he  has more things to do and it's going to take too   much time okay yeah I understand this so I've  had a few videos where it's taken me not like   three or four hours 9 to 10 hours or more to make  a recipe now some recipes take this long but I do   have to admit this isn't like a lazy man's recipe  I don't think because in the end he's still making   the pizza and not just getting a frozen pizza  first thing you want to do put a little oil in   the pan even if your pan is oil put a little bit  in there anyway well this is one point for Jack   he's using it looks like extra virgin olive  oil because if you look at the oil it's very   dark green the normally extra virgin a good one  is darker and if you're going to be making like   any Italian cuisine or any Mediterranean Cuisine  olive oil is essential grab your pizza dough slap   it right in there spread it around get your  oil up on the sides and everything flip it   over get oil on that side too if you are going  to be doing this at home with the olive oil so   the dough doesn't stick to the pan you don't  need to teach it on how to swim all right you   just need to add a little bit just enough so it  doesn't stick to the pan that's it take a little   plastic wrap or press and seal whatever you got  all right now that we're fully covered let this   set here and go preheat your oven to 500°. okay  oven's at 500° now what you're going to do is   you're going to come in here and you're going to  shape this dough to fit in here for a pizza you   know the nice thing about Jack wearing a watch in  this video is that you can actually tell how long   it took them to make this and to do things and  if we look closely you know it's now 205 and it   looked like he has allowed the dough to rise for  about or to at least rest to come up to temp for   about 15 minutes if you're going to be using any  pre-bought dough like this it is important that   to be able to work with it so it's more malleable  that it comes up to room temp and it's not cold   because this will affect the dough also it's  easier to stretch so it won't tear so if you   just leave it out you know it's a little easier  to work with so let's shape it like that now what   we're going to do is we're going to put this this  in the oven we're going to bake this for 5 minutes   make sure we got it all pushed out we're all good  now normally Jack always wears his ring when he's   making anything I mean we saw him wearing his  ring when he was making the buffalo burger as well nice there are a few reasons why it's not  a good idea to wear jewelry when working with   like raw products or with food in general one  because it's a little harder to clean up under   there and you know it can like get infested  bacteria whatever if you never take the ring   off too if you have little diamonds or pendants  or whatever anything on the ring that can fall   off but if we look closely a few minutes ago Jack  was working the dough with two rings he had one on   his left and one on his right and a few minutes  later he takes the one of the Rings off but not   the other one I don't know maybe he can't take  it off maybe maybe it's stuck here we go okay   so I've already prepared my my toppings I've got  the cheese in the refrigerator cuz I don't want   it to start melting under the studio lights  as I'm filming melt under the studio lights   when he's filming Jack must have some like really  powerful lighting equipment well then again this   is a bit of an older video I don't know maybe the  lights generate more heat because mine they don't   generate that much heat I'll tell you right now  because I'm freezing I mean I'm cold I have the   sweater on but I'm and the heating but I'm still  cold today it's like 4° out and then I've got the   basil I don't want that starting to sh either so  that's in the refrigerator too let's put off to   the side let's prep our sauce you can take regular  tomato sauce I got the kind I got some sauce with   chunks of tomato already in it oh this is another  point for Jack he's using canned tomato sauce now   when you're making a pizza at home it's okay to  use canned tomato sauce the canned tomatoes are   already cooked this is part of the canning process  and a lot of pizzerias not saying every single one   but a lot of them do use canned tomato sauce St  straight out of the can if you want to make a   better pizza at home the most important thing  is to have quality ingredients the fresher and   the higher quality the better then again not  everyone can get this so it can be a little   challenging depending on where you live and I'm  going to make it even better take a little minced   garlic if you like minced garlic great if you're  like me you like extra minced garlic awesome   you ever like Jack junor well he really likes  minced garlic so there we go give it a little heat some red pepper flakes this is how  you do it you want to get those spices   into the sauce cuz that's going to be right  up against the crust and the and the dough   and everything if there are any pizza chefs  watching please let me know down below your   thoughts on this yeah let me know this is the  time to let me know to chime in it's going to   be awesome it's going to hold it on to  the pizza better than sprinkling it on top okay as you can see it puffed up a little bit  M Let's uh wow that browned a little bit too all   right so let's sauce this up let get this pizza  going now for the average home the average oven   cannot get up to the same temperature that a pizza  oven can actually get up to pizza ovens can range   anywhere between 4 to 500 Celsius yeah or higher  with a home oven obviously they don't get that hot   so it is a good idea to actually pre-cook it it  before you put all the toppings on it otherwise   especially if it's like this thick it's not  going to cook in the oven grab your cheese   pepperoni onions now see this is one thing that  Kay doesn't seem to do so much well we haven't   seen a lot of videos of Kay but she doesn't seem  to in the ones that we've seen at least Jack jump   Cuts he cuts out some of the boring stuff not  all of it but most of it okay not so [Music] much hi K this the longest stirring  ever just jump forward don't need to   show us your whole cooking in real  time bell pepper bring out our Basil Leaf now again it's not just the dough that you  may have to precook in the oven if you have an   oven that doesn't reach high temperatures but  you may also have to cook the vegetables or any   of the toppings like say the onions and the  peppers here before actually putting them on   the pizza or help to parcook them pre-cook them  just a little bit just to help the process along   otherwise they may not fully cook unless of  course you like crispy vegetables on a pizza   that's up to you and guys if you haven't seen  our actual cooking review video of Chef RV's   pizza then you should definitely check that  pizza video out after seeing this one it's an   easy recipe it really is in in the oven you  go all right let's bring it over right now whoops wow and all that water that's on top  of the pizza is from the vegetables cooking   so again if you cook the vegetables maybe  a little beforehand you won't have so much   water on top of the pizza which can make it  soggy a little bit of the juice leaked into   the side of the pan I just thought it was fun  I do have to admit this pizza I was expecting   something to look like a little worse than what  we have here this doesn't look that bad okay what   did I learn from this pizza the basil Burns so  we don't want that left on there we don't use   basil again in fresh form now if you're going  to be adding fresh basil there are a few things   you can do one you can stick it under the che so  it doesn't like burn on top of the pizza or you   could add it the last minute or so of cooking  or just actually add it freshly to the pizza   after it comes out of the oven and then it'll  Wilt a little bit but you're not going to burn   it and then it's fresh so when you bite into the  pizza you taste the basil all right second thing   it's a cast iron pan so I can cut in the cast  iron pan wait a minute here Jack's going to be   using a pizza knife which is round and a cast  iron skillet the only issue with this is that   the curvature of the C Iran Skillet more than  likely is not going to fit the circumference of   the actual Pizza knife in other words um you're  not going to fully cut it it's better to take it   out of the pan and use it that way one you  don't dull the knife two you can actually   cut it properly and three you don't destroy the  pizza well look how much dough I've got this is crazy all right this looks horrible look at this  mess the other thing about this is that his dough   is a little too thick it's not fully cooked all  right so I'm going to do something I've never   done before I'm doing a redo of this pizza that's  right what did Jack say he actually said that he   messed up and he's going to be redoing the recipe  I'm not in the mood to fail today so I'm going to   empty this pan I'm going to go get another thing  of dough and I'll be right back oh my goodness   I don't think I've ever heard him say this before  this is good HH honesty this is very good honesty   is the best policy all right so this is where  I went wrong right at this point I've redone   the dough uh I just pressed down on this and it  kept coming back in pressed down it kept coming   back in I'm going to grab this and I'm going  to take it out I'm going to shape it and I'm   going to give it its structure first so that we  can have a full pan pizza that's where I messed   up I think I've got a better Edge now going  on all right well you look at that Jack put   his ring back on his finger I don't know why  he had to put the ring back on his finger it   doesn't make any sense just leave it off in  any case let's see how long it took Jack to   make this pizza again let's look at his watch  now if we look carefully it's a little hard to   see kind of looks like 257 so it kind of looks  like it took him about an hour to get back to   this point Jack did save a lot of time by not  making the pizza dough himself a lot 5 minutes   we're going to we're going to cook this just want  to make sure we're fully extended here not going   to have this thing puff up like crazy all in  the middle and then I'll show you what else   I changed about this but first let's get this in  the oven now the toppings I've diced up a little   bit more so they sit better they're not not  sliding over as big giant pieces I think this   will do better on the pizza who knows and if you  cut the pizza smaller especially the onions and   the peppers here they'll cook a little faster as  well and we're not putting the basil leaf on there   because that burned in the oven so I'm going to  sprinkle a little dry basil to give it that basil   flavor that looks way better huh let's keep it  going we're on a roll is on a roll two for two   hopefully this one will turn out better than the  last all right so we're going to Sauce it up first okay I'm going to be honest I don't have  any mozzarella cheese so we're going Mexi   blend Jack going to be honest today this is good  because some of his recipes yeah some of them he   says that they were excellent especially when he  tasted them and said M with the enchiladas and   also M with the garbage soup I don't know I think  this actually may be good I do this I don't think   is going to turn out bad going lay down some  cheese right now my onions my bell peppers my pepperoni and top it off with a little bit  of cheese why do I do this CU it really holds   the topping together right time to vote  if you guys can stop the video right now   and comment on whether or not you think this  is going to turn out well vote Yes you think   it's going to turn out well or no you don't  think it's going to turn out well while like   check's other videos I think like I just  said I think it will turn out well I knew   a pizza place called numar Unos all the  toppings went completely under the cheese   all right that's it let's do this let's oh I'm  forgetting the basil give a little sprinkle some basil so anytime that you're going to be  like sprinkling salt uh Pepper or herbs   as well for this matter it's it's a better idea  to put them in your hand and then sprinkle with   your hands instead of just you know doing this  with the container because what can happen is   too much falls into one spot or even worse  the top comes off and then you know you dump   everything out let's get this back in the oven  for the 15 minutes keep an eye on it I think I   pulled mine out a few minutes early I'll give  you the end time below but let's nail this recipe all right look at that does that look  better huh no I do have to admit it does look better there you go nice big slices it  looks like Jack did a little better as   well by stretching the dough out to allow  it to cook because it looks like the dough   is fully cooked it's not undercooked even  though it's still to me a little too much   dough which you know the dough is the most  important thing it's just it's just too much dough beautiful I'm going to do this  this one right here beautiful it came   out good can you believe I did a  redo right there on the spot no   me I can't believe that he did a redo  on the spot can you guys believe that   he did a redo on the spot I'm telling you  this is going to be burning hot hang on a minute oh hot Jack sauces and seasoning if there  is anybody that has tasted this a few of you have   told me in the past but if there is anybody else  that wants to share their experience with tasting   his salces and Seasonings um let us know I'm all  yours yeah I'm curious to know if this is like   something that he did good with or if it's like  the worst stuff you've ever had and you want to   you had to throw it out M so much better the  pepperoni is amazing I got it sliced at the   deli I didn't get the prepackage kind but I got it  cut fresh he also got the dough pre-made as well   which which is not a bad thing if you don't have  the time or you want to save a little bit of time   and effort on this you can do the same thing his  pizza actually probably turned out a little better   than it would have if he had made it himself  it's good the onions o di and the ingredients   was so much better it's so evenly flavored when I  bit into I could taste everything the bell pepper   the onions the even the basil came out that little  sprinkling of Basil I can taste the heat from the   red uh crack uh pepper not red crack pepper the  um uh crushed red pepper that's it um I'm very   impressed Well Jack you're not the only one that's  impressed I'm actually quite impressed with him as   well this is way better than the last one so  there you go it is cast iron Pizza give it a   try don't forget to stretch it out nice and good  with your hands gently have a little oil on your   hands and make it shaped pull it all the way to  the the rim of the pan don't let it come in and I   will see you in the next episode take care bye-bye  surprisingly even though Jack did cheat by getting   the dough pre-made and just showed you how to put  a few top poppings and cheese on it and stick it   in a pan and cook it I mean that's nothing you  honestly don't need a video on that but still   giving him the benefit of the doubt he did do a  good job with the components and the dough that   he had and if you have a recipe that you can  make at home that you like and enjoy that's   the most important thing hopefully you did get a  little bit of information out of this video and   a few laughs as well if you have any questions or  comments or more over if you have any suggestions   on other videos for us to review then let us know  down below be sure to check out this next video   coming up here and if you haven't seen any of our  other Jack reviews or Pizza reviews as well then   be sure to check all of those out after seeing  this video until next time take [Music] care
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 89,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, food, how to cook, kitchen, James Makinson, Chef James, pizza recipe, food network, pan pizza, how to make pizza dough, pizza recipe without yeast, react to cooking with jack, pro chef reacts to cooking with jack, pro chef reacts to worst cooks in america, chef reacts to cooking with jack, chef james makinson, chef james reaction, pro chef reaction, cooking with jack reaction, cooking with jack augusttheduck, cooking with jack, cooking with jack pizza, cooking recipes
Id: D7kJbpUU6dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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