FIRST START in 40 Years | 1952 Panhead | Dreamboat

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[Music] push it forward a little if you can there you go all right all right so matt this is the uh first time we've had this bike on the lift we're gonna just try to get the bike running that's where we're gonna start doing any of the work on it um we've had the bike now for what two months two months something like close to two um yeah so just want to get it running we're going to start with rebuilding the carburetor or start with spraying some oil into the plugs we're going to rebuild the carb the clutch something's locked up in the clutch so we're going to pull the primary cover off and just inspect that and then figure out how we can run fuel to it if that's through the gas tank if we're going to run a separate fuel bottle cool so it's kind of order of operations not really sure what it's going to look like so we'll find out let's get into it oh and uh got my friend uh dean over here to help me lend a hand hi guys get his hands dirty i can't believe this all right first so the difference here with this bike and bronco bronze the other 52 that we built with bronco bronze we wanted everything mechanically to be gone through where this bike we're trying to basically leave it as untouched as possible we don't want to clean anything so a little bit less wd-40 polishing on this bike and we're just getting into it and getting the grit out of the internals we'll see how these guys look oh they're brand new never been used before that's nice magnet so just getting some the old penetro 90 in there i'm just gonna leave the sport plug's loose in there because we'll pull them out is there a problem if i uh loosen the cardboard this little uh a little crispy in there so we're going to pull the carb off here yeah basically this was a bit should be loose on my hand it's loose yeah i got one more to do what what are you gonna pizza bird all right here we go this is the last night i got the primary ready all right the intake looks pretty nice actually look i don't know if you can see in there but it looks really clean it's a little dark where's that light this is a kin this was all seized up on the bike but it's nice now i think it was just that this truck this choke right here here showing it in there have a look at the intake yeah that's clean all right nice great cool i'm gonna put this back that's a good sign hey did you open this yet not yet dude it's like brand new i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing that's going to be good run it put it back on but before we even get there we're gonna pull the primary off figure out why the clutch is locked up and then uh let's see what we need all right sweet it's almost ready where it is right here gotta pull the floorboard off first and then i got one screw oh there's not even a screw in there all right i got one screw left over here phillips head what do you think let's take some votes on this it's good or bad i mean everything else has been good but well i'm gonna say it looks relatively good to be locked up all right matt this is why we're saying it's locked up we got no play here so some something something's happening all right let's actually have all that apart now but let's go come on okay ready oh there's one more is it i don't know at the bottom yep what's there no that's the chain surprisingly the whole bike is cleaner than bronco was i think the difference is this boat was stored inside yeah luckily for sure okay you ready you're taking votes on this uh i think clean i think cleaner i think i think clutch plates are locked up oh it's clean see amazing that's incredible that's really amazing look at that factory paint yeah it's not moving anything in here which it should be these plates should be moving nothing so i'm hoping it's in here if it's in the transmission i think the plates are just seasonally different stuck together yeah um i didn't feel good be careful ow ow you okay this is the saga of a man who cannot find an impact wrench we have places for all of our tools i can't find them all right we're going to find this thing i don't want to waste footage i'm looking for impact though so ben found the impact right where it should have been behind the pizza oh and also anybody needs a job there you go let me save that all right now let's get this thing off pretty incredible the original paint on the inside of the primary matthew that's pretty good in here gotta leave it dirty oh yeah that's gonna be fun no i know exactly what it is what is it oh my gosh does that mean i'm tempted yeah nope it's much easier than that so uh this battery flag fell down now no pull clutch him no way do it there it is it works i'll fix it check it out you ready hold on i need to see all right so in these stock bikes they have uh they call them battery flags so it's these little guys which i wish i had one that i can show you separately but it hooks in the bottom of the oil tank tray pan deal and fender mountain and it's supposed to be bolted up to the fender so that that doesn't happen so that doesn't fall lower amount of this little u clamp is where this tab mounts anyway so it's not mounted so this fell down okay and so on the clutch rod the clutch release arm once that fell the couch release arm couldn't move so we thought something was binding in the transmission the whole time it was so you know what we might not even take have to take the clutch apart i don't think so because he's fine yeah look check it out you ready which is this there's nothing on it right now so yeah oh wait you ready there you go there it is perfect all right well that's good news uh we need something to hold that up whatever that is so zip tie or there's a tire on this too good thing a zip tie comes in our roadside repair kit jesus matthew jesus matthew carburetor's off intake's clean sorted good points look good all right let me uh see all this is working look at that so you adjust this and it should adjust your clutch release arm which it is so i tighten it all the way in go out roughly a half a turn i'm sure the manual says something different but that'll work jacob do we need to get that in the vice or something yes we do oh way off way off do you know have you ever worked on a motorcycle before jake five eights story of my life brother hope it's not snap-on harley-davidson or napkin or whatever it's called uh we gotta get that washer off too that will crush up cheese there you go okay save that okay i think that freer up trying to just break it loose but that's got a rubber ducky in there amazing wow pretty impressive it's actually been that clean that thing sets so far off so i bet it's locked up all right let's pull that off yeah it is really clean it's a newer style float too newer as in this thing hasn't been open since the 70s so newer than 50s yeah because usually copper yeah sweet let's pull the strainer off just to see what's happening in there just make sure it's not a um this right here thank you yeah is what's called a chinganderos the qinggunderas runs through the uh a mystery tube that runs down the slider into some backsledge the more you know you know here we go i know that's a really good password i don't i don't know how to hang onto a wrench apparently so it's uh silly this is all really clean though look check it out there you go it's like yeah but look even the washer and everything's like not too bad amazing cool yeah i think i mean all this is free all this look you can see through it good times video people this is what they call a strap wrench this timer is a little too small for it but i'm gonna try it anyway can't do this and i have to grab some oh they work oh it's going to say grab some pliers and a rag just to not mar the surface but oh cloth or whatever some sort of software that's cool strainer insanely clean i mean insane very very impressive that's all that's in there good some sort of fuzzy something so pretty good for a seven year old motorcycle was it 70 i guess so yeah 69. i believe all right cool so i'm just going to clean all these individual parts honestly man there's such good shape not much to clean yeah clean it and then put it back together what are we looking for just how clean it is in there like everything's you gotta look through here uh-huh oh yeah you can see it so i'm just trying to make sure all the holes are open all the jets are open and then we'll put it back together what's this little contraption gotta be careful not to clean off any of the exterior grit so a little tricky in some parts this is the hardest part uh yeah i'm gonna do that first like at least get it on not tight but and this this wire got my handy flashlight here that's no that's adding to it that's production value this guy what are we gonna use that for this is theo's contraption that supplies voltage or something like that i don't know so that's a non-battery battery i i hope so i don't know if it's got enough juice to power it that's what's gonna start ol uh dreamboat hopefully okay uh jay you can get those four bolts in and now just so it's we have the movement does it close all the way dean it closes all the way and opens all the way clutch plates are clean and go back in oh yeah okay so we put oil in this part probably that's the first thing we did i never tightened them down because i was thinking that we'd have to pull them back out at some point so before i get any further down the road i want to make sure remember to tighten these so um tighten the plugs we did that we fixed what i thought was a jam in the clutch which is only a battery flag that fell down and was blocking the clutch release arm um clean slash somewhat rebuilt halfway rebuilt the carburetor so if it leaks um we're gonna leave the uh primary cover off before just to verify before when we start it that everything's good in there and what about the gas tanks yeah so we gotta pull the gas caps off which those are super tight on there gotta pull the gas caps off uh inspect the tanks and then hopefully they're clean fill those up with gas well before you fill it up with gas clean the petcock fuel shutoff rod cool so we've got our spark our air fuel that's it oh yeah we got to change the oil hey you want to see something fun matt what guys seven i see the size of it says seven eighths yeah they fooled you let's inch an eight oh harley what are you doing to us no i think it's actually the thread is seven eighths maybe i don't know why i don't know what it is it was i think dean how it was oh okay a little bit i guess we need some oil huh yeah hold on there's nothing in there yep just a dog just a little bit in [Music] there hey did i ever uh show you that picture of this bike sitting in their living room no yeah really every christmas mark said every christmas has done christmas lights on it that's and so there's a photo of all the kids amazing oh i saw that picture with all the kids sitting on it that was in the living room yeah amazing yeah every winter it's too cold to ride oh no don't take the dirt [Laughter] dean's working on the petcock got fresh oil going in yes sir oh here we go so check it out so the bottom part is is think these two nuts here what holds it on let's check it out it's just the rod that tightens in it's penetrating all the work so you go like this pet cup work so that's open yep that's all so what's this closed all right so we're good so it's open you don't see any oil you can do no i'm not looking either all righty next fuel gas and battery well we had a hard time getting these caps off we managed to we didn't know what the inside was going to be like and then we found out they're like brand new wow still says eaten on there nicely let's see that factory oh yeah okay and then the inside of the tank looks good oh it's beautiful i don't know if let me grab a light there you go there's the inside of the tank all right we're calling zach buying them here we got a question for you this is old jacob here too what's up dude um i am working on the chrome 52 i need you got a six volt battery or six volt power supply by chance is it enough to run a motorcycle [Music] i was going to run an extension cord and ride down the road [Music] um well i got a power supply here too but i'm worried to do a decent amount of work for it to not be enough maybe i'll try that first yeah what are you trying to accomplish trying to get trying to start the thing the battery's dead we need to start it [Music] yeah before i do that power supply thank you i hooked up a couple spots so you got enough to reach that coil i'm weaving through here so we'll maybe do yeah i need you to hold a spark plug up to the vent we know how to test it yeah now yeah yeah you're sparking for sure sparking oh yeah [Music] hello [Music] right [Music] no pressure wouldn't mind hooking that up though in case we are below reserve all right here we go ready yeah one three kicks three kicks [Music] choke [Music] that's that's just oil from the primary yep all right look look there's fuzziest [Music] [Music] so so [Music] yes so [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's pretty sick good man is no smoke no smoke and then this no snake just idling [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] hello [Music] so so there she is amazing she lives she made it down there she made it down the road absolutely nuts
Channel: Prism Supply
Views: 226,162
Rating: 4.8491921 out of 5
Keywords: prism, supply, harley, davidson, 1952, panhead, dreamboat, survivor, first, start, dice, magazine
Id: 9VK_V-9JTmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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