We NEVER Want To Do This Again! - Our Biggest Mistake Yet #MotorcycleCamping

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you guys be careful [Music] now we have to come down to town to reality well i don't know we definitely wanted to want to show this but we hesitate because there's some mistakes that happened and we need to make sure that we we wanted to share with you the mistakes we had but i didn't want to make i didn't want to do it because hey i didn't want to don't like you know i don't like falling down i had no problem airing this because i was at the bottom of the hill going are you sure richard all right let's get into it [Music] we're at the black river campground yeah black river campground just outside of ironwood in the yuper yes and we're heading over to copper harbor which is on the very tip the peninsula of the of the of the upper u.p where we're going is actually an island that's separated by a river that goes between both yes over the bridge you are on an island but they call it the king kiwi peninsula it's a river that goes between the two so does it flow from one side of lake superior to the other or does it come from the top and go down so many questions i'm just weird that way yep all right see you on the road cheers where we want to head to is called trails and campground and copper harbor it's first come first serve 15 a night vault toilets water is supposed to be on premises so if we can get in we think we're good it looks like it's right on lake superior just outside of copper harbor too yep fingers crossed they're not full all right everything looks okay just don't forget to stop in the trash can no all right you ready i'm ready [Music] you [Music] quick pit stop here for lunch and uh fill up our water bottles take a look at the river stretch our legs and get back out on the road so we're here nor we're on this one we're gonna go 45 and we turn on 26. okay and we take 26 to 41 and then 41 all the way up and around to copper harboring around [Music] so [Music] we left black river harbor we did we made our way over to houghton we crossed the bridge at houghton and at that point we were on the kewano peninsula [Music] and so we entered the town of what's called hancock and that's where things got a little weird yep we got separated and then i missed a turn and google sent us this direction and that's when everything went south too steep of a hill came to a stop sign bike did not stop rolled backwards and down we go hey there i could use some muscle i could use some muscle up here yeah yeah i got some muscle headed your way hey thank you guys oh man thank you guys a little bit of steep of a freaking hill you got here everybody been going up this way this sucks you're just gonna keep going the map told me to turn that's what i figured yeah it keeps telling everybody to come up this hill well um thank you by the way um i guess let me take the trailer off first okay yeah and then we'll we'll chalk that up and get it down here okay and then um and then we'll stand the bike up trailer does not have a break on um we need something we just got to make sure it just gets done we're thinking down here and then let it go let it go we got some rocks over here it'll have to we'll have to uh get some rocks and block it google maps screwed us again i knew when you were heading up this hill i was like not happy oh man this is steep you may not believe how steep this hill is um we all good hey my name is rich by the way [Laughter] [Music] you ready yep one two three go oh you know what we're gonna have to come forward forward yeah well because it's on a pin it's on a pin so move that front rod let's go forward ready one two three at the same time we lift the bike this is going to have to go back it's got to be simultaneous yeah but this is the bike let's just a little bit just pull the brick back a little bit give yourself a little bit yeah okay so i see what you're saying don't lift by this this is only four bolts holding this big thing on now we need to lift the motorcycle yeah yeah listen when you roll back that's me i'm gonna have to miss that off already there you go all right let's set the bike back down it'd be easier to sand it up later and get it turned a little bit later let's see what i'm saying the weight is mostly in the front here and it's about 550 pounds total all right so we need to put this in the front the drop in case it drops it'll dig in okay i'm taking it this way i'm with you in here be careful your bearings so a back story on what and what happened on this and the conversation that chris and i had once we got separated she finally came up behind me and google sent me up this hill and chris is in my ear telling me are you sure you want to go there and i was pretty much committed i was in second gear i was climbing the hill and as long as that car didn't stop and i knew at the end he had to because it was a stop sign that's when everything went south i should have seen it weigh a block ahead of time like chris was oh yeah i was hanging back but i was i was just when she tells me hey are you sure i was just passing the intersection i was at just past the point of no return you were and at the point of no return if you look to the left you see on a street sign is a small sign that says road closed but it's open but it's open but it's open there's no barriers or nothing yeah that's the that's the backstory of what happened and why we were on that road that we shouldn't have been on yeah why we were even there so yeah i wouldn't have chose it but i was blindly following google yeah and so but mistakes were made but no harm no foul nothing happened the hitch is fine yeah and i bike is fine i want to say this we were very blessed that where i stopped on an intersection there was a group of people it was a sunday they were out barbecuing in their front yard and they came over to my frantic requests and um they were awesome they were an amazing group of young men i was very impressed with their helpfulness and responsibilities oh yeah we i don't know what richard and i would have done without those guys helping out because there's chris and i would not have been able to do it ourselves we would have there would have had to have been something done a tow truck man if it wasn't for them we would have we would have been stuck on the side of that we would have been really huge shout out to those guys so there is good out there everywhere and they want to help and we were so happy for that yeah i'm really it was really cool i forgot about that i forgot about how cool that part was yes it sucked laying it down but that part was good you know that made it a good oh i know they were johnny on the spot they were like what can we do and the one of the guys he was like the the ring leader he's like okay yeah he hit it all yeah barking orders he was barking orders and things were moving down safely let me get back here you go on the side you go inside get over there this way don't grab that don't grab the trunk that's right here so it was all good i let him take charge of that it was all good okay so after that we made our way to um our campground our campground and richard had a couple stiff shots yeah i was done for that day okay that'll work all right man thanks again guys wow that was stressful oh my gosh minute you started going up that hill i stopped because i was like this just does not look good okay so next time google map even thinks about that we got to stop and reassess i was moving too fast got behind that guy he hit the brakes yeah i i hit the brakes nothing happened hey guess what we found what we found hills in michigan yeah it's our lane but we're gonna we're gonna go straight up the hill okay seriously another hill this trust me on this one this is where i came down okay stay here stress me on this this is 41. i'm hanging back here yeah we're going we're going this way okay not up there we're going here those guys are this is that road we it brought us up to this okay yeah man yeah and i hung back just to see to see me fall no no i hung back just i didn't like the hill and i just wanted to make sure once i knew if you did it fine and there was no issues then i was gonna go for it but i just wanted to get the lay of the land first so yeah no reason to tighten up if both of us go down yeah exactly so lesson learned i guess i guess i got complacent because we've been running flat for yes what for a week and a half since we left kalispell montana we basically been going flat yeah yeah yeah we didn't think there were any hills in michigan let's see what we can find camping first i mean [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] just always remember where you come from cause i know you were born to break the chain so i'm on my way yes i am [Music] my most favorite part driving around and then walking around trying to find the perfect campsite or we can settle in for a couple [Music] days for so damn long so don't tell me that you have to go will you still be waiting for me tell me cause i gotta know i don't stop it's only like here's the deal here's what we're doing we don't know what we're doing i just not that crazy about the campground that we found i don't know why so we came back into copper harbor and now we're at lake fannie ho resort which is a campground and they have a no vacancy sign on it but richard went in to talk to him so we'll see i don't know the campground might work out and if push comes to shove if that's where we end up that's fine just sometimes you got to go with your gut and see if there's another option out there okay so we'll see all right what's the word huh what's the word words is we got a spot okay it's about 84. so we have a spot until thursday we have a spot till thursday and if anybody cancels we can move and take over with that okay which people cancel all the time they say so okay i'm gonna go by and see it it's over by like it's over by the primitive sites and the showers and laundry and everything is right here oh they have laundry too okay thanks okay all right feel better i do i do i feel i was telling y'all earlier i just wasn't feeling the love we got to go with your gut your gut's always right yeah i believe and so i feel much more comfortable here maybe it's just because i'm hot and sweaty and i want to shower and after that i'll be fine we'll see yeah okay but we have to go back because we left ruby at site 57 mm-hmm so we'll go hook it back up let's swing by see what house their house looks like and then um oh and what's the other issue here what's the other there is zero cell towers i guess the city had they've been fighting amongst themselves oh some people don't want them say it's an eyesore others want it because they need it and it's don't they want what they want cell service they want cell towers so there's no cell tower out here so there's nothing nothing so everybody has internet wi-fi so they said just when you if you want just get their internet password and as you go walking from in building the building or whatever you'll have energy and there's local public internet but you got to be by the information center or by the fire station and there's local local free wi-fi okay so if you don't hear from there's wi-fi and there's wi-fi here in the campground but lord only knows how fast it is [Music] [Music] yeah we settled in uh richard's had a couple cocktails to kind of wind down from the rather stressful trip up from black river harbor up to copper harbor all's well that ends well we are here we did find a campground and we actually found one first and we decided to move here so well this had showers we wanted you know kind of stressful yes we wanted the showers we wanted to get refreshed and get rebooted yes so all that to say we're going to make some dinner and uh kind of relax for the rest of the evening maybe even talk chris into drinking a whiskey or two yeah we'll see y'all in the morning bono two jalapenos and an orange pepper we've got the cheese all ready we got the hamburgers [Music] like i dropped the bike and now i'm done over the bike okay [Music] cheers hamburgers and peppers yeah yummy yeah all right cheers good night cheers have a cocktail on us all right on must be a place to come over and give thanks i'm very thankful that you didn't hurt yourself when you fell i'm thankful we didn't break or damage anything major when miss alice decided to take a nap amen amen to that michigan what's up with these trees we're having a bit of a test with the solar system trying to keep it charged 78.79 they had 390 inches of snow right we made it to the soo locks and it was really fascinating to watch those ships go through don't you think i think so hello it was really cool yeah [Music]
Channel: Two Wheels Big Life
Views: 766,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motorcycle Crash, motorcycle trip, motorcycle camping equipment, women who ride, harley davidson, moto camping, her two wheels, woman rider, harley davidson motorcycle camping, motorcycle riders, Motorcycle Travel, Motorcycle Travel bags, Nelson Rigg, route one, motorcycle camping, motorcycle camping, motorcycle camping trip, motorcycle travel vlog, motorcycle camping setup, motorcycle camping food, motorcycle travel channel, moto camping setup, two wheels big life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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