PRiNCESS MAKEOVER the MOVIE!! Adley & Fairy Mom do a surprise disney spa, mystery guest CRAB DAD 🦀

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[Music] [Music] those lips [Music] I wanted the shabby haircut pinches and sometimes accidentally I'm sorry I just have these crab instincts to pinch I knew it princess sadly what can we do for you today Oh a new library with new books do you know what I love pinching boats that's right you're not about what can we do for you we've got a lot of new dresses here today we thank you I do like your close-up view does a princess chubby oh that's honor she's been here before I wasn't a crab when she came but she was very nice she came in here with messy hair like you okay mimic one recommendation for your dress see that one over there with the skills that would make you a mermaid and since I'm a crab we would be underwater that would be perfect I wish was a beast not a crowd okay now that darn Cinderella always missing one of us maybe I can take this Hugh back to Cinderella you know Cinderella that would be perfect I put it by the door and on your way out you can take it to fun don't forget your glass slipper on the way out for your friend okay what shoes shoes he's obsessed with water right now it's sure I'm a crab so we got some new flaming shoes like sames don't cook you can walk in the lava with this shoes my house was just by the water a little bit really any okay who are you gonna be doing some ballet we had a damn shame okay suppose we've got these blue sparkly gem ones with books on the yellow ones what do you think put them on your piggies piggies I'll just what else you need you have a beautiful dress oh no some fancy shoes you want like a haircut pinch pinch pinch pinch accessories the sticker to the accessories I love accessories [Music] where's my customer I got rid of them I'm a good craft we've got a bunch of different accessories here pirate patch how you'd be going to a pirate island yeah no okay oh wow you're meeting Cinderella are you gonna be cleaning with her now what eating the popcorn sorry are you going to a movie again oh my guess we don't have popcorn anymore going on an adventure no you want to wear a hat no you want into my box we've got plenty Oh some books darling you said you're going to a library party would you like some books Oh baby yeah oh great okay so let's move along to your hair and makeup shall we would you like a head there's no returns on brokenness what do you have to say for yourself if there's a break it just comes apart oh it's a makeup let me do a little come tomorrow and no water like oh that is for the after-party would you like some pajamas for the after-party 50% off don't have to do that all right hey what are you doing but these clips that's why we do your makeup I can hold your books for you if you'd like hold this flannel pages okay when was the last time you brushed your hair Oh princess you'll have babies that's time you did not have bangs who cut that a kid Travis even was it was that Sebastian I'm Sebastian's dad excuse my kid crap I saw you in the water with whisk with Sebastian wearing that crap still this is not a costume this is my skin that's just what the magic did I know these are extras so I can see so right now I'm looking at you and I'm looking at fairy godmother I can look all over the place that's weird it is a little bit weird I'm trying to get used to it kind of makes me dizzy sometimes you just poked my eyeball my eyeball crazy princess you need to do a freezing John oh yes if you want don't sleep explore a little magic in me gravity gravity bobbidi okay Donnie you gotta freeze turn her back in 2017 poverty boom she looks so cold [Music] yes okay let's finish these beautiful chicks Amy maybe you can give him a present from the pits of present I wish I already made a present for mommy if they'll give it you brought a present for me [Music] [Music] three choices here today which one would you like I look like a very bright a bright red here we go pucker those lips like you're gonna kiss a frog mm-hmm okay grab those together give it a smack arou darling yes crab I think she is ready to go hold on another pinch this pillow one more time princess you look wonderful you're going to the new library the new castle to have a new adventure what is your favorite book darling a fairy but Harry books of the books blackberries I'm the first crab berry you are what have you paid were to make the crap you after this one is pretty not what we Tara but maybe prank me the whole time and should be bothering me and she might slice my hip and she won't swim with me underwater goosebumps have you heard of goosebumps I like Goosebumps books alright let's give it a twirl let's see how you look your final look very bold come on Rose use magic okay right here okay be careful with this Rose it might lose its petals when the last petal is off that Rose hopefully I'm not too crab anymore come with me he came here once it's magic I gave her an elephant trunk get this thing away from me oh come again yes okay I love making these videos we should [Music] just go watch the videos and play them all right now enjoy and then come back and we'll say bye bye boy I recently got this magic lamp and if you rub it and tell it your wish it'll come true thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay these are your options we have food it'll mermaid cast scale from a puzzle Anna frozen tangled and our new one is Jasmine Jasmine okay next we have some shoes to go with your outfit would you like to pick out some jams we have some frozen shoes jasmine shoes next you need a beautiful crown come this way we have some Minnie Mouse ears an Elsa crown a Jasmine crown Cinderella and peach follow me this way [Music] go ahead and have a seat what look are you going for a princess jasmine I need Princess Jasmine really likes her blues and purples purple now close your eyes [Music] close close now a touch of blue close right open close soft close now it's um [Music] twist from lipgloss hello my cosplay you like my bracelets yeah we have a whole shop full of them we can go there next and you can buy one go change okay now for your lips got this can I rub them together ready let me just get that one beautiful now look in the mirror practice do you feel like Princess Jasmine or jasmine loves glitter should we put some glitter on you beautiful okay now to the next part of the store well begin okay even minor yourself we have Moana and all different kinds of bracelets we have Cinderella Rapunzel Jasmine which type purple let's do a couple purple oh that looks fabulous she comes Jacob Jacob oh yeah you are almost ready to be a princess should we go try on that dress let's go [Music] Princess Jasmine you look so beautiful one more spin princess you look beautiful now is there anything else I can do for you I need a sidekick I have just something I recently got this magic one and if you rub it and tell it your wish it'll come true do you want to rub it do you want to be Jasmine's new sidekick sidekick beautiful princess can I get sidekick would you like a sidekick [Music] [Music] to the princess store would you like to come in okay right this way first we need to put you into a comfortable princess row so you can get started arms in you look beautiful and what was your name okay come right this way whoo this is your fairy godmother this is princess athletes first let's start out with a dress what do you want to be today we have side homina Princess Peach that's a great option let's take your robe off and get you changed can you do a spin for us please keep spinning keep spinning perfect right there you look beautiful I love your choice all right I'm gonna go hang this up and wait for more princesses have a good time bye okay next you need some shoes that we have some bone shoes and Ariel shoes and else's shoes and honest Lipper's [Music] okay [Music] all right beautiful first before we do the crown we should do your hair should we go do your hair we gotta get rid of that bad head huh what did you have before some pigtails yeah okay would you like some Elsa hair are my hair or Princess Peach hair okay can I vote for sure that's to your nose it's gonna get my high boots we'll get it out of your eyes we need a little magic spray here [Music] and he's a princess slime [Music] oh let's do your nails I have many colors with many princesses which one would you like purple pink green blue purple okay I can I have one more that's yes thank you for holding so still these look just like Princess Peach nails I love it you're considerate okay hold them up and dry them off alright would you like to give some makeup yeah okay we have a bunch of different colors here for your eyes we have purple blue pink which one got purple [Music] okay closure now I need you to look up with just a little bit [Music] good night Katie we were brushing your eyelashes huh okay that's do ya they won look up alright now for the lips we have pink or purple sparkly pink here we come need you to pucker your lips like Sebastian hold still princess [Music] okay rub those together [Music] we've got some rosy cheeks for you ready [Music] [Music] all right and now seems your Princess Peach she wears blue earrings so I'm gonna put these on your ear [Music] we need to get your crown let's go pick that up alive and a-one okay so we have a crown that is over R Us we have Minnie Mouse and we have Princess Peach Oh that'll look so good with the beautiful lettuce if you outer ones now now for the ones we have a bit this teach one as a star we have Ariel one and then it has tape on it and then we have a bubble ones that does not shoot bubbles anymore which one would you like oh good choice okay are you ready to see you transformation are you ready princess [Music] beautiful princess can I get ya would you like a sidekick yeah I have just the Prince wave and I'll be right back well hello Prince Charming what can I do for you today I have the best idea we just had a Princess Peach who needs a sidekick let's do it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] are you doing it just started coming off you're lucky there's not a frog here if I make you cushion this is going to be a fun ball are you sure you don't want dancing lesson yeah a rally today we'll [Music] [Music] all right but I don't have anything to wear all of it I know I'll go to the fair [Music] here it is fairy godmothers hello oh how wonderful you have a customer what is your name princess ugly who are you from darling horrendous assembly of Utah very good okay give me a little twirl here let me see what we're working with oh very good one more for a lot more okay dress first Bond power okay oh you - pepper - - princess Meredith have a look great with your hair area ooh under the sea we have got to ban Cinderella and Snow White's all of the snow the snow I [Music] on the couch what would you like to roll with you need some shoes okay is the very first shoes if the boot is very good for the butt kicking and hiking in the the bad guys the next show is it a Prettyish it sparkles the next shoes is kind of like in frozen it's very beautiful to sticker on the bottom for special disease they have a magic lamp if you put them on you become very special princess take all these little piggies and put them in the market can I see your arm really quick very beautiful you like that or no yeah okay gloves there for the royal balls and for the princes parties dancing everything that is not wrong hands our accents keep changing that my favorite part about being a fairy godfather it is too much we traveled all over the world to pick the back cents from all different times and people in places Oh clever thing there darling little finger the other Captain Hook she now joins a crocodile with the tick tock in his stomach must watch Peter Pan after this and a lot of the Lost Boys hey uh I was a lost boy that is my origin story before the sadly video who is the worst bad guy villain into all of Disney movies scar all right next place we're going to a royal ball okay some beautiful thoughts this one gives you courage this one gives you strength the courage one beautiful like your head oh let's do her I'm thinking some sort of mohawk there comes the princess we gotta get some many cups okay this is called magic spray and it will turn your hair beautifully shiny Ricky I need you to look at this brush keep looking keep looking keep looking I made you get cross-eyed next up we need love blush I put this one on the cheeks just a little bit beautiful freckles you've got princess where did you get those freckles did you know the freckles are just the sun kissing your face all the princesses at the royal ball will be wearing beautiful lip glosses now let's see which one would match a dress better call Felix she's gone for join Elsa Cinderella let me see now hook her up your lips like you're gonna kiss a frog but don't actually kiss frogs darling leave a little bits of glitter and shimmer shimmer and shine to make this look it doesn't goes on my end and I hope that looks scary I don't like this I've no idea what I'm doing I didn't pass my fairy godmother makeup school would you like fairy godmother to do the makeup should we go pick up your crown before we do your makeup yeah okay this one is vulva I'm stuck in a talent I've got long hair kind of look it's very fun nice and turn along then this tangled Wow is she one of your princess friends what do you guys think a lot of fun alright next up we've got this beautiful frozen crown from the hills of arendelle you know Princess Elsa oh I bet princess Elsa watches your movies as well princess also if you're watching right now hello next oh this is from the deep seas of have you met Princess Ariel before she is one of our favorite customers she always comes to the fairy godmother shop we've got the beautiful it's a Minnie Mouse ears or we have a eloquent princess crowd oh that is a crown for a fit princess thing to athlete it's beautiful come on up I got us a wet wife perfect a dry way and I found a little skateboard though it's like a piece of bacon how about we hold the crown and have Africa yeah I just can't do make it really would you put glitter in the eyebrows she told me it goes my balls eyelids darling my lid Oh princesses know how to wear the makeup I remember did you turn into a Princess Peach is that what it was yeah she's been Rapunzel huh you have been her butt and you hit me with the pan I remember you hit me with the pan this would go perfect with your dress do you want to give it a try friends yes who's gonna be at this royal ball you have a boy that you like Oh boys are gross who's this boy that you like Oh Miko see one of the three little brothers yeah oh boy how did you get invited to this ball how does the princess get invited you select a magical dog bra know how to dance you do beautiful rosy cheeks just like that snow-white princess that comes here all the time yes so we cannot give her apples let me just get you an apple really quick yeah compliments of the fairy godmother and fairy godfather his mouth it's not poisoned is it pretty good oh you're Apocalypse you're lucky there's not a frog here or I'll make you Christian I think you are ready for the ball would you like to see yourself in the mirror I did come here vlog alright look right there you look very fancy this is going to be a fun ball are you sure you don't want dancing lesson [Music] we are at the tour the bar see your dancing moves right now of practice and see if you already are tall roll here we good Oh Oh your crown Oh a final touch okay okay thank you for coming to our shop again you look fabulous [Music] beautiful this blue Cinderella blue with sparkles Sparkle Sparkle it's beautiful blue sparkles do you know what that one helps you knew it helps you yell so loud yeah even louder even louder princess stores open come get your nails done princess store let me see oh girl you need your nails done have a seat hi pretty sis what's your name alright Elsa I have this box that says your magical have no idea what's inside Babli wanted to show this video and brought me this box and so let's paint bells okay oh that's real bill tea in a posh we have all these different options for princesses yeah I make it all laid out first and then I'll let you choose okay ready please okay thank you getting ready okay open for business how are your house good okay wait first you have to pay me I want Prince this money woo Prince's money thank you okay princess let me see else do you want a buff or shine or smooth next up I got to put your fingers on here next up clean up in angles next up so what kind of female posture you have I like doing all different colors this is our mermaid tail green it looks like a mermaid tell this is princess purple your first now will be princess purple I'm going to do nails on this witch nail do you want purple yes that one princess purple oh that's beautiful nice and slimy and slippery princess purple don't touch that one has secret powers it makes you seem like a princess want to try what card you want down this one this one is called Rapunzel pink so this one makes you grow really long hair Rapunzel pink one see how fast your hair will grow watch holy cow look at all this hair you just grew what color do you want next there's pink gray green oh the heart red this one's called Minnie Mouse red and do you know what it does it's a fabulous color it's one of our favorites it makes your beautiful princess voice sound like Minnie Mouse try it exactly see that's how that works okay well I'm you up next [Applause] c31 be nice oh that makes you jump really high see how you can jump Rick I was pretty good what's next we have one more now the blue Jasmine blue like your dress and what Jasmine blue does does it helps you twirl like a princess and a princess dress give me a princess role in your dress put this hand right here this blue Cinderella blue with sparkles sparkle Sparkle it's beautiful blue sparkles do you know what that one helps you knew it helps you yell so loud yeah even louder even louder the next color oh the mermaid tell this one actually turned your legs into a mermaid tail so be careful are you sure you want a mommy tell positive oh no oh no you're starting to get a mermaid tell look at this ready no she got a mermaid tail I told you you want more mermaid oh okay what now your roommate tells even bigger will job bigger mermaids how got now what color do you want Oh this one this one makes you dance pretty like a princess okay should we see if it works what's your best princess dense tangled this purple right here that is so pretty do you know what that means all your nails are painted and now you are officially the prettiest princess in the whole world [Music] [Music] alright well I'm gonna go get my scooter and then I'll come visit your store [Music] [Music] [Music] Minnie Mouse please just one Oh jump what I can't jump on the line that's crazy so jump on the blue on the wall and then take that forever what okay we try it ready one two oh I'm stuck get me down whoa let's make sure you see one what color should you Python I was thinking maybe like a blue jump on the table [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah it's a princess nail shop mom's cooking the pizza let's finish my nails oh that's a pretty one blue cab one more I think it should be what was this one I think it was this one that's pretty am I done yes yes now what do we do [Music] [Music] what Kingdom are you from how did you get here took a carriage where we going I know I think it's time for the big surprise we're gonna do something really cool are you ready [Music] this'll what do we do on a princess we always see princesses little princes Castle maybe we have to sneak in the castle so maybe we have to look like princesses I gotta look like a princess I'll be the handsome boy okay then what are you gonna be wait but do you have any princess stuff I think we need to turn you into a real Prince that's what they do in this castle they make real princesses very first thing we got to figure out what princess you want to be [Music] those aren't gonna fit me maybe pop my head up right there [Music] [Music] here we don't have very badly look you could have a bow and arrow you don't want a crown you just want a bow and arrow in a dress all right just like Merida I liked it [Music] why'd you choose Meredith you have a brother of the bear yeah nikohl bear [Applause] my fairy godmother in treating Briana it's so nice to meet you maybe that my five yeah let's get started so you know this is my super secret princess passageway okay welcome to the bibbidi bobbidi boutique come on in I have a special present that came all the way from the Highland now you gotta come over here you ready can you shake on the turkey bibbity you're a princess now no way you're gonna be the coolest princess world [Music] right up here perfect brained instead of a crown you know like just like Merida does your feet here it goes take him out of your pigtails there goes your big toes I have some emeritus magic potion to put in your hair we'll make it all curly a big we have to put it up because Merida those on lots of adventures sometimes she's got to put her hair up - you know I can't have hair in our face while we're fighting a big bear [Music] have you ever seen Finding Nemo yeah you know it says hey fishy now this is some of Rapunzel's magic potion okay gonna get through all the tangles cool does that feel good athlete it's cute [Music] looks crazy what Kingdom are you from Wow it's a faraway land how did you get here took a carriage what's that what's an airplane that makes more sense to put mallanna's fishing net in your hair okay okay there we go you already are looking like Princess hair that is so pretty like you but you hold on to this looking-glass again for me now I'm gonna put something else is free spray in your hair your hair could withstand any winter storm now are you ready for a magic spell yeah bibbidi-bobbidi-boo make all your princess dreams and wishes come true there's really pretty oddly painting your nails with some pixie polish okay there you go sweet girl go ahead and put your hands out that you're doing the high-five and we're gonna put it right here on the chair her are you dreaming that you're eating something you dreaming about eyes name now this is special blush because it comes from Belle's garden every time you smile a rose would grow and Belle's garden okay you need to go home this magic piece when you practice someone having a jab let's go ahead and do a magic spell on our nails ready can you blow your nose for me go back and do the hula like lilo and stitch there we go doing all that what would you like oh the hearts cuz you're a sweetheart yeah Boop announcing to her royal courts for the very first time so beautiful the strong the stunning the sassier princess sadly you're [Music] you look awesome girl hold onto your boat princess isn't just about the dress and the makeup in there right it's about having a good heart and be nice and kind to others promise me we'll always have a good heart there we go Oh No [Music] [Music] what is that Oh what I say [Music] Oh Ariel my hair color is random both ha are yours just like the ocean one year by effort and one hand like a circle you know [Applause] Oh [Music] mr. frog okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I remember you will Princess Jasmine once right and you had a monkey now you are going to a tea party and the best things at the end of tea party is a dragon a dragon liveth this is a dry or chameleon it has spikes and it shoots fire this is one is the Tea Party under water [Music] will there be beautiful creatures there is it in the woods remove I think I have just signed it or do you think about this lovely crunchy party look this is you have a cape in case you can't enjoy the outside can she fly no give us a couple spins and I'll just throw this on you okay [Music] she's not ready for do you feel empty not to do you need how to need shoes you need you can ladies play this what we're good like doesn't matter what do you okay we have other things guys yes will the big bash at the party boa Network what if a giant tree branch oh no no the tranches are all this Oh such a Kodak moment but I don't have a Kodak what is it go back I love those moments told you she was nice love the little tea party okay princess accessories that's nice we've got a beautiful red ribbon a little bow if it's a cold for it might be cold out there two beautiful bandanas crown what do you think what is your look [Applause] [Music] watch this okay alright now what do you think this one is doesn't have any magic is the hot get the honk any uh you go ahead I will are you you can have a kitty head yeah you were at this force princess hey you for an apple enjoy now we do some math let me see you want it on this hand your Apple hand but that hold your hand right there darling it doesn't need to be wet first no it's not a Monday I didn't brush my teeth today like this don't move [Music] [Music] it's beautiful princess you're going to enjoy this Tea Party now for some make up your toe hair I don't are you done with that darling visible okay where did that ribbon go place the ribbon are you sitting on it yeah oh I might be in the ribbon early I'm sorry I've been in your mouth seventeen minutes oh that is gross did you see him put it in his mouth no that's all really quick with that much better all right let's put this in okay I'm gonna have you fit your head forward like that and we're gonna put it on that back side like this and then flip your head back flip it that card with your hair flying Oh around I'll put some of this in your eyeballs no they did not go in eyeballs oh my goodness have you ever kissed a frog yeah really most previous one of sometimes you get a prince and other times you just get a gross frog okay rub those lips together smack it good job princess that was beautiful can we get down on our knees three two one these little baby toes the piggies in the next don't forget your shoes I'm not going to a tea party with your piggies are your cheeks telling and I say should I say dinosaur dinosaur is that dinosaur dinosaur stop stop stop not her go cheek just her cheap cheek that's all don't so stop some so that's better you're like a woodsy type look mmm where would you like some blue sky is that a picture of you when you were younger no that's the bit that young do the note for the tea party the invitation is for all the animals your friends yeah can you talk to him and you me from your friends hey just think it's what I made and my friends were you calling to them yes always be kind to people your friends matches okay look up a little darling and close your eyes tightly look up as if you're looking into the sky and howling like a wolf can you speak wolf would you like don't color on each I like the view and pink yeah I don't do the pink eye you do the pink see I did good oh just live it up okay yeah very good are we done yeah Susie's house once owned one server okay okay you want to see how I win stuff body off hello welcome back we have some lots of variety of shoes for you to choose from lots of rides got these beautiful shell shoes these ones very beautiful you know what little dwarves like to dance a glog would be $1 on your feet [Music] yeah okay thank you Bobby built-ins wonderful oh so good to be vegan that's nice be you can I help you with your shoes back to the princess yes I have a business fabulous oh I can't wait to see you dance in these party cancelled oh she parties everyone dresses funny crowds around oh so here I come are you really going I would love to my I said boys nice I'm gonna put very video games all night oh you always play very video games I know okay are you ready darling let's see this up let's see this new look in action huh kisses you look fabulous I love you another I love you okay yes I know you are Oh am i coming with you okay let's go [Music] there's a pink one try it out okay okay I got an idea this would go perfect with your dress do you want to give it a try [Music] do you want to go to the best date ever store yeah you're gonna be a princess I get a dress and a crown and yeah first you need something hold on okay okay I got it you haven't worth it to go through the magic portal are you ready you do look cute hey we're here this is the portal to the best day ever story we've got to get super small and going should we do it yeah say the magic words on count of three ready one two three [Music] [Music] the best day ever story I'll be your fairy godfather how can I help you [Music] you came to the right place we have a plethora of princess dresses show us what you have so we have frozen Elsa we have Ariel from The Little Mermaid we have a brand new Rapunzel dress and then for all the Prince boys out there we have a chameleon suit and we have a monkey suit tangled that'll be five dollars all right thank you for the tip princess here's your dress the dressing rooms over there you guys would like to go change I'll get the wands and everything ready this is the dress ready can you spin for me can you show us off your dress I wonder what else the fairy godfather has for you let's go see hello princess you're looking pretty cool in your dress so I have some more things I want to show you over here there's a pink one try it out oh not that one okay try this one okay I got an idea oh this one is a Pascal pad this would go perfect with your dress do you want to give it a try good job [Music] [Music] hey Jake yeah okay I have some shoes that you were really gonna like come over here do you want silver Sparkle delight purple passion delight or blue beautiful delight sorry let's go to the makeup session come with me come this way princess have a seat okay no more dude yeah I'll hold your pen while you get your makeup so we have a couple bracelets to choose from here are some of my favorites this one this one this one this one you may have to this one ooh good choices would you like any sunglasses right sorry you're right okay come over here we need to do your makeup we're going to do your makeup and then your head so what I usually do for tangled is purple hey I know what I'm doing I'm a fairy godfather [Music] beautiful purple sheet and then you need pretty lips okay beautiful lips you too Wow you look like a princess pucker up now we got to blend everything [Music] blend blend blend we need to do your hair come with me princess okay so first thing we have this crown it's kind of like an under the water crown we have an underwater crown we have a princess crown we have some tangled hair that one out your dress really pretty would you like this okay beautiful oh wow oh let me get you some clips more flowers Rapunzel loves flowers in her hair so let's make sure you have more flowers Clinton and a pink one clip this one clip you look beautiful princess can we get a twirl beautiful twirl princess princess thank you for coming to the best day ever story you did awesome and you look beautiful one more twist give me one more spin here oh yeah beautiful this is so fun I have another customer come here another customer hello welcome the best day ever store what do you want you could be tingled with you we do have a Pascal costume it's put on the Pascal costume do you want to do this one could be a little Pascal this will be perfect we hope this is ready a little bit of magic bibbidi-bobbidi-boo there we go Pascal a balloon sidekick there's your pesto I need to get perfect okay last thing you guys need what you need princess castle do you want me to show you where they are follow me okay this is where we keep all our princess castles close your eyes princess ready guys yeah okay the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey let's go find it ooh [Music] here is your tango dress okay what should we do next lose hair cuz she looks like she just woke up are you on your hair that's gonna be hard really long hair let's put a couple [Music] okay oh yes beautiful hair I love it all right now are you ready if you wanna wear any type of shoes or [Music] [Music] are you ready for a date you know what we're gonna go do yeah we're gonna go get our nails done I ain't gonna dangle those gotta be awesome [Music] oh here take joy come sit over there have you had your nails done before okay so you know how this goes hey let me know if anything hurts okay do you want to tell me which color you want on each nail doing different colors yeah pink purple pink purple pink purple pink purple pink yeah and then sparkles on all of them okay that feel okay here's mine so awesome and I'm in school [Music] okay so if I hand in there and try and be careful not to touch then just there you go okay stick it on the ground yeah [Music] good job this is my favorite purple addley do you like it now you're gonna leave me you're gonna go play yeah okay [Applause] yeah you got pink and purple blue I love them [Applause] [Music]
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 21,668,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, princess makeover, bibbidi bobbidi boutique, best day ever, play date, surprise date, secret surprise, surprise, underwater date, grandma, surprise date night, routine, manicure, nail salon for kids, painting nails, family fun, niko bear, baby brother, princesses, merida, family vacation, ultimate family vacation, disney, makeup, make up toys, costume, princess costume, disney princess, mystery guest, makeover, tutorial, first time trying makeup, makeup routine
Id: l98sSLPIYlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 19sec (5779 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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