Dog HiDE n SEEK with Olive and Koopa!! Can our dogs Find us Hiding? Playing a new game as a family

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where's adley where's Mama youell that that's adley's headband oh can you find her okay where is she where is [Music] she you think in there W bust good job Koopa are you ready okay here we go we're going to find you oh how did you find me so bad just like it maybe he just put my [Music] head ni I love you ni hey W you tricked me Nico you're a legend bro hang in there Wherever You [Music] [Applause] Are all right dog are you ready oh he's on to something he's on to something he found good job did you find adley or ni where are they where's adley welcome to a for adle dog Edition oh did I just hit myself that was really embarrassing okay welcome to hide and seek dog Edition where we dogs me and Koopa dogs are going to find the humans allyy and our family oh ready to get started as what are the rules the rules are you guys are going to use your little sniffer Doods and your eyes to find us and then after if you're really good you get a treat well after we eat our treats and when we eat our treats we'll do some fun game and and some video games e Koopa so let's get started we're going to go hide see you later dogs you guys count stay right here I'll be back family the dogs are going to count while we got hide you start hiding okay l so come on where you going that was a mess up come back here we need to play hide and seek what what are you doing why I'm trying to get the dogs to go count upstairs so we can hide cuz we're going to play hide and seek hide and seek the best Seeker in the world D hey Dad yeah the dogs escaped can you help me are the dogs playing are they going to find us the dogs are going to count and they're going to find us Koopa come here bud koopa's already hiding oh hi Koopa are you going to count and find us I'll give you a treat if you find us okay Dad Koopa thinks he's Koopa thinks he's hiding you're not hiding hiding you're going to be the Seeker okay our dogs and maybe they could hide later we've been playing this since adley was a little kid do you remember when the dogs find you I remember one time um that there was like a little like spinny thing on the door and I would grab onto it and I was crawling and the dogs would try and goow be like nope why know you're talking the little door stop and Koop would come in no sorry Pop It Up you not letting the dogs in oh wasn't that cute the little baby outly playing with the doggies okay okay enough enough as that okay we were actually playing hi and seek this weekend and I thought it would be fun if we did it with the dogs yes so d add the dog dad you go put Koopa back so all the coopa can count okay Dad's going to come down and hide and then when we're done hiding you can go get the dogs okay so first we need to hide can you see me Vlog a dang it that was that high spot what about now dang it where is hi no no that's my heart no this is mine this is my heart can you see me dang it ni I think I can still see let me put a pillow on top of that where is Nico he's right here oh that's a good spot all right dogs are settled where should we go okay there hide under here go this way is this a good hiding spot Vlog good I'm staying here since the dogs can't get up the couch that whale I'm going to put this up so it's like a little climbing mat for them and then we get the pillow we put this under there we go now the dogs can get okay VL I think you can go get the dogs yeah I they found me here guys good job you found me okay where's the family where's Aly let's go get him good job you found me okay where's adley where is she where's your [Music] mama you think there's someone in there T you found a mama good job okay where's adley where's adley where's Nico Hey where's adley where's Nico you found me good job goopa where's adley did you hear that ni where are you should we lift this up you found him you founded n good job all right where's adley it's the last one where's adley oh ol's sniffing something where is she oh koopa's looking on the bag okay Nico gave you a clue you guys are getting close oh Koopa you were [Music] close you found her good job you found me I the hardest I bet oh good job dogies good job should we get you a treat okay dad turn next dad's turn next side with the doggies okay if you guys want a treat let's go get a treat and prepare for round two we'll be back you know what this is exactly why I wear my headband today this is going to be a clue for the doggies ooh you leaving your scent yes I'm leaving my scent guess what I was thinking somebody could hide in can I can I yeah and then this I'm going this my head back okay I'm put this one so it's comfortable blank let's leave one piece out so they no can find you cuz I hide way too hard yes I'm going to hide in this corner okay [Music] goodbye now what do I hide the pills goodbye okay well go get that are we ready let's get the family let's get them okay where are you I've got my dog sniffing you out where's the family off where's Mama where's Mama where's she what did you guys find something who's under busted okay we got Nico first thing okay where's everybody else where's adley where's Mama them out that that's adley's headband oh good idea come sniff this where's adley pick up her set okay where's Aly Koopa y on to something Koopa come smell this can you find her okay where is she where is she you think in there second person busted good job Koopa you smart buddy you were the second person found I was the first that was impressive Koopa sniffed your headband and then ran back over here and knew I heard someone like scraping that like where's Mama Olive where's Mama where's the mama is she up here this is covered in Mama's son all found monkey buddies where's Mama oh he's on to something he's on to something he found them m good job okay you're found it you did so [Applause] good easy with the dogs good job all right who's up next mom you're next and no dogs this time it's too easy with the dogs the dogs mom get the dog you have to have the dog all right you going to go with Mama but don't find me okay okay go let's go find me last don't find me don't find me don't find me okay ol do unle get a treat oh come here now let's find spot we need good spots if koopy even found you in here that's crazy yeah where do you think what do you need to find a spot that Olive can find us an easy but I got a good spot Nico hit here this weekend and it took me so long to find him all the way back there okay I'll do it slide right on in you good you slide it in put that there and they'll never know okay good luck I think since this the portal no never we cannot go back to that portal house it's crazy it's not worth it Nico don't do it I'll never let you have you ever wanted to be a window how's your CH that all right see you later oh yeah you cannot tell that looks so good dogs are getting excited almost give me 5 Seconds uh I'll figure it out Vlog go are you ready okay here we go come on ol we're going to find you how did you find me so fast so fast are you so much work I'm kind of stuck I think good job now where's adley and n oh going in the [Music] bathroom did you find adley or Nico where are they where's adley where's Nico think she's in the bathroom is Aly in here I heard something good job Koopa that was a good spot ABY where's Nico I'm actually confused you guys really don't know where he is he we but no not in the trash about that nothing I already looked behind you tricked you that was such a good trick Nico that's the window that was such a good spot dudeo good hiding you were so quiet oh yeah all right who's up I went mom went next kid and then we'll do Nico we'll do two more rounds all right where two where should we hide we've hit all the good spots yeah we have wait I know hide in the same spot wait do you actually think do you want to try and fit in there let me take the bag out okay can you go down bro no just like this maybe just put my head on okay right before we're ready I'll put the lid on okay oh I got my spot where's that rainbow ghost blanky I'm just going to be a casual rainbow ghost over here don't hi don't mind little Rainbow go I'm [Music] [Music] ready come on let's go find Mama let's go find D come on let's go find e come on guys let's go find him come on all where is he C KOA where are you Koopa where's Koopa where's Mama Koopa where's Mama you're so heavy Koopa okay I'll help you up cuz you really want to see what oh yeah belly scratches okay where's Mama where's D where's [Music] Mama he You Found Me good job okay we got to find daddy and ni where's Dad did you find me ah you found me you guys aren never going to find Nico though Koopa ol where's Nico where is he where's Nico I know where he is Nico hey Vlog you tricked me you're never going to find him where where is NI oh wait what under here nope not that one Nico NOP no Nico where's Nico Nico you're a legend bro hang in there wherever you [Music] arey thank you I he's sweaty good job you won both hiding spots that one and that one hot is that hot in there woo who's next Who's going seeking with the dogs me ni you're up I'm already the best hider so I'm the best Seeker that's true you have had the best hidings maybe he'll be the best Seeker too hey he might get a new record finding us fast oh I got a good idea are you going to do with or without the dogs um with this going be good I spot and there I go okay Mom zip it up zip it up I'm not going to zip you all the way up fine all right nothing final where's adley I don't know final round all right where do you think Mom I'm going to the window ooh the olden Eco trick that's a good idea beat him at his own game yeah see you I'm going be one with the bean bag roll me over I'm part of the bean bag all right dogs are you ready I guess that's only one dog this time no [Music] nobody in the [Music] bathroom there's nobody here be one with the beat bag I'm just going get out that was whose fingers are Del a did just move I like Mom Boom ni your fingers are stick dang it I thought they were hidden mom you shouldn't leave them there cuz then I knew it's you cuz you took them away shoot found you who is it you're inide one time I was playing hi SE and I hit inside you destroyed me ni crushed me okay let's find dad have we checked under the blue bean bag nope I'll help you ni okay I'll jump on it push it push it you push and I'll pull a you found me I was one with the bean bag Nico came over here and he did not see me did you really not see me um yeah you were inside yeah I was inside I'm hot I can't hide anymore what's the oh Nico what was your idea for the part of the video um Nintendo switch Nintendo switch oh yeah oh and it's perfect cuz Dad just got a brand new game from the space station that Nintendo sent us guess what game it is what the new Super Mario Brothers wonder do you want to play it it's a brand new game and guess what starting now this part of the video is sponsored by Nintendo cuz they hooked us up with the game thank you Nintendo new game oh hello oh hello you ready for this new game Super Mario Brothers wonder and I think what's extra cool about this is there's lots of new things that we've never seen in Mario before guys this is like a new version of Mario like look at the screen right there what can you see that looks different flying Buffalo where do you see a flying Buffalo flying Buffalo are those Buffalo Cloud things Cloud oh cool the tube the tube's moving oh yeah wiggle tube and and Mario's the elephant Mario's Mario's elepha I never seen Mario as an elephant okay and there's Princess Peach we got a lot to figure out let's who's everyone going to be I'm going to be Toadette Toadette that's cute so Yoshi and navit won't take much damage so it's good for players who have never played this before who's nabit he's the like the purple the purple guy are you going to be nabit he doesn't take damage yeah he doesn't take damage wait Nico you're third that means what are you are you first place I'm second I'm fourth your third you want to switch switch switch scoot scoot oh I'm going to be dad you should do Rand Rand random yeah that's so much risk though I'd be Mario I just want to be Mario my good oldfashioned Mario bro that's why I always am we're in a new kingdom Mario's always in the Mushroom Kingdom and now we're in the flower Kingdom yeah there's a new flower guys get all the coin nait's on it nabit is our coin Grabber there's Princess Peach I love the aesthetic of the flower Kingdom look how cool that looks explored it wait Bowser oh he's Bowser and his Flames what is he doing hey Dad that looks kind of sick going to lie that's kind of cool I mean bad guy but pretty cool I wish I was Bowser what oh dang they were trapped we got to go save them will help youo ooh he be our guide yes please wait did he just hop in my hat I got a caterpillar I'm wining guys look we have to jump on these planks these are like the classic brick ball yay a little to Dad a sleep there some parkour parkour good job Mario got to break through this there's a giant coin we got to try break I think we can but I think we need to throw something at it I think we nice it out yes yes we're learning all the moves wait I'm a baby Mario I'm just little guy oh I want to play I'm a baby I'm a baby I'm an elephant I'm an elephant wait what can I do I can spray water guys help me I'mma go the flow hurry get the flour no I want to get it I want to get it I want to get it Nico got it good job dude we got a wiggly tube over here ride the tube ride the tube I just went down the tube guys go down this magic tube okay wo even an elephant fits wait we're closer now oh my gosh how do we go back in go down how do you go down I know what I'm doing all Christmas break I want to turn into a baby again I got a w seed yeah I got it horse clear welcome to the flower Kingdom all right W seeds are going to be really useful on your adventure good piranha plants on parade this level seems a little bit crazy how do you go in the tube I want to go in the tube you just go Down's here I have a mushroom I have a mushroom oh there's a purple coin over here Nico o Nico good job Nico found a purple one I'm a dirty baby I'm okay baby what did we just get wait we got to go up here to get the purple oh good job Mom get me up here come we got another W seed we're going to need those along our journey I was just Stu so I decided wonderful Dad's on top of the flag pole as a kid that used to be the most important thing to me in the entire world guys look at the pose where are we going next scram scers guys scatter batter I don't know what it was scram scram or scram dler I'm a baby I'm a baby help me up I did it finally oh so you have to get water for your trunk to use it there's the AEG get him get get him yeah good job family when the squirrel hits you she has the flower the FL flow good job yeah he had the flowers get stars get stars stars I want a start I want to start how I want to start I keep going keep going get the guys we only have 10 seconds hry W seed wait we're closer oh the flower Castle is me and I'm the flower of Castle so much it's like Dad in the bean bag we were just one no it's gu no it's gu run I can't I jump on [Applause] everybody that's moru got an idea let's try using our W seeds oh there we go there's the Wonder seed it won't let it fixed [Music] it maybe we'll find out right here what do we get we got a badge nice I can use the power of this badge to help everyone he's happy he said he bloomed he bloomed dad he bloomed training ground okay parachute C while in midair press Sr or shake the controller to open up your hat and flow SL down I'm going to go like this I don't have a hat oh n that was sick e you do have one press R let's jump off this and try it okay that's cool there's another one of those icky plants we need more Wonder seeds woohoo that's so crazy wait this one I've never moved around on a Mario map like this before here we go break time hurry hurry oh we have to actually run wait how do you dash go go go go go go go hurry ni we're right behind [Applause] you oh you barely made it okay get the seum I want it I want the se he bumped my elephant into it look at me the screenshot [Applause] scre okay let's pick a level this one this one still parachute cap number one okay so this going to be a jumping and shaking only shake once oh you made it n good job okay we should probably jump from the very top up here ready get we got to get that coin how do we get the coin nice ready jump FL jump jump jump jump jump jump jump all right team follow me you miss the coin that's the key dad you missed the coin you missed the coin and we all died like five times yeah all right a Koopa Derby our dog's named Koopa Koopa Derby have you guys ever noticed that now you know we the inspiration for the name come here little shell oh I got it I want a shell hit him yeah I know we needan four more shells that was creative we need four more shells that's what that means guys I invested something oh what bouncy mushrooms let me use we did it I want to use the watch out all right let's roll good job go this way now left wa guys there's a purple of that get those good job well get that flower thing get that flower thing someone we got it another SE SE we got to get we got to go up there get that Dad are you doing you have to get that purple so then it might be a elephant I didn't even notice that good I what is that hippo oh look at that hippo oh we got okay you guys do that one and I'll bump him over there okay now hit that one oh yeah jump on the hippo oh we need to grab that seed then get it Dad at my PA he's like sliding on the wall that was did you see my paw oh that was a good pause this game is pretty sick yeah it is I'm an elephant I'm an elephant boing come on guys oh that was sick guys there's a hippo ooh Some Water I got it no I couldn't get the mushroom do you squished me uh-oh I did it the wrong way maybe good job Nico oh Dad so much stuff you want be an elephant nice get that hop over here you Squishy wooo go Nico oh no ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow we should have followed the hoo right there oh baby we got another Hipp come guys Hur H let jump on them Mom I made it I got it oh my good everyone was ahead of you you need to go faster cuz you're the king woohoo a oh the picture is Nico winning that was sick that was sick and Nico's like Blurry cuz he's going so fast like thank you for watching hideand-seek dog Edition with us and playing this new Nintendo game thank you Nintendo for sponsoring that part of the video so cool and uh thanks for watching bye than for watching thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 1,137,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, diy, snowflakes, hand turkeys, how to, kid crafts, best day ever, a for adley, niko bear, adley movie, adley videos, surprise, surprise date, makeover, family vacation, disney, arcade, park, backyard, hide n seek, routine, snowmen, santa, christmas, tree, reindeer, Rudolph, DIY, Decorating, TRAPPED INSiDE the iPAD?! Adley & Dad play a new family game! and beach visit! my town app review, crafts, arts and crafts, kids crafts, christmas crafts, snowman, snowflake, roblox, olive, koopa
Id: hbu5SFQb5XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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