Princess Grizelda Crystals Compilation | True and the Rainbow Kingdom | Mushroom Town

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hmm put the bench where the bushes and the bush were the benches no no that's not right either take it back where they were okay let's try switching back before we want anything pause oh who is that back there Oh No here she comes let her do all the talking pick up for a change true Bartleby you just sound weird anyway everything that's here should be there and everything that's there should be here [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's so sweet of you true true we need to switcheroo back why didn't you tell her it wasn't a gift I couldn't say anything with those showing her that we switched where's Mose put this on the top of the birdbath oh right away it's my newest centerpiece so guard it for all you're worth oh this gardening is exhausting time for a beauty nap [Music] Wow oh and I want that crystals to be sparkling so I can see my face in it so be sure to shine every couple seconds thank you looks like everybody's making dazzling doors today Farooqi let's see how Mira's coming along okay Chris Moews let's see what you made to dazzle your princess with uh Chris Moews this isn't dazzling enough we're on a mountaintop my door has to be so dazzling that people can see it from all across the kingdom I know I'll dazzle it with crystals and not just on the door all builds a new tower entirely of crystals that everyone can see find me the sparklies crystals you can and get dazzling [Music] okay things are looking really switched up around here true so the giant came of crystal hide-and-seek how are we gonna know which one's the real switcheroo with all the copies Wow first we'll have to gather up every last crystal there is okay but how can we find all the crystals if we can't even see where they all are you don't need to see them just have to smell them oh yeah they smell peppermint tea [Music] I need you to find all the crystals wherever they are they smell like peppermint can you sniff them out for us [Music] [Music] [Music] hey I'm getting good with these finger things now we gotta figure out which is the real switcheroo [Music] now let's put a stop to this green water time for my first wish I need you to give the pipe a big hug yes bye bye green water where's a hi-5 hat when you need one [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] look for key now's our chance have no fear great spot is here thanks Kai robot babe no need for thanks you're welcome is that cherry for me but don't stop don't forget to tell everyone about your new hero [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can't start my day until I get a kitty cuddle from you-know-who derail Oakland I don't know he's a busy guy but there's always time for true I can't wait to see what everyone well this is way too much Sun I cannot believe I'm saying that a cat too much Sun what's happening true I have no idea wait look that glare isn't from the Sun it's from Griselda's castle really I can't see anything no yeah there it is it looks brighter now shinier you've got to go up here and find out what's going on rain or Sun this blocks them both yep I'm ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] to me loans rapport thing is the Sun hurting your eyes too it's hard to fly when it's just bright out out cumulant go buddy that suits you better anyways [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] never fear this ninja cat in girl will get it back Bartleby I don't know what to do next with your body I'm used to learning on my paws the beans are going everywhere true even rainbow City [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no way we need some wet shelf [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] magnificus leaping lemon-yellow now imma be well I better practice my fuzzy [Music] [Music] Fuki we've talked about this no dueling it's a lot of love far too moisture are you here to give me the award for the most dazzling castle nothing could be as sparkly as my new crystal cover tower um no this wasn't a competition how can I not be everyone is doing it so what's the prize ribbon a trophy wait sorry there's no crown a tiara then nope not even a hair clip no oh well don't you just love it my castle is the most dazzling home it is what your new tower is reflecting so much light it's blinding the entire kingdom oh so everyone can see my crystal sparkling if it's too bright for some people they can just wear sunglasses with you what was that did your castle just sink my castle don't be silly now if you'll excuse me I have to watch my Christmas put on even more gorgeous crystals toodles sure everybody cheers for true but she has those amazing wishes to help her how people do I have anything as amazing as wishes well do you Christmas hey you're right true has wishes but I've got God his Mo's just the job for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] whoa this is so much better than true wishes I can't believe I just think there is mouse please please please please okay I have no idea what this is what is it it's my invention for the maker shaker Expo I call it the I heart you bubble gram watch this even better a heart you can eat you sure now the way to my heart true you're gonna win the sunshine ribbon for sure thanks be winning would be nice but I'm just excited to see what everyone else has made I just heard about this maker shaker whatever thingy you need to help me win the sunshine ribbon Grizelda you can win it without my help you always made cool stuff like your giant grin saw true or maybe a mini Chris bought something less stompy Chris bots are so passe I've been trying to come up with an idea but the criminals are being so loud carving my wall of me well it didn't quite capture my I don't know what do it again talk later true what's this green crystals gross I only work with pink a bouncy green crystals now that I can work with I need you to okay I need you to make me an invention you Bartleby could you pass me an empty flowerpot please oh you're not Bartleby good work little helpers I just wonder where my big helper Bartle different fishy poof crackers are you forgetting what day it is today is it sleep on the grass day no brush my fur today no eat a big lunch day no silly we're going to help resulta with her gardening today oh now stop right there where you think you're going with choose flowers it's okay baby I'm giving them to Griselda so she can add them to her garden that's so nice okay enough chatter let's get these flowers onto the wagon [Music] some kind of crystal hello marshmallow Alberto be true look box love boxes but cats love er even more done did you say [Music] delicious true eating once told me I couldn't help it you're just so marshy and mellowing every we have yeah I love the glitter bird you made thanks crow boy you and I made a lot of great art today while it was raining outside are you all right I'm okay I just slept on a marshmallow bad inconsiderate marshmallow for not making it in my mouth true The Doors a mess what this looks amazing look how glittery prettily you got and now it's even more amazing [Music] it matches our house but glittery well dazzling door true whoa definitely door true I think we just started Wow look at all the neighborhood doors they're so dazzling this is amazing so much great art everywhere they look that that's a painting of me that is the sweetest thing it's a potato Oh [Music] you locked us out on the balcony by mistake think of a way to get us back inside and while you are in deep thought I'll see if we can climb down from here I could call Trey for help no I don't want you I kind of have to but I don't want you I could marry now I could totally get down myself but if you're bored I thought you might like to help we'll be right there I see pops will have to wait you had me totally [Music] [Music] why do I have to do all of the hard work [Music] Ping's photo who deserve some rest I really could have gotten down by myself I just thought it would be fun to have a play date you know oh my thank you telling true was my idea you must love all those Cheers I'm glad they're happy but I just like to help sure helping is probably good but all that clapping that's why you helped right nope I just like helping Oh [Music] Oh ice cream break B we need to switcheroo first ice cream later oh right it's time to get it back and put a stop to all the switching hi Chris Moews I really need that crystal back I'm just [Music] perfect and we'd like one copy of the switcheroo please but don't copy its powers arrested princess is a happy princess okay everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow that's weird did everyone just get taller I'm a dog why many dog I'm really sorry Griselda why are you talking like true you and your gizmos weren't supposed to have my crystal it's a switcheroo and it switches things and people and cats it switched our bodies that's so weird don't feel bad zillion it's not your fault you got startled you're a good helper I'm a really adorable dog okay boys they're great the UH princess come on B we gotta find the real switcheroo I'm with you true a thousand silver salutations welcome to the makers shaker Expo [Music] the winner takes hold the spectacular now don't forget to vote for your favorite invention oh that means me too indigo inventions true this is remarkable what is it this is my I hurt you oh how does it work allow me to show you oh and a snack I heart you too now shall we see what everyone else has come up with yes let's go mellow yellow' a soothing rock phone look how the water comes up right through the rocks hi everybody what's your invention have you ever thought that one high-five just isn't enough always but you'll love this presenting phi5 hat for when you're feeling under five spring-loaded high fives one two three four five that's five times the fun who wants to try it but bellezza Zuni juice juice bubbler I have to see how this works oh this will be fine I just push the button here the bubbles bubble up and then come out here tickles why hello little helpers what did you make I've got my own personal very impressive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow of course your machine works I have no idea how it works details are so not my thing details are exactly my thing ok let's see now first griz most carry the green crystals up the ladder and put them into the harbor then it seems like the crystals get all smooshed up into a green goo right and that green goo gets rolled up into a ball which comes out the front [Music] rain water spews into the river hmm this doesn't look quite right I don't think this is normal oh you should go ask Griselda Griselda did you know that I'm the best inventor yes smiley face now what did you want me to sign actually B and I were just at the back of your machine and it looks like you were saying how cool the back of my machine is well actually there's green polka dots on these bling blings I don't normally go for green but these dots are too adorbs winky face so why are we gonna tell her about the green water thingy I don't know be Griselda's really enjoying this I don't want to ruin it for her come on let's go see who's going to win the sunshine ribbon yeah maybe green water is good for the river of the sunshine please please please [Music] Grizelda I knew you could do it I'd like to thank everyone who helped me but since I did it all myself I'll just think me why don't you get the idea for these bouncing bleeding's the fantastically fun and so pretty I base them mostly on myself this tent is staying up only took me ten tries I am awesome I forgot you were in there true sorry thanks a lot B just setting up the sleeping bags it's so beautiful over here there's nothing better than going glamorous camping everyone named Griselda is glamping these days I still can't believe she agreed to come with us there's dirt here you know camping is supposed to be roughing it right Oh believe me I know I didn't even pack my sparkly bottle wash isn't that right Ruby oh hi there little grist mill you want us to go down there [Music] you live right beneath Griselda's castle how cute you know not the most cat friendly furniture though that's just an observation look be that pillar is where all the crystals are coming from the pillars gonna crumble that's what you want to show me and poor little Grizz knows [Music] Griselda's castle is sinking and we're right under it okay Christmas the new Crystal Towers making me Castle too heavy and now the castle is sinking into your home but don't worry we'll convince Griselda to take off the crystals right away we have to so it's because your crystals aren't wait wait wait don't tell me princesses hate bad news okay I won't tell you Bartleby well it's because of all the crystals you put on it are you done [Music] okay now I'm done you have to take the crystal tower down it's just too heavy there's nothing so sparkly I really really love it I know you do but if you don't take the tower down your castle will sink into the Griz mows home and crush it she's doing it again Grizelda sorry it's not my fault I never knew where my Griz Mo's lived that's okay Bartleby and I will try to hold the castle up while you and the Griz most take the crystals down I'll try but I can barely see it's so bright out here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we propped up the ceiling and save the day in the history books shadow effect this okay maybe saved wasn't the right word let's get everyone out of here you have to go outside all right Chris Moews you know that you left right here we go we tried everything we could now we need some wish help kill me love now we got to figure out which is the real switcheroo luckily I have a system none of those crystals was the switcheroo maybe it's one of these there has to be a way to find out which crystals the real switcheroo without having to polish them all let's think about this our last wish is a look see it can see things or regular eyes can't right what's on the switcheroo that we can't see I lift prints on it when I tried to grab it that's what looks he can search for to find the real switcheroo that's a super incredible idea let's do this [Music] looking for one special crystal that has a kitty paw print on it are you ready to look nice tail control you know what they say be practice makes perfect you've been a huge help great job drew [Music] [Music] blings are really big [Music] [Music] [Music] come again it happened to the rainbow king after he was splashed by that green river water Griselda's machine everyone then let's ask Griselda to turn off the machine hey grisel we can't why not she's having such a fun time with this also she doesn't know how the machine works so telling her wouldn't help smiley face so how do we stop the water well we know how the machine works we can fix it right what a tourney thing on here if it we've got to stop this we need some wish help [Music] I truly Zelda the wishes and I are camping these three have even earned their merit badges can't be sure is fun talking about camping was so five minutes ago we're actually not here about camping we're here about a maze a maze oh I love puzzles sounds like fun it's a giant maze that fruit key and bartleby are trapped in oh that's a lot less fun let's sit and have a think about this no thanks princesses don't sit on mushrooms eventually how can the Wishing Tree help true well this maze is really tricky once they move around in everything you need a wish to do keep us from getting stuck in the maze thanks oh these are some fantastic wishes let's see what the worship idea says about them [Music] your first wish is dot spot it can make as many dots Algeria perfect we can use thought spot to find our way back out of the maze so we don't get lost we'll just follow the dots rubber new polka dots are fabulous this is a wish with style your second wish is raw Peru this rope wish is a great help for when you need to climb things or to tie things together there might be handy for pulling us out of a tricky spot and lastly you have sloths be a rare and unusual wish indeed this wish can put anything into slow motion I'm just not sure how soon things down can help save our friends I'm sure you'll find a way true I have to agree and I'm always right Thank You Z and big new Wishing Tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] good luck you do I'm sure you do [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay first we have to prop up the ceiling to stop the bridge Moe's home from caving in time for tip top let's go help resulta take the crystals down my christmas can't see what they're doing we need something to block the Sun yeah that would need to be hmm huge that blow gets huge let's block some light [Music] whoa that tail hmm we're subs upload beach havelock the light [Music] [Music] it's working Barbie it's wobbly no that's just me so dizzy we better check on tip-top [Music] Wow tip-top can hold up the castle forever we've got to get the crystals and here faster and rebuild the pillar [Music] how much how much faster they can go they're pooped [Music] what now true this gives me an idea one Grizz no got down here faster by sliding on a crystal hmm if we get slip see near the tower we can move a lot of crystals down here faster let's see let's do some sliding now switch us back quick okay whiskers whiskers no tail kitty sense of self-importance [Music] lot more stuff to switcheroo come on we celebrate for a second okay one second okay let's go [Applause] no sense wasting all that practice [Music] tail-wagging isn't fun anymore huh that crystal looks so gorgeous in my garden I didn't realize it wasn't for me great news Griselda Farooqi you can have all the crystal copies just don't ask me to count how many there are I can't count that high wait tail gone fingers back nobility the curtsy perfect so what are you gonna do with that switcheroo true well I know the perfect spot where it won't cause any more trouble they're safe and sound back in the ground [Music] true Bartleby have you seen these bouncing bling blings aren't they fun they are fun but people are turning into them wow that's super fun but you seem worried explain please Griselda's machine is turning all the water green and some people got splashed by it and then they became polka-dotted and he gets hoarse be inflated and then they started bouncing and bouncing and bouncing just like the bouncy pudding flings wandering normals let sit and have a sink okay drew how can the Wishing Tree help you well Griselda's really proud of her invention so we need a way to stop the green water without having to tell her right and I'm sure you can with some wish help we also need a way to unborn the boinging citizens they'll keep bouncing forever if we don't get them back to normal the Wishing Tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] these bushes are spectacular true let's see what the wish' pedia says about them first stop is tight I this wish can tie itself into all sorts of knots great Ty Ty you can help tie up our losses Oh Bumbershoot has fantastic parachute powers Bumbershoot can flight you down to the ground safely fro any height Bumbershoot you can help catch the bouncing citizens uh-huh oh shoot oh this is one of my favorite wishes to Begley great to see you again too you big Lea little bug cubically has a jiggly gelatinous body I can absorb anything into it hmm I don't know how cubically can help stop the green water or the boring citizens but I'm sure we can put your gooey Center to good use [Music] I know what a pleasant surprise see there's a giant princess Chris bought on the loose and we need some wish help true don't tell the wishes I'm here easy it keeps the wishes company when I'm not around you're flat Z throw a little flat Z back to the drawing board and back to your copies please wishes was there something you needed help with true yes yes true needs help there's a problem with the Grizz Bhatt is Chris Potts the fabulous giant robot my Grizz Mose made for me giant robot [Music] hmm I'm sure we can find a solution let's have a sit and think about this I don't sit on mushrooms but why are we all sitting at a time like this anyway it helps us think things through anyway the Chris bot is out of control with Frankie stuck inside it's starting to wreck things around rainbow city how do you plan to fix the problem well I need some wish help to stop the Grizz bought from stomping around but I also want to keep Rambo City and froakie safe my fruity wolf gums get so cranky when he misses his belly rubs I'm sure the Wishing Tree can help with the Grizz but not a belly rub the Wishing Tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that amazing or what I guess it was a little amazing a little okay hold on amazing these are very interesting wishes let's look them all in the Wikipedia [Music] oh it's amazing Thanks your first wish is glue boo it makes a coating of glue so sticky strong anything will stick to it it'll have to be really strong if it's gonna hold princess Grizz bot your second wish is bring it it's a powerful magnet wish that can call any object made of metals towards it you mean like my princess crease pot don't you get a scratch on her your third wish is zilean it can take one thing and make it into lots and lots of that big so if I had a diamond I could make it into lots of diamonds or we could use it to help stop printers Grizz bot somehow oh that sure Thank You Z and thank you Wishing Tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] go grab that Chris bot you know it could be so much more dazzling in here with a little glitter some jewels no thanks [Music] Haislip see i need you to make a slide all the way to the top of Griselda's castle we're at the bottom she told us that we could slide down or up on slips II remember now this I got a try let's slide [Music] [Applause] [Music] true this is no time for playing it's not for us it's to help bring the crystals back under the castle okay everyone but the crystals on to slip see and he'll slide them down [Music] [Music] now don't get too excited guys [Music] [Applause] Hey look they're putting the crystals back and rebuilding a pillar thanks for working so hard tip-top you can rest now great job slip stands up low we couldn't have done it without you [Music] perfect you seize my castle I guess I got a little carried away trying to outdo everyone Stadlen doors a little carried away I know it wasn't a competition but I did want to win yeah but you also wanted to help your grass mouse that's what counts if you still want to add a little dazzle to your door we have a surprise for you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] smells pepperminty what kind of crystal smells pepperminty hmm might be able to tell us we clean it up a little I don't know it just happened I think this crystal just made your juice ball switch places with that shovel now what do you know an actual working for real switch imaging swimmable yes which them a thing switcheroo switcheroo that's good yeah yeah that's what I said have you ever seen anything so amazing just think of all the things we can switch I don't know and you're an extremely handsome kitty cat switcheroo Switzer bodies I can't be a cat what about me how am I supposed to be a human what are all these fingers for all they do is wiggle around when are you going to give you to help me with my garden the christma are ruining everything help me true she thinks her me say something like what we go to South us like this we have to we promised we'd help grab that crystal and we'll try and figure it out there okay but the second we get there I want to be a cat again I don't know how you people live without fur I'm freezing [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 547,523
Rating: 3.8763845 out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, The Big Green Bounce, big green bounce, crystals, season 3, true mushroom town, mushroom town, true and the rainbow kingdom season 3, grizelda, princess, princess grizelda
Id: wXk_0HF970c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 12sec (3792 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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