True and the Rainbow Kingdom | Big Mossy Mess Compilation | Season 2 Episode Clips

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[Music] okay Bartleby if you were the brain booking where would you want to set up my nibbles and zips party so many choices them let's see here Bartleby what this is the perfect spot it's where all the snack action is Wow getting ready for a juice party with the Kings sure is making me wish then it's time for a super sweet sweet zuny juice nectar of the gods after you excuse me oops sorry was that the last one you just gave me a great idea do you want to use a straw like a pattern must've no silly we can get some freshly squeezed those any juice for the rainbow cake and I know just where to get [Music] thanks and look there's a path no need for wishes yet we're off to a great start let's find that better thanks true [Music] [Applause] really ICL ahead don't worry B we have a wish that can help well float over it come on float Oh time to bubble up hi photo we need you to bubble ass up and FLOTUS all for that I see shield to the other side ready to float [Music] I guess they do but you know what else is cold and Mountie tippy-top nibbles and sips no cripples or scuffles will slip and will gobble each command each strip of those nipples and unfeeling nibbly and City but time does truce party start hmm a 3 p.m. lavender luck that gives me plenty of time to get ready rainbow guard please polish my scepter for me while I practice my nibbling a sippin [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa you changed back you know I do not know what's going on you cherry Jubilee true these nibbles and sips are superb thank you your highness and best of all there's no moss left in the rainbow kingdom hear hear Bartleby I haven't forgotten my pop promise I knew you wouldn't I got you a new pillow to nap on that's just the soft as moss hey thanks true but there's no way a pillow could be as soft as yeah I may save you wish to save us what come in real handy right now your wishes name is Ari we it's a rewind wish that can help you do things over again Ari we'd only understand you if you speak backwards to him then Actives me an idea for how to fix everything if I put re window--a together then real we can help they way go backwards and auto race everything that go away erased two wishes together oh very clever that's never been done it's brilliant no wages no thanks I'll let you know how it goes okay B let's help go Avery trace his steps and underbase everything including my tail my tail my tail yes really it's time to really I mean rewind oh right he said we have to talk backwards to it [Music] go away help you can backwards go everything I raised [Applause] you're gonna put behind the other step with one and then another it's a different kind of race going backwards to that place to find things you love retrace and think some more what did you do before is your brain and think a lot so remember what you forgot and memory won't be lost rewind retrace retrace our steps to find things we lost or 1/2 week [Music] again see I'm still seeing you true and bottle bleep thank you for bringing go away back to the Wishing Tree and for fixing the Wikipedia along with everything else everything's back to normal again thanks little helpers I'm all good now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I think Frankie heard me now's our chance let's see if glue boo can make princess Grizz but stick around are you ready to help [Music] [Music] [Music] does not go with your outfit at all [Music] what's all this funny story remember all that mas we saw at the moss farm today well I actually sorta brought it a bit of it home with me yes I did that teeny-tiny well it was teeny-tiny when I got it but it's not so teeny-tiny now all right farmer monster told us that the moss grows really really fast remember oh I think I slept through that part did I mention how wonderfully soft that Moss was a few times but on the bright side now the whole house can be my bed I'm always just seconds away from a full-on nap [Music] thanks and look there's a path no need for wishes yet we're off to a great start what's funny thanks true that is a really icy Hill ahead don't worry B we have a wish that can help we'll float over it come on float Oh time to bubble up hi photo we need you to bubble us up and FLOTUS all for that I see shield to the other side ready to float [Music] I guess they do but you know what else is cold on Mount tippy tippy top let's fix that I like us both being the best meet you true you didn't what is that it's a face bubble he's never used one before no he think we found another way for you to see each other more Yuri you your Majesties no matter where you are you can talk to each other by face bubble now we'll be able to see you in the nighttime and I'll be able to see you in the daytime hugs this is the greatest day it'll be hard to have a nibbles and sips party when my house is so mossy no problem we'll get rid of it it grew back that's just what happened at the farm okay new plan let's have the party outside well tidy up the moss later great thinking we can keep the moss from spreading by closing all the doors and windows now we can have our nibbles and sips party outside yep that must isn't going Abby claws problem and we're going to need some help to stop it some which helped kill me Hugh Miller please take us to the Wishing Tree eggs are particularly comfortable with kitty cats it's obvious the calming effect of a nurturing kitty cat over easy he's fine oh good I guess I didn't have to scramble back [Music] you go I'll keep back sitting on a balloon maybe we'll just pick a couple to tie around you oh this one looks nice no no oh look at that that's incredible look at the colors on that whenever wait maybe those ones there yes hold on balloons are floaty what if they carried eggy away Oh what am I worried about it's not like you're gonna anywhere anytime anyplace everywhere every time every place I can sleep for half a sneeze on a lamp or on some boots on a table or door on the fridge or on the floor toadstool table that's for me the list is endless can't you see let it spread out have a bed a mossy softest for my head anywhere anytime anyplace everywhere every time every place [Music] I was a great zombie [Music] you locked us out on the balcony by mistake things have a way to get us back inside and while you are in deep thought I'll see if it can climb down from here I could call Trey for help no I don't want you I don't have to but I don't want you I could marry now I could totally get down myself but if you're bored I thought you might like to help we'll be right there I see pops we'll have to wait you had me totally why do I have to do all of the hard work [Music] deserve some rest I really could have gotten down by myself I just thought it would be fun to have a playdate you know thank you telling true was my idea you must love all those cheers I'm glad they're happy but I just like to help sure helping is probably good but all that clapping that's why you helped right nope I just like helping oh okay bye bye moss I'll never forget how soft you were so very soft I'll get you something just the soft asleep on promise promise okay but I don't think you'll find anything softer than super comfy soft susumi thanks for helping whoosh I'll be back to get you after you digest and get smaller again but right now it's time for some freezing action [Music] [Music] get ready Bartleby it's about to yeah I see good thing I have built-in mittens Oh [Music] do you really think chill Z can freeze all this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] choosie did it everything's frozen [Music] [Music] [Music] Bartleby I thought I wasn't going to make it to your nipples and sips party today Sunni mosque problem your majesty let me stop different growing [Music] no possible run the airs too cold up here for clouds to lose freely [Music] we're gonna be okay there the sunlight will warm you right back up again [Music] you know this mountain isn't as high as I thought it's way higher it's too steep and cold and snowy to climb on our own now we need some fresh help to the Wishing Tree accumulo retrace and think some more what did you do before use your brain and think a lot you remember what you forgot and that memory won't be lost retrace retrace our steps to find things we lost - Rico retrace your steps that's it [Music] [Applause] you're gonna flip behind the other step with one and then another it's a different kind of race going backwards to that place to find things you love retrace and think some more what did you do before is your brain and think a lot so remember what you forgot and that memory will be lost rewind retrace retrace our steps to find things we lost or 1/2 week [Music] did you finish the rest of the juice me no what did I wait let me check no sugars no chills no brain freeze nope wasn't me it's okay I bet you just wanted to cool off a bit let's go for a swim yeah the shade sure does the trick [Music] wish come true okay twisty let's twisty twist the moss and make it go away [Music] [Applause] rodeo rainbows that's great thanks true [Music] [Applause] [Music] that reminds me of a tiny juice ball it's making me thirsty jillsy really helped clean up that moss but twisty made enough to zuni juice for the whole rainbow kingdom I love that says Unni juice and it's great with fishy poof crackers okay things are looking really switched up around here these come from true so the giant came of crystal hide-and-seek how are we gonna know which one's the real switcheroo with all the copies Wow first we'll have to gather up every last crystal there is okay but how can we find all the crystals if we can't even see where they all are he don't need to see them you just have to smell them oh yeah hey smell pepperminty I need you to find all the crystals wherever they are they smell like peppermint can you sniff them out for us [Music] [Music] [Music] hey I'm getting good with these finger things now we gotta figure out which is the real switcheroo you know the living C oh yes we go way back I knew it when it was just a little puzzle rainbow king how good to see you these are my friends true and Bartleby they're very eager to meet you the pleasure is all mine the living C doesn't look very lively today if you don't mind me asking um your retinas are you feeling okay the heat it makes me sleepy heat makes me sleepy too the living C must be part cat but your water is always cold even on hot days that is correct a family of ice stars keeping nice and cool I stars yes they keep the living C cool just like the ice cubes and bottle easily goes barely dude you can find them out in the deep water but I am not feeling them today shocking pink if something happened to the ice stars then the living sea would get warm to warm for the sea creatures to live in we'll go and check on the ice starts right away Oh that would be most appreciated oh he's so bouncy right now catch we don't want to catch the baby that'll only scare him but we can make it a game catch me if you can oh yeah no one's catching this to me every time though way comes to catch you keep moving closer to the Wishing Tree gotcha and to make it even more fun we'll make it extra tricky to catch you I have just a wish to help us we're going to play catch me if you can can you show me how you'll camouflage him if he's about to get caught playing catch me if you can with Bartleby wanna play [Music] [Music] [Music] it's hurting going loves this game I'm so good so god I mean cool camouflage I see nice moves be keep it up and when we've go away right back to the Wishing Tree [Music] no one's gonna catch me here you changed back you know I do not know what's going on yes when the chick saw its reflection in the puddle it changed back into her Zelda it would be a bastard he's my year wish to change all the chicks back [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you ready to help me change everyone back let's go thanks true why do I have this urge to eat corn on the cob this would be much easier with a bigger mirror Fleck dough I need you to be bigger so every jiggy can see itself [Music] [Music] [Applause] it was the last one everybody's back to hang themselves again sweet but where's Hatcher right here we must get her to her mama on Mount tippy tippy top before she kisses anyone else there's no time to waste [Music] [Applause] oh mama you know Terry Byrd we do a little shopping from the festival Wow do you think it worked only one way to find out these islands are so beautiful [Music] well how there are two in battle be hi farmer Moss sir we're having the nibbles and sips party for the rainbow cake today and we were wondering if we could have some fresh-squeezed a Zuni juice wow how did you know that's why everyone comes to the Zuni mas island it's like he can read minds I am very impressed by this farmer zingy goodness of the Zuni juice comes from there's a Zuni Mass we grow right here in our fields Sunni mosque so cozy so very softly soft we can only grow it on this island because it grows so fast watch that is fast now I'll show you how this mask gets juiced just one more second okay I really have to stop now here we have our Zuni juicer there's a Zuni Mass is scooped up and then dropped into the juicer it squishes and stretches the mass and then twist it to squeeze all the juice out almost almost and that is freshly squeezed the Zuni juice enjoy take as many as you like for you nipple indeed beer CIPA thing thanks farmer monster anytime bye-bye now you don't belong there mas come on be right with you I should probably give this back to farmer monster farmer monster hey oh well guess I'll just have to hold on to this very soft piece of moss super soft soft moss of ultimate softness Wow so soft all settled oh you bet I don't know and I don't want to find out [Music] it's a slow elfling wait come back you're Huck was keeping me warm thanks warm oh can I keep you forever neither can I hi I'm true and this is my best friend Bartleby could you please take us to the top of Mount tippy tippy top booty dude what's he trying to tell us to go home we are so not going home snow elfling the rainbow King has though with chewy buoys to help them get well we have to find a special feather from a he note re bird who lives at the top of the mountain let us pass I don't get it I don't know B we can't understand what he's singing stop Oh Oh true I got this won't help no we have a wish that can [Music] hi Bobby can you translate with the snow l sing the same so we can understand him [Music] Willie don't take the pass it's the long way up to the mountaintop back this way is a secret passage through the mountain it's warm and it's safe and it has a great shortcut to the top easy peasy mountain squeezy I added the last part thank you so much sue elfling lead the way please doctor [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tastes like doozies soup that way better butter bottle we borrow we look [Music] oh that's so nice bunch of new wishes II they'll learn so much about their powers when you train them for true indeed your highness I'll have lots to note in the Wikipedia then I'll leave you to it ring by rainbow King welcome to the Wishing Tree my name is Z and I'm here to take care of you know what's this wish why hello there aren't you curious hmm that's worth noting [Music] great gravity you're an eraser wish no no that's not a bad thing I'll teach you to control your erasing powers I think I'll call you going wishes overboard stay right there go away [Music] [Music] okay go away my table my stuff that's weird true Bartleby I wish named GUI is missing before I could teach you go away how to control his powers she got startled and ran away that's never happened before no that's terrible please bring going back to the wishing trade before the entire kingdom gets erased we'll do everything we can see not true go away is heading that way [Music] No my blankie blanket was in there grape fizzy boof crackers my favorite cushy pillow pillow subset great idea P will get go away to have a nap would you like to have a snooze before I start cool 11c all by yourself we've brought you some help oh all right Josie it's time to chill the living sea [Music] let's see how far you can ice things over [Applause] great job Chelsea you can chill up now from all your challenge so much better thank you for the chill true you're welcome living sea isn't stopping [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fabulous yeah I was pretty great wasn't I huh but nobody was around to see me do it except for you guys no but how do you feel actually really good for some reason huh I could get used to this how does that my girls must feel me another one no kidding I'll have them build a giant statue of me instead they're a lot less Stompie ready to have zillion turn you back into just one Bartleby Bartleby mm-hmm yeah not yet I don't want to let Sookie finish with the other news first please all splendid work rainbow God my scepter is a shiny as a star now I'm ready to go to truce house for their nipples and sips partying a wall of moss I don't think it's my season can you try Junius what a predicament [Music] oh it's getting worse if we don't stop this fast the rainbow kingdom will turn into the Zuni Mustang dog Oh terrible thing it's a Sunni mosque kingdom would be [Music] you've seen what's going on around here right I know I'm just gonna miss it so much hoo Bartleby time to get this multi problem under control and puff and blow the moss away [Music] [Applause] hmm harder no you can do it when you inhaled the most ripped off and went right into your mouth can you inhale the rest of it great job Luce now for the inside the inside to Bartleby okay [Music] now let's clean up the rest of the neighborhood [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'll clean up I think you mean excuse me [Music] [Music] okay that's not on the same page music [Music] a spray do you know a song that these checks might like great there's so many of them no well if we can get hotter urine get a better look then maybe we can pick out the right chick these days ray great job [Music] the real ones hard to pick out they all look the same yeah they all have those big dewy eyes and cute little tails with that one little red feather one little red feather yeah just like the one Hatcher tip of my nose [Music] [Music] thanks true oh I brought a special surprise for this year's festival I know tari egg the human Tory mama bird lays only one egg every thousand years oh and speaking of the festival truth I am a bit concerned about all the royal functions I must attend to while watching the egg I can watch the egg for you while you do all your fun to one the kingly duties really what that acute true you're always so helpful Oh [Music] true aren't you already busy with a bunch of events today kind of him but I can do all that and watch the egg no problem Thank You true enjoy the fun no one no system [Music] yeah the egg is well an egg but this ice-cream cone is amazement true check out my multi-flavored mega scoop mustard the rainbow city salute on your way judge true have fun I got this you go honk it up with the buses and I'll tootle around with eggy here thanks fee cats work is never done who's my eggy [Music] I know what a pleasant surprise see there's a giant princess Chris bought on the loose and we need some wish help true don't tell the wishes I'm here stand easy it keeps the wishes company when I'm not around you're flat Z fell a little flat Z back to the drawing board and back to your copies please wishes was there something you needed help with true yes yes true needs help there's a problem with the Grizz Bhatt is Chris Potts the fabulous giant robot and my Grizz Mo's made for me giant robot hmm I'm sure we can find a solution let's have a sit and think about this I don't sit on mushrooms then why are we all sitting at a time like this anyway it helps us think things through anyway the Chris bot is out of control with Frankie stuck inside it's starting to wreck things around rainbow city how do you plan to fix the problem well I need some wish help to stop the Grizz bought from stomping around but I also want to keep rainbow city and fruit be safe my fruit a wolf comes gets so cranky when he misses his belly rubs I'm sure the Wishing Tree can help with the Grizz but not a belly rub the Wishing Tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready cuz you three freakin creepy here you're wonderful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that amazing what I guess it was a little amazing a little okay Oh God amazing these are very interesting wishes let's look them all in the Wikipedia [Music] oh it's amazing Thanks your first wish is blue boo it makes a coating of glue so sticky strong anything will stick to it it'll have to be really strong if it's gonna hold princess Grizz bought your second wish is bring it it's a powerful magnet wish that can call any object made of metal towards it you mean like my princess gray spot don't you get a scratch on her your third wish is zillion well it can take one thing and make it into lots and lots of that big so if I had a diamond I could make it into lots of diamonds or we can use it to help stop princess Grizz bot somehow oh that sure Thank You Z and thank you Wishing Tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] Chris bot you know it could be so much more dazzling in here with a little glitter some jewels no thanks smells pepper methey what kind of crystal smells pepperminty hmm may be able to tell us we clean it up a little I don't know it just happened I think this crystal just made your juice ball switch places with that shovel now what do you know an actual working for real switch to magic switch I'm above you switch with my thing switcheroo switcheroo that's good yeah yeah that's what I said have you ever seen anything so amazing I [Music] don't know and you're an extremely handsome kitty cat switcheroo Switzer bodies I can't be what about me how am I supposed to be a human what are all these fingers for all they do is wiggle around when are you going to get here to help me with my garden the christma are ruining everything help me true thanks for me say something like what [Music] [Music] like this we have to we promised we'd help grab that crystal and we'll try and figure it out there okay but the second we get there I want to be a cat again zooni mas problem your majesty but we stopped it from growing once we get it all shoveled up it's nibbles and sips frog hey look the weather couldn't be better for it all warm and sunny warm and sunny I've got a soggy sinking feeling about this true I should have left that piece of moss back on Zazu me Moss Island I'm sorry true I did this it's all my fault it's okay Bartleby we'll get things back to normal it's my last wish twisty the twist wish how can twisting stop the moss from mossing how that wish does is twist twist twist feel like we've seen twisting like this before know where I twisted dough into pretzels yesterday for lunch they were delicious yum oh wow okay really good and I twisted a balloon into Mouse for you this morning I love that balloon Mouse and while it lasted and then juicer we saw a monster's farm it had a funnel that twisted the moss made the juice wait a minute Bartleby that's it twisting turns a Zuni mall Santas Azumi juice the moss is gone and only juice is left sounds like a great plan if anyone can get rid of this Moss at you true thanks rainbow king ready B always except for when I'm napping but I'm not so yes [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 699,830
Rating: 3.9349844 out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, compilation, big mossy mess, season 2, episodes, episode, clips, guru studio, kids show, preschool series, rainbow kingdom, rainbow, bartleby, true and bartleby
Id: n_KXgV6FdDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 42sec (3822 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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