True and the Rainbow Kingdom | Fee Fi Fo Frookie Compilation | Season 2 Episode Clips

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[Music] Bartleby true hey I'm so glad to see you did you miss me of course Bartleby are you two okay yes but we're trapped down here and froofy is thinking about getting more Julie kisses we'll get you out right away no more riddles for you too I think you can you both out of my days now hold on this pit I remember now this is where I buried my treasure doggy found it little sticks I can't get them out without my shillelagh I am NOT saving this awful maze without my Fergie kids do you understand me yes Wow you'd make a really good maze droll you know that don't worry I have a wish that can help get everyone out of there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I need your roofing help to pull our friends out of this pit can you help us [Music] let go of that thing no it's my treasure he's got it your treasure is no good if our friends can't bring it up because they're stuck down there oh this is all my fault I need to fix this little sticks now I need a new shillelagh jhaza steel mr. troll we can help each other out of this mess you want us to work with him he's been trying to stop us all day the only way we'll get everyone out is by working together Griselda [Music] ready ro Puru Reddy Griselda uh-huh I wish working together didn't mean happen to hold a stinky feet i watch them just last year that's never good what we're stopping we're going to have you Fermi Valley you gonna be like I got you huh drew why are you slobbering on me Landon happy farming valley it's nap time yes it is and I like their style you like tangy times but their mouths are huge what if I fall in are you sure pretty sure pretty sure oh don't be scared they love you remember and if anything happens I'm right here to help okay um here's sky blob who eat your tangy Tom Tom from your mom mom with the yum yums [Music] maybe this now maybe hmm maybe we're having trouble feeding the sky blobs they won't eat the tankey tum-tums try holding the fruit in your mouth are you okay be so much fluffiness but I didn't eat you right [Music] that's my super brave kitty come on won't even more candy time comes to fill those big blobby bellies I can do this I can do this I can do this baby feeding mama be Thanks hey fun fact sky blub tongues feel like slobbery sandpaper wait little blob let's get you in your family home are you thirsty need a belly rub what just saying thank you mama oh you're welcome this tent is staying up only took me 10 tries I am awesome I forgot you were in there true sorry thanks a lot be just setting up the sleeping bags it's so beautiful oh here there's nothing better than going glamping glamorous camping everyone named Griselda is glamping these days I still can't believe she agreed to come with us there's dirt here you know camping is supposed to be roughing it right Oh believe me I know I didn't even pack my sparkly bottle wash isn't that right Ruby sounds like someone's got a really bad cold [Music] Wow our house was not orange and blue before I wonder what's going on let's see if anyone else's house is changing color each time we hear that sneeze something changes color you'd better take a look at yourself your little dream huh what do you think true does it bring out the color in my eyes your hair [Music] [Music] coming from the rainbow castle Oh No [Music] true Bartleby oh by greed this I'm so happy you're here your greenness check out my greenness I see what you mean what's so sorry it seems I've caught a nasty case of there were two key movies what shootie bunnies yes they make me very sneezy and as you may have noticed tend to confound my colors I'll say everything changes color when you sneeze but it'll be okay right purple puppet know from what I've read if I note remedy by what you we will be soon the color changes will spread and stay that way forever forever there has to be some way to stop it your highness according to legend the only cure is to be tickled by the feather of a he note re birth it's a magical bird that this high atop tippy tippy talk but it's so steep but cold and snowy no one's ever made it all the way up well we will because we're gonna get you that letter true you bus it it's far too dangerous you're our friend rainbow King when a friend is in need we do whatever we can to help isn't she the greatest I mean isn't she come on Bartleby wait before you leave please crash will be me true I have bad news I've made a model of the Sun and the moon and by my calculations if they're not separated soon they'll smush together into one big piece a moon with no sunlight or moonlight at all we have to fix this it's time to see if Zeppelin can separate the Sun in the [Music] hey just a dream [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] blew the sunny movers stuck together can you help me fix it set it up all right I'm going to guide you between them then you get really big and push them apart okay [Music] [Music] if they're working finally see wish tummy it's a nice tummy let's give you that blow helping fresh [Music] are you thanks for trying but the Sun and Moon are just too big to be pushed apart you should get some rest [Music] true how goes the which work have you separated the Sun in the moon not yet whatever you're trying next true we have to hurry or my ninja Kitty skills are set for awesome froakie Oh am I happy to see you yeah was happy to see you yeah okay now careful where you step around here this maze is filled with booby traps [Music] we have to get out of the space yeah do you be most Pookie this is no time to be sitting on your behind take it back your behind is the best we'll never get the ice stars out of here until things warm up again and you only have one wish left whomp it how can a stomping wish help us warm up the canyon hmm wait maybe we don't need warmth but notice he was frozen do you remember how the feeble bounced on the ice and cracked it yeah and then I almost got wet oh yeah don't forget stuff like that when the ice stars will be free and we can get them out of here [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay one pit stop it the lantern festival is still going on no sky pops good stay away from my babies lanterns away from my children I forgot the lanterns did that when they land or hit something they with the funny sound that way they don't leave any mess anywhere well there's just way too many lanterns [Music] but if we pop all the lanterns will ruin the lantern festival hmm what do we do let's think about that okay let's think if we could make a path for the sky blips to fly through then we wouldn't have to pop all the lanterns just some of them yeah yeah great idea right on let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's okay Mama's best friend is taking care of those scary bad lanterns okay just listen to your mama and follow me to that chilly north Griet Optiplex nothing to worry about here sky gloves we showed those lanterns who's boss no nothing's gonna stop my sky bluffs I'm getting home to the chilly north [Music] [Applause] [Music] I truly Zelda the wishes and I are camping these three have even earned their merit badges can't be sure is fun are we still talking about camping was so five minutes ago we're actually not here about camping we're here about a maze a maze ooh I love puzzles sounds like fun it's a giant maze that fruity and Bartleby are trapped in oh that's a lot less fun let's sit and have a think about this no thanks princesses don't sit on mushrooms [Music] eventually how can the Wishing Tree help true well this maze is really tricky once they move around in everything [Music] these are some fantastic wishes let's see what the worship edia says about them [Music] your first wish is dot spot it can make as many dots as Miriam perfect we can use thought spot to find our way backward of the maze so we don't get lost we'll just follow the dots rub our new polka dots are fabulous this is a wish with style your second wish is Roe Peru this rope wish is a great help for when you need to climb things or to tie things together there might be handy for pulling us out of a tricky spot and lastly you have sloths be a rare and unusual wish indeed this wish can put anything into slow motion I'm just not sure how soon things down can help save our friends I'm sure you'll find a way true I have to agree and I'm always right Thank You Z and thank you Wishing Tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] good luck you too I'm sure you'll do amazing eggs are particularly comfortable with kitty cats it's obvious I didn't have to scramble [Music] [Music] [Music] ooh maybe we'll just pick a couple to tie around you oh this one looks nice no no oh look at that that's incredible look at the colors on that whenever wait maybe those ones there hold on balloons are floaty what if they carried eggy away Oh what am I worried about it's not like you're gonna Oh No cherry Jubilee true these nibbles and sips are superb thank you your highness and best of all there's no moss left in the rainbow kingdom here here Bartleby I haven't forgotten my pop promise I knew you wouldn't I got you a new pillow to nap on that's just those soft as moss hey thanks true but there's no way a pillow could be as soft as you keep little blobby company while I go see if the missing up Stars are underwater Bubba time to do your stuff [Music] let's go under the sea I'll find the rest of your family a rope rope doing under the sea [Music] [Music] but first let me give you a sneak peek inside fantastic one hallway becomes more always within doors begin popping up everything's all twisty and turny and where will that leave you to as I said you are free to enter what do we do true never fight for Umberto be in that maze don't worry Griselda get them out of there but we need some wish help to do it if you're going to the Wishing Tree then I'm coming too you bet you are the only way we can do this is if we do it together now I know why they call it the Chile nor the city we help the sky bugs get home TomTom anybody Oh Ricky bless sandpaper tongue please I'm so proud of you great mama hmm thanks true huh side by his wish power will wear off soon though then the sky blobs won't see me as their mama anymore hurtle b-side bys wish power doesn't last this long it wore off ages ago it did so the sky blobs love me for being me yep just like I do Bartleby oh oh oh what is the baby Wyatt I didn't ever tell you time time fruit that time I think that was just a kiss [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa Grizelda you changed back you know I do not know what's going on here Pookie hold on we'll never get out of this maze if we get stuck okay I'll go first then you it's just a door painted like a troll just another freaky troll door this one's worse than the last I get that a lot to keep going through my maze you need to answer another riddle if you don't solve the riddle by the time this birdbath sinks into the floor you must leave Mari maze riddle us your riddle mr. troll we're ready it's the part of the bird that's not in the sky it can go in the birdbath and yet it stays dry what is it I can go in the birdbath yet it stays dry maybe it's a smelly armpit is too quick we have a better chance of touching it sky and that shadow can go in the birdbath and knocked out wait I know what the answer is it's so little sticks right again [Music] you may pass again but I'll be around every corner to give you more riddles until you finally see you soon I like us both being the best meet you true you didn't what is that it's a face bubble he's never used one before no he think we found another way for you to see each other more you real your Majesties no matter where you are you can talk to each other by face bubble now we'll be able to see you in the nighttime and I'll be able to see you in the daytime hugs this is the greatest day [Music] true it's gotten really slippery again I guess multi Naville anch that fast made the path I see we went three steps forward and a hundred steps back then we'd better start climbing just watch out for the slippery parts this time oh I will [Music] true maple king is getting worse the titanium is changing colors please hurry I'll say stripes I don't know and I don't want to find out wait come back your hug was keeping me warm Thanks can I keep you forever another okay if you were the brain booking where would you want to set up my nibbles and zips party so many choices them let's see here Bartleby what this is the perfect spot that's where all the snack action is Wow getting ready for a juice party with the king sure is making me wish then it's time for a super sweet sweet zuny juice nectar of the gods after you excuse me oops sorry was that the last one you just gave me a great idea do you want to use a straw like at the time muster no silly we can get some freshly squeezed those any juice for the rainbow cake and I know just where to get did you hear that that's Bartleby we're going the right way but how do we keep going the right way there's so many hallways we'll work together to find the right ones but before we can go any further let's make sure we can find our way back out of the space fine can you leave a trail of dots behind us as we walked Oh sparkly pink it's like he knows me that night strong part of me would just leave these dots but I need that dog to find my long-lost treasure so mean truly is even walking you fall in here before that means we've been here before walking around in circles no way how is it possible I don't know dog spots still dotting so we should have known oh he's a big meanie without those dots to show us where we've been never get back out you solve that problem later right now we have to stop the troll from stopping us stop spot can you make us one big giant dog trying to pick up this start come on [Music] this is quite the variety of wishes let's see what the wish you PDS says about them huh that page shouldn't be blank or this one or this one it's enlightening everything in the book has been erased go he must have bounced on the Wikipedia and erased the pages by accident don't worry if anyone can remember the wishes it's you you look familiar [Music] I can still feel it how can I still feel it but not see it it's a camouflage recipe of course Heisey this wish can hide something by making it the same color as the things around it so it's harder to see oh that's fun hide you can definitely help us play games go away now what's this second wish looks like a spot a dot dot spot this is a wish that can leave a trail of dots for you to follow a trail of dots we couldn't make a trail of dots to lead go way back to the Wishing Tree that would be a great game and this way can you give us another clue I have no idea who you are or what your power is if only the Wikipedia didn't get erased the rainbow king is going to be so mad when he finds out just talk to him I'm sure he can help you somehow Thank You Z and Thank You Wishing Tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] screamer's nice the entire Wikipedia has been erased I'm so sorry your highness it's alright Z accidents happen but you can fix it right and under race everything I can't fix the Z but you can you know every wish there is to know you just need some help to remember them all and the best way to do that is to retrace your steps retrace your steps yes you think back to what you did step by step by step by step retrace and think some more what did you do before use your brain and think a lot you remember what you forgot and that memory won't be lost [Music] retrace retrace our steps to find things we lost to Rico steps that's it so what wishes did you study today there was flat sir the flattening wish and going the eraser wish huh and yesterday that was brush Li the brushing wish and boohoo the kraang wish oh you're retracing your steps and soon you'll remember the name of truths third wish let's ever think about this snore for the sniffing wish splendid boo-boo makes everything stick to its glue trail when glue boo arrived we got another new wish that day it couldn't understand what I said I had to speak backwards to it and it moved backwards - just like truth third wish that's the one why did it move backwards because because it's a rewind wish this is definitely a tooth bubble call you have to be scared little friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] I didn't see ya I may save you wish to save us what come in real handy right now your wishes name is re we it's a rewind wish that can help you do things over again we we only understands you if you speak backwards to him and that gives me an idea for how to fix everything if I put reawy and away together then real we can help go away go backwards and auto race everything that go away erased two wishes together how very clever that's never been done it's brilliant no courageous no thanks I'll let you know how it goes okay B let's help go Avery trace his steps and underbase everything including my tail my tail my tail yes really it's time to reawy I mean rewind [Music] come true okay twisty what's twisty twist the moss and make it go away [Music] [Applause] hero Ringo's that's great thanks drew [Music] [Applause] [Music] that reminds me of a tiny juice ball it's making me thirsty lucien jillsy really helped clean up that moss but twisty made enough to zuni juice for the whole rainbow kingdom see I love that says Sunni juice and it's great with fishy poof crackers are we ever going to stop this troll from stopping us let's think about this I need to get away from him he knows this maze inside out yeah he's sneaky just have to slow him down enough so we can catch up to fruity and Bartleby and I have just the wish sloppy [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice whoopee let's put the brakes on this riddle ticular stroll here's your next riddle what jumps in the air [Music] slowpoke stay with him fluffy and keep him nice and slow this way wait a minute I went through first remind me to add this to the Grizz Moe's laundry list smelly's with me over here wherever here is [Music] [Applause] [Music] kruky now is not the time for wait you're behind save us last time keep going work that tail boy be true play I'm so glad to see you did you miss me of course Bartleby are you two okay yes but we're trapped down here and froofy is thinking about getting more drooly kisses we'll get you out right away yes it's me again no more riddles for you too I'm kicking you both out of my days yeah hold on this pit I remember now this is where I buried my treasure Oh doggy found it Oh crazy sky is perfect don't you see we can finally be together all the time I just have to stay on my side well I stay on my side this is the best thing that's ever happened everyone please excuse us I must finally convince my sister that day time is the best time I'm afraid that's impossible because nighttime is the best time goodbye this is most unusual most unusual indeed maybe it'll be fine night time at the same time more like crazy time a little but it's okay I think please go to sleep nice calming moonlight whenever you on the night side and the ones on the day side can't pass [Music] [Music] come on good one B excuse me bus but could you please pull over so the other buses can get by oh I get it buddy side a raft and some paddles and there's still what this must be where they brought the I star well some things making it cold around here [Music] [Applause] it's okay we didn't mean to startle you I'm true and this is Bartleby they're wondering how we found their Cove and I'm wondering how I know that Bartleby you speak Rakesh a little I mean you know cats are very good talkers we followed you here are you the ones who move the ice cars they say they brought the ice stars here to cool down their home they really like to play on the ice but the eye stars belong in the living scene without them it's too warm for the creatures who live in the water they say they're sorry they just wanted to freeze the lagoon and go skating they didn't know they were warming up the living sea but they sure cool things down in here all the oysters in one spot maybe too much chill [Music] [Music] papi just the helper and we need to find my long-lost treasure I brought sparkly sandwiches who packed these those are glam bitches after tasty and gorgeous [Music] [Music] [Music] come get your glance he definitely went in here it's breathtaking and you can't go in don't worry true I'll find a little drill machine in here who are you Oh clearly you've never heard of a maze troll before where meanies poke when I'm not guarding this maze I'm actually quite nice why would anyone build something so unglamorous who to hide my precious treasure for those who would try and steal it my treasures in there for good reason between you me and the tree I put this maze so big and tricky that no one can find my treasure but a dog with nose powers oh your puppy pooch will find my treasure for sure mr. troll both our friends are in there now we have to find them but the only way to enter my maze is to solve a riddle how many berries from these baskets of Plenty can you eat before your stomach is no right I mean way more than one berry riddle said how many berries can you eat before your stomachs no longer empty if you eat one berry it's not empty anymore little sticks that is correct oh you may enter [Music] would you like to have a snooze cat with no tail is like a cat with no clothes wait I hardly ever wear clothes wait I'm not wearing a rope for a tail is your talent a tizzy because oops I mean don't worry once we hope go away get back to the Wishing Tree we'll fix everything including my tail huh promise ha promise ok I'm buying that flower for a tail really hey Jeff one in blue you again I don't do tail feathers Oh fuzzy okay this has gotta stop you're just making me sad now [Music] see I'm still seeing you true and bottle bleep thank you for bringing go way back to the Wishing Tree and for fixing the Wikipedia along with everything else obviously everything's back to normal again thanks little helpers I'm all good now [Music] [Applause] I need some ingredients please wishes [Music] that soup smells different it's for the king it won't heal him but it should help him rest until we find a cure for his watch true gala and watching me whoa whoa chill ooh-hoo he's cold I knew you'd like it so how can the Wishing Tree help you we have to climb out tippy tippy top what that mountain is gigantic I don't think that's a good idea it's the only way to get a he notary feather to tickle the King and get rid of his what uni buddies along with my soup they're nice and cozy your highness how about some homemade soup oh thank you well that's different oh what's that behind you huh I didn't see anything Oh sipped all your soup I hope it helps oh yes I can feel it working already [Music] hey I'm the same color as my soup [Music] [Music] everyone okay that's not on the same page no music [Music] a spray do you know a song there's so many of them no hotter urine get a better look then maybe we can pick out the right chick thanks T's ray great job [Music] hard to pick out they all look the same yeah they all have those big dewy eyes and cute little tails with that one little red feather one little red feather yeah just like the one Hatcher tickled my nose Rafi by NYC me one red feather that must be Hatcher thanks true my treasure kids working together did the trick I knew it was your treasures a dog bone yeah a dog bone that's why I needed a puppy to find it you put my precious fruit key through all of this just to get a little glittery dog bone you are a meanie you're right I've been such a meanie to you today just to stop people from coming at the maze and getting lost I hope you can forgive me here this is bring you you kept saying you or me troll but you can be a nice one too you just gave your treasure to my treasure resist this little cutie I suppose it wouldn't hurt if you visit fruit cave and then really are we gonna get out of here what's glamping it's sparkly you like it [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 559,539
Rating: 3.745331 out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, frookie, season 2, episode, episodes, clip, clips, youtube kids, kids youtube, preschool series, kids show, kids shows, for kids, puppy, puppies, dog, dogs, doggy, kids cartoons, animations, fun, play, cute, little dog, guru studio, grizelda, rainbow kingdom, cartoonz
Id: 5KlzY40TJuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 49sec (3649 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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