Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Rock Pools | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] pepper and Georgia going to the seaside with granny and Grandpa pig peppa and George love the seaside there isn't any sand on this Beach pepper no sound but we wanted to make sandcastles peppa and George love making sandcastles there are not exciting things to do on this rocky beach like what when the sea goes out it leaves little peeves of water in amongst the rocks they're called rock pools and in every rocky there's something special that the sea is left behind mmm I can see something glittering maybe it's a pirate's treasure let's make a collection of all the things we find yes George's bucket what surprise is waiting in this pool oh there's nothing special in this one oh there's always something Peppa look closer something yes it's a crab the crab is pinching grandpa pig's finger oh wow George is pretending to be happy Peppa wants to be a crab too there are two naughty crabs trying to pinch me pinch pinch pinch Susu you naughty crabs go back to your little rock pools yes what can you see a seashell can you hear the sea in it what do you mean if you put a shell to your ear you can hear the sea [Music] Wow I can hear the sea I loved my seashell George can you find a seashell - that's not a shell Oh peppers right that's not a shell George has found a fossil what a fossil is the remains of an animal that lived long ago when there were dinosaurs yes they're fun for us but not for this little fish a fish poor little fish she's trapped the little fish says she wants to go back to the sea maybe you could use your bucket to rescue her yes Peppa is rescuing the little fish don't worry mrs. fish with your friends mrs. fish [Music] [Music] the balloon ride it is the day of the school fete miss rabbit is running the raffle top prize is a ride in my hot air balloon can I have a ticket please blue ticket wins a toy car well done Danny can I have a ticket please Thank You Peppa what are you hurting to win the balloon ride wouldn't it be nicer to win the homemade chocolate cake daddy pig loves homemade chocolate cake win Oh wanna teddy and a dinosaur that makes six [Music] very impressive miss rabbit you must be an expert pilot not really this is the first time I've ever flown a balloon ooh hold tight miss rabbit heats up the air in the balloon to make it rise into the sky would anyone like to do the map reading I will are you sure daddy pig I'm very good at map reading then this map is a bit difficult should we go higher the balloon is rising high into the sky don't worry pepper we're just flying through a cloud [Music] flying really high pepper be careful you don't drop don't worry pepper we'll rescue teddy whole tides everybody we're going down miss rabbit is making the balloon go down so that Teddy can be rescued I can't see Teddy anywhere I can use this anchor to rescue Teddy daddy pig has rescued Teddy oh dear no one is looking where they are going and now we're stuck daddy pig do you know where we are oh we're lost aren't we yes that's granny and Grandpa's house yes we must be in grandpa pig's garden as I thought goodness me oh hi there miss rabbit don't worry I've got a ladder everyone climbs down from the big balloon balloon how very exciting I'm afraid the most exciting thing we can offer is a piece of my homemade chocolate cake homemade chocolate cake that is exciting [Music] and that was the best chocolate cake ever [Music] today it is raining a little bit George put your rain clothes on when it rains peppa and George must wear their rain clothes George does not like wearing his rain hat George you must keep your hat on why because you must keep dry why because you might catch a cold why George do you want to play in the garden then keep your hat on going to jump in muddy puddles George does not want to wear his rain [Music] come inside the rains to heavy to play Oh George where's your hat George has caught a cold oh poor little George you don't sound well don't worry I ring dr. brown bear dr. brown bear speaking I see put George to bed and I'll be straight round thank you dr. brown bear goodbye Oh George be taken to hospital and give the medicine no judge just has to go to bed poor George let's get you straight to bed George you have to stay in bed for a bit George does not want to stay in bed see George you have to stay in bed until you are better why because you have to keep warm because dr. brown bear says so hello where's my patient open wide and say ah George is a little bit worried hmm pepper you're big and brave can you show George how to save ah hmm George has caught a cold does George need medicine no but he can have some nice warm milk at bedtime to help him sleep thank you dr. brown bear you're welcome goodbye [Music] George has been in bed all day now it is Peppa's bedtime George are you better watch it George is not better George please don't smiie so loudly this is impossible George here's some nice warm milk to help you sleep the warm milk makes George feel very very sleepy good [Music] morning George has slept very well George is better come on everyone it's a lovely sunny day George is wearing his rain hat he doesn't want to catch another cold Oh George you don't need to wear your hat why because it's hot and sunny why George can you stop saying why all the time why is better [Music] Susie sheep has come to play this is my new friend nyan nyan where is he there's no wonder Susie has made up a pretend friend pepper throws the ball to Susie's pretend friend he just doesn't like playing catch what does Leo like doing he likes to raw [Music] pepper pretends the chicken see Leo lion would you like to come inside and have some fruit cake mummy pig has two slices of fruitcake for Susie and pepper friend he's Coolio line I see and does he like fruitcake - don't be silly Peppa that was Leo that Leo prefers chocolate cake I haven't got chocolate cake will Leo have some fruitcake / mummy pig gives some cake to Susie's pretend friend George is playing with mr. dinosaur George does not know that Susie has a pretend friend nyan nyan says he can't finish his cake so George can have it yes let's play dress and go I was asking Leo Oh leo says he likes playing dressing good is going to be a fairy wish my wish is to be queen Suzy and Leo lion will be the Jester he doesn't want to be the Jester he wants to be the king here is daddy pig mummy pig tells me you have a very special visitor it's only Suzy are you sure there isn't someone else pepper oh it's an honor to meet you King Leo daddy pig pretends he can see King Leo may I say what a fine golden mane you have yes it is very fine and he's wearing his best red trousers oh yes he's wearing a blue jumper he's wearing his best green shirt well it is sort of a bluey green pepper Suzy your friends are here [Music] are you sure the ball as high as he can [Music] [Music] Susie has missed the ball pepper has missed the ball Susie like tennis George [Music] yes it's a very important job George is going to be the ball boy he has to collect the ball when it is hit too far [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] like a rabbit [Music] Richard rabbit has [Music] [Music] [Applause] the girls are chasing it sounds like you need a referee what's a referee it's someone who makes sure that everyone plays fair I'll be the referee the next team to get a goal will win the game Richard rabbit has scored a goal just a moment the boys scored in their own goal that means the girls win the toy cupboard it is pepper and George's bedtime why are all these toys on your bed that's where they quickly put the toys away in your toy basket but the toy basket is full oh so it is maybe you need a toy cupboard yes I could make one tomorrow Oh the last thing you made daddy pig was this shelf I'm very proud of that shelf [Music] all right let's buy a new toy cupboard we can buy one now on the computer mummy pig is using the computer to buy a toy current aha now which one shall we get can we have this one please that looks perfect mummy pig is buying the toy cupboard congratulations your toy cupboard is ordered it is morning and mr. zebra the postman has a special delivery special delivery for Miss Emma Pig and master George what is it it's a toy cupboard oh it looks a bit flat yes you built it yourself don't worry Peppa it'll be very easy for your mummy and daddy to build good bye now we build your toy cupboard that's strange there aren't any instructions maybe it's so easy to build it doesn't need instructions yes first I need a shelf Thank You Peppa now I need four legs [Music] lovely you'll have this done in no time it is a red door mummy pig thank you daddy pig finished well done mummy pig it is a little small Oh George just found another bed oh maybe that's a spare shelf and there's all these bits too [Music] is tiny because mummy pig has not used all the pieces we'll just have to take it apart and start again oh no if only we had the instructions who can that be hello I just found this in my van it's the missing instructions that will make things a lot easier the instructions look very complicated it's no good it's nonsense leave it to me daddy pig I quite enjoy putting these things together really can we help in any way you can put the kettle on I'll have a nice cup of tea with six sugars please everyone is preparing tea and biscuits for mr. zebra [Music] mr. zebra has built the toy cupboard my goodness that was quick yes and I've put all your toys in there too but there's no room for these last two Oh poor teddy mr. dine why not simply order another easy to make cupboard No I've got a better idea Teddy and mr. dinosaur can live on your beds that's where they lived before yes I know that's why it's such a good idea [Laughter] [Music] and her friends are going I don't feel very well the bus is very bumpy oh dear Pedro pony is feeling a bit travel sick poor Pedro come and sit in the front with me is that better a little bit Madame gazelle oh do you feel sick - Zoe I might feel sick later can I sit at the front just in case can I sit front haha I'm sorry children who can't or sit at the front [Music] this is our campsite breathing the wonderful fresh air children excellent breathing now let's put up our tents each find a partner to share your tent I said I sharing LOI oh sorry Susie I said I'll share with Rebecca Rebecca you said you'd share with me oh yes Emily who are you going to share a tent with um sewing okay good now you can share with me okay no I need sticks to make a campfire we'll get sticks but me and Pedro want to get sticks ha ha Oh Friends sticks for the campfire it is nighttime peppa and her friends are sitting around the campfire children let's all sing a song yes the Bing bong song please oh I'm not sure oh we're playing a tune and with singing a song with a bang and and [Music] oh how children I'm for bed good night children peppa and Suzy are in their sleeping bag [Music] no more giggling please what was that funny noise I don't know there it is again Suzy where are you going Madame gazelle I'm a bit scared Oh would you like to come in yes I think I'm a bit scared too can I come in please of course I think I might get there later I might be scared later - and me come in everyone can we have the Bing bong song please all right we're playing a tune and we're singing a song with a bang and a Bing [Music] grandpa pig is taking peppa and her friends for a day out on his boat everyone on board friends all where in life George you could wear my pirate hat today we are sailing to Pirate Island if we're lucky we might find buried treasure pirate island sounds like a great place pirate island what's that it's a metal detector it finds buried treasure grandpa pig is using the metal detector to find buried treasure [Music] detector has found something let's dig it up it's a little coin treasure let's find some war ah we found something else it sounds big my goodness this piece of treasure is quite heavy oh dear that is not very precious that is a rusty old shopping trolley oh maybe that's enough treasure hunting who wants to help build a big sandcastle what a good idea granny Pig now I'll just check on the boobs granny pig is going to help the children's build up big sandcastle and grandpa pig is doing important float things ah this is nice maybe I'll just close my eyes a little bit granny children are making a big sandcastle they need lots and lots of sand they use buckets to make the castles turrets what a splendid castle grandpa pig is fast asleep and the boat is drifting away we have to wake grandpa up shout as loudly as you can oh no grandpa pig is still asleep grandpa's too far away to hear us we're castaways will be here for a hundred years we'll have to eat wild fruit and berries and we'll have to eat insects and slugs the parents are here to collect the children hello everyone oh yes actually I just left something behind back in the teeth [Music] welcome aboard me hearties naughty grandpa pig we thought you'd left us behind sorry about that granny pig next time I promise not to force of course we can pepper the ducks are swimming in their pond they are very happy here at Peppa George mummy pig and Daddy pig hello ducks the Ducks want some bread sorry mrs. duck we haven't got any bread today we've got something much more fun Peppa has brought her toy boat and George has brought his dye boat Oh let's wind your boat up George George's boat works with clockwork quit George put the boat in the pond before the clockwork runs out George loves his clockwork boat mummy can you wind my boat up your boat doesn't need winding up pepper peppers boat is a sailboat the wind makes it go along I don't like my boat it doesn't do anything that's because there isn't any wind today maybe it just needs a little help it went really fast Peppa loves her sail boat here is Peppa's friend Suzy sheep hello everyone hello Suzy we're playing with our boats I've got my speedboat is it clockwork no it has batteries Suzy's speedboat uses batteries to make it go what a great speedboat sorry mrs. duck here is Danny dog with granddad dog my granddad has made me this paddle boat I say that's impressive how does it work it's steam-powered I just push the lever what a fantastic paddle boat here is Rebecca rabbit with her mummy boat Rebecca rabbit does not have a boat I've got an idea luckily I brought my newspaper along I just need one page which page can we lose news sports fashion not the fashion page okay I'll use the business page when I was a little piggy I used to fold newspaper like this it is daddy pig doing to make a paper boat daddy pig has made a paper boat George wants a paper boat too I suppose I can do without the sports train of course daddy pig is making paper boats for everyone oh let's have a race good idea mummy pig we can huff and puff and blow the paper boats across everyone take a deep breath ready steady we have a winner who had the sport page Oh Georgia's boat George is the winner everybody has had a great time [Music] the Ducks enjoyed the toy boats but they quite like having the pond back to themselves again today is a special treat peppa and George are visiting daddy pig's office daddy what do you do at your office all day lots of fun things you'll see this is the building where daddy pig works yes hello it's daddy pig hello daddy pig of course yes it's me hello me come in [Music] my office is on the top floor we have to go up in the lift the bottom I think it's George's turn press the top button George the lift is taking pepper George and Daddy peek up to the very top floor top floor doors opening this is daddy pig's office hello everyone hello daddy pig hello daddy pig mr. rabbit and mrs. cat work with Daddy pig I've brought two very special visitors with me today Oh peppa and George what an honor let's begin the tour mr. rabbit can we start at your desk we certainly can mm-hmm my job is all about numbers I take very important pieces of paper I take a rubber stamp and I stamp the paper wow what a great job mr. rabbit has can I do some stamping of course I'll just find you some paper maybe we should use some blank next up is mrs. cats desk yeah hello peppa and George my job is all about drawing sheeps on the computer oh then I print the shapes out Wow and here's another copy thank you what a nice job mrs. cat has maybe it's George's turn now that's right George it's your turn to do some work George is making blue triangles do you want to see my desk now this is daddy pig's desk my job is quite complicated I take big numbers transmute them and calculate their load bearing tangents daddy pig's job sounds very important no but I do use colouring baddies daddy can we draw with your coloring good idea peppa and George love drawing with coloring pens my goodness five o'clock already it is home time I say what a splendid picture of a house and water fierce dinosaur George and I have me doing daddy stroke and they've been doing it very well I like doing mr. rabbits job and I like doing mrs. cats job but I like doing dad [Music] peppa and her family are at the swimming pool daddy pig is wearing his swimming costume mummy pig is wearing her swimming costume Peppa is wearing her swimming costume everyone's waiting George is wearing his swimming costume George let Daddy put on your armbands [Music] there George your armbands make you look very grown-up it is George's first time at the swimming pool why don't you put just one foot into the water Amelia you should try the other foot now Georgia try both feet at the same time good idea but you don't need to splash quite so much here is Rebecca rabbit with her little brother Richard grab it and you can practice kicking your legs George would you like to try kicking your legs [Laughter] it has a toy watering gap oh dear richard has dropped his watering can into the pool sorry Richard I can't reach it's too far down mommy I can't swim underwater even I can't swim underwater please hold my glasses let me be well done daddy pig I am rather good at swimming underwater now sorry pepper diving boards are only for grown-ups Oh cheer up you two you can watch me sir nonsense I won trophies for my diving when I was younger that was quite a long time ago daddy pig its lucky I've kept myself so fit and strong please hold my glasses mummy pig you'll get a better view if you watch me from the side of course I won't splash you pepper I think I need a higher ball please be careful daddy pig dude worry pepper I told you I wouldn't splash well done daddy pig no need for my towel I've got a special way of drying myself daddy pig has splashed everyone with water daddy pig sorry everyone in Georgia helping grandpa pig pick vegetables Peppa here is a lettuce [Music] oh that's not a monster it's just a little snail oh where has he gone he's hiding in his shell is that yes it's his house look he's coming out again I'd have a bed and a table and a chair and a fridge and a television well mostly they eat my vegetables stop that cheeky rascal grandpa George and I want to pay cheeky snails oh these baskets can be your shells there now you look like hello Susie have you come to play with Peppa and George yes I don't know where they are it's just me and these two snails here we were pretending to be snails can we be smells - I don't think I have enough baskets for you all oh you could be something else though something exciting from the garden a carrot Rebecca rabbit likes carrots no Rebecca not carrots come over here grandpa why is that doll's house making up funny Elsie that's not a doll's house Peppa it's Abby's house it's called a hive look here's one now she's collecting nectar from the flower and then she flies back to behive to make it into honey I like honey let's pretend to be busy bees what do we have here Rani busy bees buzz ah would you busy bees like some toast yes and what would you like on your toast that's lucky because that's what I've made toast and honey I like being the bee because they eat lots of lovely honey I like being a snail because they eat Oh grandpa's lattice Oh cheeky rascal [Music] today is the school sports day peppa and her friends are all here run as fast as they can I can run it two million miles Peppa Suzy stop talking and run Oh Rebecca rabbit is in the lead Rebecca rabbit wins peppa and Suzy lost I would have won if you hadn't been talking to me Suzy no no pepper remember it's not winning that matters but taking part Richard have to see who can jump the farthest George George has jumped as far as he can if she doesn't run he won't jump very far Richard the rabbit ready which rabbit jumped further than George and the winner is Rachel [Applause] [Music] remember it's not the winning that matters but taking part to pick a parent to race with you not very good at running I was very good when I was a little baby but now you have a big Thomas but I can still touch my toes but you must run very fast the mummies and daddies will run the first part of the race and then having the battens to the children in the lead don't worry Peppa is still one more event event of the day the tug-of-war boys against girls you must pull the rope with all your strength the girls will win no my boys the boys were wavy [Music] everyone is pulling so hard I love the school sports thing expecially when I win prize mysteries [Music] peppa and her family are watching their favorite television program Detective potato I am detective potato the world famous detective oh please mr. detective I cannot find my flower anywhere hmm your flower is on the top of your head [Music] I could do that oh I'm sure you could Peppa daddy when I grow up I want to be a famous detective George wants to be a detective too if you're going to be detectives you'll each need a hat detectives always wear hats now you look like two proper detectives and we need one of those funny things that makes everything look fake a magnifying glass I think we've got one in the kitchen drawer a real magnifying glass how does it work you hold it in front of things and they look bigger the magnifying glass makes the little fish look big the magnifying glass makes George's eyes look very big now what you detectives need is a mystery to solve daddy what's a Miss story a mystery is something detectives are good at sorting out Oh like finding things lost I know we can find George's toy dinosaur that's always getting lost dinosaur team mr. dinosaur is not lost you're always losing not today I'm wearing my glasses it's not fair there aren't any miss stories would you like me to make you a mystery daddy pig is going to make a mystery now what's on the table the little fish Teddy the jack-in-the-box and mr. dinosaur that's right now look very hard and try to remember them all the little fish Teddy a jack-in-the-box and mr. dinosaur have you remembered them okay you just have to go outside for a moment alright you can come back inside one thing is missing from the table do you know what mr. dinosaur is man little fish jack-in-the-box so who's missing teddy that's right Teddy's gone well-done pepper and George it was quite easy for us we are famous detectives ah but that's only half the mystery where is Teddy gone what are those little things on the floor cake crumbs the magnifying glass makes the cake crumbs easy to see I wonder if Teddy has been eating cake and the crumbs feed this way Teddy's been eaten the crumbs lead into peppermint George's bedroom how can we find teddy ask me some questions but I will only answer yes or no mystery is solved oh do you still want to be a detective when you grow up pepper is quite hard next time I want to be the one who makes mysteries [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Toy Videos
Views: 2,236,538
Rating: 3.7741675 out of 5
Keywords: pig cartoon episodes, cartoons, peppas, peppa pig clips, Peppa's, clips, funny, Mandy Mouse, cartoon, familyÊ, fun, peppa pig, peppa pig compilations, adventure, clip, peppa full episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episode, compilation, peppa pig toys
Id: OqZ3Etm-vB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 2sec (3842 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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