How Danny Phantom Wasted Our Time

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there's [Music] still slaps seriously Danny Phantom's Theme Song is Iconic unskippable and unlike the romance it didn't waste my time yeah no matter how much I love this show as a kid I can't escape the fact this might be the best worst example of will they won't they bullshit I've ever seen there's no reason Dany and Sam shouldn't have waited till the finale to hook up with the show having the audacity to act smug about it convinced that it's playing 40 chess when really they just press pause for 40 fucking episodes I love Danny Phantom but when it comes to the shipping drama it's straight up ghosted us especially when there was clearly a better option I'm sarcastic chorus and this is how Danny Phantom wasted our time now what I want you to do next is to pause the video and go listen to the Danny Phantom theme song as copyright won't let me play it and the Geneva conventions won't let me sing it but the story of a young Danny Fenton began pretty inconspicuously with his ghost hunting parents building a portal to the ghost dimension their basement no they don't have real jobs and no we don't know how they're able to pay for all this in spite of being Geniuses they forgot to put the on off button on the outside machine so their son accidentally flipped it when he wandered in to impress a girl there was a great big flash everything just changed and my dude died technically not but now he's half ghost with all sorts of ghostly Powers he chooses not to share with his scientist parents out of fear that they'll dissect him leaving Danny his two friends Sam and Tucker to keep the world safe from ghosts while surviving the real hell high school it's premises Bare Bones was not an original one in them which should come as no surprise since all its creators famous for his tracing art and starting a failed Christian streaming service however while the show may have copied Spider-Man's homework it's still super fun lending the right amount of superhero hijinks with a soft horror aesthetic it's really no surprise that this show was as popular as it was but then the show ran to the prom everyone that has copied homework has run into you're gonna copy their mistakes as well and there has never been an answer more wrong than Spider-Man's love life this is basically its own video but a quick summary I fucking hate Spider-Man's love life it's a never-ending horse race that punishes you for caring the only constants being Peter Parker's martyr complex and the price tag maybe you get lucky and find a couple you really Vibe with maybe they even get married and for a brief second you think your ship is safe except psych they sold their mayor to the devil to save the life of a 102 year old geriatric and we're right back to playing the waiting game despite the end game being obvious Spider-Man's love life isn't written to be fun or satisfying it's written to deny closure people are invested in these relationships they desperately want to see them happen so they follow along praying that it will eventually happen but it never will as giving their audience closure will leave them satisfied they've seen the thing they've been wanting for years and they'll finally be in a place where they feel like they can stop reading so instead of that we get 60 years of bullshit thankfully Sam and Danny aren't that bad but in some ways they're worse with Danny Phantom proper beginning like most shows do with a starter episode that hasn't caught up to the opening yet Danny has no idea what he's doing questioning where his parents fall on the work-life balance scale and the only people he has to talk to are Sam and Tucker now Danny is solid he's the right combination of a good kid who just lucked into super powers he wants to do the right thing but he's also a teenager meaning he is a dumbass Danny is one of those Heroes you really get to see grow as a series goes on learning that just because he can doesn't mean he should and even if someone has karma coming that doesn't give him a free pass to be worse thankfully he has friends to keep him in Balance unfortunately they're definitely worse on one shoulder we got Tucker in early 2000s Tech geek who had his face glued to a screen before it was cool now Tucker he's decent I thought but upon my rewatch The Show Now is a little bit yikes as every third thing he says is a red flag especially when it comes to women he's in a desert thirsty the man has two gimmicks technology and trying to get laid and it's never good the show wants to play it off as boys will be boys when his go-to is to hit on women when they're emotionally vulnerable or that time he and Dany create a casting couch you realize this did not age well but at the end of the day Tucker is Danny's best friend well yes he can be that negative influence that encourages Dan to use his powers for the perks he's not malicious and now rip to my comments let's talk about Sam Sam is the goth girl but apparently people are gatekeeping even that I know who could have guessed Sam's a secret rich girl who hates the fact that she's privileged her whole personality is being a non-conformist having one of the worst cases of I'm not like the other girls I've ever seen but she's also 14. it honestly fits that she's trying so hard and she would be a mess doing it despite being the one to tell Danny with great power comes great responsibility she'll drop that cross the second it's something she believes in as in her mind if it's for the environment it's for the greater good which it is sometimes and while that does make her a hypocrite she's with her people all three of these idiots are inconsistent teenagers who act way more on emotions than they want to admit though that is just my excuse for the fact that this show was written by middle-aged men and they don't know how to write teenagers with characters acting out of character the second the episode wants to teach them a lesson that they didn't need or just straight up making Tucker irrelevant after season one yeah this guy might as well be gone like it's actually tragic with the peak coming though with season three screwing over everybody with a premature cancellation that led to a finale that was in my own opinion terrible but we'll talk about my bihu season 3 later as we have some actual ships to go through I'm boring you aren't I you're killing me why aren't we hanging out with Danny today the story of this relationship means that's not really having a clear idea of where Danny's love life is going for two episodes an amazing display of restraint all because of your girlfriend she's not my girlfriend I met his girlfriend seriously though in episode one people are already calling Sam Danny's girlfriend it's meant to be in a mocking way guy girl Outcast clearly they must be dating and if they're not it will still piss them off but this little call out immediately triggers that shipping part of your brain that something might be going on here even if the characters themselves don't realize it this doesn't have to mean anything but alerts you to the option and there's no take back season fandoms in the beginning Sam and Danny are just friends they've known each other since at least second grade they've always hung out with each other and that sense of having a long history really comes through even when the friends group gets heated they still have each other's back when Tucker and Sam are each other's throats over Sam ripping non-vegan options off the lunch menu Danny has to be the one to play the mediator and we see the cycle repeated with each character having their chance to be The Peacemaker no one hears perfect and they go too far but that's what makes the friend group feel so fleshed out they can have all these fights and still feel like they're good friends like Sam does have a bad habit of making things my way or the highway it's not enough that she adds more vegan options to the lunch menu she's got to remove everyone else's because that's better for the environment because they really thought people who care too much about the environment were a joke back then because of course they did or how her whole I'm not like the other girl schtick really makes her it's not vindictive but it takes her forever to warm up to anyone outside of the friend group who especially when people they're trying to warm up to are former bullies the boys don't have that problem because they're horny Sam though always has her reasons but it can be a lot to deal with and the boys are just as bad with their sex as bullshit assuming that Sam isn't a gamer because female and acting really condescending about it with not even trying to include her not to mention their whole date me and I might make you the contest winner there is a lot of stuff here that feels like it was kind of slapped together as oh that's funny and never thought through wait is this fucked up but even in spite of all that you can feel that sense of camaraderie and that sense kind of disappears as a series goes on which is sad because the actual friendship is on Full display here even as it's teasing Danny and Sam hooking up [Music] promise me you'll keep your pants up I'll do my best so like I said episode 2 is when the show drops any pretense of these two not banging the episode starts with Danny lusting over and then humiliating himself in front of local popular girl Paulina getting cock blocked by his ghost Powers Sam steps in to defend her friend calling Paulina shallow and getting a pretty good burn-in who did not just call me shallow did you if you mean do I think I could stand in a puddle full of you and not get my feet wet then yeah now I love this Danny accidentally became a laughing stock and Sam steps in to put some of that heat back on Paulina distract from D's awkward situation it's cool she's loyal and she was 100 on the money with Paulina assuming that after such a display Sam had to be Danny's girlfriend so she starts flirting with Danny to break up the couple that doesn't exist with Ghost Boy accidentally giving her a cursed necklace that transforms her into a dragon and while all of that is going on Sam keeps hating on the idea of a school dance because she desperately wants to go but her Persona won't let her just say that projecting a lot of those insecurities on Paulina Hussein has not stopped bad-mouthing the entire episode and when Dany finally picks up on it he does the right thing turns down Paulina and goes to the dance with Sam as friends except I'm lying what he actually did was zest Tugger force him to cancel his date and force him to ask out Sam instead [Music] he's not complaining though because horny wants at the dance Sam apologizes to Paulina and mean that she was ragging Hunter because she was Defensive of Dany but the second the mean girl finds out she's not a homewrecker she hands Sam back the amulet and stops pretending I'm going back inside to dump your dorky friend Sam turns into the dragon Danny saves her and they have the Last Dance which yeah you could see this as a non-romantic tender moment between a guy and a girl but that's a level of nuance our society was not capable of in 2007 as intimacy is not immediately romantic but with how these shows work any example of it is immediately coded that way the show isn't having every bully character mistake Sam and Danny as a couple to do it for a joke it's loudly telegraphing that these two are an item and wants you to internalize that which is fine like really for as much trouble as shipping will cause the show later on now it's actually executing the relationship here it's good it's heavy-handed for sure but by establishing the friendship between Sam and Danny so well to show that they've cared about each other it lets these moments of friendship bleed into something that could be seen as romantic even if they themselves don't realize it so it makes sense that they are still just friends even though from the outside it's obvious the problem with this ship is is that it takes that Dynamic and injects way too much horny we have a scene where Sam avoids trouble by having a fake out make out with Danny yes this moment was Infamous for many reasons because it showed them kissing and nothing else but for me the true problems to hurt in the episode after this one foreign now it drives me crazy about this one is that it completely lets the cat out of the bag from minute one Danny and Sam are being drowned in shipping fuel lushing while trying to warm up his hands did it bragging about the earrings he gave her did it daydreaming as he flies around the sky did it this episode takes anything that made this ship work and just rips that Band-Aid off it makes that romantic chemistry explicit you don't want to end up together I don't know maybe Sam fully realizes she's attracted to Danny who for his part definitely knows he has a thing for her as he stumbles over himself in the same way he did for Paulina pong are too smart and independent to fall for the hypnotic music in slating the town before realizing he said too much and backpedaling they're both crushing they realize it and it's all too much Danny gets caught in a love spell that makes him sip for Sam it doesn't matter just so long as we have each other it's a lot but thankfully the show doesn't play any of this as just romantic it realizes this is a violation of Danny's Free Will so Sam is not down for any of it but just to make this ship even more obvious when Tucker assumes they're dating this was his reaction and it's about time always knew you'd two end up together no shit yeah you cannot even pretend that these two aren't in game Sam ended up having to kiss Dash to break Danny's heart talking him out of the love spell neon Marceline gets her ass kicked and the two lovebirds hug it out or more accurately awkwardly press their faces together with two field distance between the rest of them we've now confirmed that these two are in love with each other but not sure how to act on it and everything after this episode is a waste of time because the sad truth is their relationship peeks here their relationship does not develop in any meaningful way after this episode until the finale 40 episodes later their relationship is just Frozen in place there's no change in how they interact with each other no realization of feelings these two are trapped in this puppy dog love crap and not acting on it which for me is just the worst way to do shipping drama refusing to let the characters date holding off on giving the audience any closure to force people to watch the next episode none of this ever feels right it feels less like a story decision and more more like you're being manipulated you always get the sense that the show can make this happen at any time but it won't because people are invested in these ships and giving us that closure means a lot of us can just stop watching and now this is the hot take say what you will about the dumpster fire that is miraculous a show designed for trash shipping where from episode 1 the main couple is in love in a convoluted love square that makes no goddamn sense and I can't believe I'm about to praise this show at least miraculous has a sense of progression it's moving at a microscopic Pace but throughout the show we see them slowly realize they're in love the love triangle gets slowly dismantled the depressed supermodel realizes he has feelings not for his crime-fighting partner but his fellow student who is also his crime-fighting partner and his crime-fighting partner who is also his stalker learned how to express her feelings without being creepy it's like pulling teeth but honestly it's so committed to pissing off 12 year olds I kind of have to respect how terribly it's handling this it's so bad is good and the glacier is moving in the direction people want to go Sam and Danny have none of that the show blew its load too early and made the Romantic feelings explicit they both know and there is no development that pushes them closer that makes you feel like we're building to anything leaving the 40 goddamn episodes where they're teasing this ship to feel irritating rather than playful there's no in-universe reason for why they aren't dating no agonizing over jeopardizing their current friendship meaning that we are painfully aware that the only thing keeping them apart is the writing which is always true but you should never be aware of that and we are hey I'm right here and making this even more obvious making this even harder to watch is that the show can't stop having everyone in the known universe point out the ship you two lovebirds may be the only students left in the entire School you like her don't you Sam I will uh goth girl making her move you doubt it Danny and Sam's relationship becomes a joke that nobody is getting it would be something if we had progress and the show was stopping to point out the will they won't they train wreck but there's nothing happening so it really just rubs me the wrong way this ship is stagnant rather than injecting new reasons to care or build off their chemistry the show treats them as a sure thing the show feels like it is entitled to this couple and it just expects us to Care and worst of all it causes the chemistry to fizzle out and just to make one more example of Spider-Man it's kind of like Spectacular Spider-Man where the show decided early on that Gwen and Peter were going to be childhood friends who would be endgame but they at least had the right idea giving Peter a reason not to date Gwen and that reason was a better option this is Liz Allen former popular girl who first hates Pete for being a geek but then ends up falling in love with him instead yeah they're cute as fuck Gwen and Peter have so little chemistry here the show feels entitled to them as a couple it's constantly screaming at us that they are inevitable but not showing us why the only reason Peter is not with his supposed soul mate was being Liz but their problem was that they actually showed their work and it's embarrassing how much more chemistry he has with Liz who is only meant to be a side piece which reminds me let's talk about Valerie make a move because if you don't somebody will Valerie is just the better option like to me it's not even a competition Sam over here spends the entire show just sitting on her hands no change no development meanwhile Valerie is out here trying to fight to be the main character she easily has one of the best arcs in the show with one of the most compelling origin stories initially just a member of the popular crowd Valerie initially never gave off the vibe as she was going to go anywhere at best she looked like she was gonna get strong arm into dating Tucker getting dumped before the dance she bitterly reads to go with tuck only for Danny to force him to go with Sam with that act of disrespect never getting brought up again they did the reveal that Sam cleans up nice and Valerie is just irrelevant that is until episode 10 where she becomes compelling along with being voiced by Chris summer instead of her first appearance where she was just an extra that greater Lyle would voice in between recording Sam but in her first real introduction Valerie is able to truly Stand Out mainly because her life got ruined [Music] see Danny has been trying to take care of this ghost dog that keeps going on Rampages throughout the town with one such incident being them breaking into a high security lab humiliating Valerie's dad in front of his client as he was in the process of showing off the state-of-the-art security system he had just installed but since the public doesn't know about ghosts yet his boss assumes I'm I'm semi-reasonably the teenager and his dog bulldozed through a security system he spent millions of dollars on firing Valerie's dad on the spot out of a job and with his reputation ruined Valerie's life gets up ended going from Rich to broke they have to sell everything they own have what she has left in mauled by the dog again forcing her to sell her concert tickets to just pay the movers her dad lost his job and she got kicked out of the popular crowd and she comes out of it all the more interesting for it before this she was just another shallow stuck-up rich girl but now she's poor fallen from Grace has no friends because she used to be a bully her life has hit rock bottom and she kind of rightfully blames Danny and the dog for all of this she can't do anything about it till she gets a care package from the series main antagonist's Vlad plasmus supplying her with all the gear she needs to hunt ghosts and get her revenge on Dany [Music] Danny actually feels terrible for ruining her life but he also doesn't want to die leaving him in an awkward position where one of his toughest enemies is someone he doesn't want to hurt complicating the matter is Tucker trying to get laid with Valerie appreciating someone isn't hitting on her right now but more importantly she heard that Danny's Family hunts goes and is trying to see what she can learn and the weird thing is here it does feel like this episode is saying I'm Valerie and Tuck more than anyone else with tuck sacrificing himself to save Valerie's Dad's job by the next episode they aren't even pretending that Tucker is relevant the Danny and Valley jumping straight to belligerent sexual tension as the problem is Danny knows Valerie is trying to kill him she doesn't know Danny's real identity but she's in a constant bad mood so Danny isn't seeing her at her best and he assumes that she's just cranky because she hasn't killed him yet then because life loves making these two suffer they get paired up in a parenting project where they have to take care of a sack of flour like it's a baby Valerie dumps all the responsibility on Danny but making their day worse is that a hunting themed ghost named skulker is trying to decide who would be the better prey before saying screw it cuffing them so that he can hunt them at the same time this forces the two of them to work together invent their frustrations about their IRL relationships without having to say directly to the other person we get to reveal that Valerie rather than just hunting Dany also works as a mascot at the local burger place having to help out just so her family can make ends meet now Valerie has been way more hostile than she needed to be she didn't explain her situation to Danny we also understand why she would consider him to be insensitive you understand why Danny will think that she's just being a dick the show gets us to empathize with the both of them and allow Danny to understand her situation and how her life doesn't just revolve around hunting him she's still struggling even if she doesn't show it and after they escape dany's left with a change perspective and they both move to help each other out when they can as they do in fact become friends when they're not in costume and then they catch feelings and they're all the better for it now look I'm a slot for villain hero romances what's so great about these conflict romances to me is the clear shifts in the dynamic characters go from hating to tolerating to hate loving the stages of their relationship feel so distinct it's easy to get behind as the progression is so obvious creates a sense of momentum as you wait for them to hit that next step that'll bring them closer to being a couple this is the biggest strength that their relationship has over Sam and Danny's as well Sam and Danny don't feel like they're doing anything Danny and Valerie's are constantly changing you know how I said I didn't really like Fenton I kind of like him now yeah well I I Val is running laps around Sam in the active character department when Valley starts flirting with Dany you think this is the Kick In The Head the show we need to make Sam finally make a move but it doesn't Sam doesn't even get monstrously jealous she is but it isn't used to motivate her to do anything instead she prioritizes his secret identity and how it might be dangerous for Dany to be dating someone who wants to kill half of him it leaves her feeling super passive Sam is Danny's best friend at this point in the story he actually shares way more in common with Valerie they're both struggling with leading a double life avoiding unwanted attention and being a superhero Val feels more like she's Danny's equal the hero of Her Own Story while Sam as much as I hate to say it feels more like she's just become the token love interest I still like her but neither She nor Danny feel like they're bringing anything romantically to their relationship and we'd be better off just left as friends when sand gets a chance to tell Danny how she feels when he's about to rush off to die her confession gets cut off and they just put off telling it and in the same episode Val is declaring that she's in it to win it and at this point she should and she does [Music] this episode feels like it was made just to show what we lost being with Sam and Val both defending Dany when he gets called a loser proving that they are both fully in his Corner the plot puts technology themed ghost technus into Valerie's trying to hack a satellite that will give him access to all the world's technology he uses the power of AI to start shipping Valerie and Dany together all he has to do is fake the first text and the two of them will spend the rest of the night chatting it's that easy break oh don't mind her her was there another girl with you I hadn't noticed taking initiative they go out to lunch and from there we just have a massive Montage of other romantic date ideas that all go perfectly thanks to their digital wingman who just adds the right amount of extra spice all while Sam is angrily watching she tries to tell Danny that tegnus is helping him get laid he doesn't believe it with her then having to double back as Val comes into the picture and thinks Sam is telling her she's okay with the two of them dating because all good things must come to an end technus sends Valerie's suit to attack Danny at school with him being unable to transform with Valerie there unarmed she steps up to defend her man with Danny finally being able to come to his Hero's cell blasting the suit to pieces now that there isn't someone inside without watching the whole time I was trying to do that to me that could have been me I want to ask Valerie out I'm gonna have to never tell her I'm Danny Phantom this is the actual dilemma of their relationship they both like each other but Val still hates ghosts so if Danny is gonna date her he isn't sure if he can ever tell her his true identity but it's ultimately Valerie who sinks the ship despite momentarily thinking that she could give up ghost hunting for him an altercation at the lab where they had to finally deal with technus leading her to get a whole brand new suit that's worse than the original she is the one who ends the relationship as she decides she has to prioritize keeping the town safe from ghosts rather than dating Dany ending the relationship just as he was about to make it official by giving her a stupid ass ring and I'm about to get to but this ship it ends sweetly this was the couple that should have been and this show had nothing thing that could replace it Val and Danny had way too much chemistry the parallel lives they led the complexity of loving someone who hates your secret identity it was a character gold mine and Val was just a great character it felt like there was true progress to their relationship and unfortunately we never got to see her reaction to finding out Danny's secret identity Valerie just showed up was the best character then got written out of the Shell season three is shit so that might have been for the best which reminds me he really is clueless isn't he who the heck is Wes so at the height of Valerie and Danny being a couple his dad steps in to have a little talk with his son and give him relationship advice that was dated when he did it telling him if he wants to make it official he needs to give his girl a class ring I'm sure Sam will love it it's not for Sam of course it's not you guys are just friends now just for State this so it doesn't get lost in the rants I like Sam and Danny together early on I could definitely see the potential and the appeal my real issue with them as a couple is how it's handled with this stupid fucking ring being emblematic of all of its problems of course it's not you guys are just friends clueless rather than trying to build something more concrete the show decides to just wink so hard at the audience I thought it was having a stroke it's so unbearably smug about the couple that it utterly fails to earn it the dad sits Danny down drops a ring reveal then leans back and smirks calling Danny clueless Tucker calls him clueless Sam is refusing to say anything and all this is happening while Danny is dating Valerie it's this thing that really annoys me the show is leaning on the fourth wall expecting us as an audience to realize that Sam and Danny are endgame and so it treats the ship less like a couple and more like a juicy steak that's dangling over our heads after a point it stops being appetizing and you just want to get the damn thing already it's lazy it's dull and I never really enjoy it the only reason they introduce this ring is to have the world's most obvious chekhov's gun signing at people Jazz and hungry for when they fight finally pull the trigger when at this point the only thing that the show has done is train me to anticipate it instead of actually wanting it this is all my personal opinion but Danny and Sam as a couple I think are just okay in individual episodes but the overarching love story is trash you have tons of great little moments like when Sam has to get Danny's memories back after hyperbolically saying she wished they never met showing how bad she's down for Danny when should we find out she's been dueling logos for him in her notebook using the said logo to make Danny's outfit better we get the fake out make out again we make it so Sam being in danger is a thing that shakes Danny out of mind control the beauty pageant where ignore Tucker and Danny's leveraging Dan's position as a judge the force the contestants to date them but Sam being officially crowned not because of Any dumb Talent or beauty reasons but because she is the most important person in his life and the only one trying to warn him while he was being a creep but choking out all of these moments is the constant lamp shading by the show do you guys realize what it's like to like somebody you can't be do you Sam and how you become more and more aware that the show is pointlessly dragging out the conclusion no example of how inactive the show being worse than Frightmare now this was one of the last episodes in Danny Phantom history the show got canceled before its time key writers and show owners all left leaving the creator of tough puppy to be less restrained than he might have previously been I'm not well versed on the subject so not gonna make any assumptions on Sam being a crater's pet so that's why the ship went the way it did but the show got canceled and the last season wasn't great there are some cool Concepts the execution was way sloppier than it had previously been Frightmare is one of the best examples of this as it's a cool story about a ghost that feeds off of people's dreams and we need to explore what some of our characters actually dream about Danny's personal ideal life is one where he is a local celebrity everyone knows that he's a superhero everyone loves him and he's dating Sam [Music] and then because we needed more confirmation Sam stream shockingly enough is the exact same one her dream is just like mine no shit and nothing comes of this they go back to having a blush off till the series ends I like it's dumb shit like this is why I don't care for the idea that Sam and Danny are both trying to figure it out they don't want to ask each other out because they're friends they've been so for so long but then we just have all this explicit information and it's been explicit since season one but despite all of my inferences about that we never get them to verbalize the risks we never get them actually say I want to date him but I don't know how to do it or I'm afraid we never get any of that we get tepid love confessions that get cut off lots of blushing lots of little moments and a whole lot of friend moments everything in between being smug lamp shading and Rosy Cheeks but we can see the finish line so we might as well get to the finale where it will all be worth it well this sucks the finale for Danny Phantom is terrible and to properly convey just how bad it was would require video all on its own but in brief it's a clusterfuck of contrived decisions out of character writing choices with this being comparable to early season 2 of Legend of Korra as characters are just not written the same with Dany who has spent the entire show Growing and learning how to be a hero folds immediately when a new group of prime Fighters funded by his Nemesis Stark Hill stealing him throwing a massive tantrum or rather than freeing his parents from jails and stopping vlad's evil plan he removes his superpowers entirely becoming normal again leaving himself and everyone he cares about all at the mercy of a vindictive asshole who already wants to kill him and bang his mom this never even occurs to him and never even properly vocalized because Danny is too busy being a self-centered jackass all this happens because he was having an off week the writing for this finale is terrible and it doesn't connect to anything the previous Seasons had set up Danny loves being a superhero he's not Spider-Man levels of suffering where he has to constantly give up his own happiness to do the right thing Danny more often than not completely gets away with it he's able to have that hero personal life balance mainly because Danny has an entire support network around him to help him get through crime fighting so we're into fold like this is completely out of character just like how it's out of character for him to be so indignant and pissed at everyone else for not ignoring the looming threat so in the end Sam is a hundred percent right to call him out for his BS but we can't even enjoy it because this is so out of character for him and Sam's speech isn't that great Isam is really over stressing how him being unique and special was so cool she felt so great helping him out like the idea of what she's trying to say is here that he was a hero that he cared that his abilities let him make a difference but all that is just lost between the week writing and Sam already gets way too much hate as it is I've read the Reddit rants they're all wrong and the only thing she's really guilty of is being a teenage girl being written by middle-aged men I'm sorry but it's true alright the rest of the BS finale finally happens meteorite is gonna destroy the Earth plan A and B fall apart Danny realizes he needs to do something and by something I mean kidnap a bunch of ghosts to use as a battery before deciding to talk them into it instead everyone might die again Sam gives Danny back the ring they kiss I'm dead inside as from the shit finale to the 40 episodes of pointless delaying I cannot bring myself to care about any of this world is saved they kiss again ending the will they won't they was saying yes they did and I am so done [Music] I like Danny Phantom it's one of the goats of my childhood and it honestly hurts to take a look back and realize how many parts of it and particularly this ship suck Sam and Danny are easily the worst examples of the will they won't they Dynamic ruining a relationship I'd honestly say that it's worse than most of the other shows that I've covered starco it's bad but there's so many different Shenanigans going on to that relationship and at least it kind of makes sense miraculous definitely has worse writing but it's so bad it's good to me and Danny Phantom is the worst thing that it can be boring there's no greater lesson here like Regular Show there's no internal logic to it the show sets up well at first but then proceeds to fail to sell it as their chemistry Fades away creating a ship that you initially want to see happen but by the end of it it feels like it wasted your time I was always team Valerie but they did not do any of these couples justice but let me know your thoughts what did you think of the shipping in this show did you hate Sam for a reason that wasn't bad writing let me know your bad takes down below I promise to pretend to read them like share and subscribe we kept a date on all my shipping Madness I'm sarcasticore us and this was a mistake
Channel: Sarcastic Chorus
Views: 557,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dannyphantom
Id: 6xUoBTF4iiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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