Kate Middleton: Working Class to Windsor (FULL MOVIE)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wife mother duchess a journey from working class to windsor kate middleton's rise to royalty and influence is of international intrigue and admired the world over taking her place on the global stage overnight tying the knot with the duke of cambridge and swiftly making monarchy history in the form of their first born and third in line for the throne prince george alexander louis we document her incredible journey and delve into the often undisclosed but sought after history of who now is known worldwide as the duchess she is probably a good example of one of the best things that the royal family has done for years [Music] she is a very a beautiful young woman who's very intelligent and rather polished [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can say anything you like about the duchess of cambridge but you can't accuse her of not being impeccably well brought up [Music] [Applause] born the eldest sibling of three catherine elizabeth middleton was born in berkshire england raised by mother and father michael and carole middleton both of highly different backgrounds found love was in the air as they incidentally met at carol's occupation as an air hostess and father michael's job as an international dispatcher it was on michael's side that a glimpse into british aristocracy was already prevalent born into a wealthy family from leeds west yorkshire and carroll side a decidedly working-class group of coal miners and builders i think the ways the middletons have been integrated into royal life so to speak has been quite seminal and unprecedented often girls have married to the royal family and they're in laws to be ignored or shoved away the middletons are hugely interesting because they've been more instrumental and influential than any other family that's married into the house of windsor and what they did is what good parents have always done they've invested in education it cost them a lot of money they send all of their three children to good schools in the case of kate to marlborough school which is one of the top public schools which means private in british terms schools where she did quite well it was thanks to this success that kate sister pippa and youngest brother james were set for an interesting diverse and financially forward upbringing becoming a student at the university of saint andrews in scotland it was here that she first became aware of prince william of wales all through the fortune of sharing a dorm room during her time there the pair shared several classes during their studies and soon became friends she was popular she was diligent she worked hard um she ended up going on to down house um at the age of 13. and she had two pretty miserable terms there she didn't like it she was picked on she wasn't academic enough and she really felt the pressure there so i think after two unhappy terms her parents decided that they would pull her out and they went to try marlborough the mix school now in wiltshire at the university they shared rooms to start with and then shared a cottage with some friends and as they said you know by their own account they said that they were friends first and then the romance began and it it seems that the royal family were protecting william it's it's about william to start with but then william and kate when the relationship began because they did a lot of their early courting in in st andrews at the queen's estate in balmoral away from prying eyes lots of privacy lots of time to develop the relationship they were friends at saint andrews university before they went on to start going out with each other kate at the time counselled william in changing his course he didn't like what he was studying and she encouraged him not to leave and go back down to london but to stick with it and do something a little bit different it wasn't until 2002 after kate's appearance in an exclusive fashion show fundraiser that william became more and more intrigued by miss middleton especially the dress that she was wearing that evening we have a very particular picture of in that respect she's quite reserved but you know this is the same girl that when she was trying to pull prince william she you know she was wearing a see throughout dress and sachet down a catwalk so you know that's quite a bold thing to do um so she kind of been shy or backward at coming forward in that respect so i think we get one impression of her in that respect when they split up she went to a uh a bunny girl party dressed with the ears and everything so look there's got to be two sides to her but at the moment she doesn't really seem to want to put a foot wrong does it occur to you that it's somewhat inappropriate for a future queen of england to have been photographed in it does but um back then i'm sure she had her reasons for wearing it i we still don't know whether she was putting it or if she chose to wear it which i like to think she chose to put it on because she thought it might be a bit of a show stopper it's a part of history now i think probably one of the reasons that kate and william found they had such a bond together particularly on his side was the fact that they had kind of quite different i mean very different backgrounds he obviously had had his parents had gone through a divorce and then he had the tragic death of his mother whereas she was quite an ordinary girl by all accounts she lived a quite idyllic life her family got on very well it was all very harmonious and it was almost like she brought something new to the table for william and so he found a bit of solace in the fact that she had such a tightly knit family he really enjoyed going to visit her parents at weekends and i think that probably gave him something that he didn't have from his own family after a complex start for the pair romance was in bloom the relationship was held closely undercover mostly due to the printer's extreme distrust of the press however a slipping cautious approach led to kate being caught by paparazzi while on a royal family ski trip leading to an immediate response and their relationship being the subject of intense scrutiny prejudice and tabloid attention rumors spread that middleton was certainly more than a close friend and some tabloids led the headlines suggesting she was being groomed for a potential position of royalty what you have with william is a guy who has learned lessons and there's really nothing any of those grey men from clarence house could genuinely tell william that he doesn't already know about the press and he understands the media he understands that as a royal you're never going to be elected but that doesn't mean that public opinion isn't incredibly important to you and your longevity and william i think really understands that he gets it um he is very very open and willing to forge relationships with the press um but he wants it on his terms and he does not want a repeat of what we saw with princess diana at all times they were highly discreet they were almost never seen together they were even with their friends they didn't allow any gossip to start people speculated but there was nothing uh definite which proved that they were an item and i think the fact that she was discreet and that she wasn't blabbering on about um her her love or her regard for prince william i think that stood her in good stead i think everyone was terribly nervous and not least william and kate i mean it was the first time they had met the british media um you know i'd seen them at nightclubs before i'd spent my time you know watching them at polo matches and charting this amazing relationship but the first time really to actually sit down and talk with them i remember kate being very nervous but incredibly sweet and kind and interested in what we were doing and how we were covering the story um and they they both just seemed so well matched you could see it in their body chemistry even at that stage and on a moment you know fraught with nerves they were about to meet the world's press all the paparazzi and the photographers rather were waiting next door to take their pictures um but even under that sort of pressure they gravitated towards each other i remember william having his hand in the small of kate's back you know guiding her making sure she was all right and i think that's what you've seen over the years you know he has wanted to just make sure that she is comfortable i think there's a huge amount of trust there not just between them but their circle of friend their so-called circle of trust their closest friend who would never dream of leaking anything to the press and really protect them i think equally one of the secrets of the success of their marriage is that they do seem much more equal than say for instance charles and diana i think as well kate has been very careful not to upstage her husband i think that she's the ying to his yang in that he although a level-headed down-the-line kind of guy can be prone to a few temper tantrums perhaps and likes to dig his heels in and knows his own mind and i think can sometimes get quite angry one gets the impression that kate's the one sort of pulling him back and reigning him in and saying all right let's just keep calm and i think as well why kate's brilliant for william is she has been so well brought up in such a loving and stable family the kind of family let's face it the prince has never really had that that's hugely grounding for him and actually her middle classness and her lack of aristocratic heirs and graces and the fact that she isn't royalty is no bad thing because it dilutes the royal family a little bit and it reminds this man who has been brought up knowing nothing else but royal life what real life is like and i think for their children that provides them with a much better grounding with which to grow up never before have members of the royal family been seen in the same way as we view celebrities but kate and william are a very good-looking pair and because they come across so down-to-earth i think we're viewing them in a completely different way and kate is already eclipsing all these a-list stars like jennifer aniston gwyneth paltrow she's the one that people want to know more about she's the one that people want to dress like and just want to absorb every bit of information there is about her which is quite exciting this is a young woman who really wasn't raised in the public eye to any degree and also isn't a naturally gifted speaker so with all the attention on her and she's quite shy as well it just complicates things and makes it very difficult the first time we really got to hear her voice was in the interview when william and kate announced their engagement when she wore that very famous and much copied issa blue dress i really didn't expect it at all i thought he might have sort of maybe thought about it but no it was a total shock when i came and very excited william a couple of times kind of answered the question for her that she was asked or corrected something and was obviously very protective of her she was not comfortable very clearly speaking on camera and then of course we saw her first speech first of all i'd like to say thank you thank you for not only accepting me as your patron thank you also for inviting me here today you have all made me feel so welcome and i feel hugely honoured to be here to see this wonderful center i'm only sorry that william can't be here today it's very difficult i think for anybody who's come from the outside of the royal family um to a full on public figure to be brilliant at public speaking straight away prince harry seems to have got it almost instantly he's an excellent orator and he does it with natural charm and fun and a degree of wit i think there's no doubt that kate was very nervous when she started her role as duchess and speaking publicly in her role as the patron of the east anglian hospice she had to make a public speech i thought it she did very well but it was a little stilted a little disjointed i think she would probably um admit that she was more than a little bit nervous when she'd had to make it but in time i think she's improved and she's undoubtedly had some help i would think from external advisors i mean princess diner herself used peter settling to help train her in public speaking in fact she used to have marbles put in her mouth to help her speak more clearly i don't know if kate's gone to that extreme but she certainly has improved um she's certainly more confident and from the time i saw her when she delivered her first speech to the one she delivered in singapore um she would she was much improved the couple's official engagement was announced in november 2010 during a vacation to kenya where william presented kate with his mother's engagement ring williams decision to give kate his mother's engagement ring for outside observers we might look at that and say that wasn't a great marriage really on the grand scheme of things i think what it means for william has a far more intimate meaning prince william will rarely ever talk about his mother publicly he will very very rarely do anything to kind of draw comparisons with him and his mother and certainly he hates the thought that kate might be seen as the new princess diana but his decision to give her his mother's engagement ring i thought was very significant because it sort of showed that william wanted his mother on his big day to be right there at the very heart of of what was going on and actually it was quite you know in a non sort of soppy way i thought it was it was quite touching and the ring gives us all permission to look again at this union particularly because charles and diana's marriage went so bad and began we now know on such rocky foundations you know it may be that we're imagining it we're just hopeful and optimistic but it looks like this one is different it looks like this one is very much a personal choice of the two people involved clear and simple and i think people will people would have inevitably made those comparisons private privately i i felt on the day when he when when it was obvious that was the ring he'd given her i felt that was his way of taking control of that narrative and taking control of that story that's what i think it was william and kate to me are about the future i don't like to to look back and compare her to diana because she is her own woman and william and kate i think have their own idea of what they want to do the couple then announced plans to live in north wales where prince william was stationed with the royal air force after their marriage well actually william has got a kind of cake and eat it scenario because he's gone and retrained as an air ambulance pilot which means he can remain flying which is his first love it also means he can have a career aside from the royal family and it's in a perfect arena of course because he's going out and helping to save lives well before i started search and rescue i had a little brief introduction to it and it was immediate to me um i spent three hours flying with the guys and it was totally apparent to me straight away how important the job is and the skills the guys employ um the flying aspects the the general airmanship you need to to have around you and all the wits you need to survive the weather and whatever sort of situation you're throwing into it definitely is advanced flying and it's rewarding so it put the two together and it's a fantastic job i think it's important that he has that time where he feels he's doing a proper job as well as the time when they spend together when they are working together as members of the royal family it's pretty rich coming from a ginger so i'm quite happy to see where i don't know he's a good looking ginger sorry after the official announcement of the pair's engagement it was six months after on april the 29th 2011 that the marriage was to commence the marriage the ceremony the wedding just actually puts a seal on what everybody has been aware of for a long long time as prince charles said when he was asked about the engagement on the day it was announced well he said they've been practicing long enough so may we just ask your reaction to the wedding please sir obviously it's true thank you very much practicing for long enough so it's been very important for the royal family this time around to make it clear that they're not trying to push the idea of some sort of fairy tale wedding this is about a wedding between two ordinary people who love each other and so they wanted to really power down all of that frivolity so the dress was much more simple for example kate arrived at the cathedral in a car rather than a coach and so there were a whole load of subtle differences throughout the day to make that very very clear closer eyes were on the dress that kate was due to wear designed by sarah burton a fact that remained a secret until that day in terms of style kate middleton is very serene she's not someone who would wear anything particularly outrageous apart from uh the seafood dress she modelled in her catwalk show at university which has appeared in every single paper ever since those two got engaged but her style is very simple very sleek and the kind of style that a lot of women actually feel that they could replicate because it's nothing too complicated and fussy yes she's very tall and slim so she can carry a lot a lot more off than perhaps everyone can but she's just very very well groomed she seems to know exactly the kind of things she likes she always wears kind of your your wrap around style dresses that just down to the knee um and she's now this real figurehead for style in all sorts of magazines my magazine's writing about her all the time so it's her dresses and particularly her hair and how you get it so glossy i think kate middleton has enough courage and an individuality to choose from all over the world who she wants as her designer well believe me the decision about what dress designer all of the middletons were going to use raged for some time and it was a really difficult decision for them for example carol middleton she was going to have a dress designed by linda sherrak and then she shoved that out of the way at the last minute because all of these women knew picking a dress designer was so important tying the knot at westminster abbey in london all eyes were on the most important royal wedding since that of charles and diana this is when the english the british come to their own we have all the equipment we have the household cavalry we have the wonderful carriages we have those ancient rolls-royces and there's a great spirit here a spirit i think you could say was evocative of 1981 and the wedding of prince william's parents charles and diana there's a real enthusiasm for it what my opinion of the dress was that it was uh youthfully regal it was modern with a classic twist to it which was fantastic because i didn't want kate to sort of lose touch of kate in the whole pageantry of this occasion and i think sarah burton for alexander mcqueen did a sublime job i think the the lace was so effortlessly executed it was almost as if she had like a white tattoo all the way down her arm and the fine buttons and then you saw that quintessential mcqueen detail on the rough of the spine i thought the skirt was just enough skirt for a venue like the abbey i i think you know to have something slimmer with a long train she might not have filled that space with the with the sort of um ease as she did with this dress but i thought she looked very very beautiful very exquisite seriously polished royal sources tell me that the royals indicated very strongly to kate that they would prefer her to wear her hair up for this very special occasion however kate had her heart set on wearing her hair down with long flowing curls which is her favorite way to wear it and actually william's favorite as well they ended up compromising on her look she had kind of a half up half down so from the front she had an updo from the back she had the long flowing curls she wanted it's just so nice to have something uh to a fairy tale to lift your spirits in this world today isn't it [Music] prince william looked fantastic in that sort of royals and blue red uniform very unusual matched the red of that carpet that went up the center of westminster abbey he looked marvelous and the white gloves when he was waving at the crowds he looked at the dashing prince if only he could have ridden up to westminster abbey he would have been the perfect perfect prince wouldn't he william and harry when they came out i mean it was all about metallics wasn't it i mean especially with harry with the gulp with the gold braiding and frogging um i thought william's choice of the red was fantastic i mean kate's heart must have gone pitter-patter completely when she saw her prince standing there and i caught that glimpse of harry when he took us he took a side wood glass at seeing kate while william turned the other way and he said to his brother she's beautiful and that was really really charming between the two boys and it was very important to kate that william be surprised when he saw her and he certainly seemed to be even getting a touch emotional when he turned and finally looked and saw his bride of course harry at his side was peaking the whole time and even over was overheard saying to william she's here she's here it was a very exciting moment very romantic moment [Applause] [Music] [Applause] kate was met by queen elizabeth shortly before the wedding in which it was conferred that her royal title would be catherine her royal highness the duchess of cambridge from the beginning kate middleton had a great deal of support from the royal family um which was really instructed by the queen to make sure that she knew as much as she could possibly know in what to do in every situation bearing in mind of course she didn't really grow up in this world there were things like learning how to get out of a carriage without exposing your modesty learning how to bend down and receive flowers from a young girl without exposing your modesty and things like that that you would never think you would have to learn but of course a woman in her position would certainly need to know uh wait how to weigh down the hem of your dress to make sure it doesn't blow up in the wind there were all kinds of small details little bits of etiquette how to sit who to curtsy to who not to curtsy to um what fork to use whatever else um you know that they felt she needed to know she was actually given lessons on how to be a royal wife kate hopefully stepping up a little bit more and taking on more responsibilities in her own royal role and growing in confidence into her royal role it is still early days but i think there's a sense that we want her to perhaps reach out a little bit further than she has done but it's going to be softly softly they're in no rush that couple people forget william is an heir to the throne his father is he's second in line so there's still time and the queen is still going as strong as ever so at the moment i think maintaining the status quo is key you know once you married into the royal family you became a windsor and that was that well it was different when uh kate and william got married and and when william asked kate um to marry him he made it very clear that she wouldn't have to um leave her family behind her once she married in his family promised her that they'd always stay a part of the family and they have done um whether it's joining the queen at ascot or being on an important barge within the queen's fleet at the diamond jubilee celebrations given she is a commoner the royal family have a high opinion of kate prince charles in particular was close to her from the early days camilla has obviously become involved camilla parker bowles now prince charles's wife has become involved and even took her to lunch quite publicly before the wedding is a real show that she's accepted kate into the fold the queen and prince philip haven't met her as many times but you wouldn't expect them to because they are still much more formal and ceremonial in terms of how they live their life but they did just the week before the wedding managed to meet kate's parents which was quite significant too given the history of previous royal weddings the question was how sustainable the relationship between william and kate was going to be and how long their partnership would last however it was clear that this was not your average pairing and it was an opinion held high that their romance and longevity as a husband and wife showed no signs of stopping i think the prospects for william and kate's marriage are extremely good and the reason i think that's because quite uniquely for a royal wedding their relationship grew out of cold winter nights spent in a university digs having spaghetti bolognese and talking about anything other than being a prince or princess their relationship has grown out of being just william and kate and i think that that's something that throughout their married life as much as they can they will try and retain and if they do then the prospects for them staying together for a long time will be very good i think kate and william have a good chance of making this work they are both very committed to the monarchy and making kind of a united front whatever personal problems they might have kate has proven herself to be a team player she's proven herself to be discreet she's also proven that she's willing to put her own interests behind the interests of her husband i think also they've been together for eight years they've seen each other through a variety of circumstances and williams seems to be doing a much better job of preparing kate for royal life than charles did for his mother so kate has a support system in william she has a support system in her family which dianne also didn't have and she has a man she's known for eight years and she spent an awful lot of time getting to know i think they've got a good shot they're a stable happy family they represent what is good about marriage and what is good about having an extended family and the royal family themselves that is part of their role and i'm sure the queen is delighted with that it's tough being married whether you're a prince or you're a pauper it's tough you have to work at it it's a constant renewal every day i'm sure that they will have their problems they've had some problems in the past but they've come through those problems and as they say famously what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and i think they've got a very very good basis for the marriage ahead it was inevitable that when moving into royalty kate would have her fair share of comparisons to the late princess diana becoming duchess of cambridge left fans of the monarchy curious of how she would settle and her similarities to william's mother people always asking me well how like is kate to diana um and i always say that they're actually incredibly different women they look very different you know diana was blonde beautiful and leggy kate's beautiful um and leggy and brunette they're you know they they look very different they are very different people and i think particularly in the early stages there was um there was a desire largely by the press to to sort of see how kate would live up to diana's image and and i remember william saying that there was no expectation that these were big footsteps and no one expected kate to fill them and i think what kate's done which is so commendable and you really have to take your hat off to her is she's forged her own identity within the royal family she hasn't tried to emulate diana um you know she's a style icon but i'd say she's quite a reluctant style icon she's wanting to put her stamp in other areas within the comparison there are huge differences she's 10 years older than the princess of wales was when she married prince charles she's more educated she's more experienced she comes from a very stable family in which she's but clearly very happy dana didn't have those things did she she had huge charisma huge inspirational things that she did and she had massive natural ability with people you know we've all seen it we all know it it's well documented and accepted but kate middleton looks to be a different creature and she'll just i think she'll just show that herself and you couldn't try and measure yourself against diana because she was a really unique kind of character wasn't she you know she was a really unique personality she's not necessarily seen as an icon like princess diana was and i think that's because dinah was a f had had frailties and thoughts as well kate hasn't really put those out there she's almost too good to be true sometimes and i think a lot of younger people find the overwhelming privilege that she has and the fact that she may be stuck around too long to marry prince william as both seeing a little bit um against her and i think where diana here i think she would approve of kate middleton she might feel slight like some mothers do oh dear i don't want to lose my son to any woman you know but i think she would approve she would see in kate middleton some admirable qualities and she'd feel that she her son would be safe with her i'm sure of that i think she would approve of it immensely i think it's really important she doesn't look anything like her i was thinking that the other day when i was looking at the at the engagement pictures she's a beautiful woman she's developed a style that's very classic it hasn't changed dramatically over the years but it's just a classic more groomed version of what she always was it seems to me whereas diana was that she was that cultish teenager wasn't she who didn't have a sense of style wore clothes that were 20 years too old for her to start with she really got it a few years down the line you know that was her you know her huge one of her huge successes was fashion but i think kate middleton's a different a different life story altogether and i think that will be the bedrock of how she copes with that comparison because there is no comparison to be drawn i think that's the ultimate cushion on which she can fall humanitarian work played an important part in princess diana's life both at home and abroad her interests were reflected in the organizations of which she was patron or president with her impact on such admirable work it was seen fit that from kate's turn from fiance to duchess she would also hold a pivotal role in similar contributions kate's set out her stall that she wants to support in the first instance children so she's supporting some hospice charities each the east anglia children's hospices she's equally decided to be a volunteer scout so supporting children out and about enjoying country pursuits as she does she's also been involved in action on addiction so she's saying that she wants to help people she thinks that addiction is the route to quite a lot of society's ills be it children or their parents and so she wants to get involved in that and also because she studied history of art and is a keen artist and photographer there's her patronage of the national portrait gallery and other artistic pursuits and she's mixed them a little bit so she also supports a course called the art room which helps children gives children therapy through the medium of art and actually she's been ahead of the curve on most of the choices that she's made she's put children's hospices on the map and she's also done a huge amount of good um for mental health um it's another cause that she's very much behind so she will know how important she is as a patron to those charities to put them in that international spotlight and she won't want to spend too long away from them people often ask me why i'm so interested in the mental health of children and young people and the answer is quite simple because i think that every child should have the best possible start in life when i was growing up i was very lucky my family was the most important thing to me they provided me with somewhere safe to grow and learn and i know i was fortunate not to have been confronted by serous adversity at a young age for some children maybe there are some here today i know that life can sometimes feel difficult and full of challenges i think that every child should have people around them to show them love and to show them kindness and nurture them as they grow the challenge that so many people have is not knowing how to take that first step of reaching out to another person for help admitting that they're not coping fear or reticence or a sense of not wanting to burden another means that people suffer in silence the importance of support for these charities is no more prevalent than the work that prince harry has accumulated over the years the conservation of wildlife promoting sport amongst the young and health care across all nations kate has had to put in a great deal of work to do the same however this is no competition as kate and harry have a long history together of which he has gained support been able to confide in and most of all a friendship well harry and kate have a very warm affectionate relationship you know harry grew up without a sister and without a mother to a great degree and kate gives him a feminine perspective and a feminine touch that he really was lacking i think growing up and it's really nice for him to have that kind of family member one thing i've noticed ever since kate was on the scene is the closeness and the fun between them with her and harry i remember even the garter ceremony in windsor where prince william was all dressed up in the fine robes of the 12th century garter order and you could see william looking very serious but also kate and harry were in the audience and they he was just digging her and joking and making fun of his brother and i'm sure that happens quite a lot because he is a joker he is he is fun and it's quite a good relationship i think for her to have harry as a a brother-in-law prince harry is somebody that's this lovable rogue the british press can't get enough of him because he's this real naughty character and you've never known a member of the royal family to behave like him he's the one you can always rely on for making the biggest gaffes possibly a turn up to a party in a nazi uniform completely unthinking about what he's doing he'll go to lap dancing clubs he's always seen stumbling out of nightclubs looking very squiffy-eyed you can guarantee he's the one that's probably the last person standing the last person to have the drink and i think there's something really appealing about that but the great thing for him is that it's almost that prince william is the heir and prince harry is despair friendships within the royal family and charity contributions aside the question on the lips of the nation after william and kate tied the knot was how long it would be until the world would see a royal baby for some it was an agonizing weight until an official announcement in december of 2012 that the duchess was pregnant obviously there'd been an awful lot of anticipation of as when kate was going to announce that she was pregnant i mean i think the announcement was suggested for about six months beforehand everyone was right in the papers that she was pregnant the palace had put out the official announcement as she was on route um to the hospital because she'd had problems with the pregnancy and it was felt that william and kate didn't want to even tell the queen or prince charles that she was pregnant until they were absolutely certain everything was okay the birth announcement for prince george did not go according to plan kate was forced to announce prior to being 12 weeks pregnant that she was in fact expecting because she was hospitalized for very very severe morning sickness you know william and kate had talked at length about how they wanted to make this announcement to the world and it certainly wasn't going to be this way and at that stage in the pregnancy most celebrities particularly royals wait until that first trimester is finished before they make any happy announcements but because kate was taken very suddenly to the hospital because of her severe morning sickness condition the palace was forced to issue a statement as to why she was there and the news of the pregnancy was leaked well back in 2013 there was huge uh celebration over the birth of prince george i remember broadcasting for numerous international networks outside buckingham palace of course it was the great kate wait i mean we didn't know when this little baby was coming along but when when it was announced that the duchess had gone into labor i mean there was no space in that press pen i can tell you we were all very very squashed together when news broke of kate actually having given birth i think at 8 34 in the morning on that saturday the press obviously instantly started speculating will she leave today and thinking as a mother i thought yeah she definitely will because you don't necessarily want to hang around hospitals too long even if they are the lindo wing and private and offering all frills people sort of looking at their watches thinking can she do this can she have a baby buy breakfast and be home at kensington palace for tea um and when we got wind of the fact that kate's hairdresser had gone into the building we knew oh hang on you know she's going to make an appearance and in vintage uh duchess of cambridge style she turns out in high heels and looking effortlessly elegant even though she's given birth um just hours earlier which is a testament to her and how she's able to cope not only i think in the limelight but just in this with this pressure of having to present herself in a certain light and i think you know hats off to her um whether you love or loathe monarchy any mother out there will say that it was a pretty good effort to look so good there was excitement in the air all around the country it very much reminded me of the feeling of the royal wedding day when william and kate got married everyone was universally happy everyone was constantly checking the news feeds on their phone and on the television in order to see waiting for william and kate to come out from the hospital for the first time holding the new baby prince i have several friends actually with news organizations who were standing outside the hospital that day waiting hours after hour for william and kate to come out and actually they came out quite a bit later than expected because typical william and kate's strategy fashion they were greeting and thanking every single member of staff at the hospital personally for the very smooth birth they wanted to make sure they thanked everyone from the cleaner to the midwife to the surgeon to say thank you very much so they they did actually take a long time to emerge when they did kate was roundly praised in the press for her choice of dress [Music] [Music] is [Music] i think it's just wonderful it's lovely that generations are going on and william and kate are just such an asset to the royal family and harry as well well it's kind of surreal to think that royal blood is this close to us at this very moment [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] they were holding the baby and they just looked so beautiful and happy it was really stunning yeah i'll never forget it [Applause] commemoration of prince george's first the joy that he's brought to the world and reveal of prince george the royal reaction was that of warmth and confidence in both william and kate unearthing a new chapter of their legacy it was not forgotten that one particular member of the family was now an uncle he's great with kids harry i mean you only have to see him when he's out in africa as i've done with the kids they sent to bali refugees and he's he's fantastic he's fun he's he's a big kid himself i think he says it himself and that when you like that with children they sort of do react and he he's i don't know if he's made him broody um he's got to find the right girl first i would have thought but the fact is he you know he's very very good with young people and as an uncle he'll be the best uncle because he'll be all the fun i'm sure he'll be taking jaws to the fun fairs and and taking him out as much as he can um but i think we get an impression of harry as being all fun and not not very serious the truth is harry is quite a deep thinking guy he's a it's a nice person and i think that with his this birth of prince george it's probably made him feel a little bit broody and maybe when he finds the right girl it won't be long before he's a dad too prince harry probably has the most fun with prince george out of the entire family because for with harry he can be as cheeky and as silly and as wild as he wants to be with this little baby and he has a great time with him you know one of harry's best qualities is his uh child childishness and his kind of open uh personality and and just finding fun and everything and he really connects with george because george from all accounts is a very it's a baby with a huge personality and character he doesn't just take a bath he's splashing constantly trying to get all the water out george is a really fun free-spirited little boy and i think harry very much has that personality and those two have a fantastic relationship there's no question that harry is going to be the favorite uncle at possibly the favorite person for george because he's so much fun another curiosity of the general public after prince george's birth was that of following in royal footsteps most notably the path of education he would lay and the social interactions he would have with other children born into royalty friends form the basis of a healthy maturity and are a key factor in development so the curiosity stood strong as to who george would spend his early years playing alongside in answer to who will be the royal baby's friends well obviously william and kate have got their own friends who've got children of similar ages so play dates have been arranged with them and equally george's godparents have their own children so they'll be mixing there in a social setting equally you might have to remember that there are other great grandchildren now that are of a similar age so william's cousin peter phillips has got two daughters you've got zara phillips who is prince george's godmother she's got a little girl mia apparently when those two babies got together and had a playdate it was according to mia's father mike tyndall the rugby player absolute carnage and food was being thrown around and not going in either of the baby's mouths so you've always got scope for a friendship there but i think gradually as with any child you know there will be children who the child meets as well through school they will follow a very similar pattern to their own parents and i include kate in that because she was privately educated like william from the start i would have thought that the the schools in notting hill um ludgrove both of these schools would be appropriate and then move on maybe to eaton or even a day school some pools westminster something like that my feeling is though with both william and kate being educated privately kate at marlborough william eaton that they would follow a similar pattern simply because it's difficult i think for someone who's going to be the future king to be seen as just one of the boys or just normal because it's very and therefore somewhere like eaton would give them or even some of the other top public schools like westminster some pools would give them the peer group that would be easier for them to be educated in really you know prince william is a very loving warm individual and he and kate have a very solid and affectionate relationship they want that to translate to their children and although they do have some support staff they have kept it to a minimum because they don't want outsiders um in any way affecting the dynamic of their close family unit following on from the birth of the future prince in an unexpected short time it was announced that there was not just one royal baby on the cards in 2015 it was revealed that the duchess was again pregnant with her second child and with much less complications than with george both william and kate were happy to announce that princess charlotte was on her way and again the world stood still as happiness reigned over the monarchy with the prospect of a baby sister for their son well i think when it was announced that they'd had a little girl it was it was a great cause of national celebration of course a little sister for prince george the daughter that prince william had always wanted the granddaughter that charles had always wanted but actually historically a really important little girl because she will hold her place in the lineage of succession the antiquated male primogeniture laws were outcast and just before prince george's birth in case he had been a little girl now had those laws not been changed and had the couple or other couple to go on and have another child that may be a boy well charlotte would have lost her place in succession with the laws being changed she will hold on to that position she is the fourth in line to the throne and no little boy born hereafter will take that place away from her so she's historically very very important well charlotte's birth certainly does herald the dawn of a new era for girl power in that we have a girl in a prominent position at a this senior end of the royal family obviously we've been used to the queen the ultimate exponent of girl power on the throne um but we face the prospect now of three kings in line um so we're not going to see another woman on the throne for many many many years so how lovely to have charlotte in this role bringing up the rear she's rather unkindly called the spare to the air as prince harry is but as he has proved himself it's a role that you can make your own and i'm sure all ours will be on charlotte in fact there'll probably be even more scrutiny on her because she's female but um yeah i mean how great to have the pitter patter of pink feet in the royal line of succession they're very much hands-on parents i mean william made it very clear um when george was born that he wanted to be a hands-on parent he took time off to spend with george and kate they didn't have a nanny straight away um they were very anti having an extended staff to look after the children look after them but i think as time has gone on they've realized they do need that extra help they can't just rely upon say carol kate's mother and other members of the family they do need that because they're very much in the public eye but william in particular wants to be a hands-on parent kate too doesn't really want to pass on the responsibility of motherhood either but you know when you're in the royal family when you're in the public eye it's very very difficult to to do everything and i think that even kate and william have found that and so they are now realizing that it's important to have the extra help that they require i absolutely love it and it's actually what i thought would be the name i mean charlotte was picked as one of the the top names that they predicted and of course to have diana in the name it's perfect [Music] william's got the princess he always wanted diana wanted a princess in the family she's got her wish he's got his and diana's been remembered in the process so it really completes it they've ticked all the boxes and the other thing about charlotte is it's the female of charles so they've really done everything [Music] [Music] defying the odds set against her the duchess of cambridge has proven to the world that she could not be more deserved of her position and it is worldwide acclaimed that her commitment and love to prince william allows this fairy tale to continue its life the shock of princess diana's death and tumultuous time when married to prince charles is now seen as merely a shadow in the future of the royal family gone but not forgotten it has always been clear that prince william found something in kate that we had all hoped for a new sense of motherly love you have to remember that as much as princess diana is is famous for her warmth and and and just closeness to her boys uh they didn't they very much did not have a secure stable warm family environment growing up their parents were divorced it was very acrimonious for quite a few years their father is quite famous for being cold and distant at points very aloof um there really wasn't a um kind of a happy family for either of those boys and uh seeing it in the middleton family has made a fantastically huge impact on william and it is precisely the kind of dynamic that he wants to uh bring into his own family life kate has made williams so happy she'd be competition in the glam mistakes uh you know diana was an incredibly beautiful woman she loved her couture she loved to wear clothes as a fashion and power statement um but i guess she'd probably be taking kate shopping and i think they would have probably had a great friendship but most importantly she'd have loved kate because kate has given william what he always wanted a wife to love and and a beautiful family and great happiness i think that kate middleton will be the people's princess she won't be condescending to the ordinary people she will be her own self but i think there'll be a lot of people who can identify with her and her background and where she's come from and particularly as she succeeds in the job i think they will warm to her they will see that she hasn't gone out in order to get a prince they'll see that it's been a mutually arrived at relationship and they will recognize that for once this is a love match [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Views: 623,957
Rating: 4.7738767 out of 5
Keywords: Kate Middleton, Prince William, royal family, british royalty, queen elizabeth, royalty, Camilla Tominey, free movie, full movie, Movies, On Demand, fullfilm, movie, stream, documentary, streaming, 1091, 1091pictures, windsor, the duchess, duchess
Id: uArB9s3ez0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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