Prince Harry heartbreak is ‘INEVITABLE’, says Paul Burrell | ‘He’s the last person to know this!’

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now for the late Princess Diana's former Butler and Rock Paul Burrell and according to a royal Insider Meghan Markle was quote knocked sideways and received a brutal reality check after she was dumped and labeled a grifter by the streaming giant Spotify and speaking too close to magazine about how she'll respond to the pr crisis The Insider said her team have warned her that there's no future with Harry and that she needs to start working on her individual projects rather than be being seen as one half of bran Sussex they feel that if Megan does more on her own she'll have more opportunities to save her career this follows reports that Harry could go It Alone to film a Netflix documentary in Africa the continent where he and Megan famously shared their third date Paul Barrow great to have you on the show with both individuals pursuing solo projects there's clearly trouble in Paradise well Mark quite frankly the bosses of Netflix and Spotify have given them a reality check because not everybody is interested in Harry and Megan and it's becoming quite clear now that their brand is suffering and they need to Rebrand and survive Megan is a Survivor and she's a very calculating woman and she's a networker so what will she do next I think personally that um it's her turn Harry has done his book he's been to the coronation and he's been seen across the world as a court case it's now Megan's turn to get into the pole position so she has to utilize the knowledge that she has in the film and um entertainment industry by being lectress in in suits and go into movies and the fashion and beauty industry I think but it's a sad truth that they had the world at their feet five years ago and now it seems to be slipping away from them I personally think that they should get off their backsides and do something for other people instead of always doing things for themselves look at Kate and William they are doing their public duty brilliantly and if only they could be a shadow of Kate and William and go back to Africa and help people who have nothing then I think they would gain some respect in the world but quite frankly right now um people aren't particularly bothered and it's Megan's way and Harry's way and it's their truth that matters most and I think you know um it's time to reassess the situation Meghan Markle has a long history of dumping people who have served their purpose her ex-husband her first husband Piers Morgan Lizzie cundy even her own father Thomas Markle do you think eventually she'll do that to Old Harry but you know what mark my belief is that this is all going to end in tears I do believe that eventually I will have served his purpose and Megan will move on because she has before and she'll probably move on to a billionaire next time around who can support her in the lifestyle to which she's accustomed already um she already has two children who are prince and princess so Harry should look very closely at this and think well what's going to happen to me next I honestly think that the British people would welcome Harry back and certainly his brother would and that would actually solve the situation and the rift which has grown between Harry and William but if Harry comes back to Britain he'll certainly be coming alone because I don't think that the British people are ready to welcome Megan back how long do you give the couple I I always thought about 10 years and I think it's a sad indictment that we're all saying oh that's not going to last and but that's just you know it's only Harry that doesn't know this everybody else realizes that this is gonna end in tears but how is the the last person that's actually gonna know this and the sadness is of course he'll have to leave his children behind because they'll stay with their mother but there will always be a place in Williams heart for his brother their mother would be devastated to think there was such a rift growing between those two boys because those two boys were joined at the hip and I don't want to see Harry this heartbroken again but I do think he's inevitable now Paul on this very show the mail on Sunday's editor at large Charlotte Griffis gave a bombshell revelation about Prince William during a time of Harry and Megan's Infamous Oprah interview take a look the leader to that open interview William was quite literally sick with worry he was not eating he became kind of not reclusive but he definitely was hiding away he'd gone to a royal residence for a period of time to just cut himself off in the world and he was just in bits basically of course since then William and Harry have been at War and Jenny Bond a former Royal correspondent who met Princess Diana many times before her death has said Diana would be the only person who could fix the rift between her sons Paul is terrible to hear those anecdotes about what William has been through uh you know reduced tears in bits are you surprised by just how painful it's been for William a young man that you know so well no I'm not because those two boys were very very close Inseparable at one stage and Along Came Meghan and then it changed um Jenny's quite right Jenny did meet the princess on several occasions and Jenny's right in saying that it's only Diana that could have actually pulled them back together again um I I think this this relationship I think the boys themselves that their relationship is irreparable I I don't think it's going to be mended anytime soon because there's been far too much hurt and Harry has thrown his entire family under the bus he's throwing grenades Into the Heart of the House of Windsor and they they don't want to forgive him because he's caused a lot of distress to his brother to his father to his sister-in-law and if they invite Harry and Megan back into their fold it'll only give them more stories to write about and to tell in America because let's let's just get down to the nitty-gritty because Megan and Harry their biggest USP is being 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Channel: GBNews
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Keywords: GB news
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Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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