Ultimate Prime Rib

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[Music] hi guys I'm Laura Vitale on this episode of Laura in kitchen we are gonna make a garlic studded perfectly juicy it's a life fully golden brown and crispy on the outside prime rib I love prime rib it is absolutely a treat and this is I'm gonna tell you take it from me I stopped doing Christmas gifts a long time ago when I was pregnant and I couldn't get down to wrap a gift so here's what I said I said I will do a nice prime rib dinner for my friends not even on the main day but like for my friends and that is going to be your Christmas gift because prime rib is expensive and when you're making prime rib for people it's a real treat so don't do presents for your friends get yourself an 8-pound prime rib and make a beautiful prime rib dinner and you'll go down in history as the best hostess in the world and now everybody looks forward to it every year this is the third your 16 17 18 this is the third year in a row that I've been doing this tradition and it's great so let me show you how I do it because I think this is the perfect prime rib and it's really foolproof now the size is going to vary depending on what you want or how many people you're serving this is close to 8 pounds and it's got two bones two or three bones it's a three three bones and what you want to ask your butcher now if you whether you go to a specific like butcher to get your prime rib or the butcher section in your grocery store ask your butcher to remove the bones that reattach them back on that's what he's done here and I want to show you because this is really important it makes carving so easy but you definitely want the bones because there's a lot of flavor there in an axe like a little rack so you can see he took those off right it's all kind but he reattached them back on so it's perfect awesome I don't use a tray with a rack I much rather use a ovenproof skillet and I make a bed with some rough cut vegetables this is gonna be the rack because all the juices and the flavor and drippings from the prime rib along with this goodness right here it's going to add the little gravy that I make the serve with it now you can do a garlic rub on the outside but you don't start this at a 500 degree oven and chances are that garlic will burn and I want that so here's what you do you take some thinly sliced garlic don't use whole garlic cloves for this because it'll never get tender enough because it's so it's just not gonna have enough time to cook down you make a little slit okay just like that you take a piece of garlic that's just a sliver and you shove it in there and you take a little piece of rosemary and you do the same thing I just shove it right in there and you just take a paring knife and you let that help you and this is going to infuse to reroute the meat and be absolutely perfection I'm gonna go ahead and do that while I have the oven preheating to 500 degrees you heard that right but I'll walk you through everything else so I'm gonna just get to work in here and then we'll move on to the next step you know this looks gorgeous already like it already looks festive so now this is what you do you take plenty of salt this is a big hunk of meat and meat that's under salted is a real shame I just go all the way on the side I don't bother doing the bottom I just do all the sides the front and the top obviously it looks like it's a lot of salt and it is but you need it to be and then pepper oh oh huh oh this is a big gorgeous it's gonna make your house smell phenomenal okay and now this is the magical part this is gonna sound weird but I have nos tou steered you wrong before Dijon mustard Dijon mustard adds a lovely note of flavor here that you just would not believe it's tangy it's delicious it's not overpowering at all you almost can't even tell that it's Dijon mustard but somehow that flavor just sort of really infuses in little holes of where you put the little slits of what you put the garlic and the rosemary and it's fantastic I have knock steered you wrong yet and trust you me I would not let you waste a hunk of meat like this okay so I just do it all around the top a little bit on the the front here in the back it also becomes like edible glue if you will and it makes the time really stick to it just like so so phenomenal and then I take time you notice how we salt it straight on the meat first not on top of the Dijon mustard because you want to make sure that you are salting it and not anything else want to do a little bit of thyme on top I don't do a ton of time ton of time oh is your head at on time don't we all but it does add lovely flavor here and then I have some extra here that I just like to add to the bottom of my pan which I'll show you you want a little bit of olive oil just to kind of help your veggies along a little bit and then I take rosemary and I take some time and this it's gonna add to the gravy if you will okay and then I'm just gonna do a little drizzle of olive oil on the meat because once I put it on the skillet I don't want to have to wash my hands again then the touch done oh this is really beautiful okay now this is where before I do that I wanna talk to you about temperature I can't really give you how long it'll be in there because I don't know the size of your prime rib the rule is you start at 500 degrees for 15 minutes after 15 minutes you're gonna crank that heat down to 325 and you start counting 15 minutes per pound for like a medium rare situation now I like to pull mine out when the internal temperature is 120 and then I let it rest for a while and it carries over cooking to 130 that ensures that the outside slices are a little bit medium for those that like that temperature and then the the center will be a little bit more medium-rare for those that like it that way you're gonna have to play around with the way you like it so if you like a rare prime rib pull it out of 110 which will be about 11 minutes a pound starting at 325 and then let it over like you know let it rest it carries over for about 10 more degrees at 120 it's up to you do the math and a pound it will be in there for about 100 20 minutes after the 15 initial minutes at 500 degrees so I'm gonna pop mine in a 500 after 15 minutes reduced thingy 325 and then start counting 15 minutes per pound until it's done I'll show you what it looks like when it's there and you know while I have you here I just put the prime rib in the oven I want to make my horseradish sour cream first but you can't serve it without it and I like to make it now and pop it in the fridge until for a couple hours until we're ready to eat it so that all the flavors can mingle and all you need for that is sour cream salt pepper and cream style horseradish not to be mistaken with prepared horseradish because it's much much stronger the cream style kind is much more mild and you can find it it just an irregular like condiment aisle right next to your Mayo and your mustard that's usually where you find it that's the kind that you want so you just take all three things and you can see it I'll just use the back of this that is creamy and it's already sort of like it's already got a little bit of stuff in it but it's not as strong it's prepared horseradish so I'm just gonna mix all those together and then I'm gonna serve it with some chopped chives when I go to serve the prime rib so this is it I'm gonna just cover it up pop it in the fridge and I'll meet you back here when the meat is ready that is pure perfection we're right around if this were to sit for another 10 minutes it will get right around 2:00 1:30 it's 127 on the very center which is gonna be more rare and on the outside it'll be your more you know medium medium-well ish this way at least in our family I can be sure that there's a little bit for everybody you know what I mean so this has been resting by the way covered in foil with a towel on it for half an hour remember this was a pound so it was in there for 15 minutes at 500 degrees once I turn a temperature down to 325 I started counting 15 minutes a pound which is a run around two hours like 120 minutes that method works perfect every single time because it totally depends on the size of your roast so the smaller the roast the less time it needs to cook so taking this baby out now okay beautiful let that rest for a little bit more we are know rush but I want you to see what we've got going on over here okay this is all delicious but it is a lot of fat you see that I'll only want I only want a couple tablespoons so let me grab a little vessel here because I'm gonna use some of that fat to help make like a light Roux because I don't want a thick a thick gravy that's good enough I don't want all the fat but I certainly don't wanna get rid of in this was just by the way why I also like to use a skillet because I can go right from oven to table top in no time so what I'm going to do to this take a potato masher and I'm just gonna mash some of these onions and the garlic cuz you see what happens with the garlic so it starts to ooze out and a lot of the flavor is in there so once it comes to temperature I starts heating back up oh yeah so I look gross now but trust me when I tell you it's gonna be fabulous I'm just gonna add a little bit of flour to this not a lot you're now looking to make a thick gravy probably just like a tablespoon or two or two a flour there's going to be perfect just add that in I sprinkle a little bit at a time and then I just mix until I can no longer see the raw flour now we add a little red wine let that just get nice and hot I start to bubble and then that's good enough the pan was already really hot from the fact that it was in the oven for a couple hours smells wonderful then we add some beef stock right in scraping off any bits of goodness thickening up it smells fantastic it looks like a lot but it's gonna reduce and then I'm gonna strain it and then I like to add just a splash of Wurster sheer werster shy or whatever you want to call it and all I'm gonna do now is cook this until it's about reduced by half and thickened then I will strain it rusev on two into a clean Bowl and then all we're gonna do is slice our roast and serpent that's it so before I actually strain the gravy because I want to add any collective juices to that skillet I'm gonna cut the prime rib I just snipped off the pieces of twine that was holding the bones on and this is how easy it is now you have to keep in mind there's gonna be a lot of juices that collect at the bottom of the pot of the thing here because remember you don't ever ever ever want to cook prime rib to a well-done never that would be terrible but you just cannot imagine what it smells like in here okay now the outside pieces are going to be more on the medium side and then as you start slicing okay you'll get more into the medium rare and then it'll be more rare in the very center for those that like it that way you can see the pieces of garlic right there okay right there perfection I'm just gonna keep slicing I'm gonna put this all my platter I'm going to take any of the juices that collect in my my cutting board and I'm gonna add them to my gravy I'm going to drain it drain it strain it and then we serve I mean this is really spectacular I just want you to see how juicy this meat is I mean there's just there's something here like I said for everyone I strained my beautiful juices and I like to just drizzle a little bit of this all over just cuz it's nice and delicious and it's just full of flavor and then what I'll do is I'll put that in a gravy boat alongside and then you've got your horseradish sour cream I want a better hear a little bit of there a little bit for everybody you know what I'm saying oh hi little bunny how are you you're doing well so wonderful to hear the prime rib of my dreams every time foolproof perfect method delicious results spectacular for a holiday laurainthekitchen.com has a recipe go get it you will love it and I'll see you next time bye-bye have you been eating pasta did you eat pasta I can see it's all over your face like the bunny eating oranges make orange juice squeeze it
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 212,003
Rating: 4.8957567 out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, prime rib recipe, how to make prime rib, easy prime rib, best prime rib recipe, easiest prime rib recipe, how to make easy prime rib, what is prime rib, cooking, roasting, baking, cooking videos, cooking shows
Id: JnVDSrmKznI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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