Prime Rib On A Gas Grill - Ace Hardware

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hello everyone and welcome I'm chef Jason Moore sir Ace Hardware grill expert and I'll tell you what this red vest approved video is quite possibly one of the best ones I think we've done yet it's prime rib time so Thanksgiving is done we know you had an awesome turkey it's time now for Christmas and New Year's it's like the best holiday ever for prime rib and because we're helpful check it out we've got two pages of prime rib tips for you as always you can find these prime rib tips and more of our recipes at Ace Hardware comm slash tips there's a little search bar up top type in recipes or type in 5280 culinary you'll find our prime rib tips we've got horseradish sauce for you a lot of stuff that is designed to make you an absolute prime rib legend right so we're going to show you today how to select the prime rib how to season it and add a ton of flavor we're going to show you how to grill it on the Weber so we're gonna do this on propane today helps keep your house from smelling like prime rib really fills the neighborhood up with that beautiful beef essence right we have a lot of cool stuff to talk about today I all of our rubs that we're gonna talk about and sauces and all those things you can find at your local Ace Hardware store or at Ace Hardware calm as well so we're ready to get started we're glad to have you let's get cooking so look at this I'll tell you what when it comes to choosing prime rib this is what we're looking for right here look at all that beautiful white marbling that is fat fat adds flavor and that's for sure we've got a beautiful for bone ribeye here and the nice thing about that is we bought it bone on which is gonna help out a little bit of flavor but I'll tell you what you can buy it bone on bone off you are still definitely going to get an excellent cut of beef why might you ask well let's get this right here USDA choice that is what we picked for our prime rib we want to make sure it's the upper two-thirds of choice we get this beautiful marbling right in here you can see that gorgeous kernel of fat this is gonna add a wonderful wonderful flavor to our prime rib so again this is a four bone one and look at look at this guy over here this is our 18 and a half pound prime ribbon you may wonder why did you buy such a huge prime rib well I'll tell you what how do you select prime rib how what do you look for what do you need well we bought about a pound of person right plus it we factored in a little bit of shrink plus we factored in a little bit of leftovers because who doesn't love shaved prime rib sandwiches the next day so again we factor about a bone a person or about 14 to 16 ounces of prime rib a person plus some shrink plus some leftover so that's what we got here we took it out of the package and we're letting it breathe we wanted to open up a little bit this is like a fine wine letting it open up letting it do its thing and I'll tell you the rubs we're gonna talk about today we've got our chef's rub it up we've got our prime rib rub it up couple different rubs that are definitely gonna add a ton of flavor here we've got a mixture of chef's rub it up and point just another fun little flavor and then here we just poured it into a container so that we can grab and go and season a lot faster so what is a prime rib you ask a lot of people think it means that it's prime and that is it that is definitely a grade of beef prime rib really means it's one of the nine primal cuts of beef on the animal that's what makes it a prime rib this is an absolute delicious cut guess what cut this down into steaks you've got ribeye steaks so if you're thinking wow that's too much well you can buy it now buy the whole one cut some steaks and freeze them you'll save a little bit of money you'll be able to cut your own steaks as well so again look at that I just think this is so gorgeous right little meat cam action alright so let's get started here and figure out how we can season these guys up and add a ton of flavor alright so one of the things we're gonna do when it comes time to prep is we're gonna get a little bit of this tail off we don't need all that tail on there it's just one of those things that adds a little bit more grease or more drippings into it so we're gonna go ahead and get that tail taken off then we'll take this guy up here we'll add it into our pan and now we want to season it one of the good things we're gonna do like I said is we're gonna start with a little rub it up we're gonna do a two part flavor on this guy so we're gonna season it now with some rub-a-dub we'll Pat that on there we'll get the top we'll get this side and we'll get the bottom and again seasoning as much or as little as you like this is all about preference this isn't about me saying you have to use this much or you have to use that much go as lighter as heavy as you like alright the great thing here now that we've got this season I'm gonna wrap it in plastic wrap and I'm gonna let this sit overnight with some plastic wrap on it because what it'll do is it'll help that seasoning suck into the meat get a lot of flavor in here and then when we come in in the morning and get ready to season this off then we're gonna add another bit of a rub to the top so we'll go ahead and wrap this guy and we'll see you back here in just a minute alright so we wrap this and let this sit overnight we unwrapped it you can see it's gotten nice and tacky and now like I said I use that rub it up to build kind of a nice flavor base and then I'm gonna take the prime rib rub a dub and put that on top of that just to give it even more flavor this is gonna be more Worster Shire more rosemary a little bit heavier garlic but now we're able to kind of custom blend we let that prime rib rub it up do its thing and soak in there and this is going to be an amazing prime rib grab this camera here we are gonna go look at this so we've got our Weber preheated and the great thing is look at that got a four burner weber gas had turned it on high because i want to preheat this grill and now that I've got it preheated let this guy and there so look at that now it's loaded and set and ready to go and what I want to do is preheat it for 25 let it get nice and hot we're gonna close the lid and then we're gonna go for that sear next up we want that to sear we want it to get a nice buildup of heat we want to get a little crust on the outside and help it hold in all those juices we took the time over here to season it right let it sit overnight we then seasoned it again to really really build that flavor we picked a beautiful prime rib now we're searing it to get that blistering heat on there and really lock in all those juices as much as we can we we're gonna lose a little bit and that's okay one of the things we also did look at that we went into a pan we want it into the pan because that's gonna catch all of our drippings we don't want our drippings to go down in the grill well let's say you want to add a little bit of smoke flavor to this guess what right here that's when you want to add that smoke flavor that's the perfect time to do it you can put a smoker box in there you could put a smoker tube the great thing is is that smokes gonna billow through there all right so here we are 350 we got a good sear on this right look at that we got a beautiful sear going on here it's hovering at 350 and now it comes time you know where are we gonna put the probe what probe are we gonna use how do we check temperature well guess what here we go i grill one of my favorites what do we do we go right into the middle that's where you want it literally we go right in the middle this way and right in the middle this way and that way we are dead center right in the middle of that and what we're looking for is the best most efficient way to trap temperature we'll bring this guy over here plug it into our I grill if you have an i grill three in your grill you can plug it in there as well the beauty of the hole i grill system guess what you're watching temperature now from your phone all right 325 we got it a good sear on this guy we're gonna shut the lid let this finish alright so here we are we've talked about pretty much everything except for how to no and it's done right we talked about how to pick the best prime rib we talked about how to season it we talked about how to load the temperature probe in there we talked about the I grill we talked about loading at the Weber on a drip pan now guess what we've got some doneness tips for you as well like I said earlier Ace Hardware comm slash tips in the search bar type in recipes or prime rib you'll get into our prime rib tips we've got some temperature tips there for you as well but I'll give you my kind of my view of temperatures I really look at it like if you want medium which by the way I think is probably the safest temperature to have for your holiday parties if I want medium I'm gonna pull it out medium rare right so I'll pull it out at medium rare I'll put it in a pan on the counter uncovered and I'm gonna let it rest and when it rests it's gonna carry over and 15 degrees to its final resting and I'll let it rest 10 or 15 minutes 20 minutes tops but again I pull it early about a temperature early and I let it rest into the temperature that I'm looking for so poet medium-rare let it rest to medium we hope you enjoyed our read best video we've got a lot more coming for you they already have my schedule ready for next year we have some cool stuff coming so follow us on YouTube stay tuned in to what we've got coming and make comments let us know how you ask some questions let us know what you want to hear what you want to see again I'm chef Jason Morris Ace Hardware grill expert have a great Christmas a wonderful holiday season we'll see you soon
Channel: Ace Hardware
Views: 39,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ace Hardware, Weber, Ace, Chef Jason, 5280 Culinary, Prime Rib, Grill, Grilling, How To, Cooking, Christmas, How To Grill, Prime Rib Roast, Cook, How To Grill Prime Rib, Cooking Prime Rib, Christmas Dinner, Horsey Sauce, Steak, Propane, Roast, Step by Step, Grilled, Boneless, prime rib steak, Tips, Advice, Hacks, Grilling Hacks, Cooking Hacks, Rubs, Seasoning, USDA, Weber Grill, Propane Grill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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