Smoked PRIME RIB on a PIT BOSS!! | Pellet Grill Prime Rib Roast Reverse Seared

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hey everybody Welcome to Mad backyard today we're going to be smoking a prime rib on our Pit Boss pet Grill we're going to show you our favorite seasoning to use on prime rib how we set up the Pit Boss to smoke it and how we sear it at the end for a great crust on the outside and a perfect medium rare on the inside okay so today we've got a 4B prime rib roast you can see here that I got a two bone prime rib roast and generally when you're looking for uh rib roast prime rib roast it's going to be uh you'll be looking at the weight yes but you're also going to kind of be talking about it in terms of how many bones it has so this one's actually on the smaller end having two bones you can get a prime rib roast all the way up to seven bones would be the full uh complete rib roast and you want to think about it in terms of how many people you're serving good rule of thumb is about uh two servings per bone so this one being 4 lbs two bones would serve probably about four people now this is a choice grade prime rib roast just cuz it's called prime rib does not necessarily mean it's going to be prime grade beef I got choice and that's fine um you can see there's a lot of good marbling in here I've seen some really great choice cuts that have a ton of fat and marbling and I've seen some prime labeled cuts that don't have as much as what I would expect from Prime Beef so always got to use your eyes as well okay as I said uh prime rib roast can come from anywhere along those uh seven Bones on a full prime rib there's a one side of the rib roast that's going to be leaner and there's going to be one side that's a little fattier this one is from the fattier side you can see it's got a bigger eye of fat kind of in the middle here and it's got a better more well-defined spinalis muscle right here this is also often called The Rib cap and this is a really tender prized cut of beef on the ri I roast so the further you get into the fattier side of the rib roast and I apologize I can't remember off the top of my head whether it's the front end or the back end but just ask the butcher you know when you're picking out your rib roast um just say you know I want from the the fattier side or the leaner side if you want leaner beef it's going to have less of this fat less of this muscle here um and be more kind of like this meat here along the whole thing um so just know that that's an option when you're picking out a rib roast as well many times you'll find on a rib roast they've gone ahead and cut the bones off and then tied them back on and what people do is they'll cook it that way tied and then they'll remove it when they're done and then serve it um without the bones so you can get a nice slice without hitting the bones um there's a lot of really good meat in between the bones up here um you'll see some people they call it Frenching where they remove all this meat in between the bones here and you get the nice exposed bones and that kind of classic standing rib roast like that um it looks nice but you end up losing a lot of that really good meat in there which we don't want to waste so I'm going to show you something a little different to do with the bones at the end when we cut them off uh rather than taking all this meat off right in the beginning so as far as trimming I'm not going to take really anything off there is a little bit of harder fat on this fat cap here although as you can see it's only about a/4 inch or probably even less in some spots so it's really not worth trimming it all down we're going to go ahead and get this seasoned up we're going to use a little bit of grape seed oil to help the rub stick to the roast itself I like grape seed oil because we're going to be seing stearing this at the end and it's got a very high smoke point so we're less likely to kind of get that kind of acrid uh burnt oil taste when we go ahead and sear it later versus using something like extra virgin olive oil that has a very low smoke point so we're just going to get a little bit on the roast here and kind of rub it around and then we're going to go ahead and use one of our favorite seasonings on beef it's the meat Church uh Holy Cow Barbecue Rub this stuff is great you you've seen us use it on brisket on chuck roast it's a great for beef um really I've had nothing bad from meat church and I have nothing but great things to say about them so make sure to try this out if you haven't yet I'll put a link to it down below but it's got no sugar in it which is uh rub we're looking for is something with no sugar so you can go straight salt and pepper on your prime rib roast if you want but if you want a little extra flavor this is got some garlic onion paprika um it's just going to give it a little extra flavor um but you want to stay away from any rubs with sugar if you're going to be searing it if you're just smoking it straight to the end you can put whatever rub you want but since we're going to be searing it we don't want to burn all that that Sugar uh so we want to stick with the rub like this so don't season your meat and throw it right on the smoker you want to let it set for about 30 minutes or so it kind of sweats the meat out a little bit makes more of a paste on the outside and really Seasons the meat a little better and makes a a better um crust on the outside as you're smoking the prime rib while the rub is setting on the meat go ahead and start up the Pit Boss let it run through the startup cycle and set the temperature to 250° today I'm using some of my favorite pellets for beef almond cabernet from Naughty wood make sure you we got plenty of pellets in the hopper for when we turn up the heat to sear at the end as we've shown how to do in other videos we're also going to set up a small fire box with some hickory wood chunks for even more real wood smoke flavor on our prime rib okay we're going to put our smoker box with our hickory wood chunks towards the back here and we're going to go ahead and get our prime rib roast on you can see I've got it on the uh wire rack baking sheet combo you see us using all the time this is nice because it just makes a lot easier when I want to rotate it also gives us another level of uh heat diffusion from underneath on a Pit Boss most of that Heat's coming straight up from uh underneath on The Flame Broiler here so just having that little extra level of heat diffusion um really helps and then the wire rack on top of the baking sheet um gives you that air flow underneath so you get smoke uh flavor all around so we're going to go ahead and get this on and uh get it start cooking here we're also going to go ahead and put our uh temperature probe in I'm using the meter uh Wireless thermometer here this one's really nice uh with not having a with any wires or anything like that it measures the uh internal temperature from the tip here and then also measures your ambient temperature the smoker temperature on the outside tip on this side so just really convenient to use you want to uh put it dead center in the roast so we're going to come from the center this way but we also don't want to overshoot it by going too far in and ending up you know 3/4 of the way through on the other side so the easiest way to do that is just kind of measure from the top and kind of look at it and say okay I want it to uh you know land right about there take your fingers and pinch uh whatever probe you're using right in that spot and then come down to where you actually put it in we don't want to go right into the fat here we want to make sure we're in the meat so we're just going to come right through the center keep our fingers in that pinched spot and that way we know exactly how far to come in and we know it's exactly in the center uh versus overshooting or undershooting it and then we're going to go ahead and get this on let it start smoking on the meter app on our phone we're going to go ahead and hit uh set up to cook so tap here we're going to pick beef and then a roast and prime rib right here so meter will give you a recommended uh temperature range we're actually going to go for between 130 and 135 for medium rare so we're going to go ahead and pick that and then we'll do start cook and then it's going to give us our internal temperature right here the ambient temperature as it currently is it's coming back up since we Clos the lid and then our Target temperature would be 135 and that's the target temperature after resting so we're going to take it off a little sooner than that um so that we can sear it kind of like we did on our uh smoked boneless riy roast so but we'll talk about that as we get closer to that point for right now we're just monitoring the internal temperature and let it smoke and get some Smoky flavor and we'll come back to it here in a little [Music] bit so we're at exactly the 2hour mark on our Pit Boss prime rib and and um we're about to hit 110° internally now like I said before for medium rare we want to finish kind of in that 130 to 135 range now that's where we want the final temperature to be and we don't want it to ever go any higher than that so that it doesn't overcook and as we've said in previous videos it's similar to uh slowing down a car before you get to an intersection you don't want to leave something on the smoker right until it gets to your target temperature or else it's going to keep going and go past where you want it to be so thinking ahead uh we want to finish at 130 to 135 so we're going to sear it up until about 1225 it's going to take a little while for the Pit Boss to get up to temperature for us to sear it so we want to get it off at 110 knowing it'll go up to about 115 we sear it take it off at 125 it rests and finishes right about 130 135 but we'll talk about all that as we do each step just know for now if you're going to leave it on the PIP boss until it's done and not sear it leave it on till it gets to 125 if you're going to take it off and sear it like we are take it off at about 110° so let's go ahead and take a look I went ahead and took the smoker box off a few few minutes ago and I put our cast iron pan on here to start preheating just so uh it got a little warm before we start trying to heat it up so it doesn't take too long but our internal temperature is now right at 110° right as I pulled it up there so I don't know if you can see that but like I said if we just left it on at this temperature the meter's saying it would take about 32 more minutes to finish cooking we're going to go ahead and get it off and go ahead and put this over here let that rest for a minute and we're going to turn the temperature now up to High which is just past 450 it's the highest it'll go we want to put it on high there and then if you got the model with the uh Flame Broiler here we're going to go ahead and open it up and then we're going to take our cast iron pan and we're going to put it right over that open fire pot so that this gets nice and hot I'm using this uh little infrared thermometer here these things are real nice they're pretty cheap and uh they're real convenient to use to measure the surface temperature of when you're searing something so you can see that our temperature here is up to 575° or so so that's going to be plenty hot enough to sear it here so the cast Iron's definitely hot enough our prime rib has risen up to 115° while it's resting here so we're going to go ahead and start searing it and get it the rest of the way up to about 122 125° to finish up so you want to make sure you've got everything you need before you start searing cuz once we start this process we can't really leave the beef unattended or stop so kind of have our instant read thermometer so we can keep an eye on the temperature I've got some uh wagu beef Tallow this stuff's real nice you've seen us use it in other videos I'm going to use this uh on the cast iron to help sear the beef and give it a little extra fattiness and richness I've got my cloth liners I'm going to actually double these up since we're going over a hot cast iron and I've got these on with my uh heavy duty Nitro gloves on top so this makes it nice for holding the beef and moving it around a really Sear all parts of it without having to mess with tongs and things like that um and without burning your hands so we're going to get a pair of these on to hold the beef over our cloth liners I'll put links to all this stuff down below if you want to try it out for yourself we're going to go ahead and get these on I'm going to take some of the wagu just get a good Spoonful here and put it on our cast iron and you can do this directly over the fire pot if you really want to uh sear the beef directly over that flame but I like having the cast iron here cuz you can get the wagu on and really uh get a nice nice crust on the outside using some extra fat we're going to let that heat up for a minute or so before we put the beef on then we'll start searing took our meter out we're going to go ahead and start this on the bottom [Music] side we'll just kind of keep spot checking as we're seeing in we're up to about 117 in the middle there again we're going for about 122 to [Music] 125 all right so you can see we're getting right at about 125 125 or so we're going to go and get this guy off move it right back over to our uh wire rack baking sheet here we're going to let that rest till it comes the rest of the way up temperature internally okay we've let our prime rib rest for about 30 minutes now it came up to about 133 to 135 internally so hopefully we hit it at just the right point we want to uh take the bones off the prime rib now so the easiest way to do it is just to turn it straight up and down like this we got the curved part of the bones here and then we're going to take our meat slicing knife and we're going to come right along the curvature of this side of the bones and try to follow them along as we go and they don't go down the whole length on this one they're kind of shorter but we're going to kind of come right through right there and then we can turn the roast down like that now we've got a boneless roast um you know save these this Meats really good you can eat it as is you can throw it back on the smoker and smoke it a little more to kind of break down some more of that collagen and fat in there they're basically beef ribs they're going to be delicious um put them back on the PIP boss at about 250° I think that's what I'm going to do actually I'm going to put them back on at 250° I'll season up this side here and just have them as a midnight snack later on we'll uh cook them till they get to about 200 in the middle just like some beef ribs now that we got the bones removed it's going to be a lot easier to slice through so we're going to take our meat slicing knife and we're just going to start on one end and just go nice and easy all the way through and then we'll do another slice you can just see how incredibly tender and juicy that is there's that rib cap muscle we were talking about in the beginning that's kind of the best part of the prime rib roast there and see just how tender that is okay let's go ahead and give it a taste I'm going to get a little bit of our horseradish cream sauce and I'll put a link to this uh recipe Down Below in the description if you want to try it out but it goes great with our smoked prime rib it is so tender so delicious there's a reason this is uh the king of beef roast wonderful holiday meal you're going to impress everyone if you put this on the table I guarantee it um good smoke flavor from the wood we used and it really didn't take that long we did about 2 hours of smoking uh a few minutes of searing it and half an hour to rest and it's ready and the most important thing is just watching your temperatures and making sure you're taking it off at the right time searing it to the right temperature and then letting it rest to come up to that perfect dness for you before you serve it to your guests we hope you enjoyed this video make sure to hit the like And subscribe button if you want to get more content like this from our Channel I'll put a link to the full step-by-step recipe at madb as well as links to all the products we use today down in the description below thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Mad Backyard
Views: 25,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smoked prime rib, smoked prime rib roast, smoked prime rib pellet grill, smoked prime rib roast on pellet grill, prime rib on the grill, smoked prime rib on a pellet grill, pellet grill prime rib, prime rib roast pellet grill, smoked prime rib pellet smoker, pellet grill prime rib roast, smoked standing rib roast, horseradish sauce, prime rib smoker, prime rib pellet grill for beginners, prime rib on a traeger pellet grill, pit boss prime rib recipe, traeger prime rib
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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