How to Cook Bone-in Prime Rib

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welcome back to another episode of barbecue in bottles and today we're gonna be doing a beautiful bone-in prime rib we've gone to our butcher and we've gotten a really high-quality cut of beef here now this is something that you're really only gonna do for celebrating an event whether that's the holidays a birthday you name it I mean this is a relatively expensive kind of beef we're gonna get a whole bunch of meals out of this so it's kind of like our carnivore meal prep for the week but we're really doing this because we want to celebrate getting the creator on the rise award and we wanted to really really thank you here for supporting us on this channel I mean this is something we started two and a half years ago just cooking and grilling in our backyard in hopes that no it might inspire others to cook and bring their friends and family around to enjoy a meal and we're really really grateful that it's now really taking off and and becoming something beyond what we ever anticipated so to celebrate prime rib now we're gonna be doing this reverse sear so that means we'll go low and slow and then sear it off at the end this is something we're gonna do it out on the charcoal grill but you can do it on your oven so depending on what you're gonna be cooking it with will walk you through both of those steps so the first step is actually just making sure you ask your butcher to carve off the bones and then we trust the bones back into the prime rib now that's gonna make your life so much easier when you're done cooking and you're gonna start carving it up because as you take the trusses away the bones will just peel straight off and you'll be able to cut nice thin prime rib slices or whatever thickness that you're looking for and these bones will also just act as a little bit of extra insulation for the prime rib through our cook now the next step is just coming in with some salt so we're gonna go in with a generous amount of salt here we're just using a fleur de sel make sure you get all the sides and because this is gonna take four or five hours to actually cook then you don't have to worry about just the outer crust having salt on it this will all dissolve and absorb back into the into the beef [Music] all right and now roll the roast around on your cutting board try to pick up any of that leftover salt and just make sure you're getting an even amount of seasoning all the way around your roast so the prime ribs been resting for about 45 minutes so we're about 15 to 20 minutes away from our cook so now it's time to light up the grill now we're gonna top it up with some lump charcoal and you want to be using a lump charcoal that has large pieces of charcoal like that it now we're gonna fire this guy up and here we're just going to use the burns o matic with a propane tank here this is great just for firing up the grill you screw it in like this just remove it from lock then you've got a blowtorch I generally hold this in position for that 20 seconds in each pot and do three or four spots all right with the grill let up now we're just gonna keep the lid cracked for a second and let this warm up we'll get our vent set and we're gonna be targeting a temp of 225 for this cook so if you're doing this on the oven just pre-heat your oven to 225 before you put the prime rib in there on this guy that means the vents will be cracked open just a little bit so let's get the vents into position now we'll give this 15 to 20 minutes to get up to temp now let's go check out prime rib so the prime rib is coming along beautifully here what we're gonna do now is create a mustard rosemary garlic rub that we can just put all over this before we get it out there on the grill and that will form a beautiful crust and another layer of flavor and flavor profile here for the prime rib all right our first step is just gonna be taking off some of the rosemary leaves here from the sprig itself and we're gonna finely chop those up and of course when you ultimately go to serve it it's nicer people are getting large chunks of rosemary serve with your prime rib all right we'll just place that in a bowl here then we'll add in a little bit of extra virgin olive oil and that was probably about a tablespoon and a half to two tablespoons we'll go in with some mustard and here we're using a horse rash flavored mustard really really nice pairs wonderfully with prime rib perfect and that's about two tablespoons as well now for the garlic I'm just gonna break off some cloves here I always find if you smash it with your chef's knife like that it just makes it easier to peel these guys look at that just come straight off now we're huge fans of garlic so we're gonna load up here do you want to be using at least four cloves we'll go a six but just do this to your taste preference now we'll just cut the ends off of these guys all right now we are good to crush that into our mix now we'll get this rub just mixed up here all the aromatics coming off of this incredible beautiful just get that rub all over here and again that's gonna form a really nice crust all over the prime rib look at that just a beautiful beautiful rub all the way around the exterior so the next step for us is gonna be taking this out to the grill but if you're doing it in your oven then you're gonna want an aluminum baking tray and a cooling rack here and you just place this roast bone side down on top of the cooling rack and drop it in the oven but now let's go check out the charcoal grill and see if it's up to temp now let's get our system set up and ready for the prime rib first step we're just gonna add in a slow roller here this'll help to make sure we get a really nice even smoke flow now if you don't have the slow roller just use your diffuser plates this will work almost as well and the goal here is really just to make sure we're doing indirect heat and we're not blasting this roast with direct heat lastly with our fire gloves here we're just gonna get our racks in position I know these gloves these are rated up to a 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit so it's perfect for when you're dealing in your charcoal pit like this now let's get our roast in here and we're gonna be going bone side down nice we'll just take a little bit more of that rub here mix it all around look at that how gorgeous does that look now we'll get our temp probes in we'll go in with a temp probe on this side right into the middle of the roast and we're actually gonna do two of them so we'll go in with one on the other side as well now lastly we're just gonna put in place our little temp probe to make sure we're monitoring the temp of the grill at the grill grates just like that so having that temp probe on the grill grates it'll just allow you to cross-check against the temp gauge on the dome here and just make sure that you're dialed in and you don't have a significant difference between the temp reading up here and what's down on your grill great now we're gonna let this go for four to five hours so we've just hit an internal temp of 120 so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get this guy off of the grill and onto a cooling rack just like that now we're gonna lightly tent this let it rest for about a half an hour and then we're gonna get this grill ripping hot and we're gonna sear it off just to bring some nice color to the prime rib and then we're gonna be ready to carve into it so this was on the grill for about four hours but you can see here we've got that rich redness from the smoke from the charcoal we could have added some additional smoking wood but because this is over the charcoal for so long we didn't really feel that wasn't necessary but just look at that such a rich flavor profile so now we're just gonna attempt the roast so just lightly tent it like that now what's gonna happen here is the carry over the heat from the roast is gonna continue to permeate into the middle and we're gonna get the internal temp rising probably another five to eight maybe even ten degrees beyond what we actually took it off the grill at and this rest period is also going to allow the juices to just redistribute more evenly throughout the whole roast so then we can fire up the grill at the end sear it off get some beautiful color and then we're ready to carve into this bad boy so now we'll get the Kamado set up for the sear stage so we're just gonna remove the slow roller and now we'll leave the hood open here we'll open up the vents and we'll just get this rip in hot so for this stage if you're doing it inside in your oven get your oven preheated to 450 even 500 degrees Fahrenheit while the prime rib is resting and now once our prime rib has finished that half an hour to forty five minute rest we're gonna get it back on here or back in your oven and we'll give it that final blast of heat to really bring out some rich dark caramelized crust on the exterior of this roast alright so we've had nine degrees that carry over with the prime rib we've got the grill just ripping hot here you can see flames coming out so we're just gonna give this a quick sear we'll start on this side now because we had nine degrees to carry over we're at an internal here of 129 so we're probably only gonna sear this for about five minutes we just want to quick kiss flames caramelize up some of the garlic that's on this side here this is gonna be amazing now put that over at the other side we were just looking for that kind of char on the exterior [Music] now let's get the fat cap [Music] and make sure we get this nice even sear all the way around you don't want to concentrate it just on one side and again this is just a burn color it's already cooked all the way through at 129 all right now we're finished with the sear I'm just gonna transfer that back to our cooling rack and we'll take this inside now just look at this guy all seared up that is absolutely incredible great crust that's formed around the outside combined with the smokiness of that low and slow cook over charcoal so now the only thing left to do is actually slice in here remove the butcher's twine and then we're gonna cut in some slices and do a taste test now in the meantime here we've just gone ahead and made some Argentinean chimichurri here well that's gonna pair really well with this prime rib we'll put a link in the description down below if you want to check out our video on how to make Chim Cheree so now that we've got the twine off what you're gonna do you can easily separate the ribs like this if you've had your butcher do it if you haven't done your butcher do that then you're gonna want to just slice as close to the ribs as you can and leave as much of the rib eye muscle here as possible and these things are just incredible eating so I'd recommend if someone coming to your dinner actually likes a bone just kind of like this these are some of the best pieces on the prime rib just like that all right let's set that aside and now we'll cut in to see if we got that perfect medium-rare that we were looking for [Music] beautiful now the beauty of this is you can cut your slices as thin or as thick as you want if you leave the bones attached then you're kind of forced to go with the width of the bone for purposes of your slices and then you're gonna be talking about cutting off two-pound slices for everybody and that's you know not everybody actually needs a whatever that works out to be a 42 ounce slice of beef or a 32 ounce slice of beef but just look at this absolutely marvelous you've got that smoke ring around the edges really nice and juicy and tender you've got a really nice medium-rare on the inside you've got that fat that's embedded within the ribeye muscle here so this is gonna be incredible eating now let's plate this we'll add a little bit of chimichurri and then we're gonna do our taste test all right so now we're gonna bring over our slice just like that and we're gonna add in a little bit of chimichurri right down the middle now we're gonna dig in and I want to try a little piece right from the middle here with a little bit of the fat and the spinalis going like that now this is gonna be the perfect bite mmm so tender so juicy they've got all the smoky flavors in there from the charcoal you've got the rich seasoning the mustardy rosemary you can taste the rosemary still in there the chimichurri with the garlic this is really really good and it's super easy we prepped this roast in less than 15 minutes we got it out onto the grill and just let it sit there smoking away for four hours absolutely incredible you can do this yourself at home perfect for a dinner party or a challah celebration we're celebrating creator on the rise really appreciate every one of you being here on this channel nothing but gratitude toward that so thank you very much for tuning in if you're not already a subscriber consider subscribing and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: BBQ and Bottles
Views: 66,107
Rating: 4.8655462 out of 5
Keywords: BBQ and Bottles, BBQandBottles, prime rib, prime rib roast, prime rib recipe, prime rib roast recipe, smoked prime rib, smoked prime rib roast, kamado joe prime rib, how to make prime rib, rib roast, standing rib roast, easy prime rib, prime rib smoked, prime rib charcoal grill, smoked prime rib on charcoal grill, prime rib in the oven, how to cook prime rib, how to cook prime rib in the oven, bone-in prime rib, bone-in prime rib roast, prime rib on the grill, gordon ramsay
Id: vRmpxGXn0UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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