Primary Weapon Tier List - Helldivers 2

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howdy and hello I'm do hope you're doing good we have two primary weapon tier list the first one is the copium dependence every guns s tier they're fantastic no Buffs needed they're good if you're good amarat feers oh for sure 100% Bud then we have the more realistic tier list which is my opinion to be clear and it goes like this s tier a tier BC F daav Jones Gun Locker that bottom tier is for guns that are probably in a war bond that I don't recommend using although the war bonds that may have them might still be worth it whole different video was made on that before now starting off the assault rifles F tier F tier dve J Locker C tier Dave Jones Locker adjudicator has 80 damage medium pin 25 rounds per magazine but it doesn't feel good to shoot and the Damage being that low even with medium pin is not a good thing assault rifles as a whole category have low damage low magazine count for what you're facing and they don't feel good to shoot most of them don't even sound good to shoot which is subjective for sure I don't recommend using these at all there are just better weapons entirely in other categories to be using over assault rifles at basically every ter and the Liberator and Liberator penetrator are just bad guns I feel that Liberator is the go-to weapon of balance for some reason for Primary Weapons moving on we have marksman rifles these are going to be C tier I think it's a good spot for him wait the diligence sniper is f tier cuz the damage can't even one shot a Devastator cuz for some reason it does 125 damage but every gun apparently loses one damage the moment it's shot so this does not One-Shot Devastators which have 100 125 damage to their face and that makes no sense the diligence counter sniper can oneshot them so I'll put it in C tier yeah I'mma keep that for sure I'm a large fan of March rifles in video games and real life but Health average 2 does not do them Justice they don't sound good to shoot they don't do much damage when you shoot them the Scopes are not good nothing about them is redeemable unless you're a larper and like to stealth in which case maybe you have a reason to rock this but why not just use the a amr's got a really loud profile at that why I'm rocking the AMR it's more fun to shoot sounds cooler does more damage everything about it just feels better I don't see the point of marks rifles existing at the moment give me a musket bolt action does big damage I'm there make it do a bit more D in the jar five and we're cooking with Crisco medium pin boom freaking having a blast that that'd be me Punisher is Punisher is decent at lower levels stunning anything that's not an elite or a heavy and if you can hit a non-armored part which is huge Devastators hit their legs stunned if they're far away though you don't do much damage effectively it takes you many shots to kill them when they get close the damage ramps up exponentially and Berserkers are always voice pressing W and they get stunned and catched the smoke they die really quickly so it's not a bad gun just it falls off the moment a bunch of enemies on your screen which will happen the second you go to higher difficulties Slugger with stun is B tier but Slugger ain't got no stun no more making it worse than the Punisher you have less damage more of the third person vertical sway which is bad it means you're less accurate and you can't stun things the only thing you have that would be better than the Punisher is a slug projectile which can be good and can be bad that means you have more range effectively but that range don't really matter when it's kind of hard to hit shots in the first place and you don't really don't Scopes you can't that far away and when they get close to you you can't stun them so the Slugger can't Slug and therefore it is worse than the Punisher we have explosive Weaponry jar jar five s tier this is the single best gun against the automatons there is no debate to be had you may not like the way it handles that's fine does not take away from it being the single best weapon you can kill Factory Striders the big old dudes in a MAG and and almost two mags almost two full mags and you can kill a factory Strider from Full HP To None that's crazy got medium pin explosive damage damage is high you can one tap Devastators you can MK freaking Berserkers as well and you stunning these mobs the entire time it stuns hulks too but that's actually a bad thing because it makes it hard to like fall up shots the whole time still good though it's it's good but it's weird in the Hulk aspect and it's helpful for taking out tanks and a whole bunch of stuff then we have the explosive crossbow this is in David Jones Gun Locker some folks might like it for Stealth gameplay cool I guess I don't like laring that much not for me this thing got nerfed they reduced the explosion Dam explosion radius the Eruptor also the same thing I never like this gun just didn't like it and the fact you could one shot Chargers was an exploit and folks not wanting to admit that is hilarious that was never intended why would that be a thing sure it's kind of how sh Works in a sense but one-shotting Chargers makes no sense but a ruptor Now does not feel good to shoot you're better off using a a jar five jar five you get three times the Amo capacity you faster fire rate and a faster reload potentially so just use jar five over Eruptor given the current state it's in although Eruptor should be improved in the future and be good again but right now it's in the DI jiggle David Jones Gun Locker the breaker at one point in time revered is the best gun in the game for some reason because folks didn't have any guns unlocked and that was just what folks believed I'm going to go ahead and say this gun is in the young C tier I'm going C tier given the current state of the game with more patrols than ever which will get reduced in the future here I wouldn't want to run this gun you get 13 shots and I wouldn't use it against the Bots first of all against the bugs you don't have medium pin you be sitting there for a long time trying to kill Hive guards and whatnot which there might be a lot of and there's no real use case for it if you're facing a bunch of hunters 13 shots isn't going to go that far breaker spray and prey this is above the breaker for me this is a solid B tier especially for some bugs if you don't have anything else that's going to be higher but unlocked not a bad option against the bugs the breaker incendiary s tier against the bugs there's no questions to be asked whatsoever this thing is so freaking good to use it feels great it'll probably get nerfed to the ground and then no one's going to use it ever again which is super unfortunate it's the way this game goes at the moment but man oh man you shoot a bug a hunter chances are it's going to die not as consistent now cuz Hunters have more HP than Devastators for some reason which is weird and they also they change fire damage which is a good thing but it makes incity breaker a little less consistent still a phenomenal gun you get so much damage look at this 240 damage 25 round capacity it lights things on fire and you have light armor pen which is not nuts but that's a good freaking gun so fun to use cuz it's just it's useful guns that are fun are the ones that are useful and this one is insane now we're on to the energy weapons this is going to be the scyth the Scythe it's got a bit more damage now just nothing really right home about and I'm not a big fan of the way that beam weapons work currently so I'm put this in C tier this is this is very subjective I haven't used it too much when I do use it it heats up pretty quick and I just don't love the way the beam weapons function I don't think you get enough time to shoot them until they overheat for beam weapons now the Scythe is a part of a war bond and I think that's another B tier option this is not terrible versus the Bots I wouldn't recommend it per se but if you have decent aim it can be very useful cuz it's very accurate you can fire 99 shots before it overheats at 100 if you stop firing at 99 or close to 99 you then can have infinite shooting so it's kind of like a beam gun but here you just get more instantaneous damage to be applied there's a slight wind up to shoot it I just find this gun really fun to use when it first dropped I was having a blast playing this weapon it just feels good to shoot and The Recoil isn't crazy so it makes shooting through the scope not a bad thing I don't mind being first person with this weapon which is a plus this is far better than every single assault rifle in the game and its damage is 55 so it competes with assault rifles in most regards the scorcher is it's hovering between a tier and B tier for me at one point it was really really good and apparently got a stealth Nerf of some kind something changed somehow some way and they also made it so striders I'm putting it B tier now before it was a solid a tier at one point s tier because I didn't know how good the jar five was or jar five got buffed somehow but scorcher now takes more shots to kill a bot of the Scout variety the small Walker guys two feet big metal chassis those guys before I could twoot them very easily now it's around three sometimes four if you miss a little bit then we got the ark Blitzer you can stun things but the targeting is still kind of Jank you'll hit dead bodies a lot you'll hit grass a lot if if something's too close to you it won't hurt them at all even though it's a shotgun that doesn't have that much range to begin with it's got decent range all truth be told they gave it faster fire rate recently which is nice I think it needs more or we need a straty we need something to let us dual wield weapons primaries and secondaries potentially strats imagine that and then all of a sudden it's nuts and really fun to shoot if if they if they did that everyone would one trick incendiary breaker and just break the game so maybe maybe we can't have that be a thing but maybe for specific weapons it would be fine AR glitcher is nice folks like it with the recent changes and whatnot the plasma Punisher I know the name's by Heart by the way it's kind of unhealthy this gun is probably I'm going go C tier it's fun to shoot it's just not particularly good it just doesn't do enough damage to kill Devastators in a meaningful fashion you have Devastators pull up you can headshot them which is hard to land if you're on controller Good Luck Chuck and you're sitting there for a while trying to kill a medium mob weapons in this game are good when they can handle medium mobs well I'm not expecting guns to be killing file Titans quickly or Chargers quickly I expect them to kill medium medium and small mobs somewhat fast and if they can't chances are they won't be used the moment players realize what can kill those things fast that is the whole purpose of a primary weapon in my opinion is to be good at killing mediummedium and small mobs otherwise what is the point having a primary you could maybe have primaries that are really crack at killing bigger things but have terrible odds at killing anything else so just not useful at all Eruptor could be a weapon like that it's got nuts damage can kill a charger quickly but slow fire rate not much ammo in the magazine bad for basically everything else that's a nice archetype path to go down in the future cuz they don't have it down then right now but that's the the current philosophy that I have for Primary Weapons purifier is garbage oh my goodness I'm putting at the top of the list here this thing was the biggest let down of the century came out with the new war bond poor Patriots it got a charge up that feels awful to use takes a thousand years and when you fire it it does next to no meaningful damage you can kill something fast sure but you're better off using the majority of other weapons now weapons above it you're not really better off using but it's a freaking war bond weapon that I was hyped for that does not feel good to shoot at all it is essentially a plasma Punisher with a windup and medium armor pin that doesn't feel like medium why because of how explosion damage is calculated into the whole equation that I'm not too familiar with because I don't care to look at data M numbers anything like that but I tell you right now it don't feel good to to use one bit and the charge up is disgusting that thing they at one point in time Arc throw was fun to shoot which is a whole different thing and then they made it so it has a 1 second charge up time which you can still kind of feather it and fire it faster a little bit faster but this thing just has that that gross feeling roughly one second wind up and it's just not fun to shoot it's not fun to shoot don't kill things fast why use it in the first place is my whole thing so David Jones Gun Locker the dig the digle is where it goes finally we're on the smjs the simes this is going to be the defender I got these names wrong last time I tried to say that the pumer was like the Knight SMG it's not the pumer is like the defender SMG so Defender SMG is going to be in the young C tier again no medium pin does decent damage it's better than assault rifles if you ask me which is hilarious wa wait look at this we have SMGs that I think are better than assault rifles for sure 70 damage 45 round capacity compar that to assault rifles and you have 60 45 4530 with medium pin 6530 6035 8025 adjudicator is the only thing that maybe Compares SMG but hey balance philosophies y'all all right just trust the process SMGs are weird cuz you can use them with the riot shield and that makes sense to do so but that's all you really have going for it and the riot shield is nice but we need to have SMGs to give medium pin or have explosive damage I'm going C tier with this and then I'll do you I'll do you one better I'll make some folks happy we'll put the pum SMG in B tier how about that and I'll put this above the sickle no I won't do that pumer is essentially the Knight pumer is essentially the the defender SMG but it has concussive and it's only a weapon I would rock when using the ballistic shield and only against the bots in that aspect and playing wor the bugs if you want to have a if you want to do something different maybe at this point folks are finding folks are trying really hard to play the game differently and to do so it means you're putting yourself in a detriment which I find to be whack why is that the way we're playing the game right now whole different tangent but that's what that's what it feels like and everyone's trying to say that the guns are good they're fine they're no no they're not if you buff them then they'll be fine and they'll be fun instead of forcing yourself to do variety that isn't exactly enjoyable but it's different so therefore you find it enjoyable why not find it fun because it is a different experience it's also nice to experience you know what I mean that's just me man I I I'm one to try and experiment different things too trust me that's why I played Donas for thousands of hours Apex thousands of hours I like to do stuff differently not to be different but because it gives you that spice of life in gaming which is variety but in this case everything honestly feels the same below a certain tier and that is bad that's not variety it's just a different piece of garbage every day that's just me though and the night SMG I've never really used it because it is a part of the paid DLC that I have I just don't really here the stats on the gun this is an assault rifle if you ask me 50 damage capacity light armor but it fires super fast I I don't care doesn't do any damage ppy brother so this is going to go in Dave Jones Gun Locker as well and I'll put it at the top cuz it's just a weapon that just doesn't feel good to use so nothing was a tier huh am I cool with that I think I am scorcher would have been a tier and that's where we're at the level I think this makes sense though the difference between the Dominator and everything else is probably a full tier incin breaker same thing these guns are that freaking good if you're a Dev you didn't see this video Don't Nerf these guns maybe in Center breaker a little bit but consider not nerfing it until you buff stuff if you Nerf things in video games especially in health average 2 you have to buff stuff to give folks a reason to play the game even with the Nerf that just happened and that doesn't happen in this game what happens is a Nerf occurs and the weapons that folks are having fun using are no longer as good and then Buffs do happen and they're so minuscule and minute that folks go oh well that these got buffed on paper I guess but when I play them nothing really changed nothing feels different you don't want that you want to buff stuff so folks have a reason to log in that day even with the Nerfs and they have a good time playing different stuff I I believe wholeheartedly that the current balance philosophy especially around Primary Weapons is atrocious it's not good leads to really boring gameplay all through and through and leads to FKS using the same guns over and over again instead of always nerfing things that are meta AKA just good and not garbage why not buff the things that no one wants to use in the first place or the things that folks are forcing themselves to use but they know it deep down in their hearts maybe they're not good and they're only using them because it provides a semblance of variety that they're so Desperately Seeking get the people the folks that keep making these decisions have had months to not make bad decisions and they keep making bad decisions I'm not saying to fire them anyway that's the video hope you enjoyed it if you disagree that's cool but just understand why and if you agree awesome I will probably make one for the sport weapons maybe maybe not and I plan to be playing hell divers one and posting content on it we'll see though and I want to make a video for V Rising cuz it's such it's such a good game thanks for watching have a good day peace
Channel: OhDough
Views: 172,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 tier list, helldivers 2 primary wepaons, helldivers 2 primary weapons tier list, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers review, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 worst weapons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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