Primary VS Support in BTD 6! (Round ___)

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in balloons tower defense there are four unique categories of towers primary military magic and support we've already put military and magic to the test to see which was stronger and today we're gonna be doing the same except we're gonna be battling primaries versus support what is going to be the strongest category of tower sabers going to be using the primary towers i'm going to be using the support towers and we're going to see who can get to the furthest or highest round are you ready sabre yeah i'm ready uh to use quincy because apparently quincy is a primary hero in our eyes that we're going to call it we're going to say that's the case okay that's i think all right fine don't use quincy then don't use any hero then no i'm going to use that's what i thought okay that's what i thought i'm going to be using benjamin because benjamin's he's a support tower i think that's i think that makes that makes good sense i mean literally he does make you money but also he is like he is definitely there for you so he is a good support tower i agree he's always there you can just give him a call so the one thing to keep in mind with these type of challenges is you can only use those class of towers so for example saber doesn't have any form of making money i mean he might have some things here and there but he has some of the he has some of the strongest towers in the game uh i don't think i know anyone making money bro wait is that why you wanted to be support i didn't even think about that before we started this video yeah that's like oh well what [Music] yeah of course i wanted to be support well this is what happened last time when you go i want to be military so yeah we also do not have cross path on because that's kind of cheating and changes things up so we're going to be doing that without any crossbow it's round four and you let all those balloons get past you bro jeez you're on round four yeah i uh forget turn on auto start oh dude i hate when that happens you're just standing there and you're like where's all the balloons you know what i'm gonna do ryan what are you gonna do sabre i'm gonna whip out some super monkey fan club i oh no joke i think that's the play i think that's the the the affordable cost there but that's the one thing that i ran into the problem so i i was reading the comments of the last video where we did the magic and i got absolutely blasted in the comment section okay okay because apparently i made the sinful error of getting the the balloon master alchemist because the blue master alchemist since he turns them into red balloons he actually makes all the balloons make less money so he's actually making way less money so i should have just had a bunch of t4s of those alchemist paths to be able to do that with just rubber to gold and they were kind of yeah i was getting yelled at for that one for sure dude dang dude okay you know what that actually i honestly wouldn't have thought of that but you know i would i wasn't gonna think of that like i i didn't i don't know bro i had no idea that's a thing like where am i straight up what's happening who are you you have a bunch of very affordable towers of what i was kind of leading into right like you get a free dart monkey and all primaries are relatively don't have that much knowledge so no idea you don't have a you don't have a free dart monkey dude dude it's funny because you should just go get you just say meow yeah are you kidding me right now you did just get a cute new cat dude i did get a little baby kitten i'm very happy about this it's okay i'm losing lives i'm gonna do that you good bro you want to talk about it i i'm fine i just didn't want to have to put anything down because it was kind of tedious not gonna lie bro i have no way of making money this is going to be terrible dude yeah bro i couldn't even do quincy i mean sorry no i had to do quincy i couldn't even do benjamin ah that's so nice that's not you know how i feel bro not just this slow this slow sad burn knowing that you're just not making much money dude and i want you to know it feels good it feels good to know that i could just i'm just making money bro i'm just it's time for you to shine right it's time for me to shine let's go all right let's hear converts up to 10 nearby dart monkeys into including himself into super monkeys for 15 seconds okay whatever you say bro i can't believe it you i know you're i know you're desperate because you're going for super monkey fart club bro i can't do it okay i can't even freaking get energized or anything to like use the ability more often oh no what's that i was lost you almost just lost almost lost oh no no no honestly i'm selling that i'm not even doing it right now bro it's not what it is at least i have the bomb shooter i am actually quite happy about that yeah you do have the bomb shooter you know what i'm a generous individual okay really yeah i'm gonna let you do i'll all right i'll give you i i'll give you a choice okay okay i'll let you have either a a top path village or a bottom path village up to a t4 so you can have a primary mentoring village or you can get a monkey town to get everything okay that's a good point because that is primary path related specifically but yeah at the same time that is a support tower yeah but since i'm i i have rulership over the support towers i can make this happen right like that's just i don't know man i i still feel like fine don't don't take my pity just just swallow away in your own sadness dude that's fine too well because i was just gonna say like because there's only like four support towers in the first place right so like if you do not have a lot to work with yeah if you if you let me use one of them that's a little i could i can use 25 of what you're using as well as what i'm using i think i'll still try without it i think i'll still try without it okay all right you're gonna just you're just gonna die a slow and painful death but that's fine i mean we'll find out dude yeah see if i if i take your pity and i still lose then that's pathetic but if i don't take your pity and i lose then i go down on my own terms you know what that's i respect that sometimes you gotta do that okay wait i'm about to have all right i'm about to have this guy show up and i'm not ready to have this guy show up yet so i'm gonna oh i wasn't ready to have that guy show up oh yeah it was i'm gonna collect all so i have that because if a moab shows up and i'm not ready to deal with it and i just lose that's really embarrassing at least i don't have to worry about getting primary training you know i got that i got that going for me aren't you so good huh ryan bro i got i got not wait no i do want to get that because i want to get the top path village because that's going to be my only one of my only towers that actually attacks anything wait grants the dart monkeys even more power okay come on let's go give me some money come on leather car let's give me some money yo speaking of which not that i need even more ways to make money but i can go balloon trap to just make even big money aren't you special dude guys this guy's butthurt how much money is this guys you have double cash owner four thousand of course i have double i have four thousand dollars oh this guy's broke you guys see that it's definitely not because he's a bunch of banana farms down right now no way he just only has four thousand i have thirty thousand do you actually yeah yeah i do that's a that's actually about the money i have including the the money in my my big shminx have you are you doing banks are you doing like uh i'm doing banks because i have i have been dude you think i'm gonna do non-cross path banana research facilities i have to get i have to get banana bar i'm i have benjamin who increases banks i'm just going to do banks you can do i love you i could but i could also just not do that and then live a much happier life you know that's just you know that's just that's just me though you know what i mean you're picking over to put down bro i don't need a question bro you're obvious you know what you're doing i'm going to get plasma monkey playing club now all right that was that was that was definitely a couple of words i heard there have you ever have you never had flan before i have actually it's not my favorite but it's not bad yeah it's not like the texture's definitely not you know it's like it's interesting texture i think the flavor is great nice okay i need to do something because i'm not in a okay let's put i want to put this guy here or do i want to have them in a better spot i think i'm going to have them in a better spot oh i just realized i should have done things in a different way oh i don't what is the better upgrade path for century champion whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh a five whoa oh my gosh five hearts jesus oh my god you almost lost i uh for some dude the only camo detection i have is the freaking dart monkeys dude you i'll still you can always cave bro yeah always cave no i can't that's the thing that's thing right i can't yeah that's so funny yeah okay there okay i got i got juggernaut with camo today that should do it bfb should coming should it do it are you sure about are you sure about that what what are you gonna do i don't know i i just i just i don't know i just felt like saying that i'm okay honestly honestly genuinely speaking from the bottom of my heart i have no idea what you said i just kind of responded that in just a mechanical way yeah i mean it's just called an autopilot response and like sometimes it just happened yeah i have a lot of auto repo auto pilot responses you mean like dude nice or that's great yeah yeah exactly so yeah yeah bro for sure man yeah for sure dude definitely i was paying attention i was not paying attention oh my gosh dude that's it's just i was so nice to be so rich dude and have so much money that i can just buy whatever i want in this game you know what i mean saber you know at least i have a glue gunner though yeah so yeah i'm big balling i don't mean to brag but yeah yeah yeah uh yeah yeah yeah i got it i i got it all actually i wait why did i do that am i dumb i'm definitely dumb all right there you go okay i'm just saving up trying to get some big spike factories you know what i mean i i'm actually like using the glue gun i think the the glue gunner's actually gonna be saving me bro the glue gun or bottom path is really good so i'm also top hat that's what i'm saying or bottom path the glue gun or bottom path is really really strong and it's honestly kind of like freeing knowing that i don't have to like restrict myself to being within range of like villages because i don't have any so i can just put these things wherever i want bro it literally doesn't matter oh man dude you're just living the dream out there bro free living bro free living reliving he says oh did i not put that way wait wait i'm i'm not min maxing bro i'm not min max you got a min max bro you gotta you can micro place dude come on yeah actually dude it's very important to get to to do that oh wow he's blue i'm doing all right what round you at right now i'm on uh 69 what are you doing i'm on 67. oh you're crushing it bro oh it's probably because i place these glue gunners up front yeah i'm i'm kind of my whole strategy is around this first bend area that's actually what i'm doing as well so i placed on my my dan club monkeys or whatever i should probably actually haven't got it i'll wait okay i'm gonna get super glue because i'm scared of moabs completely super glue because i'm scared of moabs i am moabs don't terror what's really interesting is that most support towers are actually excellent at dealing with specifically moab class balloons right sentry champion with deconstruction does extra damage to moab class balloons carpet of spikes does extra damage the the primary expertise all of these do considerably extra damage i am worried about large groups of balloons that i can't really deal with though you know yeah yeah yeah so you like you're just flexing on the into what you're saying that's all i heard as you were talking you're just like i'm better i'm better i'm better dude that's sometimes you hear that in conversations and where there's someone's talking you go okay there's definitely something they're trying to convey here and it's very obvious and they're trying not to be obvious about it but it's just very obvious what's the message message what's the message they're trying to convey to me without looking like a piece of me yeah pretty much trying not to flex but they're clearly flexing come on super glue dude how's your super how are you faring by the way trying to get his crush on the boards there i just got to is that the t5 yeah nice now i'm going to get the balloon solver uh okay i'm going to give you i don't know if this is true but i'm pretty sure this is true that multiple types of glues don't mix that's actually true i forgot about that i wanted i wanted to help you out there a home as a homie you know no no that's a good call thank you i'm going to go ahead and put the balloon solver over at the end instead yeah that's pretty reasonable because your guy's right at the front right yeah my other one yeah yeah yeah if you put him around the second bend area i think that'll be perfect good call good call you're welcome i just wish i could make some more money bro actually i think i'm kidding my engineers made more money than some of my banks that's crazy what how oh but yeah he has twenty four thousand dollars made i'm honestly gonna just start skipping rounds to get money bro straight up uh you might actually lose out because i think if you skip around you do it like carefully because if you do it too fast some some rounds won't send and you'll be meg i'm literally sending like one or two at a time i'll join you for that bro i won oh my gosh thanks for watching everybody just kidding we're gonna see how far we can get yeah we're we're seeing i'm really interested because i think i will definitely hit a a hard cap because there's not many t5s but you have a str much stronger late game is just will you be able to get to that i'm gonna have to be using so many abilities all the time sabre hates using abilities i hate using i want to be able to just sit here and do nothing bro isn't it is that asking for too much dude that was really aggressive dude i'm kind of upset that we're not able to play in the new update because i would have been able to have the century paragon bro uh yeah no no yeah that'd be that's a great idea ryan there's no way you're going to be able to afford a paragon bro as long as i hold out long enough good luck good luck if you can get a paragon i think i just lose like i don't think there's any way i can beat a paragon yeah well you don't have any paragons right no there's no there's no paragon bro that was i want you to know that was actually pretty tilting and it upset me quite a bit honestly i'm gonna work toward the dart monkey paragon i already have one of the t5s actually wait i already have two of the t-vibes and they already have a bunch of pops oh this guy oh can i get the money is the real question i think you'll be you'll definitely be able to get the money bro i don't know man i'm already kind of barely holding out on round 87 okay i'm barely i'm barely holding on for dear life benjamin should have a pop count okay benjamin contributes to pops he should have a pop count you sound really passionate about that oh okay you sound really passionate i'm barely holding on with five lives bro you got this i believe in you thank you oh puckers i have an idea poggers [ __ ] [ __ ] all right i need to like step up like oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh uh can i get can i have a tech bot are we not allowed to use tech bots um [Music] um sure you can use it thank you i appreciate that yeah i got you bro all right i need to just start getting a bunch of like recursive clusters down oh my gosh dude it's getting sticky out here i'm already like i don't lose dog oh my gosh you're already about to lose dude no it's not looking good it's not looking good i lost edt's got past me bro that's so funny are you kidding me bro oh my gosh bro am i really about to have to stop some ddts right now dog how yeah how's it going bro how's your how's quincy doing i'm considering oh i kind of forgot he existed i'm considering if i should get icicle impaled does that work on ddts no because if they can't see cameras wait can the top the top can see cameras right cold snap cold snap can see cameras so if you get cold snap with icicle and pale that should be able to that should just shred ddts you better have the freaking money for it dude am i going to i mean i well i'm probably have to sell something i'm going to try again whoa that was that was kind of dicey not gonna lie i got it i got it okay i got it okay all right i definitely need to get out i kind of forgot the ice monkey can see camos it's actually kind of nice it's really nice dude i almost put a dude down on accident dude druids would be fantastic right now i love jerseys yeah i'd like to have a non-support towers for sure over here would be pretty nice oh these super monkeys are coming in oh up i lost because i didn't have my abilities oh that's devastating bro how's it how are you doing good over there nice you need some money i have 300 000 extra i'm just kind of like chilling right now with if i need wife would you like some i could you know send it over please dude send it over bro send it over please send it over he says wait wait wait what did you say i'm gonna have to sell something i'm taking great joy in this i hope you know that all right there we go uh what round are you at right now 93. that was so depressing dude it is that's because it is no you know how i feel you have you just have no money you can't do anything i mean sheesh dude sheesh yeah it's hard dude it's not it's it's a hard life out here trying to get it to work goodness all right i'm actually i'm getting there now i'm getting there the whole hold snap icicle and pill is actually snazzy yeah it helps it definitely does a decent amount that's gotten pops that's very nice nothing can get past all right i can try to get to some crazier rounds i guess i needed to wait i need to trigger getting bro you're like nothing can get passed and i like immediately thought of quincy bro good i'm glad dude okay i think this is the strongest oh i wasn't paying attention dude all these ddt's ddt incoming oh my gosh bro the ddt's are so dude terrible they'll get you bro they'll they'll be getting you gotta get some moab press up in here bro nice that's good that pushes back moab press no he you don't have camo detection on him so he can't see him um ddt bro so all i can do to handle ddts is is ice monkeys and and and dork monkeys yeah that sounds about right no you're kidding what would i even do bro the dartmouth key isn't even very good against any moabs i think the crossbow master can hit ddts well maybe one yeah but i can't get multiple of those because it's just a t5 you can actually get two crossbow monkeys if you have if you have the knowledge for it bro look i don't know okay all i know is that i'm probably just gonna have to i might i might lose here we'll see oh this is gonna be really close can i hear him okay can i get a ponytail are you serious just i can't put a pontoon there let's go what round are you on i just beat round 140 okay uh let's see let's see he says what was i just about to do okay what what's getting popped this guy gets no pops it is nice because i do have my my ultra boost engineer and he's kind of just smacking balloons around too come on come on i gotta at least be able to get to a hundred years oh i have too much money bro i gotta sell all my banana farms it's just too much for me oh i use my ability way too much i'm not even paying attention to whatever you just said oh i got him dude oh my gosh barely barely got him bro okay i need to literally just focus on it's honestly it's just the ddt's that keep killing me though so i just need to be able to handle that okay he's getting there ladies and gentlemen he's doing it ladies and gentlemen oh man that's kind of scary so if i got like refreeze or whatever or if i got cold snapping like snowstorm does that freeze that freezes dvts right i i don't know maybe okay okay no clue nice dude i'm saying shin shi champion is not that great like it is really not that good it's i it's i i'm definitely not able to bear gun you were right yeah that no shot you're gonna be on a paragon right wait i have so many of these down wait a second hold on i gotta try something wait relax hang on i'm i'm about to try something bro go for it i believe in you i actually think i might have figured something out but i could be completely wrong i i hope you do i hope you have the comeback of the century dude hold snap is yo let's see see how this works i use that more often i never use quincy's abilities i need to use quincy's abilities way more often i mean benjamin's yeah benjamin's abilities you're thinking about i got questions right now okay all right because you know i call every i i don't know why i always call benjamin quincy i always do it oh that guy oh it does go no freaking way dude wait hold on oh oh oh oh oh oh okay all right this is it i want to improve here you're he's going for it oh i beat a b.a.d i can't believe i beat that bad bro i'm so proud of you dude hold up bro hold up all right i got a strategy here dude i'm i'm running with a strat right now and it involves just spamming right now but i think this is probably the play i love that for you i ain't letting anything get around this second bend homie okay the ice monkey with cold snap can pop leads and camos so if that's the case i'm going for it that's so funny actually all right this is i can't believe that i'm doing this i can't believe this is my strategy dude give me some money bro things are taking forever to pop they take a big time and they're taking forever to vote bro like oh my gosh i'm not even getting any money out of it up oh my gosh this is the work dude my strategy is working dude give me money give me money give me money there we go i want to see if i can beat round 200 i don't think i'll be able to though i'm honestly just trying to get by bro oh we all i don't even have the money to get t2 upgrades right let's go bro that's so tilting it takes forever to pop things dog come on come on dude oh my four dollars i need four dollars thank you geez dude it's working yo okay so i got a bunch of ice monkeys down and i got t2 top path t2 bottom path and i just i wrapped them around the second bend on the inside and outside of the bed that is hysterical i think i might be done here accidentally just skipped around i'm going until i lose this time around so let's see how far i can get this i lost no round 199 yeah try and at least get to 200 come on you can do it all right i'll try i'll try i'll see you i actually think i've finessed something now never mind i lost i i don't think there's no i literally instantly lose now my my foundation is gone of my perma spikes they were they were wiped out and i can't build them back up again so it's gone for me bro i got to round 199. well wait let me see if i can just beat round 200 so i think i think we're gonna have to leave it up to the youtubers watching to tell us who they think is better okay because i think what are you talking about bro this is a pretty close one dog you know what i mean like we you know we got over around a hundred how do we get to 200 are you crazy dude wait i actually might beat round 200. no it's all good i did not beat around 200. see we both we were both in the hundreds it was pretty close yeah i basically so who do you think wins wins comment down below if you do if you don't comment me and you comment saber you will be banned from the channel that's just not a threat it's just a friendly advice no i'm defending i'm defending i won't let that happen i'll ban you too saber thanks for watching we'll see you tomorrow for some more epic content bye
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 180,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, tewbre tower vs tower, btd 6 tower vs tower, tower vs tower, primary vs support btd, primary towers, support towers, primary vs support in btd 6
Id: U7Ml0TvYTng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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