Rise of the New California Republic - Fallout Lore DOCUMENTARY

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After the death of the Master and the  destruction of his super mutant army   at the hands of the Vault Dweller, the New  California Wasteland was forever changed.   Although the Vault Dweller was exiled from Vault  13 after his adventure and never seen again,   his exploits would make him a wasteland legend.  Thanks to the Vault Dweller’s actions and deeds,   settlements in the wasteland were able to grow  and even prosper over the years and decades after   the Unity Crisis of 2161 to 2162. In 2186, one  settlement in particular, the small agricultural   village of Shady Sands, would reorganize  itself into the New California Republic,   or NCR. This new nation dedicated itself to the  Old World values of democracy and the rule of law,   indicating early signs that humanity was slowly  but surely getting back on track toward rebuilding   some form of civilization, at least in New  California. But war never changes. In the 2230s,   a new threat would emerge in New California, a  clandestine organization comprising the remnants   of the pre-war United States Government: the  Enclave. In this video, we’ll be covering the   events that unfolded in the years and decades  after the Unity Crisis: the fate of the Vault   Dweller, the rise of the New California  Republic, and the return of the Enclave. [The Fate of Vault 13 and the Vault Dweller] After being exiled from his home of Vault 13   by Overseer Jacoren on May 10th, 2162, the Vault  Dweller began wandering the desert wastes. He was   a changed man, with many things weighing deeply  on him, including the strains of his journey, the   loss of close friends and companions like Ian and  Dogmeat, and his exile from the home he had fought   so hard to protect. For a time, the Vault Dweller  was furious with the Overseer’s decision, but he   slowly came to terms with his exile, admitting  that perhaps the Overseer’s decision was the right   one after all. Two days after his exile, the Vault  Dweller cut all ties with his past life, removing   his Vault 13 jumpsuit, never to wear it again. Upon learning of what the Overseer had done,   many residents of Vault 13 became outraged,  particularly the younger generation and those who   were close friends of the Vault Dweller. A faction  led by three of the Vault Dweller’s good friends,   Theresa, Lyle, and Pat, rebelled against  the Overseer. They, along with many others,   soon left Vault 13 in protest. The remaining  residents believed that the Vault Dweller and   those who had left perished in the wasteland.  Overseer Jacoren was tried as a criminal for   betraying the Vault Dweller and the entire Vault  populace and was sentenced to death by his peers.   The position of Overseer was abolished, and  the residents soon opened the Vault to trade   and communication with the outside world. They  established contact with the Brotherhood of Steel,   who provided them with a mainframe computer to  control and regulate the Vault automatically.   The remaining Vault 13 residents would  continue to live within the relative   safety of their Vault for the next eighty years. Meanwhile, the rebellious residents of Vault 13   who left in 2162 had, in fact, survived.  Soon after leaving the Vault, this group,   led by Theresa, Lyle, and Pat, came under attack  by a pack of mutant creatures. They were saved   by none other than the Vault Dweller himself, who  became the group’s leader and taught them how to   survive in the harsh wasteland. On July 10th, the  Vault Dweller and his group of followers, which   now also comprised wandering bands of wastelanders  who had joined them along the way, set out for the   far northern regions of New California. After  weeks of travel, they reached the inaccessible   canyons of what was once southern Oregon. Here,  they founded a village. The Vault Dweller chose   the location due to its secure position beyond  a dry valley surrounded by a barren landscape,   which would deter unwanted visitors. For a time, the Vault Dweller dispatched   scouts to re-establish contact with Vault 13, but  he eventually gave up in favour of building and   strengthening their new settlement. On August  18th, 2167, construction on the village was   completed, and it was named Arroyo. The new  Arroyo villagers, who settled into a rustic,   tribal lifestyle, appointed the Vault Dweller  as their first tribal elder. The Vault Dweller   taught his villagers the basics of  survival, including hunting, farming,   and other skills needed for the tribe to grow. He  also taught the tribe the basics of engineering   and science in order to maintain their homes  and craft new items and equipment for survival.  The Vault Dweller, despite his rugged and hardened  exterior, was able to find love, marrying his good   friend and former Vault resident, Pat. On October  2nd, 2188, the two were blessed with a daughter.   Years passed by, turning into decades, and as  the Vault Dweller grew older and his hair grayed,   he knew his time was coming to an end.  On January 16th, 2208, the Vault Dweller,   now aged 67, quietly left Arroyo in the middle  of the night, leaving behind his old and tattered   Vault 13 jumpsuit folded on his bed alongside his  written memoirs. The Arroyo tribals eventually   believed he had perished in the wasteland, while  others claimed that he had been “taken by the sky   spirits.” The Vault Dweller’s daughter soon  took up her father’s title of Arroyo Elder. [Defeat of the Master’s Army] With the Master dead and the FEV vats   at the Mariposa Military Base destroyed, the super  mutants of the Master’s Army were leaderless and   weakened, vulnerable to a counterattack from the  human outposts and settlements of New California.   After assisting the Vault Dweller in destroying  the Mariposa base, the Brotherhood of Steel waged   a campaign against the remaining super mutant  holdouts in the wasteland. Under the leadership of   High Elder John Maxson and Head Paladin Rhombus,  the Brotherhood of Steel’s military operation was   highly successful, driving the remnants of the  Master’s Army and the Children of the Cathedral   east toward the Sierra Nevada mountain range and  beyond in the years following the Unity Crisis.  Eventually, the Master’s Army broke apart.  Surviving supermutants split off into different   groups, each with their own goals. Many bands  of super mutants migrated out of New California   to the north and east in search of new places to  settle. Some settled in the Mojave Wasteland at   Black Mountain. One large group journeyed east to  the Rockies and then beyond into the Midwestern   Wasteland. Another band travelled even farther  southeast into the wastes of Texas. Other super   mutants simply laid down their weapons and settled  in New California, attempting to co-exist with   humans and integrate into their society. After the Master’s Army disbanded,   the Brotherhood of Steel found themselves at  odds with their need for new recruits versus   their code of technological secrecy. The debate  continued at Lost Hills for some time during the   2180s before the Council of Elders finally ruled  against the sharing of technology with outsiders,   convinced that the Brotherhood would endure  as it had before. Further debate was silenced   when the elders ordered the minority  who wished to share their technology on   a special mission across the wastes: they  would pursue the remnants of the Master’s   Army beyond the treacherous Rocky Mountains. In order to accomplish this dangerous mission,   the Brotherhood constructed a fleet of airships  and then dispatched the vocal minority east in   2195. As the air fleet travelled over  the Rockies, a violent storm broke out,   dispersing the airships and throwing them  far off course. The fleet was badly damaged,   and smaller sections of the aircraft broke off,  never to be seen again. The fraction of the crew   that managed to survive struggled to keep their  ships afloat before finally crash-landing on the   outskirts of Chicago in the Midwestern Wasteland. Finding themselves stranded thousands of miles   from the Lost Hills bunker, the survivors of  the airship fleet rallied to form a new chapter   of the Brotherhood of Steel, which soon diverged  from the ideals of the old Brotherhood out west.   The Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel went rogue,  cutting all ties with Lost Hills and building a   major power base for themselves in the Midwestern  Wasteland. By 2197, the Midwestern Brotherhood had   established a firm foothold in the ruins of  Chicago and the surrounding areas, clashing   with local raider tribes and the surviving bands  of super mutants from New California. Vague news   and rumours of the rogue Midwestern Brotherhood  of Steel’s actions and presence would occasionally   leak their way back west to Lost Hills in the  years and decades after their disappearance. [Formation of the New California Republic] While the Brotherhood of Steel remained out   of the power structure after the Master’s defeat,  a new state began to rise in the wasteland out of   the seemingly unimportant village of Shady Sands.  After the Vault Dweller assisted Shady Sands in   2161 by destroying the Khans and rescuing Tandi  in the process, the small settlement enjoyed a   period of peace as raider attacks halted. Shady  Sands soon prospered, and the settlement’s leader,   Aradesh, used their newfound prosperity as  an opportunity to develop the community. The   village thrived, becoming a major economic power  in New California. Trade routes developed, as did   cultural exchanges between settlements, leading  to the emergence of a national identity movement,   which gradually gained popular acceptance. In 2186, Aradesh first proposed the idea of   forming a republican state, and Shady Sands  rebranded itself as the “New California   Republic,” or “NCR,” forming a trial council  government to draft a state constitution. The   New California Republic was founded on the Old  World principles of democracy, liberty, justice,   and equality under the rule of law. These ideals  would gradually spread from the NCR across the   wasteland, with Junktown, one of Shady Sands’  oldest and most trusted trade partners, becoming   one of the NCR’s first provisional states. Although the merchant barons of the Hub   voiced their concerns about joining the  NCR, their worries were unable to affect   the ultimate outcome. In 2189, the New California  Republic was officially voted into existence as a   federation of five states: Shady Sands, The Los  Angeles Boneyard, Maxson, the Hub, and Dayglow.   The Hub was the last state to join the NCR, with  a final vote of 55 - 45 in favour of joining the   federation. Celebrations took place in Shady Sands  as President Aradesh addressed the new nation.  In 2196, Aradesh died, and his daughter Tandi was  elected unanimously as the NCR’s second President.   She would go down in history as the NCR’s greatest  leader, winning and serving ten consecutive terms   before her death. President Tandi went  to great lengths to unify the wasteland,   establishing new infrastructure for  the NCR’s growing population, finding   new methods of transportation and production,  clearing roads and rail lines, building forts,   fostering caravans and trade inside and out of  the Republic, and dealing with any threats to the   NCR swiftly and efficiently. President Tandi also  reformed the Republic’s economy, establishing the   NCR Dollar as the state’s new currency backed  by gold, replacing the old and inconsistent   bottle cap currency. By the year 2241, the  New California Republic was the largest   economic and political power in the wasteland. With the situation stabilized in southern New   California, President Tandi set her sights  on expanding north. However, northern New   California was home to two other regional  powers: New Reno and Vault City. Soon enough,   a power struggle emerged between these three  states for control of the region, particularly the   gold-mining settlement of Redding. But while the  NCR, New Reno, and Vault City vied for control of   northern New California, a new threat would slowly  re-introduce itself to the wasteland: the Enclave. [Return of the Enclave] While the people of the wasteland   were left to fend for themselves after the Great  War, the remnants of the Old World United States   Government, safe from the war’s devastation  at their offshore oil rig in the Pacific,   began plotting their return to “civilize” the  wastes and restore humanity’s dominance over   those they perceived as “sub-human” mutants.  The Enclave had begun developing a plethora   of new and advanced technologies, including  variations of the T-51b power armour. In 2220,   a new suit of advanced power armour was developed  by the Enclave for use by their assault troops.  By the start of the 2230s, under the leadership  of President Dick Richardson, the Enclave began   undertaking scouting missions from their  oil rig to the New California wasteland,   travelling to and from the rig using advanced  Vertibird helicopters. On July 20th, 2236,   Enclave scouts rediscovered the ruins of the  Mariposa Military Base. The Enclave Chemical   Corps and other scientists immediately began  scouring the base while Veritibrd assault squads   gathered slaves from the surrounding wasteland for  use in excavating the base. Excavations began in   September of that year. The Enclave’s slaves and  construction crews dug into the collapsed base,   removing the rubble and tons of debris. The unprotected wastelanders soon became   exposed to low levels of FEV in the ruins released  after the base’s destruction, causing them to   transform into a new generation of super mutants.  Even the Enclave’s top soldier, Frank Horrigan,   was exposed to FEV and sent back to the oil rig  for study. By October, the enslaved super mutants   led by Melchior, realizing they would be executed  as soon as the Enclave had what they wanted, began   secretly stockpiling weapons for an uprising.  In January 2237, excavations were completed,   and the Enclave scientists were able to obtain a  pure sample of FEV to send back to the oil rig.   Suddenly, the super mutants rose up against  their overseers. Suffering heavy casualties,   the Enclave troops fell back and sealed  the super mutants inside the facility.  Despite the heavy losses at Mariposa, the  Enclave’s acquisition of a pure sample of   FEV allowed them to begin research into creating a  biological agent that would kill any mutated life   outside the oil rig. Dubbed FEV Curling-13 after  the project’s leader, Lieutenant Colonel Charles   Curling, the Chemical Corps modified the Sample  into a brutally efficient killing agent. Before   long, the Enclave modified their project’s goal  of exterminating all mutated life in the world   by releasing the modified FEV into the jetstream. Meanwhile, Enclave scientists examined Agent Frank   Horrigan's mutations. The mutated trooper was  kept heavily sedated, as multiple incidents had   already occurred, resulting in major bloodshed.  Eventually, the decision was made to put Horrigan   back to field work. On March 29th, 2239, Frank  Horrigan was sealed within a power-armoured suit   specially designed to fit his massive, mutated  physique. Agent Frank Horrigan would now serve   as the Enclave’s deadly enforcer, dealing with  any “situations” the President needed to resolve.  By the start of 2241, the modified FEV project  was in its final stages. Final testing required a   representative control population to sample the  toxin and the inoculation created against it.   And so, on May 15th, 2241, the Enclave gave the  “All-Clear” signal to Vault 13 before raiding it,   taking its inhabitants to the oil rig to test the  inoculation against non-mutated humans. Enclave   scientists predicted that the FEV project would  be ready for release within the year. President   Richardson eagerly anticipated the fulfillment  of the project and the extermination of all   “non-humans” in the world. What he could not  anticipate, however, was the arrival of another   one of the wasteland’s unlikely heroes - the  grandson of the Vault Dweller - who, in the   summer of 2241, would leave Arroyo in search of  a Garden of Eden Creation Kit. This young tribal,   known to his village as “The Chosen One,” would  venture out on an epic quest to save his people,   but much like his grandfather eighty years  earlier, his quest would soon turn into a   mission to save the entire world from  the evil machinations of the Enclave.  This is the story we will tell in our next video  on the Fallout Universe. To ensure you don’t miss   that, make sure you are subscribed and have  pressed the bell button to see it. Please,   consider liking, commenting, and sharing - it  helps immensely. Our videos would be impossible   without our kind patrons and youtube channel  members, whose ranks you can join via the links   in the description to know our schedule, get early  access to our videos, access our discord, and much   more. This is the Wizards and Warriors channel,  and we will catch you on the next one.
Channel: Wizards and Warriors
Views: 123,550
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Keywords: fallout, lore, crisis, timeline, documentary, wizards and warriors, kings and generals, sino-american war, nukes, china, US, new vegas, amazon, second age, how, morgoth, tolkien, Kings and Generals, Lord of the Rings, Sauron, battle, animated, fantasy, sci-fi, wizards, warriors, decisive battles, history, sauron, rings, prime, tv show, game, star wars, rings of power, great war, vault, brotherhood of steel, unite, master, ghoul, super mutant, bos, vault dweller, wasteland, ncr, new california, republic
Id: FZVwb9vhwOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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