Apostle Arome Osayi | The Power of Priesthood [part 2] | [Your Identity as a PRIEST]

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[Music] a fresh moment comes from god fresh moment amen like us to acknowledge the music minister that just ministered to release i was i was blessed by your ministry amen lord we give you praise we thank you tonight we ask that you have your way and let your name be glorified in jesus mighty name you may be seated turn your bible to the book of exodus the book of exodus will do bible study for a few minutes then we'll begin to pray for a few minutes then we'll begin to pray exodus 19 in the third month when the children of israel were gone forth out of the land of egypt the same day they came unto the wilderness of sinai for they were departed from refidem and came into the desert of sinai and had peached in the wilderness and there israel camped about the mount and moses went up to god and called unto him out of the mountain saying thus shalt thou say unto the house of jacob and tell the children of israel ye have seen what i did unto the egyptians and now i bear you on the eagle's wings and brought you unto myself now therefore if ye obey my voice indeed and keep my commandment then he shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people for all the earth is mine first of all i want you to underline peculiar people and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and unholy nation and these are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of israel at this point in time they had departed from egypt for many of them the identity that they sustained was an identity that was imparted to them in egypt and now god has dissociated them from that connection and they need a new identity took them through the wilderness came to the mountain and then moses went on the mount to commune with god in order for him to ascertain the identity of the people that have come out of captivity and in the interaction that he had with god god began to unveil the texture of the kind of nation i want to forge whereas you know those days while we're still in primary school we used to call ghana the gold coast a gold nation i don't know is there still gold here okay there's still gold in ghana so we used to call ghana the gold coast the gold nation in those days britain was a navy nation because if you go to scotland you will find that's where ships are built most of the ships were used for navigation purposes were built in scotland so the great britain was known as a navy nation and that's how they were able to come this way and colonize us today we speak english language because a navy nation put on their strength and they decided to cover the landscape india a nation of philosophy in their infantry they have about six million gods and so if you are going to be an indian you must find out which god you will devote your life to it's a confusing landscape like a forage a desert a wilderness because it's built on philosophy however god was about to crystallize a nation and the nation that god wants to crystallize has never existed before so there's no reference point for this kind of nation upon the face of the earth he wants to pioneer a priest nation a priest nation never existed before and it was a vision that god had in his heart and he wanted to crystallize a nation of priests in fact it is the unique nature of this nation that is going to confer upon them the identity of being a peculiar people i will take us on a journey in scripture meanwhile this is not the message i came with i was just you were transmitting and i designed the scope of the transmission and i had to align to that transmission it was a huge time you didn't hear anything you my god hallelujah [Music] there was a huge transmission movement of spiritual resources were deployed so i had to follow so i had to leave my daughter back there it's not more necessary so moses went to the mountain to receive an identity for the people of god this was the identity received that god had a vision to crystallize a priest nation now the little study we're going to do is to show you the infrastructure of that nation that god intend intended to establish and then if we have time we'll find out why and how this vision that god had failed it means god could not find a platform for the crystallization of the kind of nation he had in mind in the community of the children of israel let me show you a few infrastructures can you are you ready today you know yesterday we wanted to go somewhere but you were already saturated so we couldn't no capacity to receive so we had to shut down it it's not because of the preacher but because of the congregation and that was the kind of frustration that jesus experienced he said i have many things to tell you now but you cannot bear them so you shut down i pray today we'll find room [Applause] in the name of jesus let me give you an example can we do first time yeah chapter 21 just an example trying to expand this the concept of the priest nation the extent to which we can go is the degree to which we can contain if there's capacity we'll go on a cruise but the direction was clear through the charge that came the direction of what the spirit of god was emphasizing was very clear beyond doubt this is the pathway that the spirit of god has designed for us first samuel chapter 21. then came david to lord to abimelech the priest an abu man that was afraid to meet at the meeting of david and said unto him why are thou alone and no man would be and david said unto abimelech the priest the king had commanded me a business and had said unto me let no man know anything of the business whereabouts i send it and when i have commanded thee and have appointed my servants to such and such a place now therefore what is under thy hand give me five loaves of bread in thy hand or what there is present and the priest answered and said there is no common bread under my hand but there is hallowed bread and if the young men have kept themselves at least from women at least but not just yours a group of priests decided to move out of mundane civilization to establish a culture of priesthood in the land of noah community they were able to establish as the norm of the civilization the way of prison in that little context the vision that god had prospered and the story we read about is how a war general decided to come into the space of the priests community and he wanted help he wanted support he wanted bread and unfortunately in the priest nation there happens to be a rule concerning the kind of bread that is available because there's no common bread there the only kind of bread that is in the prison nation is the shubra the kind of bread that is in the holy place in the temple of god and there are elaborate rules and regulations that govern the use of such brain and so the mundane guy just showed up and said hey we are hungry and the priest said you've been long out of alignment there's so many laws that that govern the use of this bread however i am the high priest here i can knock out every other law but there is a law i can't compromise we need to run a test on all your men and check and confirm that at least the other things have waved them because of the emergency in your case but there's one that can never win it is in the hub of the pre-civilization at least this young men that want to use through bread must have kept themselves ah i didn't hear that i know the young men will be quiet now [Music] the priest nation and it is our conformity to the standards of the nation that will confer us the peculiar nature so that when nations around look upon us indeed they will come to the conclusion that these guys are a different lord they are strange they are not like any other land it is the vision of the priest nation that is going to make us peculiar among the nations of the world and what you find in the land of nord was just an interface between a mundane man in the environment of priesthood then even to find what to eat there is a requirement that you must fulfill in order for something as common as bread to be made available the priest nation are you mean that the duty of a priest is to serve god outside of the service of god the priest has no use if you notice when the children of god were being delivered the words that god gave moses about the campaign for deliverance that he needs to take to pharaoh is let my people go that what let me say the focal point the objective is service the reason for their existence is to is the administration of service so deliverance in the real definition of the world is not just delivered from many guys many people go for conferences they go for meetings for miracle night and the objective is that they want to be delivered from they want to be healed from but deliverance has delivered has an objective in fact in the scope of deliverance is actually deliverance into not deliverance fraud you are delivered from egypt into a life of servitude to god it is not something that is utopian that exists without reference why do you want to be delivered and god showed us the vision he said let my people go what that there may serve me the objective of the priest is a functionality the seventh he is in the enterprise of divine service there is no member of the priest nation that is not supposed to know his own peculiar place in the grand strokes of kingdom service hallelujah you are now with me when paul gave his life to christ on the way to the masters first of all the bible says that he began to seek letters from jerusalem and what those letters meant was that he sought authority he sought empowerment he sought a legal premise that will establish the platform for his intentions prior to the time that he secured the letters the bible says he began to breed threats on the church but the threats were business because he had no authority to express his threats so he sought letters because he didn't want it to end at empty threats he sought authority so that would be a platform upon which he could stand to implement and prosecute his threats and make them active and lively and when the elders of jerusalem saw that the guy was going to be a great tool to undo christianity they gave him all the authorization that was required so he got the authority he wanted now there was no being that could stop him i could imagine saul reaching out as he was going to damascus with a song you know when military people want to go on an escapade they normally chant some songs that raise their morale oh my i could imagine him with a song and the guys that were with him were singing the chorus and there was a lot there was some form of life in that atmosphere as they were going to finally translate the capacity of their threats they had a platform so to do and then suddenly in the midst of that enchantment a strange light comes from heaven are you with me this light is so intense that he knocks men down from horseback but unfortunately for the guys that were accompanying saul only saul heard the voice from the one whose countenance shed so great a light and the moment he designed his visage in the spirit he knew that this was a greater authority than the letters that he got from jerusalem so because you either are preaching according to the letters or the lord is either the letters or the lord and when he was on ground and this and designed that this was a monarch whose authority was superior to the chief priests that gave him the authority to do the kind of stuff he wanted to do he now say who are you lord that's the first question at least he knew it was the law [Music] who had more authority than the letters that he was coming so jesus christ who now persecuted us it is hard to kick against the priests how many of you know barbed wire you know boy so jesus was given cancer he says how to kick against barbed wire what he meant by that was that things that were set in motion from eternity it's impossible for you to end them in time it will look like you kicking against barbed wire it is only you that will be hot but the thing will still be in motion you can stop what started in eternity in damascus it is hard to kick against the barbed wire you know the next question this guy asked he said what will you help me do because you are not delivered for the purpose of deliverance let my people go that what if i take an inventory of the people in this auditorium you might find so many people that have been delivered by god but they don't know why they were delivered they don't understand that it's for the purpose of adequate integration into the concept of the priest nation there is a line of service to this great king this great monarch that each and every one of us is supposed to be spent in prosecuting he got it right what will you have now that he had already ascertained that this was the monarch that all men should look to so you must have a plan for me that's why out of your majesty you decided to bring illumination to me and to cure me of the madness of my darkness what will you have me do you say well i've instructed one of my minions in the same damascus that you were about to go wreck havoc i spoke to one of my guys about him go into the city and it shall be told thee what thou shalt do if we have time to study that scripture you will find that after he was healed of his blindness and filled with the holy ghost he started ministry instantly he never went to bible school yeah he jumped into service street because the identity of the nation of which we speak is a first nation where everyone is an active servant what what is the meaning of your life in the scope of the vast plain of service that is available in the house of god you know the bible says he speaks in metaphoric spiritually in a great house there are many vessels what's your meaning in the kingdom not your own place in the kingdom did he ever occur to you that you need to ask what will you have me do lord because for you church is about a place you feel cool there's good music and the colors are blended they're good lights and anytime you come there your blood pressure seems to normalize what will you have me do all day you see the contrast the people that were living in the priest community and someone that was serving the mundane kingdom when he came into this place it was a misfit because that nation that he came to seek help from was a peculiar nation by reason of the fact that they were consecrated to serve god so i don't i never miss it you might put me in the petulum industry there's so much corruption but because i know the reason for my existence i'm not there to serve my nation confess the citizen of heaven before i am in nigeria in fact are you i'm from zion i'm from heaven nigeria is not a platform where most of my service delivery will find expression i line up with heaven and for information hallelujah for your information in the book of second corinthians the bible reveals that in the crucible of the new creation your identity as a volta woman was submerged in the death of jesus your identity as a man from the northern region was what was cut off yeah so if you are operating the northern region maybe by classification it is it is because you were released into that place as a gift to administer the service to that kingdom don't get you know some people say uh oh okay um we northern people don't don't mix with great greater people you are you don't understand you are still principalities have darkened your understanding [Music] your understanding is darkness if you come to the nation of nigeria you're going to find a an impossible political situation and you know we're just sitting on a time bomb we're about to erupt in no no time because the northern man believes he is the one that is entitled to rule and he preaches division he preaches um all kinds of stuff and so the fault lines of ethnicity have been widening for every regime of the political experiment who told you that politics has the key to salvation in christ the bible says that that middle wall of partition it was done away with and all of that was captured in the merits of the better death of jesus christ so that he could make both jew and gentiles part of the commonwealth of that which god is doing and every handwriting of ordinance that was against us was abolished so that he could crystallize one new man with a new nationality a creature of heaven because when god was telling most abraham to come out of his country come out of his kingdom come out of his father's house he was going to become country-less families and fatherless that was what the reaction would generate will produce because from him nations will find expression that's why he received the capacity and the statute to become father of many nations nations will begin from him but you still believe you are from volta meanwhile there's something that from the kingdom perspective from the perspective of the crystals there is a higher level of reality which has cut off all those ethnics it is only the kingdom that when he begins to manifest among the people that can solve the problems that sociology cannot solve ethnicity cannot solve the politics cannot solve the more we run on the ground of politics the more the fault lines are going to widen it's only i have studied the bible a bit as especially the political um recommendation that he gives to a people that are full of diversity and i found it's only in scripture we have two solutions that monarch that appeared to saul on his way to damascus gave him a different perspective and the moment he saw that perspective he knew that the identity he had before within the scope of the mundane world had to die in order for him to awake within the context of this new vision that god was beginning to unveil to him but you are still a voter man with the old scent of devoted clan but a lot of the possibility of jesus [Music] so i don't stand before you today as a nigerian nigeria was privileged to have me as the platform hallelujah to dispatch the service that i brought from the kingdom into that space apart from and for that purpose i had to have a green passport but apart from that there is a higher level of connection which shows me the vast landscape of kingdom people across the continent and beyond forming one new man in christ jesus a body that god will possess if he wants to operate upon the face of the air the question is was there any time in your life that you asked god what will you have me do because every kingdom man is supposed to understand the gates to which is appointed that's your identity within the framework of this new nation that god wants to crystallize not enough for you to come listen to good music and you dance along and then some of your stress is is helped and then you leave the place still without an identity god didn't want the children of israel to stay without an identity so their prophet had to go to the mountain to seek an identity for the people so you need to also go to that mountain to seek an identity for yourself within we know the identity of the nation is a priest nation but what is your own unique assignment within the corridors of that vast enterprise i found my place and it is to that end that my life will be spent because when people spend they spend money but when god spends expense men yes that's the that's the currency he uses to actualize his purposes upon the face of the earth he spends man if you study the life of paul you will see that at the end of his ministry he called himself a drink offering that was broad fought to a generation because god had spent him like currency should i say something to you if god doesn't spend you something else will spend you at the end of the day you will still be spread and so joshua said choose here this day whom you will serve you are a creature of service you must save something but it is a privilege for you to make a choice of who you will serve because at the end of the day without that choice you'll still be saving something you can serve your belly and everything that you are doing is because you want to break through if it's you that is the object of your pursuit you are wrong what you are doing is humanistic so the reason why i spend money the way i spend okay convert it for me okay um for me and phillip our return ticket was 600 and what what and eight thousand nine or six hundred eight thousand nine so let's get it in series how much is that okay nine thousand cities just for two guys to come to ghana and go back you can't spend 9 000 cds like that and the reason why you can't spend it like that is because you don't know what you are called to do nine thousand cities is a very cool for me to do what i know i'm called to do within that landscape it's a vehicle you will spend to fulfill that mandate that that's the meaning of outside of that your life has no meaning the proof of your conviction therefore becomes how much of mundane material you can exchange so that you can be in the place of service delivery that is your identity in that nation now the reason why it occurred to me to calculate how much it was is because that is a life i've lived my own line of service requires traveling so there was no particular analysis about the cost of the ticket because this is what i've been doing for more than half of my life i began this journey before i was 20 that is the journey of preaching by traveling so i'm a little bit more than 40 now so for more than half my years i've been a bible study man i've been an intercessor and a traveling preacher and with spain so that souls can be saved is part of the machinery just like you need to buy a vehicle to travel from here to commercial if you are in apostolic ministry you are going to the vehicle of movement is called currency money you will exchange it so that you can be on the move it is to that end that money has value that's really relevant you will not be able to make some choices if you don't know what you are supposed to do so the average believer lives in darkness because he doesn't understand the objective for which god has extended the tightrope of deliverance to bring him out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light there's going to be a vast dichotomy when you bring a man from the mundane context and you bring that man into the priest nation he's going to look like a misfit because the peculiar nature of the british nation is what gives it an identity it is sold out to the service of his king did you get that i need to show you something else again before we begin to move this one is technical very complex i don't know if you can cope you can cope all right leviticus after 27 11 chapter 27 and the lord spoke unto moses saying speak unto the children of israel and say unto them when a man shall make a singular vow the presence shall be for the lord by estimation and that estimation shall be for the male 20 years old until 60 years old even thy explanation shall be 50 seconds of silver after the seconds of the sanctuary and it would be a female then that estimation shall be 30 seconds and if it be from five years old until 20 years old then the estimation shall be of the male 20 seconds and of the female 10 shekels and if it be a month old unto 5 years old then the estimation shall be of the male 5 seconds of silver and of the female three shekels of silva let me stop there i i told you it's gonna be complex now in order to understand what i just read we need to draw up a chat quickly a chat like this draw that and the first column of the chart should read years no yeah yes yes second column of the chart mail third column of the chart female oh let me check it again yes ah no yes yes yes on the first column then second column is mail yeah female so for instance let me give you an example i will explain don't worry just want you to understand if you can visualize it it will be easy for you to pick it up so the first column we have the under years we have 20 to 60 years according to the reading 20 to 60 years and for male it is 50 shekels and for female it is 30 seconds you get that all right so fill up the chat we have five to twenty we have zero to five male and female what is the value five to twenty is what male 20 female ten zero to five male five female you you got the child let me explain the chapter this is the instruction he said when a man shall make a singular vow or person are you with me stay with me stay with me you know don't please don't reach your elastic limit as you did yesterday we couldn't go on again because you couldn't take more stay down all right he said when a man shall make a singular vow see under the old testament there were seven ways by which people moved the hand of god one of the ways is the hannah call that was treated yesterday it's by a vow and in a vow you are making a demand on the fidelity the integrity of god but in order for you to take advantage of the power that is in a vow you must be someone that has integrity yourself because when you step up to god and you want to engage god don't let her say you didn't mean it you understand so there are rules and regulations around it so one of such ways was a vow another way in the old testament where the hand of god was moved the ignition compelled god to move and the way they did it was through the recommendation of what we call the oath of silence the oath of sin that was the strategy that was used to overtake jericho because jericho was a cuboid you know what a cuboid is unestimated cubes of sugar in ghana right so if a cuboid should fall it will be the same height that it was when he was standing because his length breath and height is the same measurement so i'm here to say that the wall of jericho did not fall because if it had fallen it will still be the same height that it was before if you study your bible you'll find that people like rehab have their houses built on the wall as their foundation the foundation of rehab's house was the wall and from historical perspective several war horses could ride side by side on the wall of jericho it was a cuboid meaning that meaning that it wasn't it was a military piece of engineering and it was impossible for those walls to be breached it was madness for you to say you wanted to come against jericho because of the engineering that was put in place it made that fortress impressible and god now say okay joshua you are the commander of the armies of israel you will need to understand a few things about israel the first thing you need to know about israel is that not all the members of the army of israel are physical soldiers we also have spiritual soldiers within the ranks and fires of israel military israel's military and it will trust you to know that at this time you need to see the commander of the spiritual side you know so when joshua showed up he spoke like a general because the angelic warring army the captain of the angelic army made himself visible to him so when he saw the angelic the cutting of the injured side he spoke like a warrior are you for us against him you know his blood pressure was on the hindsight and then the angel spoke to him because i know some of you here have gone for lectures in different places and some some of the places they taught you how to send your angels meanwhile that's not biblical part of the text of the apostolic move that god has initiated on the continent of africa which is developing momentum is scriptural precision is doctrinal accuracy because this bible has you been used as a book to manipulate so many christians over the ages to do crazy stuff i don't want to press into that so we need to develop a mosaic of true apostolic reality and we must align our oppressions with the oppressions of our first ancestors as it is enshrined in the book of acts of the apostles this is the time for the manifestation of the voice of africa we are bringing spiritual leadership to the nations of the world and it is in this season that they'll have to look to us for direction and that's why there is something that is a new wine that god is be quitting to the church in this land and the current dynamics of the wine is a quest for accuracy a quest for precision so that all those things we did within the scope of the pentecostal movement which were really not scriptural those were the appendages that the kingdom of darkness took advantage of to begin to infiltrate our reality and now most of what we do is begin to look comical because the glory of god left long time ago and so we are just in in the motion right now how many of you have been to a soap factory before and then you see the robots they pick sofia they put it pick somebody they put it here and then when there's no soap the robot isn't like right now there's no salt there's no soap no soap right now hallelujah now you see i'm preaching for my spirit if you laugh too much i will forget where i stopped so where did i stop help me please oh that's the distraction the real thing was where did i stop in my journey [Music] so the guy came to the engine and said if i also are against her only the same name it means i'm not for you i'm also not against you i know you won't think that that would be the kind of response and anger will give a believer i'm not for you i'm not going to look against you as the armies of the at the captain of the armies of the lord that might come this is my matching order i came as cut so if i find that what you are doing looks like what i came to do i'm going to support you if i find that what you are doing looks opposed to what i'm doing you will be first to fall die by my soul see that oh yeah no yeah okay let me explain further do you have ministry of works here minister of works and then minister of health maybe you are a level 16 officer in the ministry of works and a level 14 officer in the ministry of health you can't just come and tell him hey come here it will come because it's not answerable to you if you study about angels in the bible you will find out that there will be the buildings of god when jesus came as a man and he was on the cross and they were saying bring yourself down and jesus said are you not aware that i can pray pray the father and he will send 12 legions of avengers jesus didn't say i'm going to command them but you were taught that you should say thank you how many of what you have done has worked so many people are lying with the bible for years that's why in nigeria many pastors don't like me i'm in fact my wife's face didn't appear on a poster for like 10 years i didn't i i didn't want her to die for marker so you will be free let me die for my coming you know what this anytime i come i come to destroy business the reason why i look strange is because i'm part of the priest nation and our identity is that we are peculiar when you find a man that is totally devoted to god it will be a plague to most of the inaccurate things that we have built in the body of christ for over the years a plea meanwhile it is not because there is any intention to fight anything we are just coming to pioneer alignment pioneer accuracy pioneer precision is only those things that are carved and bent that are afraid of a ruler [Music] many people had called me and said see your ministry won't grow you know you're just a young man and you want to swim against the tide they don't know that outside what i'm doing i have no other job in the priest nation no other job and before i came out to preach if you know how many years i had in hiding with the scriptures and the holy ghost a chunk of my life had has gone and the investment was here when you were jumping around i was on this here yes so he came and washed my eyes with eyeshadow so that i can see his cancer so precision is the order of the day right now because it's not about any man anymore it's about the will of god and so the kingdom age is rising out of the pentecostal age there is a quest for the realities of god which our current systems can no longer support and out of africa god has determined that he will show forty strength because they say africa is backward nothing good can come out of nazareth come and see yes you will begin to see a shift on mainstream india because they will have to come and pay attention to what is rising on the continent because god is about to pioneer something fresh it's about to establish the prison nation the voice of the priest nation will be headed in the days to come it was when joshua was adequately instructed that he now knew that he will have to remove his sander because a place where he was standing was holy ground not because they came to do sanitation there but because the presence of god had he will have to leave his ways his understanding and submit to the power the operating system that has colonized that place and part of what the operating system required was that because joshua talks too much he just came and started his salutation was as if he was a mafia are you the one are you for us because it's okay you spoke too much so now you keep quiet and you'll keep quiet for seven days that's where he learns the mystery of the oath of silence so he's marching around the world then he has spoken for seven days already so let it be quiet some of you can keep your mouth shut just talk just say me my own i talk it's a weakness because the devil is going to pick your words and use and and and is going to weaponize your words against you exactly no need for us to join this journey i said the first thing the way they moved the hand of god on the in the old testament one of them was what through a vow so let me stop there let's not go too far um and so in keeping with this vow moses received the word of wisdom and said just in case you have vowed your child to god that if you give me peace i will give you this butcher moses had entered into the sanctuary of the lord and wisdom has been made available to him and he discovered the actual amount in the currency of the shackle of the sanctuary that you can give as a replacement for that child it will equivalent to that child the the the the gift of word of wisdom that was at work for most is to get value for people in terms of the shackle of the sanctuary are you with me that means if we go on on that tangent i can actually show you your value if we trace that position and trace it to the new testament i can show your value from the perspective of the sanctuary but that's not my mission today anyway second thing i need to draw your attention to is that we just read the book of leviticus and after the book of leviticus we have the book of numbers and this is the last chapter of the book of leviticus did you notice that what's the spirit behind the book of numbers it is counting the people to see how many people were eligible for war because you cannot avoid war in entering the promised land so the book of numbers is about counting the book of levitic genesis is the book of beginnings where god begins to put the seedlings of doctrine the siblings of and the patterns of divine revelation so that we can see the plot of his intention the book of exodus has to be is the book of movements and you will see that from egypt to canaan there were 42 times that the children of israel had to stop and this 42 times is symbolic of our prophetic journey as we journey with christ into from time to eternity 42 stations and if you go to the book of the book of matthew you will find that from the generation of abraham to the generation of christ there are 42 generations consistent with the 42 stations that every believer is going to walk as you journey out of egypt to enter into the fullness of the plan of god in the book of leviticus it's a directory that reveals god's demand for the nature of consecration that will be required for the believer in order for him to satisfy the demands of the priest nation and then the book of numbers people are numbered with respect to their capacity to walk so what determines the value in this scale it's your warfare capacity whether you go up as far as five seconds 50 seconds it's your warfare capacity and you know that in the last 25 years the body of christ was not trained to to fight we we we are just in front everybody clap your hand that's what we know in fact a minister came up in a conference and said now that we are all preachers let us agree that there is no satan and there will be no system i knew that our we had gone far so if we agree now okay there's no saturday night hallelujah hallelujah because the church was made to believe that christianity is a space of convenience you won't even need to sacrifice jesus paid it all and our reference point is to draw from what is already finished you only heard half of the gospel of the new testament because are you with me that we have finished works of christ which forms the operating system of your adventure we also have current works of the holy spirit so why is it that the current works of the holy spirit are not emphasized that the finnish works of god meanwhile the holy spirit that comes to administer the things that jesus paid for and prayed for you don't know the holy ghost you don't know what he's doing on the strength of our faith we were included with christ on the cross by god's authority it is on that basis that we are reckoned to be dead but you don't understand that there is death the experience and the holy spirit is going to administer death the experience when when pastor was saying people left him he cried the name of that is get the experience when god begins to apply the cross so that your confidence in every other thing will be zero then your confidence will be in god have you not read the scripture he said that i may know him the power of his resurrection the fellowship of his suffering until he brings you to conformity with death paralysis it brings you there where you can have no confidence in any connection any wisdom you have in your beauty in anything that is an advantage that's the experience of death which will be applied to your life by the holy ghost to bring you to a point where you no longer have confidence in the flesh it is when you get there that fear becomes your only rescue option you will not accept prayer as generosity no you are not you see the reason why you are not concerned about your prayer life because you still believe you have an option and the work of the holy spirit in view of the fact that you are a product of the cross is that you will apply that thing you are running after your confidence it will work and i prophesy it will oh this is new testament preaching that motivational thing that you heard because they are expecting you to be depressed so you come for motivational turn up there was no motivational message in the bible because the spirit is involved it is him that helps our affirmatives who are not prepared for war and so on the scale of our value we are rated law however the reason why i brought you here is to show you something the unit of measurement of this list is what the bible calls the shekel of what of the sanctuary now the shaykh about the sanctuary is different from the mundane shekel in society in fact if you come with your mundane shekel you will need to visit what we call the table of the morning changes and understand the current forex rate and then you now get shekel of the sanctuary to transact that's why you can buy ram for sacrifice to total those if you are a poor man and then duke kingdom uh priestly temple kind of worship do you understand that do you still remember when jesus showed up and the forage business was booming but the prayer business which is the purpose of the temple was almost comatose meanwhile just like the brands are supposed to be our strongest economy but because of stress practices our banks are stronger than the economy the forex business is supposed to be consistent with the prayer revival that is in the temple but they found out to sustain the forest business apart from his lifeline and so jesus came oh it seems i'm saying something there's a business that is going on and that business is sustainable apart from the business of the temple meanwhile it's supposed to be as strong as temple business you know what you have missed in my delivery is that the temple has its own financial system and that was because of the priest's nation jesus spoke a lot about money and if you are going to be a spiritual man you need to know how to use money yes if it is true that you are sold out to god because god wants you to consecrate to him first if you do so it will be easy for you to give money because you already belong to him so if we take money from someone that is not consecrated to god we stole because the man is not god's property he has not submitted what he oh you don't get it do you realize that god had to accept a belt before he accepted his offering but we have systems in place that can make right vector bombs people rebels to those systems are the things that weaken zion because we don't understand the financial system that is put in place to support is on a different currency the shaker of the sanctum i'm still trying to show you the framework of the priests nation so that if you are in the outer court you can make a move true kingdom people don't own anything they don't have property rights just like a marriage you can't say this television is mine no because you lost property rights in that union the property rights of the constitution of ghana doesn't apply to your home you lost it a lady came to me because she had some stuff i said you mean pastor when i get married i lose this stuff i say yeah amen that's a hard one you would have made it easy marriage is not easy don't think it's about making your head it's a setup it's a setup to ensure that you are not safe you are not self-centered because if you keep on being as self-centered as you are it will work you will need to look beyond yourself and even though you are hurting you are trying to make the other person happy it's it's something is one of the appendages of the cross you don't understand [Music] [Applause] don't get confused about how we smile in public it's an adventure of death it is only when you have sacrificed all that you begin to see a jews spring forth out of the entire setup because you have your own mind the mind with which you went to university of ghana that mind you see there you will need to learn sacrifice you need to learn service how to serve the other person and you need to learn how to submit yourself one to another under the broad canopy of the fear of god these are not things for colonels so it is easier for a camera pastor to make you feel oh my god he said johnny and then you would sing like we used to do in nigeria um what's that song and everybody just wake up it's not a sprint it's a marathon every fiber of your being will know you are married every five in fact paul said don't we have power to lead about a sister you will find out you need power power to to lead the sister you need power but you are here you have not built capacity you don't know self-control it's anybody that insults you you want to insult but you will learn how to keep quiet the vote of silence [Music] [Applause] [Music] marriages are failing because the church has not taken a stand to become become for the kingdom we are trying to tap into um psychology and motivation to keep people in the charismatic zoo what we are running is a kingdom not a zoo the height of apostolic ministry was in the book of acts chapter 13 when some people found that unique destiny in god and there was a system on ground to release them into their destiny that's how it would take the world it's not about setting capacities about sending capacity sending capacity and they laid their hands upon them they sent them thought into destiny that was the center that my troubling structure enough to begin to release people into that destiny it's not the skill and tact of how to keep people bound it's how to release men into that a system of building capacity through the grace of god and when people begin to arrive at the corridors of maturity where they understand they are left from right and the purpose of god they are given the backing of the church to step into destiny that's how people will enter into the financial world and they will begin to fight against the corruption and the spirits that are in that place because they are stepped into destiny they have the backing of the house of god to end and bring the kingdom of god into that space that's how people that study journalism can be released into where news is made and we can make our own news that that yes that captures our own possibilities our own perspective so that our voice will not be drowned out in the pool of news items that become the minds of men that time has come for us to take our journey and what god is doing is conscripting people the moment he said what will you help me do [Music] and that's the question then you now understand this is the path in which my life will be released as a drink offering many years ago god showed me the country of africa i was still a stamina there i didn't have the ability to speak the way you just did you want me to speak to africa or you created me a summer and god wanted me to know that the creator has not stopped creating but i felt it was done and as i worked with god he touched my tongue a little as i walked with god he touched my tongue a little bit because when i started preaching i was preaching myself how that i was a first class student and i'm going to graduate best of god oh glory hallelujah then the stammering will come because i was preaching myself so when i started preaching christ then he started tuning off the things gradually until he allowed me um this the level of capacity which i know this is not the best as i still align more than you his work in progress the path of the justice has a changing light shine it more and more onto the perfect day something is about to happen in africa it's the rise of the priest nation where everyone is an active service to the great god of heaven everyone knows what he's been called to do everyone knows the gates to which is appointed and they know how to mount altars to cut covenants in the spirit to move the hand of god to begin to come in the offensive against the onslaught of the kingdom of darkness and everything will begin to reflect christ the purpose of god that has been hidden in your family for many years will begin to find expression a priesthood will begin to arise the voice of god will become clearer people will see what god is doing it will be clear that the politicians don't have the answer it will be clear that our current mode of justice and judgment has failed but the kingdom of god comes with healing it comes with a possibility that men cannot mimic men cannot make to happen because the king the governor all nations will come and bring healing in this week something it's about to happen and so god has called us on the journey of intimacy as you open your heart to love him then he begins to show you what he created you to do as astronauts explore space so we are called to explore god and as we move and navigate there is there is a such facility in the spirit that is more versatile than google the bible says that the spirit himself is satchet all fit if searches even into the depths of god there are things in god that are hidden but the spirit of god will orchestrate as that and your understanding will be flooded with light and there's a shift in your delivery there's a shift in your outlook there's a shift in the way you talk because god begins to show you great and mighty things which you did not pick up from the university of ghana as you are lying more grace will be given they need to be clear to even people that hate you this one was chosen by god your definition your identity your essence happens to be in christ because the bible says by him where all things create things in heaven things on earth and in him does everything consist it is through him you can find the meaning of your life and that's why paul said what will you have me do show me the meaning of my speech man show me the meaning of my existence so that i'll set fruit and i'll become an expression of what heaven has written concerning me and when you begin to function this way secrets will be unveiled to you [Music] how did moses know that in the midst of the red sea was a navigation path he was in communion with the one that created he hid the road in the river so that in the fullness of time when his people will need to come out of captivity a moses that understands the frequency of god can come and stretch what is wrong and that road that the creator put in place will be unveiled the bible says that they walked on dry ground [Music] africa will walk on dry ground oh my god if the quality of our priesthood is magnified you will begin to see the navigation paths that god hid in the rocks that god hid in comassie that god hid in the northern region how to bring people from darkness to life a priesthood that has capacity will rise from among us the prayer point for the moment is what will you help me do [Music] what will you help me do will you help me do what will you help me do what will you help me do god had a vision to crystallize your peace nation it came to pass in the same sinai where the council of god was revealed that israel raised an idol after the gods that were worshipped in the land of egypt and when moses came from the mountaintop he saw that israel had gone to war against idols and the commandments that he was bringing from god were already broken before he got to the people and so moses knew that they didn't need that commandment and he destroyed the stone and in that day he decreed who is on the lord's side and tribe of levi came out that which god wanted to do with the nation he could now do with just the tribe yeah there was a downgrading of god's vision know the story of ghana will be different the entire house the entire clan will be part of the base nation what will you help me do [Music] jesus but [Music] in my soul to go the way of darkness now i surrender to you and i ask a question what will you help me do what will you help me do what will you have me do say goodbye [Music] and the glory of the lord is risen upon you for gentiles there's a coming to your life that gives you into the brightness of your rise something is about to bring forth god shows you before the foundations of the world you existed as a seed of eternity before you were found in your brothers our god is a god of purpose he has a plan for everything he does there is a plan for your life you can ask him tonight and say lord what will you help me do it is hard for you to pick up it is hard for you to kick against a bad one it is hard for you to stand against god it is better for you to align what will you help me do doesn't want you to be creative he wants you to be in alignment he doesn't want you to be smart he wants you to yield what will you have been to [Music] [Music] [Music] what will you have to do what will you help me do what will you have to do what will you help me do for the endless expectation of the creation waited for the manifestation at the songs of god oh oh there is a manifestation that is endlessly awakened that the sounds of god with our lives that can oh my god oh my god he wants to use you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] oh my god so the atmosphere has been set but one thing we need to do before we begin to pray for the sheep just like pastoral race we need to concentrate ourselves the reason for the worship is to bring us to a point where we are ready we are convinced about consecration this is your moment with the lord now if you have come to the conclusion that i live to serve his will then you can commit yourself say so shall it be everything i am and have my money my beauty my talent my intelligence will not be a tool in the hand of the devil to adorn his kingdom but it will be a tool in the hand of god it will be a tool in the hand of god it is a way of priests to consecrate themselves to serve his will we will serve him our sons and our daughters will save you our nations will serve your will your voice will remain above us we live to serve your will everywhere we are found [Music] we are first citizens of heaven through you heaven will have a voice heaven has hands and feet we will save your will [Music] glory to your name [Music] [Music] we will save your will in the name of jesus he also has lively stones that built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god by jesus christ wherefore also if it is contained in the scripture behold i lay on a chief connoisseur elect and precious and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded unto you therefore which believe his precious and unto them which be disobedient the stone with the builders disallowed the same has been made the head of the crown a stone of stumbling on the rock of offense even to them have stumbled at the world being disobedient also as they were appointed but ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that you shall show for the praises of him who have called you out of darkness into his marvelous life so fault indeed the praises of him who has called him out of darkness into his marvelous life and so tonight in the general assembly we decree that we are your workmanship [Music] created in christ jesus for to do that which you have ordained beforehand to be done we will serve your will only give us the grace to stand when our soul is under contention that we might say with boldness [Music] him even jesus is my lord and my savior and him will i serve all the days of my life we choose you afraid of beauty of heaven will choose your friends oh king of kings be god and lord forever the reason for existence the reason for what we do and let the light of your countenance shine amidst us in the name of jesus let blindness be overtaken let darkness be destroyed we were called to sow the praises of him who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light so let it be written in the heavens that this day we surrender that will be chronicled among the angels that the people that are called by his name have humbled themselves to seek his face and to turn from their wicked ways and by this oh god hear from heaven forgive the sins of the land and heal our territories heal our families in the name of jesus christ [Music] we surrender from the least to the greatest among us with surrender let your heart be pleased today and heal the land let there be a manifestation of your own important power in the that will be coming forth in december heal the life in the name of jesus thank you lord [Music] in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah [Music] foreign now for the next 30 minutes we're going to do a healing service you know what we did now is the service of priests it always ends with a higher consecration it's in that atmosphere of alignment with heaven and earth that mantles are released graces are deposited insufficiencies are made up by the spirit of god all kinds of exchanges begin to take place transactions of the spirit covenants are called gates are open access is granted there is penetration there is coverage there is reach it's a kingdom atmosphere that place where jesus is king is the point of interaction all the tone of grace becomes successful men begin to reach out beyond weaknesses into the strengths that are available in the capacities of god [Music] we come as a priest nation not with personal agenda but to see to it that the glory of his majesty is seen is known and if men see how beautiful it is they will come out of the corpse they will come out of the lodges they will come out of the dark places to worship at his feet it's our duty to put him on the pedestal so that all the mountains will be humbled the oaks of passion the cedars of lebanon will be cut off that the valleys will be elevated that all the stones thereof will be gathered out so that the highway will be made for messiah to come we are that generation that will labor in this ways until the knowledge of the glory of god covers the earth as the waters cover the sea we will not stop that's our out of office until until the knowledge of the glory of god covers the earth as the waters cover the sea we will not stop you say oh they tried when you that's what you think tomorrow we are up again we will not stop we will not stop you say my god a great event in ghana that's all you see we will not stop until the knowledge of the glory of god covers the earth as the waters cover the sea so shall it break grace is your person grace is your person elevation is your person oh the lord will become your strength in the midst of pressure you will find the capacity within that is coated with the texture of your conviction we serve the kingdom be bold let nothing make you shrink let nothing make you ashamed because the love of god they shared abroad our hearts by the holy ghost it will become easy for you now you know for many of us prayer was a struggle before this time it will be easy now for the spirit of god will help your infirmities and you will be inspired to pray you'll be quick to pray in the groanings that motor language cannot offer in the name of jesus but oh my god i feel the holy ghost i feel the holy ghost give him glory give him praise we thank you for the call of hannah and so we come out of the swamp we come out of the woods we come out of our hiding places from abandoned houses to heal hit the car to hit the car for a transformation to hit the call for the bench of a new dispensation a bit of a new era we hit the call of hannah [Music] we hear the call we hit the call on the list among our numbers who become as strong as david we hit the call we hit the call for those that begin to be small that later ends shall greatly increase we heed the call we heed we heed the call because it needs our transformation and it is our promotion our elevation we hit the call to intercession we hit the call of priesthood it's a prison nation the lord intends to crystallize we hit the call meanwhile immorality might be common spread but we are a priest in the nation of righteousness meanwhile darkness my beginning of stronghold but we separate ourselves as the people of the priest nation and all the demands of consecration we are willing to fulfill so that all that that that illumination lamp that will bring advertisement to the lord his grace upon us will be evident and many men will see how that he has transformed us from darkness to light glory hallelujah we hid the call tonight as a generation and those of you listening to us through youtube facebook i hope you can hear the call it's a clear call a call to embrace the king and to allow the king the right of way to be manifest through your vessel we hit the call as our hearts are lying to his voice the policies that he crystallizes from heaven will become the administrative set up to implement it upon the face of the earth we heed the call a new generation comes the lord is their god and his voice is in the midst of them the cry of the kingdom is trapped among them just because we hit the call no weapon formed against us shall be able to prosper and every tongue that rises in judgment will condemn it it will be clear soon that the powers of your court have a limitation it will be clear very soon that the powers of the kingdom of darkness can be stopped because we heeded the call he will make you strong in all things he will make our grace to abound so that we have in our sufficiency if all things might abound onto every good work we hear the call [Music] and indeed at least among us will become as strong as david the day of the kingdom emerges a day where christ is king we hear the call in the name of jesus so that's what that meeting is about it's a conscription enterprise it's a conscription in japan
Channel: AmenRadio #KeepOnBelieving
Views: 3,736
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: apostle arome osayi, apostle arome osayi 2020, 2020 sermons of apostle arome osayi, apostle arome osayi live
Id: Z8JB95AC3rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 5sec (5705 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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