The Sojourners Conference 2019 - Day 2 - THRIVE (Session 2)

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making it thriving actually sometimes means overcoming the pressures that come you know I've like I told you I should be very shallow I didn't know this recently I've learned to be deep I was I was passing I I stayed in a hotel in England in London just last week that is by the River Thames and it's a kind of channel there on a lagoon by the Excel the Excel is a big arena you know where events are held and they have a sealing Club so children come there to learn to sail and so one day I was doing my exercise walks and just praying and then I saw them sealing and the Lord said look at them so I looked at them and you know what would they were not sailing the boats you know in your mind you just want to get into the boat and the sail isn't it this time now I saw a boat capsized so I said oh dear oh dear somebody needs to be saved it shouldn't be me anyway I can't dive in there I don't swim I swim like a stone when I get in I just sit down to the bottom that one is not a ministry for us and so when I don't name the animals they came from the sea and stood on the water and he named them as long as he's my father if he's not really care about people like it ah when they give birth to children in India please did throw them in the water for a week first the fellows place is one month so all of them are not only swim as the a drunkards yes we drank water from morning to night any guru water does Jean they call it water in there please so I came to claim our mandate pastor Jane mistakenly married him and we have decided with patada we need to change it you know wherefore if your sister marries nasty people then your poverty is poverty as yes pretty marítima we have not improved honestly I came to Philadelphia by train I stink I thought he was a limousine to collect me and I dropped from the train station I said this is my life I will snap and show Peter Pierrot now if you tell all the other brothers let's dissolve this marriage that's fine PJ proposed bond maybe even Trump's son one of us so that we can get fifa he understands it as long as we were a Bella no Peppa even the man will be preaching that we don't need before kind of we can't monetize that elicit you preach a good message that was Raghava he's the one I invited me now so younger asleep truck on week out hey I begged him that I won't come you see that the only thing they'll give him joy he sees and now I'm here okay what was I saying I was trying that's what he does I want to preach something he'll be changing my message so I bind him 9 G's awesome happy face even so I was watching this voice seal and you know what they were doing I saw the canoe capsized so I was about to raise an alarm but it was tethered to another canoe in the canoe was an instructor and a student so when I was watching them I was thinking raised the alarm or what is going on then I I saw them pass a fella they now top the young boy on how to recover the canoe and then the canoe right at itself and then they sailed a little again and then they capsized the canoe again and then the boy who was the pot you had to learn how to write the canoe then I realized that that was what they were doing that day the exercise that day there were three students on the underwater the exercise by their masters the Masters knew how to capsize the canoe and then they would now get the boys to recover the kernel now meet they were in a control canoe but then they were wearing life vests so the children must know how to swim so they are saying just in case your canoe capsized ease don't lift it up from this side lift it up from that other side then the Lord began to speak to me and he said to me you you train to sail but you don't train to surmount shipwreck you're not a mastered sailing because you can sail the boat your mastery must include recovery Jesus sorry I realized it was the Holy Ghost that took me out that money and that's the problem with our training of faith our training on faith is only to receive but even the Hebrew book in the Hebrew 11 book on faith see how many people used faith to refuse things just have refused Moses refused the palace people rejected things by faith because they wanted to make sure that they don't shipwreck another day I was in Barbados and my friend took me out to see the sunrise and the sunset now everybody goes there and they keep talking about amazing sunrise sunset how do you know that I inherited this boring life from Pastor fella how can somebody not like to be taken out to go and see things you can go did you marry that kind of husband is it a like that Jesus the way you kept quiet I'm doing the sign of the Cross kind of loose Moroccan amanda is your church house visitation sure pria house you need help did you do send you to a country like America did you send you to with Pakistan these people like me I put it to you that you come to America I like going out only sometimes but this time my friends are let's go see the sunrise I said - how many does he know how many sunrises I've seen in Africa and sunsets I wonder what it is ok let's go we had to wake up at 4 a.m. arrived at the beach by 5 and there were people the old cameras Lizzie aimless unemployed people to come same so we stood by the sea and as we were looking at the sunrise it was actually beautiful but then something caught my eye I saw this unique sunny looking fish it was a complete circle and just had a beak and then a v-tail just a tiny tail it was it was almost like something from an art class where children have you know children's art class you cut this perfect round circle then you make a tail and it's just a V and attach it and then you just make a beak and just and it was it was amazing then it was like this mommy's dress you see all the stars on her dress this this fish had every conceivable color and it was coming to me and I know the Atlantic is very deep there so I didn't plan on Follies at the water because people like me don't commit suicide you and something he's something is wrong with you to even think of it did you know people like us don't even get depressed no well how what which when why because of what depression the human being says I'm depressed and I say come come come let me check your temperature ok you have fever that's why if you don't have fever how can we depressed I okay when I was I moved to England in 1989 I wanted to go and live there we were taking a family decision and my wife I would go first and then I will send for her and then it gonna end our friend committed suicide because he had failed I can exams his accounting professional exams that was like the seventh or eighth time Hey so when they said Kobe was dead that's a lie so I came and I was asking the dead body are you mad even the money for your tickets from Ghana to England it's a breakthrough oh no you didn't get that no no the money to pay for your ticket to fly from Ghana that money includes visa fees is success just because you failed an exam they brought me to do one lesson and I'll just drop this before I go forward that lesson was that we are not created to be successful you know you already you're imagines here is a success story do you know how many times a man and his wife lived together and co-op eat and have sexual intercourse and not once does the egg get fertilized until when it was your turn and on that day if you knew how many people you beat just to get into that egg my goodness this is the track the earth is the track 100 meters who's involved everybody get set go and then you win then they take you to the podium and they say the winner is from America who's early and you're standing there heaven is the podium where we go for the met house but the earth is where you run the race so it's only it's not it's not opportunism that brought you here it was designed it was planned you beat many in the election before you were produced here that's not possible a Meadows made us read the scripture it's true every man is not to believe us God didn't love the church and give Jesus he loved the world and he gave Jesus for the entire world he didn't love the church either he loved who the world when we were still tapping from wine when we were while we were yet sinners that's when he loved us how much more now so let me give you a warning which he gave me to give you none of you should back off because of a mistake in your life or a challenge bounce back as I do what recovery is possible of everything go back and get the initiative captured from Satan but before I get there I was still celebrating people and have not finished so hey that same morning pastor it ha you know what I saw I saw four people and they were walking with two sticks each of them you know like skiers but they were exercising so I thought to women in front two men behind all the three the two women and the third man had dark glasses deep dark it was in the morning misty morning then the fourth man didn't have glasses but he was permanently talking they just keep going straight they tend to the right a bicycle is coming just keep good you know so that was when I realized they were blind but they were doing exercises and they had walked that route so severally because you could tell that they were very confident they were just going as he was telling them straight on straighter they were just going and he didn't do the instructions very obviously except you looked at them closely you couldn't tell so it's like they practice this regular they were holding each other but they were working so well and the Holy Spirit said to me the man that must move walk by faith must lose his right you cannot walk by faith and still have rights it's irregular we've not been taught well do you get NASA a man that will walk by faith will world lose his rights and I'm the Lord said to me do you know one of the rights you lose then I said no he said that's what I just showed you it's at the right of eyesight do you understand me a man that walks by faith is blind you know what your eyes do they cause you to see and when you see you have many multiplied options but you are not designed for options and option earring Eagles are born eaglets are born blind when they hear their mother's wings fluttering there they just opened their mouth ha ha ha ha they can't see her they know she's the one they know the strength of a flop they know the sound of a talons as they grip the branches whatever she puts into their mouth is what they eat if it's a monkey they eat it if it's a fish they eat it and then that defines their diet when they begin to see they only go for what mummy pre-recorded and pre-programmed in them you cannot live by faith if your eyes are wide open and you are still able to make choices based on what you see he says when your eyes are closed eventually pella what will happen you hear voice behind you that's the guarantee of faith so faith requires that we lose our eyes etre eyesight that we don't live by what we see that will lose our ears we stop living by seeing the visible and hearing the audible and Inter costing with the tangible the only way faith is activated for it to see the light of day for you to thrive to the full potential of God is if you are blind and you are deaf and you are doomed he said to them don't worry about what you will see when they bring you to the judges in that self same hour you will be given what to say so you are deaf you are dumbed no options nothing whatsoever you just depend on him and he says sufficient for the day is the evil thereof all this worrying about planning for one week is not your business so so wait why did I say all these things I was celebrating new people so I celebrate it housewife you know she's grown tender humbler more pliable I can see it like she's now and not has been dipped in oil so I see your screen easier ok girl before now but she's become okay yeah is that is that correct English in America it's now correct English roommate please interpret to that gentleman do you know what to be okay is than to be okay yeah means you're more okay yeah and then okay yes GG I'm saying so I'm happy and I want to celebrate all of you who I met the last time I was here and you are still here recently Kenneth Copeland came to Nigeria and he came with a gentleman who has served him for 40 years I mean they've been together for 40 years now even if you don't know the definition or the meaning of faithfulness well yeah that somebody has been somewhere over 40 years we even respect him in fact those of you that are married before you separate and divorce because I know you guys in America is very cheap for you to separate is not a problem but before you do it let me tell you this is how unlock comes look at this ask mom now listen when somebody lives with somebody for five years just living with them for five years bestows upon you a toga of respectability you understand because you my tits are now you're just sat down even if you didn't achieve anything one day yeah somebody knock on your door and say mommy we have a problem in our house want you to settle you have become dear mother oh no just hanging out every year that passes and you stay where God planted let me tell you respect or no nobility is bestowed upon you naturally yeah people call me father daddy and I'm looking at them they didn't ask me my age fest no it's because they've seen me carrying this woman up and down for Tatiana something so they feel that I must be an honorable man so for oh no you don't have to label now there are certain things you just do and are not combs oh my goodness I thought you celebrate white you know people who have a PhD and you call them when what is it somebody's doctor this you want to ask is it MD doctor or PhD and when they say PhD everyone why because he sat with one cost for ten years he was it happy man in videos are you insane years for chemistry do it the Anasazi now let me ask you when you got your BSC in chemistry did you get your master's in chemistry reading the same broad chemistry you read in BSC in bachelors you now distilled it maybe now you are ready industrial chemistry for masters for PTSD you take another page out of industrial cancer you are becoming more illiterate as you grow higher the only difference is that whatever chosen area you chose you are becoming an authority and we call it an authority because of how long you sat it's up with political science you start with the prosperity sorry I've forgotten because in school you know yeah is how long you sat with it now that makes us oh no you do you understand that tells you when they see you on your daughter nobody wants to think that you are a stupid girl kahshanna married it's only sit and I can speak such rubbish absolute hubris because the project you are not showing is there beside you mom mom is not cheap to give life to another at your own expense so sometimes do like the African lizard he's not formidable doesn't have teeth can't bite and sometimes when nobody is there to bless him he jumps up when he falls down when he slumps his stomach on the ground tells himself man you're a great guy and then he could good I'm like the lizard you know I don't care if anybody is there to tell me or not yesterday I had an experience in the airport at Newark see I was choosing flights in a hurry and I forgot to look at where the aircraft or drop me I just put in New York so when I didn't know when I chose Newark I've already learned in the past three months that Newark and LaGuardia and no-go areas for human beings same humans like us land somewhere else and come New Jersey by train by Malu sorry bye-bye Moo the understand me but who waste your time then I landed and we all stood up carried our bags I was thinking that if I came out on time I would just date just go to Penn Station and come and sleep in Jersey last night you know and then we were standing in the aircraft for like 14 15 minutes after some time the captain said to us okay now we know what's going on the the airport is too full there is been a challenge and there are hundreds of people inside the terminal and immigration don't want us to come out of the aircraft because the problem will be unmanageable so we have to wait so he put back on the engine put on air conditioning but at this time we were all standing in the aisles with our bugs you know so fortunately for me I was in the first class cabin so if I didn't fly by first class at least I can sit even so I found a good place as hot and stretch my legs and I was telling myself what at least is how you came you came by first class then finally we got into the terminal and I have never seen such a crowd in the airport I was telling my brother that it took me an hour 20 minutes before I finally stood in front of an immigration officer and he said to me if I the guy looked at me and just said holiday yeah he just um did if I knew yesterday are the mood cooking there was nothing to take nothing to check and I realize many of those cooking boys they escaped yesterday I mean nothing possible in the immigration and customs we are tired that's all they were doing and ice they are tired so I thought to myself why didn't I collect something you know they always ask you dizzy did anybody pack your bag for you you know and I packed it you should have what's inside is there any sharp object is that and we will die see it sound like robots so so I want to celebrate all now I want you I want you to join me in celebrating all these faithful men and women just help help us clap this is a convention is not your usual church service as a club celebrate and in celebrating them also determined that you are going to still be here do you understand me hallelujah you know I said so because all these things right now you know that I came free free free planned pre-programmed everything I've said to you thus far has hit home isn't it yeah and and the reason is because God had a plan so this is not this the kind of meeting where you come and then you sit down with her and you're happy that you showed up no no you have to go to the streets do you know do you know sweetheart if you get me a cloth any kind of cloth just tear up anything yeah bring it yeah g-g-gee Ephesians chapter one open it up if you can comment you will act with me just my daughter she's yellow black and I'm yellow I don't know where she came from because how even though that's helped us attack him from this fine woman please we came from the same womb how can I be fair and then she stuck do you understand me okay okay now you know how you wash clothes and you do this when you want to do it now the way you do it it's wet and you want to shake off as much water so it dries fast isn't it did you see this this this motion huh this is what Ephesians was trying to communicate to us in Chapter one he says that God has what blessed us or equipped us with every spiritual blessing so ok turn and face me and imagine I was hot and you wanted to find me just what would you do no do it vigorously yeah did you see that this is what God did he shook heaven so even if a bug was on it it fell off he didn't leave anything oh no dude do it again he has blessed us with every vigorous yes every spiritual blessing he shook the entire heaven down so is there any blessing left for you in heaven so stop asking him to bless you that's what prayer purple I was trying to say that I was trying to say don't you you you can't be taking what has been given it is a main main shift when you are taking means you are struggling like it wasn't given but it has been given so walk in it that's the way you take it thank you thank you she will not sleep to do because I used her for drama when we talk leader I say he passed Obama daddy when you called me that time I have to shaking and then I was thinking wow so potassium passage in was watching me that was the one that killed me the most [Laughter] [Music] I followed me he has done that what has he done he do you have Islam in America that can describe that I mean describe that emotion that's what God the God emptied the bag then turned it and really shook it like that's God he was determined that not a speck of dust your blessing will be left in heaven no no I'm asking is the any slang what I mean how do you guys say I've given you all yeah but I can tell you in my language in Xhosa this is like a copy everybody see cut kabhi no even you when you hear this sound you know it's not it's violent not tucked away do you understand me he shook it complete look he took the curtains and just shook them completely he was a gale a mighty stone shook heaven so nothing is left in heaven everything heaven has is on the earth and it lives in you lives in me as I Paulo is telling you that a drunken boss can be the staging post for Jesus he's too much in fact let me tell you let me now begin my message I've ready when are we closing is it tomorrow no no because I just want to know you know because I have three messages and I'm going to share them with you before I leave tomorrow three amazing messages first but before my message I'm still doing I was greeting all of you now now let me do the introduction and this is what he said to me to say to you write it you are at war my friend so that you don't think that I'm making it up I normally don't preach with with notes but Placita come on read it now read the second line at Philly this second line at Philly with eater and Pella we are at war friends see he told me this I he dictated it he said it's your message we are at war and this message is to be spoken at Philly when I come here we pass the raita and Pella that's what that's what we don't you know we don't we don't meditate on people sit down say I'm having challenges what did you expect you are war and the Scriptures tell us that we don't want with flesh and blood so stop making it personal this was an Amtrak that's why pala is talking about the necessity for us to live in families because it doesn't let his stars he raises a body Jesus said sacrifice am burnt offering you didn't ask of me if you did I will close my account I would go and borrow I would do this and do that and give you a befitting offering sacrifice and both of rich didn't ask me for it you asked rather that you're created a body already and I must learn the rules of functioning in that body they gave him twelve people some of them were assassins and not just me assassins very intelligent I watched the movie Muhammad Ali what is my name and I will saw him telling George Foreman I'm going to beat you scientifically you are strong but I will demolish you scientifically then he started the rope-a-dope and he didn't Foreman didn't know he had trained with Larry Holmes Larry home was Ali's sparring mate and Larry was 20 when he met Ali who was about 30 so larry was at the prime and Ali used Larry Holmes Ali would do this and Holmes would just punch away so he trained himself to absorb remember the lesson I taught you you sail but you're so prepared is sailing for shipwreck so you know how to recover and continue you don't need a pilot or does not grab food with the storm you like to sit down and you hear your captain said I've had 30,000 hours flying this particular aircraft and I'm glad to tell you that no matter what as long as it's the American skies I've seen it all do you understand me you feel confident you don't get in your egg into an aircraft and then you say hi my name is Chris Delvon I'm Ori originally a pastor and a guitarist a musician by the grace of God this is first time I'm in the cockpit but I am believing God that we will take off and land in fact there's a green button beeping I want to press it and see what you want some of you will tear the window and get like roommate but then you see room and only have feet as tall as cheese only the legs will be she'd I escaped doyeong saying we need ship masters and shipmates who are masters in good times and over but we are at war but things don't happen to Rita because you did something wrong no no the devil the meaning of the word devil their bellows means the doer of evil that's all he wakes up unders you don't have to do anything wrong for bad things to happen to you you're not sick because you forgot to pray okay my dear mommy you gave birth to Roman you took care of her from that day until now when she was a baby what could she give you and you faithfully fed her the rest look that mean hair grew that made her eyes her bones everything grew you provided for it and then some some you hear some some stupid men of God preached and see until something leaves your hand nothing is permitted to come back to you for my stretching it too far what left your hand for life to come to you nothing invite some of us by the time we finish sucking our mother's breasts the younger the one that came after me was a new Jesus what kind of wickedness this you should have at least let me come ahead of my brother because he took everything you know so he was shocked and soccer soccer soccer lift up their legs and begin to tickle the 80s as little children they are wondering how did he learn all of this as a child when they are finished with their mother even Jesus when he wants to say okay Joe is your turn to go to assess no no change my mother there's nothing left there I get ya you drive you drag the whole breast milk and nothing is left cuz when they see you sake the other children are thinking my God my time is done no not a drop left there you didn't give anything so he's a lie he loved you with an everlasting look do you know everlasting comes a common see a velocity no no no stand and face is there no no face their face there see everlasting he loved you in the past he loved you in the present and he's gone ahead into the future to just love you unconditionally oh my goodness somebody's you celebrating you guys are acting too kind I'm saying that son do you know what before you ever knew a girl like that existed in the sounds he blessed you to a thousand generations there is something in you you haven't seen the girl your life was not together and nothing was in place in your mind you thought if I make it then I'll find a girl but he already seen your children and your children's children so yeah my goodness yeah there's some of you thinking Siddhartha some of you are thinking now that you can i sat beside a girl on a flight i came to your meeting and I was leaving Lagos to Abuja and I sat beside a girl and then she began to chat me up little girl and I said I thought these boys that should be touching girls so she was chatting me what you do so where you coming from so finally I said okay let me chat with her I said so how are you she said fine then I said to her when do you want to get married she wants to talk now my own chat is a different setting so I said when are you planning on getting married she said oh no sir I'm not even thinking about I said why she said I'm a single parent she said you know in a proper period of my life I rebelled and then I went to France and then I had a baby and then and I don't think anybody will want a single mother I said you didn't answer my question you have been chatting since but I'm also chatting on my level you were chatting on your level now I'm bringing you up to my level when do you want to get married then I began to tell her about how to handle prophetic things I want you sit with the Prophet usually know if you don't know something is wrong with you do you know what sir in Israel they concocted a chemical that was a perfume and once it was formulated the first time it was the formula was destroyed so nobody else can refabricate that perfume it's a secret knowledge which means how would we know a prophet or a priest in the house by well you just walk into the priestess here then everybody begins to arrange himself how did we lose disabled so cetera so I didn't ask you whether you are single parent or whatever I asked you a question when do you want to get married then she said I'm sorry sir there must be something you know that I don't know that I said exactly because if God tells you and announces yours your next season the next thing is for you to go and get ready for it you know you don't get married because of a guy's chest our girls bomb she can be 32 12:48 is your business do you understand me that's not going to last I've seen I've seen that eaten up by disease oh my goodness I saw people the last month fair beautiful they looked like you should get a knife and fork and just begin to chop them and then I saw them the next time looking awesome like they were in a fire burnt up completely and they will tell you the name of a sickness I've seen people aged 40 50 years in four months just from sickness all of the statistics were pursuing one accident can change it yesterday they asked me to put my fingers on the fingerprinting machine and my two fingers would Bend so the guy said to me why can't we get your fingerprints as I came from mass so I told him as I had an accident so the two fingers they cannot stray he said he wants me to straighten them I couldn't show out I told you he just time two things I say and I left so I entered a finger TomTom printer not if you tell me to do them one by one yes I can't get it well you see as you put the four of them they just won't do that's accident and the fingers didn't break the ulna broke here and then there are nerves that line the owner and the other ones that control the fingers I didn't have a fracture on my tassels no but by the time the owner healed it put pressure on the nerve and now to do this surgery the nerve is almost invisible who is going to sit down for them to go up cut it by accident and then my veal I'm not going to sit down there do you know something so every day I'm doing exercises just to charge the finger so that they can be okay Alice I can simply guitar so I'm okay I will not die of hunger what I'm saying is I have seen circumstances of life alter this physiology these are not on me that we die for meanwhile if I'm going to divorce you sorry not you if I'm going to divorce you I was looking at data only we will come fall in love with some men easy a man is in love with him and I was mistakenly see I can divorce it I realize not at the wrong message I love you no I don't want to imagine it please I leave that for a wife she's a woman of faith but when she which is heaven they will say to her welcome the beautiful savate that you even chose to marry that all of us you were tired the day the dish is that him I do heaven was silent hand was silent angels and their homes they were silent you worship [Music] is it my lord and my god you're worthy to be praised like my wife I I asked my wife in the morning I said I love you will you marry me she said ok yeah she has already seen it so I left you know I suffered from brain damage as an unbeliever you never asked a girl do you like me as you just see straight yes they will tell you let me think about you two months after they are thinking about it since they we're thinking is okay but now I'm a believer Sano's is to discuss it I've asked her before when I asked how do you know you know if she started to cry kind of later she told me that why she cried that day was because she had served God with all her heart and she was ready dedicated to Christ am born again and she was not asking God that if God wants to reward her for being a child of God will he give her the rascal of the community so I'm the rascal of the community and the Lord told her daddy and said yes he's your husband but is not time and she didn't understand what the Lord was saying she was just you saddened I was weeping so finally when I came as fast on and I said would you marry me she say yes he's like she had been waiting but you know what in the evening I returned and she said you are here I said yes would you like something to drink us oh yeah why not then I said but I have something pressing she said what is it I say let's step outside and talk she was livid appearance so we went outside and I said to her did you hear the question I asked you in the morning I said would you marry me because I love you don't you took my wife she said she already told me yes now I said no just in case you didn't understand I mean marry you know the reason why because I know that if I was do you want and I asked myself will you marry me I would tell myself read my lips the Anasazi because I'm very terrible a very terrible see housing but so if if you can imagine no but what was I ello streets in that time yeah the was I've divorced you but I want you to remind me but councilman ma if we get to the point of divorcing do you know that why I will be insisting on divorcing you has nothing to do with the things that attracted me in the first place in the first place if you were attracted to statistics when you are divorcing you'll find that it's content not kissing that is annoying you yet every time we come to the place of choice making we look at the container and not the content oh my god your marriage cannot survive if you are married to a person who does not extend mercy every time doesn't know how to show mercy I do every day say to him sorry you say he'll stop that nonsense what sorry is that you say no no no but I'm really sorry I mean never please stop that nonsense what please don't don't don't say sorry to me I hate it when people say sorry you did what you did deliberately and calculate earlier algorithm that's a merciless fellow one of my sons came from California to preach in church a few weeks ago some months ago and you know the first thing he said he taught us an anger management and the first thing he said was if somebody introduces himself how dare you disagree with his introduction you know you meet people and they tell you one thing with me I never forgive and you are thinking because you are on the aside now you are thinking that the same standard of measure will not be meted on you the passengers introduced himself he is merciless he does not forgive one of my son's once told me when he first came I said to him I said so where you coming from so he told me ah he's to serve pastor Pella and he worked in house of grace he wasn't in the head of the youth and then became a head of men employees and then he became a head of decent posture and then he said but possible I see we cared man I said what are you saying that now he said oh no no no trust me I'm a judge of people and I give it back to him one thing with me is there is nobody I cannot face and tell him a piece of my mind as you were seeing it the Lord said to me you also receive your own peace you shall receive you all this is mine unfortunately we had already forged the union she was ready my son so one day one my own moment came I was in the International Airport in Abuja and he called me and said daddy when I'm in the airport in Abuja your city he I said yes is that can I come and see you I need to see you very importantly I said but I've already crossed the immigration is there you're a powerful man I've seen you take me through many times so tell the security as well okay come she was very important you wanted to tell me something really important and when we came I told my security people in the airport and they went and brought him in and he came and sat down with all of us who are checked in for a flight and then he saw a shop there and said to me would you like something to drink sir I said well it's coming from you why not so he bought me Martina and a bottle of water and all of them were sweating you know chilled so he said to me can I open it I said hey I open both drink some of the Martina and a little water yeah I may even take it on board with me then he said he sat down and looked at me face to face eyeball to eyeball and then he said actually I wanted to tell you that today I am ending this relationship between me and you I don't ever want you to be associated with me oh me too he was looking at me driving daggers and I was drinking his drink so the drunk did the drink advocate it just froze in my hand that's why I understand what some women go through when they marry some man I mean he was he was ruining my heart's peace ripping my heart to shreds and looking at Nick calmly in fact he was whispering he says so from today I want you to get out of my path and just leave me alone so I said is that he said that was why I came I said that's what you wanted come tell me today I could have told me on the phone I said no I wanted to see you face to face then he smiled so I said okay it's all right I agree so please take care my friend he said ha no no he can't leave me like that now let him just with me a little before the flight but he had told me and I didn't listen to him you have no right to disbelieve me when I introduce myself to you I'm telling you I'm a mean guy and you are thinking that I'm a nice person to hang out with that's not cliche that's who I am if you keep looking at container you would keep rupturing everything you do because the content would always come to challenge you one thing with me is if anything is not working I just leave it alone ah even you will soon not be working and he will leave you alone now people say that and you think they're nice guys yeah one thing I like about gym you know doesn't waste time with anything he just keeps moving he's going to move on you he has already told you no no get people who love farming see I met a girl on the train she must be like 68 and she had a big bouquet of flowers I perceived she's into all these Eastern religions she told me she does flowers she's the flower guru I should get online and look for her and she said to me she uses flowers to teach the young people how to live life that if I kept this flower and it dried up every petal is a seed and it can produce the same flower imagine is called a marigold it's from Spain and the woman came into Philly with me on the train as does big bouquet and she said she's coming to see her friend and she knows her friend will say to her you've come again the her friend usually says any time she gets missing she'll just tell the police to announce have you seen a woman carrying a bunch of flowers it will usually be her no and she gave me that flower so I took it and I said to her I'm going to keep it this year she just stared me she didn't know she was telling me for the meeting that we're going to have okay so so you need people who are guarding us because gardeners have preserve us gardeners don't go into it for the short run it's always for the long run a gardener someone who plants things and has the patience to watch them grow is a companion you can hand around my daughter have first experience with planting she came home and she brought an X a bub an experiment they were to do in school which was planting beans and she was maybe like 8 years old then 6 7 8 but that was the first time she will plant anything and so she went to our trash heap and packed black earth she told me daddy is this human soil and I yes and she took it into our back back yard and then she dug her ground and put put put it there and then she dropped her two beans and then she said she she wore tight now because the science teacher said when you're planted your beans what I say yeah so what I it so she watered it and she came into the house and for all that afternoon she was always on the couch standing on the couch looking out the window I didn't know she was looking for the beans to grow so we just thought that she just that was her preferred position that day and then by afternoon she had gone to the beans and dug it up to see if it I started growing and then put it back she must have done it so many times and then I caught her and I said to her this is the surest way to make sure your beans don't grow you have to leave it and then be patient and I read it in Scripture the farmer goes and he plants and then he goes home and he sleeps and wakes and sleeps and wakes up and he doesn't know how he doesn't even know the exact moment but one day he comes and the thing has broken through and so my daughter saw that experiment of beans growing but that's that's that's what is that's why if you see a man tending flowers that is in life someone who not just life plants it waits for it to grow its patient when it delays in growing that's a company you can keep I'm drawing parallels between that and the way we live life but you're hung around someone who is who is impatient and then you think it's going to be different with you how that's their life so Michael Tabb that's his name is that he said to us if someone tells you who he is believe him aha don't doubt them they just introduce themselves then we will reduce these consequences to reduce these consequences in life now we are at war and is an enemy of your life on your faith and the only way you can deal with him is to fight by faith you know what faith means faith is acquiring another teacher or a master or coach or a mentor to guide you through now there are many coaches many Mentors Muhammad Ali mentored America black America and took her to Islam - Elijah Muhammad and his writer Muhammad did not have a better student than Malcolm X very fanatical student and then they had a problem there was a rupture in the relationship Malcolm X moved on and in the press conference I still remember my Malcolm X the black activists and they were asking him why did you part ways with your spiritual leader he said well I'm not at liberty to disclose the reasons now but in the next coming days perhaps they will up here and in the next coming days he was shot dead and Muhammad Ali served Elijah for a long time made millions unprompted there influenced the psyche of black America so that they would love Islam he he defined Christianity to be a white man's thing why the Angels white and demons black he would ask his mom and he would ridicule every Christian position because they couldn't he could I cannot make the distinction between flesh and blood and the spiritual he couldn't there are spiritual things you design them spiritually you can't discern them naturally opaza Bella introduced me to the pidgin language I love pidgin but now it's the only Bible I listen to and let me tell you how the rendered Hebrews 11 after they spoke about Enoch is it because ordinary I know this young that ordinary eyes don't see God so anybody we want contra must first know Zeb and Edie Pournami with ordinary eye the detects eeeh so listen to me that means when it comes to faith take off your glasses close your eyes and that's what is called faith you are now that's the introductory step all your helps your props and then your i Papa you shut them up then he begins to guide you and he tells you keep on walking straight your own course your own course and you believe him that's why the highest Psalm the Lord is my shepherd it was a celebration of a slave celebrating his master he knows everything I need he has scouted the territory behind me the territory present and the territory future he has taken care of it he's my scout he finds territory and brings me to eat fresh grass he does not take me to fast flowing streams he doesn't take me to deep flowing waters because I can't drown he brings me to shallow waters that are clear and clean so that nothing will jump out of the deep and hurt me that's how he loves me then for the tEEX and the fleas he anoints me with oil regularly if you look at me from afar the sun's rays fall on me and I reflect so well so beautiful his rod to protect and his staff to guide they are regularly there with me say so when I'm walking through the valley and I can see the shadow of death kasdeya of course if a shadow is cast it means death the persona is there isn't it he says I'm not even afraid he didn't say I lift up my eyes to see where death is it says no no no no the shuffle of his feet and the occasional stroke with his cane is my comfort I know he's there there's a wall whenever you hear your pastor or your prophet or your mentor say to you this is the theme that we are going to be dealing with it gives you an indication of what God is saying and the phase in which your war is when you hear thrive even if you reduce it to make it make money or prosper even if you reduce it to that level they will always be high attached to it and he said to me to tell you today either to manage this war fight it carelessly fight it scatter don't arrange it to something you can handle upset the cart change the game take on more than you can chew that's right he said thrive when they say tried it means RT that a chance has come now for people to give monetize the war that same day I was walking by the excel at the lake I heard some people say when I was sharing the message but you know I only read about people giving millions to ministry people like me can never do what I do is menial what I do is minimum what I do is small this is the way I'm working in McDonald's I'm working here I'm working there no Miller don't come to me no no no change the game do you hear me Tommy decide that you're earning level is not sufficient for the war oh my goodness I decided this in 1993 I was in Legos and we were separated we were not divorced my wife wasn't with me and my son and I said the Lord said to me himself how much are you going to give me this year so I said what do you mean I'm faithful with my tithe and I'm faithful with my offerings he said that is one level of reaping mommy listen to me very closely the sit on has dealt with you attacked you took your husband Yanis I'm saying so you to slap him back and I came to babe am you I came to spike you to get you ready for war the Lord doesn't like you doing normal things his office is stupid is his madness for the whole god of the heavens and the earth to move residency and live in you and then you're only doing what you can do to get by New Jersey what kind of rubbish is that and for the avoidance of doubt we don't need a state here in New Jersey that's not what qualifies us you know why the people in the world run for those things is because they have no hope after here yeah hope after here I remember the first time I landed in England it was 1989 we had decided with my wife that I should go and once we get settled she's coming to join me and I'm we dropped and we were heading through the city and I said to them this is this Holborn they said yes and I said where's fleet-street because I was believing God to be a media mogul and I wanted to see Murdoch and the rest so they took me to Fleet Street and this was how every every building was a towering skyscraper Fleet Street Mike Murdock everybody was there and I'll say wow and then the word of the Lord fell upon me he said a land that was you you have lost your right to become hamas aya when a people overwhelm you you can no more be their Savior in other ways some people talk about America this is also a fluid word my sons and we landed we were talking normally you know my normal Nigerian language English when we landed in the airport the first phone call he did he just picked it I say hello hello oh really oh really killing any and I say we are just landing you're ready already somebody that we live one week yeah even me I don't know my flock again you wanna come over home watching magic this this sad thing for me was I wasn't shot as it does whatever I pick my phone and videotaped it because he wasn't even looking at me there wasn't yeah alright yeah we'll call you hung out a pastor huh oh so any village that's a way to do who was that is he passed oh he always play these things let me just enjoy this is America hallelujah do you need to be international no no no I wrote it is on my phone is that internal internationalized war escalated internationalize it see yourself pushing the gospel to nations plot the downfall of darkness in territories you have never gone to even Jesus himself when he decided to internationalize it if he you know what I did he sent out his disciples two by two two cities he has not yet gone to but he will come to later my goodness did he hear that he had not yet gone to those cities but he was determined to go there so he sent his disciples in pairs 70 of them 35 pairs they went to 35 cities they came back with results from 35 cities he had not even gone there do you know what that proves MA it proves that God has been ahead of you now if God has been ahead of you what should you do acquire evidences oh my goodness ha ha ha I'm just about to begin the message you know acquire what evidences that he has gone ahead that's what Thomas did you know we read about Thomas and we get upset we call him doubting Thomas you know what he said he said except I see him put my fingers in the holes on his hands and my hand in his side I will not believe he's alive well we called him a doubter but no he wasn't doubting the day you said to your wife would you marry me she weighed many things perhaps there were other guys other than you asking her and perhaps they even had credentials you didn't possess at that hour but listening to you she caught a glimpse of where you are headed for listening to you she got a glimpse of how you intend to take care of a woman listening to you she knew you a covenant keep I promise keeper she made choices and refused to go with success and rather went with you because she didn't want instant gratification she wanted the gratification that will come over time and not finish that's why she went with you the understand so when you're choosing a coach those issues should also come to play you should choose somebody that is tested tried and proven that you can depend on that will show you mercy when you need it because in a marriage you are going to need mercy both of you every spouse will need mercy you will cross the line I mean you know why the white girl took all that time to check you out because she knew that if she comes into this relationship she's not going to come 1/2 or 3/4 of the way it will be all she's going to have children in a patrilineal society it is she that will carry them for nine months when she goes to give birth she would literally die every time she has a child for you when the child comes he will not bear her name he will bear your name almost like she didn't contribute anything sometimes we should be patient with our women because we don't go through the kind of psychological emotional swings they go through I don't even want to imagine what women have to go through no and I'm not talking to placate your American Human Rights thing because you know what we did is easy tama come come come Thomasina come quick quickly quickly you know in your Western society come this way come this way what you've done is you you took the woman and you in a bid to restore what you called women to their place you know for instead the woman ahead of the man are you following me and then now the children are saying we too we want our rights so the children are taking over the understand me both the mother and the father that is the madness the restauration that God wants is a restoration of the family the understand that's what the church should push for the restoration of the family where the woman can stand with a husband and be a competent builder and the children like you saw the Bible in the reading that fella read let us to read in the first session the children followed the parents when you make the woman head of the house is a monster that's why Daniel will tell you he sat by the sea and saw beasts coming out in the last days those are the beastly formations they are not godly they don't construct God they destroy God and deconstruct what God has built whether yesterday today or tomorrow we still need women that will understand this fact and humble themselves to their honey's and say like Sarah in a moment of darkness I will trust God and then we'd forgot to go and tell Abram listen to your wife because that's what happened and Abraham came and threw away that woman and her son God sovereignly restored them but here what God told the woman go submit to your madam everything she tells you do it so as long as we have women who are proving their rights and men who are proving their rights we are not men of faith the family of God is destroyed and the resources of heaven depleted thank you I know you enjoyed the drama because I list you well my wife for five seconds as I saw the way you held my hand haha Thomasina I tried to pull my hand you like just fulfill you my joy I love you Thomasina held my hand like man I don't know when this will happen but let me just enjoy it for now I try to move my hand away she just held me she said take it easy pasta I'm home anyway I like your torture your girls your girls are up on Tommy so so Thomasina when a girl chooses you over another person you must know it's because her life depends on her choice because there's nothing else get for getting married technically speaking if you look at it with the eyes of civil rights you think that the girls have been robbed of their rights but God knows better he's the rewarder poor Qaeda Boko so Coco you cannot take it away from him he is the rewarder and if you are going through pain now and John and Durin's is no bull oh no it is in human rights that they have told us that to enjoys that you you're stupid Here I am MooMoo don'ti don'ti don'ti don'ti is a city in England in Scotland they had a football club because they still have it's called only United and they came visiting the colonial the colony they came to West Africa to visit all the colonies of the British Empire and when they came to Nigeria the first game they played nine zero Nigerian clubs defeated them they went to Lagos 12-0 they were everywhere 11 zero so that day Nigerians coined the name don't D to mean you are the biggest fool yeah just a white man you can't even play football so if you want to call you if you want to call you a fool or a moo-moo we call you don't deal like you that's very careful look at him is excited he has found something they had done these d un de e NOS dundee people think to enjoy this why should i be enduring no no I can't n do it god forbid I have rights as well no no no endurance is Noble it is endurance that makes your corn grows without endurance you will wait for the process it is endurance that makes us to have potatoes sweet and Irish on our plates without endurance things won't grow it is Durin's that made sure you grew Thomasina and that's why God is giving you the opportunity to raise a child raise the child because you were given life in fact life is sweetest when it demands from him from you what it did not give you oh my goodness there are some people who say who say I was not loved my father was we cared my mother was no no that's the more reason why you should give it yeah life is sweetest when you give what you didn't even receive as well it's exciting I remember going home to tell my wife look let's get back together and start again she didn't ask me I didn't hold a meeting with her I told her I said it to be thoughtful for you for some time but I have heard from God every time we had a quarrel I told her clearly I said God told me I asked you to go so don't expect her to do anything so I went home not expecting she will do well when she did you do well had to carry on and God told me don't hold anything against her she's just a man of faith some kind of faith some women don't believe they should make advances you know in love do Graham say God said no matter what happens you always make the advance never get tired of the advance don't tell me if she discourages you forgive her that's a man of faith it's your prerogative not theirs cut him speak to Sarah he spoke to Abraham that's why it was sufficient for her to follow him and say Lord Lord even if she didn't understand it was okay as long as she showed up 99% of the times God doesn't want you to be skillful or competent he just wants you to show and I'm going to tell you why but before I tell you tonight so on let me tell you these things to finish escalate this war you are limited I said to God what should I give you again this year I'm faithful with my tithes and offerings he said that's one level of receiving just one level come with your green I like your green come come a prosperous prosperous green yeah run run don't mind me yeah you're looking funky it's cool I like it no no look at this she's green to go say what you sow what will you do you reap so if you hang out with her you can marry miss alright in one service I can have many ways just just don't worry about your husband if it tries anything would be to me are you listening now listen if you marry me and we hang out long enough you can only have one child or pair twins are the best triplets Jacuzzi what I'm trying to say is we may have to hang out for like two years one year five years ten years but what I saw is what I reap now that's one level of receiving from God that's not that's the mistake Christians have made so now we are celebrating hard walk labor and worry over and against God's best which is rest the work is called us to is a work of rest you do understand Atma so I'm thinking I better keep on sewing keep on suing the understand me after one year we go for an all-night man of God we'll be married for one year now the same hand so what he says we need deliverance is it from what since where we have been together a new child then the profession gaaaah that means they have removed the devil go home and have your child two years later I back to another all night and this time the prayer the prayer point is those of you who have concentrated problems that have defied Fria come out and then you come out with your dally only and then we are standing now we're the ones with problems that have defied prayer and everything then this time we import the man of God from a crude country like maybe could reduce and you have never heard the name before and it comes on his tongue sorrow and then you are believing that these tongues that was a can take of this serious barring problem to my as later you are still not pregnant five years now do you understand me no no no that's the low level of harvest I want you to rest if you sow you will reap yes but no no no this is another level everybody say another level I have a daughter now you have become my daughter so don't hold me like a father I mean like a husband yeah do you understand that my daughter's name is Sally if you know Sally you knew she's my love as a genuine are permitted to comment not even his sound should come out of him do you understand me if you see me on my daughter you know this is Sally if she asks me for my wife you know Abraham they asked him for his son if she asked me for my wife I'll give up before I find out it was my wife do you understand me now Sally is iguana she didn't win an election to be iguana she didn't know me before the foundations of the earth she has schooled in every conceivable posh school not because you could avoid it not because a grandfather hid some stash of money somewhere if Sally says to me I want to go to Harvard to read a one-week certificate course and that's what will make my heart glad I do it do you know something she doesn't even know how I do it I don't know about you but let me tell you about my children well you know hurry to go and sit down we were rather enjoying it I let go good job go and sit down nonsense you enjoy acting with me I just since us sitting down there anything has a her legs and another dive Rodgers idea doing free advice for you even Donald Trump doesn't get this kind of odd word free of charge does CNN recording and it is which of their camera four will be my daughter I don't even need to describe I don't know how to describe see my children I don't know your children I don't know your children path of Allah your position does Cairo come home and tell you how much school fees is and hold a long discussion with you are by his school fees do you mean it happens in your house at all is a disease only in my house my children don't tell me their school fees they just return and drop their books then they start controlling my wife against the next time I want into me by like two boxes put in my box I want Gary I they are shopping for the school they haven't told your father that the school fees has just been increased the night before is when I come and say attack have mercy on your father how much is your school fees this is oh you know I'm reading mechanical engineer just increased it with 200,000 do you want you have been before I couldn't handle not the increasingly 200,000 you didn't tell me did your grandfather have a discussion with you is that how children behave that's not children behave you know I didn't like that because only Patsy love is deliberative facto this everything now without sewing is another level restored inheritance my goodness it's called inheritance one day I was standing in Dubai and money had run out of my hands this was like 15 years 17 years ago we were putting down the world and I stood and I said to God how am I going to survive then he said to me let me announce to you because you have dared to believe me now every nation you go to you will spend her currency there I have money waiting for you in America I have money waiting for you ring it in Malaysia dear arms in Dubai pounds in England just go if you have the heart to go MA you see the kind of resources your money cannot provide for you limit God that's why you believe in sowing and reaping so if it is song how did your children so sometimes they look at your love as a mom you know you are aging you're old the reason why you are always because they are young they eat you up to be young disappoint they eat you up you had life they ate that's why they are fresh that's inheritance those things pastor fella was talking about see when you when you take what has been given to you when you struggle at what Israel is that I set a table before you what do you think he's saying tell me don't leave the game at the level at which you have left it poke your neighborhood we will get out you need to come to church pay for them to get into a taxi with you invest your money that way then see what God will do decide that Pennsauken decide that what gives Boro decide that that Jesse belongs to you decide it is a decision he said concerning the works of my hands command me and for the ends of the earth ask me ask of me the heathen when you see us begin to fracture in different locations mad you know the problem is inactivity the moment you sit down you become stale if you cannot travel your knees can travel to the nations in prayer kneel down and lift up a prayer then send the gospel oh I read John's a-- you know boswellia you know the letter to Gaius John said to Gaius it's like it huh my son Chris Dell van and his team that are in church now although you don't know them because they are strangers support them with everything you can because for two reasons listen to the two reasons one they preach the pure gospel which we also believe and number two he said they don't take money from pagans unbelievers goodness I'm telling you I'm in a season of discovery I'm just finding scripture that I never saw before is that they didn't take anything from pagans you know why when you go to a city say peace be on to Jersey and if you a child of peace is there and he says come you come I don't go anywhere I've cost of friends in Jersey if you hear me in Jersey I'm coming to you there's a Jersey near to New York they have the many pastors there come good but this is my family then he says and whatever they set before you eat and drink if you have any that sick heal the sick if anybody's dead raise the dead and don't go from house to house don't prostitute it says when you see people like that support them send them off that's what John was telling guy owes then I understood Thomasina why I can never be broke I pried open city's room and I would come into a city like Philly and rent a theater and hold the concept and I don't know anybody then I'll be going downtown telling people I'm going to have a concert can you come yeah and they are saying now who are you as yeah christelle van that's my face on the handbill there you can take it I look forward to seeing you I leave him buy a box of books and I'll tell you that the first that if you come through the gate the first 200 people are going to get a free book and we already thinking of 200 people I don't know one person and I'll go shopping for musicians I'm Peter and I'm having another concert this weekend next weekend in in the UK in a town called Chelmsford the the the people refused to give us the arena we wanted and then they give us the the council chambers can you imagine where the mayor of the city sits to do his work they gave it to us as I don't they are crazy they have given me the heart of the city so right now as I'm sitting here I'm shopping for cellist how pissed all kinds of where the instruments I just want him to jam with me let's just see don't use just said to the devil in Chelmsford take over the whole place meanwhile I financial needs for my family for me for the ministry for people that I support my neck of the woods Muslims have just busted eyed bastardized us for years terrorists life is not even thriving if you ask me naturally what I do want to do my son I want to move to Singapore or maybe we come here to Philadelphia I may be good to some City you know LA or something just go on chill somewhere and do the same ministry man I have word you can say I will tithe even if it's on the streets if I'm a street preacher even if I was doing busking and I just took my guitar and sat down in the underground in London people would be passing and tossing me a pound at least every day I will come home with something you go see but I still sat back there because I knew he sent me there and the people they had depend on me I mean okay do you know how many people depend on you so stop living your life like you're the one that's dependent get out liberate yourself escalate this war he told me to tell you in financial terms tell him what you will give this year I told him that year I thought but you know I don't have money all I get is what I saw I give my tithe and I give an offering he said and at that level you can only leave what you can handle I cannot give you what you can't handle look at what he said in Proverbs 30 rock about in the son of a GU he said he said don't give me plenty less I enjoy and forget you and don't give me extreme poverty either unless it pushes my hands into iniquity then they said what you want he said give me what I can handle part-time so educate me and develop in me the capacity to handle that level then bring that level I took a I took a level for the nation's I remember the first time I was in the town called worry and Nigeria I'm going to preach in a church and the bish of their blessed me and he loved me every time you call me evangelist said this man is an evangelist so I had like 20 cassettes left and my cassettes were usually a hundred now but that day he stood up and said there bless evangelist so anybody who can give from one to five thousand era for one cassette commenting a prophetic handshake and so at the end of the day I had like 60,000 naira my god that was money I had it cash so I sent for my wife to come from Kaduna our city and she came with our baby she just had our baby that would be our first trip out and when they came with chilled with her friends who were working for shell so you were in this estate an oil company and then they had swimming pools they had oh you know good meat pie another thing with poverty is what I the meat pie is good or not the fact is meat pie and you don't bake it at home you know you just buy it I'd be telling every I'm eating mid-pipe one day one of my friends had meat pipe I say it's not a pipe instead it's a well it doesn't matter really nobody knows the difference and I said to him I agree is a mid pipe and so we were there and then I lay on the bed I can't forget I was reading the Acts of the Apostles and I heard Paul say a man of Macedonia that's a European was waving at me saying come to Macedonia the gates of our nation is open bring your gospel to us we need help and Paul said straight away I determined that God by his Spirit would want me to go there so when I finished reading it the Bible fell on my chest and I was just thinking Lord these kinds of experiences where they reserved for those original apostles I will not supposed to be partakers of it and then I slept off immediately my eyes shot I saw a man in a short I saw his sandals pure leather cow skin and I saw his cloth a distinct brilliant mishmash of colors which was the gun an can see cloth and he wrapped it around his shoulder and he was standing and he said to me come come to Ghana the gates of the city are wide open strike while the iron is hot we need help and the vision left then isotope immediately isotope I told my wife I said God wants me in Ghana she said how do you know I said I had my Macedonian vision just now she said okay tell me what he said she you need a wife like my wife she helps you to know if it is the spirit or the spirit her head is correct if you tell my wife anything my wife would say you Jesus and that means so vision has a question mark do you understand me and rarely does she say okay because the things you ask for impossible when you tell my wife like gods in which you hold a concert is going to cost $20,000 she says well in light of the circumstances around us she will remind you of the things that need to be done do you do that for your wife doesn't do you understand alive my wife will always remind you of the teach you have forgotten a BPG the hand so you see school fees you know see the rent you know see you know see well you just tell you that I'm not discouraging you I'm just making you aware people I possible I have to be made our way is an incurable problem all he knows is Jesus when there is no money and can pay the school fees he'll be doing video editing he's believing that somehow something will come from there editing - am he's still walking 3 a.m. he has people who added but he will not take it to do it himself they say you know this is pastor Ghana's message I'm the only one who understands him so let me add it we while he's believing God hallelujah so I said to my wife what I saw she said tell me exactly what the man said the man said the gates of the city are wide open strike while the iron is what you say you see yourself he's gonna ect Ghana is a country you said the man said he gets to the city then she asked me did he tell you his name say if you go who I going to ask for then you see you see a problem the movement money comes to your hands you begin to prophesy that's the time you want to win the whole world even Jesus just did what was given to him and left the twelve and they too left others so can we concentrate our focus so I think what you said is true so now I went back to God and asked him what Ghana is not a city why did the guy if it is from you lot said to me my friend do you think Abraham told Sarah that I said issue sacrifice I see [Music] she's a wonderful woman oh I love Maggie so he told me is a so if you are the one can I tell you to sacrifice joy then you call half a meeting I said no sir it's okay sir ice build I'm with you so I told her I said talk what are we going to do because I have this conviction and hot piece that this is God she said less she had the money in two because I know your plan you want to kill me and marry another woman I mean my children so let's she had the money you take thirty thousand I take thirty thousand as you all know that's fantastic Wow as I can I'm going to the nisshin's that means this ministry has cross borders she say yeah we've received so we shared the money I gave her thirty thousand and I kept thirty thousand she tied her thirty thousand I wrapped it up i he did in the bottomless pit we are nothing can reach it hey then I said so I'm going to Lagos and you guys can return to Ghana as you said how she's going to follow me to see how cross the border and you know what I paid our transport from my ship is very smart but then we got to Lagos I like twenty four twenty five thousand air left she didn't remove her money will spend my own then when I cross the water she will now go home so I made a few tapes one thousand tapes and then I didn't have money for transport then I started asking how do people go to Ghana my friend walked in the shipyard and he said to me oh there are ships that go to Tama port I could put you in the cabin with the captain you will enjoy with 48 hours of sealing I've never sailed on water so I said ok I said I'll do that well let me think again and I went and I asked for flight tickets this is eight thousand I had less than three thousand so now did somebody said to him but you can't go by Road I said really how much I went to school I didn't know you can't go by Road from America to Mexico so I went to get a taxi and he said to me 2500 and I give the son of Belial my 2500 is a rascally boy he took me from Legos what was left in my pocket was up to 200 now we had to reach the border he showed me that he was the son of Belial the product of Jezebel and Ahab in my country it's normal when you meet customs and police you just give them 20 naira and drive us the original cost for the journey was 1:5 he charged me an extra 1000 for settling customs because of my cassettes do you understand that then when we got to the first immigration checkpoint and they said to him pay is that he won't pay this ad pay or we'll shoot you he said oh you want to know what I am the son of a witch my mother is a witch my grandma dies a witchy Mei Jenny he was telling them that he is from family of witches now they all knew then he started undressing remove the seat and Rosa and stood a unique so why you said the prodigal son came to himself I remember that man it was a son of Elia that one did he come to himself he brought himself to himself he stood naked on the road shouting that cowboy they will not get from him one penny I will die I was in the car as myself Lord did I hear you I can't be going on a mission our attorney and my driver is a worshipper of bad finally he entered the car well almost 15 hours later we arrived the border to Ghana I was bossed hungry thirsty I couldn't afford to touch one of those 200 hours because my god and before I left my wife gave me the card of her friend she said my friend we were accounting together she works for Nigeria which is the accountant in Ghana if you don't see the ghanima that's it you come go to her office so you help you back you need those kind of circumstances to help you prove God DMZ it happened like that let me cut the story short I got into Accra and I dropped at the motor park there was nobody I looked for the gun and I didn't see that particular one but people were dressed like him but do you indeed none of them recognized me so I was wondering well God how do we do this then I heard some boys speaking my language house' and i said to them how are you guys in house' and he's our brother what are you doing here i said i came to visit so I quickly fished out the calling card my wife gave me and I asked them I said where's Nigel everything this all is just round the bend here in fact we'll take you there for free being our town's man so they put my cassettes on it and took me there usually I got there my wife's friend jumped up and shouted what are you doing here is the ministry she said wow the ministry has grown they invited all over the world I say yeah she said which pastor invited me she said okay let the driver take you home so you come freshen up and then you know when are you starting to ministration as a fact I think by tomorrow so she said okay so I went took my bath she gave me a corner of the house I had my room bedroom and my toilet everything there in the morning she woke up and I heard her asking the children it's pastor awake because I know he needs to go to town and check these pastors that invited him immediately I heard that she was walking towards my priests room I just had a lot of honestly Megyn Abu Dhabi Cassandra I was grooming in spirit so the girl now told her children pastor spring so when he villages where you guys take his breakfast and give him this 50 gun and CDs tell him that I'm sure he has not changed this money yet into CDs so he may not have money she helped him get to the foreign exchange when she left and our cooldown thank you this business of obeying God I'm not telling you what I have not done I've done it too that's why I came here as I go everywhere escalate the war don't sit down and then accept the boundary she has given you greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world if you don't do the things I'm telling you your families will become stale your life will become stale your money will be insufficient to take care of you nothing will work you will eat and ask yourself if you have eaten since last year change the dynamic about the war to come your way don't let the doctor be telling you you have this you have that you have that and don't let your mind be suspicious of what's wrong with me nothing is wrong with you God resides in you as he was in Christ so is in you see it please God that the fullness of the godhead dwell in Christ's blood Julie God told me some of you are it's obvious God brought you here but for many of you you have forgotten why you got here even if you enough am african-american you should know that you didn't come out here by accident when they are standing in the Caribbean as the my people well do you even consider your history your brothers in Africa changed you and sold you for momentary gain the white man that took you took you and brought you to this islands for monetary gain you work sugarcane plantations you died at the hands of all kinds of snakes and all kinds of sicknesses and diseases they crossbred you any way they wanted just for their advantage then I said to them but at the end of the day you inherited these islands they are paradises every one of those islands a gem they don't need to mine oil all year round tourists come and go and I said to them please have you ever held appraised in Barbados just say praise God Barbados he gave us this island the last governor-general ruled that island for the Queen I mean you know and they turned over this you didn't know of those nations when you were in Africa you didn't know if Jamaica you didn't know kuba I didn't know Brazil have you ever stopped to think none of you came here by accident God brought you here the the dollars in America assembled is about the highest currency in the world God knew if you sent five hundred dollars to Tamale that will start a revival in a whole community five hundred dollars a hundred dollars in Nigeria somebody will throw a party they pray a party for you just thanking God for you because you sent them a hundred dollars your sodas are designed to carry so much don't carry so little that's the reason why they said to us thrive because this is the year to explode boundaries this is the year to cross territories this is the year to drink ciao even what Rancho I was looking for a ticket to come to America and they were telling me economy ticket 1500 pounds I said are you mad just to go to New York and we're saying yes I said what for they said this is August what happens in August everybody's going on holidays what holiday do you not much money more people are spending there was not a seat vacant in business class in premium economy and in economy people are traveling all over the world just for holidays what about you declaring a holy day a day for the jihad carry this gospel to the ends of the earth he's worth it he is worth it emotionalized the war some of you are not fighting hard for your relationships you can blame the other spouse but my friend is a lie it's a collective failure it's not a failure of one when two people are fighting tamo God doesn't apportion blames I love what my brother said he's not fair God takes over you see to him it's a dinky macabre dinner it has don't own this pasteurized way the Kalima as far as I'm concerned is not a pasta anything anyway but let me tell you the truth God if you see what he eats a teen he has a when you finish God doesn't say oh how could he have done that you know what is it this is on you what did you do to occasion that behavior from him oh no I did nothing the only thing I did was I didn't cook for him and then I threw the plate of food when I finally cooked it a treat on him and then he didn't catch it on time but I didn't mean to enjoy him I just threw it and it was his fault that he didn't catch it after all he was a goalkeeper when I met him does it go give us a cutting plate shouldn't be a problem for him because God knows the moment he sits down and he is asking you who did what and what did what and you expect him it excites with you the crisis wouldn't be solved but once he makes you take responsibility for your part he has got the whole thing sold so he never takes sides he takes over that's what he does oh my god and I've not started the message and I'm still going to think before I start the message ah da glória who's going to help me all my enemies are clapping one black or white roommates black busy in relationship I called you to do drama you run away and now you are club she likes clapping wishes in the crowd those are the types of delete war a protest from behind oh we want more food come to the front and say cheese in the windy crowd hey everybody let's eat or we why don't they say I have exposed you today now you're finished hallelujah just call it this war escalated to the emotional make sure you don't lose a friend that's what I was celebrating you celebrating each one of you that is still here from the last time I came because you have remained God said to me to say to you he said the viability of a thing depends on her adherence willingness to share about it that everything is to be viable those who believe in it must advertise it so the Bible says what Abraham saw was far off but he embraced it what he saw was vague but he rejoiced in it what he saw was going to take years but he advertised it to rejoice means to advertise don't tell me you're in love when you cannot advertise it some men will tell you you know a man is not supposed to be soft like a woman I mean if you tell a girl that you love her too much is not fair what then is not love when it is love you become reckless and become careless you become foolish you become silly in love you wear how on your neck as a locket you which is the first page of your Bible my friend caught the picture of the girl put it in the middle of his wins I mean off his steering wheel so by the time he came she was on his neck honking from his rearview mirror and I said why is that a model or what they have been trying to tell us no you have not been trying to tell me you just came now I'm doing we saw is a yeah but I've been trying so from whom he please take those pictures well no he has fallen you cannot be loved standing DUI veteran in these things now you know what I'm saying isn't it when you feel you are in love you fall instant failure I love you people you had ones drawing these things oh you know I don't feel like pouring this much well you are just pulling disease and I can't help myself I also come from a community that drinks Google roof or water so we are all drunkards that's why I stand like passive hella when I see you sometimes [Music] yes right now there you see massive Alya so you cannot expect God to move my brother's drunk the drunkard has gone this has nothing to do spirit I used to suspect him he carried something in his bag then he will come here I say so let me explain it to you put it up on the wall so so you understand you need to thrive thrive and that's what pastor gene likes I don't know why when he stands like this like a vernier calliper she's in love with him I've been trying to tell her that is you leave him let's get a proper husband that will give us money is his dowry we finished the dowry denied before the wedding but we did it in hope that after some time he will prosper and come back Abrams and ten camels back to live on yonder something but there are not three the only book Oh No thrive and I wrote another book in of Volante I was eager to come to this conference so that I'll finish it I'm listen every type and offering that we collect in this convention is my own Allah giving him all these years Cabo he has no called me Aviva told me we have a ministry in Purcell Philadelphia which this Pennsylvania look I look at you resilience room it is I don't know now we we enter Amtrak do you think I told I was going to Wisconsin it is a dangerous one he has drunk from possible ah too much if service drunk as a homeless a drama it says a guy man how do you ask drama you're doing guy yoga stretch holy hands let's pray for this - sorry I said I was going to preach people are making me cause you to laugh you understand me but are you listening to the truths I'm talking about you cannot be in love without falling you have to fall if you have no fall and forget it even if you fell for the wrong thing you understand me so let's move it to the emotional let's decide every relationship in our lives are going to last let's decide from the beginning that before we choose we will use God's parameters to choose no come and tell your mom mom I'm in love with her your mom get your mom and your dad involved in your choice your mother is a free library your mother is the only woman you can talk to and she doesn't want to sleep with you she doesn't want to take anything from you so she will give you free counsel and it will be based on experience education foresight hindsight and insight before you were born she she had already gone through life it was Solomon's mother that told him you cannot tell the price of a pride of a virtuous woman you know why she lost virtue when because of a misbehavior her husband was killed and he was the love of her life she didn't need the king she had a lover so she told her son this how you will know a virtuous woman and when you find her her price is beyond rubies of course with all the training Solo still failed he was in love with 1000 official women apart from the other ones that were on official together so when you ask your mom mom what should a boy look for in a girl she tell you she will tell you based on her experience of how she succeeded in taking care of your dad and in the areas in which she failed do you understand me and I'm very serious most of the times when you see parents angry with you about a matter they are trying to stop you making the mistakes they made in part they tell you make your bed be neat a boy's father was very wealthy I start with the girl he was to marry in London a few days ago and she said to me the boy said he wanted to marry me and his father asked the son you want to marry such a girl as Jane and you didn't take time to take care of yourself he smokes like sixty sticks of cigarettes every day smokes pot drinks his teeth agree father I said don't you the girl is is like the father's pet he didn't give birth to her is his friend's daughter and for his son to come and say I want to marry Mary faster it has daughter so the father now has his own son if you had such great grandiose plans why didn't you arrange your life to qualify to have such a gift do they ask your mom how do people get married to great girls and immediately enter connections your mum would tell you what to look for ask your dad don't treat your dad as your enemy and your mom as the enemy they have free libraries free and then you have spiritual parents that are here go up to Pastor Pella don't go up around him and then be playing about the Phillie what was the name of your football club he doesn't care he has already told you when he goes to Trafalgar Square he still catching pigeon he wants to roast it and eat it and the pigeons are skipping so he now know that I've you sat still they come to you especially do you have popcorn I'm telling you about my brother and his nefarious activities so don't talk to him about the evils go to him and say tree you know I don't see you all the time now that you are here what counsel do to give me I'm a young boy I'm a young girl just talk to me as your son don't waste the opportunity tell pastor Jane I don't understand my husband I think men have you got in their head instead of brains she will tell you she talked like that to once but she has found some great boys unless you tell you what you need to do to adjust your vision so that you can accommodate them you hear noble thoughts like and you're like be encouraged like so far long long suffering like be temperate sometimes the problem is not with the other is with us she will tell you that's why they are here don't waste it later I'm going to speak to you about three dimensions of knowing Jesus that eliminate all the stress that were going through one he is the Good Shepherd two he is the great Shepherd three he's the chief shepherd if you know him in those three dimensions you free yourself you carry his compassion do you know Thomasina you cannot serve unless you love and you cannot love because our love is based on evidences you can only love if you have his heart so the first person is to love Jesus then when you get his heart you can love the neighbour Thomas asked is it show me your hands ma show me your hand and Thomas put it and put it and put the finger in the holes then he knelt down I said my Lord and my god what was he acquiring evidences arrogance is that his reason according to his word evidences that he loves you with an everlasting love many of us traveled through life with an inferiority complex we join ourselves to anything we eat anything we just shipwreck anytime we just get up and just destroy and abort anything because that's the way we feel about ourselves we fear will amount to nothing has nothing to do with Satan you are already defeated from within so get appointed again gather evidences go out dare to give some more dare to do some more dare to be abused dare to be oppressed believing that God would raise you up from the dead come to Messina look at this come quickly come I want you to bend as I see see see see see see see where he lay that's what the angel said you know when the angel was saying to this girl see where he lay why do you seek the living amongst the dead he was actually talking to Israel because I say I left a prophecy your dead will I raise with my dead body in the day which I rise up as their 26:19 and I will raise your date with my dead body so when he was saying to her look she was a type of a woman Israel the nation look see the grave see where he lay he's there no more go and tell my disciples especially including Peter Peter had denied him three times before the cockerel crowed twice so Peter had excluded himself Judas Iscariot had killed himself thank God Peter didn't kill himself to prove to us that he is always another chance so he said including Prieta tell him that's what's important about that verse of scripture and she went on to Peter that he should go ahead and wait for me where I said I was coming to you to the mount Mount of Olives he blessed them and ascended to glory the reason why you are procrastinating my son is because you have not gathered enough evidence when your friends are sick in school you are quick to take them to the doctor you're not saying let us pray and let's take over this this situation and break this sickness so you are not having evidences in India an orphanage seven eight nine year olds they just came out one day out of prayer and just began to hold blind people and curse blindness and people began to see revival broke out in that city of Calcutta people run there if it was a pastor they will kill you but these were innocent children and they were just flowing in the power of the Holy Spirit I want our children new children I want you to listen to me hey guys listen to me kids I want you when you go back to your schools are you listening to me I'm talking to you you are doing your own games when you go to school as house of grace people this is the house of grace God's graces bestowed upon your freedom when your friends are sick don't run to the teacher hold your hands around them and tell them let's pray and ask in the name of Jesus that he'll income the more evidence you get the more determined your heart would be to run with Jesus they don't have to beg you will escalate this war you cannot come back in the evening or tomorrow and we have just this many seats got into the byways tell people with three party we advertised it those we expected income but you come be greatly blessed I have two apostles that have come from all over the world they will bless you and this is truly what this is an apostolic visit we walked into Bristol and when I walked in past the palace at all my brother is here and he said so let us pray and he began to pray immediately he began to pray he began to speak words that were monoi me I turned around and looked at the people I was wondering anybody listening to him because this a humongous travesty that I've seen we glow the help God gives us we cheapen it we familiarize with it and he was saying he was saying you know these are great days just like he prayed now and I can repeat for you verbatim what he was saying I don't even make notes I used to but my entire being absorbs everything God says and he said that day in Bristol he said and and for these things to come up pass it come to pass in your life even establishments will be stopped and destroyed whole cities will we destroyed nations would even come to his stop for God's purposes in your life to prosper ah he didn't know what expectations I had recently about two three months ago had given up completely I didn't tell my wife I didn't tell anybody I didn't tell him I flew all the way to Hawaii I was going to see my pasta but when I got to Hawaii even to go and see him I didn't want to I wanted to die so I went off to a Hilton Grand Vacations hotel has a Golf Course full golf course has a train in the state in the in the in the hotel a whole train has has cruise boats they also have a river they created it's just a massive amazing Wonderland and I went there I couldn't walk because my legs won't carry me I was just looking for an occasion to tell him look I'm tired and discouraged I want to come home because people like me don't retire I've done too much damage to say that I can't retire because you will let me rest so I'm going to do this thing until we drop we're like you know and then I walked through an adjacent hotel the Marriot I managed to I just felt if you get to their Beach he would meet God and when I got that rented a small beach cabin lay inside slept for a while and the Lord said to me read and I picked the book of one of my pastas or my iPhone I mean iPad and I read the last four chapters almost I just flew through them and the Lord said to me go back home and buy a printing press just thinking this guy's not well I didn't have a dime while I was there it was there somebody sent me an offering of a few hundred quid I had return tickets they have a dime my stay in the hotel was my point so I didn't pay for it you don't go to the nation's because you have money you don't represent God because you have money you take the step show up and he will also show if we don't tell your roommate your generation will fail and the every failed generation is the generation that has not passed and transferred the knowledge of God the workings of God to the next generation it's abominable that contemplation itself is madness to think that I will live and then I'll leave this generation without a knowledge of God a record of the things God has done in my life then he said to me I want you to buy a commercial television license and then also remember to buy a radio license and put it on top because I want your people to have a voice part of my challenges Islam big terrorists have almost decimated whole tribes and no help is coming from anywhere people even call me and ask me what is it that is happening in Kannada right here I'm so fixed so when he said that I loved I said you know you are funny I was talking to God if you have never said that to him you've never met him he will ask you to do things that will tell you who you won't tell him come come one day I told him I said come let's talk really I wanted him to show me a face to slap so he will know the way I felt I'm telling you the truth don't look shocked if you have met God you have cursed him in your heart many times thank God his mercy send you off forever that's how we know his mercy that's why people on the street think we're idiots they think we don't know because they get frustrated with him see God is good it gives you great things but is how he does it that's the problem sometimes you have to wait when you feel that he should have done it last week yeah sometimes it brings it through the channels you hate the most the guy you treat the the worst in church just walks up to you said God said I should give you this and that's exactly what you need it and you have swallow your pride and say you know it is God so I told him I said John you are not well I don't have a dime and I don't have courage I don't want to ask any I'm done asking people to sponsor what you have asked people take me for granted so I think it's time for me to come just tell me what to do with the ministry and I know my family will not suffer I was I was ready and he said that and he closed heaven then I knew it was a matter determined in his heart immediately my feet that were giving me trouble they just from that point began to feel better and then I returned and three weeks ago when I got back to England and then to Nigeria we bought the press I just I just got up and I said to him I'm ready and you know the moment I said it I got the press it was when I was telling the church tomorrow the press is coming that was when the church stood up and said they also want to be a part of it so instead of buying the smaller one I wanted I bought something bigger as faster and then I've got two sets of consultants who came to me to give me consultation on how to get the television now when I now began to think about a television stations it's not online it's terrestrial and and it's commercial society thinking of how many general managers how many accountants how many technical grants I was thinking is a wool city both television and radio and then the printing press now I'm ready to take on Satan and have told him if Samson killed more enemies in his death than in his active physical time of life then Satan hasn't seen anything yet it's that same spirit that should be born in you when you hear your father said to you thrive he's not just seeing it and guess what as we heard pastor Pella he now said to them my brother is here I'd like him to greet you and then we'll close and as please pastor guarna I took the microphone and I asked everybody you remember did you hear what he just said that God will shut down establishments now let me ask you if you are working for coca-cola can you imagine God shutting down coca-cola so that an industry out of you will come to light coca-cola what if you are working for Amtrak what you if you are working for American Airlines well he said establishments then he not escalated it to towns and cities then he said nations that was my word when I finished I told him I said because many times you come into conferences and you hear the word of the Lord and you act I do it like it was your mother speaking and you can disregard her words I've never had a manager to manage my ministry never not a marketer every time I release a CD I just take it from church to church to church to church and just do the work and get out I give out more than I sell but a family who have been managing some of the biggest names you know in the ministry managing their sales and managing their partners they just got interested in me because I spoke at a wedding and he said this man why are people advertising his music he should be telling us about his word we need this word we need it for England retired father and his son who is the MD of the company now and two other sons and their wives we sat in meeting and he said to me we were ready to drop our American preachers we want to carry your gospel we want to send it to the ends of the earth I don't club so that you don't leak out the atmosphere I heard that word mom every single word palace that was slapping itself I'm pinning itself because my expectations were up I was looking for God now listen to this the young man a cannon man who used to work in the office with his wife I wear it though it was at their wedding these people heard me preach and as they were kneeling down by the altar I could see the aisle behind them and I said to them I see the aisle after you when you rise up from here you're not going on honeymoon you're going into the wilderness I said I see your journey is the wilderness where he will equip you sharpen you prepare you and show you the potency of the weapons of warfare he has given you then he will release you immediately after the wedding they had to lay him off and when they laid him off for three months every day he calls me pastor this wilderness is not easy pasto what kind of thing is this now the girl got married at 50 about 51 52 she hadn't been married before yeah the guy had been married and divorced but this is her first marriage and she served the Lord the past 30 years I've known her could that sound like a good reward so they called me many times and I told them I said no no that's not even the war as if I was embarrassing them there may have five says if you fight with footmen and you're already tired or horsemen are coming which means Thomason whether you like it or not what you are dealing with now is childish the real war is coming when you go to a gym do you call your husband say besides I am suffering if you see to him really suffering is that what you telling you are happy because you are trimming down to the shape you want you are keeping yourself fit so a gym is not a torture chamber but the real war is coming the wilderness is just a gym where you exercise and build your muscles build up your stamina levels because the real war is coming seven nations more powerful more and than you more more in number and legendary in the ability to word of attack after attack what you're facing not just the wilderness soldiers do complain in Ibarra their training but when the war comes and they send you to Vietnam or resent you to Afghanistan or to Iraq those guys they are not playing war games with you they want your life and when we sat at the meeting the father said to me well pastor Chris who is going to have you decided who will manage your table since we are taking over what you are doing who will be your manager in house and I said well my son is already walked with you so he knows how you operate and he knows me so is the best interface to start this work at least he needed one stuff and then he looked at him I said well Crosby it looks like you're back in that's how he came back to his job meanwhile he told us in that prophecy that sometimes God would withdraw you for a season but when it is time he will stop establishments stopped cities stopped towns just so that what you are carrying will thrive when is that to me come to Jersey what would I come and do there's no need to come I said okay I missed the ticket but I missed my leg of the flight and they said to me that ticket is finished I had to go buy another ticket was driving me do I need to prove anything to him no we're brothers I have enough family things at home that will make me not come but I came because of the word of the Lord to this girl i sat who was talking about flowers I told her why I was here she said are you coming for the Jazz Folk Festival in Jersey I said no I'm doing my own and she said where and I told her I said someone Pennsauken and when I looked at his address I saw it gibbsboro I said okay this man has been promoted he didn't tell me because the last time when I met him was you know that our little corner that time he was telling me sorry sorry now he can't see it sorry I told somebody on the aircraft I told another person in the airport yesterday I told the uber driver that was taking me to the hotel he said to me where are you going to play I said no he said what kind of music do you play as a gospel music said where would you play had a church in Jersey it's a conference all weekend it's a rule he wished he could come but if I would make him drive me here he woke of course that would be like 400 bucks as I look at the man he wants me to pay him to come I receive but I like the fact that he said that I'm trying to tell you that we asked Alito so I can assure you if they wrong immigration office hours to see me yesterday God will cost that bleach for the airport to be so full that nobody will have time for me to adjust it to me pass he will intervene in American affairs just because of you there's a mentality that makes us beggarly dependent on the city dependent on the government dependent on everybody as well as God has to bring a trump poke everything in the fire so that the real person inside of you the supernatural God will come out in closing it is time for you to know that there is a new natural the supernatural the supernatural is the new natural is what should be happening to you naturally we shouldn't receive one little testimony and begin to see what God has done my God my God what were you acting before everything he has done is in Scripture the supernatural is your new normal should be happening to you normally injures are here don't need anybody to tell you I saw my daughter in London we were just talking and she just started ha I see them I said woohoo he said he is one every time you are ministering I see him in Kaduna he is here with you I said Who I did like I didn't know what she was talking about because I've taught them about angels no man can carry God's work except an angel goes with you the day you were born an angel came to earth with you they have grown with you they are familiar with you if God will do that for when you are physically born how much more will he do when you enter into the kingdom there are angels appointed to help you with the work it up your feet are being shot a fresh with new feet this yeah do you mean you will see you have not even heard me but when it happens you hear me then you scream then your voice your raw will change you will not be able to control yourself then you behavior ever Anthony because of the words you have heard let none of you be CG we've had musicians before paid to come and help us with this work it's ended from this year you begin to get people because this is in the day of its power the people we will in volunteer unit evil soul and Christ so the same spirit that birthed you will birth other and you don't have to even pray about it it's done do you understand me there's an earthquake that's what's happening here don't take this for granted call all your friends if all of you call your friends roommate call your faculty close it down tell everybody you need to hear what's going on if you miss this chance you have missed life don't act like you you know like you are suggesting compel them in the day of his power that's when the people willingly volunteer janasthana I don't play for money and today everybody everybody everybody they just go online oh we watched you or listen to you all we heard what you said in California we heard what you said in London we heard what you said the immigration officer opened my passport say you travel I said yes that's what I do he said what what do you do I said it was the coach of a mentor life coach I have to sensationalize since you must be successful at just getting by he says no you don't you I'm not getting by hearing Ghana in Nigeria I say yeah yeah once I came from Poland and the immigration woman checks my passport up and down I said when did you leave for Poland I said yesterday she said you are back today as idea no the day before she said what did you go to do I said I went to see the concentration comes with a Hitler killed the Jews to see the Nigerian ambassador I promised him that whenever he goes there I would come and say hello she saying you spent only two nights I said yes she said you're a busy man I said yes yes she didn't know she was wasting my time I was whoring to catch a train to go for a church service so finally I said excuse me can you Felicia said okay hold on for a while and she went inside as a tour I'm in trouble because I had just a bag like this with a Gita that's home and then she came back and she said mr. Chris I said yes says okay thank you have a lovely day shake me now have a lovely day love and I said thank you because the British are all in love say hello love hello darling hi my darling they don't know you so I took the passport and I started to go and then she called me back she said you didn't check the passport I said for what he already stamped she's that one of my leaving to Nigeria I said I don't know maybe tomorrow next clearly you don't have any plan I see the movements I've seen the stumps you come and you do three days sometimes you do two weeks sorry I'm busy then she said to me look at it so I opened it she said your visa expired the day you left for Poland so technically speaking you can no more enter the United Kingdom but as I was looking at you I saw that very busy man building lives so I spoke to my supervisor and we'll give you a visa extension at the airport for 30 days so you can round up what you're doing and go I didn't even know those kind of visa ethics they exist it's just a stamp and the office had signed I wrote on the Lord said to me you a diplomatic incident if I need to shift national boundaries I've shift them just to accommodate you I wanted to show if you've made up your mind to show up get up by your feet not everybody not everybody I'm not is not a joke I'm asking you if you're going to show up is a pledge you are making to Jesus it's not to me it's not to me and don't bother if you are sitting down is not a crime when your time comes just do it but I'm asking now if you hurt me and you decided I will show up I will show that's what he meant when he said if my people who are called by my name if they will humble themselves and repent of their wicked ways and cry up to me or Colin to me I will hear now he'll deal and he's not going to heal only you eita is you're in Thailand and any anywhere you choose to be your land is your land this is the season for evangelism like never seen before men don't have to do anything all they have to do is show up give their vessels to the Lord and then watch him do what only he knows to do he's the good shepherd gives his life for the Sheep he's the great Shepherd he was brought from the dead he didn't raise himself brought from the dead he's the chief shepherd he's a rewarder every every one that you have seen serving the Lord serves him only because he is the rewarder and because like I proved to you from the beginning no reward is good enough for the sacrifices were made to give that's why he's the only one that knows what reward befits you now if you are standing forget about the way you look I want you to lift up your voice and talk to him just tell him I'm ready to show up I believe your word I also believe your prophet I've handled it like something I can handle but now I repent it's not what I can handle I'm ready for the supernatural the extraordinary the impossible and two it threw me in me with me help me to be focused those of you that I in retirement tell him Satan has told me I'm finished even I have looked at my circumstances and I thought it was all over but now I've heard pasta and I know it's time to do more more I'm telling you the truth I need millions in my currency tens of thousands of dollars where is it going to come from I have no other family about you you're part of my family I have proven family with you but if you are still sitting at the level of supporting only things that will cost $100 then clearly you are not part of this movement but what has God told the house of grace as a whole group of churches where you are here can't you sponsor other branches that will break out in other places you are prosperous enough to do that so every one of you man boy child make the commitment say Jesus I'm ready to go further go forward with you take my feeble efforts I've showed up we sang the great song about our great king this this great king that is nothing was in let we will let you we will let you we will let you we sang it where we really committed to it can millions come out of here for the work can volunteers come out of this conference and say I'm volunteering to go to the next place can a pioneering spirit be born in you there is a pioneering grace in the house that's why is the house of grace we've gone from glory to glory purely by that apostolic push you're in America but you are not Americans just as we in the earth but we are not of this world we're not of them that draw back to Perdition we keep pressing onto the saving of our souls every prayer you make he answers do you believe it so what will you talk about streams of healing they are hidden in your hands so open your palms before you and tell him call forth healing let it flow out of your hands like streams don't call it carelessly if your tears constricting you get out of there and then make yourself more comfortable and pray he has invested everything in you nobody in New Jersey can know God again except they meet you you are the custodian the library and see how many ways we have muffled him and shut him down we have stopped whole communities from knowing him the campuses were in nobody even knows where Christians the places we work in nobody knows where I believe us our tastes are the same as the world shame on us shame on us the Macedonian call is not ended I went to Ghana I returned victorious and the Lord told me from now on no nation will shut her gaze against you I am NOT the last the book of the Acts of the Apostles is still open he didn't end it with Amen because he must add your name they must add my name that's right you can sit down if this doesn't concern you this business is not play you want to be known in New Jersey God is giving you the ends of the earth he's giving you the age to come Muhammad Ali was great but he's dead now nobody is talking about him Obama came in with a lot of fuss but today there is doesn't even want to respect him that's what will happen to everything you saw under this Sun but there's only one thing that will guarantee you an eternal eternal legacy 90 is any of you who has made up the choice to show up but you have never given your life to Jesus and this afternoon you just know my god I must start with this can you just come forward just live where you are come you are saying lead me to him Pastor Chris you don't need anybody to start coming before you come I said live where you are God knows what's in your heart that's why he made the call they are saying I've made enough mistakes saying I was ignorant that's why I didn't come so if you are that just come I'll lead you to him I am dropping down here to receive you there's no no drama he doesn't respect age there is no age at which you give your life to Christ today if you hear his voice harden not your heart so come I insist that you come [Music] just come on all of these never before me he sealed upon my heart I live for the one Allah one I love
Channel: House of Grace Church
Views: 6,633
Rating: 4.9720278 out of 5
Id: t_BtKXiK7UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 42sec (9402 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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