Priceless Antiques Roadshow - Series 1 - Episode 3 - (3/3)

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a piece of salad we're but I'm gonna have to save up quite hard I think the fifties values are very much in in our minds it's quite interesting really in the times of I get credit crunch we're all thinking about how much things cost and you know how to save money well you could be a 1950s girl and saved money quite nicely because the ingredients of course were very fresh you were using products didn't have additives or any real numbers to talk about and it was a time when you could make things yourself you know you were as a housewife you would do much more yourself than we do now and if you can do all of that it's a tremendous money saver and I think you know let's apply those values today my friends I think think I'm slightly slightly mad but they don't necessarily share my session with the nineteen fifties and 95th food but they they really enjoy sharing the results and I'm generally known as the Nigella Lawson of the antiques world and once my friends I don't know why now I'm going to put my sausage egg tart 1950s style in the oven and luckily here's one I made earlier it looks a mistake smells delicious and it looks delicious there we go teatime anyone even I like consider spending a bit longer in the kitchen if I could have some of Catherine's collection but tastes can be a funny thing what's a prized possession to one person can be an absolute monstrosity to another we see it time and time again on the roadshow as the expert gets excited the owners far from convinced it's hard to believe but these next few owners just can't stand their antiques I'm going to conduct an experiment do you like it not a lot moe do you like it it's horrible no I've never liked it hugely other people so doesn't like it didn't surprise me didn't defend me either it's a little Martin brothers bird made out of stone where in theory they were tobacco jars but I think that one was probably too small to get any serious amount of tobacco in and today it's probably worth ten thousand pounds my daughter standing behind you and my granddaughter and they're both salivating and it's mine not yours is mine my opinion after the filming and probably changed a little but it's nice to know that one actually has got something that is potentially worth quite a bit of money and the end of my experiment is now do you like it it's amazing how money can change taste ah but there are some people who hate their antiques so much they won't change their minds no matter what you say there's this place I got a family delegation they've come to bring along their Moorcroft bull is this one of your prized possessions I think it's very ugly you do yeah can I ask a good I mean you don't have to agree with you ruff I've always found it safer to do something proper yes I think it is after what he here it's bad she loves all the right colors it's a bit too song yes now I'm very fond of no-profit rigo's without saying much as I might eulogize about the thing there was no way I was gonna make any impression on earth yeah you're quite sure about that I'm perfectly white where does it stand in your home top of the Wardrobe cover down there were so many thousands of people looking at this thing on screen thing in oh I'd love that I've loved that you know but no and no matter what I said about it it didn't make any difference uh it's an unusual shape business and the combination of the shape and the decoration sort of add to the value somebody could well easily offer you two and a half thousand pounds for this even when I told the lady in question that it was worth two and a half thousand pounds don't make any difference to me can I ask you Dalton yeah sure yeah what is what do you think well I don't really like it but I think I keep it okay it's a little bit like saying wow what a wonderful etype don't care stays in the garage you know I mean same thing okay but promise me you don't you want perennial apples and oranges in it no back where I got it from well it is very nice meeting you all semantics are so detested they'd even been the cause of trouble and strife in the marital home one of the most memorable recordings I did was at all trip to lovely lovely dolls now tell me if I'm valuing something and the owner tells me they hate it it gives me the leeway to say thank God you said that I I couldn't agree with you more did you buy them for your wife I did yes is it yeah I did yes what's the lucky wife mmm tell me about what she said don't want them awful things when Bernard brought the dolls I said I do really like those a bit dirty aren't they that's terrible thing to say how can you say that stati it's wonderful do you mind telling me what to do try 150 pounds maybe that's why you didn't like them so much I said well if I say that you put an Auton for each one shed could you say that again you know would you like them a bit better I will have him back there's a bit of a shock I don't know better surprise he said I do yesterday i wad a thousand fifteen hundred pounds each change I did ask the wife afterwards come on seriously are you gonna sell those so she says she said well I thought I might do to go on a cruise well we're still looking at the cruise is but we haven't gone on it yet but we we are thinking about it Eric encountered yet another hated item this one almost caused a family feud well not many years ago we were in Wigan and a couple brought in their family cabinet which the lady described as being the family monstrosity it has been christened the monstrosity real by the family it's known affectionately as the monstrosity you know I I dream about being a member of a family like yours because if they all hate it it means that eventually it might come my way my parents in law were buying a table from an auction the people that were selling the table said well he can't have the table unless you buy the cabinet right so it was forced on her yes naturally okay yes well I've got to say 40 years ago this type of furniture was was not particularly desirable it was definitely not really wanted on the date arrived but over the years yes it's become very very very much part of the family if I wanted to go out and buy that today I would have to go out with 6000 pounds in my pocket gosh I don't think it would be any problems in that department mmm but it just goes to show how one man's meat is another man's poison well you like it I like it and at this moment in time that's all that matters so next time you may be thinking of ditching that hated piece remember may be worth bringing along to erosion just to double-check later on bbc2 Africa's forest elephants are finally speaking out their complex social world revealed in sound with natural world at eight but before that nevermind the Oscars who's won the coveted cur modes the man himself doles out the awards on the culture show next
Channel: AntiquesAntiques
Views: 392,981
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Keywords: antiques, roadshow, priceless, fiona, bruce, series, episode
Id: mVXGAqisgxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2010
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