Priceless Antiques Roadshow - Series 1 - Episode 3 - (1/3)

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ever wondered what makes our experts tick you're about to find out as we unlock more secrets from the Rhode show archives in the interest of balance tonight we're making room for both ends of the scale when it comes to the appreciation of antiques two of our longest standing Roadshow experts will reveal the finest objects to come their way in 30 years on the show pieces they love to own and on the flip side we'll be finding out why some owners simply can't stand their heirlooms no matter what specialists say about them not in there I should say they are and Roadshow veteran Eric Knowles remembers the first time he stepped in front of the cameras like way back in 1981 I was 28 years of age which is remarkable cuz I'm only 32 now and Katherine Higgins explains why she thinks kitchen collectibles can be a smart buy if the trend continues yes I think we're going to see prices going up not too high I hope so I can still buy a few things myself now you may be surprised to learn that if you ask one of our experts the day after a roadshow which item they like the best they often can't remember a single thing perhaps it's not so surprising when you think they can see thousands of pieces flashed before their eyes on a typical day so imagine how special a piece must be if they can still picture them with affection 5 10 even 20 years later they must really be something david batty from the ceramics team and john Bly from the furniture desk now pick out the best of their Roadshow finds this one is a honey I think it's yes sweet and it is probably the most wonderful piece of furniture I've seen it's a staggeringly good example of its kind unsurpassable I had no idea well it doesn't happen very often but when something wonderful does appear I mean it is a great thrill I think probably the first thing that occurs to me when something amazing is unwrapped is this has got to be a forgery that no way could this be happening here there is nothing that can describe adequately the throw when you find something that is really really wonderful and although I say it's rare that they do turn up enough times to make it imperative that you do another program just to find out well I am delighted you brought this in for me this is the most exciting object I've seen on any Roadshow it's absolutely marvelous it's Japanese earthenware what's called Satsuma ware and it's a fantastic example of its kind when a really interesting thing is presented to me I am more than happy the body is enameled and gilt within most wonderful way with Tokugawa Monde which are the badges of a princely house of Tokugawa I'm glad you brought it in it's terrific Paul really is one of the programs which is is stuck in my mind largely because of Satsuma yu-er that came in I'm sort of pear-shaped with a dragon spout and the spout and the handle are just one sinuous dragon brilliantly modeled I mean it you can see it's almost alive and I get hopelessly besotted by objects my house is a testament to that at the moment I should think this is probably worth about six to eight hundred pounds it's my belief that this particular type of wear is going to prove in the long term an extraordinary good investment I'm the Satsuma yu-er would have increased in value and then crashed because it hit another recession and at the moment I would be surprised if that you are made more than to another thousand quite extraordinary and it's ridiculous he is a really superb jet doesn't make any sense at all I think the one piece that stands out beyond all others as far as rarity quality and to meet duty has to be the commode in the Isle of Man which looking back has to be about 25 years ago just left to me by an elderly lady so I was very fond of this is probably the most important piece of furniture that's ever been shown on a roadshow it's quite extraordinary and I would think without any doubt the most valuable piece to with more of that later it had absolutely everything that one would hope for in an important piece of furniture fantastically it stood as if it could have walked off the stage it was just so full of life and movement and then it was covered with marquetry and his beautiful marquetry was again north it was foliat but they were they were flowers that you could have picked off the surface ah the leaves on here would be green the rosebuds pink and there you would have a bright blue liver so have all these bright sparkling colors and come too and once you've seen that you know them look at that is that great it's a piece of furniture that is of national importance and even on international scale it was made by one of three or four people possibly a man called Pierre Lenoir it was made by a cabinet maker who had a workshop in Paris and a workshop in London and in Paris he was known as Pierre long due out and it landed he was known as better Langley I think his wonderful history having said all that I must tell you that it's a piece of furniture which could realize thirty-five to forty thousand pounds under you asked me suitable I've had two or three things of that sort of combined construction and look but nothing ever as important and as beautiful as that no it was lovely oh I'd love another one yes occasionally we get items so good even the experts are queuing up to share the limelight have here what looks to me like a piece of oriental porcelain with a Western Victorian mount Skegness that was the Burgess bottle that was just like you know Turin William burgesses now apart from his name on me but that doesn't mean anything to now right where do we begin um we came here for our what are the most important Victorian designers Oh William Burgess was this extraordinary designer and he did do small objects and what he usually did was to take something that already existed and then build round it and this was a little Chinese bottle which he had netted in gold this particular piece he made for himself how do you know made it himself right here is easy one is here she bother put his name on the bottom now he's not just saying I made it he put the names on things that were for the owner therefore if we know that he made for himself I mean the money to me is he is not the important thing what's important is the object objects and not inanimate they will tell you a story furthermore there is a set of photographs of his house taking the 19th century by Francis Bedford the album's in the V&A in London and this bottle is illustrated in that book as I think man but it hasn't been seen since no it's it's a discovery and that story is really the drama and the excitement of the Roadshow yeah okay Resco come on the price what are we think we're weird is the ginn ten pounds thousand thousand oh no ten thousand Oh I'll raise you on that 20 I have to consult my own client 25 Thanks somewhere around 20 to 30 thousand tears the absolute top yes how amazing yep it's like one it's a wonderful they've never seen before we won't see it again once old sometime later for I think 20,000 25,000 so we were in the right kind of area thank you I'm so pleased I brought it I remember it wisly this very charming lady had brought in this great cupboard it's one of those things that you see across the room and you know it's been to be good this was of its type well this is magnificent English furniture from the third quarter of the 19th century between 1860 and 1880 19th century furniture is is is is not my first love the quality is I mean it was incredible it was given to me 10 years ago as a wedding present from a great-aunt she'd emigrated to South Africa some 20 or 30 years before and had been a storage in Edinburgh for all of that time we just arrived well yes I was trying at the time to think of some intelligent questions to ask and not doing very well because he already knows a great deal about these things I know very little indeed if we can trace it to a maker then
Channel: AntiquesAntiques
Views: 265,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiques, roadshow, priceless, fiona, bruce, series, episode
Id: xtYwHBlXags
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2010
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