Preview - Uncharted Supply Co. Seventy2 Pro Survival Kit

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good day so my whole point of making this video was to kind of do a preview first look at an item I picked up over Black Friday weekend from Uncharted supply company it's called the 72 pro I initially saw the 72 survival kit that they have which was really neat well thought out neatly organized nice packing and as a starter bag to add to I think that was one of my favorites I looked at but never pulled the trigger so here we are you're later and they put their pro version which hasn't even hadn't even gone on sale yet they didn't even have completely built when they put him on sale they were doing a pre-order so I ordered one end of November I got it I want to say about a week before Christmas and you know I was real busy didn't have a chance to go through everything look at all the stuff and whatnot but I figured today that's what we're gonna do and just a minute I don't have that up here okay first look actually okay so here we see the pack this is everything together just as it comes and the first thing we notice the difference is this black panel here is not on the regular 72 that has another nice stretchy spot that you can put some you know thinner stuff I think it would probably great for paperwork documents maps the great spot for we've got some time off points here and the same over here there's a large really large water bottle holder right here which I'll get into in a minute when I show some customizations I'm gonna be doing and you've also got some tie offs here now you get actually four and they give you two pulls tripod pretty much anything one of the nicest things about this is it's it is a waterproof bag with the roll-top configuration we flip it around you can see where all of these padded shoulder straps it could be more padded but there's some quick things you can do to help with that but nice clip here with a whistle built in and as we come down you've got some good belly straps here waist straps and I've got some waterproof pouches for some small stuff my keys may be USB sticks batteries stuff like that but one on each side and even with my bigger girth I've actually got this situated for me really nice pull tabs that you really grab a hand on both sides here and again I've already fit this for me so I know it works you got some nice tiles here you know here you can hang some stuff and a few things right in here but that's the back which I do like and one of the things the way they have this set up oh one more thing correct it's nice padding with air flow on your back so while I haven't gone out and hiked up this thing yet I'm going to I think that's gonna be a nice nice little added bonus just having a little bit of space there for air to go through as well as some padding because this is not a light pack so that is it and you know I'm a 6-foot frame in about 270 pounds so there we are and we here have on the bottom some straps here where you can strap on like bedroll or you know pretty much hang blankets what not doesn't matter so let's get into the middle of it so here we've got the internal and one of the things I want to show real quick is all of this right here it goes through everything that is included in this bag and from there you know of course you can add subtract change do whatever you want but it's really nicely organized more with fire shelter all your first-aid here water and food it does include food it does not actually include the water you add your own but we'll get into that in a few minutes so what I'd like to do you know is show a little bit here we've got a nice handle backpack straps this is really going to allow to carry twice what you normally one person who put this on the back or you put this on your front and then you can fill this back up with something else and being that it's waterproof fill it up with water but let's get into this right here so we're gonna lay this down cuz it's gonna open completely this way you just pop your clips here and also here and even that it's done but there's also a clip on this side and this just opens up now this is as it comes I've not done anything I've got some stuff on the side to go through and we'll look at that in a few minutes but in a nice large water bottle they're not insulated so you can boil in this and it's a fairly nice size I want to say probably at least 36 ounces nice size and again that just slides right into here and there you go so you know I think you're going out think you need it fill this up with water throw on your back or on your car and go or you can put this on the outside but I got something else for the outside so nice water bottle so I'm going to start and work this way flashlights we've already had this open it comes with the clip and you can turn to do the lighting and the nice thing is it did come with batteries takes three triple A's so one thing to note on that you want to carry extra batteries make sure if you add to this and evening requires batteries try to get the same kind of batteries that always helps and you know it's flashlight it's meant to sit in here and just kind of do nothing until you need it not terrible you know just a little bee so not bad and likes it came with batteries can't really complain about that and we've got this is an upgrade from the previous they have the you see oh and these are the storm proof these are the hurricane matches I mean these things are huge and that's awesome a little bit of tinder I just kind of stuffed in here yes you know you can get the you go stuff and refills and whatnot but the fact that they send a full really good set of matches is nice I mean you have to really have to have some way of starting fires and this is a nice way to do it we've got a multi-tool and with any you know multi tool that comes with bags you know like this it's it's good it's not a Leatherman or even a Gerber but you know what in a pinch that's all you really need big handles it's spring-loaded as you can see it's got some knives and stuff in here I'm not gonna get into all that in detail a nice you know point to break windows folds up nice and again you know this is an upgrade as a full-sized tool as opposed to the one that's only about this big that comes with the standard under power you see everything's labeled flashlights lighter matches multi-tool power and this is a hand crank as a flashlight on it solar charged and you can even sit and charge up your devices and it is I tested out a little bit and you just sitting front like that it'll build the charge for a little while not right but hey you know we're looking at something that is meant for absolute you know getting out surviving something and having the gear the ability to at least go 72 hours hence the name 72 does come with the USB cord it's a ancient one I want to think about adding your own this is the mini USB not even the micro so this goes back about 10 years but hey you know what they included it also has a clock but once it runs out of power clock resets but new it also has a radio and C antenna so hey you know what it's if you don't have anything it's perfect so we're just gonna slide that back in and again everything has its spot so we're gonna skip the first aid for now we're gonna go this bag called errand vision and this has to go sticks and this this pack is meant for two people for 72 hours so let's keep that to glow sticks there are two emergency filtration masks and these are also upgraded from the previous version so there's two of those getting all in here and what's really cool two of these upgraded ski masks rather than just standard safety goggles so st. plastic is on the safety goggles but adds a degree of warmth around here and they're very clear and very easy to use go really well I'm not opening these because I want him to stay stay pristine like I said this is not a test this is just a preview okay just to keep these we're getting all scratched up keeping them in the bag as well but nice additions and again you get to and that goes in the air and vision so moving them over here with food and water this is your standard cakes each one is 72 hours so you know two people to food banks I've had these before these like the lifeboat stuff it's kind of a dense cracker slightly sweet you know for 72 hours that's all you got you know what you're gonna eat it so can't fault that and Norma's shelf-life little nose that's all that's in the food and in the water water was a nice surprise this was an also an upgrade from the previous bag where you get a nice large Sophie's bag and you get the bowl so your squeeze mini with everything you need to do all of this I mean this is inside another bag you know smaller takes up and tears but it's there but you got the mini you got your tube for back flushing I mean everything's here I mean this was insane cuz I was gonna be at one of these anyway I've got a Sawyer mini or Sawyer squeeze in my regular pack for just camping so getting too many Hey I mean that's even better so there's nothing I can complain about when it comes to the water I mean this is this is big I love the Sawyer's you know they just work no need to demo these I know exactly how they work and they just they just do so that was a nice little surprise I didn't really I didn't think there's no way they're gonna put in entires you know so you're squeezed in there but they did it's just I mean it all just has its own spot you don't even have to think I mean color code first date water I need food the rest of it no big deal with these two here big you know we got the food just the others twelve cakes in each and again they just slide and fit perfect and for the consumables you know because these do have a shelf life you can go to uncharted in order seconds so you can order spares so let's get into the tool and this is why there's a little discrepancy halls on the website and I did contact them and they said that they ran out of one of the tools so they had to instead of going with what was going in the standard 72 they did upgrade the tool so okay they made good but it is what it is and again this is this is an all-in-one kit that just you're gonna throw in your car and it's gonna stay there you're gonna hope you don't need it but you have it if you do so some paracord can't go wrong with Paragon I think is a hundred feet it doesn't say but it looks about a hundred feet there's some duct tape can't go wrong with that firestarter tinder and then this is the piece that was changed they had a regular little shovel that came with the old one there the other one and when they ran out of the one with the hammer and also there was an issue with the design that it just didn't work they send the SOG version which you know okay whatever rough some stuff up at the ground but shovel you know they had a trench interior trenching tool because you can change it out and there we go and you know again there's uses for it you know there's uses for it you don't want to dig your knife into something and stuff like that I'll use this to dig in unknown ground and you're good I mean there are worse tools out there so there's worse I'll take it and then they did send an upgraded knife as opposed to the small folder that came with the regular version and with it one of the biggest things on this one is you get a small fire starter striker going back to the crazy Russian hacker calling all these things strikers rather than these but small Ferro rod small sharpening stone enough to get through I mean again 72 hours we're not looking at a fold we're gonna live off the grid and then the knife rubberized grip not a bad knife I'm not sure if I'm feeling this it's not 90 degrees I'm not even sure it'll spark it not anything to try but I know that tool will and it's not a bad knife it's got some weight to it the grip is nice we got a badger here of course how can you go anywhere without a can opener or a bottle opener but nice it's just smaller than my hand and just just for a this is my camp knife here you know this is this is what I normally use so you're getting a substantial knife when you think about it so not not terrible at all so good wait full-tang all the way back has no indication on here the steel type but begins 72 hours this is not a you know Basecamp kit this is for getting out and getting safe so there are the tools not that again not bad so now we get into v1 and this has two hands a large quite large survival tent mylar tent has some cordage in here good for one use put it up hopefully you'll make it 72 hours we've got I'm gonna leave some of these in the bag but there's two pair of two pair gloves standard work gloves look waterproof they're nice PVC coated on one side nice and grippy on the other they are a little bit small for me they go on but gripping is really tight I will probably be replacing these but these are upgraded the other kit and again two people two sets here the other two get a pole eight those are great and I'll open one just because - beating got the Uncharted supply company logo there in a small piece of leather and you know keeping your head warm crisis especially at night if you're sleeping and this is all you have this is gonna come in handy so you know here we go I do like this this is nice it's cotton I've got another one that normally I would have that is a merino wool smart wool just kind of like this here you know this I can go on a whole video just on this piece here but you know 72 hours you may not have everything with you that you really want so this gets everything to allow you to survive now there are some changes I'm going to make we're gonna look at the first date now because this is the biggest part where I'm going to change you know anyone who does this stuff anyone who's ever military hiking camping I do a lot of motorcycling and camping and I have my own first aid kit for that so I will make this match that the biggest thing is is you you build your kit or were you going or your current experience and knowledge so like a beginner there's no way you're gonna put a tourniquet get in here it's just not smart you don't know how to use it get some training learn how to use it Ivan to your kit that's pretty much going to anything on the first date side you know a suture kit if you don't know how to and then we also get a couple extra things in here sunscreen lotion always a good thing out there's two emergency blankets again you know they are what they are but better than nothing build a fire hover this around you let that heat radiates in and you'll be good for a little while again probably one use on a pretty substantial bag of wipes ten of them so you know before you get into doing your eating or cooking wipe off your hands face clean up a little bit it's amazing how just washing your face in your hands get help make you feel better anybody's but not working or got stuck or anything you come home wash your face and hands you're a whole lotta changes so that's the key thing and we're gonna look at one of these I'm gonna get everything out I don't do everything and this is meant for two people so think about if you're single you know you got twice the stuff whistle pretty damn well triangular bandage looks like some plastic cause a lot of bandages and pads and a septic toilets thing relieved I'll definitely be adding some stuff in here these aren't gonna happen I'll get some better scissors I'll just get one pair that looks like a pin which is nice and just a tiny bit of tape this could have been a lot better but again I'm gonna put my own stuff in here and some of the stuff I'll usually take you know for 72 hours I mean right here's bandaged this is some cotton probably throw some other appointments in there some headache medicines like benadryl something like that just what I would consider would be standard for first-aid again everything in here can be changed customized upgraded whatever I mean 72-hour bug out you get out of town you come back or you gotta get home a couple thing that's more water I'm gonna add some other stuff one thing I'm still waiting to get here and that's a four size water key so you can hope enough water valves on buildings so let me jump down here I'll be right back and show you some of the extras okay so we went through this bag and I said I had some editions first thing we're gonna talk about its water got an Arctic 30 ounce shout out to the black rifle coffee guys awesome coffee and great company but this allows to carry twice the water this one insulated so you're not gonna put it in a fire but boil your water get it sterilized toss it in here put it off the side ball the next batch twice the water also fill this one up with water before you leave I'd fill both of them up this fits in the side pocket perfectly and actually get a larger one but you know I have this one I'm gonna use this one so that one goes there donate online but never have enough water so that's my first edition number two map I got mine from my topo and this one I have here is just my immediate area for this bag I'm going to get one for my County that will allow me to get from work to home and a little further and I live on the edge of the county so it's gonna give me a whole lot extra but you can custom build these maps and any way you want it's amazing what the customization you get out of it for a reasonable price and you can choose your paper styles whether you want to roll or fold it I want folded on this one I've got another one for an area that I do some camping in that's phenomenal but it folds up that'll fit in that front pocket no maybe get a statewide or throw like a Ranma Callie in there roadmaps that's another good choice up to you plenty of room this just happens to be I can't go wrong with maps gorillas take extra why not compass and a temperature gauge you do kind of want to know what your temperatures doing you know if it's rapidly falling you gonna have to build up some supplies especially on the wood side and then the compass is just I mean it's just smart to have this one's the sinto clip clipper things just bulletproof I've had it forever keep it on a band and the band is gonna go on the shoulder strap I may eventually upgrade to a son so many a little bit bigger to read easier read you can actually dial some stuff in but this thing right here I've used it it's been great I'm happy with it and it's great for this included in that some pacing beads that I created you know just some leftover gear leftover cordage and why not my area don't really need it but may not always be my area so both of those are gonna go on the outside of the pack there are lighters there's two spots for lighters in here they don't send them because well they can't so no big but went with dicks to child protection off you know you can't go wrong with the Bix so - I'm probably get another one of these like some tax but you know you want need keep these things dry so I've already got one of these for my main camping kit so this is the second one and two lighters some of the good guys out there say you know two is one one is none so carry two actually gives us three ways of making fire with the fire steel so this is a quick deploy shelter with a rapid deploy Ridgeline Karina or one hand to press 'ok loops to hold up the tarp and I use a figure 9 on the other for me it's quicker than the knots you know do what's comfortable you do what you know I always learn new stuff fish you know I still practice with knots I got a rope that I use and practice with and whatnot but if I'm in a situation I got to put this up I want the fastest thing without having to sit and think and also in here I've got four luna mistakes for just lean - I used to with this for the tops into it if I do an a-frame and have to get low I'll stay cut off for this isn't our tourist bag I've got the art first one with another kit so I've got my old tarp which actually I've never had to use so it's never even been unfolded but it's also you know a space blanket my alarm coating on the inside but much thicker it's got grommets not great grommets but again 72 hours oh it's got a make well I do another hour tourists one I don't know nothing wrong with this one if I have to replace this one yes do the Arcturus but I'm not one to just go out willy-nilly replace something because I want something else that's got a break it's got a fail I don't see it happening so those are the first editions so far I'm gonna customize the first-aid kit but that was a given no matter what came in it that's my Edition so far arriving by tomorrow I ordered to Bob Kane as a pair but the water keys for like civic buildings where you can go turn on the water fill up the bottles one's gonna go in this kit the other is gonna go on my other one even though they're home it's not a bug out but yeah so far happy quick shout out to the Uncharted Supply Company for putting something like this together you know it's more expensive than the then the ones that you can get on Amazon but I think it's better thought out there's better gear with it like I said I have no problems with this knife to use for you know to make fires three days I mean it'll work great you know I could process stuff it's a heavy aggressive blade it's got some nice chipping I don't have any real complaints for what it's worked for what its intended use is you know the same thing with a shovel you know no complaints for its intended use but this is gonna work it'll work great I'm hoping I never have to use this stuff but if I do it's here no you can't go wrong with more rope I got so much of this stuff around matter and again duct tape but also more here because you know this is not gonna most convenient pocket sighs yeah great but I'd rather carry a roll so I'll probably add some other I'll probably had a roll of like bank line or something like that but not a whole lot else for something that's just sit in my car in case I need it so from now on for for now I'm gonna say take care this has probably been longer than I intended but a lot of stuff in here to go through so you guys enjoy oh that reminds me bug spray will be going you know all those things can be added at any point in time so have a good day enjoy stay safe and stay prepared
Channel: Adventures Of Raven
Views: 3,710
Rating: 4.8421054 out of 5
Keywords: UnchartedSupplyCo, Seventy2Pro, Seventy2, SurvivalSystem, BugOutBag
Id: c96ZUwLDGrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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