PrestonPlayz vs Jelly SECRET Underground Base Build BATTLE! (Minecraft Challenge)

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today I'm facing off against jelly and an underground secret base battle here in Minecraft I'm gonna get in your secret entrance it's not in their jelly we're going to be seeing who can build the best underground secret base if you guys think I'm going to one let's get some hash tag team Preston's going in the comments down below and let's do this question are you ready to build the most secret underground base ever I think I'm ready to win jelly beans I have a couple years on you jelly I don't even have them out well that makes you feel better I don't have any eyebrows all right listen rules are pretty easy you have 30 minutes to build the secret underground basement okay you're allowed to use creator all right oh yeah all right everybody let's go I'm nervous I have never done a secret base build off challenge I have like 30 YouTube videos pulled up on this computer monitor trying to find out what kind of secret base I want to build it and I have no idea so I think the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get bonemeal an oak sapling I'm gonna place it down right here bone meal the sapling oh I just accidentally got a really good idea for a secret base if I get a trapdoor I feel like that's really obvious but it forces you to crawl around the tree how cool is this okay but here's the next thing we're gonna do so we're gonna take a shovel then we're gonna right-click our dirt block I'm gonna actually put the button on the bottom so the only way you can reach the button is actually if you crawl underneath the tree using this trapdoor oh man jellies on the other side right now he's already going down we need to replace our grass block right here again we got to make it look a little bit less obvious as well I don't want it to look too obvious what's going on let's get some flowers I feel like we're spending a lot of time on this one small area but it's a big deal okay that was the first step to our secret base now what we have to do is we need to hook up the Redstone to some sort a block that's going to let us into our secret base I'm think about doing something over here this is my first time ever making a secret base guys so I don't want anybody to make fun of me in the comments I do however want people to clam it down below what secret base you think I should make next since I'm kind of a new but I've never done this thing before okay I promise in the future I'm going to get much much better just do it a little bit more decorations on our place I don't think I'm doing a very good job but I'm trying to make it look a little bit less obvious where my secret entrance is it's right over here hopefully jelly doesn't find it too fast but now we need to hook up the redstone and then of course we're gonna want to test this out just to make sure it works it actually pulls the block okay and here we go test number one is perfect scoops up the block just how we want to do it never hurts to have a cobblestone generator above I don't even know jellies new to Minecraft so we actually might not know how to make a cobblestone generator I usually always mess up my cobblestone generators by turning my obsidian into lava there we go beautiful this wouldn't be a bad idea to put the secret base under the cobblestone generator but I think I'll save that for next time don't forget if you guys want to see another secret underground base episode with jelly maybe where we used mods hit that like button down below okay ladies and gentlemen it's time for us to go down there we go one thing we could do here to freak out jelly that I just realized is get some lava get a sign play I think if we put this sign down right here like okay this might not work this might work I don't know I I don't know so we're gonna put the lava right here I'm gonna get some water put the water bucket down here as another form of Defense for my secret base I actually made this lava hole very difficult so it's now three blocks of lava instead of the original one block so if you jump from the corner post like this you should be able to make it without dying but it it's close look you survived with one heart and unfortunately if you just walk off like this you're gonna die you're not gonna make it to the secret base I've also cleared out the entire area for my underground base but I do need you guys to do me a favor before we continue building your phones while you're watching this video turn them like this and make that subscribe button great I would appreciate that very much and it would eight meet in feeding jelly in this underground base battle so now that we've got our entire area laid out for us we have to decide what to put inside of here this is where I personally always struggle in Minecraft I'm not the most creative builder so don't judge me please but I'm gonna do my best I think one thing right here which could be really cool is putting some dispensers with healing potions I would say though if you manage to make it down here to my secret base you deserve to gain access to my secret chest so I've got my trap Jess right here I'm gonna put this down right over here however the trap chest is going to be filled with something that jelly might not want to find we're gonna put a ton of diamonds in this and then we're gonna surround it in diamond gear I promise I'm trying to make this as pretty as I can that's not too a good job at it place the light blue paint light blue pains go like this but underneath the chest lie unspeakable horrors we must booby trap on chest you know what I'm gonna place a lot of T&G down.if jelly decides to open this he is not gonna have a good time we're gonna place TMT everywhere oh yeah that looks pretty good if I do say so myself hi you know what I think we can place a little bit more TNT ah there we go now now we've got enough D&D I'm gonna just cover this up with perfer slabs I shouldn't really like building with these things I think they've looked sick plus we can place the stairs like this and the stairs look amazing some stairs over here oh yeah I mean who doesn't want to open this chest if you see this chest you want to open it before we do the bedroom why don't we just get a kitchen going you know I feel like kitchens are never a bad thing to have when you're in the underground base cuz you never know when you're gonna get hungry for a snick snack I'm gonna actually make our countertops made out of solid quartz get our cauldron right there then we're gonna use our orange shulker boxes as cabinets a little bit more of this it's probably get a furnace in here too Oh honestly the blast furnace looks really really cool the nicest thing about the show Octus is that they're actually functional so we can put food up there Rob do you want to get some glass trimming behind this little area I think the white stained glass will look very nice behind here oh yeah there we go what a beautiful view we probably should add a view in now that I think about it what oh we can make an aquarium behind here hold on now we're getting somewhere we're gonna place oak planks back here since nothing should burn now we must place down the fish fill the aquarium with water oh no we have a leak oh we believe ladies and gentlemen I broke a piece of glass well actually where is this water leaking from ladies and gentlemen we have a leak where is okay wait a second how is this leaking could somebody explain this to me I don't understand how water is leaking through look you learn something new every day in Minecraft okay I didn't even know that it could weak through glass panes like that but now I know and now whatever you're cooking for your guests you've got a beautiful view of some amazing fish that are only in pressings underground secret base obviously I'm Preston so I must have a cactus somewhere you know I'm kind of angry that our kitchen is looking this good but nothing else in the house is looking this good what else do we need we need some kind of living room area maybe what I'll do is I'll get rid of these purpur blocks we'll just replace it with diamond or blocks you know it looks snazzy it's all kinds of nice if we had more time like obviously the time is running out so I'm getting more and more stressed as each moment goes on other than adding my bed somewhere that doesn't look bad even if it looks ugly Preston you need a bed you cannot have another grab base and not have a band it just doesn't work that way now this is probably not going to look the best but I really really really like orange and I also like red so I want to do some alternating pour colors here as you all know I'm made of lava so I like these colors okay I once once again no judgments only love for the Preston as you continues to place down his carpet very poorly and breaks things Yeow how low is jelly going in his underground base I just finished the carpeting at my place and I heard he feel our Garber why can I not have nice things it's because I built like a bleb my eyes are legitimately hurting from this I also realize I have no glowstone no light fixtures this looks a lot better my place has a little bit more character but still not a lot of character and I see jelly building like so far down and has me feeling incredibly nervous we got anvil and we've got our gear set right here in case we ever need to go into battle grab our gear from our secret base and get after it I really wish I had more time and more knowledge of redstone to build like a cool secret area that would like reveal an armor stand clothes and all the gear I need one of the last things I want to add over here is gonna be a double chest and I don't know if you guys have ever watched by T&T Wars videos but you never know when it's time to make a cannon of mass destruction so I'm gonna be giving myself all the items required to make a cannon of mass destruction just in case I try to keep my cannons really simple I don't want them like very complicated so I'd really am gonna be having mainly TNT in this chest we're gonna have levers stone pressure plates dispensers we're gonna need a lot of stone usually use a lot of stone when I build my TNT cannons we have repeaters buttons ladders water bucket and then probably the last thing we're gonna want is cooked beef this is how you know this area is for TNT it's going to be yellow and black wool which kind of looks like the nuclear warning symbol yes I understand it's not the prettiest body hit up but it's going to work I'm telling you guys in the next seeker base video it is going to blow your pants off because I'm gonna be doing such a good job and apparently jelly just found time it's while making a secret base just a few more things oh oh the time has ran up jelly time is up let's go I'm not done yet frosting look I'm not done either jelly but it's time okay come over to the p-dog base alright alright we're gonna drop the wall Preston the wall is broken whoa jelly jelly I hear I'll watch you in hi jelly the moment that you step onto my grass is that are you really trying to break all of this jelly you gotta break it off oh my gosh jellies one of these people up okay jelly it's time for you to feast your eyes upon my face am I get it you can do this you have to do it jelly now I got a right you've got to find the secret entrance and then of course guys don't forget to go watch jellies video so you can see what his secret base looks like cuz I'm only showing him mine are you spoiling it noted it I must say it's a cobblestone generator it's not in there jelly on fire you're hot but you're actually cold there's a secret way to get in all right there's a secret way to get oh oh he found something oh he found a trapdoor he found a trapdoor oh ha ha ha ha did he [ __ ] oh he was it he found Oh click it jelly click it oh wait did you hear that did you hear that jelly liked it there was a something that app anyway wait jelly you have to go in game mode survival for this I open that up yes sir now Jay killed me this is a part of my defense okay in fact it's hard that it worth you have to use the momentum from jumping down into the lava to make it successfully without dying yeah buddy it's just in case you don't like to what bear does is he gonna make it he's gonna make it you sure [Music] I'm not going baiting you I made it bernstrom watch pop okay I just jumped in like this and I and I I made it give me armor give me armor or something keeps me armor yeah there you go butter butter you're jumping jump it you get there there you go he's gonna make it am i dying faster you shouldn't be dying faster off I might have waited let's go okay jelly here is my sacred face now we have a small very very small torso this is actually a studio apartment I didn't have enough money so that's why it's not bigger and more fancy we had created yeah a little bit of a budget happening creative mode so that's why you've got a teeny tiny equipment look where are you come on here thank you yeah there's there's a lot more but I think they all died so we're gonna move on but over here we have the nuclear section this is for our next video jelly we're gonna do a TNT war I've already decided what yep we're gonna do a team zero it's really fun if you've never done one before I won't do it I was like do do it jelly here we've got a lot of good stuff oh thanks man it's so nice of you you're welcome I've got diamonds and stuff and it's pretty nice you're actually so lucky right now jelly because oh it's because like it's because I did this haha
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 11,080,610
Rating: 4.8978662 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, kid, kid friendly, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy
Id: AyaOt5mDECE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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