Preston Perry talks to woman who worships the Earth

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what's up y'all welcome to another episode with apologetics with Preston Perry where we live and love truth thank y'all for tuning in man I'm going to get straight to the point man on this video I talked to a woman who worshiped the Earth and worshiped crystals and she was really into like this New Age religion so quick backstory of how I ran into this lady right me and my videographer we were out in this community with a diverse group of people you know always in this community from um New Age religion to monks sometimes Jehovah's Witnesses be be over there you might run into some thugs I mean you might run into anything over there right and we were in the parking lot and all of a sudden this lady pull up with her daughter and I don't know why I just felt kind of led by the spirit to go talk to this lady you know um she just stood out and so I told my videographer I said I want to I want to I want to talk to this lady I think a conversation with this lady might be be good um wasn't planning on doing that but you know it just I just saw her and I felt like I should talk to her and so I walked up to this lady and um she was with her daughter and I said man we're out here shoo videos about religion about culture about spirituality you know I'm a Christian wo woo and you know she was like wow that's that's reallyy cool and then her daughter says mom you should talk to him and so she was like okay I'll talk to him and so she you know started to put her stuff down to talk to me and then she paused and froze really randomly and I was like okay what's happening did you forget something at home uh did you forget your keys what's going on and then she said the thing that shocked me I I did not expect her to say this she said my spirit God is telling me not to talk to you right now and I said really what is the spirit God saying exactly she was like I don't want to go into that my spirit guide is just telling me not to talk to you and so I looked at her and I said said ma'am that makes me want to talk to you even more I said can we please have a conversation and so she was like no I don't know I don't know why I feel weird my spirit guide is telling me not to talk to you and then her daughter who I feel like was probably being influenced by the by the Holy Spirit or something I don't know I don't want to just say blanket things start to encourage her to talk to me like Mom no it'll be good talk to him talk to him and so her daughter actually convinced her to talk to me um and so that's how we get this video um yeah hope you enjoy it absolutely you know like the fact that we can have um so many different walks of life Atlanta is such a diverse um area especially this neighborhood it's such a diverse area so many different walks of life and people just walk past one another and we never understand what we believe I walk past a person like you and I ignore you you walk past a person like me and you ignor it's like what's the purpose of that and so like why not have conversations with each other respectful d signifying not attacking one another and so people that look like me can learn from people that look like you people that look like you I actually grew up in this neighborhood really um I have actually I actually started working at junkman's daughter this is my first time back in this neighborhood um since 2009 um I left this neighborhood a long time ago um because I had children and I needed to benefit my children and get a better school system and and do what I had to for my family but um I started working at junkman's daughter back in 1998 and um I was actually one of the youngest people working at junkman's uh back in the 9s and I worked here on and off uh up until 2009 and uh actually no probably not it was probably 2012 uh when I left and um I left just like I said to better my family um I had a I had three kids at the time um I needed a bigger house I needed uh just more yeah you know so um and at the time uh Atlanta school systems were not credited and I wanted to make sure that my children had a better education I wanted to make sure systems are not good they're just they're not good and uh at the time I wanted to make sure that they had the best education that they possibly could and um the only thing that they had to offer was uh charter schools and they were so expensive and I just didn't think that that was fair um and also I was very sick and every time I went to the doctor um they looked at me and they looked at my tattoos and they thought that I had an addiction and it had nothing to do with that and I ended up moving to the mountains of North Toria and uh it turned out I had colon cancer wow and uh the doctors of North Georgia actually saved my life and I was able to turn my life around um save my life better my life for my children and do everything that I needed to and everything's completely different now so it it's amazing to be able to come back I hate that it's so gentrified now when you said yeah I I I I hate the gingerification too when you say when you say North Georgia is like by Blue Ridge yes uh it's actually haasi Georgia so it's it's about 30 minutes north of Blue Ridge yeah well I'm so glad that you don't have colon cancer anymore I think that's a that's a blessing it's a huge blessing and a lot of people don't even catch that disease in time enough you know exactly and so the fact that you were Man U that's so that's so good I have a question for you so we when I first when I first approached you and as we start we started talking you said um I actually have a conversation and you was like sure and then you stopped and said my spirit God is telling me not to um I didn't know that I was that I was ready to go this deep into anything this early in the morning um it's all good what do you mean by Spirit gu like explain that um I don't know I'm just Guided by the universe I'm I'm um I I feel it's it's bigger than religion yeah I think so I believe that too it it's bigger than religion you know um I feel like religion is all man-made for the most part and it's it's a it's good that we all believe in something right you know and I don't denounce that from any walks of Faith yeah yeah you know and so I'm glad we all believe in something but um I just think it's a it's a little bit bigger than than one ideology yeah and so do you believe that there is do you believe do you believe in a higher power do you believe in God absolutely okay okay and so so when you say you believe in the universe like uh can you explain that a little deeper I'm just really just trying to get an understanding now as you can see during this conversation um I want to ask a lot of questions I think um you know one of the things I think that we miss in evangelism and the things that we I feel like can grasp a little more in the Christian Community is that asking good questions will allow people to um kind of rationalize their own worldview and come up with their own conclusions about their own heart without you saying you're wrong you're wrong you're wrong and so here's this lady's worshiping the Earth and I'm asking her a series of questions to basically help reveal truth I Think Jesus models this perfectly when he walks up to the woman at the well and says where's your husband well he knew she had five but he asks her a question because he wants to reveal truth and he wants her to come to the own conclusion about the truth in her own heart um and But ultimately he wants to reveal himself to her and so that's exactly what I want to do I want to reveal Jesus to her and so I want to ask her a series of good questions to know where she's at one to know how to minister to her secondly um and also to to disarm her not to attack her with no I think you're wrong because the Bible says this but I think that if you ask good questions people will teach you how to minister to them and so that's what that's what I try to do in this video and that's what I'm doing now I'm being being very careful because like I said before her spirit God already told her not to talk to me and so I think when the Bible tells us to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves I Think Jesus basically meant like be Discerning and how you should talk to each individual that everything shouldn't just be a script um that we should know the word of God know how to defend the word of God and know how to give the word of God to people but at the same time be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit wants you to say to this particular person in front of you and so that's what I try to do I try to ask good questions but also I try to be sensitive to what the Lord was telling me to tell her um um yeah enjoy the rest of the video like like I believe I believe in Jesus Christ but I don't think that he is the end all be all yeah I think that he was one of many one of many gods yeah I think that he was one of many prophets prophets one of many prophets and I don't think that he was the white man everybody thinks that he was by any means you know and the fact that white people think that he was white is stupid you know I think that is insane well I well I I I I believe that too I'm a Christian um but I don't attack people for what they believe oh absolutely absolutely I love to have respectful dignifying honoring conversations and um I I I I I respect your opinion and I you know especially in this area I hear a lot of people talking about the universe and stuff like that my only question is and this is just a genuine question if there is a God how can we truly know who's the true God if if if if you just got to listen to that the your inner yeah that that small inner voice that uh the your carnal being tries to hush and uh all these all these carnal things that that are noise tries to block that out and um the closer you can get to that the better you are um and some of that comes with age um some of that comes with practice some of that comes from um just being modest being humble yeah um you there's a lot you you you're such an intelligent well spoken woman um did you did you come from the Christian church was was you was you originally in the Christian church oh honey Southern Baptist and that's Southern Baptist I don't know why I had that feeling rough I I I had that feeling that you came from the Christian church I don't know why and what what what drove what what LED you out of that because it seemed like you're on a different because they condemn you from the beginning right they condemn you from the beginning and I don't feel like you should be born to be condemned yeah you should not I don't feel like we were supposed to be here to feel bad about ourselves yes oh there is so they so so so the church that you grew up in they made you feel bad about yourself I I guess absolutely oh wow I'm well I'm sorry to hear that I personally feel like the god of the universe who I believe has manifested himself in the flesh and dwelt amongst his own creation is Jesus Christ I personally believe that's the one and true God I believe the Bible says that he's the way the truth and the life that no man comes to the father except through him uh but I believe that I serve a God who came and to dwell into human history and enter into human suffering to to experience suffering with this creation so that we won't be condemned so that we won't feel like we're not good enough so that we won't feel judged um because um because before Jesus came I I feel like the righteous Judgment of God was on our heads the Bible says that that when we fell from sin in the Garden of Eden I I feel like all of humanity rightfully deserve in my opinion righteous judgment but because God is good but God did was he sent his son Jesus who knew no sin to become sin so that we can become the righteousness of God and so I I believe this is what I believe I believe that when people accept Jesus Christ in their life as their personal savior I believe that there is no condemnation the Bible says that there's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because this is what the gospel says the gospel says that to those who accept Jesus it is not merely believing that Jesus Christ died on on the cross for your sins but it is literally in exchange it is God taking away your punishment God taking away your sin and giving you his righteousness that's what I believe and so for the the fact that people made you feel condemned in the B Baptist Church I'm I'm I'm going to be honest I'm a Christian but that's one of my biggest critiques for the Christian church is that we we misrepresent the god of the Bible well that's man's interpretation what what's man interpretation that's that that's what they're preaching yes that's man's interpretation absolutely and and I feel that because agree in I know I I I do agree absolutely we agree um and and I've been I've been to a few churches that I I feel honored and blessed to be there I feel the spirit I I I feel tears I feel humbled I I do want to cry like I feel uplifted when I'm there but it's few and far between when I feel that well let me just and and when you feel the Holy Spirit which is few and far between that is is a beautiful thing yeah yeah well let me just let me just say this and I I say this very sincerely um to you um and I say this with humility and respect when I first saw you I don't know why I just hit like a a heart for you I don't know why and I was like oh I don't know like something told me that you probably came from the Christian church and you know there there is a sincerity about you a true sincerity about you like I don't and I'm not just saying that but but I I I I I want you to I feel led by the Lord to say this that even though we have a uh a God in heaven I believe that I believe in um uh uh objective truth I don't believe that truth can be relative I believe if there if there's God in my personal opinion I I believe that that there only can be one God I believe that there can be two skies I believe that the sky can't be blue anger right and so I believe that there's one God I think unfortunately what happens a lot of times in the church is that misrepresentations of the church make people abandon the god of the and and adopt ideologies and and principles and um religions and even Faith walks that that simply can't save them that simply can't make them right and righteous in the eyes of God and sometimes these things work but even though we have because even though we have a a one God and and and that God is alive and he exists I believe that we have one devil and I believe the devil's plan is to make people experience um to have bad experiences of the church and walk away from the the the faith in the in in well and it's working right now yeah more so than ever well well well when I say faith I mean I believe I believe that Christianity is a religion I just believe that it's more than religion right cuz all it's spirituality it's it's a it's a spiritual walk but it's also a personal relationship with a with a actual person right Jesus says I'm the way the truth and the life that no man comes to the father except by me and the Bible also says that you know many men have abandoned worshiping God and and and instead worship His creation see and and the only difference that I have is I worship the Earth as well so why so what makes you worship the Earth because it was created by God and so why not worship the one who created instead of worshiping it because I do what do you mean by worshiping the Earth I'm worshiping him so can you explain what that means to me cuz I I don't want to assume I know what that means cuz I don't want to assume or be ignorant um like so when you say you worship like so to me I I carry that spirituality with me through my crystals and and and through my blessings and through my practices yeah so because I call on the light of the Moon and I call on the earth and I call on the things that I use so but like sa the instance is this was supposed to be a quick conversation I'm just saying okay I'm just I'm just I'm just trying to get an understanding because what what this is what Roman says and I'll just read this to you then I'll let you go it it says they changed the truth of God into to Allah and worship the ser and worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator who was blessed forever and so what I think that scripture means is that I think a lot of times we as men we we we want to find God I I believe that God has created all of us with this innate um um nature to be known right and we have uh we have a desire to know the god that created us because I believe that we were all created by holy and a righteous God I think what happens often time and which I hate to see is people like you sweet kind people who experience people in the church and and and it turns them off from the god of the scriptures when God has spoken something different than the people that you experience and so I think in our attempt to try to worship God because people have turned us off we'll worship His creation instead of worshiping him when his creation didn't create you his creation didn't die for you his creation can't save you you can't cry out to a rock and say God come and see about me I believe this is what I truly believe I believe that when you had colon cancer that the god of the universe saw you not not the Earth not not not not not the Rocks not the ocean not the moon I believe that God who created all of these things saw you and because he saw you and he saw this day and he saw that you would be talking to Preston one day telling him about the love that he had for you he allowed you to live and what the enemy wants you to do the enemy wants you to to be Ted off by the Christian church because the Bible is what we get absolute truth from and instead of looking to the God who created you he wants you to worship rocks he wants you to worship things that have no hope he wants you to worship things that cannot save you and yeah I believe that sometimes we pray to these things and they might work in in in some ways but they canot work in all ways they can't work they can't work in every way the way that we want God to show up for us and I say this out of love for you I truly truly truly truly love you and I'm not here to condemn you I am just as jacked up as you as anybody in this world so I'm not one of those Christians that's coming down saying you need to do this you need to do that you need to do that I just want to let you know that the God who created all loves you that that that that when the when the when the even when you didn't realize it I TR truly believe that even when you didn't realize it that the God who created you saw you not the things that he created no he himself saw you and he loves you and he has a plan for you and I know the Christian Church probably have turned you away in some ways from the Christian God but I want you to know that God has spoken for himself and there are are there are ways for you to truly know him in the pardon of of of your sin and and and I'm and I'm sad that people turned you off from the Christian church I'm I'm I'm truly sad about that but I believe that when the Bible says that they instead of worshiping the Creator they turned around and worship Creator things I believe truly that this hurts the heart of God and God wants to restore that hurt and pain God SE and abolutely that nothing happens by coin what denomination are you I'm no denomination I'm no denom I'm just a Christian I I don't I don't I don't go around saying I'm a Baptist I don't go around say I'm a Pentecostal I don't go around say I'm a reformist I don't I don't I don't do that I just believe in Jesus and I believe that one of my missions in the world is to reconnect people who have been turned off by the god of the scriptures not the church Mary not the church but but people who have been turned off by the god of the scriptures because we live in a sinful Fallen World and because we live in a sinful Fallen World we will experience God in ways that he never intended and the enemy will use those experiences to lead us astray from the truth and the truth is is that creative things cannot save you they can at the end of the day they will all pass away but the only one that will remain is the one who who was here before he created it and God says that that breaks his heart it breaks his heart for us to worship things that are created instead of him if I create something for my children and I give this creative thing to my children and they begin to show more love and and and affection for that created thing other than me I will be heard and so in the same way God has said don't worship the Moon look at the Moon and and worship me turn to me and I believe that the way we know God is through his scriptures Preston I hope you do amazing with your YouTube channel thank you and I thank you for this conversation have a very blessed day have a very blessed day thank you thank you for this conversation God bless you man hopefully you guys enjoyed this video before we go I want to just say the thing that stood out to me the most in this video is when I asked her what church did she come from you know and why does she leave the Christian church and you saw she said I left the Christian church because they made me feel condemned and sadly that's the story of a lot of people who um who walk away from the faith they feel condemned by the Christian church and so me understanding that she came from this Christian church and she left the Christian church because she felt condemned helped me I think minister to her her her better even though towards the end you know um she felt a little you know I felt like she was a little irritated um that the conversation was going a little longer because you know I was started to give her truth and the the Bible says that the truth is offensive to those who are perishing so because I felt like she was um kind of getting a little irritated towards the end uh I respectfully backed off because I believe that God can still do so much with the seeds that I planted and so I didn't take offense I never take offense when people start to hear Truth uh because like I said the gospel is off it's an offensive message and because the gospel is an offensive message we don't have to be more offensive we don't have to add on to the offense and so don't continue to beat somebody over their head when you feel like they had enough when you feel like the gospel was clearly presented you know uh to just back away and I'm say man thank you for having a conversation with me but I think man her telling me that she came from the Christian Church um and she she left the Christian church because she felt condemned was a a a was a Gateway for me to say man well actually this God came into human history to dwell among us to experience suffering with his creation um to take away our shame so we won't feel condemned and so asking good questions will allow us to hear the heart of somebody and then we can respond to their heart with the gospel uh and we can speak directly to what they're going through um and so I think you know that's what I try to do in this video and as you evangelize uh I pray man that you would pray about doing the same thing to ask good questions to give the gospel when needed and to know when just say you know what this conversation was good I'll let you go about your way so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video hopefully it was fruitful and edifying I'll be on the lookout for more videos where we live in love truth and remember y'all always be bold peace
Channel: Apologetics with Preston Perry
Views: 102,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BOLD TV, Preston Perry, Faith, Apologetics, Christian
Id: QohixAffTbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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