Preston CAUGHT Me Hacking His SECRET Base And Did This...

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I just had the closest call I could have ever imagined I'm getting Barney back in here in just a second Preston logged on if you saw the last video at the end of us finishing up our underground base that's not totally finished yet but Preston jumped back in apparently he got out of his meeting and jumped back on I saw his name moving and as soon as I saw I logged out just jumped off the server straightaway so hopefully he wouldn't find us and then Preston was in his office for a little bit and then he came into my office and asked me a couple questions about the server he didn't tell me exactly what was going on but he jumped in go ahead I'm gonna show you exactly because I was still rolling the camera I'm going to show you exactly what he said I hope you can hear it because it's just this uh this this this microphone right here but this is what it looked like yoky on the landline craft server at all no sure yeah haven't done anything at all any sort of answer we mean it's not a big deal just forget I even asked I got to go happen to meeting anyway so you can see obviously it seems like Preston isn't sure what happened but he could tell some of his supplies were gone that he had been working hard in order to get doesn't say exactly because I think he doesn't know if it was myself or Barney right now and so he didn't want to give up that he has some sort of secret back-up plan we're still not a hundred percent sure what he's using this for but then he went back into his office for a second and then jumped into another meeting and I thought eh what better to do then pull Barney back in and both of us to go see what preston did because he seemed a little concerned and slightly upset so let me get Barney in here real fast Barney yeah Keith look man that was a close call whatever we do we can't get caught for this okay well I don't think he thinks it's us I mean I don't I think he like has an idea cuz I mean that someone in the office probably dude if we get caught for this this might be the straw that breaks the camel's back Preston might be kicking us out I don't want to get kicked out but also Barney messing with prices one of my favorite activities and on top of that Barney he clearly doesn't know that there's an underground base oh yeah well we're dude this is not our first underground base word seriously trained at the underground base double agent stuff it took Preston like three weeks to find the last time we built a base under one of his it took in like three weeks to find it finally you could see that video on his channel and then we ditched that we caught up I feel like Barney we're like one step ahead of Preston the entire time dude he's so slow to catching on to this stuff if he was smart enough he wouldn't be leaving his secret base open for us to find out each time that's true but also I don't think he thinks that we're thinking about him creating some sort of secret back-up plan because right now there's literally no reason for him to have this he's playing the long game Barney he's playing the long game and we're playing the even longer game boom what ups Preston 1up also though Barney he did bread your head yeah keep okay uni wins on now making fun about the bread head stuff I don't know how to fix it we're just gonna stick with it I can't go ask Preston how to fix it cuz then he'll know what's going on okay look I might do I'm gonna turn all of his oh yeah yeah wait a second Barney what there's a ton of food missing from here not all of it but a ton oh the fish is still there someone else here Barney all the coal in the slime balls are gone dude is someone else here besides me and you ah I don't think so I mean unless we're getting played by somebody what if we're playing Preston at the same time somebody else is playing Preston you are you talking about a triple agent there could be a triple agent Barney wait a second unless it's you this question you could ask a triple agent because if I was I wouldn't tell you the truth so now you're saying you're a triple agent wait doesn't that just mean that you're pretending to play from my side but you're also playing for Preston side except you're not actually playing for Preston you're pretending to play for him as well and therefore you're also ultimately just playing for me Barney I looked up Triple H and it says now triple agent a spy who pretends to be a double agent for one side well he or she is actually a double agent for the other side that means exactly what I said Barney means you're working for me all right you got to get it right brother keep your talking about too many agents and you're making all the fuses in my brain blow out okay I can't I'm telling you right now all I'm in it for is the diamonds Barney I'm just telling you what side you're on because you seem to be a little bit composite about which team this is beside the point Barney we got to work together all right all right we got to overcome our differences because if we don't have any supplies Barney it means I'm gonna have to eat your head because your head is gonna be the only food we got left no my goodness gracious stinky what [Music] don't touch my stuff I've worked hard to gather these materials Barney all the diamonds are gone too and the diamond ore and the diamond blocks oh dude the whole reason I'm in here it's all gone Barney I knew your plan wasn't gonna work splitting the stacks in half so he wouldn't notice how did he find out so soon Preston Barney it's Preston he's basically Einstein number two dude we were doing it so well - every time we get caught cuz we steal his stuff maybe necklace we should just not take his stuff well Barney that means then we have to go out and earn it ourselves you're right you're right that's silly that's how I was okay let's just forget you said that almost although it looks like he was in a rush Barney he got like the most important stuff like the diamond serum he moved all of them but some of the redstone it's still there yeah some of the lapies is still there he looks like he was in a rush to get it out because he had to get his head next whoever you are get out please is that you Barney he thinks it's Bree yeah I just came up with the ten star idea ten star yeah let's frame breathe ha ha ha Barney I feel like Bree always gets in the middle of our dispute with Preston if she's just this kind little soul who shouldn't be involved in it at all but we somehow just vacuumer into the action look I'm a good friend to Bree it's just sometimes it's easier for her to get in trouble than it is for me to get in trouble fair enough it is Preston's wife you can't really get angry at her like you can get angry at us Preston you kick us out of the office can't kick Bree out you can kick Bree I you got a ring on that finger Preston dang he was angry look at this sign these are my hard-earned supplies yeah wait 40 40 Barney Barney look at the way these signs have been position whoever found my base get out this is the entrance he has no idea where underneath his base he was expecting whoever was to come back from this side the amount of anger I don't even think if I tried as hard as I could I don't think I could make a face that angry I'm lightheaded Bharti keep breathe breathe look we need to get down to business okay I'm gonna go make some signs because I'll tell you what man this is good we got to put brie on the hot seat here man all right all right all right all right let's get into some action Barney I don't know how much time we have though there's a good chance as soon as he gets out of that meeting he's in he's gonna run back to his computer Barney so let's hurry up we do have some diamonds here good thing is Barney we Stein's okay thank you thank you brother thank you thank you thank you let's get back up I think the first thing we should do Barney is destroy some of the signs that he's made yeah let's get rid of some of the signs that he's put in place oh you know what you do Barney next to the Bri is that you put a sign that says yep yes [Music] dude I got a good idea this is for all the anime you watch Oh because Bri hates it when Preston just watches anime on his days off and doesn't spend his time with her he's gonna be so upset about this Barney wait okay what's something else what's something that cuts deep Barney something that Brees always like person does this and I don't like it ooh I'll say Oh Eloise is better than you keep that's too far oh my gosh Barney it might be too far it might be but sometimes you got to see how far you can go by going too far I agree with that a hundred percent you know what i'ma do Barney is I'm gonna put a sign right here in front of press that says that's for Tooting in the bed oh dude this is for sure he's gonna think it was breathe Oh presents never dude it in my bed but he's definitely tuning it Brie's bed that's for sure oh my gosh get rid of this sign get rid of that one more sign Keith right in here by his bed Oh above his bed this is the only bed you get to sleep in now Barney this is this might be a bit much wait a second he's got a computer dude what is this running like computer this is like what running Windows 91 bro look at this thing you can't play Minecraft on that dude that computer came out before minecraft was made should we take it no no no just the size is enough dude just the signs is enough but we could take his computer and say I'm taking your computer so you can't play video games and you have to hang out with me oh okay plus I want that computer in our base Barney I said Barney now you can't play games that you've got to hang out with me we did it good bro we did it good let's put one more sign at the beginning Barney that looks like we're coming from this side again and say I'll visit whenever I want and then we'll put this one here that says take that Preston oh my gosh wait Barney yeah also where what is that noise coming from it sounds like a moaning tiger I promise I'm not farting all right he starts to doll over the place so buddy's doing construction on the ceiling Barney where do you think he put the supplies that's what I was gonna say before you started farting everywhere dude I don't know if we're gonna go the finding dude I think he's done a really good job of hiding up oh wait he's got more lapiz over here let's okay if we can't find the supplies Barney let's do one more sign that says right here that says I'll find where you all find the supplies good and did he take all the Gunpowder yeah I think you took all the Gunpowder everything is gone Barney we have I don't think there's any all the important stuff I think you took so the supplies that we had at the beginning I think that's what we're with for a nap for now we can dig deeper in our base Barney and search for more supplies we'll have to do that before we jump on next time but for now let's get out of here before pressing its back I wasn't comfortable how close the call was last time yeah that was close dude we got luck he didn't see our name tags close it off Barney nice he didn't quite see us I think it's cuz we were behind him Plus also he wouldn't been looking for him Barney when he first jumped in he didn't have any idea anyone was there until I saw that supplies were missing no all right Barney let's sit down and watch some TV Preston you've been gone you thought you got us behind your supplies but we already got the rations that we needed and we've got a full dig site under here for more supplies whenever we need Preston good luck buddy more importantly good luck fruit [Music]
Channel: Bahri
Views: 1,458,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: preston, secret, hacked, secret base, caught, preston caught, prestonplayz, hacking, preston caught me hacking his secret base and did this, bahri, bahri minecraft
Id: 5fLj4T1aZhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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