I Built TINY MANSION Inside DIAMOND In Minecraft!

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I built the most expensive diamond mansion inside minecraft but I also made it freely tiny I have got good news and I have got bad news the good news is Preston and Barney have still not shown up inside of my tiny world to invade my tiny TNT base which means of course I have not been able to take them down yet and kidnap them for questioning the bad news is that I feel like they're planning something since they put all the effort into building that whole diamond structure over there and then I haven't seen them since I've been nervous to question noob 1 2 3 4 and I don't know when Preston and Barney are gonna show up and when they do show up I'm afraid they're gonna come with some heat guys but as you saw last time we've got our getaway plan and when I was getting ready to design the inside of our tree trunk I decided let's go bigger and better and badder than ever so instead of building inside this tiny tree trunk over here I want to build ourselves a tiny diamond block mansion something that'll keep us safe hidden away and comfortable the first things first we got to find ourselves a good plot of land something we can hang out in and we can go next to our bedrock base but of course we want Preston and Barney to come through and go into our TNT base so if they see a diamond block mansion next to the bedrock they're going to investigate that and we cannot have that under any circumstances whatsoever so I'm gonna come around this side because I feel like over here oh my gosh I'm bouncing around on this side of the land this would be a good spot to hide a tiny diamond block mansion in the distance in between this grass over here and then use some strategies that Preston Barney had to cover their base in order to cover ours let's get started with the big open this up this is gonna be a two-story diamond two-block mansion so I gotta open it up and then we go to our little chisel and this is how we design it first we have to pull up the diamond block get that selected choose the hollow option and that's going to allow us as you guys have seen to build out a diamond block is hollow on the inside just to prove it one more time pull this open and boom hollow in the center when we've got to get a few more of these all set up so that we can get rocking and rolling here we will do three wide too deep and too tall in order to get this whole mansion built out this is going to be something that's incredibly impressive not to build myself up but I'm just saying guys it's a diamond block mansion it's gonna be insane now we have a unique way that we can cover this on top that you can't normally do with this little chisel tool so I got to get around to the top SuperDuper jump on top boom open up the little chisel again go to a grass block take off hollow now because this is a grass block the top section of it is all grass but we want the top section of this to be grass without dirt if we place a wool grass block down we're gonna get dirt right on top but if we use little chisel tool we can do something like this we're just the grass section shows up on top boom and we're gonna be able to hide the whole top of this diamond base extremely effectively using this tool to just get a thin layer of grass right around the top that wouldn't be too obvious of what actually is being put down here then grab our vines really quickly and using the vines we're gonna decorate this whole side so that we can cover this up as much as possible and we have to leave our opening there to get inside of because we gotta have an entrance if we're gonna go into a diamond block mansion let's get started on that using our hammer open up our entrance to start out with and we'll open her like that it's not big enough perfect size to get in and then we're gonna open this side which will be a big wide entrance like so one more and we've got that room opened up and same thing on this side open it up super super wide but don't forget guys we are too deep on this I don't want this wall to be open because I want that to leave closed but the whole room will wrap around so we can go around the other side and wrap this thing around because we are too deep on this diamond block build and look at this beautiful top floor whole thing set up perfectly wraparound layout so we can design whatever we want and we have the same set up below I want to design it a little bit different but using this center block here I think what we'll do is some sort of huge wraparound staircase so I'm actually gonna open the whole thing up to the block down below and that's when we'll set our staircase up we could make a diamond block staircase if we want but we're making this a very very wealthy mansion and we want to keep some variants in it so instead of doing diamond I say we go to something like emerald and we can use emeralds to build a wraparound staircase and we may have just built the most expensive staircase in Minecraft using these emerald blocks it's totally wraparound honestly I think it looks pretty sweet to get to the bottom level we can wrap around just like this and now I want to open up this bottom level with a slightly different layout than we have up above we got to have some changes keep it unpredictable even for myself I don't want to get bored easily being able to see what the whole house is gonna look like so I've gone for an open layout floor plan on the bottom you come down the stairs and immediately you have this massive kickback room to hang out with your buddies and then over to the right-hand side we'll have our bedroom at the end now I think something cool to do in this bedroom don't judge me because I'm just thinking off the top of my head here is going to be actually opening up this back wall with a window a tiny window that will be able to view into this dirt block behind it but we're not gonna leave the whole dirt block there were actually gonna take it out and then we'll put some flowers and some plants inside the dirt block so you have this beautiful scenery on the other side of the bedroom that you can look into in order to make it look really nice though let's get some redstone set up and a redstone lamp Oh yup this is gonna be perfect on both sides so the whole thing is redstone lamps on the outside could we even do it across the back maybe we'll design some sort of Sun set or something on the backside so it looks really cool looking all the way through but let's finish off this other side with the redstone and the redstone lamps here and then we want to place the dirt on the bottom and then across the back here let's actually use some blocks to design a scene so we could use the lapiz in order to get a water scene along the floor oh this is gonna look so good and then let's go to some stone and we can design some hills on the sides so we've got stone on either side this might be the most creative thing I've done in a while guys I don't know if that's a good thing to say but hey we're here I need something yellow though we could go for wool if we wanted we could use yellow wool I feel like that might be the best option or the block of gold oh this is perfect because we've got to get a sunrise coming over the top of this scene right here so we gotta open it up like this the Sun is setting behind the the mountains setting or rising I don't know whatever you want to call it but we're just gonna call it a Sun and have it come all the way to the roof like this oh my gosh this is perfect guys and then for clouds on the back side we've got to change something that's gonna be a white or it could be we could go white rule for the clouds but then we're gonna need something for the sky oh and then we'll use light blue wool for the sky guys I'm low-key kind of impressed with what this looks like feels like a Bob Ross painting in the background here two dandelions at the front and in the back actually it'll probably look good with just the two there oh it's so nice okay now switch this back to diamond blocks so we can close this back off and then we've got to put our window in and this is gonna be a really really nice bedroom to wake up to in the morning if I'm gonna be hiding down here for a while I got to make sure that I'm gonna be comfortable without seeing daylight in a significant period of time making sure I'm safe from Bardia Preston which means pull open the glass right now and close this off just like that we've got our glass window in place this might be the best bedroom I've ever designed and we've got a queen-size bed set up using my purple and pink as usual I actually can't wait to get the first night's sleep inside this bed guys but we still have a whole house to decorate did I just say house guys I mean mansion this thing is huge okay like I said guys we got the downstairs here and it needs to be a hangout area I don't have any friends I want friends if you want to be my friend let me know in the comment section if you want to come hang out in my diamond block mansion because we're gonna kick back with a flat-screen TV which we're gonna design right now using obsidian this is the - we found out it was awesome the last time it looks like a flat-screen TV actually the best thing is going to be a TV that I built that's going to be coming out tomorrow so be sure to stick around and watch that click the subscribe button if you haven't it's a build battle and I built the greatest TV but the obsidian will have to do for now this is a very very large TV and a large TV needs a large couch something comfortable should we do the red and orange as it T's on Preston let's go for it let's go for it we'll do a tease a fire tease on Preston coming in open it up along here oh this is gonna be a massive couch guys bring out the orange now really fast whoa okay okay okay nice long lounge cushion oh this will be plenty of time for Netflix in this couch and that lounge couch is built out oh my gosh have you ever had a TV so big that you literally are watching sports like this as the players are running across like a football match or if you're sitting too close to the front row seat at the movie theater you've got to be watching the movie like this this is this TV right here literally you can't even capture the whole thing when you're sitting on the couch your neck might get a little sore as you're watching games on this TV but a it's gonna be an entertaining experience and we need a snack bar in the background here cuz you want to have your pop popcorn popcorn maker let's make a popcorn maker in the background the best way to do a popcorn maker I don't know guys what material would be best for a popcorn maker let's go white stain glass for the top of the popcorn maker we're gold box and we're gonna design the top like this oh this is gonna be the best popcorn maker in history and before we put the front of this popcorn maker on I want to grab one more yellow block that's going to be our popcorn on the inside we'll do yellow concrete I know the concrete isn't the best taste for popcorn all right you ever have concrete popcorn check with your dentist afterwards probably wasn't a good idea but this will be our popcorn sitting inside of our popcorn machine and then switch back to the stained glass in order to get the front on really fast and we have our popcorn machine almost completed we got to put the bottom in there which is going to be read like movie theater popcorn machine is that very typical red so let's go to red and then we'll go with the concrete is a good option for the bottom of the popcorn maker sturdy because I'm gonna be digging into that popcorn maker for popcorn all the time but the block of redstone might be even better as far as how it looks get this bottom built out and then we need some sort of like disposal area it will build in so we're gonna break this open there and then we'll put a hollow looking color in there so we could go back to stained glass and go with gray stained glass and then place it on and that's the perfect disposal spot for the popcorn to fall down into we've got a popcorn maker now we need some fountain drinks because you want to have some soda when you're watching movies too now the soda machine has to be sturdy so we got to go with concrete I want to do gray concrete because that'll look good we're gonna open it just like that and then dig out the center of it all the way from the back like this and then we've got to put some grates in there so it looks like it the soda could fall through you know how when you put your cup on the machine it's grated on the bottom so if you spill a little bit it gets captured underneath we got to make this look the exact same switch back to this go black because that's gonna be a good great color will go black concrete that's perfect and we'll build out the grates like that one more and then right here and now we need the top of the soda dispenser which is gonna be some kind of color scheme is there anything that we can use that's gonna have a cool colour to it the stone brick place the stone brick to come out to start out with like this and then use other colors to design so we'll say blue wool will be the left-hand side this will be like a blue fountain drink I don't know guys something something tasty something blue like a Blue Mountain Dew maybe and then go to a red this is gonna be like your coca-cola color so you got red there another like lemon flavor is there any lemon flavored drinks like a lemon zest or a lime I love the flavor of lime guys okay so put lime in there as well and then on top of lime let's do why is my mind going too cool mint that's definitely not a soda flavor that is gum oh but packed ice for the water every great soda machine has the water option you guys got to stay hydrated that close up is my most serious look ever we don't need a fifth soda what we need is a slushie guys let's throw a slushie in there what is the best block for slushie the orange works out pretty well for the slushie we've got all the sodas here with the fountain coming down from the top grab your soda grab your popcorn turn around lounge and watch your favorite TV show but we've got to go up the most expensive staircase right now and design the entrance to the most amazing amazing the most amazing the most amazing lunge house in all of Minecraft history so how are we gonna make this look probably a cool picture on the back wall here oh good flower entrance people usually have plants at the entrance to their houses so let's put a plant on the back wall here and then we'll have a kitchen on the back side here and on this side I don't know we'll get there in a moment first things first we got to get a flower three two one and we have our flower if we want to call it that I think it looks kind of like a shooting star like it's firing out the top of that corner there but hey we're gonna call that our flower guys I feel like it looks pretty good pretty good flower I don't know what type of flower it is if you guys want to name it feel free to do so but for now we're just gonna call it the entrance flower of course guys we got to have a main dining table so I got a chandelier set up there and actually at the bottom of the chandelier let's place some of these here so it looks like it has some design to it a little more than what we currently have at least then we got to get a big dining table set up right underneath so in order to do a dining table we can have a sweet acacia a saucy ax grab those that's gonna be the foot to our dining table here with a sweet mahogany top to it perfect dining table we need some chairs set along the background here and the chairs are gonna be a really really expensive birch wood source from the Middle East this stuff is absolutely insane and also takes a takes a long time to obtain because it's it's so rare guys this is just the rarest material you can possibly find and our beautiful X pensive dining tables set up we've got room for three friends beautiful chandelier up above now right next door we've got to get a wrap-around kitchen countertop here so we can cook our food and bring it directly into the dining room let's open this up like this we want it to be a little bit deeper honestly but it's poking out if we have the diamond set up how we currently do so I want this to be deep enough so you actually have enough room to cook on top of we got to take some diamond down here let's go back to our diamond block and redesign this wall real quickly to make some changes and the same thing with this one over here and get our countertop set up for some cooking stove top two side by side sinks maximum efficiency in the kitchen to get everything together fast for the guests we've only got one more room that we really need to to have something in except I don't really know what we want to do in this room yet and I want it to be extremely good for you guys so let me know in the comments section what you guys think we should add to this room to make it the best possible room that we can have now keep in mind we already have the kitchen and the dining table in this room needs to be something that rotates well around to the Emerald staircase that we have set up we've already got a TV so we don't need anything more lounging but we got to have something that transitions well from the top of the mansion to the book bottom side I don't know what I'm trying to say to the first floor of the mansion is this the first floor or the second floor if it's the ground-level floor I think this is the first floor and down there's floor zero that makes it sound secretive floor zero what should we do on the first floor head it in to floor zero guys let me know in the comments section below right now click that like button if you want to see more tiny builds in the future as well as let me know if you guys know what Preston and Barney are up to I haven't seen them but I'm not sure if you guys know that they're planning something or not [Music]
Channel: Bahri
Views: 3,413,584
Rating: 4.8659258 out of 5
Keywords: tiny, build, minecraft, tiny base, tiny house, tiny build, tiny diamond build, tiny minecraft, minecraft but tiny, tiny diamond house, building in diamond, i built tiny house, i built tiny mansion inside diamond in minecraft, tiny mod, bahri, bahri minecraft
Id: M_S8e9E5HQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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