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guys Preston unbanned me from his minecraft server I have to find his underground base Preston secret is right oh I just walked the rock it is right through this button push do not continue Preston secret base ahead what do we have here guys what am I gonna find today oh my goodness this is so fancy guys do you think that he did this all by himself caught it down below because I feel like someone definitely helped him this is like a little too good to wait I jumped in love why didn't I think about this I was just like so astonished that I was just jumping around okay my blonde is coming out a little bit could I just like not die please thank you oh thanks I didn't I thought what that was amazing there's a little lava people his little lava man is here the gang is all here wow I'm really impressed Preston's not even hanging out in his secret underground world though does that mean he has another secret guys comment down below if you think Preston has another secret cuz I am y'all what is this is this another is this is this a little pathway where does this go um hello oh wait there's rainbow stuff okie dokie guys so I've heard of rainbow droppers they sound super fun and all but I'm a little intimidated so wish me luck guys I didn't wait oh gosh I have to get up I'm gonna drown I'm gonna drown okay wait Preston what the heck are you doing you're Breanna I told you not to come into my minecraft worlds anymore well present in my defense you unbanned me and I made it down at this big rainbow thing all on my own and I'm honey proud of myself this was supposed to stop you how did you make this have you been practicing droppers in your spare time I actually have y'all should read don't meet you do whatever you do do not press my button this takes you to my secret no breathe what did I know no your mama had it coming if there's no girls oh my brandings get out Oh fine fine if you really want to enter my secret house I hope you're ready for the challenges that come with it oh I'm intimidated actually present this looks amazing thank you I mean you know you're not supposed to be thanked I mean I appreciate that you're not supposed to be able to find it but fun since you're here I might as well go ahead and show you what is going on this is my sacred room for all of my brethren a cave my cactus family everybody in here first right here we've got blue Johnny we've got Jimmy Neutron right here we have Betty Ross cook right here which one's your favorite cactus oh definitely this one this one is Tom Cruise he's my favorite cactus is the pink is the pink cactus your favorite over here cuz I bet I bet you it is so this one's named Brianna and now I'm just gonna present is that is that your cactus or your lava character head on the wall I can you make up your mind woman yes that is my lava character cactus head on the wall and I love it lava is like coming out of the wall yes it kind of looks like you're vomiting like away look from the side you joy to my minecraft server you insult my people from this angle it kind of looks like the far one is growing up I'm in Korea I find it funny how dare you how dare you come into my domain and say these things and you know what because you've come into my domain if you want to continue to find out what's in my secret underground base you're gonna have to complete my cactus parkour challenge I know for a fact oh no never done cactus parkour oh it's gonna be super difficult for you good luck oh no you already shall wait for you on the other side you pleb okay Preston coming for you let's see a girl I don't like them it's punching me Preston oh my gosh she's already 1/3 of the way through okay real I am just gonna say that Preston don't be shy I'm just saying there's no chance you're making it to the next carpet Hey I already did oh whoa is a cactus actually second carpet oh I'm worried I'm worried amaura's Oh Preston why did somebody put a carpet on a cactus because it keeps them from growing any larger great like I can't believe it I am so mad no subscribers for this I'm God that's it that's it I'm going inside hardcore what does that mean don't worry about fishies yeah those are my puffer fish don't even think about eating them okay no okay I was gonna try to pet him but they're probably spiky I you know Bri I really admire the fact that you love animals but come on you're ain't gonna be petting no puffer fish you wouldn't like it I don't know if you notice this right now Brianna but take a look at this room the button as you can tell come over here you have completed the parkour all right you've completed the cactus parkour so look the glass in the forest turned green but as you can tell there's still three other areas remaining before you can unlock the next area of my secret house oh no you have to do redstone you have to do find a button and then finally you have to do building once you complete these next three challenges the next area would be a lot that sounds intimidating well it is I mean look I can't have a secret house and then all sudden you just make it super easy after some parkour come on that's true well can I put a fish first the fish where you killing me water is dangerous wait okay can okay I pet the fish fine fine I'll let you come back up here let you come back up here okay it is we're gonna go for redstone okay you wanna do redstone first bucket number two so in my second puzzle and my puzzle use the given redstone to turn on all of the red stone lambs Oh use redstone so you don't stand a chance here present do you do you realize that I have a bachelor's degree I went to college like come on I'm gonna do this I mean yeah I know that what I'm gonna I'm gonna like the lover Preston okay okay well that's fine you still have to do six more let's see how you try to conquer this beast okay Preston I'm ready for this challenge it's so complicated I don't know how to do this okay I'm gonna give it my best shot but don't be mean to me if I don't get it right okay okay fine I won't I promise I promise okay she flips the Liebherr how do you even know if you're doing in the right direction girl I don't I'm just I'm doing what feels right to me okay it's gonna work I'm feeling it I'm mad right now I'm digging it let's see how you do with this next challenge I'll give you a hint it's something you do with the water bucket inside the chest what about a water buffalo no it's a water bucket not a water buffalo let's see how this goes ladies and gentlemen there's no way she's gonna get this she's done for she's done you believe in me okay just believe in you I just oh wait wait wait oh oh oh no I filled the bucket and then I put it back in the jar gosh wait this is not a bucket this is you don't even know what this is called it's a cauldron okay wait that's what a witch uses yeah it's a cauldron and you're literally some okay this luck guys we gotta do something my goodness I'm liking this redstone stuff you're just lucky you're never gonna guess how to do this next one okay um wait this is an oven with a little face on it it's a little two eyes and a little mouthy mean to him Breanna I like him I know I like him his name is Henry so I'm gonna open the chest shears can break slime block president okay easy easy we're gonna break this little brick okay okay easy you still have three more redstone left I'm so mad right now guys oh my goodness cannot be could I do okie-dokie Preston so I'm feeling I'm feeling pretty confident at this point so we're gonna open the chest yeah a likely story a likely story a redstone repeater can be placed on red wool okay I'm digging it I'm taking it so we are going to wait is this red wool no yeah yeah it is because it's stuck and this is a lever so I'm gonna okay okay two more man okay okay I'm a woman thank you whatever whatever okay Preston I'm feeling a little lift a little rat oh my okay whatever let's see if you could do the last and final redstone puzzle this one is by far the most complex oh I'm nervous I'm gonna go for lucky number three as I'm probably sure you just heard that sound which means you made it to the next area oh man do you see right now look at the redstone as you can see it's green now which means you've completed oh call the what see how you do with a little bit of finding the button man Oh as you can see it's a vast cave for oh my goodness do I just find buttons there's only one button hidden for you to find ma'am and it's are you serious you continue on to the next stage there's a literally one button in here literally it one button I'm gonna collect bating right there's the literally one button yep Preston why did you do this because I can president I've been in this cave for like seven days can you like hot or cold I'll give you a hint use your head [Music] wait is it on me am i the button do you see it I'm looking at my character Preston my character doesn't have a button honor Preston yeah I think you're playing a joke on me no no no no I would never do it I would is it like how I can wear a hat in here like oh my gosh I've honestly really impressed that you found that but do you know where to put the button it says can place on andesite oh no oh no what's in the site I really hope you don't know what end design is I don't know what andesite is I'll help I need help Preston you're standing over here does that mean it's over you know really don't know no no right here that's on and aside duh you might have finished back his parkour redstone and find the button but can you complete the last challenge Oh building I am good at building oh and before you click the button it's something special to my heart what is say it involves a game that revolves around a llama and building let's go oh it's beautiful puzzle for recreate the building before you if you mess up there's a reset button click the check button to continue Preston I'm obsessed with this llama and I'm ready to build it oh it died now you have to recreate it with those materials can't you do it ladies and gentlemen my goodness this is hardcore er Preston I've got the who okay that's one small detail [Music] freshen I'm getting close it's not looking too bad you've still got a lot more layers to go though that's not true I'm pretty close president look okay how did you build this already there must have been some hacks it's just cold I really really like to build I also love animals so I know how to build along alright alright let's see the ears put those ears down baby girl I just have four these bad boys left to go alright alright so to me it looks good but you've got to come over here and press the check button because if you didn't get it right it's not gonna work check wait no no no no no no how did you act Oh rested you actually thought it's gone I'm so mad okay guys I know and if you press this button what happens is the face opens up and it reveals my secret base thanks for telling me president [Applause] oh is this another dropper wait Preston this ain't your first secret house yeah what's it mean - you're not even supposed to be here in the first place get out of it wait wait no don't go that way go that way you press press no residue horrible - Preston secret No
Channel: Brianna
Views: 13,345,219
Rating: 4.5913548 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, minecraft, kids, secret
Id: IxdEZl1j7Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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