Preston and I Had Triplets...

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preston and i have now been married for close to three years and everybody always says when are you gonna have kids well we're gonna wait a while and so why not have them in minecraft and since it's about three years of marriage we're gonna try three kids press and i are going to have triplets in minecraft today you heard me you you heard me in minecraft today don't don't get any crazy ideas first of all i have to find my children oh no i feel like a terrible pair i literally have no idea there's three name tags downstairs okay i left the children downstairs what i have so many questions okay baby status happy probably because she looks like her mom i'm playing but i mean she does and also she has no legs are you okay then we have baby number two preston you look just like baby preston and the real preston but he's a different one goodness this is gonna be a rough day oh and then we have another one that looks like me and she is happy they are all happy and in bed standing having three children has already exhausted me and i just started this process in minecraft oh we have status bars of each baby you need a pink tulip hold on i was just about to get in bed i have no idea where their father is and now they but why do you need a pink tulip in a diamond these babies are bougie oh goodness it's like a timer what's gonna happen if it runs out let's look oh my goodness well this must be where the child items yes the child needs the diamond so it makes sense now i had stored their belongings in this huge wall of chess now i need to find tulips we have gold we have a tulip a diamond i only need one more one more or they have to fight for it between themselves you know start the sharing process as early as possible are you walking these are newborn children and they are just lollygagging in my huge vault of wow okay here you go [Applause] what was that oh my gosh i was trying to give you what you wanted here this is terrible behavior okay i was giving you a tulip when you wanted the diamond that is one greedy baby why are you over here all alone have a tulip i have randomly been given a yellow rocket chip a cute little green teddy in this ginormous orange dot why is this so much bigger than everything that's creepy okay so we are gonna start with baby number one she has a green name tag so i'm gonna think she likes green first i'm going to give her the teddy bear like a good parent would and then let's see maybe she wants me to paint her room i don't know uh green okay and then how about the walls oh oh okay how does this i wish this happened in real life baby room decorated tanks mommies i loved a teddy bear you're welcome i have actually been a parent twice already in minecraft so i i know what i'm doing guys comment down below what we should name these triplets baby two you apparently like yellow you look like preston and his favorite color is orange but i won't hold that against you we're gonna go yellow and there we go pew pew boom rocket ship you're welcome i i don't know if that was a thank you but i'm gonna take it we have an orange doll i guess this is orange i that doesn't look orange to me oh my goodness oh hold up guys this thing is terrifying look at it are those her eyeballs it's fine as long as the child likes it but that literally terrifies me okay orange orange orange here we go here we go look at that fashion sense this doll is so hold on we don't like walls we wants to live together okay first of all guys you are newborn children why do you have explosives and number two i would have helped you guys with this why don't you believe in me i have to figure out what their first punishment will be you will get punished if you don't look below this video and hit that subscription button i'll be very opened i have gathered you all here today to let you know we are about to go to grandma's house we once do any things i promise we will sit tight until you gets back i was not suspicious until they said i promise that i won't do anything now i'm a little sketched out and you seem like you have an evil plot but it's fine i'm gonna be really fast and grab some things for my closet welcome to my master bedroom we have baby food only one for the triplets it's fine a candy bar start it off early make them know chocolate is good we have a fresh diaper ew why is it called a fresh diaper just call it like a clean diaper or just a diaper i that's too much imagery for me i have everything i need one of you gets each item what are you doing mess it all up am you realize i can see you you have thrown the flowers that i politely gave you why did i say let's have three children in minecraft i am i'm very quickly regretting this where is that vacuum cleaner here we go that's aggressive that is a super sucker i mean it is like oh it's intense it kind of sounds like a ender dragon flapping his wings now that i've finished cleaning i'm going to discipline the children how do i keep losing these kids they're literally not even supposed to be walking yet oh okay i i can see their name tags this is beneficial why are you hiding from me this is not hide and seek come here sir i'm about to find you oh yes you are just out in the open baby number one come here whoa i just got teleported up here all babies caught yes i know because i just caught them all i didn't need to be told what i already know it's time to go and i didn't mean to put it in all caps but i am technically yelling right now grandma's house smells bad no we want to go to beach i don't know what grandma they're talking about because they've never been to the grandma's house yet help me boy first of all i am mom don't call me by my first name and perfect i already have a child screaming for help they're the ones who wanted to go to the beach oh gosh oh gosh how did you get in here there are dolphins surrounding her honestly i would like to stay in there if i was her okay let's get something to distract the dolphins we all know if we get a salmon up in there they will definitely fight and get away from the child so there's a vacuum cleaner because of course everyone first thing you pack on your way to the beach is a vacuum you hate when sand gets in your toes raw salmon perfect i'm going to help her i am running as fast as possible i know i'm a little slow here but here you go ma'ams and sirs oh okay okay well for some reason that made them literally bust out the side of the pond now did you have anything in your pocket that might have like attracted them to uh trap you i don't knows why they were following me that sounds suspicious you know another reason why i don't trust baby number one she's not wearing merch from this is a new hat it doesn't fit over my headphones but they're snazzy are you sure though it's just these things she just dropped three raw salmon so either she didn't know or she was up to something comment down below what you think well now that you've caused a ton of trouble go and sit with your siblings get out of the ocean get away from the dolphins thank you for minding uh mommies to odor babies aren't here what okay first of all you got trapped in the ocean with dolphins and now i've lost the other two children on the beach somewhere hey i'm for sure going to find their name tags i bet they're under a cabana they are not under a cabana perfect baby over here i still don't see their name tags anywhere this is a horrible nightmare i'll tell you one thing you never want to lose a child near the beach near the ocean this is not good is this a house this is the fanciest sand castle display i have seen in my entire life this is glorious they've got to be here i mean that one even has a garage oh no okay yeah what did i say i knew they were here you literally exploded a masterpiece what this is our castle now stay aways brianna's you can't beat us if you tried you know what if they think it's indestructible there was a vacuum cleaner than our cabana chest my intuition knew that these children would cause a problem just gonna hurry on over here i'm very glad there aren't other people at the beach today because i would be very embarrassed what weed this isn't fair oh it's you're cheating guys i literally had no idea the power of this vacuum but please don't fall to your death but uh i would like you to get out of here as soon as possible oh come on come on kids get get out of this thing i'm gonna find you i'm gonna make you get out of the sand castle one way or another i don't feel like this vacuum should be legal because it is so strong i'm gonna teach you two to respect your mother yet again where is preston my children are levitating whose kids are these i this is very strange okay here we are at the candy store and literally how do they know where this is and they are out running me please don't cause havoc in the store i am so embarrassed yes arya why are you hitting me with an axe catch all the kids you need to get a hold of your kids right now the longer you wait the more i'll charge you i'm timing you excuse me arya i thought we were friends i'm offended you hit me with an axe and then now you're charging me money oh my gosh why am i so slow why do you have slime on the floor aria i thought you wanted me to catch the children oh my gosh oh come here potato get back here fine i'm going to get you if it's the last thing i do potato you're not even moving at all this is convenient for me oh it's still potato okay that was not exciting hey hey i i see you whatever your name is baby three i see oh i see baby three come back here come back here hey hey i'm not as fast as you shh gotta be really sneaky please yes now i have all babies caught i only caught two what is oh okay you don't have to pay that looked really hard just so you know though you would have owed me two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars don't let this happen again i'll let the kids go to the zoo i ate so much first of all the floor has disappeared from under my feet my children are leaving to another public place and arya i don't think we can be friends i'm honestly pretty pumped for the zoo though we are finally here at the zoo and they are very excited i am as well i love animals so we have made it to the ticket counter hello nathan and receptionist y'all need to sit tight while i buy the tickets okay we won't goes anywheres potato i have learned not to trust you i would like four tickets please and how many tickets will that be nathan i just said four and why do you need that many tickets for just yourself first of all that's very nosy and i have three children behind me oh my gosh i'm sorry i can't pay you right now i have to find my children what are you doing first of all this zoo only features sheep cows and pigs so far and my children have let them free and are riding each animal you know what come here potato get off the animals it wasn't us i swears wait there's no way anyone else let the animals escape you are the only toddlers in here put all the animals back please that sounds fun let's go it's fun to put the animals back but i kind of agree because we're getting to be with all of them but excuse me why are those two pigs connected they they're literally morphing into one large animal does the cow belong in the water this is so chaotic it's okay cal we will get through this together at least they are kind of minding they can be good when they want to be i am exhausted you made me chase after you constantly today but how did you like today you've never actually explored the town before my favorite part was the candy my favorite part was the beach my favorite part was the part where you didn't name me i'm feeling some resentment here baby number three your name will be decided later i believe in positivity and you need some positive criticism versus negative so i'm just gonna say thank you for behaving it was horrible but i'm going to encourage them to act better but hello why did you throw a potion at me i am walking like a grandma speed don't you realize i can catch you this is revenge for not naming me i was right baby number three hates me guys i need your help prestina that was a horrible hiding spot i still love you though baby number three i'm catching you second and uh i really appreciate that you guys really aren't running around you're just uh staying there for me all kids have been caught and it is time to go home i am never complimenting you again okay we are home and potato is ready to take a bath we i have a surprise for you oh i love surprises i'm ready i'm ready two one what is it what what are you kidding me you look like baby preston and you're acting like him who explodes the house and just showers you with potatoes he obviously is taken after his name i have a lot of cleaning up to do you all have a blessed day i will see you in my next video and check out one of the next two videos youtube is suggesting you
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 5,267,875
Rating: 4.9147129 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: zbul3a-4XOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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