Minecraft MILLIONAIRE House Battle vs Aphmau! - Challenge

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welcome to a video with the beautiful Osmel and I today we are doing a millionaire build battle are you ready money oh and don't go look at that axe but we gotta get started we have a 30-minute timer and it already started so we are going to try to make this a pretty modern house cuz this is supposed to be a million dollar house now I hope I can live up to that expectation we have a pretty cool mod so I'm gonna get some pretty cool furniture any minecrafter knows that we're gonna start off with some quartz alright cuz we're gonna have this fancy fancy door alright so here this is what must start my mansion I'm gonna have this right here you're gonna see these pillars turn into pillars of beauty alright so now I want a fancy door what is the fanciest door here oh we got birch door alright now we're gonna put some of these depth these is this fancy enough oh that's true fancy oh my god Oh perfect and that we need uh-oh we need look at this that doesn't look right but we're gonna ignore it okay we're gonna need a doorbell wait a minute what was that a sliding door get out of here you you're old news knives I want I want a sliding door ooh Oh a little too fancy here okay all right won't forget a little bit later right so we are doing the front of the house here just like so when it looks like snow I am very embarrassing we are going to add a door because you know you got to keep people out of your castle we have a door and we need a pressure oh okay I am very excited about this mod I am NOT why because we literally oh we can have a sliding door that is modern yes please and I'm going to have a pink doormat I can't decide what my favorite color is guys I'm just gonna be just gonna be totally honest why is it this work hold on that was so cool I thought it was backwards but literally you click here this sound and what I want to do I also might get some more windows because you know the more windows you have the richer you are look at this I like windows that make you see the outside world for what it really is so here we go put that down right there we're just not symmetrical this is not symmetrical no this is not symmetrical I cannot stand that will not stand on my minecraft server it's not my minecraft server but if this was my car server that would not stand no no no no no okay put that right there and then it's a magical nobody saw that right nobody saw that oh oh guys idea idea we are going to do blocks of glass here I'm trying to make this modern I don't know why I feel like millionaires are modern or like super golden does that make sense oh I don't know like I feel like fancy people have like gold ornate things you know like a French chateau vibe or something like that y'all probably have no idea what I'm talking about but I'm trying I'm trying here to be fancy I am just making the windows whatever size that I feel like because also it's modern you can do random sizes and it works perfectly alright so this is a big enough mansion it doesn't have like if the front looks good alright it's a balance in the front it's about what you it's good okay it's good alright don't don't question no I just go AHA there we go and then oh oh oh you know maybe I can leave that open we are going to outline in quartz and then fill and with pink carpet actually I'm gonna fill it in with black wolf because I feel like that's it's snazzy I have the pink accents but neutral is good kind of you know oh I just got an insanely amazing idea I think that I am going to do some of the chequered eating checker ding just keep it in a line like that okay okay you all might think this is really ugly but I'm trying to be fancy and add some accents to the floor and I'm feeling insecure about it now you know what we are going to just do those stripes that looks pretty cool okay cool we have a little design going on it is a little cattywampus but it is something guys changed my mind I had buyer's remorse so we are going to do the living room right over here and I saw in a tutorial like literally the coolest thing ever I've ever seen in Minecraft basically so you do this and then you add a sea lantern oh I think even lower so like right here and then you grab some hmm could get some of that stuff how do they plan to land okay okay yeah you can't plant stuff on lights probably let's try coral oh this is not going well hold on hold on I'm trying to find the plants that I want you want oh oh you know my order are you impressed with my house so far are you in a build battle competition I am I'm totally winning why do you look so focused because I am really focused do you want to add something to my build not really actually Oh Alan watch there's something you should have really cold no you're going to break you're not gonna break you'll do building is this a trash can hold on love it let me let me let me show you something no I'm saying no I'm fine he's gonna destroy my house didn't you try to do lava no but I guess that works too like you can do lava you could do the sick thing like get a shower a lava shower yeah buzz actually cancer doesn't go in the living room Jill Jill Jill hey it doesn't neccessarily oh you found I'm actually surprised you found miss lighting last doors you put them in back on it no I'm fine you gotta put it like this okay that's way better oh yeah this is kind of trash I mean you guys this house looks too small trying to do yeah you also have this ugly dirt Brie no one can see that yes you can you can visually see that it's a super ugly Wow here watch leg fix it I fix it thank you just don't overflow it don't breathe oh my gosh on it was fine and then I drained it i drained it okay I fixed it okay you do not help me I was trying to this is my water bottle oh that's your fire oh my god alright so we got this settled in now what we need to do is how many more minutes are on the timer I don't know how many minutes on the timer I didn't set a timer okay okay okay okay here we go uh let's see next thing I need to do is either make this look really nice and finish up or make the the stairs or something like that okay I can do interior decorating in a moment I really want to do interior decorating but I can't because um okay okay okay okay okay okay alright set this down like this alright I think this is gonna be good I think this will be fine alright and then I want to set some uh let's see uh steers baby I want to put some alright I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do this alright I can do something like this I'm going too big I'm going too big I'm going too big here this is gonna come and bite me in the butt this will absolutely bite me in the butt oh my god alright decorating I need to get to decorating soon alright this may not look like the best millionaire mansion but hey it's something I've got this okay let's put this here and then this down here and then set some of this over and then what I want to do is set some grass look at this all right that's not glass brass blast that's what I want to do okay all right look at this I don't know I'm gonna put a sliding door here because that's how I roll all right we don't talk about gotta get more windows up in here uh what does a millionaire mansion look like on the inside well it doesn't look this empty I'll tell you that all right it does not look that empty so what we're gonna do is we're gonna come over here I'm gonna come down here and we're gonna start putting stuff in because we need to start moving a little bit faster all right so the first thing you enter when you see a millionaire mansion is you want to see a pool right you want to see a nice big pool like this so let's put this here and then there we go put this down here okay and then I want to make this like super nice like a little beach area then all right there we go okay so look at that I got a nice little water place and then I won't put some windows in maybe like how can I put windows in that's the thing don't want big windows gentle little windows you know it's lots of Windows lots of windows that's that's what a mansion looks like right lots of windows all right clay I don't I don't know if this is gonna be great but you know what it's okay I have changed up my layout a little bit and now it's time for me to make the roof I've decided that modern mansions have a flat roof especially since I'm on a timer I'm gonna check how long I have after I focus and build this thing okay we have a roof and I have eight minutes this is not going over me it's now time for the kitchen which if this is a millionaire house why am i making everything so small that's not the wave Bri that says it's black but it looks Brown to me comment down below if you agree because I thought my eyes don't agree with that we have some beautiful things happening it could be worse I also don't have a bedroom so this is getting very sad I'm gonna put some soapy water into the cauldrons okay we have a kitchen here we're gonna do a little bit huh no we gotta settle we've gotta settle we're going to put some lanterns up because we need some more light let there be light okay we have that now we're gonna just put my bed in the corner because we have six minutes unless I'm you're really stealthy break can you do this pre you are great you are going to make this happen you're just gonna have a really small bedroom with windows looking into it because that's all I can do right now and we're gonna love it anyway yes it's great I'm honestly gonna make all of this glass because it looks cool and I feel confident about it I feel like it's nice to wake up to some Sun and fun and happy things we now need this I'm gonna make the roof chunky this time just cuz it's quicker it's quicker don't ask questions okay it's sealed it's sealed I now have another room so I don't have to have a bedroom in the middle of everything it is small yes but it is beautiful okay we have some fancy ones of course I need a pink bed that's just the logical thing for me to do there we go Oh extra big bed because we're fancy here and then oh we can get curtains oh my god you're so small I love them no there it's the thought that counts okay I think I know how to make this a millionaire mansion okay I've got this I think this will make it into a millionaire mansion okay five minutes to finish up this Bellator mansion I got I should work on decorating I should work out decorating whoo no I've got this don't be scared don't be scared it's just a build battle just filled out nobody's judging me right right nobody's judging me right okay okay all right so you know what we got to start laying out the stuff for the pool okay you guys start lay down the top of the folders there's no back and forth around here right we got it we got to keep going all right we got to keep this up okay put this right here right here one two three okay we got some of this we got some let's see you got some some tables okay oh there's a fan though like it when you're walking with sip fan look fan on look at it go okay this little fan a fan is very fancy hey how about you look under this video and hit that subscription button so I can beat a smell although she's a beautiful human being perfect freak you're gonna have a window into your bathroom and your bedroom what privacy you don't need it come on okay it's like kind of enclosed right it's not got a roof but it's got that now we need tub I'm typing too fast and I getting flustered bat yes and I need a sink because we are civilized okay III need a roof on this oh my gosh god is good I can't believe that I actually made that kind of it no it's not good but it could be worse sorry I am kind of going crazy right now I am aware we need doormat we don't need a message guys we've just got to keep ourselves from getting water on the floor there we go then we probably could use a door to get into the bathroom then I'm sorry beautiful lamps from this mod I just I'm not used to you so it takes me longer oh it's like an accent wall I see what she did there brief I have one more thing I need to do I can't be done with my house unless please guess what you think I'm doing right now in the comments obviously we need chuckles glitching okay this has been traumatizing I have never been so bad in chuckles and glitching I mean he's right here and you can get him on royally b.com but in the game he is not working I don't have much time I am like so folk I feel like I have a problem when I do build off swear it's like hard for me to speak because I get really nervous like I have to make it perfect you know at least their stairs you can get in and water I am a little afraid it's gonna overflow though cuz it's kinda you know we'll see we'll see typically when you have a pool some of the water goes over the stairs you know it's just a fact but we need a lot more water over here there we go it's pretty oh that scared me so bad I can't tell if you are responding like oh my gosh this is awful or like it's a for effort situation you know it's not on the outside that counts it's what's on the inside okay so so let me see what's on the you know that and then the password water you waiting for Winnie so I'll give it to you so as you see this one-story small house is titled Brees mansion because obviously yeah so then you walk into this horrible living room there's a kitchen in the living room and then I made some shelves with nothing on them who needs privacy you know yeah exactly a millionaire you don't need it anymore look and I have a bed I love this bed it's a California king bed look at this I know I didn't need anything else in the bedroom so then I have this beautiful small bathroom with some torches don't don't catch on fire but there is water in case you need it so I have a chicken named chuckles but he wouldn't spawn hold on I want to show you what's happening it's very depressing I tried to spawn chuckles not chuckles OH so I will be bringing him momentarily he's just being a little bit of a mess but I do have a hole in the ground that is supposed to be a pool yeah you're a millionaire if you actually pull that that's that's do that this is a law like the qualification so if you come over here I can't stand it no it's okay I don't worry it's a mess but I'll chat bollène you like temple the temple is not in the mod that's so fun I like the noise it makes no no no I know things I didn't see in the mod that I am now witnessing through you this is beautiful and then there's a fan and there's a pool here I did only think about safety so do you get out of it we wait we are miners I don't care about safety we'll just buy a new bike there you go you don't need stairs you just need to fly [Music] and up here there's a view and I put a kitchen up here it was you know it was as best as I could get it I respect that and you know what you did such a good job I want to give you a gift that you would like to see more awesome collabs with me
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 10,779,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: qsU64Ksgmdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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