Pressure Canning Chicken Breast - How to Step by Step!

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today we're going to be pressure canning some chicken we're going to be doing the raw pack method today meats are so easy to pressure can if you have a pressure canner please can up some meat quick easy cleaned out your freezer you have instant food on the shelf [Music] this is gonna be a quick introduction of what you need to pressure can you're going to need canning jars of course I'm using the wide mouth jars I prefer this for me you're gonna need a D bubbler tool I have a cutting board with a knife there's a chicken I have rings lids jar lifter salt with a 1/2 teaspoon measurement because these are pints I'm adding half a teaspoon you need some paper towels I have vinegar also I always heat my lids up just have it I guess with when you pressure can you don't have to do that I was taught to do it so I'm sticking with it also here's your 9 21 all-american pressure canner with two inches of water and the bottom also you want that metal ring in the bottom do not want to put canning jars on the bottom of a pressure canner without something to insulate it your jars will crack oh and of course the lid lifter and also since we're doing the raw pack method you do not want the water and the pressure canner to be hot room-temperature water that's all you need so I'm gonna go ahead and open up this bag of chicken and I'm going to that's a piece I'm gonna take a piece out I'm just gonna show you one just to show you what I do I do just try to discard all the obvious fat and like pieces of cartilage because sometimes on these breasts you will right here it's a bit of cartilage right there so what I like to do just cut that off also up here sometimes there's pieces of cartilage in here and what I do just cut that right off you can probably get like a little bit of meat if you want to out of this chicken right here like that's fine right there but just make sure there's like no cartilage or blood vessels or anything in like that and let me grab a jar this piece I'm just gonna pop right in there I'm going to show you how to pack a few and then I will be moving on you can cut this any way you want you can cube it you can chunk it you can make big pieces small pieces I tend to lean towards larger pieces and we're just going to put these into the jar now you want to try to pack this very very very tight and yeah chicken is like you're gonna contaminate a lot of stuff here I try not to touch like the lids and the Rings and that stuff which I probably should have moved out of the way I did not but I just because chicken you know you get some cross-contamination with chicken and you look for air pockets and whatnot and you just push this down I just look at the bottom and just push this down as much as I can and usually the a pint jar will hold like a pound of me to pound to a little over a pound and the headspace you want to leave like a 1 and 1/4 inches of headspace according to the National home preservation website and we have that handy dandy measuring tool in order to do that see I just feel around if you see some like blood vessels just go ahead and do this I just want to show you one or two jars and then we'll I will do the rest of these because I have a couple packages of chicken to do and whenever I don't use I will vacuum seal and put into the freezer all right that's about all we're gonna get into that jar so what I do is just push this off to the side you're gonna grab yourself another jar and repeat the process but you like I said you can do cubes you can do chunks I like the larger chunks I think it makes a better product these chicken breasts are huge I'm like I said just cut the fat off and everything else and these are just instructional videos on how this is how I do it I try to follow during port and you follow the rules when it comes to pressure canning I'm just eyeballing there we go there's a pocket down there so I try to I take my bubbler and I try to push it down you want to push the chicken down as best you can because you want to get those bubbles out of there so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and finish these up I'm gonna see how many jars I get and I don't like to leave an empty canner I try not to but sometimes for the instructional videos I do just so I can do a quick video on it and show you guys how it's done so I have I think 16 jars three six nine ten eleven twelve thirty forty fifty sixteen sixteen pint jars and now what I'm doing is you're gonna take your dip bubbler tool you want to get all these air pockets out of here as best you can nothing's gonna be perfect but you do your best I think this is the actually to me this is the most time-consuming part just to make sure that you have all those air bubbles and pockets out of there and that's what you're gonna do you're just gonna make sure you get all those air pockets out as best you can the next step I'm going to take a half a teaspoon of salt you want the non-iodized salt I'm using a kosher salt that doesn't have anything in it and you're just gonna add 1/2 a teaspoon can add whatever amount of salt that you want to or you don't have to add salt at all this is an optional step next step this is a very very very important step you're going to take a paper towel or a clean cloth you're going to put vinegar on it and you you're going to wipe the rim you want to remove all the chicken bits and pieces as well as if there's any salt that got on there because that'll prevent your little lid from sealing so he's gonna go around and do all these jars I'm gonna go ahead and finish these up I do want to bring up one item here because I'm noticing that the chicken actually is dried on the rims see there's a piece there I've already wiped these once so to insure see this one has stuff on it too and I wipe this I'm gonna go ahead and go back over these and wipe them again I went over these actually two or three times just to make sure it might seem like a pain in the butt step but it's very important I don't want to lose any of these jars because you did put a little bit of time as well as a little bit of effort oops into these canning jars you know something I did skip a step because I already measured it but I didn't show you all right let's take our handy dandy measuring device and this is one inches like right there that one's just a bit high once again you want to go around to all these jars and make sure you have one inch of head space and they all look pretty good back up there you're gonna take your rings and you're gonna put them on you're just gonna do a finger tight it's not meant to seal up the jars because these guys are going to vent when they go into the pressure canner now there's two inches of water already in this pressure canner but I'm going to add a splash a vinegar the next step is we're just gonna take these jars we're gonna put them right into the canner once again very important that this water not be hot in the canner with the 9:21 there's an arrow here you're gonna put this on just like this there's a little dip divot or a dimple here there's a hook you want to make sure that's underneath there we go you can add let me go back you can take a little grease and put it here which we might do right now because I just felt it I don't do it every time because I feel as though it doesn't need it every time this time it does trying to think I think it's just plain old avocado oil that I have in one of my spray bottles and you're just gonna hit the lid just like that it just prevents the lid from getting stuck once again you have your hook your arrow and your divot line them up I try to get the sides pretty much even and you're just going to do the opposite bolts don't tighten them down too much because we gotta get the rest of these on here do this one and this one and then this one and this one now you only want these finger tight oops and that's it so now we're gonna do we're actually gonna turn the heat right on to high now this is gonna take a bit for this to start venting that's the gage this is your weight now my elevation is less than 1,000 feet so I know I'm gonna use ten pounds of pressure but we have to let this one steam starts to come out of this we have to let this vent for ten minutes so it just started to vent as usual I'm gonna show you with my black Magnum peppercorn pepper mill you can see the steam right there now you want to set a timer for 10 minutes let this vent for 10 minutes let's spend 10 minutes what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go ahead and put the weight onto the vent ten pounds of pressure from my elevation if you're wondering what poundage is for your elevation go to the national home preservation website also you'll need to know your elevation at your house but you can also look it up online so now we have to wait for this to go to ten pounds of pressure I usually like it hovering a little bit above the ten mostly at 11 pounds of pressure now these are pint jars of chicken these are gonna take 75 minutes when it hits the 10 pounds of pressure when it hits the 10 pounds of pressure then we'll start the timer okay so we're just hitting the 10 pounds we're going over right now you can hear the jiggling of the weight somebody go over and adjust my heat put it on my I know that once you get into canning whether its water bath or pressure canning you're you're gonna develop and you're gonna get to know your stove so you know exactly where to put that knob so I'm actually going to start the timer once again if there this is pint jars of chicken we're going to process this for 75 minutes these have been processing for 75 minutes I'm gonna go ahead and shut the oven off well not the oven we're gonna go ahead and shut the stovetop off the burner now as you can see it's still doing its thing here I've got 11 pounds of pressure we want this to go down to zero naturally when it goes down to zero we can take the weight off and give it a few minutes before we take the lid off so you can see this drop to zero so now what we can do is take that weight off please use a pair of tongs or a cloth or something it will be hot now I'm not sure if you heard that but that's the rest of the steam escaping from the canner what I am going to do mine loosen these and we're just gonna let it cool anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes before I take that cover off that's been anywhere between five and ten minutes I didn't set a timer we're gonna go ahead and open the lid and open it away from you watch for steam as well as dripping water there we go I'm just gonna set this over here for a second what we're gonna do now is we're gonna lift these beautiful jars out of here now it's a little cool in the house oh yeah we're gonna get some severe siphoning I can tell so what I'm gonna do is give these jars just a few minutes to sit there and what causes siphoning is the extreme difference or change in temperature this one's gonna siphon on pick it up and show you see so it's been a few minutes let's see if we can lift these guys out of here and yeah they will be still bubbling away but look at that that whoops there we go that is canned chicken breast and as you can tell I didn't need to add any broth or water it made its own juice gorgeous so I'm gonna go ahead and put these over here so our canned chicken has sat overnight and what I like to do to store them you're gonna remove the Rings a lot of these they to just come right off some can be a little tricky where they stick and then I take a soapy warm towel and I wipe the rims off because a lot of bacteria can grow on this lip here and then I just wipe the whole jar off because during the canning process stuff does come out of the jars and into the water as you can see when you take your jars out you can see the water and the base and you can see there's fat and like food bits in there but that's what I like that's what I like to do and then if I'm writing on these right away I just take a towel paper towel and wipe the tops another thing you want to check for is to make sure all these jars are sealed if they're not sealed properly discard it because it's been 24 hours if you check them when they come right out of the canner you can actually use it pop it in the fridge and use it I don't have a Sharpie I know I know I'm gonna run out today and grab a whole a whole bunch of sharpies I'm just gonna do this and one of these dry erase markers it's the only thing I have I put the date and what it is and this is not the markers too fat so you really can't see it that well but that's I did it and say what it is and then I carry him down to the basement I do keep a few jars in the cabinet so I have it ready and on hand I just want to thank everybody thank you for watching the video taking the time out of your day to do that if you like the video give it a thumbs up please subscribe we're gonna have a lot more canning videos coming out in the next few weeks I want my pantry stocked up I want every jar filled thank you so much for watching and I appreciate all of you thank you so much
Channel: So Why Don't You
Views: 4,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canning chicken, how to can chicken, how to pressure can chicken, pressure. canned chicken, canned chicken, how to pressure can, pressure. canning 101, can you pressure can. chicken, food. prepping, homesteading, homestead foods, how to. can meats, canning meats, how to pressure. can meats, what to do with canned chicken
Id: LQzA_ukBMCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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