Pressure Canning NOT SO UGLY Chicken - 52 Weeks of Canning

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hello everyone and welcome to Sutton's days and 52 weeks of canning earlier this year I promised you some not so ugly chicken and that is what we are doing today it's something that takes a little bit more time and it just so happens that I have a little bit more time and the ovens ready so pre-heat your oven to 350 grab your chicken it does not have to be chicken breast it can be any chicken that you have I am using boneless skinless chicken breasts you'll see why later and we are going to pop this in the oven for about 30 to 45 minutes until it is almost completely cooked all the way through you don't want it browned okay you just want it to cook slow and low so that you have a nice end product okay let's go so as you know a lot of people have preferences with the chicken where they don't want it to look as ugly they want it more presentable and this is a wonderful option for that so once the chicken cools down then you just go through and you cut it up into some nice pieces okay just like you would do if you were making this in a restaurant or some kind of dish where the chicken is very visible okay and we're just going to chop it up like this you want to be careful not to shred it and then we will place it into the jars now if you're making casseroles or that kind of thing this is not necessary because most of the time the chicken ends up shredded anyway right but if you have it sitting in a dish where the chicken is very visible then maybe sometimes you want so I'm not so ugly chicken okay this is when that comes in handy you're not going to pack it into the jars quite like you would this is more like the meatballs okay and you're gonna put them the chicken pieces into the jars so that they fit so that you're not mashing them I have done no seasoning of this meat at all so it's just plain chicken the seasoning I still believe should happen after you open the jar when you're making whatever it is that you're making but in this case much like with the meatballs we're going to be adding some bullion into the jar and all that does is add to the chicken flavor and it adds some sodium so if you have sodium issues you can use a low sodium bullion but this is all good okay so we're gonna get these chopped up and we're gonna fill these jars and maybe much a little hey I managed to get all but one chicken breast in there that's fine but now I'm going to add about a tablespoon of bullion a little less done to each jar and I have some hot water or I have some water heating up on the stove because that's what we're gonna pour into this we're going to put hot jars into hot water so as soon as that water is heated up I'll start filling the jars so we've got the canner heating up with water in it and we've got a pot of hot water here and I am going to ladle this into the jars quite sure where my normal ladle is but you will use this one okay now I did not make up the broth ahead of time because I just don't know how much it I'll end up using so for me it's easier just to put it directly into the jars you want to leave an inch headspace now I know I'm gonna get the question so what would you use this for how is this different well you know when you pull ugly chicken out of the jar it's basically shredded it's a shredded chicken so this will shred if you're not careful when you're pulling it out of the jar but if you just turn it upside down save them you can use the the broth in here for fall for making gravy or whatever but it won't if you're careful pulling it out of the jars then it will not shred the same way that ugly chicken does it will be very tender very shredded but it'll still be enchant you are gonna want to get in there and do a little bit okay just kind of shake stuff up there you go you want to be careful not to shred the chicken while you're doing it kind of defeats the purpose but get in there and kind of just make sure wiggle stuff around try to get any air that might be trapped underneath there out a lot of people eat with their eyes and I get that I don't think ugly chicken is really ugly it was just something that I came up with because it just really didn't make sense to me but a lot of people do have issues with the way that it looks when it comes out of the jar so this is another way to canned chicken so that it is more aesthetically uh aesthetically pleasing for the person looking at the jars me I see chicken in a jar I don't much care what it looks like okay so we've wiped down all the rims and now we're gonna put the lids on and if you prefer having chunks of chicken in your soup this is very doable you just empty this entire thing into a pot add probably a little bit more broth and you are good to go add some vegetables add some noodles it's like the quickest chicken soup you've ever made okay so we're gonna get the rings on remember you want to do it finger tight we're gonna get these in the canner and we're gonna can these because they are painting a haircut you can do these in pints and you can do these in quarts I like the pint and a half it works for felony for this type of canning project so because they are paying a half we are going to can them at the court time which is ninety minutes okay super simple okay so we've got these in the canner we're gonna put the lid on and we're gonna let that vent for ten minutes okay we let the canner depressurize naturally very important step don't rush it and now we are going to pull them out of the canner let's see what we got oh look at that beautiful there are a lot of ways to use this admittedly it's not it's not a way that I normally can chicken and I really probably won't do it a bunch just because we work perfectly content with our ugly chicken however this is an option if you don't like certain things about the ugly chicken okay but it's all good definitely all good when you pull this out of the jar it helps you know it keeps a lot of its shape so it's easier to do different things with and later this week we will bringing you along on one of the ways that we're gonna use it it was a inspired by Linda over at Linda's pantry because we were chatting about it and she is just so tickled that I'm making some not so ugly chicken okay so this is our not so ugly chicken look at it bubble very very nice you notice it all kept its shape so that's nice it cleans up much easier than the ugly chicken does but clean up you know that just means that you're not taking a brush of the inside I have never found it to be a huge issue to clean up the jars from a chicken just fill them with water until you have a chance to use a brush on the inside of them and it comes out but for this you probably won't even have to do very much of that you can use any bullion or stock that you want we used this time we used our thrive bullion it's what I've got handy I really really like the taste of it so it's going to come in handy with this obviously it was the chicken it was the chicken flavor that we used and that's all that's in that jar so it does add sodium it does add some flavor but it's a chicken flavor so that's not anything unusual and you can still use this for absolutely anything that you want love it love it and you can cut them to size I mean I'm admittedly lazy I could have cut these and cubed them much smaller than what I did so that's another option also for that though it might be easier to cut those really really big chicken breasts in half before you cook them so that they're not as thick and that gives you a little more ease when you're working with it okay that's it that's how we our kid that's how weak and our not so ugly chicken I hope that you all enjoyed this and until next time be safe
Channel: Suttons Daze
Views: 14,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food in jars, home food preservation, home canning, home preserving, putting food up, stocking the pantry, 52 weeks of canning, Canninglife, food storage, pressure canning, long term food storage, food preservation, canned chicken, pressure canner, canning meat, pressure canning chicken, pressure canning meat, food storage tips, preparedness, self-sufficiency, economic meltdown, homesteading, preserving meat, projectpantry, thrive life foods, shelf stable chicken
Id: jvdmZHWgIa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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