President Trump Town Hall hosted by Sean Hannity | FULL

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and now here's my town hall that we taped earlier today from an airplane hangar in Green Bay Wisconsin now by the way we followed all the rules and recommendations of the county in which we're doing this so as to have as many people as they recommended small crowd but an enthusiastic group of people obviously because of all that we've been dealing with with Cove in nineteen we had a lot of ground to cover tonight watch this Thank You mr. president thanks for joining us we're gonna take some audience questions throughout the hour you're here in Wisconsin one of the things everybody's looking for we'll get into more detail throughout the hours the economy you are going to leave this town hall and you're going to announce that what you're building twenty new ships you're rebuilding the military and how many jobs well it's going to be probably 6,000 7,000 jobs could go up to 10 in Wisconsin alone and it's a great shipyard that was on hard times and now it's a very good shipyard and a lot of people are going to be working and it's one of the most beautiful ships it looks like he got with a lot of ammunition on it I will tell you it's it's really something and we'll probably end up with 20 or 25 and these are big ones beautiful ships and they do a beautiful job in Wisconsin so I'm here it's sort of like a launch we're starting work and the contracts all given and you want it right here so congratulations but we as a nation we've been watching it was universal agreement that what happened at George Floyd should never happen can never happen again and you've been very outspoken about it as well but and they were peaceful protesters but then there were people rioting we see Anarchy we see rocks and bottles and bricks and Molotov cocktails throwing up police officers police precincts burned to the ground in Seattle an autonomous zone that still remains as changing apparently today but you know taken over including a police precinct and you're offering all of these states help New York Illinois and Washington what are they telling you when you offer them help well first of all we have arrested I think almost but it could be over the number hundreds of people we have a lot of people for what they've done they've created bedlam they've destroyed very important things I mean you're also talking about statues of George Washington Abraham Lincoln they'd like to get Jesus you know that right they said we want to get Jesus that's Shawn King they'd rather you have nothing to do with any particular event other than they're troublemakers or agitators and they're anarchists the big thing they want is they want to really destabilize our country and we don't let them so I said to my people have you've arrested so many how come we don't know about they said we don't talk about it so we do it but I said I think the public should know it and you know we have a statues act a monument Act which puts you in jail for 10 years if you do what they've done so we've got that we've got all the tapes because the nice part is it's all on television like the character on the horse the other day he's up there putting on the ropes he's in trouble on the Andrew Jackson beautiful it's beautiful right opposite the White House and you gotta remember Andrew Jackson the Battle of New Orleans and so much he was a very good president he was a great general and you can't let that happen but thereafter Abraham Lincoln and tonight I guess they're looking at Abraham Lincoln and that was the Emancipation Proclamation so you have that and you're signing Emancipation Proclamation and you have somebody I think that wasn't freed and he's getting up it's the position of he's getting up he's being freed by Abraham Lincoln and I can see controversy but I can also see beauty in it and it was paid for by slaves I don't know if you know that it was paid for because they were so grateful to the president it was paid for that reason and they want to take it down and you know we can take things down too I can understand certain things being taken down but they ought to go through a process legally and then we take it down in some cases put them in museums or wherever they may go but these are really rioters and they're a lot of bad people involved you know they talk about protesters and they're protesters but there are beyond protesters too and we're not going to allow it so we have many many people under arrest and we have some just from the other night in Washington but I'm talking about in other states also you've offered help to New york-new me by the way and Washington is not DC not a state because if I say that a little statement like that sometimes I'll say should I correct myself because the fake news will say he thought DC was a state so I just want to make that clear so they can't do it by the way they do it all the time you know what I mean let's talk about these states though you see your old city are now a Florida resident you're gonna save a lot of money on taxes I there's there's no state income tax in Florida but you see New York City three hundred and fifty percent increase you see in Chicago last weekend a hundred and two of our fellow citizens were shot twelve more children and fourteen died the carnage existed all throughout these years that Joe Biden was vice president Barack was president I don't know any reforms that they put in place after Ferguson or after Baltimore many other incidents they did virtually nothing and I call them corrupt Joe he's corrupt and you look at that administration they have had more and when you see what's happening because you saw the notes now from the oval office meeting and all of the things we're gonna get to what's happening is a disgrace this is a corrupt situation we caught them spying on my campaign they were spying I said that a long time ago remember but I said it without great knowledge it turned out to be correct they were spying on my campaign and if that were the other way around if it was switch with Democrat and Republican the opposite way you'd have people in jail for 50 years for what they did because that's treason that's a terrible thing what they did and what they've done to people like general Flynn and like others is disgraceful this I want to get back because I want to stay on this issue though if we are to become a more perfect union and if we really want to pursue happiness we first have to have law and order correct okay these big cities we've watched Chicago violence now for how long all through the Obama Joe Biden administration years ago they barely mentioned it in eight years you see Seattle you see New York City we see now people dying in the autonomous zone I don't know how people could pursue their happiness and dreams in life if they don't have basic fundamental security you can't you can't look Chicago is an example it's like worse than Afghanistan it's worse than shouldn't sakers they're working with us Honduras Guatemala they're all working with us now you know we have our lowest numbers we have phenomenal numbers on the border water patrol has done a great job we built 220 miles of wall it's going up very rapidly we should be doing about 10 miles a week now and we're gonna have it'll be completed very soon but what we've done there is incredible but you look at Honduras Guatemala all of these different places we have cities that are worse in some cases far worse take a look at Detroit take a look at what's happening in Oakland take a look at what's happening in Baltimore and everyone gets upset when I say it they say oh is that a racist statement it's not a racist frankly black people come up to me say thank you thank you sir for saying it they want help these cities it's like living in hell but last last week and I think two weeks before that they shot 14 and 18 people killed and 68 people in Chicago 104 last weekend if I've ever seen a case I know it's very controversial to say stop and frisk okay stop and frisk you take guns away Chicago is the greatest example I think I've ever seen of that Rudy Giuliani was a great mayor he did it in New York he started it and it worked great Bloomberg blue and because he went crazy with it and you know ultimately he took away a lot of Rights and a lot of it wasn't a good job he did but Rudy Giuliani started stop and frisk and he did a great it was a great thing he did for New York the murder rate went for those that don't know how I lived in New York City at the time went from around 2,500 year they drove it all the way down to 500 and what they did is they went into the areas that had the highest incidence of crime that's right and saved a lot of lives so we're Americans I think we can do anything that optimist if we could stop the violence right we could stop it quickly and at some point and they're not too distant future I'm gonna do it and if they don't do something with Seattle we're gonna do that we're gonna go in there because what's happening is they're taking over American cities by the way in all cases it's Democrats the Democrats run in all cases and Joe Biden would have that be the whole country it's so crazy what's happening here's a guy doesn't talk nobody hears him whatever he does talk he can't put two sentences together I don't want to be nice or uh nice okay but I mean the man can't speak and he's going to be your president because some people don't love me maybe and you know all I'm doing is doing my job don't forget before the China plague came in and said China plague before that came in we had the best job numbers we've ever had we had the best economy we've ever had we're the best stock market we've ever had which by the way is getting very close to those numbers anyway and in Nasdaq it's actually beat those numbers but we have the best numbers we've ever had african-american asian-american Hispanic American women young people without a diploma young people with a diploma college everything everything with the best numbers we've ever had the best economy we've ever had I was absolutely doing a number on China not that I want to but we're taking billions and billions away China ran away from us when we had they were gonna take over a country if I didn't come along they would have taken over our country what they did to Obama and Biden they ripped off this country hundreds of billions of dollars a year going into China and nobody said anything they didn't even talk about it you know it's not like we had a bad deal with China it was worse we had no deal they did whatever and they I get along very well with them I said how did it happen they said nobody ever asked nobody said we gotta make a deal we're taking in hundreds of billions of dollars worth of tariffs and we're not paying for him China's paying for him because they devalue their currency so we've done an incredible job we beat China badly China had the worst year they've had in 67 years prior to the plague coming in they had the worst year they had and 67 years because of the tariffs and all of the things that I've done but he'll say he got beated the journey they didn't do a China deal China ate our lunch before me and they would have destroyed our country China in my opinion would have destroyed our country economically if I didn't get elected and many other things coronavirus we did the ventilators we didn't have any ventilation we did the ventilators we did so much ten days after the first identified case of coronavirus in the United States right you implemented it a travel ban followed by a quarantine that hadn't had happened in 50 years and then subsequent travel bans Joe said it was hysteria xenophobic and very fear-mongering well he didn't say it they have people that write you know I'll make a statement it'll be a nice state but it'll be a little complex or maybe it's not complex and they will have that statement analyzed and they'll say Vice President Biden said and they'll haven't broken down and I said he didn't say that he never said xenophobic because I don't think he knows what the word means but he said it was xenophobic it was horrible so I made the day that was at the end of January that's very early January 13 and she Pelosi and many other people repeating Republicans were months later they were saying you know let's go to Chinatown and celebrate Nancy Pelosi was celebrating in the sever we're in 24th correct in the streets of Chinatown and then they you know there's no business like this they just you could do a great job like Schumer I did a phenomenal job on a trade deal and yes and what do you think of the deal I didn't like it no good no good he never even saw the deal it's just like an automatic thing you hear the sound of that helicopters that a beautiful sound beautiful sound made in the USA it's all made in the US you mentioned earlier my list well beginning I was a little surprised I'm not gonna lie they had predicted form a nine and a half million jobs lost you and we ended up gaining 2.5 million almost three we had the largest retail sales month I don't know if you all saw the numbers 18 percent that's a record so here's my list we had a pretty good number come out today on jobs too well I didn't say that remember also better than projected but more importantly so we have more cases because we do the greatest testing if we didn't do testing would have no cases other countries they don't test minions so up to almost 30 million tests so when you do 30 min you're gonna have a kid with the sniffles and they'll say it's coronavirus whatever you want to call it I said the other night there are so many names to this I could name 19 names like Corona 19 but I could name 19 names but the fact is that there's never been a thing like this we've done 30 million almost we'll be there probably today or tomorrow 30 million tests now when you do tests you have cases but what they don't say is they're fewer deaths than there have been way way down and our mortality rate is among the best countries in the world meaning people that die because a lot of these tests it's a case it's a kid doesn't even know in some cases it's people that didn't even know they were sick maybe they weren't but it shows up in a test so they'll say 30 million tests now you have a big percentage of that but other countries do very few tests so it shows that very few cases and sometimes I jokingly say or sarcastically say if we didn't do tests we'd look great well you know what it's not the right thing to do treatment vaccine we're all we so I think the vaccines are coming along great and I think the what they call therapeutics are coming along great and I think we're gonna have an answer very soon very soon indeed I think it will be even before the end of the year we'll have a vaccine we have great companies and we're totally mobilized you know military is doing it we're ready to go as soon as they have it we will be distributing that all over the country let me go you talked about my list earlier so Joe Biden was vice president for eight years he has a record that at some point I assume somebody might have to ask him or maybe you will when you debate him if he shows up which is a question we will find out in the future but 13 million more Americans after eight years were on food stamps 8 million more in poverty the lowest labor participation rate since the 70s worse recovery since the 40s lowest homeownership rate in 15 years now I look at your record for pre coronavirus we had record after record low unemployment with every with african-americans Hispanic Americans you noblest even african-american youth unemployment and I want to get to the issue because it it seems like if we look in compare and contrast historically black colleges a five-year commitment with more money than ever before Opportunity Zones I think one of the biggest changes in terminal just a little criminal justice reform well the biggest in criminal justice reform Obama and Biden never even tried it and that was something so important for the black community they came to me they were they wanted it so badly because it is it's a very unfair situation and they came I dare to minorities especially minorities and especially black and Hispanic it's so unfair and I said why wasn't this done before now Obama didn't try if he did he make him I said we did try but you know he didn't get it done I got it done people said you wouldn't be able to get it done I got it done with the help of some very good Republicans that frankly they could have gone either way on it to be honest although we had some very strong conservative Republicans like Mike Lee Republicans that wanted it very much Chuck Grassley some great strong conservative Republicans that wanted it very much so it you know it's both ways very unusual yet some very strong conservatives and you also had some really really liberal people but we did criminal justice reform nobody thought it was possible to get it done I got it done they couldn't get it done and then they'll say such horrible things I mean on the campaign they'll say such horrible things about me it's a very unfair business but the end he did this more it's a great end for them I got beaten by China wrong I beat China very badly way I got I didn't do this a coronavirus might take Joe's side though because I don't think your son got 1.5 billion dollars that's right that's right the wave looked over okay nobody's ever seen anything like that but what they'll do is they'll take five or six points and just say I lost and if you look at what we've done on ventilators on testing again where we have 30 million Germany is and with maybe four maybe five million so Germany's going to show fewer cases because they're testing far fewer people different sized countries and all but they're testing far fewer people but many countries don't do testing like that so chose we will weigh up in testing but what it also shows by doing that in all fairness it shows a very very low mortality rate just about the lowest so we're right at the bottom in a positive way and I think that people are starting to see it but if I don't do a show like this you know which is live or semi live if I don't do a show like this it will be we're not going to get the word out because the press is really corrupt and dishonest I can't believe it I used to say you know fake news faked us it's much worse than factious and it's not only what they say it's what they don't say yeah something great could be happening and they refuse to report it you mentioned general Flynn we saw Peter struck snow it's now a lot of it was redacted idly and I my sources have been telling me and this program weeks that I've devoted almost three years to UM peeling every layer of the onion in fact what we now know is that there was that Jack Flynn was exonerated the case was going to be closed then Joe Biden brought up the Logan Act which you mentioned earlier $17.99 law nobody's ever been prosecuted for now not only was it that we've now learned that there was premeditated fraud on a FISA Court to spy on you as a candidate you and your transition team and deep into your presidency and James Comey signed three of the four warrants but he came to you after he signed the first one in Trump Tower and said well again now we know the bulk of information was Hillary's dirty Russian disinformation dossier made a lot of money for she paid for it they knew it they said they had verified it and turned out to be all untrue but it ended up for you to be in the country a three-year nightmare I question though is this I mean general Flynn lost four years of his life right Roger stones supposed to report to jail and the jury foreperson in his case palmat affords case was dead and they and many people that work for you pay how much in lawyers fees over this lie so start in reverse order Paul Manafort they sent in a book it looked like he got all sorts of cash it turned out to be a fraud what they did to that man what they did to Paul might afford Roger stone what they've done to Rajasthan because he knew me he wasn't on the campaign except the very very beginning what they did with Roger stone what they did to general Flynn and how about Papadopoulos I didn't know Papadopoulos but what they put him through he turned out to be totally they had a tape of his conversation that was supposed to be this conversation was like a perfect conversation they also have a tape of Flynn's conversation with the Russian ambassador which is a normal thing to do you're going to have that position you start calling up because you want to coordinate between countries and the tape was as I you said with the Russia with the Ukrainian situation it was a perfect tape it was a perfect conversation that he had what they've done to Jay to general Flynn who's a nice man tough guy smart guy a great general I'll tell you general Milley said he's one of the finest people dealings it's just a good man Flint what happened to him the way they went after him and if you remember you remember well the FBI left I said he did nothing wrong they said he didn't lie they didn't say like they said he didn't like they persecuted he threatened to put his son and go after a son they said to me what was the toughest friends of mine what's the toughest country to deal with who is it is it China is it Russia could it be North Korean no it's the United States of America the toughest country to deal with because we have Schumer and Pelosi and people that are bad people that I honestly believe don't love our country what they do to our country and what they've done with this scam the whole scam Flynn is a piece of it the Muller scam now it came out that Muller should have announced in the first week that we did nothing wrong in other words they had evidence in the first few days that there was no collusion with Russia there was nothing to do with Russia they knew that immediately he didn't have to take two or two-and-a-half years they knew it immediately what they put this country through Jeff Sessions was a disaster he was a total disaster because he basically let it happen unknowingly because he's not very smart but they let it happen and and it's a shame what they put this country through mm-hmm as you look we now have a Durham report we now had the Inspector General report I would imagine that's probably going to be indictments at the end of this when you look at the names of the people for example the jury foreperson and Roger stones case was prejudiced against that was not a fair no key moral even can you believe it the hatred that she had for him and for me and you and she said oh no I don't know she acted like she was an innocent she ran for Congress or something and lost but she was like pretending to be an innocent how did she even get into the jury pool she must have had a little contact but and the judge who's been brutal the judge who sentenced roger has been brutal take a look at what she's done to people same judge in the matter for case well take a look at what she did for Hilary late related things okay wasn't brutal there but look at what what she did to people just take a look at what she has done and Roger stone had a jury foreman for woman who was a disaster how that's not declared a mistrial or more than a mistrial is incredible to anybody that sees it this is a person that hated Roger stone hated me and obviously said wonderful things otherwise she couldn't have gone and it looks like he reports to jail I believe in four days yeah are you thinking about a pardon already I don't want to get in on your face but I think he was treated very unfairly clearly though other than he may have been about very early on and I've known him for a long time but I've known him like everybody in Washington know him you have a lot of guys in Washington they do he was not involved in the campaign maybe a little bit at the very very beginning but he wasn't invite was at a part of the campaign but he's a professional they've destroyed his life totally destroyed his life what they've done to Roger stone is incredible and the jury forewoman stands out and to have at least not give him a new trial is inconceivable and by the way she was a dominant person the juror says she was very dominating in the room she dominated he got a tremendously big sentence you see these guys they're burning down buildings they're ripping down statues they're hurting police they don't go to jail nothing happens to him they give they wanted to give him 9 years in jail process crime yeah if that if that and then you have these prosecutors who were Muller related the whole Muller related thing one friend said to me you have to be the most innocent man in the history of the United States I had 18 angry Democrat geniuses all smart smarter Zell Muller lost it but they were all smart as hell all these guys were after me they spent 45 4955 I hear all different numbers million dollars over a period of two and a half years and they got nothing on me it was I think I am the probably friend of mine said you have to be the most perfect person they had everybody up to we'll take a break we'll come back as we continue from Great Green Bay Wisconsin also the president will be answering your questions as we continue stay with us all right welcome back we are in Green Bay Wisconsin all right the audience has some questions for the president we're gonna start from Linda hi Linda from Wausau Wisconsin thank you for being here with us today say a lot of presidents trouble windows right windows you know I bought a lot of Wausau windows over the years and you know it's I shouldn't give him a free commercial but they did a good job it's a great window they are Wisconsin I love it up here Thank You Nora Senor Presidente my Cuban background to it I have a question for you I appreciate so much what you have done for this country and I know it's been tough what do you think is your greatest accomplishment in your eyes so a lot of people think it's the fact that we will have I think before I'm finished this term we'll have close to 300 judges federal judges a lot of people think because that's a record that's a number that nobody can even believe and part of it was that President Obama was unable to get judges approved in a large number about 142 judges so I took it off got them approved and then got a lot of proved beyond so will be close to 300 and two Supreme Court judges grade ones and so I think a lot of people would say that I think one of them oh is our military we have space force which we've added after 76 years we've added a new branch of the military it's a big deal a very important deal because space is going to be very important it already is I would say the rebuilding of the military and the taking care of our vets we had a 91% Chone approval rating the other day the VA the VA was a disaster all of my life I've seen these horror stories I don't want to I don't want to really jinx it because they'll go around find somebody that's unhappy but you don't see that anymore and our administrator or Secretary has done a fantastic job and we're 91 percent approval rating with the VA and we got veterans Choice approved and veterans accountability that's where you can fire people that do a bad job you couldn't do it before very hard to get they tried to get it for 50 years because the civil service unions etc couldn't you know get it I got it and the other thing is veteran choice where if they can't see a doctor we have great doctors in the VA but if you can't see a doctor you go out and you get a private doctor we pay the bill and it's you have no idea how great it's been and it's actually you saved money believe it or not but you have no idea we save lives tremendous number of lives and I would say that's an achievement but you know we've done a lot with the largest tax cuts ever the largest regular if you look at our regulation cuts shown more than any other Administration in history whether it's eight years or in one case more than that we cut regulations and we have we still have a lot more we're going to be cutting over the next month and a half two months so we've done a lot and we're very proud of it and we had the best you know until this artificial problem because I call it an artificial problem we had a turn over our country to save millions of lives and now we've turned it back on and it's coming back much faster than anybody thought possible so we've done a lot of things but you know it could be judges could be the military thank you thank you two questions question I get asked most often I said about the people that love and support you they want to know why you fight so hard with the media why do you fight against the why do you come you know you take on anybody that that goes on and you answer this interestingly in the Martha and Brett town hall and for those that say well maybe you shouldn't fight on all these issues what do you say I don't think I have a choice if I didn't take on the media I guarantee I wouldn't be here with you tonight I'd be watching on television maybe I'd be in the crowd but I'd be watching I wouldn't be I wouldn't be interviewed you couldn't win and I haven't even to this day I mean every the New York Times is so dishonest the Washington Post is so dishonest they write things you can do something great and they can make it sound horrible you can do something good and they can make it sound beyond belief bad like it's the worst thing ever or and I said it a little bit before you can do something great and it doesn't get reported that's in a way just as bad because a lot of people can figure it out the level of dishonesty in the media is I think they're the most dishonest people I've ever dealt with no not everybody you have honest you're not honest journalists you're a great journalist you know we have great journalists look at the Pulitzer Prize the Pulitzer Prize is very embarrassed if you lost a lot of its credibility because all these writers got Pulitzer Prizes on the Russia Russia Russia and they were all wrong but John Solomon and all of the people that you that you deal with and you by the way Laura Lou Dobbs you Fox and Friends people that a great great group in the morning including the weekends to be honest with Pete but but you have some great people but they got Pulitzer Prizes on Russia Russia Russia and they were wrong now committee should be went right on the deep state they were wrong no you were every year they were wrong for three were right on Ukraine the Ukraine thing was a hoax is a pure hoax they took a pic of it they impeached a duly elected President of the United States on a perfect conversation actually there were two conversations the first one was hello goodbye they don't even talk about that the second one was about the same thing they impeached a President of the United States now no fairness the Republican Party was great because he got 196 to nothing Republican votes in the House and 52 and a half to a half Romney Romney to bear but he half of you know I call it 50 to it I have to AF because he had two votes one was yes but we did that they were great the Republican Party was great but they were steadfast because they knew it was a hoax it was purely a party line impeachment nothing like that's ever happened before to add to that they had to ignore Joe on tape saying you're not getting the billion unless your fire the prosecutor investigating my zero experience on making millions but what that said Jim is with us from beautiful Wisconsin hey Jim Thank You Sean mr. president and welcome to Green Bay Wisconsin in Northeast Wisconsin thank you great to have you with us my question for you is with all the unrest we've seen across the country and right here in the state of Wisconsin last night in our capital city yes a senator was beaten lady forward was ripped off her pedestal we lost some other statues what steps is the administration taking to give us back our streets so very strong you happen to have a Democrat governor right now if you would have had Governor Walker that wouldn't have happened that's what happened but it did happen and it was a shame and the person they beat up was a Democrat who happened to be gay and he was probably out there rooting them on or something because Democrats think it's wonderful that they're destroying our country it's a very sick thing going on nobody's ever seen it Biden is is going to be look I don't think Biden's a radical left but it doesn't matter because they're gonna just do whatever they want to do they'll take him over he can't he can't perform he's not gonna be able to perform he's shot he's shot whether you like it or not he shot the radical left is going to take him over look what happened eliot engel was a pretty mainline guy he lost by like 37 points or so yet just he just got killed in the election we just had yesterday he was supposed to be a shoo-in and he got hit by a strong far-left candidate you have a couple of other Congress men and women that probably are gonna lose or are going to lose very close too close to call look at what's happened to the Democrats and these are real lefties these are people that that take a look at Venezuela Venezuela was a very rich country a great country a beacon 20 years ago 15 years ago people looked richest country in Latin South America richest everything good they don't have food they don't have water they have death all over people have nothing it's the same exact mindset and philosophy that we have today on attack and it won't happen not while I'm here it won't happen but a guy like Biden he's gonna have no power to do anything about it and they're dragging him I don't know if you saw Bernie Sanders said my sole focus now is to take Joe Biden way left they going to do it because there's nobody in the center left funny where he was left anyway but there's nobody in the center or center left I mean it's it's a disgrace what's happened to a country now with that being said the Republicans have to get tougher and I'm telling them all the time because they're sitting back they want to be politically correct I think oh it's terrible to say something bad no no no I told them you'll see if anyone attacks I stopped at the other night I stopped it a number of times but you'll see what's happening and we told him every night we're gonna get tougher and tougher and at some point there's gonna be retribution because there has to be these people of vandals but they're agitated but they're really terrorists in a sense so I think you'll be extremely impressed but you have to put pressure also I love the Republicans I told you they came for me a hundred percent I'm at 96 percent approval rating in the Republican Party but I said you're gonna have to get tougher you can't be politically correct anymore because we're really fighting something that's very dangerous thank you let's talk about a second term if you here in 131 days from now at some point in the night or early morning we can now project Donald J Trump has been reelected the 45th President of the United States let's talk howdy what's at stake in this election as you compare and contrast and what is one of your top priority items for a second term well one of the things that will be really great you know the word experience is still good I always say talent is more important that experience I've always said that but the word experience is a very important word it's an a very important meeting I never did this before I never slept over in Washington I was in Washington I think 17 times all of a sudden the president the United States you know the story of riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our first lady and I say it's as great but I didn't know very many people in Washington wasn't my thing I was from Manhattan from New York now I know everybody and I have great people in the administration you make some mistakes like you know an idiot like bolton only want to do his drop bombs on everybody you don't have to drop bombs on everybody you have to kill people judges you have john bolton in fact released classified material should he be prosecuted yeah oh absolutely well he did release classified actually he had a a judge said that they released the book early so that he couldn't do he said he couldn't start he said this is very dangerous what you've done for yourself and also any money that you've made that's you know good luck this was a very powerful opinion that we had no he's sort of a sick guy there's something wrong with him but i noticed that earlier he made two very bad mistakes he made a mistake where he talked about the libyan model and I won't go to explain that but some of you understand he was on defaced the nation and he talked about the Libyan model I said that's a disaster because you know why and the other thing he said going into Iraq was a good thing I said okay job but now you know it wasn't right no no I still think it was I said so weren't for eight trillion dollars in the Middle East and you think that was a good thing and I'm pulling out you know I'm getting everybody out nice and easy everyone's going nicely going nicely you think it was good to go into Iraq go into the Middle East yes so those two things happen too early in his little period of time he was only there a short while once he said those two things I no longer paid much attention to him if any but I'll tell he was good for one thing everyone thought he was crazy cuz only wants to do his bomb people you know he'll fight Russia let's fight Russia let's fight China let's take them on at the same time he's crazy when I walked into a room with him I knew that when they saw Bolton they always gave me what I wanted cuz they said Trump's gonna drop bombs on me he's got this maniac with him so in a way he helped me in terms of a negotiation but seriously he was he didn't do a good job he wasn't smart he wasn't sure and he's the only man I think I've ever met I known for a year one year whatever the time it was short time I don't think I ever saw him smile once I said to him once John do you have a smile and it tells you something about somebody you still be back to caliphate he got back daddy and associates you got Soleimani you got the cattle kinda leader and Yemen we've done a lot so back yeah we took out Salome need number one terrorists in the world we took out al Baghdadi he was also considered number one I guess they fought for a number when I got him both Obama should have gotten L beg daddy but we took them both out well we took a hundred percent of the Caliphate when I took it over it was all over the place it was a desert it's the Isis Caliphate it won't be on your second term agenda to drop cargo planes the cache of mullahs in Iran I'm just guessing like 1.8 billion in green beautiful cash but in cash 1.8 but I think was five plane loads of cash by plane was cargo 1.8 billion and 150 billion actually I was more impressive with 1.8 billion in cash if you want to know that truth so it was one of those things mark Wisconsin hey Mark how are you tomorrow well looking forward to your sex like Bolton but a better-looking version look I could do much better looking I could do is I think looking forward to your second term I thank you a big concern I've got is how are you going to make sure that the election is fair and free from from fraudulent apps and T votes and mail-in ballots that's the concern I've got I think it's the most important question I'll be asked because it's a great question so now we have a mail-in thing as you see California he's sending out millions and millions of ballots where are they going where aren't they going is the postman going to hand them out are they going to take them out of the mailboxes the other thing mark it's very important you get a foreign country Souter they keep talking old Russia China this especially China not Russia especially China are they going to print millions of ballots using the exact same paper using the exact same machines and are they going to print ballots and then hand them in and all of a sudden it's the biggest risk we have the mail-in ballot not so much the absentee ballot because an absentee like I'm in the White House and I have to vote in Florida etc it's after your absentee it's okay but people go through a process for that you know they it's really pretty good but the mail-in ballots they mail up to anybody and they send them out by the millions I think I read over 30 million ballots are gonna be sent out in California where are they going nobody's standing here watching you vote at least the other way you get in line and they're using you know I said the other day we went through World War one and we voted we went through World War two and we voted and now we have a virus and by that time it'll be less and less why aren't we going to vote people want to vote but it would be nice to be able to see the people and on top of that they should have ID voting okay we should have ID ballot a particularly great question you said you would like to have more than three debates with Joe Biden I said I'll have three and any amount they want I didn't say I want more see if you say you want more just to show what a tricky business is I want more they'll say oh he feels he's losing you once more so don't like to say that I will do whatever number they want to do it's okay with me but a matter of three yeah I guess the three is the minimum now he's already saying that he can't do the debates because of kovat you believe it I can't do it the debates because of covered that was I just heard a little inkling of it two days ago I said watch this one no I won't do any amount of debates you understand what I mean if I said I want to do ten debates they'll say oh he's afraid he's afraid he's gonna lose no no what I want to do is I'll do two three and I'll do any amount that they want it doesn't make any difference to me he is a candidate that will destroy this country and he may not do it himself he will be run by a radical fringe group of lunatics that will destroy our country and people have to know that
Channel: Fox News
Views: 4,719,130
Rating: 4.5792904 out of 5
Keywords: Trump Town Hall, Hannity Trump Town Hall, Donald Trump town hall, trump john bolton, hannity, fox news trump, fox news trump town hall, donald trump town hall, trump stop and frisk, sean hannity town hall, hannity town hall, trump hannity, fox news trump hannity, Sean hannity trump interview, Donald trump sean hannity interview, trump green bay, trump wisconsin town hall, fox news town hall, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, trump interview
Id: m0YKf-caVuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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