President Obama Talks with First-Graders at Tinker Elementary School

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The President: You guys aren't usually this quiet, are you? Are you, really? Just -- no. (laughter) The President: What's your name? Male Speaker: Jackson. The President: Good to see you, Jackson, good to see you. What's your name? Female Speaker: (inaudible). The President: Good to see you, and what's your name? Female Speaker: Hannah. The President: Good to see you. Good to see you, Adam. What's your name? Female Speaker: Mary. The President: Oh, nice to see you. I like that, hairdo, man, can I touch that? (laughter) The President: It's kind of spiky. Your hair is short. Yeah, mine too. Yeah, you want to touch it? Hey, what's your name? Male Speaker: Alex. The President: Good to see you. What's your name? Male Speaker: Casey. The President: Casey. Didn't I just see you over there? Is there another guy that looks just like you? Male Speaker: No. The President: No? Female Speaker: His brother. The President: That's what I thought, that's what I thought. Good to see you, Kyle. Male Speaker: Colin. Good to see you, Colin, what's your name? Male Speaker: Benjamin. The President: Good to see you, and what's your name? Female Speaker: (inaudible) The President: Good to see you, good to see you, and what's your name, sweetie? Female Speaker: Tina. The President: Nice to see you, and what's your name? Female Speaker: Elizabeth. The President: Good to see you, Elizabeth. So what are you guys doing today? What have you been learning? Yeah? Huh? Okay, so -- Female Speaker: The things with the back boards. The President: These things on the back boards? Female Speaker: No, right here. The President: Oh, tech speakers? Female Speaker: Yes, tech speakers. The President: I see, okay, so you're learning about photograph, label, okay. That's pretty high-tech stuff. I didn't learn about that stuff when I was a kid your age. I was basically just learning how to write an A and a B. Yeah, what were you going to say, sweetie? Female Speaker: We're learning how to read like trying to get a big-level on reading The President: Okay, excellent. And what were you going to say? Female Speaker: We're learning how to write about reading. The President: You're learning how to write about reading? Huh? You guys -- Female Speaker: They're writing about the test. The President: They're writing about the test, so -- and what were you going to say, young man? Male Speaker: We were -- The President: I know, that happens to me all the time. The -- I thought I had a good point, and then suddenly I forget it. And then the press makes fun of me. It's okay. So, I just want to say, I came by here because all your parents, you know, they're serving our country, you know. They're in our military, they're doing really great stuff, they're doing brave things, and I know that sometimes they have to be away from home, but I just want to say thank you to them, and I want to say thank you to you guys, because you guys, you know, support them as well. And we really appreciate it. That's really important to keep us safe.
Channel: The Obama White House
Views: 6,254,483
Rating: 4.8451509 out of 5
Keywords: White, House, Live
Id: BAjSPqxP6cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 17 2014
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