President Joe Biden Tells Howard About Meeting His First Wife, Neilia Hunter Biden

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so when you're in law school this is when you went to the Bahamas on spring break and met your first wife Yeah well yeah actually when I was in I wasn't in law school I was in college and I was a senior I was a junior in college I got my $85 tax return and with a bunch of guys we got in the car and we went down to Fort Lauderdale oh Fort Lauderdale okay and uh I found out you could go to Nassau for 20 bucks round trip and I'd never been in a commercial airline so I convinced two of my buddies to go on a commercial airline to go to Nassau and by the way remember those days you got dressed up to go on an airplane a big deal you right and make a long story short I we thought we there' be more be less just dancing and drinking and not that these guys opposed it but there' be college girls there and it turns out we go to the beach and they're all locals and there's nobody there all the hotels have had at the time the British cloning Hotel had a chain link fence that ran down the length of the property out into the ocean huh and so what we did we there was nobody there so we grabbed towels off the chain link fence had British colonial on it and we just walked right out to the pool like we were there yeah and there was this young woman who was particularly attractive I thought I said I'm going to go talk to her and this other guy Mike said no I'm going and third guy flipped the coin I won wow and then we went and sat down and I'm talking to would you have honored that if when you flipped the coin if the other guy won that was the deal that was the deal deal and so anyway to make a long story short I'm sitting talking I said hi my name is Joe Biden I'm from Delaware she said my name is neilia Hunter I'm from Syracuse and uh I started talking to her and she's lying on the Chas L I'm at the foot and I'm looking out at the ocean because the sun was coming toward the shore toward the ocean and I see this guy I'm watching talking to her and I'm watching this yacht pull up the guy gets out with you know the hat and the white pants and and he gets in a dingy and he rose the shore and I'm just curious watching him and he walks right up to neia my where I'm sitting by the pool he said neia we on for dinner tonight she said oh I'm sorry John she said uh Joe and I are going to dinner I apologize he huffed off she said I'm so embarrassed I didn't mean I just didn't want to do I said why don't we go to dinner I had 22 bucks left I think it was so we go to this place to dinner you can buy a McDonald's hamburgers for 19 cents in those days so at this nice restaurant I order a hamburger and she does she has her family had money but she ordered the same thing she's very gracious and the bill comes and I was 20 bucks short and I could feel a tap on under the table on my knee and she I put my hand down she put 40 bucks in my hand oh my God and uh she said I I'm so embarrassed I they said oh it happens to my dad all the time it never does oh you had to fall in love right in that moment by the way I did and uh we're walking her back I never kissed her never went in the room never went to bed with her and I'm I'm like a horse's tail there you know how the those chains that separate parking lots from the walkways I go to jump over I trip fall flat in my ass and she said oh that's okay it's I and I said I got off and I a stupid thing to say I said you know I think I'm going to marry you and she looked at me my word is Biden she said I think maybe I quit the football team and started commute every single weekend up to Syracuse New York which I did oh wow unbelievable like that that's a true story it's a crazy story you know no man deserves one great love let alone too I mean I really did I mean it was true it's like when I when I met when I met Jill I I was when I lost my family uh I got put in that 10 most eligible bachelor's list cuz you were United States Senator you were a cat and so I got a call from my brother he said I know a girl here at Delaware she's n Jill's nine years younger than I am she said and you you'll love her she doesn't like politics well that's my point about your family you had a daughter and two sons and you had a young family you had just been elected to the United States Senate and the worst thing ever happens in your life it's a horrible tragedy your wife was in a car accident some truck hit her and I get the chills when I say it cuz I can't imagine this kind of loss you lose your 13-month-old daughter you lose your wife and your two boys end up in the hospital yes I can't even imagine that kind of loss here's the love of your life you have this Beautiful Romance Love at First a sight I would say I don't know how you recover from something like that so here's the key question and maybe it's a difficult one to really get into but when you lose the love of your life and you lose your 13-month-old daughter which I again it gives me the chills even to say it to you and and I hate bringing it up but at the same point I think it's it's useful that you described you were suicidal at that point you you thought about it well what I said was I can understand you don't have to me nuts to commit suicide I used to I don't I said I don't drink not that's not a a virtue I just never Dr never drank and uh I used to sit there and think to myself I'm just going to I take out a bottle of Scotch that was we always had liquor in the house in my me my house as well and I I I was going to just drink and and get drunk and I I can never bring myself to do it and I actually thought about you know you don't have to be crazy to commit suicide if you've been to the top of the mountain you think it's never going to be there again and and just a brief moment I thought maybe I just go to the Dela Memorial Bridge and jump but but I had two kids my boys my boys when I started we started to date Jill we started to date Jill well you did didn't the boys give you permission to date Jill more more than that they they came in one morning I'm brushing my teeth and Bo looked at Hunter and said in their second or third grade I guess maybe a little older fourth and anyway in the in the early grades and uh and Bo looked at Hunt and said you tell him he said new tell him finally said what guys what are you going to tell me and Bo said you know Dad hunt and I think we should marry Jill they liked her and they liked her
Channel: The Howard Stern Show
Views: 158,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern, Robin Quivers, Fred Norris, Gary Dell'Abate, Baba Booey, SiriusXM, HSS, htvod, howard stern show, howard stern interviews, stern show, interview, President Joe Biden, Joe Biden, President, election, presidential, presidential election, donald trump, delaware, republican, democrat, debate
Id: W8uN8NbzNwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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