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huh what's going on here is this a hospital Melania you there wait let me check my phone there's got to be some information somewhere a rage virus has been infecting Americans for weeks oh my God Melania is in the bunker in the White House that bad huh I can get through this I'm the president of the United States he's eating me he's [ __ ] eating me please help I don't want to die help me which way was the White House again I don't remember my head hurts oh my God Trump is that you you got to help me man I hurt my leg pretty bad wow you're still alive come here I got a medkit thanks dude we got to get to the bunker in the white house there's guns and armor but there's a lot of zombies on the way there what the hell could Joe Biden be doing at a time like this shouldn't he be helping people I don't know where he is my phone has no battery come on let's take the scenic route wait is that what I think it is Obama find a weapon we're gonna need it man why is this the only thing here well at least I could use it as a drying pan if it starts raining let's go visit my house first I have a few guns there better not be any zombies in here they probably would have eaten all my trump steaks well Trump ladies first come on out if you're in there you sons of [ __ ] we can take them Obama back me up I'll show you the power of a black president let's do this I want my [ __ ] mistakes get out of my way Trump there's more coming from next door meet me at the White House we can't fight them you son of a [ __ ] Donald I knew this was a bad idea my leg hurts so much still I don't know if I can make it God please help me President coming through get out of the way you stupid zombies if you let me go I'll pardon all of you when I get reelected I'm so damn tired but I'm so damn close I can't give up now if Joe Biden is in there I swear to God I'm gonna mess him up so bad they're gonna invent a new term for the dementia I'm going to give him [Music] [Applause] someone anyone we need help now zombies are chasing us we have to get to the bunker someone call for backup why do you almost shot me watch it cover me while me and Obama get to the bunker I read you loud and clear Donald don't worry about me I'll keep my end of the bargain for that new green deal I promised you I heard you could use a hand I came as fast as I could Biden thanks for the help Elon if we get out of this alive I'll take you to McDonald's sure thing Biden but I want a triple Quarter Pounder well then it's not really a quarter pounder anymore now is it Biden blast I won't forget this Biden this is a gesture of peace now what was the password again [ __ ] I don't remember God damn it all right so let's see one one uh one it never fails [Music] we really had to resort to the bunker may God have mercy on our souls Melania is waiting for me at the bottom go ahead I'll wait for Elon and Biden all right then see you at the bottom Obama [Music] why did this have to happen I don't know how much more of this I can take but I have to push on for Biden Elon and yes even you Donald Trump Jesus Christ I think that's most of them any of you guys get bit nope I'm good but I'm low on ammo sorry I couldn't help much I dropped my trusty frying pan on the way here and I had to open the bunker for Donald wait we have a bunker oh for God's sakes Joe Elon Biden close the doors and barricade the windows there's a lot more on the way because of the gunshots what the hell oh my gosh [ __ ] my gun's jammed don't you dare touch a Tesla CEO you rotting piece of [ __ ] Melania honey I'm coming I haven't been down here since I got sworn in hopefully the phone chargers work so I can call George Melania Trump all your questions will be answered in due time wait a second that voice that Charisma it can't be John F Kennedy [Music] you are Donald Trump how live in Dallas I had a body double sacrifice himself so I could take down the Illuminati we also have anti-aging concoctions down here let's get you some real gear you're going to need it but where's Melania she texted me saying she was down here but she is she is Gravely injured I don't know how much time left she has I'll take you to her first sorry for pointing a gun at you I thought you were one of the clintons the clintons are they behind this last I talked to Bill he was headed to some Island they have been working with the Illuminati they created the zombie virus they're trying to destroy America we can't let that happen but hold that thought here's Melania I patched her up as best I could John Trump oh my God it's you Melania baby are you okay I got bit Trump I can feel my body changing we'll find a cure Melania we'll create one we won't find a cure in time we have no other choice Melania I love you more than anything else in this world please don't die I'm sorry Donald in the end I couldn't help you make America great oh my God please no Melania I love you I am so sorry Donald [Music] this can't be happening no no no no no [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] looking to see the trees hey guys I'm back Bill Clinton where the hell have you been I'm sorry Mr Trump let's take down the Illuminati together and put an end to this okay Mr Kennedy I will take down every last one of those Illuminati [ __ ] I'm going to drain the swamp come with me to the Armory you can choose what to take with you wow there's so many guns in here I don't even know where to start what about this one that's a prototype I wouldn't use it you'll blow your hand off well I think I'll just take a drink then first I'm exhausted take your time I've been monitoring the Illuminati for decades but they never seemed like they would do something like this something else must be going on perhaps a higher power like demons or aliens or something nice this quick charger is Awesome by the way best I've ever seen it only has two more charges left use them wisely as for the higher power I don't have a clue on what it could be all I know is this mankind must put an end to the virus or the virus will put an end to mankind now what do we have here a high explosive grenade this will come in handy good choice brags aren't that useful against zombies is this like a rocket launcher or something maybe they might call me rocket man that's too heavy find something else now this is an American Masterpiece don't forget to bring some for your friends as well I'll take some more Med kits too I've contacted the last of my allies we will be launching a counter-attack on the Illuminati today regroup with your allies I will be there shortly after I put Melania to rest hopefully they are still alive they are trust me looks like this area is clear of zombies but I see some headed this way from afar better let the others know is that you Bill thank God the clintons are like Immortal what's with all the bodies we don't do cremation this early what are you talking about cremation are you all right Bill how did you get here without noticing The Walking Dead what's going on here something feels off I came here to tell you guys about the end nobody's gonna survive this I just killed over 300 of these sons of [ __ ] I'm surviving I have to give Beau Biden a better Christmas present than Tate yo Donald welcome back is that an assault rifle we should ban it what up Trump you're not Banning my assault rifle Biden come here guys I have some supplies now this is more like it I was just joking about banning your assault rifle Trump I'll show you the power of a black president on steroids now this is what I call a Tesla upgrade thanks Trump son of a gun he spotted me damn those clintons what the [ __ ] is that Bill Clinton what the [ __ ] is that John F Kennedy what the [ __ ] is that Elon Musk are you serious right now I'm just kidding Elon he's getting away Bill Clinton is part of the Illuminati and we need to stop him is this true Trump yes it's because of him that Melania is dead Melania is dead I'm so sorry Trump my condolences damn I'm sorry dude let's take him down together as five u5 won't be taking down anyone else today crooked Hillary light her up boys cover me I'm reloading hold your fire look at her she has taken no damage there's nowhere to run Trump I have waves of zombies surrounding this building as we speak you're trapped well crooked Hillary you just made a mistake and you know what speaking of traps this trap's got a great big mistake here a great big giant mistake biggest mistake I've ever seen what mistake would that be you trust me Obama yeah you trust me JFK I trust you Donald you trust me Joe Biden yeah whatever three more hordes incoming I'm about to do something incredibly stupid and dangerous and when I do run run where run as fast as you can on my signal what signal you won't miss it excuse me Trump you mentioned a mistake I made a big big mistake really huge mistake didn't anybody ever tell you there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart if you value your continued existence if you have any plans about seeing Tomorrow there's one thing you never ever put in a travel and what would that be Donald me you're fired [ __ ] you hit me right in the [ __ ] [Music] let's get the hell out of here the zombies are blocking the bunker oh my god get the hell out of here I don't want to die in the White House what did that zombie just call me there's no time for that Barack being Politically Incorrect only affects zombies temporarily get me the hell out of this building they should call this place the red house now I'm so sick of these [ __ ] zombies oh my God be sure not to drop your guns follow me guys I know how to get out of this the Bunker's blocked off we will have to lure the zombies away hopefully Hillary Clinton isn't still alive and I don't know where Bill Clinton went we have to get rid of them I'm indestructible those American buffoons could never damage me look at what they did to my precious building my four children scream foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear was that an explosion it sounds like it came from the Capitol Building I thought everyone was dead in this area I suppose I'll go check it out may God protect me what's up guys [Music] zombies come get some Trump we need you shooting right now if we can get George here he'll probably be able to help us out my God is that a tank right here under God holy [ __ ] now that's what I call Firepower I don't know who's in there but I think they're on our side [Music] look at them they can't even walk now man this might seem good for now but this is going to attract the whole state here be careful it's going to hit you whoever's in there get out now hands up we appreciate the help but you're just causing us more trouble Barry what the hell I never thought I'd ever see people like you guys together in times like these we must put our differences aside and unite George W bush huh how very interest I was trying to call you but it looks like we got lucky thanks for the help George looks like the clintons are behind this whole mess well Barack do you want to tell George about what happened at the White House today uh I lost my frying pan No the other thing what other thing what happened at the Capitol today oh Hillary Clinton blowing up with a grenade yeah we had no choice who blew up Hillary Clinton was it you no did you take any shrapnel damage no oh and what's this about losing a frying pan [Applause] [ __ ] just what I expected gentlemen Lock and Load Trump what the [ __ ] do we do I just ran out of diesel but I still have missiles we should get in the tank and hide Trump this might be too much for me sorry guys are you being serious right now are you kidding me Donald ask not what Trump can do for you ask what you can do for Donald Trump looks like it's my time to shine there's only a five percent chance this will work though George does the radio still work yeah I was listening to Joe Rogan interview a zombie a bit ago why do you ask if this works everybody will be able to escape hello holy [ __ ] it's JFK John F Kennedy Black Ops one all right so if I change it to this frequency there is a small chance the zombies can become immobilized well at least Joe is still alive but I'm gonna have to use another station for this thank you [Music] come get some you damn Communists why is Joe Rogan station the only one that works well that doesn't sound good what's up Elon if you get us out of this I'll give you the Medal of Honor you got it Trump put an eagle on it last mag Make It Count oh I'll make it count all right I put on another optic for double division Jesus H Christ he really has lost his mind I have faith in you Elon you can do this is that you Hunter oh it's just a zombie never mind I'm out of ammo sorry guys if only Michelle was still alive to see us working together [Applause] I did it my Tesla stocks are going to go through the roof after this I could implement it into my vehicles get ready guys it's musking time they're getting too close well it was nice knowing you guys and you too Donald do not give up hope fight [Music] no way are you serious We're All Dead Aren't we what the hell is going [Music] on what the actual [ __ ] wow they're pretty good it's working it's [ __ ] working [Music] this is perhaps the single greatest moment in American history and I'm happy to have witnessed it [Music] oh what the hell why not [Music] look at me look at me [Music] Thriller night this is beautiful they're styling all over our zombies what do we do Hillary Hannah Dana you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me well that radio won't last forever what the [ __ ] you're not supposed to be here [Music] damn it he just declared war on us what I thought you were dead oh my God we should have never brought back Abraham Lincoln Jeffrey take me out of here I'm hurt I know you have another Island listen [ __ ] I don't speak ho ho ha do you really want to [ __ ] with me [Music] that's what I thought we need to go now the station is changing songs what's the next song Santa tell me by Ariana Grande oh I love that one guys get in the bus we need to go now that was crazy but let's get the hell out of here wait did I just see what I think I did must be my eyes playing tricks all right everybody's on board let's get the hell out of here you did really good today Elon thanks Trump all in a day's work wait did we forget Biden oh [ __ ] Joe are you in here Joe huh what I was feeling sleepy sorry guys oh thank God I'm going back to sleep now good night everyone oh the chaos the beautiful chaos isn't it simply delightful these uh these civilized people they'll eat each other see I'm not a monster I'm just ahead of the curve now what would happen if I were to Nuke North America who would they retaliate against now where should I send these missiles Canada the United States so that's where I'll be sending it adios Mexicans [Music] all right everyone grab a bite to eat and take what you can is this what they call a gas station never seen one in person before back in my day they used to call it the ass station because of how easy it was to get some ass in these places man I'm starving I wonder if there's any Doritos oh my God the pizza still looks edible God truly is watching over me we should take this opportunity to talk about what's happened Donald you get any updates from your phone my service keeps cutting in and out I got some National Security alert but I turned it off to take pictures of the cool trees we saw on the way here guys I know you're not going to believe me but when I was working on the radio in the tank I heard this really weird noise it sounded like alien noises extraterrestrials are real it wouldn't surprise me that's why they tried to kill me in Dallas because I was going to disclose all the information about them oh yeah they're literally real huh are you serious yeah I know a lot of classified information but since the world has gone to [ __ ] who cares well I don't want to alarm you guys but I think we might have an alien problem as long as nobody uses any nukes they won't bother us aliens are real oh my God that reminds me I need to call Jill aliens huh well I'd have to see it for myself you probably just heard some interference this place looks clear also the aliens exercise strict control over us like Bush said as long as we don't use any nukes they won't bother us pick up the phone Jill come on I know you're still out there somewhere sorry Joe but if she wasn't in the bunker then she might not have made it she's still alive God damn it that's what my heart is telling me that's the spirit Biden don't give up hope I'm sorry she's not answering I guess I'll try again later I'm gonna go to the bathroom guys I'll be right back all right Joe take your time any zombies in here trust me I don't taste good I'm all wrinkly and soft like a dried prune well I guess I don't hear anything Mr President I am JC Denton and I'm with unacco the Clinton's excessive Bloodshed has summoned me to help get rid of the zombie virus I am yours to command and I shall Grant you access to all of natco's resources including oh [ __ ] what the hell man oh that [ __ ] Burns God oh God uh oh I'm a goner I'm done man I need to sit down I just need to lay down oh it's getting hazy what a shame I just gotta I just gotta close my eyes for a bit put my gep gun on top of me my vision is augmented that guy was Pure Evil wait what the hell [Music] oh my God I don't I don't feel so good what's happening my chest hurts so much guys guys I need help please Biden are you okay we heard gunshots Biden what the hell is going on I'm so sorry guys but I don't think I can go on much longer I swear I heard the gunshots come from the bathroom he must have left already we need to find him I lived a long and good life I did the best I could I'm sorry Hunter Bo oh my God he's over here Obama come quick biting him coming Joe Joe are you okay I'm sure he's just sleeping again right Jesus Christ he's not breathing Obama do CPR Biden wake up yeah I don't think yelling at him is going to work Obama how do you not know CPR I tried to learn CPR but they wouldn't let me was because I was black what you are so full of [ __ ] when I was a young man it used to be against the law to teach colored folks CPR okay okay that's not the [ __ ] out of the way guys I know how to do CPR Biden I was taking a crap I'm so sorry I know CPR as well Joe hang in there don't you die on me Joe don't you [ __ ] die on me [ __ ] his heart stopped you were supposed to take me to McDonald's Joe how come he leaving man wake up Joe you're the real president of the United States the American people need you now more than ever so wake up wait I think I just felt a pulse Joe Biden are you back old buddy holy [ __ ] well I'll be damned is that is that you Jill where did all those pretty little angels go oh my God Joe I thought we lost you man come here you son of a [ __ ] I'm I'm so sorry Donald I got a little sleepy and went someplace else seriously I'm going to cry you guys really are something else you're the one who brought me back right Elon when we get out of this I'm getting you two triple Pounders thanks Joe I'd love that it's nice to have you back old buddy our job as presidents isn't finished yet these are wild times this truly is president evil four Obama take my phone and charger there's something I have to do alone wait Donald you can't go alone where are you going I'm going to Epstein's second island on a helicopter I'm going to sabotage the Clinton's home base it should definitely be there wait but let's go together why by yourself seeing Joe Biden die right in front of me I can't let that happen again I'm gonna go take down those Illuminati Pizza [ __ ] and none of you will be in danger okay Donald but call us when you can give them that old one-two punch for me you are correct in your assessment Donald taking down that Island would be a serious blow to their coordination the helicopter should have a radio that you can call us from keep us updated good luck bro [Music] Donald wait yeah you got this Jack and you better believe it all right guys see you later goodbye Donald may God be with you later dude bring us back ahead now it's time to drain the swamp right from the source I'm gonna put your little pizza party out of business [Music] all right now how do I turn this thing on uh I'll just press the green button oh it actually worked now making it Fly is one thing not sure how I'm going to land it though I'll probably be fine before all this zombie mess Bill invited me to his Island and told me where it was I should be able to make it there if I fly straight in this direction so what are you going to do now Mr Honest Abe Lincoln stand there and wait for us to come back he'll never make it across the sea all the fish will tear them apart bill look get the [ __ ] away from my Island sorry I was getting my camera for a picture he's pretty badass what's he doing Jeffrey [Music] don't worry what in the ever living [ __ ] he really is going to try to swim to your Island he'll never make it just forget about him floor the boat we're getting out of here all right I can see the Island from here good thing this helicopter has extra ammo for me I'm probably gonna need it Trump are you okay if things get too heavy turn around I'll be fine Obama I can't lose but last election and you lost the left wait what the hell is that is that an alien spaceship I'll have them eating Trump stakes and drinking Trump wine in no time uh this is kind of creepy easy girl easy don't fail on me now Obama come in this is Trump what's up my bird is on her last leg but I should be there uh soon oh my God it's just not my day isn't it it's illegal to shoot at a president One for the Money foreign three because you're evil and here you go my name is Joe Biden I'm Dr Joe Biden's husband where are those laughs coming from NIH Chinese ice cream chocolate chip sounds like someone breaking in it's just the storm Barack sit down I'm fighting zombies because I heard I would get chocolate chip ice cream what the [ __ ] is happening by the way I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs I think I'm kidding I'm not God Joe take your meds oh sorry Elon I forgot what time it was hopefully this storm passes soon it's so dangerous agreed Joe so dangerous [Music] I think one of the kids knows archery get her dressed and down here immediately good idea we don't want to wake the cultists up right now they're really creepy [ __ ] off here she is shoot the man with the hat [Music] well you shot his hat off now shoot him again all right this was a complete waste of time and we don't have any more bone arrows left [Music] come here [ __ ] I'm not afraid of you [Music] excellent shot Marie now he can't hit me with that [ __ ] revolver interesting [Music] think of the kids well maybe not right now don't get distracted bill Jeffrey shut the [ __ ] up you're sure [Music] [Music] you son of a [ __ ] bafflement lend me your power yeah all right it's time for round two yeah I'm thinking based [Music] don't [ __ ] with the power of Baphomet [ __ ] [Music] where did he go what the hell [Music] yeah you punch like a 12 year old I would know this isn't just any president this is one of the founding father presidents foreign I don't plan on dying dying second time [Music] [Music] all right now to find the headquarters uh what the hell did Joe Biden make it here sounds like him after he wakes up hey at least they're not throwing subpoenas damn you're creepy Jesus Christ a throwing knife holy [ __ ] I'm out looks like Donald Trump is blasting off again Don't Look Back Trump don't look back the headquarters has to be over there where that light is but if I draw all these cultists there I might become surrounded maybe I shouldn't have come alone [Music] wow [Music] this is the exact same picture Bill showed me on his phone all I have to do is blow it up [Applause] noise so this is the headquarters looking at the computer this seems to be the primary source for communication they probably make some other stuff here too wait Mexico got nuked well at least I won't have to build the wall but that's not good the other guy said aliens don't like nukes that explains that ship I saw on the way here sorry space aliens we're full [ __ ] I don't have much time I have to set up the C4 explosives that I got from the helicopter anyone who watches a dirty witch worshiper anyone who stands still is a well-disciplined witch worshiper wait what the hell is that thing this doesn't look so good I may have bit off more than I could chew if I use the C4 on the goat [ __ ] then I can't destroy the communications sorry guys but I'm gonna have to blow him up wait a second now who in the hell is this that can't be who I think it is can it the alpha of brawn the guy who freed the slaves it can't be no no no this isn't possible he's come to finally make me tell the truth good God it's Abraham Lincoln [Music] I understand Dave you take care of them I'm going to set up these explosives [Music] this better work time to get the hell out of here [Music] [Music] Lincoln run thank you looks like I started a chain reaction let's get a boat Lincoln I'll take you someplace safe so this is where we got the distress call from Mr Kennedy yeah but all I see is a bunch of Walkers looks like some of them have learned how to run I also received a report that the Joker is the one behind the missile launches while the Joker is a major threat we have direct orders to take out Hillary first then Bill Clinton The Joker is a side objective and what about the aliens are we just going to let them do as they please based off previous reports they will send Scouts to investigate the planet so they won't be interfering for a while right now we need to eliminate Hillary and bring her back to Mr Kennedy in a body bag whoa hang on I just received a text they want us to meet up at a gas station and regroup there they also said to bring food any ideas JC well they can have this soy food is that you Joker what are you doing here well well well if it isn't the queen of the Dead herself I must say I'm impressed you've got Nations everywhere scrambling the chaos is quite entertaining what are you asking for Joker do you wish to become my Ally you think I want to be on your side no no no I just want a front row seat tell the zombies to ignore me and let me watch from behind you better not get in my way Joker sure sure fine whatever [Applause] thank you is that yours Hillary John Port you son of a [ __ ] you are tonight's sacrifice to Baphomet get him now [Applause] did I just see a pig man running away from zombies are you thinking what I'm thinking uh no I don't think so let's try some word association first word pork chops yeah you got it dog what the hell is John pork holy [ __ ] Baron is still alive what's up [ __ ] nah I'm just kidding I am so happy to hear from you again where are you right now you're with Mike Pence in Antarctica why are you calling Bill Clinton's phone no Melania isn't with me I'm sorry Baron we'll talk later I have to take care of business you keep safe now all right bye-bye you like this it's called a cell phone it's pretty cool kill me later it's a good thing most of those cultists killed themselves after we killed the goat man not gonna lie it was kind of creepy how they did it well it's a load off my back I didn't want to house those crazy bastards on the island anyway some of them turned against the Illuminati and started protecting the kids too Epstein is so useless you didn't have to kick his head we want him alive let's head over to the gas station Lincoln you're gonna love my friends what is that what the hell is that yo Obama who is that with Donald wait is that Bill Clinton what in God's name is happening this isn't real that has to be cosplay sorry to keep you guys waiting we have a present for you please stop dropping me I got bad knees I also have a president for you no goddamn way it's George Washington he once held an opponent's wife's hand inside a jar of acid at a party that was George Washington Mr Biden dear God what have they done to you Abraham I don't believe it this doesn't make any sense he's the real deal trust me it seems we have finally detained one of the presidents of evil Bill Clinton shut the [ __ ] up Bush that's really something coming from you well at this point I'm not surprised anymore glad to have you on the team Abe wait a second are those my allies on son of a [ __ ] there's more of them Yo is that you Kennedy we brought some food like you asked pork chops please consume them immediately oh my God I'm so hungry wait is that the guy from fortnite he's not from fortnite he's from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air it's a pleasure to see you too again come here quick I think I saw something lurking in the trees I saw a zombie making a bowl of cereal there earlier please let me know of any abnormal activity Mr Biden it's not something to be taking lightly listen guys I took down the Illuminati Communications Tower I think we should take Abe to Hillary and have him eat her also nuclear missiles were fired at Mexico did you just say nukes were fired you want Abraham Lincoln to eat Hillary The Joker Is the one behind the nukes but we don't know where he is I bet he is hiding in caves and moving from one cave to another don't forget the aliens are scouting out the planet as we speak not good we must eliminate Hillary as soon as possible holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I don't want to die uh JFK what is that thing don't move a single inch we have no reason to initiate combat yet I can't tell if it's an abnormal or a guardian and there's a few of them JFK give me the Gap gun I don't have it right don't attack [Music] don't worry I got this we are just a figment of your imagination keep your abnormalities out my [ __ ] gas station foreign we should arrest them after this bad idea they won't go down without a fight please don't humor him well that was close I think Abe Lincoln might stand a chance against them I think now that we are together we should visit one of the Men in Black caches restock on ammo and take down Hillary Clinton what do you say boys sounds like a plan yeah with these three new members we should be fine what are your names anyway my name is JC Denton and I'm with the Men in Black Will Smith but you can call me will wait did you say JC Denton didn't I kill you in the restroom here I don't know why you shot your gun Joe there wasn't anything in there when we checked yes my name is JC Denton and I did not die in a bathroom stall please do not slander our good reputation Mr President JC give me some of that ham yeah me too that looks good rally around boys zombie mode has been activated we must head back to the Capitol after we restock on ammo I need to calm down don't bother me guys hey Lincoln was it you who chopped down the cherry tree or was that George Washington I don't remember all right then hey Lincoln do you think someday we could bring back other people from the dead with science I just want my dog back but what if they closed down science in the future one day they're just like go home everyone science is closed science closes for nobody even if Humanity ceases to exist science will still remain if you kill me you will never find out we're not going to kill you Bill we're going to lock you up in the bunker underground same with Hillary [Music] good luck with that all right Lincoln we restocked with ammo and we need you to take out the zombies near the capitol don't worry about Hillary we can take her Biden found a secret weapon and JFK has our final trump card don't worry guys he understands well you guys take on Hillary I will be on the lookout for the Joker there's no telling when he might show up thanks to these weapons from the Men in Black cachet we can pull off our secret technique don't let him attack us from behind whoever is trying to call me [ __ ] off you aren't getting into my bunker Jamie look up how to block callers in the zombie apocalypse [Music] still listening it appears there are aliens on the planet now I don't know what to do I tried to reach out to Joe Rogan but he isn't letting anyone into his bunker if there's anybody out there still alive stay away from Washington DC [Music] wait did I just see Abraham Lincoln smashing a I think I'm going insane but wait a minute holy [ __ ] it's Donald Trump I can't hey how you doing I don't know what I just saw but maybe there's hope after all it seems like a group of presidents have teamed up and are headed to the White House I I have to see this I think I'm going to sneak past the zombies and watch goodbye everyone [Music] leave your suppressors on until we get to the White House damn that girl got the heavies I can't believe we have to shoot at our own people we don't have a choice it's either us or the dead Lincoln you can go on ahead now we can handle these slow zombies wait is that an alien don't let it get too close guys it looks evil [Music] sorry but we don't negotiate with terrorists [Applause] [Music] wait a second where did my zombies go what's happening I smell something in the air I smell presidents that's right Hillary the U.S president surrounds you in every direction and we even got a Twitter president too we are the Last Hope of the United States and we are going to take you down that can't be true you presidents are nothing to me oh it's true it's damn true we're your zombies Hillary oh yeah Lincoln is killing them all he's going to be on a zombie killing Rampage until next Sunday yeah he fools Lincoln's power won't last forever once he runs out of energy he shall return to Stone all morning reason to finish you off right here and now hey Will Smith it's time go show her who's the prince of Bel-Air and who the hell are you my name is Will Smith and I got one thing to say to you keep your baby eating ass out my [ __ ] country [ __ ] this is it boy oh my poor children have you not learned anything I am indestructible depleted uranium magazine loaded suck on this what the hell one more for the Clinton Body Count Biden no what have you done Hillary you son of a [ __ ] Hillary I'll kill you Clinton not like this Biden give up fools not even uranium tipped bullets will be enough to stop me it's about time for that trump card guys JFK give me my frying pan where is Will Smith I want him dead now you ever have a Pizza Hut in your garage before Hillary it's not as cool as you would think it is what the hell are you talking about a Pizza Hut in the garage you have lost your mind because I'm about to kill you actually I'm just a distraction feed her ass Obama Obama catch finally just what I needed Hillary you traitor you're about to get smacked by my stimulus package wait I've taken significant damage there's one president I should be worried about and who might that be Barack Obama is hiding a weapon from the Revolutionary War it's extremely dangerous is this George Washington's shut the hell up my legs I can't walk he hit me in the [ __ ] [ __ ] you sure we're having fun back there Hillary is that really you inside of there because I don't think it is don't you dare hit a woman Barack what woman hears Hillary this here's a hoe shapeshifter alien alien you are one ugly [ __ ] you know that right you want to know where I got this gray Joe Biden gave it to me after I got elected it's the same pan George Washington used to cook his eggs he was damn good at it too answer me you piece of [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] holy mackerel this is not what I expected I didn't know they had George Washington's frying pan freeze dirt bag you have become the new primary target you're wearing sunglasses on a night operation my vision is augmented now you die yeah you son of a oh no look what you've done Joker this might surprise you but I actually didn't know Hillary Clinton was an alien now this is more like it take me to your leader I have cake and ice cream [Applause] [Music] I can take this little alien or uh never mind it's me you want right sometimes in order to save the world people have to sacrifice themselves you know what I'm saying oh Joker I didn't expect that from you it takes a brave man to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of humanity [Music] you [Music] I don't understand [Music]
Channel: Akashi AI
Views: 320,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resident evil 4, resident evil 4 remake gameplay, full gameplay, village, story, escape, ujjwal, techno gamerz, zombie apocalypse, presidents play, zombie, ai presidents, us presidents vs zombie apocalypse, president evil, president evil 4, US Presidents, US Presidents Play Video Games, US Presidents Play, President AI, AI Voice, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden Plays, Barrack Obama Plays, Donald Trump Plays, President Trio
Id: Mp_rgWl-7sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 4sec (3064 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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