US Presidents vs The Zombie Apocalypse Part 6

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so this is where we got the distress call from Mr Kennedy yeah but all I see is a bunch of Walkers looks like some of them have learned how to run I also received a report that the Joker is the one behind the missile launches while the Joker is a major threat we have direct orders to take out Hillary first then Bill Clinton The Joker is a side objective and what about the aliens are we just going to let them do as they please based off previous reports they will send Scouts to investigate the planet so they won't be interfering for a while right now we need to eliminate Hillary and bring her back to Mr Kennedy in a body bag whoa hang on I just received a text they want us to meet up at a gas station and regroup there they also said to bring food any ideas JC well they can have this soy food is that you Joker what are you doing here well well well if it isn't the queen of the Dead herself I must say I'm impressed you've got Nations everywhere scrambling the chaos is quite entertaining what are you asking for Joker do you wish to become my Ally you think I want to be on your side no no no I just want a front row seat tell the zombies to ignore me and let me watch from behind you better not get in my way Joker sure sure fine whatever guys [Applause] [Music] is that yours Hillary John pork you son of a [ __ ] you are tonight's sacrifice to Baphomet get him now [Applause] did I just see a pig man running away from zombies are you thinking what I'm thinking uh no I don't think so let's try some more dissociation first word pork chops you got it dog who the hell is John pork holy [ __ ] Baron is still alive what's up [ __ ] nah I'm just kidding I am so happy to hear from you again where are you right now you're with Mike Pence in Antarctica why are you calling Bill Clinton's phone no Melania isn't with me I'm sorry Baron we'll talk later I have to take care of business you keep safe now all right bye-bye you like this it's called a cell phone it's pretty cool kill me later it's a good thing most of those cultists killed themselves after we killed the goat man not gonna lie it was kind of creepy how they did it well it's a load off my back I didn't want to house those crazy bastards on the island anyway some of them turned against the Illuminati and started protecting the kids too Epstein is so useless you didn't have to kick his head we want him alive let's head over to the gas station Lincoln you're going to love my friends what is that what the hell is that yo Obama who is that with Donald wait is that Bill Clinton what in God's name is happening this isn't real that has to be cosplay sorry to keep you guys waiting we have a present for you please stop dropping me I got bad knees I also have a president for you no goddamn way it's George Washington he once held an opponent's wife's hand inside a jar of acid at a party that was George Washington Mr Biden dear God what have they done to you Abraham I don't believe it this doesn't make any sense he's the real deal trust me it seems we have finally detained one of the presidents of evil Bill Clinton shut the [ __ ] up Bush that's really something coming from you well at this point I'm not surprised anymore glad to have you on the team Abe wait a second are those my allies I see son of a [ __ ] there's more of them Yo is that you Kennedy we brought some food like you asked pork chops please consume them immediately oh my God I'm so hungry wait is that the guy from fortnite he's not from fortnite he's from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air it's a pleasure to see you two again come here quick I think I saw something lurking in the trees I saw a zombie making a bowl of cereal there earlier please let me know of any abnormal listen guys I took down the Illuminati Communications Tower I think we should take Abe to Hillary and have him eat her also nuclear missiles were fired at Mexico did you just say nukes were fired you want Abraham Lincoln to eat Hillary The Joker Is the one behind the nukes but we don't know where he is I bet he is hiding in caves and moving from one cave to another don't forget the aliens are scouting out the planet as we speak not good we must eliminate Hillary as soon as possible holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I don't want to die uh JFK what is that thing don't move a single inch we have no reason to initi Ally I can't tell if it's an internet JFK give me the Gap gun I don't have it right now it's in the bunker don't attack Lincoln not yet don't worry I got this [Music] we are just a figment of your imagination keep your abnormalities out my [ __ ] gas station we should arrest them after this bad idea they won't go down without a fight please don't humor him well that was close I think Abe Lincoln might stand a chance against them I think now that we are together we should visit one of the Men in Black caches restock on ammo and take down Hillary Clinton what do you say boys sounds like a plan yeah with these three new members we should be fine what are your names anyway my name is JC Denton and I'm with the Men in Black Will Smith but you can call me will wait did you say JC Denton didn't I kill you in the restroom here I don't know why you shot your gun Joe there wasn't anything in there when we checked yes my name is JC Denton and I did not die in a bathroom stall please do not slander our good reputation Mr President JC give me some of that ham yeah me too that looks good rally around boys zombie mode has been activated we must head back to the Capitol after we restock on ammo I need to calm down don't bother me guys hey Lincoln was it you who chopped down the cherry tree or was that George Washington I don't remember all right then hey Lincoln do you think someday we could bring back other people from the dead with science I just want my dog back but what if they closed down science in the future one day they're just like go home everyone science is closed science closes for nobody even if Humanity ceases to exist science will still remain if you kill me you will never find out we're not going to kill you Bill we're going to lock you up in the bunker underground same with Hillary [Music] good luck with that
Channel: Washington AI
Views: 125,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: US Presidents, US Presidents Play Video Games, US Presidents Play, President AI, AI Voice, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden Plays, Donald Trump Plays, President Trio, Presidents Play Wii, Presidents Play Wii Sports, Joe Biden Wii Sports, Donald Trump Wii Sports, Barrack Obama Wii Sports, AI Presidents Wii Sports, Wii Sports Golf, Barrack Obama Golf, zombie apocalypse, zombie, president zombie apocalypse, president evil, resident evil, resident evil 4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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