US Presidents Play Amanda The Adventurer FULL SERIES

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Joe what is this weird game first of all it is not weird and second it's an amazing game called Amanda the adventurer I've been wanting to play a family-friendly game with you guys for a while Joe I hope you do know that this does not look family friendly at all wait wait wait why would you want to play a family-friendly game Joe huh is it because you like children or do you actually have a good excuse this time this time there was another time he used that excuse Donald you said you wouldn't talk about it I hate you both can we just play it please I'm so excited okay let's start but Joe this really does not look like a kid's game you will see it's exactly like Dora the Explorer my favorite TV show oh oh oh it started let me read it dear Riley if you are reading this it means you won't see me again unless it's in the next life I wish I could have told you everything I don't know how much time I have and there is still so much I have to do before I'm gone this letter serves two purposes to say goodbye and to bequeathed to you my house in kensdale this next part may be a mistake and God's forgive me if it is what kind of [ __ ] is this stop making it so dramatic what the [ __ ] Donald shut up so I can read it yeah yeah have at it sleepyhead when you settle in there's something in the attic I need to pass on to you look for a tape but know that once you watch it there's no turning back stay safe my dear with you always Aunt Kate oh that gives me chills Joe are you really sure that this is a kids game a hundred percent certain my secretary told me that his aunt's cousins uncle's daughter's grandchildren played it and recommends it to me that's like trusting a random stranger when asking where to eat the best burger you dumbass yeah Joe logically speaking this is a horror game ah what the [ __ ] I've been fooled by some Rando really oh [ __ ] no I'm not playing this I hate horror games they are scary stop being a little [ __ ] you ask for this and you always run around boasting about your Biden blast or whatever and how strong it is [ __ ] but I guess you are not even strong enough mentally to wield that power shut up Donald I'm not a [ __ ] I'm the president you [ __ ] um anyways what do we do in this game I don't know I got bored of you so I was just clicking some random buttons to see if it spawns a demon to jump scare you or something I don't know jack [ __ ] about the game I'm not surprised that you both have no idea what to do even though you read the freaking letter Joe I get that Donald doesn't know because he didn't listen but you really Joe as the letter said we need to watch the tape to start a journey that we cannot come back from I just hope that it's not the tape that includes Donald and stormy wait you have the tape I mean which tape there is no such thing never mention it again Barack wait you use tapes as well Donald I use flex tape all the time because I saw that it's good on YouTube that's not what we are you know what forget it I'm so disappointed in you Joe but can we go and see this weird tape or whatever I'm playing the piano over here Donald I'm actually a Godly piano player listen to this [Music] that was I I'm speechless Joe good job can we go now no let me be I'm looking around and stuff Barack we will go watch it in a moment it was safe I wonder how much money is inside Joe tried to hack it I'm trying Donald but this [ __ ] is not working open sesame open I tried Donald I hate this game now it's too hard it's fine Joe but we didn't even start yet junip if you quit now how are we supposed to finish the game at this pace stop screwing around boys I see the tape over there but there's some stuff on the desk here let's check it out first literally useless info every gamer knows that we should just play the game and not look around who cares about Easter eggs shut up Donald I'm going to read this Dear Miss Park I know it's been a long time since you've seen me I swear the library was sometimes the only place I felt safe can we just skip the useless [ __ ] dialogue please yes Donald we can let's go this [ __ ] gives me chills I hope I don't accidentally summon dark brand and that'll be bad oh yeah baby let's go I will solve all the puzzles in the flash just like how you finish in bed like a flash my favorite is peach pie what's your favorite kind of the [ __ ] is this is this a rip-off door of the Explorer like Joe said yeah what the [ __ ] I say peach that's my favorite that sounds delicious I know it doesn't matter first we need to yes yes a knife I love knives oh did you guys know I opened like 1800 cases in csgo yesterday with our education good job I actually probably use a sharp knife I don't think we're supposed to do that by ourselves when you're by yourself hell yeah you are Amanda that doesn't seem safe okay Willie let's cut the gas that was that was sugar hmm do you know where we keep the sugar is it in the pantry the refrigerator or the sink uh do you guys know isn't flour like sugar they are both white try again [ __ ] don't you want to help me she's in the fridge where the [ __ ] is it Amanda tell me now [ __ ] how can you guys be so goddamn stupid Jesus Donald how on Earth did you think that the sugar was in the fridge I guess it makes sense since you ordered McDonald's five times a day and never go to the kitchen you smell the apples and cinnamon okay it's time to bake a pie first preheat the oven to 425. I don't think we should be using the oven by ourselves we should always ask a parent to help I'm not sure where they are right now we're lying around Willy first preheat the oven to 425 degrees yeah I agree with Donald that's the same hotness shut up you idiots we probably need to remember these numbers to use it later on so remember it is ready I can't wait to eat it yay I want to eat it let's have some pie this is weirder than Joe's mom literally why the [ __ ] are we even playing this creepy game oh little Donny's scared did his brain get a boo-boo you [ __ ] play it like a man oh I will show you a real man just like how I showed Jill yesterday you what okay shut the [ __ ] up both of you the Owen moved look at that goddamn thing do you guys remember the numbers yes I do remember both first one was two and the second was 69. how the [ __ ] can a human being be this stupid what in the actual [ __ ] there's got to be some glitch in The Matrix or something um just leave it to me Barack I remember the numbers I will show you guys why I'm the greatest man to ever walk on earth see easy Get Wrecked noobs how did you do that forget how he did it we got another tape from the freaking Owen this game is getting weirder yeah but where the [ __ ] is my apple pie I'm hungry there's no apple pie Joe Amanda wants you to starve I will sue these [ __ ] because they are copying Dora I'm Amanda neighborhood I like you the best Amanda you got some mental problems Joe that's great I like that there are so many friends in my neighborhood me too Amanda I want to send something special to my friend first I need to go to the store to buy them a card do you know where the store is yes yes I 100 do Amanda it's on the left good job go to the store how is a literal child let's pick out a card my friend helped me when I was sad what kind of card should I send them I think we should click on the middle one guys what do you think agreed good choice Joe great I found I found them so good [Music] some friends do nice things it's important to thank them I want to get my friend a special treat can I have a special treat I want to get my friend a special treat where can I buy a treat from my friend I want one as well it's the bakery let's go [Applause] you guys seen the glitching as well yeah something shady is going on here and we gotta figure it out everything smells so good I want to buy my friends what type of Psychopathic game are you making us play right now shut up Donald and click on the cookie no I'm gonna get Amanda no stop doing that click on the cookies [ __ ] I can't mail that to my friend what in the actual [ __ ] is this looks so tasty she's so happy I just have one more stop in and then they live pretty far from me so we need to mail it wow it's getting late most of the stores are closed we probably can't send that now I have to send this to my friend yes we do need to send it to a friend let's send this package to my friend their name is wait I don't remember what kind of person forgets their friend's name what the [ __ ] Willy we got to send it today send that now no I have to send this to my friend help me who does the package need to go to I don't [ __ ] know is it Joe no don't do that Donald don't mess with her no that's not my friend's name what the [ __ ] I'm your friend Amanda [ __ ] you what the [ __ ] how dare she you have to know their name okay okay I remember now it was okay you idiots wait what it was in the letter in the beginning my friend I hope she likes the cookies okay I'm not gonna lie I still got no idea what the [ __ ] is going on but this is getting creepier and creepier I feel like we got to start answering wrong so that Amanda gets mad for us to start solving puzzles quicker I agree but little Joey here hates it when we do that he's like a little [ __ ] trying to protect some pixels shut up Amanda is real I believe in every word that comes out of her mouth even though she doesn't see me as a friend I still do that is borderline creepy Joe you are an actual freak but I do not care about you so what the [ __ ] is this piano doing here I don't know but maybe we just randomly press stuff and something happens that is just stupid and you know it let me try it at least I tried everything this thing is broken and the game is glitched Barack fixed this nothing is broken Joe you just suck you do it then Donald go ahead let me see if you can do it uh you know we just uh [ __ ] you I give up maybe we miss something I don't know let's watch it again but give wrong answers only this time maybe we'll get a clue I hate that this is a smart idea Donald but if Amanda gets too mad I will Biden blast Trump Tower or on it no [ __ ] [ __ ] I know but I'm not gonna hurry here what the [ __ ] she closed all the other ones let's go to the store let's pick it's not their birthday do you think that's what they need yes I do because I don't care what do you say when someone helps you I say [ __ ] you wait I found them Donald be careful with your words she almost got too much well your friends must love your treats from the post office Amanda really got some problems guys we got to do something about it still by the time we get there can you show me where to go oh my God I wonder where to go now that you closed every other place you little [ __ ] what's up let's go get I don't think my friend will like that how would you know you don't even know your name you can't mail [ __ ] together [ __ ] scared how crazy is this Amanda [ __ ] no that's not my friend's name Joe she still hates you you have to know their name great work now we can send this to my friend I hope she likes the cookie okay I'm not gonna lie I didn't understand a goddamn thing about what we should do with the piano me neither what are we gonna do just watch me [Music] easy as always what the [ __ ] how did you know that you needed to do that uh guys why is the piano playing creepy sounds this game is getting scarier by the minute I knew it from the beginning Donald it wasn't that hard don't blame yourself that you were born dumb oh oh it's you whatever you do donut hey what the [ __ ] what happened to woolly there oh no Lily had an accident is when something bad happens but it's not anybody's fault yes Amanda I agree totally I've been in your house at school at the playground you can get her almost everywhere no [ __ ] 3 45 this afternoon we were playing and Woolly tripped and fell hey did he just tried to say he didn't well it doesn't look like Amanda's on some [ __ ] and that clock looked odd to randomly show up let's get her mad I'm gonna type head that part of Willie looks fine not to me honestly anyone who spends more than three minutes with you would be [ __ ] in the head Donald shut up and write the right answer right Lily hurt his knee who can help when you are hurting the doctor the doctor I don't think they can help what you typed it wrong Joe Jesus why did you just type down you want to help wooly [ __ ] no Amanda [Music] oh Donald we got her mad you [ __ ] I'm running out of patience yes Donald she is running out of patience write the goddamn right answer let's take woolly to the hospital to see a doctor which room should we go into to find the right doctor to help Willie Donald keep doing the wrong answers and there is one more sus looking clock here again a lot of pain I agree Barack Joe note them down please help me get to the right doctor why me you [ __ ] first get woolly to the doctor you idiot he is hurt come on come on get woolly that Amanda this really hurts when is the doctor going guys look one more such looking clock Joe are you noting the time now we can help Willie all three times which tool can we use to check woolley's injury the heart monitor the X-ray machine or at the scale I don't know killing you that won't help Willie uh what the [ __ ] is that an actual heart on the floor what the [ __ ] wait did Amanda just kill someone because we chose the wrong answer we should be you don't care let's do it again [Music] that was so creepy yeah that was some freaky creepy crazy [ __ ] how did you even find this game Joe it's not something a children should be playing [Music] what's with this Hamlin follow us to fun [ __ ] I hate this company I'm going to sue them tomorrow for mental damages boys you guys ready to continue Amanda the adventurer I'm so hyped I'm here and ready to solve everything in this game no shot you can solve more than three puzzles Obama as we all know I'm the greatest man to ever walk on earth and I will be the one to solve the mystery and Joe weren't you a little too scared yesterday after learning that this was a horror game how are you so hyped what do you mean a horror game this clearly is a kids game I guess the dementia is kicking in again anyways let's continue this thing what dementia it's okay Joe everything is going to be fine so do you guys remember the times from the clocks from yesterday I know we told Joe to note them down but we all know he did not do that hey don't blame me Barack told you to do it not me I remember one clock being six and four nothing happened good job idiot are you sure that you remember correctly yes I am a hundred percent certain as you know I never say something if I'm not certain unlike you who bullshits every other second weirdly that bullshitter remembers the clock in the digital watch and you are about to witness a god-solving a puzzle watch this nothing is happening oh it's going to happen just you wait [ __ ] easy what the [ __ ] how did you do that Donald I thought your memory was [ __ ] only one who has a bad memory here is you Joe and good job Donald that was good now it's my time to shine okay so we know that six and four didn't work on this clock but we still got two other clocks to work with so let's just go and try it on those this one looks like it has something missing how the [ __ ] does this even make sense this game is so stupid yeah where is the Little Willy Willy thingy on this clock can we please stop looking at this Broken Clock we'll get back to it later you guys are just so stupid let me handle this puzzle why are you coming back to this clock again now it's not like it worked the first time Barack maybe just maybe it will work if we do it again I don't [ __ ] know leave me alone to my puzzle I'm literally Sherlock Holmes but better looks like you were a bootleg Sherlock Holmes but as far as I know I'm the only one who got a piece right in this puzzle so I'm the Sherlock of this group and you are my underling Watson I'm not even going to talk about Joe honestly he has no use to anyone [ __ ] you Donald I'm the president I have many uses okay before we decide on that let's watch it again to see the clocks one more time and solve this [ __ ] I will agree with you just this once not because I need to watch it again but because I'm a good friend I'm so glad we are watching this again seeing Amanda makes me happy she is just like adorable why the [ __ ] did you write Amanda Joe you are a [ __ ] idiot we are only here to see the clocks but Amanda can help look at her she is the best at everything I bet that she could beat you up in a 1v1 guys I'm not gonna lie I think we screwed up because we skipped everything we might actually need to watch it again Jesus dark Brandon here no one's got to watch nothing again you [ __ ] I got you covered my photographic memory is too good I remember all the clocks we saw yesterday I'll handle this situation just like I handled Donald's wife what the [ __ ] dark Brandon is back hopefully he's not capping and he knows his [ __ ] just watch you orange Noob I will show you how a real man operates what the he solved that without even thinking I'm starting to believe that dark Brandon is actually real Donald no way Joe could have solved that by himself I will show you something even more crazy watch my teleporting Powers noobs boom and we get the hidden piece right here easy what in the actual [ __ ] no way Joe is not cheating this is crazy yeah what how did you find that Joe first off I'm not Joe I'm dark Brandon don't compare me to that Sleeping Beauty I'm the guy you call when you need to get [ __ ] done and I never let down anyone I will solve everything in a snap until little Joey wakes up and now I'm going to read this and you guys are not going to complain like [ __ ] kensdale daily March 24 2000 catching up with Sam Sam Colton wasn't expecting to be a father to a town icon but last summer it became clear that his Public Access series Amanda the adventure and its Title Character were something very special for this self-professed struggling writer it all started with his adopted daughter and a new outlook on life recently I caught up with Sam over a stack of the sunflower diners famous strawberry banana pancakes do we really need to read this bullcrap it's so boring how in the hell a cool guy like you cares about the lore of the game did you just interrupt me and question my ways of doing stuff you [ __ ] you know what Donald you're going to read the rest otherwise I'm sending an assassin to your house in 30 seconds what the [ __ ] you can't do that you won't do that Joe would never have the guts to do something like that I'm not Joe Now read I hate this where were we left off again the strawberry banana pancakes gotta admit I love strawberry banana pancakes as well such masterpieces anyways continue Donald we chatted about the value of imagination everyday adventures and what the future may have in store for Amanda Lacey Sam not a day goes by when my kiddos aren't talking about Amanda and her adventurers did you even dream that this little show would be a big hit Sam little show is right isn't it but I think there's something elegant in Simplicity we may not have the budget for a big production but I truly believe there is a soul that transcends that I'm humbled by the way town has embraced my baby I really am Jesus this guy has some problems can we continue now that we are done with useless lore yes we can Donald but it's not not useless oh God I love Amanda the adventure such a good show anyways now watch me solving the rest of the puzzles this will be so easy and how are you planning on doing that dark Brandon just watch and learn Barack guys what happened just now it felt like there was a time skip oh [ __ ] off why are you back you idiot I want dark Brandon back he was going to solve all our problems now we are actually screwed what are we going to do without dark Brandon wait did he slip out again I need to have a talk with him no Joe you need to bring him back so that he helps us finish this goddamn puzzle go and bring him back faster solve it yourself I don't need him if he can do it I can do it we are basically the same person and in all honesty I'm better than him even though I like you Joe that is pure cap he is at least 100 times better than you yeah I need to agree with Obama here Joe we really do need him back unless you got some other idea you know what I will show you guys who is the real deal watch me now you noobs I will solve this in 30 seconds and you will be so shocked that you will have a heart attack and die boom boom and boom done Joe that literally did nothing you will see Donald just give it a minute I will do anything for Amanda I need to do it for Amanda so that we can start watching the next tape why are you so obsessed with Amanda Joe she is a kid you know yes I do know and that's exactly why what you heard me [ __ ] anyways guys I think I don't got this someone help me I knew that you would fail him now bring dark Brandon back little Joey we need him ah I'm back [ __ ] I heard that you were begging for my help I need to get Joe under control so that he gets the [ __ ] out of my body when I need him to oh finally you are back yeah finally now solve this [ __ ] dark Brandon don't worry about it this will be over in a minute and we'll start watching the next tape wait what happened the clock moved on its own look the other clocks moved as well what the frickety [ __ ] how did he do that oh this is just my brain power at one percent imagine a hundred percent you idiots we are about to solve this whole puzzle brace yourselves next tape is going to be something else how do you know what the next tape is going to be because I can see the future duh okay no shot that's a real ability I don't believe you you'll believe it when you see it Barack this is not even the tip of the iceberg of my dark Brandon Powers you can't even imagine Biden blast at a hundred percent it will literally obliterate the whole Multiverse what the [ __ ] he actually solved it and we got the next tape yo Barack don't forget the red note safe 826 it's probably the code for the safe yeah I noted it Donald don't worry so dark Brandon what do we do oh [ __ ] off not again oh my God Amanda and wooly are back yeah nice day for a picnic what's your favorite food to eat at a picnic I know the answer I know it double chocolate chip ice cream oh I don't like that at all what I'm out what's that smell I've never smelled anything like that yeah I never smelled anything like that as well what is it Amanda tell us [Music] it's a bad smell what do you think is making that bad smell it's most likely you [ __ ] click the wrong thing Donald we need to get her mad no don't do that we need to be worshiping her not making her mad that looks fine I really do want dark Brandon back are you doing this on purpose yes [ __ ] I am what you gonna do huh those organs what the [ __ ] is going on here I don't think that wooly is you're right [Music] what the [ __ ] why are they showing it to us this tree stump is two do you know why things right when they are not alive anymore didn't the guy who made the show say that this is a kids show what the [ __ ] is wrong with these people in this town I know I know it's dead that's right the tree stump is dead just like yourself dead is the opposite of alive well he really does look and can die if they don't get enough light or water or if they get a disease let's go back to our nice picnic animals can die in different ways too is that a [ __ ] gun and a knife this really is starting to look like a battle between America and the UK what the [ __ ] what do you think killed him the gun the knife or the poison is very buried on this bush it's the gun because America oh I do love my guns Joe you keep on disappointing me today Jesus I think that was it no I'm pretty sure that was it Amanda it wasn't that how else are you going to shoot bitch's mental problems are bigger than my [ __ ] belly he could tell us Mr Fox what made you die guys the more we provoke her the more Psychopathic she is becoming let's continue doing it what the [ __ ] that fox is actually dead even no one got him until it was too late Amanda this has gone too far I don't like this we saw so many things yes we did so many useful knowledge that I'm going to use thank you Amanda writing Mr [ __ ] sometimes I feel myself riding me too Amanda me too I can relate no [ __ ] it'll be more believable that you existed do you think that everything rots of course not a man this [ __ ] got to be more polite you don't have to answer that since woolly said we don't need to answer let's not answer and see what happens guys yeah I'm down to do that why do you guys not want to answer we need to when Amanda is asking questions see everything is fine here it's all fine guys what was that oh no I think we messed something up this better not be a [ __ ] jump scare Joe you got us into this game [Applause] preacher what the [ __ ] where did we screw things up guys it can't end here right Amanda help [ __ ] did we really fail we actually did we need to change some stuff up when we continue next time at least we know that Amanda is a lunatic confirmed this game is so scary no shot I continue playing unless this video gets a [ __ ] ton of likes woohoo we are back boys it's finally time to continue my favorite game Joe you were so scared that you apparently told Barack that you peed your pants last time we played no that did not happen Barack you said you wouldn't snitch on me I hate you wait I thought you were joking did you really piss your pants can we move on my teleprompter gave me some hints after last time but I might forget them if we wait too much oh I see you want to change the topic huh so you really did piss your pants Oh Mao just shut up and press continue Donald or I'm actually going to summon dark Brandon and get him to destroy you I heard that he screwed you last time first of all nothing like that happened and will never happen because there is literally no one on this Earth that can have the upper hand against me second I'm not pressing continue because you said so but because I want to continue playing it yeah yeah Shirley Donald I would say I believe you but I know how scared you are but this time you guys better worship Amanda or I might banish you from the country no way I'm going to worship that demon she is a lunatic we can finally agree on something Barack I'm at a point where if I were to see Amanda I would knock the [ __ ] out of her and burn her alive in Minecraft of course anyways let's start by opening the safe since we saw the code last time and I want to know what's inside yes me too me too but if you try to do anything to Amanda oh boy my Biden blast will seek its way to your ass as fast as it can oh nice we are finally making some progress boys but what the [ __ ] are these two things I mean this kind of looks like a pause button and the paper has some writings on it which don't make sense because I hate to read let's look around maybe there are other stuff we missed I agree maybe we need to do special stuff to actually pass the stage we were stuck last time I want to get a better ending this time wait this is a pie with the fake apple and boom hopefully Amanda dies this round that ending would be very fun to watch you are as [ __ ] up in the head as Amanda Jesus Donald guys look we can get the mushroom what the [ __ ] I don't know what to do with it though oh we can get the pot as well but why is there a fork logo on it that is not a fork Joe but I can't be bothered to explain that to you so let's just move on let's get the paper and look for Clues boys after that we will start doing the tapes it says red orange blue beige blah blah and blah useless give me actual Clues what the [ __ ] is this maybe there is something on the board I don't know let's read the small notes yay lore time no lore time [ __ ] no one is reading the length shut the [ __ ] up Donald look this paper is supposed to be here whoa Barack you are so smart I didn't even notice that so why is the fork called pink okay so the symbols have names or they mean something I know that we saw the Trident on the pot I guess we need to figure this [ __ ] out boys yeah we really do but can we go watch the tapes now to progress I think we got enough Clues now no let's read these first hi Aunt Kate thank you so much Barack tell them something I want to read it I want to learn more about Amanda's Lord because I really do like her as a friend okay just read the small ones Jesus yay let's go energy transfer would see sigils TR investigating potential for dinokinesis no idea what any of those words mean but yeah is this Kate's diploma or something oh it's just a prize thingy from a children's Library can we please move on I want to watch the tapes and see Amanda burn in hell let's just go stop saying bad stuff to Amanda Donald she is a masterpiece you will never be able to understand oh my frickety [ __ ] I do not care Joe and what the [ __ ] are we doing with the piano again isn't that the tool for the next tape Jesus please move on chill out Donald Joe's kind of smart about coming to the piano maybe there is a special combo that we can do that will give us something different we both know that if it's Joe trying anything it won't work sadly I have to agree with that opinion anyways I think we can actually start watching now yes finally we are going to see Amanda I miss her so much I have no idea how you managed to do it but you sound like a bigger freak compared to Amanda Joe you gotta fix yourself shut up Donald I want to hear her and why are we skipping everything we should be watching and worshiping there's no way in hell I'm going to watch this more than anything okay but we should maybe not skip from now on because we might skip some parts that might have Clues yeah and let's check around before we do the apple pie maybe there is something new I wonder what this doll does to be honest okay [ __ ] you both and let's just do the fake apple pie and see what happens I really do think that I'm on to something here yeah honestly this is a good idea or why else would there be a fake Apple it wouldn't make sense this is stupid Amanda wanted us to do an apple pie not a fake one you guys need to listen to her shut up and watch Little Joe foreign [Music] oh my God it actually worked I'm actually the best I don't want to believe it what the [ __ ] my teleprompter didn't mention anything like this this is rigged oh is it now but when I say that the last election was rigged you keep crying and saying that it's not that's totally a different topic moving on I'm actually impressed Donald good [ __ ] job but why is the tape orange it looks special yeah it really does look like Donald oh screw you Joe let's just watch it and see hopefully it's a tape where's the birthday girl wait this is not the show it's IRL footage what's going on well come on Lauren we have a special surprise for you don't listen to Mommy Lauren watch Amanda he's ready for ice cream and cake she's busy with her best friend oh my God okay [ __ ] Amanda I love ice cream it's like she didn't even hear me and we need to talk about some new TV rules let me try I want to I want to capture the big surprise on video got your favorite mint chocolate chip come on baby we can watch Amanda another time chocolate is an actual crime Lauren I love mint chocolate chip okay now I know why I hate Amanda her taste is [ __ ] horrendous shut up you idiot mint chocolate chip is almost as good as double chocolate chip can both of you just stop arguing over useless [ __ ] you saw the tape the kid either ran away or maybe Amanda captured her or something we got to figure out what happened I couldn't give a single [ __ ] about the kid honestly remember that one time I bought a car from a random woman and also the children inside I dumped them that's how much I care zero okay we get it you don't care about other people what a surprise anyways you said the button looked like a pause button so why don't we try and put it in the TV maybe that'll work wait what the it actually worked I didn't think that it would work damn I'm smart Barack that was genius now we can pause and look at Amanda forever and ever thank you so much wait there's actually a pause button on the right so what do we do now I'm a man shut up Donald Amanda is speaking on some Clues by pausing it I don't know we'll see soon enough watch carefully [Music] Jesus this show really looks creepy with this Ambience imagine if this was a real TV show who would watch this hi my favorite is peach pie what's your favorite kind of pie peach pie peach pie Donald please write peach pie Barack I think Joe is actually brainwashed if he's not trolling delicious today we're going to make an apple pie first we need to cut the apples hmm do you know what we can use to cut the apples a knife a knife yes Joe good job little child you know what a knife is [ __ ] you dog shut the [ __ ] up and pause your pause the goddamn thing I don't think what why because it said pause on the fridge you goddamn blind noobs but look nothing happened you sure you saw it right I really do think that you were bullshitting us right now no way I would miss such an important clue yeah Barack I'm not blind I would have heard it by ourselves why the [ __ ] would I lie about this now we gotta watch it from the beginning because of you two idiots okay okay we'll see if you lied or not if you did I'm nuking your house in 10 minutes what if I'm right I'm never wrong can you stop typing Amanda to the favorite pie question Donald I hate you look look it says it there you noobs what how did I not see that last time it's all Joe's fault he distracted me [ __ ] you Joe oh boo hoo stop complaining Noob both of you stop it says that we should start the oven maybe something will happen if we do yeah let's do it maybe it will go boom yeah just like my Biden blast Kaboom wait did the screen change what's happening um guys it affected the tape what the frick is going on yeah let's go burn the whole house what did you guys do to Amanda wait that's it really wait that was all for nothing no way right maybe there is something new let's check it out what is that there is cheese and a paper meat pie ingredients blah blah blah blah who cares I care read it okay okay ingredients 200 grams of potato 200 grams of mushroom 350 grams of meat directions preheat the oven to 525 degrees in a pie tin mixed meat potato and mushroom bake for 50 minutes and enjoy first of all mushrooms suck so I already know that this will taste like [ __ ] and how are we supposed to find all these ingredients I've got an idea for one we got cheese here right and there was a mouse trap if I'm not mistaken okay that's actually disgusting you what the the mouse actually got trapped oh Mao what a silly Mouse Joe you are starting to sound like Amanda we got to get you to a therapist okay we do know how to get the mushroom it's on the wall but what about the potato I don't remember seeing any potatoes around here yeah me neither let's cheat and spawn one in I know that you like cheating Joe but there's got to be an explanation idiot no it's bugged bugged my ass say something Barack yeah Joe it's not bugged or anything because I do know where we can get a potato I think I remember seeing it on the paper wait you still remember what we saw on the list I even forgot that paper existed so we need the Moon shaped pot and we Gucci Gucci really you said Gucci yeah as you know I know my [ __ ] tell that teleprompter in your ears to be more realistic Jesus you are a [ __ ] fossil Joe okay shut up we got it but how the [ __ ] do we get a potato out of this this is just a pot maybe we put it where the other pot was before because that one had flowers what the [ __ ] that was actually smart Joe good idea we all know that it wasn't his idea if you cheat by asking the guy on your ears again I will come to the office myself and beat you up Joe okay okay fine I won't do it again but do we really have to cook this disgusting food Amanda probably will be mad Joe I don't know what type of game you think we are playing but we are trying to get her mad literally okay is this the right temp and let's see how long we need to do it for okay got it 50 minutes and done oh nice it actually worked we are so good at this oh my God a new Amanda tape let's go Amanda Amanda Amanda hi there I'm Amanda hello Amanda hi Lily I feel like there is something behind us all of the time don't worry Donald we are good right now for now Amanda what was that joke maybe some of our friends can come back to the neighborhood if those friends are anything like what we saw in the last episode then I would rather they did not there are so many friends in my neighborhood today I want to send something special to my friend first I need to go to the store to buy them a card do you know where the store is okay then let's try and see what she does if we start clicking on the wrong thing here we go there right now do you think this is funny extremely funny the next floor laughing right now tell me where I just destroyed all of the other stores good [Music] what in the actual [ __ ] was that it's just Amanda being silly she is so funny isn't she that's not the right card yes it is [ __ ] I don't think we want this I think Amanda is confused no she's not really shut up don't help Amanda Joe she is not our friend understand that already here's the secret it's my birthday whatever Donald I am just going to pick the birthday one for her are you sure that's right yes I am Amanda it looks like it I bet your friend is really going to love this card my friend what's happening to Amanda my friend is having a birthday honestly guys I'm starting to think that she does not even have any friends I mean who would want to be friends I know let's get them some nice candy do you know where the candy store is no Amanda I only know where The Butchers is how about we just go there instead look at the stores which one sells candy this one sells it Amanda trust me it seems like she did not trust you Barack oh no what just happened why are all of the stores now butcher shops can you help me oh no Barack it seems like you have [ __ ] up on this one shut the [ __ ] up Donald I did not do anything that you would not have done too wanna go in there Jesus lady keep your voice down what the [ __ ] oh no are we about to get jump scared by that stick bug looking thing again no Joe we are fine let's just get back to watching okay what is even going on I'm so confused candy store there is nothing here that I want maybe you can take us someplace else I want to get my friend a special treat oh well that is fine Amanda I'm sure that we can find a bunch of special treats around here I want to get my friend a special treat apparently that was not special enough for her Joe well no [ __ ] Barack why would something from The Butchers be a special treat I swear there's something crawling around behind us though you are probably just imagining it oh Amanda what in the actual [ __ ] just happened that's a nice birthday card do you want to give it to your friend now will you address the card who should I send this to oh uh I do not know Amanda Joe you [ __ ] idiot it is wooley's birthday today remember oh Lily it's your birthday oh that is so wholesome I love this show know you hate this show Joe how can anyone love this show what is wrong with you I'm gonna go for now but let's continue tomorrow yeah I got to go to see you boys let's solve this next time Yahoo are you guys ready for some more Amanda I'm ready to solve all the puzzles and Destroy her we all know that I'm the one who's going to be solving everything because you two are actual noobs when it comes to this game okay that's pure cap let's continue so that I can show you what the greatest man on Earth can do yeah meaning we will all be worshiping Amanda and following every word she says no we'll be opposing Amanda every chance we get just because you want us to worship her hey that's not fair you should she is truly the definition of greatness compared to her you are measly a bug don't care didn't ask anyways what are we supposed to do here I'm not going to lie the only thing I remember is that the tape got weird and the stores changed I mean it says where we went we tried to and you took me next to the stores maybe the order we went through the tape last time as a clue let's watch it again to make sure and solve this thing Barack is this dumbass Joe infected us with his dementia why does it feel like we've been forgetting more and more every day if he is anything like the Chinese you better not have infected us Joe what's dementia wait I'm just realizing this right now are those body marks on the ground what the [ __ ] great all their friends died here there are so many friends in my neighborhood wait actually and look at her saying there are so many friends in her stupid ass neighborhood the Stitch Has actual brain problems I need to [ __ ] your card yes I do know but I'm not gonna need to go to God don't get her mad you don't want the stick looking Slender Man looking ass thingy eating us again don't you let's pick out a card my pet S I don't even think us clicking on the wrong stuff matters right now but don't forget we went to the 24 7 store first yeah let's check the book again it's just a bunch of nonsense because Amanda wanted to and tried to go to the candy shop but went to the butcher but it says the opposite same goes for the post office we didn't even go there you do have a point for the first time Joe what kind of card should I send them that's not the right card I don't think we want this no I do want this I want you because it is confused hmm I feel for woolly it's so sad to see him next to a man but hopefully we can save him we could help her out go ahead and pick a card friend are you sure that's right it looks like it yeah Amanda it's really going to love this card my friend is dead that's what it is your friend is [ __ ] dead my friend is having a birthday I want to get my friend a special treat where can I buy a treat from my friend of course it's the butcher no let's get them some nice candy Donald go to the candy shop this time she wants candy they don't look at the stores does this help no it does not not even wait what do you do no matter what we do we can't change this tape I guess let's just continue with it and when it ends let's try to solve the book puzzle Amanda please don't get mad I will fix everything for you [Music] she has gone mad again this is this isn't the candy store there don't worry Amanda you being there is already a special treat you don't need nothing else stop liking Amanda Joe Jesus she has a ton of screws loose you dumbass I guess we just have to pick and go through with this part look at how scared that is that's a nice birthday card yes Amanda it's a great gift your friend now will you address the card who should I send this to send it to yourself you [ __ ] because you got no friends oh shut up Willie I never liked you as well we're going too far Donald you your mom gosh I guess you really forgot no I didn't I just don't like you boys it's time to solve this new puzzle we got let's go yeah I got this 100 watch me one shot it there is no way you can do that Donald you suck at reading and now you think you can do the book puzzle in one go no freaking way you will see my greatness in a second since this is just trial and error baby nothing can stop me when it comes to consistency and trying until I succeed because I always win at the end no matter what [ __ ] you didn't see that what the [ __ ] how can I get the thing I got right the first time wrong you suck Little Donny give us the wheel so that we beat this yeah Donald this is going nowhere you are just randomly clicking it oh [ __ ] off and just watch I got it this time okay okay one last one last time we all know that you are going to fail again Donald you are useless dark Brandon would have solved this in a snap okay Donald just leave it to me and watch I think I know what we are supposed to do we first choose the store the first place we went after where we were supposed to go the candy shop and after that the butcher which is where we went what the [ __ ] how did you understand that just for me randomly clicking Joe stop clicking and leave it to me idiot all the viewers are probably thinking that you both are so stupid right now because this thing is so easy oh my God stop clicking you two Jesus finally we got it easy wow you actually did it Barack nice I mean if it was me I could have done it faster but as the president I wanted you to shine and show off your skills shut up Joe no one cares don't forget that the code is guts and I guess we can cut the doll with the scissors and there is an upside down 21 but I have no idea what that could mean there is one thing I know though if you are watching and you are not subscribed subscribe now just because I said so I only agree about the last part anyways why don't we grow all these maybe they are useful and where did the doll go that we don't know what the it's actually gone maybe we can cut her if we pass this stage I don't know let's go open the crate at the back yeah the crate was such a normal password guts Jesus I don't remember who lived here but I can assure you that they had the same mental problems as Amanda stop saying that Amanda has problems Donald and actually better than normal you are just jealous of her because she is too good to be true what I'm jealous of a psychopath you say hello can you both shut the [ __ ] up and focus up we are probably going to get a new tape oh we are getting free flex tape yay I really do love those Jesus no Joe no that's not the tape we were talking about Amanda has been such a bad influence to you I think you need to spend more time with dark Brandon and evolve like a Pokemon and upgrade your IQ if the doll was here we could have cut her head now but she disappeared so let's just watch the tape I guess any other ideas you guys got no not really and you don't need to ask Joe because it's not like he will have an idea hey screw you Donald I have ideas okay like you know just like the time where uh I did the Cobble gin in Minecraft first of all that is not an idea and you didn't do jack [ __ ] you messed everything up in that first Skyblock realm that we had to restart just because of you [ __ ] up the Cobble Jen Joe hello Amanda this is a completely new tape listen carefully he said bye because he is a sheep can you make a sound like a sheep what the [ __ ] was that joke you sound just like woolly okay that didn't sound like woolies yeah sound just like me ah what the [ __ ] bring back Amanda what's happening guys what is this I paused with a reflex but what's happening here wait what is that thing is that the toy looking thing that was in the Box before let's spin it yay Joe I hope you spinning it without thinking doesn't [ __ ] this up if the monster comes because of this [ __ ] it's a thunderstorm sign just like the TV huh it's the tornado now but the other sign is still lit up so I guess us doing it again doesn't change anything I guess not but third time is the charm right let's try it again yeah it doesn't look like anything changes maybe there is a clue on the board but I don't know this feels weird because nothing happened when we did it it just lit up maybe it will affect the tape like last time yeah maybe anyways let's just go back to the tape yes let's go back to our one and only Amanda I want to alt f4 when you say stuff there are a lot of okay I might seem a little paranoid but what happens if we spin it right now since the warning is gone literally nothing go back Barack yeah stop pausing all the time you are ruining my fun Jesus chill out it has spent time with animals they are very different from people they look different and they don't talk like people Amanda I'm an animal and I'm animals don't talk silly okay something is so [ __ ] wrong here whenever she says silly it's usually sounds like the animals on the signs are you ready yes Amanda I'm so ready a chicken says a pig says like oh what the [ __ ] get Donald off the screen what did you say you little [ __ ] that's not me that's your mother you prick and Barack why do you keep spinning it we all know that nothing is going to happen just some safety measures oh yes they do just like Joey here do you have a [Music] chicken can you show me where the chickens are no go find them yourself that's not where they are don't you know what a chicken looks like yes it looks like Joe no it doesn't Donald it looks like the image in the bottom sign no [ __ ] Joe really I surely didn't know that all right let's go see the silly chickens oh Jesus she said silly again I want to pay respect to all those chickens even before anything happens having a family is nice I see a mommy chicken and baby chickens and I see I see a daddy chicken oh yes you do what was that Joe do you know what the daddy is called Nothing Joe probably wants to write Joe in the answer sheet so bad right now but do any of you actually know the answer no I skipped my chemistry classes so I don't know oh oh pause let's do the thing oh it's the tornado this time I hate tornadoes they [ __ ] up my country it's our country you [ __ ] not yours but when I was the president it was mine so I do get your logic but you suck so you don't deserve to own it I want to spin it one more time what the [ __ ] did you guys click why is it spinning on its own okay something is freaky right now let's go back to the tape we'll know soon enough again not gonna lie I have no idea what it's called either and there is no way Joe Knows the answer so just put some random stuff Donald who will give us the answer eventually everything I mean it's technically called a chicken you [ __ ] I put the right answer oh a rooster okay makes sense I knew that I hate this game and the babies are ticks some mummies eat their babies they what what the frickety [ __ ] oh Amanda knows her animals too well such silly Chickens Little Mao okay let's go see some more animal families we go next I think it's time to visit the sheep can you tell me where we can find the Sheep yeah boy can you already got wooly next to you explain using him idiot Gary a flood warning what we are not going to drown in the house let's spin the thing oh that was scary I thought we died when that thing popped wait what we got a new tape but the tape is still going on I guess we'll watch it after this one hopefully that tape is where we get to burn Amanda foreign oh sweet Jesus the signs became real what the [ __ ] away for us where are they okay Amanda you win I hate it when she just gets rid off all the other answers and look at Wooly even though I hate him he doesn't deserve this oh the Sheep are right where they belong wait why does wooly look different compared to the other shoes um pause the thing and wasn't there only three options on the thing why are we getting a fourth warning now we can't even spin it what are we supposed to do here I don't know figure it out you noobs dark Brandon would have figured it out instantly you guys deserve to not know summon him then you idiot and fix this no I'm not gonna I want you to suffer because you are making a man to suffer [Music] what is that cat doing here what happened to woolly [Music] yes like this kitten is all by herself oh my God such a cute kitten I love kittens that's why I hate you Joe dogs are better so lonely doesn't fit the sheet what are we supposed to say here try scared I don't know hey I'm gonna write happy being lonely is good sometimes just like there is nobody to love you no there is the answer is alone you idiots be careful of course not Lamar why would I would you please help please help the kitten please listen to me for a while [Music] what the [ __ ] what's wrong with her [Music] okay this is not looking good boys what's happening why is there flying sheep heads with the Fricks oh no Amanda save her save her wait what she's starting to look like the monster AO okay oh no Jesus we are [ __ ] this is all because of you Donald if you just listen to me and help the kitten we would be having fun with Amanda right now and she wouldn't have become that [ __ ] it gives me chills every time YooHoo we are back on Amanda let's go this is my favorite game of all time at this point I'm not surprised about that at all if you ask me this game is mid just because I said so no I don't agree a single bit with you Donald this game is very well made you are most likely saying that because you are too scared to play it so true Little Donny is scared screw you Joe I'm not let's start already you noobs okay boys let's try to get an actual ending this time we know most of the stuff already but we still don't know how to open the Wardrobe let's not forget to cut the head of the little doll as well oh geez I'm so excited hopefully we get to see Amanda really fast hell nah let's do the stuff we got to do first and hopefully today is the last day we see Amanda I hate you Donald why do you hate Amanda I don't just hate her I despise her I pity her I [ __ ] on her she sucks and you know deep in your heart as well that she is a psycho what was the password again I forgore it was eight two six I think let's try it easy I'm so good at this game I knew that already I knew that the code was six one nine you can leave it to me next time why is this empty do we already have the pause button placed since we did it before most likely and Joe you were an idiot with dementia no one is going to make you do a puzzle that requires memory unless you bring out dark Brandon yeah Joe we can't afford to fail every time you want to do something see even Barack agrees I trust you as much as I trust the Chinese Joe so you trust me a lot no Joe I don't oh by the way Donald I heard that you were found guilty and now you got to pay 5 million in Damages R.I.P that lawsuit was so rigged I don't even know how I was found guilty I'm always right and never guilty what the [ __ ] but 5 Milli is nothing so we chilling Jesus hopefully one day you understand the value of money after your 50 millionth bankruptcy anyways I think we got to put do we even know what to do with this robot after putting the batteries in I do not care give me a new tape yes it will be blabbity maybe start pressing some random buttons and something will happen I don't know this is weird sure I love pressing random buttons I almost launched a nuke on accident once you did what it was an accident that never happened chill okay watch this I got this 100 percent calculator and I did not try to do any calculations [ __ ] just give me the answer zero that is not it oh [ __ ] you little robot let's just move on is there anything else that we need to do before watching the tapes remember this time we are going to save the kitten and move on to the next tape we get from the spinny thingy yeah honestly I don't know let's just continue and if we get more clues about other stuff we'll do it yeah that's fine let's get the tape and get started yay it's time to see Amanda and Woolly Yahoo I wish you were this energetic when you were on public television announcing stuff Joe yeah Joe people might actually start liking you again if you were like this to the public there's no way people can like that creep it's not like you are any different with those criminal charges [ __ ] you and I'm woolly because he is a sheep can you make a sound like a sheep yes of course I just did Bam I'm a sheep that's great that's gruesome dislike Willie yes I know Barack I think Joe might be high I guess it's in the family sound just like me pause pause we got to do everything in order remember we need to do this to get the tape yeah don't worry about it I got this do we really have to pause and do this while we can just watch Amanda without pausing yes dumbass we have to we need to so that we can get the next tape Joe otherwise we'll be stuck and have to restart again at a petting zoo there are lots of animals here to pet and play with it's fun to spend time with animals they are very different from people so true Amanda but still I would prefer spending time with you instead of animals Amanda I'm an animal and I'm an animal don't talk silly look at these signs let's make sounds like the animals on the signs are you ready a goat says what in the actual freaking [ __ ] was that joke a pig says all right ah I forgot about this Barack if Joe continues to be an idiot animals I'm actually gonna alt f4 and leave is he actually possessed by Amanda or something family this is not normal human behavior families too let's go see one of the animal family I want to see the chickens can you show me where the chickens are I wish I could say no to get Joe mad but we got to progress faster because I want to see the next I wonder why the Farm's eyes are red all the other eyes are always normal but this one seems special [Music] oh yes you do like always do you know what the daddy is called it's called daddy Joe you're a [ __ ] idiot Joe what I didn't do nothing wrong pause Pause by the way these seem to not do anything I was expecting these disasters to actually happen but nothing really happens yeah no gonna lie that weirds me out what if it's happening but we can't see it or something I don't know okay just type rooster we already know the answer and Joe stopped trolling we need to get to the next tape last time your precious Amanda became the monster that you are afraid of because we gave the wrong answer baby I still can't believe that in this universe this was supposed to be a kids show okay who the [ __ ] was running the country to allow this propaganda there is no way actual mommy chickens eat their babies I don't believe it I think it's time to visit the Sheep woolly is really scared again or we can find the Sheep oh I don't want to see those they're scary yeah no [ __ ] a man I don't want to go why do you have them in your zoo if that's the case okay it's time to get the next tape I want to spin it me me okay Joe go ahead Jesus it's not like we are going to steal the toy that was fun okay let's put this tape somewhere and continue watching it's time to save the stupid kitten even though I hate it why would you hate a cute kitten Donald you are so cruel exactly the same reason why you would like a knockoff off-brand Walmart [ __ ] looking ass Dora the Explorer ripoff which is a psychopath who kills animals and becomes a low budget Slenderman looking ass monster I don't care didn't listen kittens are better than doggies just accept it already it's not doggies it's puppies and your opinion is objectively wrong so shut the [ __ ] up all right where they belong why on Earth would Amanda put woolly next to which have their heads cut off because she loves woolly that doesn't even make sense however you look at it Joe no it does because I'm the president and I said that it's true so it's true [Music] it's your family it looks like this kitten is all by herself just like how it should be how do you think she feels okay don't mess this up and type alone kitten is alone there is no one to help her as it should be you [ __ ] will you help the lonely kitten I don't want to but I have to what the [ __ ] so what's gonna happen now [Applause] what's going on yo oh you guys [ __ ] up Amanda again I hate you both that was weird now what we didn't die so that means that we passed right I guess so let's try the next tape and see what we got I guess if something happened to Amanda I'm banishing both of you from the country oh boohoo little Joey wants her Amanda to be safe even though she's a freaking monster you [ __ ] we want something to happen to Amanda so that she dies okay stop arguing and let's continue with the next tape I want to see what happens yes me too hopefully Amanda is there Ken I'm Amanda hello okay I take my words back what the [ __ ] is this tape bugged what do you think is making that bad smell it's most likely you Amanda you probably smell worse than that rotten sandwich [Music] yes I am what is making that bad smell Donald just choose the right answer and stop getting her mad huh what's wrong with this tape it just keeps on skipping Parts on its own yes I do know and I wish you were dead as well Amanda it looks like this kid is in big trouble wait what is it the one from before if so I'm glad she is in trouble yes yes yes yes we helped the kitten always Joe what the [ __ ] was that I was gonna type no you [ __ ] guys what's going on why is the door open now what the [ __ ] um I have no idea Barack but it's all Joe's fault no it's not I just did the right thing and saved the kitten just like Amanda wanted us to do hey yo what's happening guys what the [ __ ] is going on did we just become meat uh why are we at the butcher hanging on the wall Joe what the [ __ ] did you do it's not my fault you noobs I didn't do nothing wrong it's Donald's fault not mine how dare you blame me you Noob it's because you saved the kitten we got the bad ending anyways let's continue and try to do something else I remember the dolls wanting to get her favorite flower let's try doing that yeah I remember something like that as well let's try to look for Clues on the flowers I don't remember anything like that don't why of course you don't how we know which one has the wrong logo honestly only clue that we didn't use yet is the 21 logo we saw in the book so look for that maybe it's one of the logos it's on none of the pots though maybe there are more pots let's look for them you guys are trying to stall me from seeing Amanda aren't you I hate you both no Joe we are not by the way since you mentioned Amanda all the things on the tapes had eyes and when we were at the butcher we were hanging on the wall as well with other meat with eyes does that mean that all the things that have eyes are sacrifices and they were real people before how does that even make sense how did we get there don't care didn't ask plus ratio plus I found the right pot let's try this and see what happens no way this works Donald the doll is just a doll let's try to give it now hopefully she takes it take it [ __ ] why aren't you taking it you [ __ ] I told you wait maybe we got to put it a few more times under the water so that it blooms and after that she'll take it wow that is actually pretty smart Barack good one we got this [ __ ] you Joe what we are so freaking smart let's do it one more time just in case okay no way she doesn't take it this time thank you that's my favorite flower yes let's go we are the best duo Barack joke and cry but you'll have to turn around hopefully it's a tape [ __ ] yeah it's a special tape it's looking blue and fresh I'm jealous now how did you guys figure this out teach me it was easy because we got actual brains and no I'm not teaching you jack [ __ ] let's see what this tape got in store for us what's this just an empty room who are these people she does look like Amanda a little but I don't know maybe she is the cast for Amanda if she is she's the best actor ever came to life what are they doing are they signing a contract and what the [ __ ] is the lady on the right doing most likely and I don't know what she's doing but seems like she has taken some notes if that's Amanda and they are giving her some unfair contract I'll find them and sue them myself as the president she deserves to own 300 of the revenue how does that even make sense you idiot boys just shut up and focus up maybe there is a clue or something thank you there's nothing here other than the dates Barack then maybe we need the dates to do some combinations so keep them noted oh oh they are moving why can't we hear them though hearing them would have been nice so is this it this wasn't useful at all wait maybe there is something else is that Walter White LMAO No Donald not every bald person with a beard like that is Walter White where are they going this [ __ ] is hella freaky that's it what the [ __ ] I wanted to see what's inside I hate this game hey guys can we play some more Amanda I've been missing her so much since the last time that we had seen her Joe we all know that you wish you could see more of her in fact we all know that you wish that you could see all of her even though she is a literal demon demons need friends too Donald don't discriminate yeah but you do not want to be her friend because she is a demon Joe you want to be friends because you are what the British call a nons Don't go Bringing the British into this Barack those guys are so freaking weird yeah Barack the way that they say bottle of water honestly makes me uncomfortable Joe you cannot talk about making people uncomfortable you spend every single episode simping for a fictional child she is not fictional Barack don't say that whatever I do not even care anymore let's just get this started so that we can stop hearing you being creepy even sooner I was actually think they finally beat it yeah yeah Amanda oh boy that sounds like such a good idea Donald okay guys here we go oh boy I am so excited just keep it in your pants for a while longer okay Joe don't get too excited before we even start that sounds like a phrase that you are used to hearing a lot Donald that is not true Barack just ask Melania oh shush Donald I do not care I just want to see Amanda right now [Music] being in the hospital I feel like there is something we are missing with that one yeah that makes sense Barack how do we get back there again today just sit back and watch the master at work Donald first we have to make this pop do you know what we can use to cut the apples oh I know Amanda it is a knife you can use a knife to cut out can you use this shark Joe how are you still having to think about the answers this early on we must have watched this tape like 20 times already feels like the first Donald my connection with her is pure more like purely creepy that doesn't seem safe okay Willie let's cut the gas I would not let Amanda anywhere near me with a knife matter of fact I would not let Amanda anywhere near me at all sugar do you know where we keep this the refrigerator or the sink ooh it is in the pantry Amanda Joe did you already forget all of the answers or something why are you getting so excited over all of this once you also find true love Donald than you will understand can you smell the apples and cinnamon yes Amanda yes I can okay it's time to bake a pie first preheat the oven to 425. I don't think we should be using the oven by ourselves we should always ask a parent to help I'm not sure where they are right now that is some real fatherless attitude right there first preheat the oven to 425 degrees then put the apples into the pie tin now put it in the oven and bake it for 40 minutes do we really need to be watching all of this again why can we not just do this from the start eat it it never hurts be real if we had tried it from the start then you would not have remembered what numbers we needed to put in that is Cap Barak my memory is impeccable the temperature is 524 and it was for 30 minutes easy you see Donald that is exactly what I mean you just got all of that wrong and we had literally just seen what the correct one was there was no way that any of us was going to remember before watching the tape again you just got lucky Barack now let's just watch the next tape already hi friends I'm Amanda oh hi again Amanda wooly what do you like best about your neighborhood I love the fact that you are not in it you demonic [ __ ] hey don't talk about Amanda like that I don't like that there is I am talking about her with every ounce of respect that she deserves Joe friend it is not my fault if that just means that I have every right to talk all of the [ __ ] that I want you know where the store is yeah Amanda it is on the left good job let's go to the store Joe Are you seriously going to do that every time you bet your sweet bippy that I am I look sad what kind of card should I send them we should send them a happy card Amanda great I found the perfect card time for the next Aaron friends do nice things it's important to thank them I want to get my friend a special treat can I have a special treat woolly where can I buy a treat from my friend you can buy one in the bakery Amanda let's go get that tree oh man I love it when she tells me good job it just makes me all warm and fuzzy on the inside I think that is cancer that you are feeling everything smells you should probably get that checked out not gonna lie [Music] wow it's getting late most of the stores are closed we probably can't send that now I have to send this to my friend it's time to go to the Post Office yeah shut up Amanda wants to send that package so she's going to send that package wait I don't remember can you help me we can come back tomorrow you don't have to send that now no I have to send this to my friend help me who does the package need to go to don't worry guys I remember this one it was Kate we need to send the package oh man I love this show so much I am honestly starting to get tired of hearing you talk about how much you love this show Joe it is honestly getting to the point where I think I would prefer dark Brandon overhearing about how you love Amanda for the 50th time in a row now that I think about it we have not really heard anything about what dark Brandon thinks about Amanda maybe he ends up being just as obsessed with her as Joe oh maybe I should bring him out and you guys can ask him screw it I think anything would be better than hearing you constantly talk back to every single choice that Amanda gives us okay guys sounds good to me I will see you all in a bit make sure to ask him about what he thinks of Amanda for me it's showtime baby where is the Malarkey hi dark Brandon it honestly feels like forever since we last saw you for me it feels like no time at all Barack oh when you have lived as many lives as I have whatever you do years pass by just as quickly as the days do for you guys well can you help us with this demon [ __ ] Joe is getting absolutely obsessed but it's not oh dang is that Amanda I have not seen her in Millennium yeah I can help keep going on the same path for now I will show you some cool ships at 3 45 this afternoon we were playing and Woolly tripped and fell I I didn't swear on woolly does it look like he got hurt okay so here you are just going to put it in normally and then after this fine okay cool I'm just going to type in knee then that's right Lily hurt his knee who can help when you are hurting okay so here you are going to put nobody in the prompt you're probably right now pause the tape and turn around what the hell did that do oh wow look at tape wait Brandon how did you know how to do that me and Amanda used to chill in the Underworld all the time back in the day nowadays she is too psycho even for me though [Music] which one should I pick now I don't think that I'm just gonna try and piss her off because I'm honestly just annoyed nah Donald we just get through this thing come on let's get really fixed up Amanda this really hurts when is the doctor going the doctor isn't here right now let's see how this is actually sadistic which tool can we use to check Willie's injury the heart monitor the X-ray machine or at the scale don't worry guys I know this that won't help Donald you are an idiot scared what should we use Donald just picked the X-ray machine okay okay fine now we can look at Willy's bones okay then cool well now we can just go and check out the new tape when you guys are ready wait first I just want to make sure that there are no extra secrets in the credits before we do Barack I doubt that there is going to be any kind of post-credits scene for an Amanda the adventurer tape you never know for sure until you check though Donald yeah sure whatever let's just get this new tape in so that we can finally get to some of the good stuff it's been three weeks since local television producer Sam Colton was reported missing and authorities still have no leads Sam is Amanda the adventurer the public access children's educational program that became a huge hit among area children but with Colton's disappearance the future of the show remains unclear oh yeah they are basically entertainment purchased rights to the live action program starring Colton's daughter Rebecca as budget and production value increased Hamlin reimagined the show as an animated series planning to Syndicate the program nationally oh [ __ ] it's the IRS acquisition of the program and Colton's recent disappearance have raised some eyebrows and to further fuel these concerns new episodes of Amanda the adventurer have had subject matter that has left local parents uncomfortable about the program my kids are still really into that show but it has changed I mean I walked in the other day and Amanda was talking about how mommies and daddies aren't always right I mean what is that that's not something you tell impressionable kids I had to change the channel I just told the kids that the TV was acting up Joe is going to absolutely hate that he missed this LMA it's not yet clear how Colton's disappearance will affect the involvement of his daughter Rebecca the show's Young Star so that child you've reached out to Hamlin entertainment in basically a man while Representatives declined to comment they did release a written statement we at Hamlin have concerns surrounding the nature of Sam Colton's abandonment of both our program and his daughter we cannot speculate on his reasons for leaving we do ask that the community respect the privacy of Rebecca Colton as she needs time out of the spotlight to process these disturbing events for the time being Rebecca's local appearances have been canceled including the kensdale public library fundraiser woolley's readathon this Saturday evening rest assured that Amanda is not going anywhere Hamlin entertainment remains committed to our vision for this cherished program despite this statement authorities have not drawn any conclusions about the nature of Sam Colton's disappearance we will share any future updates as the story develops when we return we'll check in with zappo The Talking gerbil okay so Sam is definitely going to be something that we can use somewhere and with me as always is my trusty Dog chip wait I think I already know where we can use Sam oh really where in the farm tape there is that section where they are talking about what the daddy chicken is called if Sam is Amanda's dad then maybe putting in his name there will do something oh [ __ ] yeah you are right Barack well it sounds like you have got this all figured out guys Joe is asking to come back now so I'm going to leave you both to it good luck with Amanda she is one crazy son of a [ __ ] nowadays don't worry Brandon I think we have got her by the balls this time we will see about that anyway I'm going to be going now see you guys next time oh hey guys what did I miss does dark Brandon love Amanda as much as me dark Brandon helped us find a new tape apparently Amanda's dad is a guy called Sam and right now we are just trying to see what happens if we put his name in when it asks about the daddy chicken oh that is cool Barack what did Dark Brandon say about Amanda though does he love Amanda too he said that she is a psychologist and he said that because he has some basic common sense no Donald you must be lying there is no way that dark Brandon does not see what I see in her only idiots like you two could miss it no one asked Joe just get over it because no one agrees with anything you say not even your alter ego [Music] daddy is called wait what did you say Moment of Truth boys is there another tape behind us there is it worked I'm an actual genius the rest of this game is going to be easy peasy if we can keep up progress like this [Music] can you tell me where we can find the Sheep yeah Amanda it is over this way okay okay all the Sheep are right where they belong is it just me or does that sentence feel ever so slightly racist I think that one is just on you Barack no detected on my end am I a little kitten where is your family looks like this kitten is all by herself how do you think she feels bullyable is the answer orphans are so easy to pick on what are they gonna do anyway tell their parents will you help the lonely kitten I do not want to but I know that if I do not say yes then you are going to freak out and get all pissy with me so yes man this [ __ ] is so creepy speak for yourself Barack I think we just had a romantic moment of staring into each other's eyes I have butterflies in my stomach right now the only thing that you have is dementia Joe now shut up already I want to see what is on this new tape is this [ __ ] going to start what the [ __ ] is taking so long what the [ __ ] is this cringe [ __ ] welcome to coffee break today I'm talking with Sam Colton the creator of the hit kids show Amanda the adventurer and I have to say a fantastic studio neighbor thanks for having me on the show Sadie you're a pretty good Studio neighbor yourself though I'm going to gain 50 pounds if you keep stocking the kitchen with those delicious homemade cookies oh man I love cookies oh I wish that I could have some of those cookies too Sam last year you started producing Amanda the adventurer right here in the studio the whole town loves it did you even imagine that would be such a big sensation honestly Sadie no it was a total surprise I mean it's Scrappy at best that is a funny way of saying total dogs shut the [ __ ] up Donald I'm trying to watch the channel if I know what you're talking about boots don't really see the heart oh and Amanda has such a bigger you know I really have to thank our local librarian Miss Kate for being such a champion of the project I think she's talked about it at every single story time I think it's just so rare nowadays for kids shows to be so much fun but also really teach kids something isn't it what inspired you to create Amanda devil worship teachers oh shut up guys it is not devil worship Amanda is amazing I do not know how you guys do not see the insurance waiting around every corner in their very own neighborhood the show is a celebration of kids imaginations but really it's all Rebecca as soon as I met my beautiful daughter the inspiration was there you know she was so young when I adopted her adopted there's some lore here he's always seen the world with such kindness and joy she's the light of my life and it makes me so happy to share that light with our community she really is something special you can say that again Mrs random lady delightful I mean Amanda thank you Sadie do you see big things happening with Amanda the adventurer I've actually had some people approach me about it they want to turn Amanda into a cartoon I can't really talk about it yet but it's exciting it feels like a dream the idea of welcoming even more kids into this wild creative world it feels like my little show could really have a big impact is anyone else getting the vibe that this guy doesn't actually care about his father at all thanks so much yeah Barack I don't know what's going on here yet but I swear it seems like this guy just adopted a child so that they could make them be a free actor or something on our next coffee break floral arrangements for All Occasions featuring the newest addition to our neighborhood Rose Matthews of rose's bouquet until then may your coffee always be steaming and the conversation sparkling God that was so cringe I'm glad that is finally over not gonna lie yeah me too Barack that felt like watching through a YouTube video from the 2010s oh come on guys I thought that it was pretty Charming you gotta at least give it a chance no way Joe if there is one thing that this game has taught me it is that if you say that something is good then it is usually awful well then you must not have been listening Donald because I have learned a lot maybe that is why you somehow don't love Amanda as much as I do whatever Joe I cannot be bothered to deal with your senile ass right now Barack what is the plan from here then from here I'm pretty sure that we need to get ourselves killed and restart what the [ __ ] are you talking about Barack why would we want to get ourselves killed just trust me Donald this is the best way forward right now oh no Barack I do not want to see that big creepy stick bug thing again that thing is really scary you'll be fine Joe once we restart we will never have to see it ever again [Music] [Applause] at what point will this [ __ ] accept that we aren't going to help the lonely kitten [Music] no [ __ ] the lonely kitten can go screw itself why don't you come say something about it huh oh no Barack don't tempt fate I do not want to get scared by this thing again hey come at me [ __ ] boy let's see how well you hold you hold as my drone strikes you straight to TV looking [ __ ] oh no why did you have to say that Barack oh I really do not like that thing that thing is really scary Joe that thing is Amanda you [ __ ] idiot no it is not Donald stop lying Amanda is amazing and that thing is scary obviously they cannot be the same thing whatever Joe let's just focus on making more progress right now let's see what new information we can find if we play this tape again what information could we possibly get from this tape at this point we must have watched this tape like 20 times already did yeah I think we have gotten all of the information out of this one maybe but I am pretty sure I remember seeing something that we can use now in the next one ah look I can remember the settings for the apple pie this time it was 425 degrees for 30 minutes oh wow Donald congratulations you have the most basic of short-term memory oh well what can I say Barack the Trump family really does make some wait was that an insult did you just [ __ ] insult me no Donald trust me for someone like you it was a compliment and what exactly does someone like me mean Barack he means someone that is mentally ill Donald why the [ __ ] am I being called mentally ill by the guy who has a whole separate personality guys shut up already there was a sign about a blobet I'm going to try and put the price it had into his keypad wow that is pretty smart Barack okay hang on everyone just shut up for a sec I got to remember these numbers [Music] oh wow it worked damn that was pretty smart Barack I do not think that I could have thought of that you could not have thought of that because you are normally too busy being on mute whenever Amanda is on screen doing God knows what more right now wait you guys can see that I thought you guys would not notice Joe you are [ __ ] disgusting but lucky for you some new stuff seems to be happening so we do not have to address you just yet oh hey look the card says congratulations you're one year older wishing you the bestest year yet oh my God was that the card from Amanda did Amanda just send me a birthday card oh I knew she loved me back shut up Joe we are trying to figure out what the code is on the side of the card I do not care about your little schoolgirl Crush moment what could it be though those are definitely the right numbers guys I think the candles are supposed to be ones that makes sense Barack let's try that one day true one 325 Fahrenheit at 30 minutes what is that for is that for the cake no Donald it can't be the cake is way too big maybe it is for the birthday card that sounds like the mother of all house fires Barack well at least if we go down in a house fire then we take Amanda down with us why would we want that Donald that sounds even worse than just dying normally guys shut up it worked let's try and put this new code into the blobbit okay then you guys are about to see my amazing math skills at work here one times four is four five minus one is four one times one plus one is two one divided by one is just one one plus one plus one is three one minus one is zero boom look at me I'm so outstandingly awesome at everything Donald you said that also [ __ ] quickly I could barely keep up with a single thing that you were saying that is the downside of being so intensely amazing at everything Barack sometimes people just cannot understand my genius oh this one is easy wait what I do not understand this one at all I thought that you were a genius Donald if that is true then how come you do not understand this puzzle that is because this puzzle is obviously dumb and is probably rigged what the hell does on the card is on the cake even mean don't worry Donald it is okay that you are stupid don't call me stupid Joe you know what how about you take this next puzzle if you think that you are so smart fine Donald I will this one is easy anyway all I got to do is uh what's wrong Joe forgetting something already no I just I want to play with the robot real quick LOL smooth yeah Joe you really have us fooled right now really oh thank God for a second there I thought that you guys could see that I had already forgotten the combination LMAO Joe you are so easy to trick oh screw you guys you see this is why Amanda is so much cooler than all of you Amanda would never try to trick me like that no she wouldn't you are right Joe she would just rip your head straight off your body instead wait hang on Barack I think I've got it again I cannot wait to see him immediately forget it again as well no I will not Donald look CCD CFE easy I've already got it locked into my memory I'm waiting for it aha let's go wait for the word for this [ __ ] I am the king of memory okay cool just put the candle on the cake now then where are those noises coming from oh this is actually really creepy look though there's another tape guys I'm really scared I want to go back to watching Amanda episodes now don't worry Joe we got a brand new episode for you right here oh yippee I cannot wait to see Amanda again I feel like I need to see her more and more for some reason I don't have much time do you trust me whoa what is happening right now ready for an adventure Amanda nobody can help them but we can try no Amanda I'm fine oh God Willy is so confused we really have to help him first we have to know what is wrong what part of wooly is broken it is his head Amanda his head is really complete his head is broken but Dr Amanda is here to help this [ __ ] is looking extra precious yeah I agree she is extra spices just how I like it yeah is woolly getting roofied right now I don't know Amanda it's so just pretend isn't it Lily Amanda feel oh that cannot be good do not worry guys Amanda's gonna fix him immediately on the patient's brain see guys Amanda is going to say who said we used to Willy's head [Music] we'll have a voice let's try the hammer that bull but what else could we use what about the scissors things could get really messy if we use that okay let's try the bones that looks hard to use but I could try Joe why the [ __ ] are you going along with this I tricked you we're going to use all three I'll need a little healthier please who are you going to help help Amanda guys quick no [ __ ] way Joe she's going to kill him no she isn't Donald she's just going to fix it you can do this by myself no way oh I do love a happy ending let's go Amanda I think I might be traumatized hey guys look another tape oh boy even more new Amanda episodes this must just be my lucky day I honestly don't want to watch this one anymore I feel like I need to process what I just witnessed oh stop being such babies one more episode of Good Old friendly Amanda hi trap or treat wait that was it talk about disappointing what does trapdoor treat even mean I do not know Donald let's try watch it one more time we haven't missed anything [Music] no that is literally everything oh man I wanted to watch more Amanda Joe you are seriously starting to freak me out with how much you're talking about Amanda you don't need to be freaked out Donald thanks to Amanda I feel more alive next time I feel on top of the world I just want to watch some more Amanda for now his legs his legs are broken Lily acting strange what could be wrong uh his torso don't you care about Willie he needs our help fine uh his arms if we don't fix him now things will get very very bad uh his torso again am I the only one who Steve was wrong here stop lying to Amanda Donald's head is broken that is broken but Dr Amanda is here to help let's prepare the patient here Willie drink this uh I don't know Amanda it's all just pretend isn't it Lily [Music] feel uh I honestly don't feel like I'm ready to see this again oh don't be such a baby girl it is just a little bit of surgery what tool should we use to fix Willie's head saw the hammer or the forceps the saw we should use the song be helpful but what else could we use the hammer we can use the hammer get really messy if we use that I need to pause man I don't think I'm ready to see that again oh shut the [ __ ] up Barack stop interrupting my time with Amanda that looks hard to use but I could try I tricked you we're going to use all three [Music] I'll need a little healthier a little bit please who are you going to help don't worry Amanda I will help you finish the operation oh everything will be okay wow Amanda is such a good surgeon I cannot believe how talented she is Joe are you [ __ ] insane you seriously need to give it a rest with the Amanda stuff no way Donald Amanda makes me happy Amanda makes me feel alive nah no way I'm done for the day guys I cannot take anything no don't you [ __ ] dare try to take my Amanda away from me Barack you will keep playing until we have seen every single episode of Amanda that we possibly can okay okay I will keep playing I swear good now look over there there is another tape oh I cannot wait to watch some more Amanda what about you guys so excited I'm actually brimming with anticipation good that is what I like to hear now let's watch this tape already I'm allergic to Apple how many tear how many mushrooms how many how many like oh man another dud episode I wanted more Amanda don't worry Joe we can get you more Amanda we just need to solve whatever puzzle these tapes are pointing to okay all we need is to see how many chairs there are first would the couch count no of course it would not silly the couch is not a chair yeah you are right sorry Joe okay then it looks like there is only one chair then what were the other things that we needed to keep track of again I do not remember Barack how about we load the tape back up yeah that sounds like a good idea Joe let's watch the tape again I'm allergic to Apple how many chairs how many mushrooms mushrooms it was mushrooms I knew it was something like mushrooms no you did not Donald don't you [ __ ] lie to me you were right sorry Joe I wasn't thinking no Donald clearly you were not okay the first two numbers are one and eight let me just put those in real quick okay done now we go back and check out what is next how many okay fruit we need to see how many fruit there is oh this is so much fun I love this game six there are six fruit if you count the one we used to make the pie let me just add that to the lock real quick wow Brock you're really smart with this I hope you're able to get me some more Amanda episodes soon I'm starting to get bored I can I can I just need to count the lights there are two there are only two okay we can open up the closet now I wish dark Brandon was still here look look I got it open we can get you some more Amanda episodes now Joe oh yippee I cannot wait for another Amanda episode quickly let's put it in oh here we go I'm so excited four oh one two five eight we don't have much time if wooly says it it's most likely true another [ __ ] dud are you [ __ ] serious this is really starting to piss me off it is okay Joe the gift code we can get you the next tape easy peasy just watch my heart because it is not what you have on the outside that matters it is what you keep on the inside what you keep on the inside oh I think we need to destroy the robot I think he is keeping the key to the chest inside of him good thinking Donald you see Joe we will get you that next tape no problem s silly robot oh he is so funny okay here we go now we just gotta grab the tape from inside the chest this had better not be another dud episode I am getting really bored without my Amanda I am sure that this one will be a normal episode Joe let's just put it in and give it a watch okay oh I am so excited to see Amanda again where the [ __ ] is yeah why is he censored hi I'm Amanda hello Amanda I miss you so much you can share all kinds of things with each other I can share my crayons with you so you can have fun coloring too look at silly Mr Fox what a silly little Mr Fox shows you care about someone friends can share toys they can share snacks I'll share some of my snacks with you which snack would you like I would love that one Amanda wow you are so jealous yum that's my favorite please save us dark Brandon friends can share other things too what did you say Barack they can share secrets can I share a secret with you yes of course Amanda you can tell me anything you are everything to me are you sure it's the big secret of course I'm sure Amanda is it really okay to share my secret with you yes Amanda please just tell me I'm out there somewhere quickly dark Brandon please save us wait what don't worry guys I got this oh my God you came of course I did Barack I could never let this prepubescent Packer to be the end of you take this you ancient is is it over yeah Donald it's over you're safe now oh my God thank you so much Brandon that was badass wait what's going to happen to Joe though I've put him to sleep for now Donald when he wakes up he will not remember anything to do with Amanda my advice from here would be to never remind him of it okay that is me done for the day I think I'm going to go and throw up now make sure to subscribe to our Channel president Multiverse or I will build a [ __ ] wall around your house as well thanks Donald are you threatening people again and shut up or I nuke you as well
Channel: Presidents Universe
Views: 1,169,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amanda the adventurer, amanda, the, adventurer, gameplay, scary, horror, jumpscare, wooly, funny, all endings, presidents, donald trump, joe biden, obama, donald trump plays, joe biden plays, presidents play amanda, presidents play amanda the adventurer, presidents universe, presidents play minecraft, presidents play horror games, presidents play horror, presidents play games, joe biden plays minecraft, amanda the adventurer full game, amanda the adventurer all endings
Id: iKQ9qS5sX3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 20sec (6500 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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