The Presidents Start a War in Minecraft Pt. 1-14 (FULL MOVIE)

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sleepy Joe get on the server what's wrong still mad that I blew up your house yes I am peeved you fossil hey you brought that upon yourself orange man look I just stole your weight it's not a big deal not a big deal Don I paid good money for that where did you even get that kind of money from anyways uh from Obama what the Joe when Obama finds out that you stole his money he's going to lose it what the heck do we do I don't know this is your problem to solve dog what the Trump you gotta help me see you fatty oh what am I supposed to do oh shoot hello what's up hey Obama nothing is up bro Joe is there something wrong uh no absolutely not I don't know man you seem a little bit tense Mr prehistoric man no not at all I'm perfectly fine what the what's wrong someone broke into my house that's odd Joe yes Obama who the Stole My Money uh I have no idea maybe don did nah you had to have gotten that weed money from somewhere where the are you oh shoot Obama that's messed up I couldn't give a about it now where the are you I'm not going to ask again I ain't telling you my location all right fine have it your way I will eventually find you oh all right you retards get on the dang server now what's wrong Joey you know what you did you fat orange hey guys what's up Trump is what's up he blew up my dirt house yeah that's for blowing up mine Get Wrecked you idiot anyways how's it going you know how it's going dog hello my fellow friends oh for sake come on Joe be nice no I will not be nice very well then what all right fine fine I'll be nice that's what I thought all right who the heck sent drone strikes towards my house Joe did what the Joe what the heck it was Obama not me sleepy Joe I don't believe you let me call an old friend to help Hillary that won't be necessary I swear I didn't do it actually now that I'm thinking of it Obama oh did you just bomb Obama yes yes I did did you use the Triangular method of physics divided by the molecule of a speck of dirt you know what I kind of want to bomb Ben too wait what yes please would totally appreciate it uh what's that noise goodbye Ben oh guys I'm feeling fairly nice today Joe I'm gonna build you a new house what really of course anything for my old pal all right man hey Obama yeah Trump would you like some diamonds what's the catch dog no catch I just feel like being nice today oh alrighty then Joe I finished building your new house okay where is it uh 190 345. Trump this is extremely weird you're usually not this nice what are you planning I'm not planning anything dude I'm just being nice today bro that is highly suspect just come to the coordinates oh my gosh you actually built me a house yep wait a second did you rig this with explosives nope no explosives no traps nothing so you wouldn't mind if I dug underneath this door right go for it huh you really didn't rig this house to blow well thanks Trump I'm glad you're finally starting to be a lot nicer it's not a problem dog anything for an old friend all right I gotta go I'll talk to you guys guys later all right see ya bro Trump really is starting to change yeah it's so weird dog Hey Joe what's up nothing much I'm just formulating a plan right now what's the plan for it's for figuring out what Trump is doing because he is acting super suspicious not going to lie I think that's a bad idea why all it takes is one wrong move to make him mad again and I don't think you want that you know what all I want to do is figure out what he is doing I don't care if he's a jerk because that's his own problem all right man what do you have in mind well I want to go to his house and look around maybe try to find some Clues yeah that too okay what are we waiting for let's go find out what he's planning there's his house okay let's look around find anything yet nope I haven't found a single thing what the heck what what did you find that slippery lib stole my Obamacare bro that's not important right now we need to find something bigger all right all right oh my gosh what the heck is this holy shrimp he's got a whole arsenal of weapons and swords bro he's got explosives too Obama we have to get out of here and move all of our stuff to a secure location okay we have to hurry up he'll be hoping on the server anytime now hey guys what's up shut up Ben and Hillary Trump do you remember what I did to Obama um yeah I'm going to do the same thing to you if you keep telling me to shut up sorry Hillary it was just a reflex um why are you running Joe what I'm not running I'm just doing my morning jog I don't know you're moving your legs at about three inches per millisecond and if you calculate that into the polynomial y-axis and Newton's law yeah no offense but I don't really care huh that's odd what's wrong Trump nothing I just thought that my door was closed when I was on the server last time oh well must have been the wind or something yeah that darn wind anyways has anyone seen any good movies lately what the scallop what's wrong Trump who broke into my house no idea dog I've been doing some final touches to my White House guys it's getting late I'll talk to you guys later yeah same those Barnacle heads after giving them all of those things I did friendship but no they just had to go and rip it Trump are you good hey I can help you get them back Trump I'm good Ben I'm good one day I will get my revenge one day those jerks they're going to pay for what they did what are you gonna do Trump oh Hillary all you have to know is that it's not going to be a nice day for them Trump I'm kind of concerned now are you okay I'm all right I just need to prepare for something and that's what he did Trump stayed up all night preparing for his most diabolical plan hey Trump what's up Ben nothing much um have you been on all night yes yes I have but why don't you remember what happened yesterday oh yeah now I remember what even are you planning for I'm planning the master plan I'm not in that plan right no not at all but Hillary is all right while Trump and Ben talk Obama and Joey are in a private voice call figuring out what to do I think we just join it you know rip off the Band-Aid Joe not trying to be mean or anything but that is a stupid idea we can't just join the VC and expect Trump to forget about what happened yesterday Obama we have no other choice it's either rejoin or don't join at all all right which one are we doing then let's just join we'll see what happens what is up guys Hey Joe we were just talking about Trump Tower being built oh yeah Trump Tower is definitely something to be talked about sorry Ben I'm back now oh it's you too Trump we want to apologize for what we did we were just a little bit sussed out because you were being very nice all right I accept your apology really of course I totally get why you did it in the first place thanks Trump I'm glad you're not mad about it it's not a problem man all right I'm going to grab my stuff then yeah same what the heck what is going on hey let me out you know I didn't want it to come down to this Trump please we're sorry yeah we really are sorry ain't going to cut it you guys will stay in those cages for one week one week bro that's so long well you should have thought of that before you searched my house ooh what's this Obamacare so you stole from me too Trump I'm so sorry dog please let us go I was considering letting you guys go but now I've found that you stole from me oh man it's gonna be a while for you too alrighty boys I'll see you next week Trump please we just want peace Obama what do we do that he had no idea what what are you talking about I have a water bucket on me no way dog I'm out of it dude okay can you come and help me no can do Joe what what the heck Obama Joe you don't remember do you remember what look I just stole your it's not a big deal not a big deal Don I paid good money for that where did you even get that kind of money from anyways uh I from Obama what the Joe when Obama finds out Obama I can pay you back I swear Joe I'm sorry but this is where we part ways Obama no you can't do this goodbye Joe he just left me I can't believe this I thought I could trust him but no he just stabbed me right in the back I will never trust him again hi Joe Ben please help me with what Trump trapped me in a Bedrock cage and I can't get out okay where's your house it's on that Paradise Falls looking Cliff oh I know where that is give me a minute please hurry all right I'm here okay I'm in the hole that is in front of my door oh I see that place some water or something and after doing that you have to leave immediately because Trump might join the server and see you okay the water is placed I'm now running away yes I'm out I'm going to get Obama and Trump back so hard but in order for Joey to do that he had to come up with a plan a plan that would make him Victorious there was one problem though Joey had no ideas no matter how hard he was thinking he just couldn't think of any ideas but then Ben suggested an idea that would change Joey's thought process forever why don't you just steal their prized possessions I mean they'd probably be willing to do whatever you want them to do Ben that is actually a genius plan but here's the thing I don't know what their prized possessions are didn't you search Trump's house there had to have been something there oh my gosh Ben you're right we got to go back to his place we Joe I don't want to be on anyone's team is that so Joe please don't blow up my house join my team all right fine good that's what I thought what's the first order of business well we have to go to Trump's house steal his explosives and get out of there what about Obama's stuff we'll go to his house and do the same thing I ready let's start running then and that's what they did they went to their houses and stole their prized possessions hoping they would obtain a higher authority over Trump and Obama 24 hours later Trump hops on the server all right boys how's it going what the heck oh those Scoundrels I knew I should have blocked it up with bedrock wait a second my house no no my stuff my explosives they're gone hey Donald my good old pal Joey how the heck did you guys get out you know simple mechanics nah I don't believe that you know what that's not important where are my nuclear weapons nuclear weapons I don't know anything about nuclear weapons Joe you're lying where are they all right fine Obama has them and I think he still has them in his inventory you better not be lying to me trust me I told him it was a bad idea but he did it anyway I'll believe you this time but you're not off the hook but Trump believed the lie but here's the big question how long will it keep him distracted Ben we have to do something with this nuke in order for us to figure out what to do with the nuke we first have to figure out how it will help us okay oh I know how it will help us how it'll help us blow up their houses Joe that's not what I meant I meant like something along the lines of Wheaten them but don't use it at all I guess that works too but what if they don't feel what if they just don't care then with them by holding Obamacare over the fire oh my gosh I completely forgot we had that yeah we raided Trump in Obama's house yesterday yes I remember now okay we can't really do anything right now so we'll just wait on the contrary my crusty old friend what does that mean uh let me say it like this instead there actually is something for us to do Joe don't say what you're about to say your mom okay sorry go ahead as I was saying we could grind for some better armor to you know seem bigger than them that's a great idea let's do it so Ben and Joey went down into the mines and started mining their mining trip lasted about two and a half hours and they were able to get a full set of diamond armor after getting the armor they decided to hop off for the night bro there ain't no one in this call I'm gonna start playing my Tunes Joe you stole my stuff what the heck oh my gosh Trump trump I don't even want to know bro don't worry about it what Joe I know that you did it what are you talking about I spoke to Obama Obama what did he say his exact words were I didn't steal from you and he also showed me his inventory uh that's quite interesting Joe don't do anything that you'll regret you mean don't do anything that you will regret what's that supposed to mean I have a nuclear bomb that is ready to go off what you stole that one yep now don't come near my house or my teammates bro I ain't going near your house nor Obama Obama he isn't on my team oh really who is your new teammate then why do you want to know I'm just curious you know Hey Joe there ain't no way dog this math nerd is your teammate that's Mr math nerd to you Ben shut up I should have known the two worst people on the server are teaming that's ironic coming from you look Hillary and I were teamed for two days I don't want to hear it Obama they're going to blow up the server what only if you come near our houses or us they stole the bomb Joe let's go to a private call okay okay so they're not posing any real threats which is a good sign but here's the thing what do we do now well I think we try to clear the air maybe even start an alliance with both of them Joe I have a better idea I'm all ears Benny boy let's start a war what the heck Ben that is the worst idea I mean the last six videos were titled the president start a war in Minecraft so I feel like we should do what the title says oh good point but how would we go about doing that sort of thing well I think we should build up to it okay so we wouldn't do it today no absolutely not we could do something in the meantime we could build a new base all right let's do it and done Ben you lazy you did absolutely nothing what do you mean I just stared at this wall for two hours I'd say that's productive lazy jackass next time I will make you do it all um we got a problem what Trump left us a sign saying you guys may have the power but that doesn't mean you have the strongest power oh no that's all they said what do you think it means Ben this war is going to end so badly Trump what is going on I heard that war was breaking out soon what who's he sounded very serious too Hillary that's a bunch of malarkey dude you've lied so much throughout this Minecraft life why should I trust you let me tell you a story a story of when I was a good person I'm playing Minecraft and I realize that I'm not the nicest of people on the server and you may ask how did you realize that well I thought about when people treated me poorly they always didn't trust me they called me names ignored me and have taken items that I loved and after realizing that I decided that it was time for a change so the next day I was on a call with Joe and Obama and I offered to get them stuff for free I then gave Joe a house and Obama some diamonds they were very appreciative and weren't mean to me until I find out the next day that they broke into my house and stole my Obamacare I was genuinely devastated I couldn't think of the reason they did it but then I realized that they didn't trust me and it all just went down from there so yeah I feel like I'm still trustable even after everything that has happened I'm sorry Trump I had no idea it's fine Hillary wait I get what's going on you don't want to start a war is that it I don't Hillary all I I want is for everything to go back to normal no Wars no name calling and no stealing just good old fun you know Trump the only way you'll be able to make peace is to have a war we could make a peace treaty they have a nuke and I have something more powerful than a nuke what are you talking about I have a block wand Trump how the heck did you get a block wand I thought those were impossible to get a magician never Reveals His Secrets dog does it even work let me share my screen real quick can you see my screen yes I can see your screen okay watch this oh my gosh it just disappeared I hope that answers your question okay now it's definitely possible to make a peace treaty all right let's do it while Trump and Hillary write up a peace treaty Joe and Obama talk again hello Joe what do you want Obama I want the nuke what Obama that is the dumbest request ever I can give you a dog for it oh really what else are you going to give me a bone Joe I don't think you understand this dog isn't any ordinary dog this is your dog for many years ago come on snoopal good boy I'm a snoopal I thought he was unalived nope I bought him from Trump a few years back what the heck what's it going to be dog or no dog Joe what is going on Obama has my old dog snoopal how the heck did they get him I don't know all I know is that I can get him back if I trade the nuke what Joe don't take the deal it's not worth it it's My Dog Ben my old old dog I'm getting impatient you have 10 seconds 10. what are we doing don't do the trades that's what you do one time's up what's it going to be we'll take the deal Joe you're throwing it all down the drain just for a dog good choice here's the dog take it have a good day boys I can't believe you just did that who's a good doggy who's a good doggy you are that's it that's it I didn't want to be on a team with you anyways what what Joe you're old you have no idea what you're talking about half the time and you make horrible decisions just like the one you just made you know what I don't care leave who's a good boy you are wait what the heck his name is spelled wrong oh no this isn't my dog I knew I shouldn't have trusted him that lying Thief meanwhile Obama and Ben arrange a call you wanted to talk Ben yes I want to know aren't you on Joe's team nope I left that crusty old man interesting why do you want to join my team I want to do actually a great reason welcome to the team thanks wait how can I trust you Obama you can trust me fair enough all right so do you have a base of operations yes head to 493 80 506. you'll find the base there alrighty no problem man little does Obama and Ben know that a meeting was about to be called uh why the heck am I on a call with these dodo brains right back at you Joe I don't know why I even wanted a team with you in the first place I should have just left you to build your little dirt house guys please thank you we have gathered you here to offer you guys something a peace treaty this peace treaty will affect the entire server this means no more Wars enemies scamming and even name calling bro I literally hate Joe's guts to be honest I don't like none of y'all here Joe just hear us out I know we've been through a lot for the week and I get that a lot of you are mad but if you sign this peace treaty it will all end the anger the hate and the sadness it will all go away he's right it will all go away but what Obama did will stick with me for the rest of my life Joe you know I had to do it you didn't though we could have been good friends if you just helped but no you just left me I'm sorry Joe sorry isn't going to cut it I'm out of here yeah same Obama please Trump I know that you want to reverse everything and make it good again but there's one thing you can't reverse you can't reverse a moment in time goodbye Trump at this moment Trump is at a loss all of his friends have completely ditched him and now he doesn't know what to do are you all right Trump no I'm just I don't know I'm just gonna hop off for tonight all right see you so they want to play like that huh well we'll see about that who just joined listen here you two if you don't sign our peace treaty then there will be another War we ain't signing your peace treaty oh really yeah really then so be it I'll see you soon boys she has no idea what she has gotten herself into anyways how we going to prepare for this war well we don't really need to prepare since we already know what we are doing all right talk to you later see ya man these next few days are going to get crazy Obama Joe what do you want nothing just broke myself let the wars begin come on pick up we have to do this now Obama what the heck it's three in the morning then we have to do the thing now if we don't do it now we'll lose our chance to do it all right fine do you have the TNT yes now let's go blow up Joe's house okay can help with that I'm awake what is that is that it's apparently Joe's favorite song oh my God all right let's do this I'll place it you'll ignite it got it yes I got it let's get this show on the road all of the TNT is placed are you ready to ignite it um well then why would we do that because I feel like Joe needs to get some sleep I see what's going on here you feel bad for doing this no not at all then ignite the TNT it's not that hard geez you're a stubborn little math nerd Obama we need to talk I've thinking of that peace treaty Trump offered us and I feel like we should sign it I mean you never know if Joe has more nukes Ben I hate to say this but that is the dumbest move since Joe was elected President also I don't think he has more nukes you know what you're right I know I'm right I'm always right I always write I'm Ben bro stop right now okay let's go blow up the next base all right always right shut your mouth right now hey this looks new that's because it is really built this the other day bro this is such a pristine place too it'd be a shame if we rigged it to blow yeah it would be a issue make sure you don't step anything when you come out bro that where to now well I'm not sure because we really only had beef with Joe so I think that's it I mean we're going into a war so I don't think it matters if we have beef with them or not Obama I'd them you know as Ember is coming on the server new members yeah did you not hear about it I was told nothing of the sort Benny uh I have some more info they'll be joining tomorrow it's 3 A.M do you mean today or tomorrow oh I forgot about that I meant today great hopefully they don't team with Joe TBH I doubt it although these new members could also think that Joe is a cool dude which wouldn't be good all right so what do we do why are you asking me you're literally the team leader um maybe we can ask them to join the team okay let's do that then all right the first thing we need to do is get some sleep yeah that's important all right good night Ben Knight the next day Obama and Ben await the arrival of the new members oh boy my two favorite people Ben and Obama Bernie how are you I'm fairly good I just took off my mittens for today Bernie that's so 20 20. yeah and your mom is so 1950s oh burn your mom is so old that you had to uh huh you can't even come up with a roast guys let's calm down Bernie we were wondering if you were on a team I am not on a team yet okay do you have any teams in mind to join nope that's very interesting Bernie we were wondering if you wanted to join our team I'll think about it all right just call us when you've made a decision alrighty hey guys Ronald did you come back from the dead to play on the server yes I just really wanted to get some play time and dog that's cold nah my computer is fairly warm Bernie he doesn't know young people slang what does slang mean never mind that let's talk about teams oh I'm on Trump's team seriously why I can't tell you that information Barack what is Trump's Team Planning Ronald like I said I can't tell you that information and he left my mind yeah yeah I'm going to join Joe's team what the heck Bernie Bernie dustable what do you mean by that he has scammed so many people on this server yeah he is the biggest liar and scammer on the server really wow yeah he's a scammer well I guess I'll have to find a different team to join you could always join our team we are very trustable hmm I don't know man all right fine I'll join your team let's go whoa we got Mr mid but only on one condition what you're not allowed to invite Michelle Obama to the team are you serious right now yep sounds good to us Ben Obama but she's my wife oh I love that song all right fine while Ben and Obama Gear Up Bernie Krusty Joe sets up traps bro they ain't going to see this coming why are you even on this call because I'm gathering Intel for my team what the heck you're on a team yes sir hashtag make America great again oh great you're on that team yes I'm on the American Team all of the teams on This Server are American dumb any new information yes I think Ben and Obama wanted me to join their team really yep oh Bernie was there too that's fine because he said he was going to join Joe's Team all right hey boys any updates well Bernie decided to join Joe's team you've got to be kidding me to be completely honest it doesn't surprise me Ronald I need to show you something what is it orange don't call me that ever again sorry here it is this is the block wand it's able to destroy blocks with a simple command back in my day we didn't have this type of Technology anyways if everyone isn't willing to stop the fighting then we'll use this Trump why don't you just use it now the war can end if you just reveal your secret weapon because there's a chance that Obama and Joe can become friends again and I don't want to throw throw that chance in the trash my goal for this is to stop the war make peace and be friends again being enemies is something I don't want fair enough so are we going to do anything in this war nope but if someone does something to the base then we'll have to relocate our base we're not going to retaliate or anything like that Ronald we're trying to end the war so no we're not doing any of that Trump this is why I think you're a dope president thank you Ronald I think you're fairly dope too guys I'm going to talk with Obama I don't think that's a good idea Hillary I just want to talk about creating an alliance Hillary just leave it alone I get that you want to end the war fast but that's not how it works you just have to give it time but but just give it time all right fine in the meantime we can just grind for a better wall defense while Trump's team builds a wall Joe reevaluates his decisions first Obama now Ben why does this happen to me now that I think of it I haven't been really nice lately I've also made really bad decisions maybe I am a bad person I uh I need to talk to Obama Obama I want to talk to you oh it's you what do you want I just wanted to apologize for being mad at you I realized what I did was bad and I really want to make it up to you Joe we're in the midst of a war there's no chance I'm accepting your apology Obama please just think about it if you accept my apology then we can end the war I'm sorry Joe but the war must go on dude I can't believe this right now Joe oh what the heck did you talk about with Obama why do you want to know I'm just curious dog ain't no chance that I'm telling you bro Hey Joe Bernie I'm glad you're finally willing to team with me about that I uh might have joined Obama's team what I'm sorry Trump yes Joe I've been thinking about it and I think I'm willing to sign your peace treaty wait seriously yes and I also want to join you guys team Joe this is all of a sudden are you planning something I'm not planning anything Trump I just realized that I'm a jerk and that I make bad decisions no matter how much I try to make friends with someone it just doesn't seem to work my whole life has been based on being a terrible person I just want to make peace and be friends with everyone again wow you haven't talked like that in a long time Joe I know I've been reading a lot well before we make a decision there's one question that needs to be asked okay what is it will you be enemies with Obama still I'm not sure because I tried apologizing to him but he didn't want to accept it all right we'll let you join our team first you have to sign the peace treaty thank you Trump it's not a problem bud after Joe made the deal he went back to his house what the hell happened my house it's gone that's it This Is War Trump what's up they blew up my house are you being serious right now look at the screen share oh my gosh they actually did what are we going to do let me call Obama what do you want Trump Obama we're coming for you and your team what team get ready they're coming what already yes they're coming right now everyone get your gear we're going into battle you heard the man get ready for the war Trump's team was eventually ready and Obama's team too after getting ready the teams further prepared their plans Hillary you'll go near Obama's White House Ronald you'll need to take the area where Biden's house was blown up and last but not least Joe I think you should stay at home base what why um well we know that you aren't the best with PVP Trump I promise you that I'm a lot better than before Joe we can't risk it you could die so be it I will fight for my country okay Joe you'll go to my wall on the other side of the hill all right thank you Trump save it we have to go fight for our land yeah one more thing guys whatever happens just know that you guys are the bestest friends a guy could ask for good luck soldiers I'll be ready to bring the power if needed all right Ben you'll be taking control of my old White House Bernie you'll go to Biden's exploded house what about you Obama I will be planning the nuke underneath Trump's old wall alrighty I have a speech that I want to give today my fellow teammates this is one of the biggest things I've had to deal with I just want to assure you that we will win there will not be a single thing to stop us especially since I have a nuke to help us so do not fret we will win this and just remember this if you are about to die then you need to retreat to me nothing else capiche yes sir alrighty then let's go win this war yeah the first Minecraft war has just been declared let the wars commence all right where the heck are those hookers have Benny Interesting Man I've been underground for so long that I forgot what the wind feels like that feels great who the heck is that I really hope I find that traitor I want to destroy his ass no shot I found one of them what are they doing one at a time Ben is looking around this old dude is building a wall Obama is digging a hole digging a hole is he doing anything with the hole he's just looking at it okay just keep an eye on it ocean what Ben sees me I'm going in for the attack Hillary good luck come on Ben let's see what you got bet bro I can't do this I'm not even a trained professional let's just hope he doesn't see me huh who's there uh oh who the heck is in my area surprise mother trucker Oh shoot what are you doing you slippery lib holy shoot he's planning the nuke Joe you have to make sure it doesn't go off bro how am I supposed to get it start shooting him right now what is up my fellow uh Joe what a surprise I wasn't expecting to run into you well since you're here you can witness the explosion of the nuke what you lit the nuke of course I want everyone to go down with me Obama you're a psycho Joe look at your ass you've made the worst decisions ever in dealings dang it Obama I made that deal for my dog because I loved it very much and then I realized that it wasn't really snoopal yeah it's very easy to trick a 78 year old man Trump code black code black let's fight old man you're on oh shoot Trump I'm getting low same I won't survive another minute run back don't die joe I'm coming to Hell please hurry I don't know how much longer I can run I killed Ben I got him Hillary help Ronald I'm on my way to him right now where the heck are you Trump I'm at the wall keep Obama away from the wall as long as you can what why just trust me take this you old man no oh we got him Hillary Trump we're on our way Hillary don't come here run as far as you can what why just do it Hillary let's go Trump I can't hold him much longer I'm almost done I'm at the wall dog no Joe Trump we can hear yelling what the heck is going on it's Joe he's on what I can't believe this We Gather here today for the death of our good friend Joe one week ago Joe fell from a high place and lost his life now we're here to mourn and to say our final words to our friend Trump you can start it off Joe was a good friend he always made unfunny jokes cursed at me a lot and most importantly he didn't lose to me in the election shut up Joe I know you're up there making fun of me anyways Joe was a great friend Joe was one of the oldest friends that I know he always had a bad joke to tell but for the most part he was a fairly nice guy I never really knew Joe but I'll tell you something from one president to another you're a worse president than me uh ouch bro I was enjoying it up there why the hell did you put me back down here uh whatever I gotta go find everyone Trump Hillary Ronald where did everyone go hey hello who's there hello Joe who the hell are you who am I well I'm the guy who caused the incident gay schlatt shut the up where the heck is everyone well after you unalived all of them moved far away wait how long ago did I die it was about six years ago no you can't be serious right now I'm sorry child sniffer if it's any consolation they did leave a lot of their memories here with me memories what do you mean by that they wrote a book to Remember You by here Joe was a great teammate he wasn't a great person at first but with time he slowly became a better person there were so many words I wanted to say to him for making that change but there wasn't time to do it the moral of the story is to spend time with the ones you love and talk to them as much as you can rip Joe wow I don't know what to say that's making me tear up a little bit I didn't know they really cared about me yeah and they talked about you quite a bit schlatt yes Joe did anyone stay here with you nope but random people started showing up who are the random people follow me there's a person I'd like you to meet Joe Michelle you joined the server yeah yeah two years ago I'm sorry about what happened to Obama it's all good Joe did anyone else come to this town schlatt yes but something happened to them who is Rhonda santis Ron was the governor of Florida oh that guy wasn't he a trump Stan bro I have no idea I just react to tick tocks and sell inappropriate drinks are you done looking this grave it looks so familiar to me like I feel like I've seen it before hey where'd you go over here you ding dong oh all right so are there any more people there's one more person that joined the server they're in that house over there okay thanks for the help schlatt no problem see you later I wonder who this last person is Ben Joe I thought you were unalived I was was but I got sent back here didn't you on a live too yeah but I have no idea what's going on well to sum it up we've been on a live for six years and now we aren't unalived anymore maybe there's a reason for it I mean we wouldn't just come back to life randomly that's not how it works wait maybe we're supposed to fix our friendship that could be it Joe I'm sorry for calling you a bad teammate I'm sorry too Ben okay that wasn't it maybe they want me to be the president again nice joke wait maybe we're supposed to reunite with the old crew again oh my gosh you're right but where are they located hella fine all right well we could look around for some Clues yeah look yeah let's so Ben and Joe looked around to see if they could find anything that would help them find anything yet nope what about you I haven't found anything yet so how have you been oh you know I live for six years and it only felt like a few minutes but other than that I've been all right well I was thinking what if we became friends again well I don't see why not cool alrighty then oh here's something what is it it's a piece of paper with her knits on it 1380 400 bro that's only 1 800 blocks away let's start running all right let's what the heck is this it looks like some sort of old base oh there's a door hold on there jackass this might be a trap let's look around before we go in okay hey there's a lever Ben don't pull that lever well oh that's a trap you're lucky you're freaking from now on don't activate anything got it okay all right I don't see anything off let's just go in dude this place looks old Joe I don't like and wait for me outside and make sure to get a wine burger while you're waiting shut your ugly ah scaredy cat what the no this can't be so did you find anything it's Ronald he's unalived what are you serious right now yes I am being very serious how did it did it say anything on the stone it said he was blown up bro they ain't going to see this coming Hey Joe I'm good I was just thinking of the good old times oh oh I don't know I just feel horrible right now Joe I totally losing someone is really hard but it's just the way it is I guess don't worry about all right now did you did you well I found some more coordinates okay let's head to those coordinates then and that's what they did Joe and Ben started heading to those coordinates Ben I'm getting tired can we stop for a minute Joe where'd work I'm sleeping right now just keep keep walking huh what is this an enchanted ax this looks very familiar holy shoot Joe it's Trump's ax wait that means they might be at these coordinates let's get a move on what the hell heck hell happened I have no idea Joe you this isn't what I think it is right oh it is so much for I want to end the war yeah what are we supposed to do now we should search around this place maybe we can find a year good call I'll start searching over here hours upon hours passed and they couldn't find a year so what now we've practically searched the whole place hey what's [Music] uh I'm blind yeah that made that makes sense the date on here says 2027 that was two years ago I guess I'm going to take a guess and say that they have settled their differences bro guesses aren't going to get us anyway anywhere we just have to find them and ask them ourselves but what if one of them is unalived I highly highly Point all right we need a plan a plan to find a plan to bake a cake yes you a plan to find them okay then maybe we could just search the world Ben are you crazy it'll take us so long to even find something well I don't see any on them all right let's start searching then so Joe and Ben started to search the entire Minecraft world day by day went by and the search was going nowhere bro I've completely lost hope don't lose hope we will find them Joe let's just quit there's no chance we'll don't say words like that we will find them I'm sorry Joe but you're on your own Ben wait please you can't leave me out here I thought you wanted to find them Joe I want to to find them but if we're not meant to find them then that's just how it is we are supposed to find them though goodbye Joe Ben please you were my only true friend uh I just want to find my old friends it's not too hard of a task after losing Ben Joe started to search for his friends again 12 consecutive days pass and he is at a loss uh maybe Ben was right maybe we weren't meant to find them but I just felt like we needed to find them all right I'm done with this where did I put those coordinates oh no I forgot to write them down welp I guess I'm stranded out in the middle of nowhere uh good morning grass it's time to make breakfast come here Piggies hey cows will do cook her up breakfast is served yummy uh yes this is good all right time to get back on that grind dog oh almost forgot I gotta pop on some tunes let the search resume oh what the heck whose house is this oh my gosh it's Trump's house I knew I'd find them well one of them hey who the hell is on my property hi Trump I think I'm hallucinating right now nope I'm 100 real I think Hillary drugged the bread I was eating why would Hillary drug your bread well Mr hallucinations if you must know Hillary and I aren't friends anymore not after the incident what incident you know what why am I even talking to you you're practically just a ghost Trump I came back from the dead I am not a ghost so you're telling me that you're really back prove it hit me what just hit me that will prove everything all right wow you pack a punch Joe yes you're unalived but how it's impossible for you to come back that's what I thought but here I am standing right in front of you are you here to like relay a message or something not that I know of Joe I'm so sorry for unaliving you I was just trying to stop the nuke from going off it's okay Donald all right oh I want to inform you of what has happened I'm all ears after you were unalived Hillary was mad at me because I unalived you with the block wand she then proceeded to yell at me and tell me that I'm no good but eventually I had enough of it so I moved away from it all but little did I know that she was on my tail for three years she followed me until I finally Unleashed a war a war which would end our friendship for good and ever since the end of the war I've been thinking about the good times the times when we had fun no Wars no fights no nothing huh I just wish I could have it all back one more time Trump I think there's a way we could fix the friendships there's no point Joe I tried so many times to get her back on my side it just didn't work did you bring me along when you tried nope and it won't work Joe she just straight up hates me Donald you'll never know if it'll work until you try it just drop it Joe do you want your friendship back what do you want your friendship back it's a simple question yes all right then let's make a deal you try one more time to get Hillary to be friends again and and if she declines then I won't bother you about it anymore all right I think that's a fair deal all right let's get some rest then we'll leave right away in the morning hey I got an extra bed if you want to sleep in it really thanks Trump no problem so Trump and Joe went to bed to be well rested for tomorrow's trip sleepy Joe it's time to get the hell up uh good morning to you too we have a long day ahead of us oh you already got everything ready yep they haven't even eaten breakfast yet here I got some extra steak whoa thanks orange don't even bring that back Joey enough of that let's get a move on oh you haven't told me how far Hillary's house was it's approximately 22 000 blocks away holy sh she really wanted to get away from it all hell yeah dude she was very keen on privacy wait if it's so private then how do you know where it is you know I got people in high places who's that Obama yeah really anyways how was everyone like before the whole War everyone was good until Hillary decided to be a something what about schlatt slat oh that that guy was a jerk to us how come well he always built planes and flew them into stop that Denton guy doesn't want this video taken down who anyways how was Ronald Ronald well Joe he was unalived what how he was blown up by Obama's trap Obama's trap yeah he had a trap set up in his white house that's uh very strange it's messed up that's what it is yeah R.I.P Ronald he was a great friend there was a quote from him that went like this peace is not the absence of conflict it is the ability to handle Conflict by peaceful means I think you nailed it yeah just like I nailed you in the election that was the worst thing you could have said there hey I'm just stating the facts dog well your facts will be incorrect for the next election bro I will win over you in the next one keep dreaming sleepy Joe hey you never told me how Ronald was doing oh well he was doing fine I guess that's fine also I just want to inform you that he on you at your funeral what did he say you're a worse president than me I'm not even surprised while Trump and Joe talk while walking Ben talks to schlatt I feel like what I did was wrong I mean we searched for so long and couldn't find anyone that's a very scumbag thing of you to do but if you guys were searching for that long then I can understand why you did it oh my gosh bro he doesn't have coordinates to get back here well it looks like you'll be walking again I'll see you later slat see ya I gotta find Joe but where the hell could he be and I said to him that's big yeah Obama did do a number on that building in 2016. yeah it wasn't good either hey keep walking in a straight line what hey where are you going just keep walking in a straight line and don't move but all right I am a little bit curious as to what he's doing where the hell is he Trump where are you hello there where the hell have you been I went behind that tree to get some rest that's impossible though it's not impossible if you have speed potions Trump we could have used that I only had one Joey still dog we could have thrown it on both of us look that isn't even a great use for the potion and doing what you just did is you're a orange it's called geniusness no it's called being a dumbass hey we shouldn't be arguing we're supposed to be friends I guess you're right but I won't forget about what you did though all right we've walked 2 000 blocks that's it it felt like ten thousand it only felt like 100 to me shut up put one foot in front of the other what put one foot in front of the other what do you not know that song I have no idea orange so you've never seen Santa Clauses coming to town oh that one yeah I've seen it I keep forgetting that you have dementia put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking across the floor dude I've been walking for so long oh wait it's only been 12 minutes what the hell is that oh my gosh it's the broken Village okay now I just have to go this way or maybe it was this way it was probably this way here's something you never thought about we have rectangles as arms and hands bro do you think we can't see our hands I obviously knew that oh all right I see trees of green what are you serious Trump and Joe kept running for about eight hours until they had to stop for some rest Ben did the same thing except he couldn't sleep for half the night get up sleepy Joe what the hell hey at least you tried to get up before me oh wait oh shut your trap I assume you got everything ready yep it's all packed and ready to go all right and do you have extra steak for me yes but you have to say please I ain't saying that bro more steak for me then wait can I please have the steak you sure can jackass what was that oh nothing all right let's go uh that was the worst night of my life where did I put my furnace great I think it was stolen just great well I didn't need to cook anything anyways hmm raw pork my favorite all right time to go goodbye tree goodbye grass goodbye beautiful land why did I just say goodbye to inanimate things so how far are we now we should be arriving in approximately 15 minutes dude is this like making you anxious oh absolutely because I haven't seen Hillary since the end of the war okay let's drop the anxious business then it'll definitely help us Focus bro I can't just do that on command you have to say something positive um Hillary doesn't hate you anymore she's done with the war yeah keep it coming uh she'll forgive you for killing me what if she doesn't though she will definitely okay I'm ready for this all right so uh how are you doing oh what if she still hates me Trump is that her house what the hell that wasn't 15 minutes this stupid brain lied to me are you ready uh okay this was the place that I ditched Joe at now I just have to go in the direction he was going before I ditched him happy trails to you until we meet again happy trails to you I think I'm starting to go delusional am I in a desert or a savannah hey is that a house whoa he's got two beds in this joint wait this has to be Trump's house because the beds are very orange whoa it looks like he left his base wait a second I can't do this bro you can do this just believe in yourself bro that motivational don't dog Trump get your ass out there or else I'm leaving all right all right no it ain't what the oh are you okay Trump I told you this was a bad idea we could have just stayed home and lived life peacefully but no you just wanted to go and knock on a bomb of a house okay maybe you're right but I just wanted to fix everything Joe we just need to leave it alone huh I'm going home but there's still a chance man that's the second time that's happened now Joe Ben you came back yeah I realized that you didn't have the coordinates and I knew that there is still a chance that we could find Trump yep if you just stayed for a little bit longer than you would have been there with me when I found him wait where is he now well he just left I'm going to assume that this exploded house had something to do with it yep so what do we do now I think we should just head back to town really you're going to give up that easily what else is there to do Ben Trump doesn't want anything to do with finding Hillary what do we need Trump for we could just find her ourselves Ben if we tried to do that then we'd be in the same situation we were in the first time all right Fair Point how about this we go back to town then you can think of ways to find her wait what would you do well I would try to rebuild my old house dude what's that gonna do for us it ain't gonna do anything for us it's going to do something for me so you're telling me that you're just giving up Ben some things aren't meant to be fiddled with you jackets what the else are we supposed to do Benny I can't believe you're just giving up you know what I ain't gonna look for them yeah don't waste your time the coordinates back to town are 12 70 469. thanks a lot I can't believe that just walked out on me again hey whatever I'm going home dude this place looks like Mar-A-Lago after being raided time to fix it up fix up the ground plant some weed build the walls just like Trump and it's done this looks like a pile of schlatt do you have any place I could build my box at well there's a plot of land next to the giant hole giant hole what giant hole this giant hole where the hell did this come from this right here came from Trump was bro trying to use self-defense to not get arrested bro I'm fairly sure that whole Trump getting arrested thing was a hoax yeah probably anyways where's the plot of land right over here my good man oh this is perfect all right that'll be 10 diamonds what the schlatt I'm just kidding it's free real estate is that what you said about the towers anyways have fun with her thanks too bro I don't got a girlfriend got him shut the hell up haha ah anyways box time and done hey that looks like yeah just like your girlfriend oh wait you don't have one it'd be a shame if my plane crashed into that heap of junk wait wait wait I'll stop making the jokes all right good uh Good Morning America time to get my morning drink Hey Joe how are you doing I'm doing good how about you well I finished writing my book oh could I see it here how to be a 101 yep it's designed for in the making step one drop the sun on your friend's house step two step three win against your friends in the election well it looks like I'm so close to being one oh yeah yeah Joe I've been thinking about the old gang oh here we go again just hear me out what if we try one more time to get Trump to make friends with Hillary again we've been over this Ben if we try it again then someone will most likely lose their life and I don't want that to happen again but Joe Ben just drop it you know what I'm not going to drop it where are you going none of your beeswax whatever I'm going to interrogate Trump so Ben got ready to go and started to head toward his house three days later if my calculations are correct his house should be around here somewhere bingo okay now I'm certain that I'm hallucinating Trump we need to talk about what about Hillary's whereabouts I have no clue dog she isn't in her old house so I have no idea did she have another house what just answer the damn question yes she owned another house and what are the coordinates to that house 7679 169 thanks I'll see you later what the hell are you even doing I will fix this friendship no matter how much I have to go through what's this oh land mine that was way too close that was the worst thing I've had to deal with for a while now I think this is it I don't think anyone is home who the hell is there Hillary who am I speaking to it's me Ben from the war remember Ben hi Hillary I thought I unalived you you did but Joe and I came back to life are you serious right now I'm very serious please come in Hillary yes before we go any further can I trust you dude that whole War thing was resolved I don't have any grudges against you so I think I'm trustable all right I trust you so tell me why did you come here well I came here to fix the friendships you've got to be shooting me hear me out if you and Trump become friends again then we won't unalive again what do you mean Joe and I have come to the conclusion that if you guys don't become friends again then we'll jump into the hole that Trump made so you're telling me that you guys will unalive if we don't become friends again yep and you have 48 hours to come up with a decision you've got to be kidding me I'll see you later Hillary I don't know why this is so hard for me I can choose to save two lives while being friends with Trump you know what I'm going to call an old friend bill I need some help what do you need help with so Ben said that if I become friends with Trump again then he and Joe wouldn't unalive themselves but he said if I didn't then they would unalive themselves I think it's fairly obvious which one to go for you obviously have to unalive them what the actual bill I'm just kidding geez cool it old lady all right so I should become friends with Trump again yeah I'd say so thanks for the help Billy oh one more thing can I join the server sure I don't see why not thanks Hillary no problem I'll see you later see ya holy moly this looks so cool oh there's a house Ben Shapiro uh why the are you on this server Bill I'm in it because I got that swagelicious swag bro stop the cap because hypothetically speaking I actually got that swag dream on Benny oh I love that song Dream On Dream On that's not what I meant but we'll roll with it anyways how did you actually get into the server oh Hillary said I could join Hillary that's interesting anyways I'm going to find a place to build my house alrighty see ya man building this house is going to be fun what the hell is that looks like some weird thing hey come closer did you just talk yes now please help me out okay I need to stop overthinking this whole situation it's a simple pick one or the other situation Hillary what the hell do you want now I just wanted to let you know that you can always choose the other option Hillary don't fall for that and it's a trap you don't know what you're talking about angel just shut up I just need to do the right thing yes I totally agree because doing the right thing is always good it'll be even better if you didn't because you won't have to deal with them anymore you know what I'm going to give Ben my answer and I ain't telling you voices what it is Hillary I'm hoping you chose what you know is right yeah unaliving your friends you too will find out what it is when we get there after Hillary argued with the voices in her head for two hours she packed up everything including the house and she began walking to the old town but there was one problem she had to get there in 48 hours so she put on her running shoes and started to run as if her life depended on it I need to go faster what the hell someone left a speed potion on the ground I wonder who that was I gotta get to that tree before the does this is actually really useful let's go so uh how's it going it's going fine Joe I have something to tell you what I found Hillary what are you talking about well I went on a search to find Hillary's house and I found her what did you do when you found her I proposed a deal to her before you even say what the proposal was tell me something did you lie about it I told her we were going to unalive ourselves I can't believe you right now you just straight up lied to her if I didn't lie about it then the friend group would never have a chance to be revived ever again hey where are you going I'm going home uh why am I always the bad guy in these scenarios I was just trying to fix the Friendship Ben what the heck Ronald is that you yes Ben now listen to me I get that you were trying to fix everything but lying isn't going to make it better I want you to tell Hillary the truth when she gets here but she'll see us as enemies again and I don't want that goodbye Ben I'll see you later no wait Ronald uh this speed potion is actually really good it feels like I've already walked over 1 000 blocks wait what's going on no well I guess it's back to running so how's your day going it's going bad how come you know why well if I were you I wouldn't worry about it why the hell would I worry about it I'm literally the devil it was just a suggestion well I don't want any more of your suggestions capisce all right you know that you're annoying right that's my job I'm sorry if I've caused any annoyance to you you're good I just have a problem with the devil what the hell yeah you're always the voice in my head telling me that doing wrong is right what's wrong with that I'm clearly doing you a service everything is wrong with that you made me lose my friendship with my friends by starting a war against Trump that was the Angel's idea don't lie devil you know that you caused that all right maybe I did cause it but that's my job you know yeah and your job is a terrible one hey keep telling yourself that literally ah whatever hi Hillary I lied to you no that sounds stupid hello Hillary there's a Millie chance that I might have lied to you dude I can't do this what if she pulls out a bow and shoots everyone she could potentially end everything for everyone bro I gotta stop thinking like that this is is why I hate my mind sorry about that I had to go do something let me guess you just manipulated someone else didn't you why would I do such a thing you're literally the devil always assume the worst I wonder why what the hell no I'm no scientist but it looks like someone Dropped a Bomb over here oh bomb uh wow I can't believe you just said that not gonna lie that was a fairly good joke Hillary you're better than this she literally started a war so I don't think she's better than that true that oh there's a chest down here what does this say Beware of the wild Boris what the hell does that mean maybe it's a Deez Nuts joke or something Boris these nuts in your mouth no I know what this is who Could That Be Ben we have a serious issue what's the issue just take a look at that mountain over there uh it looks like Bill finished his house bill bill ain't on the server yeah he is okay so that makes two new people then wait another person joined yep and that person is Boris Johnson nice to meet you why the hell did they allow a British person to join the server hey you better shut your cake hole before I before you What You Won't Do you want to know why because we'll defeat you in a heartbeat yeah America fair point but I still have a nuke that Obama gave me during his rubbish presidency I call Bull on that okay can you guys pip cheerio away from my Gaff I have things to attend to all right yeah you have to attend these nuts oh sod off why don't you I think that went well yeah I'd say so as the night came around Hillary was still walking oh wow I didn't even realize it was night time how did you just realize that you've been walking outside this entire time well technically I'm sitting down holding the W key and scrolling Tick Tock what anyways I think we can get there tomorrow now that's the spirit wrong you won't get there in fact you'll get there right after they jumped into the hole but I did all of the calculations and everything there's no way I can be late oh there are ways maybe you're right Hillary he's trying to manipulate you again just don't listen to him all right hey does anyone want to play I Spy sure that sounds fun I spy with my little eye something black oh Obama Obama isn't even here uh sure we'll go with that hey maybe we can do something else like name blocks grass stone dirt wool stone bricks Oakwood that was fun no that was actually very lame all right I'm going to sleep I'll see you guys tomorrow good night uh perfect hey what the hell I know what you do at night so I ain't sleeping throughout the night Hillary was having trouble staying up but she pushed through and kept going I'm so tired maybe I should take a break you can't take a break now you have to keep walking hey a break sounds really nice sitting down kicking your feet up and sleeping that does sound really nice wait no I'm not falling for that falling for what there's nothing to fall for just stop and take a break bro I ain't doing that yeah what she said anyways it looks like we will get back just in the nick of time very nice uh good morning uh I hate this house you know what I'm done with this box I need to build an actual house that is suitable for my sleepy needs but where will I get a design from hmm oh I got it I can't believe he just left his house out in the open just for someone to steal the design what the hell are you doing holy uh nothing oh really then why are you weirdly looking at my house oh I was just admiring it you were admiring my house yeah hmm that's a bit sus sleepy Joe what it's not sauce at all Joey get away from my house and stop looking at it all right fine okay I kind of remember what it was like uh perfect now I don't have to live in a shoe box anymore huh who built this dribble of a gaff what the hell does that even mean oh I forgot you Americans don't indulge in the brilliant British slang just tell me what you said I was asking who built this sorry excuse of a house first off I built this house second off this house is way better than your British Castle okay fair dudes I suppose it's not a mock-up build no you mean it's not a up yeah I presume that works too anyways get the hell off my property tickety-boo I'm off while Joe and Ben wait Hillary find someone hey do you guys see that see what I don't see anything wait I can see it it looks like a person I'm gonna Sue who it is hello oh hey what's up Hillary uh who are you that isn't important right now all you need to know is that you're four hours away from the town how the hell did you know where I was going goodbye Hillary who the was that I don't know but we're apparently four hours away I've been walking for that long wow that's very surprising I'm fairly sure that guy was lying why because my GPS says that we're four minutes away no way that's impossible look at your clock Hillary what the how the hell did I not notice that we're this close well you actually fell asleep halfway through the trip wait so you're telling me that I walked in my sleep yeah man no wonder why I feel absolutely good and horrible at the same time yeah anyway are you ready for this uh where the hell is Hillary she'll be here anytime now dude I'm tired of waiting call me when she gets here all right oh there she is there he is hello Hillary Ben I've made a decision okay what did you decide on well I thought about it long and hard and I think me and Trump can be friends again Hillary I have something to tell you you lied what you lied about the whole deal thing yes I thought I could trust you I let you into my house and listen to you but there's one thing that has me confused you wanted to fix everything the guy that used to be an enemy wants to bring friendships back together what is your motive to do that well I guess making people happy is my motive because when I unalived I reflected on all of the bad things that I've done throughout my life and suddenly it hit me I realized that being the bad guy wasn't all that great because it led me down a path that would put me in a very bad position such as the one I'm in right now Hillary I don't care if you leave and still want to be enemies with everyone I just wanted to at least try to fix it all nothing more nothing less Ben I'm not going to leave I want to be around my old friends again really yes really so does that mean that you'll be friends with Trump again yes I will be friends with Trump again in fact I will be friends with everyone what about me shut the hell up well I'll be friends with almost everyone thank you Hillary you don't know how much this means to me don't mention it all right where can I put my house oh there's a place next to Obama's old white house okay I'm going to build my house there then alrighty I'll see you later see ya all right I'm back from my nap oh you just missed Hillary wait she was just here yeah she literally just left Ben did you at least tell her the truth yes I told her the full truth good all right so who's going to tell Trump about it you should go tell him because you have a better friendship with him than me but I'm still sleepy Joe don't pull that card this game this game this game Joe hey you good what yeah I'm good are you sure you've been standing there for three minutes staring into the sky oh I just zoned out okay I'm just making sure all right I'll see you in a few days wait don't you need anything for the trip I already have everything oh all right see you in a few days Trump are you home Trump what the heck is that come over here Joey no I'm backing off we can make a deal I give you your dog and you come to help me wait no this can't be it's not true oh Joey it's true how the hell are you back that's not important what's important is you helping me out hell no why would I help the guy that wanted to unalive everyone Joey I'm not that guy anymore I've changed really yes I want to help everyone get back on their feet wow it sounds like you're really starting to lie about all of that uh I didn't want to tell you this but I took Bill what what do you mean he's inside of me what the hell his soul is inside of me you're a weirdo you were the one that literally worded it like that that's beside the point okay I'm giving you one more chance punch me or else I won't release bill what will happen if I punch you 10 seconds 10. okay fine I'll punch you but you have to release bill first fair enough did you do it yep he's back in the cave that I got him from all right uh this feels great I'm finally human again Obama before we go any further do you have plans to destroy our team again you know what I actually don't so I guess you guys aren't my enemies anymore wait so you aren't planning to unalive us or anything nope I just want to play in a peaceful Minecraft World with my friends what kind of therapy did you go through up there Obama therapy I call Bull on that sure you do alrighty it was nice seeing you again wait aren't you coming back to town yeah but I just want to admire this world before I go back oh all right I'll leave you to it then all right see ya help me this thing is going to unalive me help please somebody huh why did it have to be me shut the hell up I'm trying to read a book on how to get punches even reading a book you still wouldn't be able to pull in some women's head hey remember who has you locked up in this cage pal this cage is just a cage ain't nothing in this cage that's going to damage me oh really so this won't damage you what won't damage me ow holy sh what the yeah how about that you okay maybe your cage can damage me that inflicted some damage why the heck am I in this cage anyway oh you'll find out soon trumpy I've got a bad feeling about this Trump where the hell are you hiding anyways Trump come out of the place you're hiding in Joe I'm down here well I genuinely have no idea where he went oh maybe he went back to town that's got to be where he went you idiot I'm down here Boris where did Joey go I'm quite sure the bloke set out on a journey to get Trump oh is that why Ben is still here pose all right see you British boy oh hush up Ben yeah what's up when's Joe coming back Joe will come back once he has told Trump about the whole situation how long do you think that will take how long was your presidency I was never a president then that's how long it will take what the hell okay whatever for real though he'll probably be back anytime now all right thank you for the answer where the am I I think I'm lost Obama hey Joey uh what's up I need help what do you need help with I need help getting home I kind of don't know the coordinates back to town and you expect me to know them of course well luckily if I may have coordinates to a location that might contain the coordinates to the town Oh I thought you actually had the coordinates to town Joe you expect too much from me take the coordinates and go find the other coordinates okay hey it was nice talking to you again you as well dumb Joe is now heading toward those coordinates and when he gets there he would be able to find the coordinates to get back home dude luckily this location is only like 200 blocks away so it shouldn't take too long ooh pretty flowers bill bill bill what the actual hell do you want can I have some food let me think about it um no come on dog if you're going to hold on to me for a while you might as well feed me to keep me alive hmm you may have a point all right fine you can have some raw pork chops bro you ain't even gonna cook them what is wrong with you what is wrong with me well there's nothing necessarily wrong with me but I do feel like there's something wrong with you oh I don't want to hear it I like how we're talking to each other even though you have me trapped in a cage yeah it's quite interesting what the that's for snapping back to reality oh there goes gravity don't even start with the singing ah you ruined fun those were some tasty flowers holy I think this is it Obama Towers yell code black to get in Code Black I assume I just opened the door oh yep what the actual did Obama build plans bombs uh here we go coordinates Town coordinates bingo now I can finally head home and let them know about Trump being missing I'm just a little bit curious betray Biden complete man I didn't know he created a plan for that anyways I'd better get a move on did you find what you were looking for yes yes I did okay you didn't take anything else right yeah I took something I took Michael oh shut your old ass up I haven't even seen Michelle since my unaliveness hey she actually lives in the town so you can see her again if you want wait she lives in town yeah she's lived there for many years now all right well I'll probably go there soon hey you can come with me I don't know man you might talk the entire trip oh all right uh I guess you don't want to see Michael then I do want to see Michelle but I feel like it's not the time right now I got you okay I'll see you later then see ya so much for they'll be back anytime now hey I still stand with that statement your statement was made a few hours ago how the hell do you still stand with it I guess you have a fair point but I've got a feeling that they'll be here anytime now I'm done with your dumb guesstimates I'm going to find them wait I'll go that's what I thought now go find those jackets what Ben didn't know was that Joe is walking toward him right now and I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more just to be the old man uh how does the rest go again it was a song anyways you know what I think I'm just going to walk because I don't know what else to do man it's dark out here Joe Benny what the hell are you doing I came to find you guys wait where's Trump well Trump wasn't anywhere to be found so I decided to walk back and tell you about it did you look in his house yeah and the only thing I found was Obama Ben is that really you yes it's me what are you doing here well Joe and I are looking for Trump did you look in his house Joe's going to look again so how have you been I've been fine oh I finally became friends with everyone again oh that's good I guess yeah anyways I would love to catch up right now but we're currently looking for Trump so I'll see you later oh yeah definitely any luck nope wait what is that oh it's nothing is this Hunter's bag with green stuff in it Ben I can explain I'm going to burn this Joey I paid good money for that though wait a second wasn't this the stuff you bought at the start of this whole War maybe this is the stuff that started the fights no your mom started the fights I'm burning the out of this bag you're paying me back then I ain't paying you back I'm done with this hey where the hell are you going I'm going wherever I want to go but you can't just leave me here uh that Benny thinks he can burn my weed well he could but he can't because it's mine why the hell is my nose flat ow Joey Trump where the hell are we well we are in my dungeon Trump how long have you been here he's been here longer than you I'll tell you that much holy sh is that you Billy don't ever call me Billy again and yes it is why the hell did you trap us in here well technically you trapped yourselves in here I did none of that trapping stuff Bill what is your plan oh Joey the plan will explain itself soon whoa chill sleepy Joe did you take your medications today I don't need no medications head are you good Joe that was quite a fall yes I'm good well seeing as we're going to be here for a while we might as well get comfortable great just great dude Trump has got a fudging soft bed wake up ladies we've got a long day ahead of us uh what do you mean by that you'll be cleaning Chubby's cage why the actual are you having us do your chores well I figured you were a good pick for this job also because I'm lazy all right get to it who does this guy think he is making me do all of his chores I guess I kind of do the same thing with other people in real life but that's beside the point what'd you say down there oh nothing I'll be here watching and listening to you brother idiot hmm ow what the hell don't try it sleepy it was worth a shot I was the best night of my life uh time to find Joe and trumpy morning Obama morning where are you going I'm going to find Joe and Trump Joe I thought it was just Trump well Joe got a little bit heated last night and ran off so now I'm going to look for him typical sleepy Joe anyways I'll see you later see ya as Ben looked for them he started to lose hope because he knew that there was a good chance that they could have ran far away but out of nowhere something appeared hmm what the hell is this some sort of secret entrance well only one way to find out Geronimo oof oh no and this day just gets better Bill what is this well it's a cage and you are trapped in said cage I'm a idiot hey who the hell is that Trump oh you gotta be me are you good no I'm not good I'm trapped in a cage with no way out well obviously all right ladies I'm going to pick up some American Fried Chicken does anyone want something from there yeah can I have mac and cheese Joe shut up mac and cheese all right I'll be back soon we have to figure out how to get out of here I've already tried many times to get out it's practically impossible I'm out what the hell how good old dirt blocks okay I think this one opens the doors what the hell are you doing Ben let's get the fat I'll meet you guys back at my house okay okay what is that noise that's my alarm I knew getting AFC was a bad idea holy sh where the hell are they oh sh how the hell do I open this door oh there's a button there are so many why the is there parkour before the exit door I suck at this come on I'm so close to that exit stop right there oh I'm out yes you're going to fall Benny off Billy I ain't going back in your cage oh but you will that was extremely racist and now you won't catch me you're white what do you mean burn in hell you idiot I gotta get to Joe and Trump holy Ben we thought you got caught yeah holy that was too close I'm so glad we didn't get caught what's this it's your green stuff I couldn't burn it you couldn't but I can I don't want that stuff ruining my life anymore hey isn't that the green stuff from the start of it all uh no no it is not oh all right so what's the plan now well I think we should take out Bill wait you want to unalive him I don't want to but if he has a master plan to do something to us then we have to or we can imprison him oh yeah I guess that works too all right let's get our own master plan going now and that's what they did they started to form a plan that would help them capture Bill all right Joe you'll be building the jail cell for Bill still what the hell why do I get the boring job well we think you're a skillful Builder wait really no you suck at building what about me you'll be watching from afar or as I like to call it back up wait so you're going to take on Bill all by yourself me and my block wand you still have that yeah I actually take good care of my things so you know all right are we ready for this yes sir let's do this all right do you remember the plan yeah good oh one more thing if I yell the word cheese then that means that I need help got it okay I'll see you soon Benny boy good luck Orange bro this place is a mess dawg it's almost like an animal went on a rampage in this place the was that oh it's just a pig you're cute I'll name you Epstein that's an interesting name but alas her name is actually chubby it's over Bill surrender now or else oh I think it's the other way around what do you mean well funny old me thought it would be funny to plant three nukes underneath some houses he also thought it would be smart to lock all of the doors in this dungeon huh what what the hell now I'm willing to make a deal with you as long as you're good with it What's your deal offer I will remove these nukes and let you guys go and in return I want the block wand what are you insane don't you know how powerful this is oh yeah and that's why I want it all right fine I accept your deal good choice now remove the nukes and uh what the hell we made a deal cheese what do you want cheese uh take that grab the wand we have to go now got it I'll check my house you need to go back to town to make sure there aren't any nukes there all right going right now oh make sure to check in with Obama I will do that so Trump checked his house my house is Nuke Free thank God he then hit up Obama's Place Obama Obama open the door what's up Trump I think there's a nuke underneath your house a nuke what are you talking about someone said that they planted three nukes under people's houses so we're just checking to make sure well I can check my nuke detector real quick to make sure yes please do that holy there's an unidentified bomb underneath my house it's a nuke we need to dig it up and defuse it I got some shovels that we can use let's get to digging then oh I'm not gonna get there in time Ben Ronald right now isn't the best time to talk here use these you'll get there faster oh my gosh thank you Ronald don't mention it now go defuse those nukes yes sir holy I'm so close to town and it's only been 10 minutes Hillary you need to leave right now what the hell what's going on there might be a nuke under your house all right I'm out of here shoot time to dig this piece of junk up you got it Obama I got it okay do you know how to defuse it well I know a little bit and done holy shoot your fastest boy dude thank you for letting me know about this it's not a problem all right I have to get to town I'll see you later okay see ya I gotta pump my legs for this one oh what the hell there you go Ronald is that you it could be well if it is then thank you no problem bud now get to town yeah Buddy ain't nothing underneath her house so it's got to be either boris's Castle Joe's house or my house oh shoot I gotta get to my house I can hear beeping I'm almost there I just have to keep running oh shoot there it is it's changed quite a bit come on dig through there it is Ben Trump I only checked my and Hillary's house so far okay I'm going to check the other ones then be fast holy sh diffusing these things is hard we'll go to Joey's house what the hell Joey what the did you capture him no there might be a nuke under your house what the hell never mind I think you're good what is going on it has to be boris's Castle oh shoot there's a bomb here come on I almost got it oh I don't think that was normal where the hell is this bomb at shoot it's in the castle what the bloody hell is going on out here there's a nuke in your Castle oh pip cheerio I'm out of here there it is I think I got it nope I did not I'm done I only got 15 seconds Ben did you defuse them no it won't diffuse for some reason 10 seconds give me the bomb take it what the I did it thank you everyone for attending the ceremony two days ago Donald saved the town and many lives from a potential nuclear explosion and for that I award him with 64 diamonds he will also give a speech thank you Joey six years six years of my life I've tried to dedicate to being a good person and before that well it was the complete opposite in those six years I made some good friends had good times and I've even done good things for people such as saving an entire town now certain people in this life don't want you to succeed or just want complete power over everything and the person that planted all of those nukes just wants power over everything but luckily we were able to take out this person and that person was Bill at first we didn't want to take him out but he left us no choice it was to either take him out or take the whole town out okay we may have taken him out but that doesn't mean that's the end of it for me I feel like it's a warning for something bigger coming that's just me though so I wouldn't worry about it anyways it is time to celebrate let's do good man I can't express how grateful I am right now like the whole town could have blown up but you guys found out and you acted fast yeah Trump yes do you really think this is a warning for something potentially bigger I don't know we'll just have to see man it feels like yesterday this whole War started and now it's finally coming to an end we've been through so much to get to where we are right now it just I don't know it feels like I can finally accomplish what I set out to do in the first place make peace and be friends with everyone I still wish I had trusted you the first time we could have avoided all of this conflict but I guess it's too late for that Joe it is what it is call each other names but we shouldn't have any wars period I totally agree with that no war is just peace you kind of sounded like those hippies from back then but I guess it is true peace is something that certain people strive for in their lives and I guess we are those certain types of people yeah man I would love to go back and just live it all again too bad time travel isn't a thing what do you mean haven't you seen Back to the Future that's a flipping movie no it's not I saw it in a newspaper it said Back to the Future it is real sleepy Joe those are just conspiracy theorists trying to make a living by spreading lies I don't believe that for a second here proposition is hell yeah deal me in there are three days to get it but the scallop three days what's wrong is that not enough time no it's enough very well then private home what the heck Trump I thought you loved it here I do but if I don't put something big on the line then it won't buy bug much all right I'm going to find it I'll I'll see you in three days then yeah hopefully Joey now has something big on the line and he has three days to get it first he has to get ready to go probably we'll need armor these tools this food I don't think I'll need Porky sorry buddy I'm going to be gone for a few days I'll see you later Joe is now ready to find this time machine so he pulls up the coordinates for the newspaper shop that he had seen before and started to run I guess this trip might take quite a bit well might as well do something while I'm waiting I spy with my eye something orange darn it's too bad the Trump isn't here because he would be a big help with this challenge uh what was I saying again oh yeah I was going to put my second favorite song on man I wonder what Joe is doing to entertain himself on his extremely useless trip yeah this is so fun oh shoot there's a tree hey he's probably just talking to himself again hey Trump what's shaking not much what about you Barry Benson let's say hypothetically that I need to borrow some materials from you would you be able to lend me some what do you need them for I need it for my flying home because I did the calculations and it says that I need a few necessary blocks for this to work okay and what are these blocks that you speak of one Bedrock one command block and 20 observers Ben I don't have Bedrock or command blocks but I do have observers I thought you were around for the great creative mode War though don't you ever say those words again I have too many bad memories from that war oh sorry about that okay I'll give you the observers all right and I guess you'll have to ask someone else about those other items yep thanks Trump no problem Ben wait what I might know where one of the blocks that you need is where is it located I remember from a few years back I trapped Obama in this house dude I remember that didn't you trap Joe too I did but he wasn't here he was at Joe's old house yeah I know did Joe tell you about it no I was the one that let Joe out Donald are you okay Donald you're starting to turn white don't talk to me right now Ben are you okay Trump leave me alone hey whatever he's probably just tired he was the one that let Joe out of that trap I can't believe this right now wait am I really getting angry over this I mean this was over six years ago but it still bothers me oh I gotta get away from all of this so Trump packed his bags and left the town uh hopefully this whole getaway thing will calm me down a little meanwhile Joe is still having Daydreams whoa is that Obama's old white house no way wait I'm daydreaming I forgot to take my medications bring me back to reality oh I'm back okay where's my medication there it is that could have been bad wait where the heck am I oh no I was going the wrong way you've got to be kidding me Trump was obviously being bothered by something maybe it was me I'll go talk to him Trump I want to talk to you what the some of his stuff is gone no this can't be he ditched us but why what did I do to make him leave hmm I got an idea Hillary what's up Benny um do you know if anyone has been messing with Trump lately not that I know of actually I heard you guys played Uno the other day huh what are you talking about you played Uno with Trump Joe and Obama um I don't think so wait so have you been messing with him at all Ben what is going on you know what I think I have to plant some flowers in front of my house I'll see you later that was very odd first off how the heck did she know about the Uno game second off I think Trump seemed very agitated when I told him about me letting Joe out maybe I'm the cause of this maybe just maybe he got mad because he didn't know who let Joe out until I told him who did it yeah that's definitely it dog this trip finna be longer than William Henry Harrison's presidency wait actually I think we might be getting close there's a block and a sign town is 2 000 blocks away that's not too bad but I will have to stop soon because it is getting dark so Joe walked until the sun was not visible anymore and stopped to set up camp these tents suck more than Jill jeez I don't even know how to do this oh there are some instructions a step one get impeached wait that's not it here it is step one place blocks in a triangular form I don't know what that means so we'll wing it this looks perfect all right good night bed I think this is a good place to stay for the night all right tent time wait where the heck is my tent I swore I packed it of of course I think Joe took it for his useless trip great just great now I have nothing to stay in hold up maybe I do have something to stay in ha I knew that item would come in handy good night outside world man even with this house I can't sleep I just keep thinking of that thing Ben did but I'm also thinking of that war he mentioned if Joe finds that quote on quote time machine then maybe we could go back and take some stuff from that war those were very dark times though so it might be a bad idea uh I don't know what to do should I look for him or just wait wait let's think of his past he wanted to make peace but he wasn't able to then he moved far away and didn't come back so maybe he isn't coming back okay I have to find him but first I have to figure out which direction he went because that's a big key factor to finding this Tangerine so Ben stayed up all night taking in all of the information and went further into detail with it he eventually narrowed down all the ways he could have gone and after that he got ready to go I think I got everything X except for my sleep because I feel sleepier than sleepy Joe whatever I think I can pull through without it [Music] uh I've got a long day ahead of me I feel like drinking some honey for breakfast because it's orange like Trump I love me some good old black coffee in the morning oh that's odd I feel the sudden urge to punch something come here homie man that honey really hits the spot all right time to pack it all up la la this is easy this sucks okay I think I got everything and I think I have to travel like 1 000 more blocks block anyways time to run ooh what's that a piece of paper closed permanently huh that's strange I wonder what is closed wait no no no no it can't be it's only been eight years I can't believe this wait maybe there's a door unlocked locked locked aha Bingo let's see what they have the legends of Obama nope Donald dump in the trash can huh I'm gonna keep that one ah here it is Back to the Future it is real wait now I need to find the actual thing but where am I going to find it hold up hold up I'm now starting to realize something the newspaper store that I went to had diorite flooring not Granite flooring I think I forgot to take my medications again dang nabbit man I don't know what to do when I get there should I stay permanently or temporarily I mean I finally made them my friends but Ben told me that he was the one that let him out you know what I'll just stay a week I think they can survive without me bro I can't believe that I slept for two hours I gotta hit the road if I want to find Trump okay I've calculated every single way he could have gone and I'm Fair fairly sure that he went this way there are no signs of trump being here but I feel like we would have to go a long way to find some real evidence of him being here okay the shop should be 500 blocks away wait there's a paper here oh please don't be the same thing as last time Renovations from January 1st to the 18th oh so it's still open nice hey there it is hopefully they didn't take out the old newspapers wait what's this on lunch break dog it's one o'clock who the heck eats lunch at one o'clock dang this mctrump triple cheeseburger hits harder than Joe's presidency all right I think this is a perfect place to build my all-new vacation home uh I still feel bad for leaving them but at the same time I'm extremely mad uh whatever it's not like I'm not coming back ever again like I'll probably be back in one week so they shouldn't be so worried about it unless they start thinking that I was taken by someone oh I didn't think about that okay maybe I'll cut my vacation by four days I think that's fair anyway I got to get the base set up for the night time so Trump built his house successfully in a matter of 30 minutes and Joe was still waiting where the heck is this tardy store owner it's like he fell into a hole and can't get out wait am I foreshadowing oh shoot I literally just foreshadowed something what the heck hey are you good I'm in a flipping hole so no I'm not good wait Pence when the heck did you join the server Joe I'll tell you everything when you help me out of this stupid hole okay here take this shovel you should be able to dig out with it yeah I would think that you can dig out with a shovel dude you never told me that you joined no you never told me that you joined wait what are you talking about Joe I've been on the server for almost 10 years now wait then how did I not know about you being in it well first off you've never seen me on second off Trump probably didn't tell you about the big war we had wait what big war back in the old days of trump being president we always had this fun friendship where nothing bad ever happened until that one fateful night Trump was setting up a funny prank for me he placed a pressure plate on top of a piece of TNT in front of my house and underneath that TNT was a deep hole now I came home and noticed something off so I looked around checked the ground and came to the conclusion that it was all good wrong I walked into my house activated the TNT and fell down wait how the heck did you survive that it's literally impossible I had a water bucket on me and I pulled an incredible clutch however this didn't stop the TNT from killing me so I put my shield on and prayed to God that the shield would protect me well did it protect you yes it did thank God it did because I wanted to get back at him so badly oh no after making my way out of the hole I grabbed my stash of TNT ran to Trump's house and blew it all up including his doggo and that was the start of the creative mode War the creative mode war huh that name is so creative sorry carry on for two straight months the creative mode War lasted and when it finally ended we all voted to remove creative mode from everyone after doing that I left town and haven't gone back since wow that was quite the story yeah anyways I have to get back to running my store wait you work here well I'm actually the owner of this business but I've been to this place before and I've never seen your face like at all yeah because I used to have Bush running the store oh my gosh I remember now Bush was the one that was running the store whatever happened to him there was this dude on the server his name is Ron DeSantis they apparently had beef and decided to settle it by having a big sword fight like until one of them was unalived yes but here's the thing I don't know who won I did however bet on who I thought it was back in town there were a few Graves and one of those Graves was Ron's dang looks like I just lost a bet to myself yeah he unalived in 2025. that sounds about right anyways let's get down to business I came here to find a newspaper that says Back to the Future it is real um you might look in the newspaper while okay thanks let's see movies comic books uh newspapers now I just have to find it so Joe spent an hour looking for this newspaper and something unexpected happened they literally don't have it anymore Mike do you have any old newspapers in the back let me go take a look oh please I hope they have it or else I'm screwed all right I got some right here 2020 2021 2022 and 2023 editions take all the time you need thanks Mike it's my pleasure okay if I'm thinking correctly it should be from 2021 no shot There It Is Back to the Future it is real let's go wait what does this say back to the future is not actually real do not take it seriously no this can't be hey did you find what you're looking for yeah and it was a waste of time how come I was on a mission to prove time travel is real but this paper says it's fake Joe I've never shown anyone this but I can make an exception today follow me Mike what the heck is this this is my secret garage I've been working on something big Behold a time machine no way dog you you actually have one yep and it's fully functional too can we take it for a test drive sure but you have to note some things down don't touch or take anything don't interact with anyone and most importantly don't wander off did your sleepy head get all of that yes I got it all okay brace for a strong shock impulse a what now uh whoa where are we we are an hour in the past hey there you are and you just fell into the hole Yeah and the funny thing with this is I can go to any time period I want wow that's amazing can I have it whoa hold your horses this is a very delicate machine I can't just give it to the most clumsy person I know Mikester I promise I won't ruin the machine or the timeline I swear on it Joe it's too dangerous I can't let this fall into the wrong hands I made a bet with Trump huh I bet him that I could find a time machine in three days and if I didn't find a time machine then he would leave town forever wow it seems like you have a good friendship with him yeah we had to go through a lot but in the end everyone became friends again maybe I'll reconsider this whole thing then you will you got to give me some time to think about it because this is a big thing how long does your thinking take it's not as slow as yours so it should take like a few hours okay I'll just be waiting here then oh trumpy where are you man he really wanted to get away from everyone wait what is this a random piece of oak wood huh that is quite interesting so this could potentially mean that we are getting very close to Trump or it could just be a random woodblock we'll just assume that it's trumpy I mean who else could have placed this random block uh probably Bush nope it's me your favorite U.S president Donald J Trump man this is the best vacation ever uh who am I kidding this just straight up sucks because I left without even telling them and now they're probably worried sick about me you know what I'm going back tomorrow I can't live with this sorrow and regret I'm going to pack right now whoa what the hell was that hello is anyone home Benny what are you doing here well I thought you left us for good because of something I said then I started to do some math to find you and I found you Ben I'm sorry for leaving you guys I should have let you guys know I was taking a break before I even left but I guess I was too angry to do that it's all right we're just glad that you are okay what do you mean by we anyways I'm gonna head home now wait you're going to travel by yourself yeah I guess well you could stay here for the night then we can travel back in the morning really thank you trumpy Ben don't ever call me that again again sorry I guess I carried some of that Uno energy over to this series I'd prefer you just leaving that energy in the Uno video all right hey did Joe ever go back to town uh Mike it's been three hours have you thought about it fully okay I have thought about it thank God I'm gonna give you a chance okay here go show it to Trump then bring it back got it thank you Mike I'll have it back to you a sap I really hope he doesn't screw anything up like he usually does man I can't wait to rub this in Trump's face man it's getting late I think I'm going to set up this tent I think I remember how to do it this goes here that goes there and it's done easiest build of my life I think I'll hold on to this time machine tonight I can't take any risks at all all right it's Betty by time oh yes it's morning time and I can't forget to take my pills because I might start hallucinating again all right I gotta pack this junk now wake the hell up it's time to get ready whoa what the heck get ready to go you Barnacle head all right I'm going man this leftover cheeseburger hits the spot bro where did you get that burger from oh are you referring to the mctrump triple deluxe burger I guess well in that case I got it from Mick Trump's what the hell I didn't know that you owned a restaurant I've owned a restaurant since 2025. can we go to it it is on the way so I guess we could stop by to pick up some Burgers yay free lunch bro Trump won't be able to leave town since I have the proof of this time machine being real wait wasn't there a time frame oh my gosh I think it's getting close I have to start running faster running isn't going to get me there in time wait I can use the time machine place this down and flip the lever I really hope he doesn't screw anything up like he usually does as long as I don't touch or talk to anyone then I should be good well what the hell this isn't where I want to go okay what day is it now it's yesterday yes now I can get there before the three-day deadline holy shoot Trump this burger is amazing thanks I stole this recipe myself wait what anyways I think we should be getting relatively close to town now but we've only been walking for a few hours yes but I like to make it seem like we've been walking for a while now I don't get it Benny you wouldn't get something if it hit you right in the face trumpy hypothetically speaking I would get it if it hit me right in the face because I have an IQ of 200. hey it looks like we're home what the heck how did that happen Ben a magician never Reveals His Secrets man I hope that I can make it in time hey there's town that time machine must have teleported me closer to town man it's good to be home oh Trump I found it found what oh yeah oh then now you can't leave town I already left town for two days wait what don't worry it was just a little vacation okay well I still got the time machine and I can prove that it works let's see it Joey place that and flip the lever wait what Joe remember what I said when you left for that trip no wait it was working a second ago no Joe it's fine even if it doesn't work I won't leave town you won't no that's good but I have to give this thing back to someone oh let me guess e ve nope it's your old vice president Pence yep and he apparently owns the store that I told you about man Mike and I go way back yeah I know he told me everything wait even the war yes even the war well how is he is he still in good shape I'd say so yeah man I wonder if there's a chance that me and Mike could be friends again I mean we could go to a shop together okay let's do that hey Mike I got your time machine and it's still in pristine condition very good very good I didn't trust you at first but now I do thank you Mike hey quick question for you would you ever consider being friends with any one of the guys from that war you guys had it really depends on who it is give me a second hey Mike Trump what are you doing here I wanted to apologize for what I did that whole scheme of me planting a trap under your door was very dumb and I really should have thought about it before I actually did it yes you really should have thought about it like a lot Mike I know that you probably still don't like me but I have a question will you be my friend again Trump even though you almost unalive me and started a war I will forgive you but will I be friends with you yes of course I will yes after all of the conflict Trump and Mike have finally become friends again and now that almost everyone has become friends well I was going to say the war is over but please help me and that fixes that problem
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Views: 1,123,706
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Keywords: The Presidents Start a War in Minecraft, Presidents Play Minecraft, US presidents play minecraft, Joe Biden playing minecraft, Donald Trump playing Minecraft, usa presidents play minecraft, u.s presidents play minecraft, The Presidents Start a BIG War in Minecraft, presidents play minecraft, The Presidents Start a War in Minecraft Pt. 1-14 FULL MOVIE, us presidents play minecraft, presidents play minecraft 1-10, presidents play skyblock 3, the presidents play minecraft
Id: cI0c-hubzh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 31sec (5611 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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