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it's the treatment do you want to know how this famous London landmark can help you learn English grammar stay tuned so welcome guys I'm here in London on the Millennium Bridge which was built in the year 2000 now how does this bridge help you learn English grammar I'm going to explain that right now today we're looking at the present perfect and we're going to look at the basics the things that you need to know to use the present perfect because it causes a lot of people problems so the main thing we need to know about the present perfect is that it links the past to the present that's how we use it that's where the Brownian bridge comes in on the north side of the River Thames we have some Paul's Cathedral built in the 1600s a long time in the past right so so Paul's Cathedral is the past now I'm going to walk on the Millennium Bridge and see what's on the other side [Music] and now on the south side of the River Thames and right by Tate Modern as the name suggests Tate Modern is a modern art gallery open in the year 2000 so to me it represents what's happening in London right now suppose Cathedral that's the past this is the present and what links the to the millenium bridge so you can see why the millenium bridge is the present perfect if the present perfect tense links the past to the present so does the millenium bridge the past suppose Cathedral to the present Tate Modern I got that tip from a very wise teacher who I used to work with called Joe Greene young genius [Music] now let's put the present perfect into some example sentences to show you that balance between the past and the present and how it links the two together so how do we form the present perfect let's have a look the structure of the present perfect have or has plus the past participle that's the third verb so for example eat ate eaten eaten is the one that we want or sing sang sung sung is the verb that we want so the past participle in the negative we use have or has and they're not in the past participle often we contract the negative so it's haven't or hasn't you can also use never so I have never been to Italy or she has never gone to Sweden for example so the negative can be formed in two different ways question forms we put the auxilary at the beginning so it's half then the subject and then the past participle so have you ever been to China have you ever been to China that's how we form the question the answer to the question would be yes I have or no I haven't yes I have or no I haven't one of the most common uses of the present perfect is to talk about our life experiences and to link the past with the present so for example I've lived in Spain Argentina and Hong Kong I've lived in Spain Argentina and Hong Kong I'm using the present perfect there I have lived okay I have lived and those situations all happen in the past they are part of my life experience and possibly I might go on to live in other countries so there are past experiences that are still true now it's it's still true now that I've had these experiences the time period we're looking at here my whole life my entire life one thing that's important to know about the present perfect is we usually don't say the time we don't mention when something happened the experience could have happened at any time so in that sentence I've lived in Spain Argentina and Hong Kong I don't tell you when the idea that it's in my life at some point but that's important to know now I'm gonna do another lesson on this because I think this is really important for you guys to know and understand because it covers so many useful topics of conversation talking about our life experiences finding out more information about those it's really natural you do it so often in your day to day life and of course there are lots of other ways that we can use the present perfect and I will be doing more videos related to it so if you'd like to see another present perfect video about how we use it in different ways then hit the like button hit the subscribe button hit the notification bell and tell me in the comments below Tom I want another present perfect lesson and I will make one for you guys I hope you enjoyed that lesson I hope you found it useful linking the Millennium Bridge to the present perfect having that visual reminder of what the present perfect is for when Joe told me about that that I did I loved it straight away and I have told all my students about it ever since just to help them to kind of visualize the concept of the present perfect alright guys thank you so much for hanging out with me remember I've got new videos every Tuesday and every Friday helping you take your English to the next level but until next time this is Tom the chief dreamer saying goodbye
Channel: Eat Sleep Dream English
Views: 40,578
Rating: 4.9368615 out of 5
Keywords: present perfect tense, present perfect, grammar, grammar lesson, english grammar, learn english, how to use the present perfect, english grammar lessons, english lessons, british english, london, visit london, english, learn english online, how to use present perfect, using prsent perfect, learning english grammar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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