Present Perfect vs Past Simple | Grammar Time!

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today we're looking at two tenses and how we use them together to talk about our life experiences this is going to be super useful guys so stay tuned hello and welcome to each leisure English if you haven't met you before my name is Tom and I teach fresh modern British English so you can take your English to the next level and achieve your life colors now before we get started guys hit that subscribe button hit that notification bell so that you don't miss a single English lesson with me now today we're going to be talking about our experiences our life experiences and we're going to be using two tenses together to do that the two tenses that we're going to look at are the present perfect and the past simple now I've done a video introducing the present perfect before you watch this video make sure you've watched that video so that you understand what the present perfect is and why we use it then come back to this video okay alright let's get going with today's video in so many conversations we want to talk about our experiences the things that we have done where we did them why we did them when we did them and we used these two tenses the present perfect and the past simple together to do that we introduced the experience using the present perfect so for example I've been to Singapore I've been to Singapore okay so there we have I have and then the past participle I have been to Singapore I have been to Singapore I'm contracting there that I have two eyes so remember we're the present perfect is have or has plus the past participle so that's my experience I have been to Singapore the important things to notice here is that the time period is my whole life my entire life and the day that was born - now this is the time period we're talking about with the present perfect we generally don't say when it happened we don't give that much detail so we just say that it happens but we don't say when so we don't use any time phrases so a past time phrase like yesterday or last week we can't use with the present perfect that's often a mistake that students make is they might say last year I have been to Italy we can't say that because last year is complete time it's finished and we can't use the present perfect with a completed time period so it's important to remember don't use a past time phrase with the present perfect now that we know the experience I've been to Singapore we're gonna ask for more details more information about this experience that's when we go into the past simple so for example when let's make a question with when okay using the past simple when did you go when did you go so I would say well I went last month I went last month so now we're using the past simple because this is a completed action it's finished I'm not still in Singapore it's finished I'm back in London so it happened last month that's a past time expression a past time phrase it's finished we cannot use the present perfect with last month we have to use the past simple so I've been to Singapore when did you go I went last month past simple another question did you like it did you like it okay and they answer Abby yes I loved it past simple question a past simple answer another question what did you do in Singapore what did you do in Singapore okay again what did past simple you do in Singapore I did some work I met a neat sleek dreamer and I ate a lot of amazing food in fact if you want to see my experience in Singapore check out the video above to find out about people's experiences we use have or has plus the subject and then the past participle have you eaten frogs legs have you eaten frogs legs so have and in the subject and then eaten the past participle and then the rest of the question have you eaten frogs legs or have you ever eaten frogs legs if you want to talk about your life now here's a great little tip guys when we answer we could say yes I have or no I haven't but often we develop that a bit more so we'll move into another tense when we're answering so for example have you ever eaten frogs legs yes I have I I had them when I was a kid so yes I have I had them when I was a kid so I've used yes I have to answer but then I moved straight into the past simple to talk about my experience I had them when I was a kid I had them when I was a child or maybe no but I'd love to so have you ever eaten frogs legs no but I'd love to I would love to means I want to as you can see that I've changed from the present perfect no or no I haven't but I'd love to moving into the present tense there because it's a wish or a desire that I have now so when we are answering we use the present perfect to answer or just yes and no and then we can move into a different tense have you ever been to New Zealand yeah it was amazing yeah it was amazing so yes is the answer and then I move into the past simple it was amazing have you ever been scuba diving no by here it's amazing no by here it's amazing so the answer no and then the present tense but I hear like people have told me it's amazing so as you can see there our answers can be quite flexible with the tense may be present perfect and then a past simple or a present tense so that's really natural English guidance that's showing you how we talk in real life we don't stick to one tense we move around using different tenses super useful now I'm going to do a very special conversational vlog talking about my life experiences that will be up really soon so keep your eyes open that would be really good for your listening practice and to see these tenses being used in real natural conversation all right I've got a little test for you guys I'm going to show you five sentences and I want you to decide are they correct or incorrect if they are incorrect I want you to make the correction okay change the sentence so that it's perfect English all right they could be correct they could be incorrect I don't know which one is which it's up to you all right are you ready here we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] how do you do did you get the right okay I hope you did remember there are a few clues to help you to decide should I use the present perfect or the past simple for example if there is a past time phrase like yesterday last week last month 10 years ago don't use the present perfect you must use the past simple all right guys I hope you've enjoyed that lesson remember I've got new videos every Tuesday and every Friday helping you take your English to the next level check out my Instagram account why put daily English content particularly Instagram stories if you want to see me working behind the scenes on HD dream English if you want to see me around London or wherever I am check out Instagram stories and remember to keep your eyes open for that conversation vlog talking about my life experiences of course if you haven't seen the first present perfect video go check it out super useful and we go to one of London's most famous landmarks to talk about the present perfect it's a really interesting vlog alright guys until next time this is Tom the chief dreamer saying goodbye
Channel: Eat Sleep Dream English
Views: 33,865
Rating: 4.951746 out of 5
Keywords: present perfect, present perfect vs simple past, present perfect vs past simple, life experiences, learn english, present perfect english lesson, english grammar lesson, english grammar, how to use the present perfect, grammar, english, lesson, past simple, present perfect for life experience, present perfect or past simple teach this, lessons, grammr, english grammr
Id: G3PP09hnVYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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