Present Perfect #4 - Smrt Live Class with Mark #28

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oh can you hear me now can you hear me now I will fix that it's okay I think I I think I forgot to press a button I forgot to press the button sorry guys let's start again good morning good day good afternoon good evening how are you guys how are you guys yeah it's it's 9 o'clock it's 9 o'clock in Vancouver it's 9 o'clock a.m. so you know sometimes I forget to push buttons it because it's 9 o'clock it's early I've only had one cup of coffee today Wow why did I say that I've only had one cup of Kotla of coffee today why did I say this sentence why didn't I say this I only had one cup of coffee yo Mara why did I choose the present perfect sentence why did I choose this Rosa Kai oh gosh who else was here Bosco was here Mukhtar was here John no Tico Steve hey guys sorry so so I said I've only had one cup of coffee today and thank you for letting me know about the the audio poor teacher yeah I know so early but but Neil just did a class he just did a class from 7:30 until 8:30 in the morning so that's much earlier so I shouldn't complain I shouldn't complained because it happened recently Selma Selma I think you missed class number one number two and number three about the Pres perfect look at Steve Lynn's beautiful answer or roses beautiful answer let me see what else yeah yeah Steve Lynn and Rosa and Selma yeah so my meaning is my meaning is today is not finished so I I maybe I I may have another cup of coffee maybe I will have two more cups of coffee I don't know but it's it's yeah yo Mehra's right so so it's an we talked about this last week right an unfinished time an unfinished time if you are talking about things that you did in an unfinished time usually we use present perfect simple present perfect simple my glasses are dirty my glasses thank you gosh do you guys wear glasses this is crazy man this is crazy how do you guys how do you guys see everyday my glasses are dirty and I never touch my glasses but they're always dirty Oh life is so difficult life is so difficult is life difficult for you guys too okay so before we before we start present perfect number for present perfect number for today gosh what you know we we we we have talked about so many things about the present perfect we even talked about the past perfect we talked about the past simple yeah this is a pretty difficult tense so yeah number four number four today so I said in the chat hopefully hopefully this will be the last class on present perfect but but but you never know you never know what does that mean you never know this is popular English you never know I said I said hopefully this will be the last class about the present perfect but you never know this is really popular English who know who knows what this means you never know kiyo uses a magic cloth yeah I know I have a magic cloth too I just used my magic cloth this is a this is a this is my magic cloth this is a cloth maybe some of you guys don't know that word cloth yeah yeah look at caios comment if you guys if you guys don't know this spelling yeah yeah look at Rosa's comment we it yeah yeah good job good job guys you understand so look at the comments guys Selma everything is possible Oh quadri is here I thought gwad RIA didn't want to study present perfect anymore present present perfect seems like a neverending story good job Steve mark what coffee do you get from Starbucks just a regular coffee with milk I'm a regular I'm a normal guy I don't need special coffee like music yeah anyways guys you guys know you know this class for me on Wednesday I have I have been doing this class I think since January right and Shawn has been doing his class since January okay so we're gonna study this grammar today okay this is the kind of present perfect that we're going to study today and we will continue doing these classes for a long time right we don't want to stop them but but we are starting you know we always talk about this and I'm sorry but you know this class is free so so usually free things you have to you have to listen to something first please join our closed classes now guys these classes start next week right so don't you know don't wait don't wait if you are interested in in in taking a closed class the closed closed means it's not it's not free it's not open ok so you know Neil Josh Seguin Nicole and myself we have been doing example classes of our closed classes for the last few weeks and next week whoops sorry next week next week this will stop this will stop so next week you know only Marx class and Sean's class because the the closed classes are only for students who sign up ok so you know if you like my classes you should join my closed class it's every it's going to be every Tuesday and Friday and if you want to see an example class you can see the the old classes on YouTube or you can come back here same time on Friday and I will do one more example class now if you guys are interested email Zack Zack is in the chat here right Zack is in the chat so if you want to if you want to email him go ahead and you know you can use your own language we can we can use we can use Google Translate to understand your email Zack smart dot me also if you guys want to if you guys want to check out Zacks Facebook go here what is it slash Zack da-te let's check out this link right now Zack Zack has aah oh my gosh he has a crazy Facebook page right he talks about food he talks about food he talks about my classes show us his nicole's classes classes classes classes classes he talks about food he went to a restaurant on Sunday with his family Wow Wow what is this what is this can you guess what this is look look look look at look at Zacks dinner from sight so tell me do you think this looks delicious and if if you think it's delicious you don't think it's delicious what is it what this what is this food what is this food what it's about his daughter a lot can you guys see this I don't know if I can make this bigger it's bigger no I can't oh I can do this right oh geez Thank You Facebook I don't know what put it to the right yeah what is it oh you know she knows she knows ah crap what's up oh really weird oh okay Zack came in to my microphone this is having problems so to change the house that can you hear me now a new new battery Thank You Amazon Thank You Amazon for your batteries how is that guys how's that yeah there's something wrong what there was something wrong with my mic yeah yeah so yeah Zack if you wanna if you want to see pictures about food or you want to see what's up I just changed the battery yeah Daniel Daniel says it's better selma says it's perfect and he look anyways guys yeah add zack or add me if you want to to facebook no problem and finally finally last thing to get more information about our closed classes of course go here smart english comm slash smart slash live i'm hungry okay yo mara is hungry okay okay guys let's get started so we tried we tried to talk about this last week we tried to talk about this last week and then we people were asking me about the past tense right and then we started talking about unfinished times that's okay i mean i want to answer your questions you know if many people want to want me to answer something then i will answer it but this is really important and let's get started with this lesson so you know we in in class number one class number two class number three we we talked about using the present perfect we talked about using the present perfect simple for finished actions that happened in the past right finished actions now guys listen because you know many students they they don't listen and then they get confused sometimes we use the present perfect simple to talk about finished actions that happened in the past example and by the way the present perfect simple is have or has plus a past participle so example I have cleaned my glasses I have cleaned my glasses right or I have fixed my microphone I have fixed my microphone so we use the present perfect simple to talk about a finished action that happened in the past but why do we use the present perfect why why don't we say this why don't we say this I cleaned my glasses why don't we say this I fixed my microphone what's the difference because many students do not know the difference many students do not know the difference what's up hey somebody is bringing me coffee I think it's okay you can make noise it's alright you guys let me know in the chat why why thank you Joe thank you okay guys why why do we use this why why did I say this yeah Oh pre tom is asking me what is pp past participial past participial good question so past participle is the third form of a verb so example you know eat ate and the past participle is eaten proton okay because it takes time to do it know so mom a little I'm a little worried about your answers no no guys why do we why do we why do we use the present perfect simple we've talked about this in class one two and three right finished actions that happened in the past but also we can use the past simple right so why what's the difference why do I say this why do I say this look at Steve's sentence look at Steve Lin's sentence okay look at Steve and Dean Khan's sentence Dean Khan thank you very much I'm gonna copy Steve sentence here a little difficult yeah look at Steve's because because the result of the action connects to now the result of the action connects to now yeah good job Steve you're a very smart person right look at Rosa's comment Thank You Rosa it's connected to the present right yes and look at Keio result good job guys good job all right you gets connected to the present so if I say this if I say this clean my glasses it happened in the past maybe yesterday maybe five minutes ago it doesn't matter but it's connected to the present so what does that mean about the present what does that mean about now if I say this I have cleaned my glasses good job Ranjit yeah hey Mary Ann how are you good job Rosa yeah yeah Clara that's true that's true no we don't talk about time yeah yeah we don't we don't say the time with present perfect for this meaning right we don't say the time but why do we say this it's connected to the present so in the past I cleaned my glasses so now what now what now what you message too much predominant so yeah that's YouTube I don't know the rule right Clara right right look at Clara's look at Pasco a good job Pasco uh right yes yes Rosa yes Selma right so I have a choice I can say this but this is just about the past it it doesn't have any information about the present so my classes are clean because I cleaned them five minutes ago or ten minutes ago right my glasses are clean let me write this my glasses are clean now because I cleaned let's just say them five minutes ago right this is very Allah a long sentence and we can just say this we can just say this okay Clara Clara's writing I missed the comment but Clara's writing this ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja but in Spanish the pronunciation is like this so in English we do this ha ha okay anyways right okay so some rules that we talked about if you use the present perfect simple like above like this look like this don't say the past time okay because if you say the past time it means your focus is on the past time right when we use the present perfect we are talking about now we're talking about now and I'm explaining now with a past action okay so don't say the past time with this kind of present perf okay now I have talked about this a lot so I'm gonna stop talking about this okay now students get really really confused about the present perfect because this is only one way we use it it's only one way you use it and today I want to talk about I want to talk about the the second way the second the second main way let me just stop stop using capitals the second main way we use the present perfect okay let me just check I don't see any questions that I've missed yeah good job guys good job good so you guys you guys are you guys are you're you're you agree with me right that it's connected to the present okay good okay so let's go to the lesson and smart so you know by the way if you sign up for our closed classes you can use smart you can look at all the lessons and exercises it's pretty amazing it's a pretty amazing website okay questions so we talked about this a little bit last week right how long have you been studying in this class well I started in January can you see that guys can you see that and make it a little bigger I started in January look look I say the past time so I need past tense that's a rule we talked about that last week so I've been here for two months so today we're going to talk about using the present perfect to describe how long how long okay now last week we talked about we talked about the present perfect simple right I have eaten you have eaten he has eaten she has eaten it has eaten whoa eaten we have eaten and finally they Veta right of course negative just say haven't or have not yeah guys like this video like this video this is called the present perfect simple okay but like we talked about last week the present perfect continuous now stop English has many continuous tenses and continuous you always need B plus a verb with ing we talked about this right so what do we do well we have to change B this verb to be I have being and then finally we say eating so I have been eating and you know what this can change for all of them he has been eating she has been eating it has been eating we have been eating and they have been eating this is called the present perfect continuous the present perfect continuous okay so we use we can use listen listen listen listen listen we can use the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous to describe how long for listen ready ready ready on finished situations or actions okay you guys look at that sentence look at that sentence well we can use the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous to describe talk about how long for unfinished only unfinished things now we're going to talk about this later but let's go back let's go back here how long here's a question so you have been no have you been questions we chained change the order right so here we have present perfect continuous right but how long have you been studying in this class okay yeah you're welcome you're welcome now look at this sentence I've been I've been and we don't have this verb so what is that I've been I've been I have been in this class for two months okay so we're talking about how long but this is just present perfect simple this is just present perfect simple remember present perfect simple we need have or has plus a past participle right right here I have been-- this is present perfect simple but present perfect continuous whoa whoa whoa present perfect continuous have or has plus plus being plus verb with ing so example I have been studying in this class for two months oh wow so here's the present perfect continuous is that okay guys now don't worry don't worry now we're gonna talk about you know the difference when do we use present perfect simple when do we use present perfect continuous now we will talk about this but just right now answer my question is this okay do you understand this part do you understand the difference do you understand the difference just the just just the grammar just the words is that okay everybody yes yes yes we Steve did I make a mistake or something we can use yeah yeah yeah okay so Steve is just typing my sentence yeah yeah so kayo says yeah or nice yeah I have been working for this company since February yeah good kayo February needs a capital Omar has a question can you explain to me I have been I have been height I don't know what that means I have been height I don't know what this means Omar you see Google doesn't understand this word either so I can't explain it I'm sorry this is not a word this is a mistake sorry Omar I can't explain that okay all right so Clara Clara she wrote I understand the structure but not Wu but not the you oh but not the use that's good that's what I want I want you guys to understand the structure structure maybe some people don't understand structures this is the structure okay this is the structure so good I want you guys to understand the structure right now right I haven't talked about I haven't talked about the use yet also use we can say usage it's the same okay don't ask me the difference I don't know the difference they're the same okay all right maybe I have been I have been hi okay well I mean whatever if you want me to explain that somebody wrote Omar wanted to know I have been height but maybe he means this I have been high well okay but hi you guys you guys know drunk right like he is drunk he is drunk is for alcohol right he is he is high is what we say for drugs drugs okay Omar maybe that's maybe that's your meaning I'm not sure but yeah people who take drugs and feel amazing they're they're high we say oh he's high or she's high right but alcohol we say drunk drunk right yeah yo Mehra's yo Mehra's ha are you high she's laughing okay she's laughing I'm stoned yeah yeah that's all that's all so what we can say so yo Mara in the US so she has heard these words before stoned you can also say stoned right yeah okay I don't want to talk about drugs anymore let's go back to the present perfect okay so good clara understands the structure but she doesn't understand this yeah okay all right cool well I'm gonna talk about this very soon simple or continuous but first let's talk about this how long how long for unfinished situations or actions okay now a lot of students understand this yes just kidding okay a lot of students they listen to this you know the teacher says this but they don't really understand it so with this grammar okay let me let me let me give you an example I have been in this room since 8:00 I don't know what time 8:30 okay now guys tell me tell me sorry tell me in the chat look at this sentence what is the main verb what is the main verb because sometimes English has helping verbs and main verbs and the helping verbs work together so actually this sentence has two verbs right here but which one is the main verb which one is the the main important verb of the sentence guys let me know when the chat is it have or being which one is the main verb the main verb which one is the main verb okay I'm gonna wait a little bit because it takes about five or ten a second Christina to be Gua Draya being proton being rose good job guys you understand so here the main verb is being so if I change this sentence if I change the grammar I still need be example right now I am in I am in the room right so this is a different time meaning this is a different time meaning right good job guys Oh Selma has some guests no problem you can watch it later or or you don't have to right okay guys do you understand this do you understand this that's really important that's really really really really important why because look when we talk about how long for unfinished situations the sentence must must use a verb that is not finished okay Swati I don't understand your question how long ago versus how long since what what is your you want me to explain that right now that's that's a little bit a little bit different than what we got a that's a I can't talk about that now because we right now we're talking about the big picture right now okay that's that's those are details I can talk about that later if you want remind me yeah Caio auxilary verb is a helping verb thank you thank you okay guys let's stop talking about drugs and being high okay I want you to focus on this guy's when you use this grammar okay the present perfect simple or the present perfect cent continuous the verb the main verb must not be finished understand because a lot of students make mistakes about that a lot of students make mistakes and I understand I understand why you make mistakes because in in present perfect remember this is fourth class in present perfect number one number two and number three we talked about we talked about we need to use finished actions right but that's a different meaning of the present perfect that's a different meaning right mark has clean his Glatt woke classes nothing mark has cleaned his glasses this is a different way to use the present perfect this is a different way this means clean is finished it happened in the past but it's connected to now this means now my glasses are clean right so a lot of students get confused because this one we're explaining we're explaining the present we're explaining the present but this one this one this one we're talking about how long and we're talking about how long for something that's not finished it's very confusing right I know that but with this grammar don't forget the verb must be na must not be finished must not be finished okay must not be finished okay so let me let me show you what I mean I have been studying in this class I have been studying in this class for two months what does that mean now let me know in the chat guys what is that what does that mean now what does that mean now don't I don't care about how long just tell me what does that mean now what does that mean now think about what what is the main verb of this sentence what is the main verb and what does this grammar mean about the main verb let me guys know let me know guys all right you guys are you guys are I'm not sure if you're talking to me or each other okay Clara's add me I had me are you talking about Facebook or something okay good John's own welcome I've never seen you before good look at Christina look at me goes comments look at Mary Ann's comment this means guys this means I am still studying in this class yeah it's still happening now right so if I say how I've been no let's let's change I Marion has been in France since I don't know what Mary on since 2016 has been in France so what does that mean what does that mean what does that mean about Mary on now what's the main verb what is the main verb about Mary Ann you guys know Maria and she she always comes to to our classes usually more she comes to Shawn's classes but yeah what does this mean pesco are you there you can you can answer right Mary Ann Mary Ann has been in France since 2016 so so what does that mean what Oh two week she's still there good job you all Mara good job me go yeah yeah okay sorry Mary died so Mariana is in France now she is in France now understand guys understand she's still on France no not he lived in France know that that means it's finished that means it's finished okay now you guys maybe you don't know this sometimes they talk about Marianne but Marianne I know her she she was she was in my school she was in my school for for a long time right so let's talk about this now Mariana now she's in France so if I want to talk about how long Vancouver if I want to say Mariana be in Vancouver for I don't know Mariana but with just an example for one year what's the difference what's this this look Mariana is in France now so how long is in France how long she has been in France since 2016 right but here I'm talking about how long and look Marianne isn't in Vancouver now so what do I what's the difference what's the difference this one is not finished this one is finished so what should we say oh to fix back welcome back so what how should I write BNE for this sentence how should I write BNE no not me lon no no not being no no no what's so what do we do when when we talk about we don't we talk about how long for a finished time a finished look at yo Mehra's comment Madeleine kayo good job now they're coming in look at the difference Marian was in van Coover no no how no no Donnie D welcome back No Marya Donnie D guys look it's okay Donnie D but look at Donnie's answer mariana has been in Vancouver for one year right that's not correct because that means now she's in Vancouver no Christina no don't say had beam that's a very common mistake many students they use the past perfect no no we talked about this I think in class number two don't use the past perfect it's not the same it's not the same so look here's a rule use for how long listen guys listen Johnny D listen use the present perfect if the situation is unfinished use the past sorry guys use the past if the situation is finished right look at that very simple very easy very easy it's not difficult if you think it's difficult just just relax read the sentences right no honey no by the way by the way honey I have to tell you this in English honey is kind of a bad name for women men call like stupid men stupid men sometimes call women honey it's like babe Marriott knows this it's like babe or what else could we say right so I feel kind of uncomfortable I fight with your name because maybe some people think Mark is saying honey for all the women in the child right like Oh Christina honey hey honey how are you doing no honey that answers right okay all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right no I'm not gonna talk about the past perfect today look at class number two we talked about it for one hour okay or almost one hour we talked about the past perfect okay don't worry about that that's not that's not soup past perfect is not super super super important okay this is more important okay all right no don't use sense with simple past that's a good question Rosa since is only four unfinished things it's only four unfinished things oh I forgot about my coffee mmm oh that is wonderful thank you Jill Thank You Jill now guys I I mean I hate saying this because it's not very good but I speak Japanese okay I speak Japanese because because I lit lived there for many years so what do you think what do you think remember this rule where is the rule right here let's copy that okay here you go here's a here's a test I speak Japanese because I live there for many years now right now somebody's been asking somebody's been asking me about present perfect simple present perfect continuous right now don't worry about that we're gonna talk about that we're gonna talk about that don't worry it's really easy but just right now should we use present perfect or should we use the past which one could you speak Japanese one or two words nihongo Iman nihongo hana studio I hi Nihon Geno Nihon Geno sato you do I show you my scar good right Donny D no no D Co no no no Nico's Japanese nort Noriko's signed up for my closed class right no gwad ria no oh my god si si si no honey no guys right now am I in Japan am I in Japan come on you know I'm not in Japan where am i this is not Japan right this is this is not Japan I'm in Canada I'm in Canada I'm funny I'm funny no I'm not why I'm not funny all right right so you see you see no but but but okay but we're talking about Keio we're talking about how long so when we talk about how long it's very easy if it's finished use the past if it's not finished use a present perfect tense where you at okay so look use the past it's I lived there for many years Vancouver yeah I lived there for many years did you guys understand honey says it's over now yeah no Hana don't use the past perfect oh yeah this is a big problem this is a big problem many students think we should use the present perfect to describe how long for unfinished things and the past perfect to describe finished things no that's not true that's a really common mistake read my sentence many students think many students think we should use the present perfect to describe how long for unate finished things you guys listen because you know this is really easy it's really easy but it's not easy if you don't listen right the past perfect to describe to finish things this is not true this is not true this is not true Ranjit I'm gonna answer your question very soon alia has a question kind of a difficult question with this grammar guys with this grammar we're just talking about how long okay we're just talking about how long so we don't need when usually when we're talking about how long okay when we're talking about how long we use for or since right but I'm gonna talk about this very soon now do you guys understand this right you guys right the rule right the rule right the rule it's wrong massage it's totally wrong it's totally wrong okay so what's the rule this is wrong right this is wrong actually this part is wrong Preet on why are you writing hi 20 times why are you doing that that's kind of strange are you practicing typing okay all right so no you can't Daniel you can't you can't to look at Daniel's sentence let me copy Daniels sentence here you guys while you're waiting type the correct rule okay go Audrey guys I don't want I don't want to talk I don't I don't want to talk about the past perfect if you want to learn about the past perfect look at present perfect number two okay I don't want to talk about that in this class okay okay I don't see the answers yet so let's let's let's talk about this okay I spoke Japanese that means now I don't speak Japanese Daniel right that means now I don't speak Japanese now what's the rule here guys what's the problem with Daniel's sentence you you tell you tell me yeah per ton stop don't do that it's not cool not cool what's wrong with this part right here got my coffee it's not very nice right I'll stop drinking my coffee okay I spoke Japanese because I've been in Japan two years ago okay well some students will talk about this some students will talk about this okay but here's a problem right here what's the problem what's the problem what's the problem now look if you say two years ago you're talking about you're focusing on a pastime this is where this is where this gets confusing it's really confusing okay if you are talking about a finished time two years ago is finished if you say two years ago you need past I was in Japan for two years okay I wasn't Japan two years ago alright or I lived in Japan two years ago right right when you use a go click look at Clara's comment when you use a go very easy rule when you use a go you must use past ok all right all right let's go let's go and it's finished right it's finished so me I lived in Japan for many years going back here right I think right right Rosa wrote the answer right here's the rule we use the present perfect to describe how long for unfinished things and we use the past simple to describe finished things finished things this is the past simple no had no have I mean okay so I had lived no just I lived it's super easy you guys here's a better example a better example how long how long this is not good I don't want to I don't want to give you the grammar okay so how long you sleep last night how long answer my question don't don't write this question just answer the question I slept or I have slept or I have been sleeping for eight hours for example which one which one which one is is correct which one is correct okay you guys tell me Oh I'll add another one I had slept for eight hours which one's correct you guys you guys you guys write in the chat you tell me if I if I ask you this grammar if I ask you this grammar which one should you say which one should you slave say Christine Christine a good answer yeah good Miguel good Christina yeah yeah no I mean don't don't don't don't write this just write one of these which one is the correct answer good job POSCO a good job good good good okay all right so the answer is this one okay the answer is this one okay we have a sentence an example from McDonough's because I've lived there for two years okay good I've lived there for two years so tell me what does this mean now what does this mean now what does this mean now marks getting a headache because because we don't have enough likes good how not good Louise hey Louise how are you yeah yeah yeah what does this mean we're almost we're almost we're almost finished so what does this mean I've lived there for two years I've lived there for two years Clara what does that mean does that mean you understand what does that mean I speak Japanese because I've lived there for two years what does that mean about now where do I live where do I live don't use past perfect don't use past perfect still there yeah yeah we're still I'm still there this means I am still in Japan now good job Raji good job no Dottie it means I live there it means I live there absolutely I said this when you use this grammar this verb is not finished it's not finished okay it's not finished this means it's not finished Mariana okay guys are you sure you understand because maybe we need to do present perfect number five next week right this means when he is the present perfect guys when you use the present perfect to describe how long when you use it to describe how long this situation is not finished it's not finished it's not finished now can we use for okay well let's talk about four and since now kayo asked what's the difference well since you use with a start time and since is always unfinished it's always unfinished okay with a start time so so sometimes we we don't we can't do the math right like if I say uh me this class how many months how many months I don't know I I don't know how many months but I I know I started in January and I don't know how many months January until now example okay I don't know how many months January until now but I remember I started in January okay that's when we use since so I have been teaching this class since January okay since January so with since we just use a start time right so we could say since 8 o clock right I don't know what time it is but I remember I started this class at 9 o'clock so I would say since 9 o'clock right I have been teaching this class since 9 o'clock right yeah for we use with we use with a period of time with a period of time and this usually means like how many hours or how many days or how many years or how many months right so example I have been teaching this class since January is nine months Clara nine months yeah it is nine months right so so sometimes it's difficult right how many how many days I don't know I don't know but I remember the date I remember the date since I don't know January 17th but how many days is that I don't know I don't know right how many January 17th until now is how many days how many days I don't know I don't know so we don't say four we just say since okay kya yeah how many weeks sure yeah how many anything yeah how many weeks yeah okay now you cannot use sense with the past tense you cannot use sense with the past tense because since is always used for unfinished things unfinished things ah my sari understands now okay so example I think kayo asked us and I have to answer caios questions because he comes to every class just like Rosa and pass Goa and other people I'm Jill Mara right last night I slept for how many hours for eight hours so somebody asked me can you use for can you use for with the past what do you guys think can you use for with the past is that okay yeah yeah you can you can use for with the past right last night me sleeping eight hours eight hours so how many hours we use four so four is okay in the past but but if you want to talk about the start time the start time last night I slept from I don't know 11 o'clock I slept from 11 o'clock it's kind of strange actually probably we'd say this from 11 o'clock till 7 o'clock what is till mean till what does that mean till till yeah yeah till means until yeah so for is okay yeah it's okay in the past okay now no I want to talk about something really quickly and then we'll finish class some people are you know we okay yeah we use the present perfect to describe how long for unfinished situations right but which one do we use present perfect simple or present perfect continuous which one should we use present perfect simple or present perfect continuous example I have taught this class since 9 o'clock or I have been teaching this class since 9 o'clock which one which one should we use which one should we use so this one this one is present perfect simple and this one's present perfect continuous so which one should we use yeah okay we're happy you're just coming now we're just finishing but it's okay this is important which one should we should we use number one or number two guys what do you think number one or number two number one or number two Hana kayo says both interesting Rosa says both Jordi says both no not true not true okay listen listen this one's correct number two this one's correct why okay listen it's easy if you listen if well if you are describing how long for actions use the present perfect continuous okay so so yeah many people are saying both are correct that's not true so teach is an action it's an action yeah but they're both present perfect Clara they're both present perfect right this one's called present perfect simple and this one's called present perfect continuous okay now listen actions actions we use present perfect continuous if you are describing States use the present perfect simple and you guys know actions right you know actions like wear glasses or speak or play guitar you guys understand that yes that's what I mean Dana now if you don't understand states states state states are these kind of these kinds of verbs okay look look bee bee is a state believe have right example this phone I I have had this phone for one month I have had this phone I have I have had this phone I have hated salad since I was a child oh I hate salad yeah so boring there's no taste yeah I love vegetables I just don't like salad I'd have hated salad since I was a child I have known Zack for 10 years I have loved pizza since I was a child understand yeah you don't understand proton okay well these verbs are not actions so usually these verbs in English we don't use continuous okay for anything like right now right now I have an iPhone we don't say I'm having an iPhone I have an iPhone right now right now right now I'm wearing glasses right now I'm teaching right now I'm drinking coffee but right now I need I need to go I need to go I need to finish I need to finish this class soon right now right now yo Mara understands or right now per Tommy you don't understand right so these verbs we usually don't use continuous so if you're talking about how long would these verbs use present perfect simple okay so action verbs present perfect continuous but states present perfect simple now sometimes hmm is one more rule sometimes both are okay why why this is a special exception okay if you are talking about a verb and an action that you have been doing for a very long time and this action is usual you you do this all the time you do this regularly you do this always do you understand what I mean if you're talking about an action that you now listen even high-level students I'm sure you don't know this okay so right now I'm where I'm wearing my glasses right so where is an action but but but but okay pre time well that's maybe maybe I'm not sure what to do what to say for you if you don't understand could somebody else could help you in the chat maybe where is an action right but but but I do this all the time right I do this regularly right I do this always so if you're talking about me my life wear glasses we can use both so me my life wear glasses we're not talking about now we're talking about in my life how long so example I have been wearing glasses not true just an example I have being wearing glasses for two years or I have worn glasses for two years both ways are okay both ways are okay because we're talking about my life super long time but if I'm talking about today today my meaning is not always my meaning is not regularly my meaning is not all the time my meaning is just today so if my meaning is just just right now right now today we're glasses how long wear glasses how long we used only the present perfect continuous remember this rule if you are describing how long for actions use the present perfect continuous both are okay if you're talking about like super long times super long times right so I have been wearing glasses since 9:00 o'clock today I just I just I've just thought of another really good example okay mark this is gonna be it and then we have to finish guys because I have to teach another class in in this school teach smart live class mark teach smart live class since 9 o'clock actually let's do this because there's different ways how long mark teach smart live class how long how long well are you talking about today like this class or are you talking about like in general in general today or in general you understand the difference so if you're talking about in general like super long time I do it all the time I always do it every week ok Mary Ann can you email me Mary Ann and because that that's a little bit different subject ok nope I'll totally I'll totally answer you but just email me or on Facebook ok but right now because I have to finish mark teach smart live class today okay so if we're talking about today I should say since 9 o'clock since 9 o'clock if I'm talking about in general I think Rosa wrote that for 9 months ok now this one I'm not talking about a long time I'm just talking about the action that I'm doing right now so this one we can only use present perfect continuous I have been teaching since 9:00 o'clock but in general in general we have a choice yeah okay well we have a choice so I have been teaching for nine months that's present perfect continuous or present perfect simple I have taught this class I should say this class right for nine months we have a choice we have a choice okay all right I'm gonna I'm gonna do I've decided it's ten eleven next week we'll do present perfect number five baby sorry sorry but we're not finished and I want to practice I want to practice this you guys what this is much more difficult for you than than I thought so we're gonna do present perfect number five so guys we're gonna have to finish now like I said I have another class to teach okay but we will continue this lesson next week if you guys don't understand watch it again we will we will put the video on YouTube very soon later today and you can watch it again okay guys or just watch certain parts don't watch everything right you can skip the microphone problems right okay but guys I'm sorry I have to go I have to teach 15 students over there so guys I'll see you all next week for present perfect number five remember if you want to see an example of my closed class come back here on Friday and we will do an example one more example of the closed class guys I have to go thank you very much thank you everybody for coming back every week I love you see you guys later bye now
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 24,107
Rating: 4.9559231 out of 5
Keywords: English, English Lesson, Live English, English Class, grammar, Mark Roberts, smrt live class, english teacher, smrt, present perfect, english grammar, smrt english
Id: gfMmxIMdHC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 30sec (4290 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2016
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