Grammar Lesson: Present Perfect #5 Smrt Live Class #60

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how are you how are you welcome to smart live class Wednesday today I'm orange or peach or tangerine looks kind of cool looks kind of cool lots of familiar faces in the chat Rosa has changed her name kayo gwad ria holla'd Bosco is here John was here earlier hey guys Jose Alfredo Fuentes is back hey guys welcome welcome welcome yeah and lots of new people luigi cruz luigi cruz welcome welcome Mokhtar welcome how and I think I saw Steve Lin there aundrea from Italy this is awesome this is so cool milena milena I don't know where she is little pebble little pebble Navjot Navjot maybe Navjot is in India he looks like he has an Indian name do sharra guys welcome Hey awesome yeah welcome to our class this class every Wednesday is is usually a grammar lesson and we have been talking about the present perfect for a long time Rosa said since since since August Steve I said hello I said hello you missed it Valerie's here Valerie's yeah I was sick I was sick last week I was sick for about two weeks I have a baby now and you know babies get sick and then I get sick so maybe this will be very normal guys yeah now juts Indian yeah I was right cool cool anyways Wednesday is a grammar lesson remember if you if you're if you're not if you don't know about smart live class I also do classes on Tuesday and Friday at this time my class is on Tuesday and Friday we are using the smart curriculum this is a website for learning English and we are going to in my classes on Tuesday and Friday we are going to study grammar but also we're gonna study other things like listening and reading and writing and speaking and stuff so you guys I know a lot of you guys you know and you don't you you don't have money but if you if you want you can become what we call a premium a premium a premium subscriber let me write this here now subscribe subscribe just means you you you watch all the time right premium just means you know extra extra so you get extra things so we have some premium users here for example Pasco or Noriko or hala doors are a few people so they can do homework and they can send it to me they can use smart you know I am emailing them and stuff so yeah so check that out if you're interested if you if you you know if you want to be a little bit more serious about learning English smart English comm slash smart slash live I think the link is under the video yeah and John's right you can donate as well you can donate as well Pasco what donates every month we really really really really appreciate that thank you so much yeah this is this is it's it's really it's really it's it's really fun to do but you know it's not free so so we do appreciate your help Shawn's class tomorrow don't forget Sean Sean and I we are both in Vancouver Canada we work together in the Canadian College here if you want to check that out wwk English comm www should just say that wo double double double dot any ways yo Mehra's here welcome yo Meryem hey Zeus what's up buddy 2012 Denker is from Quebec Quebec City I used to live there I used to live in Quebec City when I was when I was 15 years old French city anyways guys let's get started now I've said this I've said this the last four lessons present perfect is difficult it's difficult it's even difficult for teachers to understand it's it's difficult because there are different ways we use it now remember remember try to remember because because there are different ways to use it you know there are different ways but there is there is one rule there there is always one rule about the present perfect so always always listen always if somebody uses the present perfect you must think you must understand you must realize there is past and present information okay and that is the most important that is the most important rule about the present perfect is there is past information and there is present information so let me write an example and I want you guys to think about what is the information about the past and what is the information about the present okay let me let me do this one here I've run out of milk actually let's change to wee-wee so so I am talking to my wife or I'm talking to my to my mother or I'm talking to my roommate I don't know whatever whoever you live with this is a beautiful wonderful English sentence we've run out of milk now think what is the past information and what is the present information you guys tell me in the chat tell me in the chat tell me in the chat I know don't give me rules roses giving me rules don't give me rules okay because we've talked a lot about rules just think in this sentence what do we know about the past and what do we know about the present now maybe you don't understand run out of okay I used this as an example because this is really important English okay run out of run out of run out of is a phrasal verb a phrasal verb means it has two usually two but sometimes three words example run out of it's three words and it means to use use use use use until you don't have anymore understand so we run out of milk means we we drink the milk drink drink drink drink drink oh there's no milk there's no milk right so what does that mean we okay so looking at the chat I'm looking at that so it's a little bit different Valerie it's a little bit different but yeah run out you can run out of gas right you're driving and in Peru and in Balor ease country you're driving too much you Picchu and you run out of gas and your car stops because you used all the gas okay now okay so what do we know about the path what what do we know about the past okay no quandary I don't think so I don't think so Oh su sharra who is this person through Shara Amma look at through Shara's comments guys yeah Michelle yeah yeah kai oh yeah yeah yeah similar okay okay it's really easy and I like I like through Shara's comment I'm not fish are you are a man or a woman I want to say he or she by the way guys this is an interesting point I don't know if foosh foosh ara is a man or a woman I think the char is a woman it sounds like a woman's name but what do we say in English if you don't know if it's a man or a woman do you say he or she or it what do you say oh fish arse a man okay I'm sorry through sure I'm sorry I you know I I don't know much about I I guess you're from India maybe or Pakistan or Bangladesh maybe I'm not sure I'm sorry but what do we say if we don't know if somebody's a man or a woman example my roommate I it's not true but example I have whoa you do that okay I have a roommate and then you want to ask me oh you have a roommate do you like him or her but you don't know if my route my roommates a man or a woman so what do we say in English do you like you guys ask me like do you like who do you like no cuz it Quadra it is not a person okay yes knob shot you're right look at Navjot Singh Xan sir they they I know this is crazy I know students always ask me that's usually they means more than one right the students they but sometimes they means one person and we use this because we don't know if it's a he or she well honey maybe my roommates not a man maybe my roommates not a man Sergei maybe my roommates not a man right no Clara we started about only about five minutes ago don't worry yeah Amanda's right yeah no Steve that's a little a little old English now we just say this do you like them do you like them do you like them mm-hmm you know don't it's I'm gonna skip I'm gonna I was thinking about talking about something but I'm not going to talk about it don't have time anyways let's go back to this sentence Clara you just joined us no noriko person no just say they them right they or them okay do you like them very good Amanda anyways I asked you guys in this sentence when remember when we use the present perfect there is always past and there is always present information okay now we've run out of milk what is the past information well the past information in the past sometime maybe maybe five minutes ago maybe yesterday it doesn't matter we ran out of milk okay now what is the difference we ran out of milk and we've run out of milk what's what's the difference what's the difference between these two sentences well if I say this listen listen if I say this this is past and this doesn't give us any present information okay example I went to the store this morning I went to the store because we ran out of milk yesterday understand so what does this mean what does this mean it means this plus something about the caios right look at caios comment result the present result what is the present result and throw Sri Lanka through Shara I'm sorry sue Shara wrote something I can't remember but something very good I remember now we don't have milk okay that's the meaning right look at Kyle's comment guys kayo you guys help me you help me teach the others I really appreciate that right sometimes the comments can can help other people learn right yes 2012 denker no more milk you see the difference I have heard that some people consider they is not correct or too casual is it true no not at all maybe maybe maybe Terry tierno too right maybe in England you know England has a little bit different rules for English and I'm sorry I'm I'm I'm I I don't know much about British English something maybe you should ask Shan Shan tomorrow because Sean is a you know very academically minded he very academic and you know maybe he knows more but yeah no I mean in in Canada or USA we always used they I'm sure Obama would say they if he doesn't know if somebody's a man or a woman anyways let's do another example let's do another example ok let's just get rid of that ok ok ok let me oh ok I you've got a really good one someone has opened the door so Pleasant perfect sentence we have past information and we have present in for me someone has opened the door so what do we know about the past and what do we know about the present you guys let me know in the comments let me know in the comments let me do another one while I'm waiting for your comments my phone has died my phone has died listen to my friend on schedule my phone is my phone is my phone is I don't say has my phone has died my phones died my phone is my phone has died my phone has died so what do we know about the past and what do we know about the present and let me do one more example because we started talking about this two weeks ago I have been here for five minutes what do we know about the past and what do we know about the present okay let's look at the comments let's see okay milk milk milk milk isn't it ran and not run no run ran run okay ran is past run is the past participial okay I I don't try and whiz laugh out loud thank you okay ran past okay so caios answering for me Thank You Caillou okay no Saul don't work don't think about don't think about different words okay don't think about different words this is a big problem this is this is a big problem you know it's actually very simple what happened in the past okay honey good job look look at honey Cara's comment someone opened the door exactly someone opened the door someone opened the door right it's complete it's complete the actions finished the action is finished but like kaya said the result is not finished well and and and and and what's the result what's the result and honey wrote yeah the door is open the door is open now it continues now okay so past information present information okay okay now it's the past form of open for the door it's already open it's still open it's open now it's still open yeah Amanda's right okay let's go to the next one president Patillo wants to notice the actually that's happened in the past okay yeah you're right hey Zeus but that's a lot of those are a lot of words yeah yeah but you're right open is open and is really confusing because look let me let me open a dictionary open a dictionary here I'll open a dictionary I always use this example because I really want students to think okay look open adjectives okay adjectives let me make this a little smaller because look here open is also a verb okay it's really I'm sorry it's really it's confusing isn't it so this sentence I use open as an action as a verb okay but this sentence look you could say the door is big the door is pink the door is open okay so yeah this one this one's a verb this one's an adjective okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I know it's crazy but that's English okay let's talk about the phone let's talk about the phone let me see here be careful be careful 2012 denker never works anymore that's a that's a very big generalization it doesn't maybe it means that but what does that mean guys die what does that mean die look at Clara's look at Clara's comment Clara great job hey Selma what's up okay mohamad I'll answer your question in a second but why do we say what does dye mean yeah dye my phones died yes video go yeah that's fine remember if if have is a helping verb you can you can just do this that's okay yeah right you know I have seen that movie I've my phone has Diet my phone's died yeah it's super common yeah when we say we say a lot in English die to mean we're talking about power and the battery like Clara said right or Knob job yeah now I've job not much sup so okay out of battery yeah yeah you too let me say my phone has died okay now what do we know about the past well in the past sometime maybe this morning maybe last night I don't know it doesn't matter it doesn't matter the time doesn't matter do you guys understand it doesn't matter what does doesn't matter me in kya what does it mean it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what does that mean what does that mean or ryuko probably remembers it doesn't matter right it's okay little pebble no problem my phone's died it doesn't matter when yes thanks guys thanks it's not important so in the past sometime doesn't matter my phone what happened my phone died my phone died now don't worry don't worry I can bring my phone back if I charge the phone right now remember here we talked about open as a verb and then we talked about open as an adjective so if my if my phone died in the past example Michael Jackson died 5 I don't know what five years ago now he is now he is now he is now he is what now he is yeah guys give me a thumbs up if you like this video if you if you like it I don't know if that does anything but yeah if you liked the video click thumbs up Zacks not here today so usually Zack asks you to do that but Kyle you can you can help me okay yeah thank you yes so yes Luigi yes Neal for yes nevah dead dead dead is an adjective a lot of students don't know the difference right die is a verb right here okay but dead is an adjective is an adjective and a lot of students don't understand the relationship with verbs and adjectives remember you the action you open the door that's a verb you open the door and now the door is open so the same thing would die somebody guys I know it's terror it's a not a good example but I'm sorry this is important somebody dies or my phone dies and it's finished but the adjective we have an adjective now the adjective is not finished now my phone or Michael Jackson is dead yeah so my phone is dead right and this is really confusing this is really really confusing because my phone what does this mean this means has because this is a present we're using present perfect but if I do this right you see look look look look look look looks very very similar this is why students are really confused this has the same meaning it's the same meaning but let's think about the grammar let's think about the grammar this is present perfect this means my phone has died it died in the past and now the result continues Luigi understands Wow good job I'm good job mark yes Michael Jackson Donnie D is back what's up Donnie yeah yeah he is dead can we say Michael Jackson what's wrong what do you mean what do you mean Donnie D what do you mean can I say Michael Jackson has died what's wrong with Michael Jackson that's his name right can we say Michael Jackson okay but you understand this because if you understand this you are on the way you are on the way you are you were you were starting to understand really difficult English grammar yeah can we say Michael Jackson has died yes we can yes we can yes we can Michael Jackson has died he's you know like if I say Donnie if I say hey Donnie do you like Michael Jackson and you say yeah his musics awesome and I say ah yeah man we should we should go to a Michael Jackson concert we should go to a Michael Jackson concert you know maybe he'll come to our city next year or something and we should go we should go and you say uh Marc Michael Jackson has died he's dead he's dead is that is that your question Donnie is that what you want is that what you you want to know yeah so so you see we use the present perfect to connect the past with the present let's do some let's do let's do a couple more examples let's do a couple more examples here's here's a here's a here's a here's a difficult one and I was talking about this with my class maybe two weeks ago not not smart live class my class at the school here let's let's use let's use Klara as an example okay Claire has gotten on the bus Claire has gotten on the bus what do we know about the past and what what do we know about the present now this one is has so I'm just gonna write it like normal English you know casual super normal basic English Clara's gotten on the bus she's gotten on the bus yeah she's gotten about had died Y had died why are we using past perfect right why are we why why why honey don't ask me a question you have to tell me why do you want to use that right look at Steve's answer right no coyote eyes guys oh haha past perfect Oh past perfect means before another past time right students always do this it it's not difficult it just means before another past time but before what time Michael Jackson had died that means before before another time before what time what are you talking about what are you talking about okay I don't want to talk about past perfect anymore you guys past perfect is totally totally different and it's not super important I mean it is important but it's not the same as present perfect it is not it is not the past form of present perfect I know it's present perfect and past perfect but they're very different they're very very different and I talked about past perfect I think in in my lesson present perfect number two I think that's right so let's stop talking about past perfect yeah past before past look at soo Shara's common yeah it's it's different okay let's go back here Clara's gotten on the bus okay so look at Noriko's comment hey Noriko how are you look at house comment yeah and what does get on the bus mean what does that mean like what does that mean if you get on a bus or you know you get on a train or you get on and what does that mean get on I know it's a strange question because because you know get on it's pretty clear but what does that mean like what's another way to say that you get on a bus or you get on the train or you you get on an airplane what does that mean what does that mean get on no Noriko doesn't mean ride it doesn't it doesn't yeah now I've got ya Selma yeah honey very good board yeah it just means enter enter enter right entered the bus enter the bus yeah well see see that yeah so a lot of students get confused get on the bus ride the bus take the bus what's what's the know what does take a bus mean I could this class is this class I always I always prepare a lesson and then we start talking about other things but that's okay I enjoy it and this is important take a bus means use a bus okay use a bus or go somewhere by bus okay it doesn't mean enter the bus okay I know this is really confusing for Japanese students because in English take a bus get on the bus is different but in Japanese you just it's the same right Nordic oh yeah exactly Jose very good yeah yeah what did what did Valerie right subir that's not is that Spanish okay so okay so let's talk about this let's talk about this okay you get on what do you get on what do you get on well you get on a bus you get on a train you get on an airplane okay what else well you get on a horse I mean I don't know maybe you guys ride horses you get on a bicycle okay now these these are a little different right you know horse bicycle is you're on on right but bus train airplane why don't we say on why don't we say on because actually I don't know why but but big things we say on like so a big bus and a big train and a big airplane we say on but small things like a car like a car you get in you get in a car you get in the car now sometimes an airplane is really small and usually we think like can you walk can you walk around you know like an air a big airplane you can walk to the bathroom right so you get on that airplane right but sometimes an airplane is super small maybe only like four seats or something so that one you would say get in okay I know I know English is crazy now what about what about a boat a boat think about airplane because it's the same thing sometimes a boat is really big and you can walk around excuse me you can walk around right so if it's really really really big you say you get on a boat but if you're going fishing if if you're going fishing you use a very small boat so you get in the boat okay what is the difference between get on and get in I think I just explained it right right thank her let's get rid of that let's change that into a yeah car or a taxi so so so if I say get on a bus or get in a car it means enter it just means enter okay let's write that enter okay now remember this is what maybe today's lesson is is you first you you open the door write the action you need an action verb Nordik oh I was just talking about this with Azusa a couple of weeks ago you opened the door and now the door is open right my phone has died now my phone is dead is so if you get on the bus I think Hosea wrote this you get on yeah in twos okay on two is okay yeah yeah Luigi that you can say that to both are okay but if you if you if you get on the bus remember my question okay let's write this in the past sometime in the past Clara got on or like Luigi sang on - that's okay the bus yeah yes I know Google that's not correct but on Iran - is okay all right but what do we know about the present remember now the door is open now my phone is dead now Clara Clara oh my god what so what so my god I'm confused now hold on Caio hold on hold on hold on guys what do we know about Clara now what do we know what do we know what do we know what do we know about Clara now right I opened I've opened the door now the door is open my phone has died now my my phone is dead Selma I love you good job Clara is on the bus she's on the bus so imagine you guys are all you guys are you guys are sitting this is the bus and I call you and I say hey Selma where are you Selma where are you where are you answer my question hey where are you orator chatting right on whatsapp or something like hey where are you Salma where are you where are you I love you too thank you okay so Caio wants to know what's wants to know how do we say exit oh I'm sorry kya guys I'm sorry I know yeah I see what you see what your comments are no get in is enter I'm sorry I wrote that by mistake I'm sorry Kai oh I'm sorry yeah look at look at Selma's comment yeah I'm on the bus I'm on the bus so I'm sorry Kai oh I'm sorry oh hey Zeus yeah my mistake I'm sorry usually Zak would let me know yeah yeah I'm sorry let's let's stop there okay enter entering of entering a car you get in the car right entering a bus or a train you get on okay yeah no I'm not I'm actually not tired I'm just I've been sick kya I've been sick I've been sick let's think about that present perfect let's write that here and we'll talk about that later so yeah I'm sorry guys I confused you I wrote exit so so let's talk about exit so you get on the bus right and then if you enter the bus so you get on the bus and now I am on the bus okay and now I want to exit I want to exit I want to exit well okay Luigi wants to talk about being and gone see the problem is is I see your questions and then I I forget them so I'll write that down there yeah look at NAB John John smart you you you you got some really your English is very good you get off yeah the guys in English the opposite many students don't know this the opposite of on is off the opposite of in is out okay so exit exit well you get off you get off and you know just like on or on - you can say off or off of okay and this means exit okay so you get off the bus or you get off of the bus very common very common and then of course you exit a car or you exit the airplane the small airplane you you get out you get out of you get out of the car right you get out of the car you get out of my car get out of the taxi right yeah so so yes so Selma where are you where are you well Selma said hey Mark I'm I'm on the bus what's another way to say I'm on the bus what's another way to say that think about the present perfect what did you do so you think listen carefully Selma is on the bus what did she do in the past what did she do in the past and the result of this action continues now I understand what I mean kind of kind of the opposite of what we were doing before because you can say Selma can say this I'm on the bus or she can say what action she did in the past and if she says this action in the past it doesn't explain the present but it does explain the present if you use the present perfect Selma look at soured on Edie no Rosa no look at the difference between Selma and roses comments or you know Donny D Selma saying look at look at the problem look at look at look at roses comment and this is a really this is a really common mistake Rosa it's okay all my students do this okay hold on Caillou I I just I hold on I ask me that again okay because that right now I'm kind of focusing on this okay no I'll pass go up no no here's the problem you guys are you guys are you guys are just saying this sentence in the present perfect that's not correct okay listen Rosa Pass Goa everybody else listen this verb is talking about now right now my phone is dead or the door is open or Selma is on the bus right we're talking this verb is talking about now what you what you need to understand you need to understand that when we use present perfect listen present perfect we say the past action the past action the finished action and if we say the finished action in the present perfect it means the result continues now so a lot of students when they learn this grammar they say oh I've I've been on the bus no because this is not in action it's not an action yet what happened oh I was on the bus no what did you do what did you do ten minutes ago what it was your action remember we have a bus what how do you say enter the bus right how do you say enter the bus no Jose no no no no yes Luigi good what happened in the past I got on the bus right I got on the bus in the past and this result continues now so I got on the bus no present perfect I've gotten on the bus I've gotten on the bus yeah I've gotten on the bus do you guys understand the difference right these if I say hey Salma where are you where are you she could say she could say I've gotten on the bus or she's on she could say I'm on the bus both sentences are okay so let's it's okay if you're confused still it's okay just remember remember the present perfect this way of we using it we say the past action it's finished okay and we say that in the present perfect okay how's that yeah good guys good let's do another example there's my example there's my example so what is what is different about mark now what is different about mark right what what what what happened what what if we're talking about now we say what has happened what's happened what's different what's different about mark yes Salma soma has fast internet yeah look at look at look at Selma's comment guys yeah be careful kayo these are glasses yes yes you're very good very good steveland good job yeah you're welcome Chucky I'm no problem yeah good guys yeah okay so uh mark has taken off now take off is a phrasal verb you can say taking off his glasses or you can say takin his glasses off both ways are okay don't worry okay spectacles yeah that's maybe Old English spectacles okay good and Mark has taken off his glasses so what happened what is this action this take off it's finished right it happened what one minute ago doesn't matter it doesn't matter when right takeoff is finished but the result continues now now now look at Clara's sentence because Clara is not totally correct if I miss his is it a mistake yeah it is kind of yeah yeah my glasses yeah his glasses taking off glasses yeah you need his sir good question good question the glasses is a little strange POSCO his glasses okay now now let's do the opposite let's do the opposite no no I know you're going to make mistakes so the listen to me the opposite of take is put and you guys should know the opposite of off so what's the opposite of take off yeah a stinker you're right yeah yeah yeah yeah Clara you're right about now mark but but doesn't where present simple that that sounds like always always right he doesn't smoke that means always but if we're just talking about right now now mark isn't wearing very good kayo Luigi Clara honey Sergei put on very good right so this is put on this is put on the auction is finished it's finished right this gym is finished right mark has put put put put so mark has put on his glasses mark has put on his glasses now now now remember remember you know what's the difference what's the difference between these two sentences this one is past and this one is present perfect simple what what's the difference both are okay kayo says both are okay yeah you're right both or both are okay but which one's better kayo which which one's better which one's better yeah and yeah you're right put is that what you mean both are okay okay yeah so put on his glasses or put his glut put his glasses on both both ways are okay yeah look at Luigi's look at Luigi's sentence the result continues right this one's better because look look look at me the result of this it continues now it's continuing now okay do you see why do you see yeah you're right honey do you guys see the difference do you see the difference so usually if you're talking about now usually if you're talking about now you we you know present perfect is more common than the past because past doesn't give us any information about the present right yes Luigi very good very good yeah show more information yeah yeah and I always say I always say you know present perfect you explained the present perfectly do you explain the present perfectly right more information look at right right how yeah I don't really want to I don't really want to start talking about this I don't really wanna um okay let's let's talk about I think kayo or somebody wanted me to talk about the difference between being and gone okay it's a good question the problem is you know eat ate and eaten the past participial is eaten but go went and gone or bean can I make a question Kyle can I make a question make we do we say make a question can I make a question kayo deleted his sentence it's okay Kyle can I ask a question yeah yeah go ahead of course you can ask me a question may I may so you know erase that one - kayo we say ask a question in English okay ask a question yeah Khalid wants me to open my email and he has a picture maybe yeah exactly yeah I can't I can't draw thanks Khalid Thanks why is make wrong it's called a collocation Luigi it's called a collocation it's just we don't say that you know you you don't make homework you do homework you don't make a question you ask a question this is it's just English there's no grammar rule it's just we have to remember what do we say what do we say you take a test you don't do a test you take a test yeah yeah and holla'd very good very good yeah you guys see that Thank You Khalid yeah if you guys you guys are helping me teach thank you so look at Howard's beautiful picture here all right remember my my right now we're speaking now right and I say the door is open the door is open right but look go back here back back back back back back back and here's the action open here's the action open and you see some point or some time right so yeah the now the door is open right or now I I have opened the door yeah Thank You holid let's go back and we don't have much time but let's talk about being or gone yeah being or gone okay so see you later yeah okay okay being or gone so what's the difference well being usually means go and come okay and gone means go and you're still still haven't come back okay it's different so so when I was 19 years old I went to Morocco honey spell Morocco one arm okay I went to Morocco right I went to Morocco so in my life I have I have what to Morocco I have Judah Judah Jim to Morocco I have what to Morocco right oh yes there are many things to talk about Steve we could we could talk about present perfect until until 2017 should we do that should we call this smart live present perfect Wednesday's yeah I have means only come back what do you mean Yeah right here means go and come back yeah that's right no you can use gone for first person it's okay it's okay yeah yes most people are correct right I have I have been to Morocco I have been to Morocco I have been to Starbucks today I've been to Starbucks and yeah good good yeah yeah good hazers good good only come back well no it doesn't mean only come back it means you've got it means go it means go Luigi it doesn't mean only come back no kiyo don't worry it's okay it's okay we all make mistakes this is the only way you learn right so when I was 19 I went to Morocco and and now am I in Morocco no I'm in Canada right so I have been to Morocco now am I at Starbucks no I mean I'm at school I'm at I mean I mean smart live class studio right so I have been to Starbucks but let's go back to Khaled's beautiful picture here right now if I want to say right now right now so you guys see no Tico in the comments no Tico no Tico is in Japan right now and I I know no Tico a little bit because la notte last year but last month she was a student in our school here right so if we're saying if we're talking about Noriko now she is not in Vancouver she is not in Vancouver right now she is not in Vancouver right because maybe one month ago here she went to Japan right so now she's not here she's not here she has she has she has she has gone to Japan yeah yes Steve you're right yeah so now she has gone to Japan okay Noriko isn't in Canada anymore she's gone to Japan she's gone to Japan oh you're very late Hodja you're very late you have been not in Morocco okay you don't you don't go in Morocco you go to Morocco hazers okay I have been to Morocco twice cool yeah Morocco is very nice very beautiful yeah chef Dean probably probably yeah Caribbean people have very cool very cool accents yeah well guys it's it's ten o'clock it's up to you it's up to you do you want me to keep talking about present perfect I love talking about present perfect but students probably don't love studying present perfect forever I think I think we'll talk a little bit about put I think we're gonna stop talking about present perfect I think it's kind of boring if we always talk about present perfect okay well guys look at look at Aaron's sentence Oh mark do these sentences mean the same I've been to Italy and I've gone to Italy no they're totally different I've gone to Italy means now you are in Italy I've been to Italy means in my life maybe last year maybe five years ago I went to Italy and now I've returned I've come back I've come back okay you've been fasting for 24 hours why why why are you fasting again Ramadan is finished thank you guys thank you for joining my class at crazy times I'm somebody Nilufer says it's 3 o'clock in the morning where I don't know Neela fur is a man or a woman so it's 3 o'clock in their country in their City 12 o'clock in in in the States yeah okay guys I think I should stop it's 10 o'clock well we'll talk about present perfect more and in a few months but but definitely not next week so I did a class yesterday I did a class today my next class is on Friday and and it will not be on grammar but if you if you enjoy my classes please come back on Friday this time same time also check out Shawn's class tomorrow same time this time class is always this time and also check out our other classes on our YouTube channel subscribe and if you want to do homework and if you want me to you know help you with your English outside of class time subscribe to our Premium premium classes and here's the link right you can get more information about becoming a premium user awesome well guys another great time thank you for being wonderful students we'll see you see the next time the next time the next time we do a class Friday okay thanks guys have a wonderful
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 7,384
Rating: 4.9577465 out of 5
Keywords: English, English Lesson, Live English, English Class, grammar, Mark Roberts, smrt live class, english teacher, smrt
Id: 0dHtBmkNHuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 19sec (3679 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2016
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