Wish & Hope - Smrt Live Class with Mark #1

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okay I think we're finally working we've had technical problems this is my first stream I really sorry about being late but I think we're working now and let's get started I see some familiar faces thank you for coming Selma Jose and John is here for the new students that this is their first time please ask questions in the chat okay Lane is helping the chat and he will pass questions to me if you don't understand okay so please ask lots of questions and let's get started so wish and hope getting a black screen Jules one second everybody we're having some more technical problems okay all right we're finally we're ready to go here okay so this is smart this is the website that we use to teach English and here is a lesson on wish and hope many students get confused about the difference between wish and hope they are similar but they are not the same so wish and hope are used differently in English they are not the same both words describe what we want or what we would like so they're similar meaning to want or would like let's look at some examples let's zoom in here I wish I had a car I wish I had a car so this means I want to have a car but be careful we we will talk about the difference soon let's look at an example of hope I hope it snows tomorrow I hope it snows tomorrow okay so this boy is looking out the window and it's raining and he doesn't like rain so I hope it snows tomorrow he wants it to snow tomorrow let's start with hope let's let's talk more in detail about how to use hope now we only use hope to talk about possible possible situations okay only four things that are possible don't say hope for crazy things or impossible things or imaginary things only real things possible things and we can use hope to talk about the past the present or the future all time is okay with hope so let's look at some examples first some examples about how to use hope to talk about the past okay first example this man let me zoom in a bit this man loves maybe a soccer team or a Aki team okay but he doesn't know if the his team last night won or lost he doesn't know now it's possible his team won it's possible so I hope my team won last night and now he's checking the newspaper to find out which team won okay another example is the teacher now often I say this to my students I hope you had a good weekend I hope you had a good weekend so the teacher is talking to the students I hope you had a good weekend class now let's look at some examples about the present now imagine you are the man and this man may be the father he cooked dinner and now the family is is eating dinner and and it's possible that the family is enjoying the food it's possible that the family likes food right so the father says I hope you like your food now right I hope you like your food another example you are inside and you don't know the weather outside I live in Vancouver and in Vancouver in the winter it rains a lot ok so before I go outside I think I hope it isn't raining outside I hope it isn't raining outside right now I hope it isn't raining ok now we talked about the past we talked about the future so now let's talk excuse me we talked about the past we talked about the present so now let's talk about the future before I do that let me just check if we have any questions here zoom out a bit hope is possible thing this question is from Marlon Marlon Elizabeth yeah so hope is only for only four possible things let me let me write that that's a good point Marlon thank you thank you for the question if anybody else has questions please ask me so hope is for possible things only that's a really good point right so I hope you understand I hope you understand this lesson Marlon right I hope you understand this lesson it's possible you understand this lesson so I don't know do you understand so I hope you understand this lesson okay thank you and please ask questions and lane will pass them to me if you have any thank you very much okay so we're getting ahead so Cicotte Aziz I'm not sure what your first name is but maybe Aziz I don't know I wish to be Superman your your question is I wish to be Superman okay well so you're asking me is is this sentence okay well I will talk about wish soon okay so I'm not going to tell you about this right now okay so I will talk about this later I'll actually leave that there good question zakat but I will talk about it soon okay so we talked about with hope we talked about the past we talked about the present so now let's talk about the future and the future is special with hope we talk about the future a lot with hope a lot but we have to be careful we have to use special rules okay let's let's close in here before actually I'm going to answer that question lane and in a second so we can talk about the future with hope using the present or future tenses okay so when we talk about hope with the past we use past tenses I hope you had right hat is past I hope you had a good weekend for example right when we talk about the present we only use present so example I hope you are having a good time right you are having a good time is is now so present we use present tenses but with the future we can use present tenses or future tenses okay and they have the same meaning so many students like what present tenses about the future yes it's it's okay with hope let's look at some examples okay and maybe you don't understand that's okay let's look at some examples here we go we hope you come again we hope you come come this is present but the meaning is future right so we hope you come again same meaning we hope you will we hope you'll come again it's the same meaning it's the same understand so with hope if you're talking about the future present is okay or future is okay I forgot to tell you the present is more popular okay it's it's more popular usually we use present with hope let's look at some examples or some more examples maybe you are the girl and the girl is skating and she falls down right and she thinks oh in the future I hope that present right that doesn't happen again same thing I hope that won't happen again the first one is more popular okay okay so maybe you are looking at your phone and the phone has very little power maybe 10% okay so you can say oh in English when you're with no power we say it's kind of strange we say my phone died okay we many students like what died but in English we say my phone my phone let me just write that here my phone has died for example that means no power okay so I hope my phone in the future soon I hope my phone doesn't die or I hope my phone won't die or be going to look here we have B going to that's okay so I hope my phone isn't going to die soon finally this woman may be a new word for some students she is pregnant and look at look at the the photo here is a baby right so that's called pregnant soon the person will have a baby right okay and maybe the mother wants a girl right so in the future the baby will be a girl or maybe it will be a boy so she says she hopes it's a girl or she hopes it will be a girl okay let's look at some questions here John asked thanks John your you always have good questions is hope a noun or a verb that's a good question hope hope is both okay so hope is a noun and it's a verb okay you can say this I have I have many hopes for the future I have many hopes for the future and that's a noun right just like I have many I have many I don't know many friends example right but in this lesson I'm focusing on the verb the verb you should be out of the the verb meaning of hope good question John let's look at the chat here so again please keep asking questions and lane is passing them to me mo Mohammad ool I hope I will be there tomorrow I wish okay so again students are trying to ask questions about wish and Mohammed ool your your sentence I hope I will be there tomorrow is perfect okay remember you can say I hope I am there tomorrow too and maybe this way is a little bit more popular okay but both sentences are correct and Mohammed Mohammed or I or Mohammed or I will explain wish very soon let's continue we can also say this we can also say hope to do something about the future I hope to do something so example I hope to see you soon we hope to pass the test and he hopes to get a new computer soon but please understand it has the same meaning as this so hope to do something so what is the verb what is the verb in this or in these sentences well the verb is B right so we can say I hope to what be there tomorrow and these are the same meaning okay the same meaning let's look at another example I hope I will I hope I will I hope I will eat pizza tonight I love pizza it's my favorite food I hope I will eat pizza tonight maybe I say this every day okay well we can also say I hope whoops I eat pizza tonight okay present about the future very popular or I hope to eat pizza tonight okay let's continue very popular in English we say I hope so I hope so so example are you coming to the party tonight the answer I hope so so it's a very popular answer another example has it stopped raining outside maybe maybe she is looking outside and she says has it stopped raining but maybe she can't see maybe is it raining is it not raining can't see and the man says I hope so okay now be careful negative don't say I don't hope so don't say that that's not that's not it's not popular English we say I hope not okay I hope not so example maybe maybe the woman says is it expensive and her husband or friend or boyfriend he doesn't know the price but so he says I hope it's not expensive I hope not okay has Brenda gone home already has Brenda gone home already and she somebody says I hope I hope not okay so let's try let's try an exercise with hope and I would like Lane to put the link for the exercise in the chat so everybody please open the exercise and let's let's look at some questions okay so here is the exercise and for Part A please write the verb okay so think about think about the time okay right now future soon do you need a past verb a present verb or a future verb okay so for example number one I hope she here soon okay so this is a future meaning so very popular to talk about the future I hope she and then present right I hope she comes soon but remember we can also say whoa we can also say will come okay that's okay too comes is more popular so that's part a and when you're finished Part A Part B we have hope - okay what is another way to write the sentences about the future so example I hope I eat I hope I eat maybe I hope I will eat a delicious excuse me delicious dinner tonight that's okay but let's practice hope - okay so I hope to eat a delicious dinner tonight I hope to eat a delicious dinner when you're finished please click Submit and after about five minutes we will talk about the answers okay all right I play some some music here for you you you you okay guys we're back and I see some answers so let's look at your answers here for the first question I wrote the answer already so somebody wrote arrives very good that's totally fine but I like that you used the s okay number two I hope the weather okay tomorrow so this is about the future so all of these answers are except for B right we should say present tense is or will be okay let me turn up the volume a little bit here maybe my fault okay sorry it my first time so I'm just turning up the microphone let's continue to number three I hope you yesterday okay yesterday is about the past so we should say I hope you had a good time and looks like most people got that correct okay right now right now right now so I hope it is not I hope it is not and will not is about the future right so remember if you're talking about the present use present with hope okay doesn't B we say doesn't go or doesn't like but B we say isn't or aren't okay that's a very common mistake that's okay number five oh ok we have a question here from Hossein Thank You Jose a very very good question Jose ins question is can we omit the second eye in for example let's just write his question here I hope I go shopping tonight ok so this is his question no we can not okay so omit means skip ok I hope I go if you omit I if you take it out just do this ok I hope to go shopping excellent question Hossein very good question please ask me more questions I love questions let's go back to the to the exercise I hope I will make ok I hope I will make we should use the verb make here right so I hope I will make or I hope I make both of those are ok ok you guys wrote have that you know that that's ok have friends but here please use the verb make ok that's that's ok I hope I ok negative negative negative negative so yeah so how do we say not get in the present tense we say i well i different verb have I don't have I don't like I don't need so I don't get I don't get okay two people got that but this is about the future so we can say I won't get ok I won't get very good guys all right I hope you okay last night last night last night past so how do you say sleep in the past we say slept slept okay yeah many students write this but that's not good angle okay it's not a regular verb okay I hope they're okay traffic traffic what does traffic meanwhile traffic is if I if I just do a google search of traffic let's see a picture of traffic here is traffic okay now can you count traffic no you can't count it so it's uncountable so if it's uncountable we need a singular verb okay so there is a lot of traffic out today okay is not R okay so I hope there is not very good Oh nobody made that mistake and also we can say won't be won't be okay so again isn't not don't okay don't like don't go don't get but don't be no is it okay tonight future future so I hope I right now do you have a brother yes I do I have a brother I I don't have a brother I don't like sushi example right so I hope I don't have I hope I don't have much homework tonight or future I hope I won't have much homework tonight okay I hope I future okay how do we say have I hope I will have or I hope I'll have yes very good or present I hope I have excellent excellent excellent excellent okay all right let's skip 11 because I wrote the answer for that very good I hope to see you soon what's another way to say this well this is future so I hope I see you soon very good or I hope I will see you soon excellent I'm hoping to see you soon hmm it's a little strange a little strange to say I'm hoping okay a little strange it's not a big mistake but a little a little strange usually we say I hope okay I hope to go to San Francisco in the future in the future so I hope I go yeah we need a space here that's okay I hope I will go okay one day okay excellent looks good don't forget capital letters okay I hope I go shopping this weekend I hope to go shopping excellent or I hope I will go shopping this weekend okay and last one I hope I have a good time tonight well I hope I will have or I hope to have right a good time tonight excellent guys I'm going to close that we have a question here from Selma gosh where's so much summer from are you from Algeria Selma I think you're from Algeria what about heavy TRO heavy traffic okay well let's just look at it sometimes I teach English with Google right if I type heavy traffic heavy just means a lot of traffic like this this is heavy traffic or this is heavy traffic now what is the opposite of heavy well we can say light traffic light okay light traffic well this is light trough hey this is North Vancouver I've been here many times okay so this is light traffic so good question Selma thank you and was I right you're from Algeria you're in Algeria I can't remember okay so finally let's talk about wish okay so we talked about hope and what is the difference between hope and wish need some water one second remember the most important thing about hope is I think it was actually I forget who it was Marlon I think hope is for possible things only so what about wish okay well whoops sorry about that it's not possible okay which means what we want is not possible okay so let's look at some examples this looks like I think this is Dubai this is a pretty cool photo and this guy maybe not this guy but a different guy I would like to be able to fly be able to what does that mean well that means can so I would like to be able to fly can you fly can can I fly No so I know this is not possible I can't fly so I want to fly but I can't impossible so we would say I wish I wish I could fly okay let's look at another example now how's the weather now is a super cloudy right and I don't like cloudy I don't like cloudy weather I want different weather right now but is this possible can the weather change not really so I would like it to be sunny right now but it's cloudy I wish it were sunny I wish it were sunny okay now maybe you noticed here I wish it were sunny we're talking about right now huh it were what do we say it was it were so why why were and and why why past right let's go back up I wish I could fly that's past I wish I could okay because wish maybe you have studied if maybe you have studied the second conditional I remember Sean was talking about that on Monday but when we use wish we need to change our sentence one level to the past one level so what do I mean one level well present to past is one level future present pass well so future present past and then we have past perfect which is more past so we have like four levels so present one level past okay let's look at an example I don't have a girlfriend not me but this person I don't have a girlfriend okay this is present tense so I wish with past I wish I had a girlfriend and that means now right now I wish I had a girlfriend it's raining right now it's raining it is that's present right so I wish it in okay so isn't no but past I wish it wasn't raining now with wish Oh many notes today but with wish you can say I or you or he and I write this all we or they you can say I I wish I was I wish you were right I wish he was she was it was I wish we were but also you can say I wish I were I wish he or she or it were okay so I'm going to answer these questions very soon but this is an important point with which you can say I was but maybe were is more popular I wish I were okay so I I am NOT rich I wish I was rich or more popular I wish I were I wish I were rich I wish you were here maybe you now our far away so I wish you were here right now okay I wish right here we have a question sentence example from racha racha Lola I wish I were I wish I were a superwoman actually superwoman is a name of a person so we use capital s Noah right just like I wish I were you I wish I were a superwoman so yeah so we can use worse he wasn't or weren't raining okay let's look catch up with these questions here so Jose and I'm sorry Jose and I I didn't answer your question can we say would instead of did for past in hope sentences I hope it would no it doesn't sound correct to me I hope example I hope you did your homework last night I hope you did your homework I say this to my students sometimes right I hope you did your homework last night so I hope you would your homework no no okay I think you're getting confused with with wish we'll talk about that soon we're going to talk about wood soon okay thank you who was that Hossein I think yes thank you ho saying excellent question please keep asking the questions another question Muhammadu oh thank you for asking another question Muhammad oil so wish can't be used for possible things okay good question excellent question now we can say this I wish you I wish you good luck this is kind of a different or I wish you a happy birthday or I wish you in Canada Christmas is really popular so we say I wish you a Merry Christmas so these are possible so this way to use wish I wish you something I wish you something this is okay but that's possible right but when we when we when we use with a sentence we use it to talk about the opposite the opposite of what is not real okay the opposite of what is real so so real is I can't fly right I can't fly this is real so if you say wish we need the opposite right I wish I can fly but remember we need to change it the past so past I wish i whoops I wish I could fly okay so excellent question Mohammed ool we have an example sentence from Oscar Thank You Oscar keep keep asking questions or keep giving me examples thank you I need the help I wish I had money to afford a decent computer Oh excellent sentence so what does this mean well this is passed with wish so we're talking about now right and remember it's the opposite so do I have money now I don't have money this means I don't have money to afford afford means buy like have enough money to buy right very good sentence Oscar afford means let's just write that afford means have enough money to buy okay that's a very popular word in English I don't have money to afford a decent computer decent is like is an excellent word good bad pretty good and then we have decent and then we have not very good this is kind of this is my my opinion but good I'm good I'm pretty good hmm I'm decent you know the weather today that's decent it's like not bad I guess not bad excellent sentence Oscar thank you Jose do you mean we can't use future tense with wish I wish you will no we don't say that and we're going to talk about the future soon okay I wish you will no no no no no no no no no but I will talk about that okay Rachel I'm sorry I don't know how to pronounce your name and Lola when and where we use wish don't worry I will talk about that I'm just answering questions right now you wish you could fly when you forget the parachute yes thank you Paul you okay very good and Mohammed Amin Amin II maybe if clauses we also use Iowa absolutely so I talked a little bit about the second conditional and I don't have time today to teach you about the second conditional but if I were you didn't today exactly Mahmoud you're totally right Mohammed if I were you or if it were sunny today did it do this means it's not sunny today so thank you very much Mohammed for the question let's continue because Rachel Ola wants to learn more about wish so I wish it weren't raining okay I wish and like a sentence here right I wish it weren't raining let's look at some more examples I can't speak Chinese I live in Vancouver Canada and Vancouver has a lot of Chinese people it's really really cool but I can't Chinese and I want I want to be able but I can't so I wish I could and finally this this necklace costs a lot of money costs a lot of money well what's the past of cost well the past of cost is cost you know some English verbs are crazy put put or hit hit it's it's it's it's the same so so it looks it this is present and here this is past it didn't cost so negative we need didn't okay all right so we talked about changing the present to the past with wish now I think Hossein somebody asked me I think who saying yeah somebody asked me about would okay now this is very popular we use it to say we want something to happen in the future we want something to happen in the future but probably it will not happen okay I think it will not happen now don't say I wish we'll don't say that we should say I wish and then something would I wish something would okay okay we have a question here from Oscar and Oscar you're talking about the past and I'm going to talk about the past next don't worry let's talk about this first okay I want I am this woman imagine I am this woman and this bus is so slow I want this bus to go faster right it's not he's not going to try faster right so I wish this bus will go no I wish this bus would go okay all right it's so cold I wish the weather would change I want the weather to change but I know this is it's not possible right I wish you would and and sometimes we don't say would we say you do or I do he do I wish you would help me I wish you'd help me right maybe she's angry and last one maybe this is my grandfather and my grandfather's is lonely or sad and I call him and he says to me mark I wish you would call me more often I wish you to call me more often okay so we've talked about changing the present to the past we talked about changing will to wood now let's talk about the past and this is the last thing and then we'll do another exercise before I start talking about this let me let me please let me check these questions here does wish have past form something like wished yeah it's not super common remember these examples here by the way who saying thank you for the question a super good question remember I talked about I wish you good luck or I wish you a happy birthday right so maybe I'm talking to you on the phone hey-ho saying happy birthday cool okay good bye I see you later and then later I say I wished Hossein a happy birthday okay this this way is is popular for past but but another way or not so okay excellent question okay Oscar Oscar wrote this sentence I wish I learnt English since I was a child Oh since I was a kid same thing okay let's let's look at this I wish I learnt English okay actually this is Oscar sentence is about the past and we just had a new question from Marlon wish is wish always used with wood well know right we talked about I wish you were I wish you were here with me right now right or I wish I had a sister right no wood but we use wood if you want to talk about the future I want something to happen right so let's give you one more example drought not a very nice thing but drought maybe I live here and there's no food there's there's no rain right so what do I want what do I want I want rain in the future right please tomorrow rain so future we use wood okay I wish it I wish it would rain okay all right let's go back to Oscars sentence Thank You Marlon as an excellent question I wish I learnt English since I was a kid okay well maybe we'll say when I was a kid or since since since I was let's say when I was a kid okay we're talking about we're talking about the past now remember we use the past if we're talking about the present remember we talked about that right I don't have an iPhone for example right now so if you want to say wish about this you need the past I wish I had an iPhone right so this has a present meaning this is past right this is past and it means this right so what does learnt me it means I learn right it means now I don't learn English no you you want you're talking about the past so remember one level will goes to would present goes to past but past goes to past perfect past perfect okay past perfect super easy past perfect we need had plus a past participle okay had plus a past participle I had done you had done he or she or it had done we or they had done okay a past participle okay so what's the past participle and if you don't know just just search Google past participle list right let's look at let's look at let's find the past participle for learn let's open this up and let's see I know it doesn't look very good on very big learn learn learn learn learn ohmygosh learn is not here in this list am i missing it oh that's terrible okay oh that's because Lehren is a regular verb I'm so stupid okay learn the past is learnt or we can say learned okay and the past participle is also learnt or learned okay so how do we fix Oscars sentence well we need past perfect here had learnt English when I was a kid had learned English when I was a kid understand okay let's look at some more examples so learned or learnt I don't know why we have to in English maybe Shawn knows I don't know and and by the way if this lesson is too easy for you I'm sorry I like teaching easy English because you know maybe I'm not very smart but Shawn is a really smart teacher and he teaches higher level lessons and Shawn is teaching a class today at 3 p.m. our time so if you don't if you don't you know Vancouver time what is that well right now it is 10:00 11:00 a.m. in Vancouver so it's in five hours okay so if if you want and I know Selma and John will probably be there but Sean's classes are really cool so check that out let's go back to wish and we're almost finished guys and we're going to do an exercise very soon if you have any questions please ask this guy I I didn't wake up early I didn't wake up early so I didn't have time to eat breakfast right I didn't have time to eat breakfast because I woke up late right so now I'm super hungry I'm super super super hungry right so can I change the past no I can't change the past so I wish I I wish because it's impossible right I wish I woke up no you need past perfect I wish I had plus the past participle woken up okay look at this guy right yeah or maybe this guy right here um this is a test and this guy and this guy they do not look happy actually they don't look happy either but I didn't study last night I didn't study I don't know why it's doing that sorry I didn't study last night because I was tired now I don't oh I'm sorry if I made a mistake here I should have written no I don't know the answers for the test I don't know the answers why because I didn't study last night so I wish I had studied last night okay have you ever seen a terrible movie yes of course we have all seen a terrible movie so I went to see a movie last night it was terrible and it was twenty dollars it was expensive right I wish I hadn't gone so go past participial gone right and last one I drank some old milk well what happens if you drink old milk well maybe you will feel a little sick right maybe now I have a stomachache why did I drink that milk why I wish I hadn't past participial drink is drunk drunk so we say right drink and then drank and then the past participle is drunk okay so I wish I hadn't drunk the old milk it's exercise time and you know what that is the end of the lesson in smart and by the way I'm using smart smart is a website that I make and Sean makes and our school makes for people around the world to learn English so if you're interested please please talk to Lane and Lane we'll send you a link we have some questions here before we do the exercise let me let me look at some questions oscar has given has written some more example sentences and that's excellent if you guys want to make sure you understand please write examples like Oscar it's okay if you make a mistake it's okay right Oscar I wish I had joined the soccer thank you perfect perfect sentence I wish I had joined the soccer team when I was younger okay so this is the part that we want to focus on right I had joined right not joined had joined because I'm talking about the past Oscar beautiful excellent sentence Paul I think I remember Paul from one of Sean's lessons Paul how's it going is learnt more in the past no no some verbs have to past participles Paul maybe because it's like Old English so example learn we talked about is learnt or learned let me let me just find a no I don't need a past participial list another example would be get sometimes the past participle of get is got and sometimes it's gotten okay another example is burn burn maybe we don't understand burn burn burning fire let's let's look at a burning fire so burn is is is fire hot okay if you let me burnt wood let's see you see this this wood is is is we use a past participle burned or burnt okay so we have to past participles it's it's it's not it's not you know most verbs I would say 99% of verbs have only one past participle I always tell my students I'm sorry but English is a little crazy sometimes and it's because it's an old language and it's it's it's all over the world so some things are sometimes there's two ways okay okay guys let's uh any more questions no it looks good laine could you please put the link in the chat for the students for the second exercise and in this exercise we're going to we're going to study would excuse me wish okay so I'm going to open exercise to myself okay now this exercise is kind of open so it maybe we will have many different answers but what could you say what could you say about these situations so so in in my life my computer is old and slow so I wish now I have no past right because now so I wish I had a new computer okay we could say I wish my computer weren't or wasn't old and slow that's okay too so maybe we will see many different answers and and it's okay if if we have different answers right let's look at number two I am sick and I don't like it right of course I'm sick I don't like it so I wish not sick not sick not sick right I am not sick but we we need to change it to the past right so I wish I wasn't or I wish I weren't sick example okay so I'm going to give you five minutes maybe four minutes and and then we'll talk about the answers okay member member you okay guys I'm seeing a lot of good answers in the chat so Lane you can you please write your answers in the in the document and when you're finished click Submit when you're finished so we can talk about your answers okay so I'll give you maybe two more minutes and I'll give you two more minutes and and then we'll talk about the answers you okay everybody I'm back let's talk about your answers we've got looks like we've got three answers for each question my computer is old and slow so like I said I wish I had a new computer I'm sick and I don't like it I wish I weren't sick yes I wish I had medicine excellent it's raining and I hate rain I wish it okay just be careful not a capital I wish it wasn't raining oh we got a new answer thank you yeah or remember I wish it weren't raining is also okay okay I wish it did not rain okay but but we're talking about now right now so now it isn't raining I wish it wasn't or weren't raining okay this movie is boring I want to I want it to finish soon but it probably won't I wish this movie finished earlier very good excellent not movies but movie I wish I had not watched the movie okay excellent so that's the past okay I wish it would be finished soon yeah or we could just say I wish I wish the movie would finish soon that's okay too I wish this movie was shorter yes excellent sounds like John's sentence but could be wrong I wish this movie were shorter too is good okay excellent so again many different answers and that's okay that's great let's look at the next one I didn't go to bed early last night I didn't go to bed early last night so now I'm I'm really tired okay this one is about the past right so let's look at a document here I wish I went to bed early no because remember we're talking about the past so remember if you're talking about the past use past perfect so what's what's the what's the past participle of go well had gone is gone is the past participle so I wish I had gone to Bert to bed early last night I wish I had gone to bed early good I wish i okay we got another answer excellent I wish I had gotten more sleep excellent I wish I had gone to bed early last night excellent I wish I went so this person do you understand your mistake right remember with wish the past means now present we need more past we need past perfect I wish I had gone the elevator isn't working right now so okay so yeah so maybe now I'm in the elevator and it's broken and I can't open the elevator I wish I had taken the stairs excellent excellent excellent excellent I wish the elevator was working was where were working is okay - oh we got another answer excellent guys keep keep adding your answers had being is the past all right I'm talking about now I wish it I wish the elevator was working or were working okay there isn't a train station near here isn't present so we need the past with wish I wish there was a train station near here or there were wish there was I wish there were good another answer my my page will change when new answers get added I wish it had a station close excellent that that's very good that's that's that's good I wish usually we'd say there were is more popular there is okay or I wish this city had a closed station I wish I had taken another form of transportation yes absolutely it's a different meaning but I wish the train were here excellent these are all good maybe your teacher is good is that the reason no I'm joking okay I missed class yesterday I wish i okay this is past so if you're talking about the past with wish we need past perfect I wish I hadn't missed okay like this answer here I wish I know remember we're talking about the past I wish I hadn't missed hadn't missed yes good I live in a very small apartment I wish I now right now so president we need passed with wish i wish i lived i wish i lived i wish i okay we're talking about the future so maybe would i wish i would move out soon okay or i wish i could move out soon i wish i lived i wish i didn't live perfect perfect I wish I had lived is about the past right we're not talking about the past we're talking about now okay so this is about the past so I wish I lived life is difficult for me is it difficult for you I don't know I wish life wasn't or I wish life weren't right difficult I wish life wasn't so difficult I wish life were easy same thing excellent and this is past we're not talking about the past we're talking about now and now in the present right which life was easier I wish life was easy excellent two more I spent okay spent is the past so if we're talking about the past we need past perfect with wish so I wish I now remember guys capital letters come on cat this is not good English right also here you need a apostrophe right I wish I I hadn't spent a lot of money good I wish I get more honey yeah okay so so this is the future because you're talking about later ray so I wish I I wish I would get I wish I could get okay I wish I didn't spend okay no because this is past and this is past this should be more past past perfect okay I wish I hadn't spent so a lot of mistakes about this one okay a lot of mistakes I wish I had saved money good I wish I hadn't spent excellent okay I'm a little worried that we had three mistakes about this I spent a lot of money I wish I hadn't don't say didn't because didn't means with wish didn't means now right let's just give you an example I have a cold I'm sick I have a cold so what's what's the what I wish I okay so this is present right so I wish I didn't have a cold okay so this means now so if you're talking about the past whoops we need to say hadn't hadn't spent and the last one I want to go to India but it's I'm in Vancouver Canada and it's so far away I wish I could go to India excellent I wish it were a little a little close by oh maybe closer closer okay is probably better I wish I could go to India capital letter please capital right oh and then here we have a capital no don't use a capital after commas maybe you should watch Sean's videos I wish I could go to India but it is so far away good grammar is good I wish India wasn't or weren't I wish it was closer I wish I were in India capital letters I wish it hadn't been okay this is the past so we're not talking about the past we're talking about now I wish it hadn't been oh I wish it weren't so far away great so that is it do we have any more questions it looks like we had a couple of questions that are very high-level questions we had a question from afar and we had a question from nithya Natha and the fiha I can't answer your questions in this stream because my lessons are lower level and your questions are very high level so please join Shawn's class today at 3:00 p.m. okay and that is now in Vancouver it is 10:30 6:00 a.m. okay so about four and a half hours from now and Sean will answer your questions then so so please join that strain okay well I think that's it for today this was my first smart stream lesson I'm sorry about the problems we had technology what you know what can you do I will be back next Wednesday same time if you have any any suggestions why don't you why don't you email me I'll give you my email address at Canada - english.com add me on Facebook if you want also please check out our Facebook page for four smart and yeah like I said I'll be here next Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. my time and please check out Shawn's class today okay thanks very much you you you you you you
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 17,091
Rating: 4.9533529 out of 5
Keywords: English Lesson, English, Study English, Learn English, Live Lesson, wish, hope, english grammar, mark roberts, smrt, smrt live class, english lesson
Id: -oHBjoJGJ8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 3sec (5283 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2016
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