Definite and Indefinite Articles #2 - Intermediate English with Shaun #57

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oh hello hello it's 9 o'clock its class time hi I'm coming to you from Vancouver it's 9 o'clock in the morning Vancouver time I am live in the studio at the Canadian College of English language hello hello hello lots of people in the chat already finally I know finally he pops out I give you a little taste I popped in there by accident i pressed the wrong button trying to get my keyboard buddy has asking how I am I am doing I'm doing well thank you very much Steve Lana's here Chris EU Rosa Rosa Julian has changed his name zwei venom zwei venom 6672 good to see ya J Pablo from Mexico JB 87th back where exactly are you now JB 87 are you asking me that I am if you're asking me where exactly am i I am at one zero five zero alberni Street in Vancouver British Columbia Canada at the Canadian on the fourth floor of the Canadian College of English language in the studio that's where I am if you were asking me if you're not I apologize yeah that gray spot isn't going that gray spots only gonna get bigger guys it's not gonna go away all right so yeah it's a good day it's Friday it was a bit of a hectic start here because Julien not not sway Julien in the chat but our Julien who's the IT wizard behind this whole this whole class know Zack Taylor just gave me two dollars Thank You Zack I'll buy a coffee sometime yeah Julian's not feeling well so he's the one who usually sets up this stream and that means that he had to show me how to set up the stream with the computers and everything on the phone which was uh which was interesting yeah so hopefully it all works out I'm not a technical guy on the English teacher I'm just I'm just a pretty face right I'm just the talent so let's hope that everything works out okay but if we have technical problems be please be patient with me as I am patient with you okay so I hope you guys are good if it's your first time in the class hi I'm Shawn I'm going to be your teacher for the next hour if you're if your first time or tell me tell me in the in the in the chat there Roy ro rot edward pretty face yeah that was a sarcasm yeah sarcasm tree Browns here cool and of course a lot of regulars Melendez here French Leo's here if you're new yeah let us know so we can welcome you all right so people are asking me what the class is going to be about no more chitchat let's get down to business if you're new to the class if you have questions during the class put them in the chat and I will try to answer them I will try to answer them as best I can as often as I can as quickly as I can okay so let's jump in here let's go down here get rid of that here we go so yes today we are going to continue with what we started last week okay if you were in class last week you might you might remember what the what the class was Patricia and Riata it's the first time samira is a first-timer mustafa Danse keister lucas lots of first-timers good welcome to Ana's back good to see it blurry face I mean blurry face is another person that Luana all right so let's get into it guys last week if you remember last week I started the class with a bit of a bit of a memory test right I tested I showed you a bunch of pictures and I tested your memory how many you could remember well I'm not going to test your memory today but I am going to test your general knowledge of geography and places in the world okay I'm going to unit 10 in 120 is what we're looking at today I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself okay and some of you even remember the pictures from last week gray castle banana hamburger so I'm not going to ask you to tell me what those were I'm going to show you new pictures and I want you to tell me what these places are okay like where are these these places how many of these places or things can you recognize can you identify and then of course I will tell you why afterwards we're not just doing it for no reason of course so just because I haven't mentioned it yet remember that this is the 120 level class in smart English here at the Canadian college which means it is the intermediate level that's the the lesson today is that intermediate kind of middle level but of course everyone is welcome to join butterfly on a dog's nose that's exactly right that was last week now I'm not going to show you the butterfly again although that was super cute and I'm not going to go super fast so I'm going to show you a picture like this you tell me what am I looking at what is this okay some of them are easy some of them might be a little bit more difficult right how many of you know what this is or where this is okay again might be might be easy might be difficult it depends on how how much you know how much you you get out and see things and travel right unit 10 is all about travel what are these place where are these places what are they called what do you see here so some people are saying that's Nevada interesting all right we got this one here good good good but whether this one's a hard one this one's a hard one I just threw that up some of them are easy that first one was probably easy okay Patricia's guilt going full francais there with a little D fell very nice this one might be a tricky one too but we do we do often have students from this place in the class although it's very late that night there or very early in the morning what place is this just a couple more this place this place Mountains are hard yeah but I mean I know obviously identifying a mountain is hard so if you really think about it if I'm going to show you a picture of a mountain which mountain do you think I'm going to show you a picture of okay awesome people thought that was Matt you that's not Matt you Picchu but I can see I can see why you'd think that hang over saying that this is Russia Denis you got that one yet and then maybe this this one's a tricky one too anybody know this one this is the last one you guys are doing I'm trying to get trying to get as specific as you can right so not just what city is this but who can identify the street what street is this it's a night market ok interesting ok so let's go back to the beginning here again I will tell you why in a minute I'm not really testing your knowledge of landmarks and geography but this one's Prague I mean this one I think is the easiest one of them all obviously you guys said this is Paris very specifically this is right this is Paris in France it is the Eiffel Tower right that's what we're looking at very famous recognizable landmark the Eiffel Tower good this next one and again because I'm showing you a picture of a mountain obviously mountains individual mountains are hard to identify so I'm showing you one mountain this is Mount Everest ok maybe the most fountain famous mountain in the world some of you also said the Himalayas which is also true right Mountain Mount Everest is in the Himalayas and the Himalayas are in Nepal ok so if you said any of these three then you are on the right track PAH Luxio I don't know if you I'm saying your name right but you're good for you you've got you've got a good eye okay I'll come back to you now this one some people said it's Brazil yeah it could be Brazil it's definitely South America because this is the Amazon River the Amazon River rabi subtotal Nepal cool very cool okay so that's the Amazon River this one I don't think anybody got is something some of you got the other ones I didn't see anybody get this one unless you said Canada if you said Canada that's that's that's right more specifically if you said Alberta yeah but this place is called Lake Louise very beautiful place in Canada I'm not too far away from Vancouver probably about a 10 hour drive swea venoms you kind of suck you said Canada there you go yeah it's very nice turquoise water this is Lake Louise this is in Alberta Canada blurryface ed North America Maryanne there you go a little late but you got it yeah all right cool so a couple more and somebody saying that that the Himalayas are in India I know I realize that but I believe they're also in Nepal I mean I'm pretty sure Mount Everest is in Nepal if I'm incorrect about that then please please tell me because I've been living a lie for a long time JB say that the fjords of Scandinavia well there are definitely some similarities between Canadian geography and some of those northern European countries for sure this is not met repeater this is the Philippines these are rice fields in the Philippines okay you guys said this is Russia more specifically this is the Hermitage Museum or The Hermitage Museum in st. Petersburg Russia okay and one more and then I'll tell you why and yeah who was it they got it pump what was what was the name Co Pollock Co got this one good kid for you it is Bourbon Street this is very famous street in New Orleans which is a city in Louisiana or in the United States so Bourbon Street New Orleans the United States good stuff some of you guys did really well on that so why why why blurryface thank you for for confirming my belief of where Mount Everest is okay so why am I asking you about Bourbon Street and Mount Everest well of course we're going to continue our lesson on articles okay now we started this last week talking about indefinite indefinite articles ah and the and we asked the question also when to use the when to use an article and went to you know article now when I asked this question if I go way way I'm going to go up to the top of the chat so many answers came in when I first started asking the questions of what do you see I saw lots of Eiffel Tower Alps mountains what else did I see here hmm Amazon River now this is this is good and this is what I was looking for because oftentimes when we're talking about these places these proper nouns we forget about the articles okay now this unfortunately is something you're going to really have to remember and make mistakes with there's really no way of thinking your way through it necessarily it's just a bunch of rules then gee you've never been to Paris well I recommend you go to Paris everybody should go to Paris at least once right Mary Ann or French Leo or somebody else somebody else said they're from from France in there okay so the question today is article or no article this is what we're we're going to be looking at because again students often make mistakes with this we make a lot of mistakes with missing articles or using articles when you shouldn't so if you don't know what I'm talking about at all you can always go back and watch last week's class as well French leah was 30 years in Paris cool I was I was there for a couple days not quite the same thing but alright so the question is no article or article and we're going to start with proper nouns meaning of the names of places okay the names of places okay Marianne says Paris sucks oh so the we use the with the names of oceans seas and rivers okay so today we're talking about a lot of a geography because unit 10 is about travel okay so the names of oceans seas and rivers you use that right you say the Pacific Ocean right or the Mediterranean the Mediterranean or the Mediterranean Sea and then this lovely looking thing which is the you've AK River the you've AK River in Serbia I think this this rivers in Serbia but any kind of river you put that we've got the Fraser River the Mississippi the Amazon with rivers oceans and seas as well as a couple other bodies of water that you're not going to use very often like Gulf and straits you use the difference and the Black Sea exactly cool I would like to take a little boat down this river I think that would be cool now of course it wouldn't be a lesson without some exceptions right now this is the crazy thing about English obviously oceans seas rivers you use the right however you don't use an article with names of lakes okay so if you remember Lake Louise that I mentioned before or this beautiful look in place which I believe is Lake Baikal in Russia right the deepest the deepest lake in the world so they say Oh real ache well there are going to be some exceptions for sure but typically with Lakes you don't use an article right Alice Lake Green Lake Lake Ontario Lake Erie as Mina you say the Tigris good question so the Tigris yeah because it's because it's the river you have to say the Tigris the Euphrates the tames the same always the now ven si is saying maybe it's because you put the lake before it and that's a good that's a good point but the thing about Lakes to remember is that sometimes depending on the lake it can be Lake Baikal or you can say Alice Lake okay so either one is acceptable it's kind of like mountain like some mountains are Mount Everest some mountains are Grouse Mountain right but either way with a Swan Lake Jerry says a very nice Swan Lake no article okay yeah you just want to dive right in I know it looks so so nice yeah okay so this is this is water so far okay these are these are the rules now we're going to go through lots of different rules today and then I'm going to put you to the test okay so the next one we use the with names of hotels theaters museums and even bridges right so again a lot of this has to do with travel like if you're traveling to another place another city you're going to see lots of names of hotels and theaters and museums bridges a lot of people are asking questions about countries and continents and I will I will come to that in a couple minutes yeah yo Mara says yes good the Trump Hotel excellent excellent example okay so names of hotels most features like famous theaters we use the right so the Fairmont Hotel right the Fairmont Hotel the Sydney Opera House very famous theater right the Sydney Opera House the glass bridge in China look I have the golden golden gate bridge maybe Paluxy oh the Louvre of course is the museum we said the hermitage museum before right galleries and museums were use tha and I said bridges before some people said the Golden Gate Bridge the Lions Gate Bridge aha now there are sometimes some exceptions and all the hamachi didn't take very long before coming up with London Bridge which yes London Bridge no article there okay definitely some exceptions okay now no article names of parks and stations Abdul Minh Anh is asking question every noun needs article or some adjectives before yeah if you're talking common nouns like we said last week every noun needs if it's well hang on if it's singular and countable it needs some kind of article adjective quantifier or determiner or something before it yeah Jerry yeah Harbor Bridge - oh you guys are good yeah okay so there are exceptions just to keep you guessing good one harbour bridge okay exceptions drive me crazy yeah route rowdy-dow e exceptions drive me crazy exceptions are what make it interesting for me I don't know alright so names of parks and stations famous parks and stations you don't need an article for the most part so again we're talking about travel I feel like being a bit of a travel agent for Vancouver this is a picture of Vancouver I don't know I'm somewhere where am i right now I'm no I'm I'm over here somewhere you can't you can't see me I'm behind I'm behind this building this is the the Fairmont Hotel but this large green patch behind the downtown area of Vancouver right is called Stanley Park so Stanley Park no article there people are asking where I'm from you I'm Canadian Yellowstone National Park good one yeah good okay so and stations I said things like over here in Vancouver on the on the train in this area is Stadium station stadium station down here around here somewhere is Camby station right so with Sky trains or bus stations you typically don't use the Yeah right I know rules give you headaches that's what I'm trying to do I'm trying to give everybody a big headache right that's my goal for the day makes me feel better about myself now butcher is saying Stan Lee is the name of a person and that's why it doesn't take an article now that's that's a good point that often times we don't use the article with the person's name however there are many other parks that don't have the name Stanley that don't take the article as well Central Park in London basically every every Park in Vancouver as we said the national parks Yellowstone National Park Banff National Park right typically parks no article people are asking what the name of this city is this is that's Vancouver that's where I am okay no article names of continents now people were asking about this continents countries provinces States cities streets okay so before you flip out before you flip your table over and smash a glass and and start yelling at me in the chat there are a couple exceptions okay there there are a couple exceptions so don't don't get angry at me yet okay so continents countries provinces states cities streets mostly don't take an article okay like this place is an Istanbul and you could say part of Istanbul Istanbul is a city so there's no no article okay part of Istanbul is in Europe whoops part of it is in Asia all right you've got the bridge you've got the European side the Asian side right so the continents Europe Asia North America no article Turkey blurry phrase is saying Marianne you give up you give up that's just what your your teacher wants to hear all right especially a former ccel student it warms my heart to hear you say you're giving up all right so continents as I said no article typically cities we said Paris France no article right Alberta Canada no article now of course there are exceptions to the country rule okay the country rule there are some countries with the word Kingdom Republic United or Union in there if they have those words in their Kingdom Republic United Union you're going to take the article okay yeah Jerry's saying the United Arab Emirates perfect you've got the Republic the People's Republic of China or the Republic of Korea right the United States the United Kingdom and then of course you've got these two exceptions they're the Netherlands and the Philippines right so for whatever reason these two right french leo is just one step ahead of you there the Netherlands the Philippines they take the article okay yeah usually were with of they're saying yeah sure and now of course somebody's saying but the hag I think that was who's mentioned the heck Paluxy Oh again yeah the hag is an example of a city that takes an article very uncommon though yeah they're plural the Netherlands of the Philippines technically I guess they're they're plural the Bahamas right okay and again I'm going to put you to work here she lives in the Czech Republic right so you've got the article there with the Czech Republic even I think that's blurry but I think that's the famous bridge in Prague back there okay and of course he recently visited the the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia all right he recently visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and we're going to talk about islands in Mitte - this sentence is based on a true story okay all right so I think maybe two or three more rules and then I'm going to make you guys do some work for me so we use the with names of mountain ranges and groups of islands okay again looking at geography looking at travel so mountain ranges like the Alps the Andes the Rockies here in Canada and groups of islands the Hawaii islands or the Canary Islands people said I mean the Philippines I believe is a group of islands as well I could be wrong but I think there's more than one Island the Bahamas as well so she wanted to see the Himalayas the Himalayas or we traveled to the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean the Caribbean yeah Rosa you're asking a question you're saying the Caribbean with a question mark you would say you would say the Caribbean because it's the Caribbean Sea right that's the sea good now just to make everybody crazy of course you say with groups of mountains groups of islands Virgin Islands swell yeah yeah that's it's a group of islands yeah no no article with names of individual mountains and individual islands so if you're looking about if you're looking at a group of mountains you say the one mountain Nothe Steve Lynn is asking about straits yes straits need that I would say basically every every no I'm not going to say every most bodies of water larger bodies of water take the Steve right so straits like the Bering Strait the Gulf of Mexico the English Channel right use the rivers use that as you said Lakes No for a human name well it depends on well if you're talking about like a shot like the Shawn maybe I'll talk about that later if I have time okay so individual mountains she wanted to climb Mount Everest okay so again you've got no article there okay and Mount Everest is in the Himalaya so you've got no article with within article the Indian Ocean good like the one and only shop Butchart Gardens is on Vancouver Island so Vancouver Island Vancouver city is not on Vancouver Island but it's not that far from here in this lovely little place is on Vancouver Island yes I am V Sean V one and only Sean okay well before we get into that I want to see how you guys are doing I want to see how how much of this stuff you've picked up so I'm going to jump out of here I'm going to go over to my notes I'm going to go fullscreen and I'm going to make this as big as possible now again unit 10 as I said is all about it's all about travel so this is a really brief not super interesting description and story about a trip to New York okay so what I'd like you guys to do I'm going to put the music on I'm going to disappear I'm going to pop off the screen like that and I'm going to put the music on and I want you guys to put the missing articles in this paragraph now you can either put an article you can say ah the or nothing right so some of this might have to do with last week as well so we had such a great trip to New York New York as a city no article okay I'm going to jump out for about two minutes and then we'll go over it together okay get to work I'm going to disappear go for it you [Music] member [Music] member [Music] you [Music] you all right actually let me make this a little bit a little bit smaller over here just because yeah I don't want my my my big melon head blocking some of the answers there okay lots of good stuff coming in Leo's popping an aspirin good for you yeah whatever gets you through that right all right now let's go through it together so many answers coming in just for speed for efficiency I'm going to go through right now and just put in the answers okay so we had and if you have questions about it yeah put your questions in the chat and I'll try to try to answer them jb 87 okay i'm going to remember that question so we had such a great trip to new york right New York City no no article there all right we stayed in now B was really about last week not so much about article or no article but about uh or the definite or indefinite right so some of you said we stayed in let me make that smaller so there we go some of you said we stayed in the hotel we stayed in the hotel now sometimes this would be okay depending on where you are but if you say the hotel it sounds like there's only one now anybody who's ever been to New York or heard about New York Fifth Avenue and I already gave the answer away there there's no article with Fifth Avenue because it's a street name okay okay it's a street name so no articles with street names but Fifth Avenue very long very very famous kind of Street Indian in Manhattan in Vancouver in New York so there's more than one hotel on Fifth Avenue okay so I wouldn't say the hotel I would say a hotel we stayed in a hotel on Fifth Avenue because New York very busy lots of lots of hotels yeah French leo you got it good okay ba right you're asking explain before putting an article or no sure I'm well I'm trying that's what that's what we're doing here for sure okay so New York we stayed in a hotel because it's not specific on Fifth Avenue if we got very specific and sweet we said we stayed in the hotel on the corner of Fifth Avenue and whatever a street it intersects with okay maybe so not far from D is the Metropolitan Museum of Art okay because with museums art galleries the names we typically use the right article we say the Museum of Modern Art the American Museum of Natural History the Vancouver Art Gallery okay so not far from the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Grand Central Station no article with Grand Central because it's it's station station names usually no article you guys are getting a headache yet I'm just kidding I'm just getting warmed up all right okay every morning after breakfast we would take a walk in Central Park and I already mentioned this one earlier no article with Central Park and then go to see the sights oh I should have put I should have put one there just to test you on that one go to see the sights rowdy is saying if we knew the hotel name would we put Val yeah right if you said we stayed in the Hilton on Fifth Avenue absolutely good next we saw we saw the Empire States building right the Empire State Building because there's only only one of those Wall Street because it is a street so no article there who was asking me that somebody was asking me a question about that it was it not so many so much stuff streaming past me here on the chat but no you can't say the Wall Street it's just Wall Street because it's a Street no articles okay but you would say the Apollo Theater a very famous historical theater all right with Apollo so friendly oh you say you consider Grand Central Station as a museum because you're a tourist that's I mean that makes sense but it's still it's not a museum it's just a train station nice try though right so bear out is saying the Grand Krishna hotel that's exactly right good okay so the Apollo one day we took a boat to Staten Island okay no article there on our last night in town we walked down to the East River which is on one side of Manhattan right you've got the Hudson River the East River and we went across the Brooklyn Bridge unlike London Bridge or over Harbour Bridge Sameer is asking why the sights why the sights well because they are specific good question we went to see the sights of New York City right to go sight seeing so these specific places landmarks these are the sights we use a definite because we're talking specifically about New York dreamcatcher got one one wrong and you got a sad face man your your expectations you're too hard on yourself one rolling I think that's pretty good okay alright so this is good now let's get back into this again if you guys have more questions you can pop pop in my way but I am going to go back into the notes and get out of there and talk about other reasons or other times that we use an article or no article okay because there are a couple other rules that I want to talk about today okay so unique people or things unique people or things my cameras and can we say the Big Bend now Big Ben is just that the name of the the clock there right so not the Big Ben just Big Ben good question so unique often says when there was only one thing use the definite article okay if there's only one of them you use the definite article think about we would just saw the the Empire State Building for example or the Great Wall of China you look at this I mean you've got the Sun the sky the ground right usually right the moon exactly the Shan exactly the Shan Hey right up there it's that's is the sky the Sun the Moon the shot in that in that order I'll accept that order okay usually not true the Trump wall okay I'm not getting into that they got the moon isn't that nice in the Queen right the Queen isn't she nice to the Shan the Queen same thing okay well not not the same thing but unique unique people typically okay but sometimes just keep in mind I am going to jump out here because of course is always going to be exceptions sometimes you will see the indefinite article whoops the indefinite article with sky and and moon for example if I said for example last night there was aa full moon right now you might see the earth right Samir is saying right although sometimes we just say earth the world good for you now sometimes you will see a full moon because in this case we're talking about the different the different kinds of moon right but if we're just talking about the moon as an hour moon we use that the planet yeah right good one Rosa good and the same thing with with sky I mean sometimes if we say in the morning there was a MOS a beautiful blue sky a beautiful blue sky now again where we're kind of talking about the different kinds of sky blue sky gray sky clear sky kind of pinkish orange right is this helping you when I do this does this make it clearer when I yet I haven't I haven't been out in the Sun are you are you telling me I'm pale I'm ghostly well of course I'm in this room all alone with no windows for you guys I need more Sun yeah no I agree with that okay so let's go back to the Queen here hangover is asking why the Sean sorry hangover we're just we're just joking you don't say the Sean okay yeah the Sean the Sean is not okay that was me making a wreck I'm sorry that was me referring to a joke that somebody made earlier today the joke is that there is only one Sean but that's not true there are lots of shows as Sean Connery there's Sean Penn there's a few other ones okay so in terms of being unique it's the same with superlative adjectives right when you use est or the most you use the article alright so the definite article goes with the biggest the longest the strongest the best the most expensive the most successful swea venom is there more article words what do you mean what do you mean Julian is there more article words you mean ah Anantha those are your articles okay Shaun the Sheep right Sean Penn Sean Connery Shaun the Sheep Shaun of the Dead and and me okay so she is the smartest person I know right when you're using these superlative adjectives you use that because you're saying she is the one she is she is unique she is the smartest person I know now akula's saying no article before proper nouns but be careful because we just went over a whole list of proper nouns that take articles right like proper names like the Great Wall of China technically a proper noun right okay he's the most aggressive player on the team the most aggressive okay and a couple more special cases how are we doing for time here I don't want to keep you guys too late I know some of you are getting very sleepy okay special cases that we use though oh yeah this is good we use the with an adjective to make a general noun like if you think about adjectives like young poor rich beautiful if you put the before young the young means all young people okay it becomes a noun the young so be patient with the young French Leo saying the rich yeah right the rich okay the poor the dead the dead Yasmina says early yeah happy Friday the dead the dead and the dying the sick the elderly okay now you'll marason the poor people now I would say probably just poor people just like here right you say the rich means rich people but I wouldn't say the rich people typically the zombies the educated the living that's more optimistic the homeless right because homeless is an adjective sometimes people use homeless as a noun but it isn't you cannot say a homeless it has to be a homeless person the homeless all homeless people this is one way of using the article to create a noun while Sidra you say I am Shawna the youngest of the smart live teachers I don't I don't think that's true I don't know if that's true I don't think I'm the youngest yeah I'm hundreds of years old right I've been around for centuries the brainless the foolish okay mmm the French right sometimes we often use not always but certain nationalities we can use with with to create the noun right French is the language by the French are the people the Spanish the English the Chinese and hang over you're just one step ahead of me there yeah okay yeah very interesting the Soudan yeah good one I have heard that before I don't know why it people would say the Soudan because it's definitely not necessary meri and I and I wouldn't say the Sudan I would say I would just say Sudan but some people say Val Ukraine as well which is unnecessary you can just say Ukraine not the Ukraine I don't know I'm going to get back to you on that one Marianne that's a good question the macker hosts the Sudanese there you go so the French are famous for their food right the macaroons the English are famous the English are famous for their manners yeah well they're not super famous for their food I guess all right another use of the word the' is speaking generally about speaking generally about inventions and technology plants animals and body parts right talking about anatomy now this this is interesting for me because last week we said when you use the you speak specifically about something like the coffee I like I like coffee all coffee I like coffee I like the coffee from that cafe right usually the is specific but not always sometimes we use the to speak generally about certain things like the smartphone okay the smartphone has changed the way we interact with others look at her so happy with her smartphone right so the smartphone doesn't mean I'm not talking about her smartphone down here okay oh I'm behind I'm blocking her smartphone right there's her smartphone okay so she's got a smartphone right behind me there's a smartphone okay French lio saying the mouth yeah right so now I'll show you an example in a minute Julien not not the love no but look at what I'm going to do with this sentence the smartphone does not mean her smartphone it means all smartphones I'm going to take this article look what I'm going to do get it out of there start a sentence with smartphone put an S on it change the verb and I'm saying smartphones have changed the way we interact with others right smart phones all smartphones but we can take that plural general noun and we can make it singular and put vel with it and now it's general this is the same thing smartphones have changed the smartphone has changed the way we interact with others okay some sin the Internet yeah okay yeah all right so French leo you're talking about body parts look at this we say the heart is about the size of a fist right with this big so the human heart is the size of your fist The Lion King right so again we're talking about all hearts all human hearts are about the size of a fist okay and it's the same thing let me jump out of here for my note to my notes and it's the same thing with plants animals if I say the cheetah is the fastest animal on the planet oh that looks so many so many articles there okay oh yeah I was I was the smartphone yeah the dinosaur again if you're talking about all dinosaurs now in this in this sentence the cheetah means cheetahs all cheetahs are cheetahs are the fastest animals on the planet right now there you got you got your superlative there and then you've got the planet because for us there's only one for now you never know the future you guys mean of the moons um well maybe the moons of Saturn something like that yo Mehra you're asking the heart is like your fist or my fist yeah I don't think all human hearts are the size of just Shawn's fist yeah viii Shawn's fist all right it all means all all cheat is exactly hangover right and the same thing with if I say the rose or no no no the the maple tree is indigenous I spell that right check my spelling that doesn't look right did I spell the indigenous right check my check my spelling on the internet there get back to me Marianne's leaving bye Mary Anne see you next time enjoy the macaroons okay the maple tree is indigenous to Canada means it grows there naturally okay that doesn't look right to me but in this case I'm saying all all maple trees all maple trees are anyone's checking my spelling yeah there you go that's I knew it wasn't right that was the mistake of the week by the way there we go indigenous I don't have time to check my spelling I just I just outsource it right okay thank you Mary Ann and Rosa for that and French Leo Mirada saying can I show you the maple tree well the maple tree I mean yeah just look at a picture go go to go to any image of Canada Google maple tree and you'll see it okay so this is what we're talking about these these general things body parts the heart the lungs the the brain the Dutch there you go and maybe one more and I think I mentioned this last week and Roy is saying yes the saying maple trees are indigenous that's exactly right systems of transportation we mentioned this last all right yeah Nora your heart your hearts do grow up with you yeah yeah I've heard I don't know if this is true but that the the human eye is always the same size I don't know if that's true the eye doesn't get bigger is that right I don't know I'm not a it's fine systems of Transportation he takes the bus to school the subway closes at 2 o'clock so when we're talking about the bus the train the subway we often use the all right so we're running low on time I was going to get you guys to do some practice but maybe I'll just give it to you for homework there okay so what we're gonna do instead is of course the mistake but the mistake of the week where did the other mistaken we go what's going on here okay usually it's more dramatic right usually there's something to see but no just the mistake that was my mistake of the week the nose never stopped growing yes especially if you're telling lies right the mistake of the week but hopefully you guys know what I'm talking about there or you think I'm crazy so if you are new to the class this is this is how it's going to work I'm going to put a sentence up on the screen and you are going to try to find a mistake and tell me what is wrong with this sentence all right so a madam you win already okay so I'm going to put a sentence up here it contains a common mistake okay I want you to find this mistake and put it in the chat whoever is the fastest on the draw is is the best if you are the fastest you are the best student on the planet Earth okay you guys ready all right ready or not here it is I'm going to pop out for a minute ten seconds find me the mistake [Music] all right lots of answers coming in on the chat and for some of you I tricked you and I was trying to because I'm a mean person I appear nice but deep down I'm very I mean okay and I like to trick people on the internet so what I usually do is throw in something to kind of mislead you a little bit just to test you and I definitely did trick some of you some of you or maybe you know my tricks or you maybe you just missed what I was trying to trick you with and you got it okay so the sentence is after the accident she spent several days in hospital before she was released and taken to home because we're focusing on articles a lot of people noticed that there's no article before Hospital and you said that's the mistake oh it should be she spent several days in the hospital and that's true if I said the hospital that would be that would be fine okay but actually in hospital is not a mistake because you don't need the article with hospital in this context in this case and I'll come back to it I'll tell you why in a minute okay the mistake here has nothing to do with articles actually and so some some of you saw it right away who is the winner the winner is Allah SH and I think was the fastest of followed by I think Fabio dreamcatcher close behind Paluxy oh you're you are close there - okay so a la shiz the winner fastest on the draw because the mistake is - okay right so you don't say taken to home you don't say go - I need to go to home right get that out of there you don't need to with home okay it's a very common thing that students make just a really little mistake little tiny mistake right I could crush my crush my head here yeah oh it's a little tiny mistake but it's a mistake nonetheless so don't put - with home notes a whoops I'm going to home just say I'm going home I was taken home yeah now going back to hospital now I'll tell you this real quickly because we're running low on time but let me let me pop out into my notes here and I'm sure some of you already know this but there is a list of a few words that we don't need the article with depending on how we use it so words like school prison bed let me say hospital um you know well university is up there with schools the same thing say University say College down here you can say whoops why is that so small and here you could say Church you could say probably the same thing with I would say with mosque or temple okay now these words when you are speaking about these places but not talking about the physical place not talking about the building but you're talking about the purpose for the place the reason why people are there if you're focusing on the purpose of the place then you don't use an article okay so for example I say the most common one I'm going to bed right you say I'm going to bed oh you don't say I'm going to the bed right heavy air from Columbia hey welcome so I know that some of you after this class are going to bed you're not going to the beds right because you're not talking about the physical bed right you're talking about sleep you said I'm going to I'm going to sleep right so because you're talking about sleeping you don't need the article okay if you were talking about the physical thing right you might use the and say for example can you help me move the bed right now you're talking about the physical thing and it's the same thing with all of these words no hospital we said she was in the hospital I mean she was there because she was sick right so you don't need that article there alright prison is the same thing if you say my dad is in prison my dad is in prison I mean that's not based on a true story but that's just an example sentence there okay he's he's at home right now my dad is in prison means that he is being punished he's locked he is a prisoner there right so we're talking about the punishment or we say I finish school at 4 o'clock okay I finish school not I finished the school summary you're already in bed man I'm jealous actually I wish I wish I could teach this class from bed that would be comfortable nor say that's a horrible I my dad's in prison well he was how about this he was framed okay he was innocent yeah now the fresh air is asking about shop no you say I'm going to the the shop yeah jail is the same yet some people samara saying I'm already in I'm already in bed hopefully nobody's saying I'm already I mean I'm already in person or I mean if you're watching this from prison that's good it's a good it's a good place to improve your English I guess you've got some time improve your English um Hospital Church the same thing I mean if if we look at church we say his grandmother goes to church once a week okay his grandmother goes to church once a week doesn't say to the church to church because you're talking about praying you're talking about worship and prayer okay so that's that's why in the hospital he is okay okay and that's that's the lesson for today guys so anybody who's in the smart class I'm going to say homework for the week is is the unit 10 writing exercise on articles I'll send that to you in a through the blog I'll send you an email about that okay now I'm going to pop out here I'm going to go fullscreen anyway yeah I am alright so unfortunately it's time to go I have other things to to do with my day my day is just getting started here in Vancouver yeah right okay so Paluxy all answer that one quick question before I go you're saying that I was on the school tennis team yeah because the that article is with tennis team not with school you're using it as kind of a compound noun right the school team right just like the the city hospital or something like that okay anyway I could yeah I could just sit here in chat all day but I've got I've got stuff to do but it's always it's always a pleasure guys to to come in here and teach you for an hour it's a great way to to finish my week it's Friday is a long weekend here in Canada so we get we get Monday off for Victoria Day so on Monday happy Victoria Day to you wherever you are and then we'll see you here next week guys thanks for coming keep watching the other the other classes keep keep coming back tell your friends spread the word and keep practicing your English keep using your articles making terrible mistakes and learning from them okay Alejandro is your first class well thank you for coming I'm glad you enjoyed it or I hope you enjoyed it I guess you didn't say you did cut - hey Nia is in the house cool happy Victoria Day on Monday French Leo is going to go make an omelet that sounds delicious have a good weekend have a good week we'll see here next time Friday 9 o'clock Vancouver time all right until then guys we'll see you bye hi everyone thanks for watching the video if you enjoyed it please subscribe to our channel also if you want the full experience of being a student in a smart live class with things like homework and teacher feedback follow the link and become a premium subscriber also if you want to see more videos from this class check out our playlist [Music]
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 4,749
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Keywords: Smrt, Smrt English, English Class, Live
Id: kosdPoEKHGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 55sec (4375 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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