Presence Night - Michael Koulianos, Re-Stream (29 Jan 2021)

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we we're we have a very very wonderful speaker once again tonight and his first name is michael and uh i think his claim to fame is that he's an awesome mighty evangelist in bringing healing and life to his generation he happens to be married to benny hinn's daughter so that makes him better he and son-in-law and he got a lot of sort of shall we say boot camp training as he worked for with benny for a number of years and so so it's really good we've come to really love michael i was with him 16 months ago in uh let's see youngstown ohio we did a meeting over there anybody from youngstown here yay okay so michael uh come on up let's stand and give him a well warm welcome to toronto god bless you fire on you let it come love you too here we are you did that you got it all right go ahead good evening can you all stand please i'm finally i love coming to churches where i can be me and people don't think i'm weird so this is awesome lift your hands come on come on guys let's fill this room with uh with just some high praise just lift your voice if you would come on lift your voice to the lord [Music] [Applause] just begin to bless him begin to thank the lord for his goodness come on out of your mouth begin to bless the lord jesus how we love you you're amazing and pure and kind faithful and holy and perfect and gracious jesus wow you're lying lord you're lamb you're exalted you're the king raised but wounded still jesus you're amazing there's nobody like you come on lift your voice to the lord there's nobody like you lord there's nobody so perfect nobody's so strong nobody so gentle you're god and man lion and lamb alpha and omega oh just come in now come in now with high praise come in now with high praise worthy worthy worthy is the lamb who is slain worthy is the lamb who is slain worthy is the king worthy is the king worthy is the king oh just begin to pray in the holy spirit mel fare mentioned [Music] [Music] i'll lift the song in the spirit lift the song in the spirit [Music] foreign i want you to lift the shout a sacrificial shout a sacrificial shout a sacrificial sound to the lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah come in king jesus come in king jesus come skipping on the mountains come on in lord come on in come on in jesus come on in my father we're not done yet we're not done yet i just want to say something quickly i i've had the joy of preaching in ken copeland's uh southwest believers convention the last two years and and how many of you know the lord is merging these amazing streams so that they'll so that jesus would be exalted that's what he's doing and my first night there i was ministering to the to the young people and i think many of them were word of faith young people whose grandmother just dragged them on into the meeting and i they had that look in their eyes it's complete opposite of your eyes they didn't really want to be there a lot of them and the lord said i want you to teach them how to lift a sacrificial praise that will open the floodgates so that i can come running in listen to this that that night they began to lift to shout these kids and when they did the glory of god filled that place the fishes are here somewhere i don't know where you guys are they're the dallas crew they're they were there and i mean the power of god slammed the place kids were running up getting saved 42 people got healed like that you remember that you remember that growths were disappearing one kid's feet snapped back in place and i saw something i saw something the presence of god is accessible every single day through thanksgiving and praise he doesn't change the channel he never will now listen listen the presence of god if the presence of god is a side issue that means god is a side issue because he is his presence he is his presence his presence among us tonight is not a side issue it is the point he is the issue jesus is the point tonight now i have good news for you because he's a king he has prescribed the avenue into his presence and he comes every time and this is what he says we enter with thanksgiving in our hearts and with his in his courts with praise i want you to do something i want you to step out of your comfort zone i want you to release a shout a sound in here that matters to you that is costly and king jesus is going to come in here skipping on the mountains skipping on the mountains that's what jesus is like he's not intimidated by our issues tonight he's going to come with a holy loving violence and come skipping on the mountains tonight one two three i want you to lift a shout to the lord come on [Applause] jesus holy holy holy holy holy holy holy ah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] we love you we love you jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus oh [Music] fair just lift a song in the spirit lift your voice lift your voice in the spirit sing him something fresh [Music] or sing him something tonight sing him something tonight yes sing him something tonight over and over again over and over again over and over there's new songs coming from heaven [Music] songs of the spirit wave after wave deep calling on the deep as waves [Music] make this your tabernacle tonight jesus make this your tabernacle your house [Music] foreign la la land [Music] how we love your glory lord because we love you it's because we love you we love you know what the lord spoke to me in 2006 he said you spent years crying out for revival but you forgot to tell me you love me [Music] i think just close your eyes while you're listening give your body away to him now as a living sacrifice give him your thoughts he's jealous of your thoughts he loves you wants you to think of him [Music] lord we want you because you're everything we can't have more than everything we want you to know that you're enough to our hearts tonight you're enough you're more than enough you're wonderful and holy [Music] come in tonight with the train of your robe and fill the temple fill the temple with your glory and kingdom [Music] you know i love you lord would you lift your hands to heaven let's just sing in one song with my voice [Music] take joy [Music] let it be it's our prayer [Music] come on every voice i love you lord every voice [Music] [Applause] is [Music] rejoice lord take joy jesus and what you hear [Music] [Music] everything in us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is oh let [Music] [Music] is [Music] joy [Music] [Music] let it be [Music] in your lord we love you there's no one like you nobody nobody even closed just pour your love on him now with your own words just break your box break your alabaster box on the feet of jesus make this house of bethany tonight we love you wonderful wonderful wonderful jesus wonderful jesus wonderful jesus wonderful jesus lord tonight do amazing things to glorify your name holy spirit you love jesus more than we do so we trust you tonight amen can you lift the praise just one more can you lift the praise oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] but you grab a seat grab a seat there if you can wow do you love the lord yeah can we just give him one more loving praise wow thank you lord this is a hard pulpit to preach from i want to honor john and carol arnett just for the price they've paid in the lord i love you both and for having me you have to be a little crazy to have our ministry in in a good way it's such a joy and honor to be here i was thinking of you two in the room tonight i took a nap and our is just now well not just now but we started becoming a target to oh i don't know the pleasant heresy hunters and and as i was we've we've seen these and i think look you're just gonna have to walk with me right now because i'm really gone right now um i think our movement is seeing these cloud bursts of glory break in uh we just started a school called jesus school it's a good name right in orlando and uh people applied from all over the world and the other day i was just sitting on a chair talking to our first year students about my encounter with god and when i did the power of god hit one of the girls and the lord said you need to steward that right now give it attention and let me know that you're grateful for what i'm doing in that one person i started to do that and then it hit another girl now you have to understand i've grown up under the power of god so i know what's real and not i've seen both and we want the real don't we and they hit another girl and then it hit a real conservative guy and then it hit and the next thing you know it sounded like god set them on fire and locked the door and it was so intense that it was on the borderline of offending my mind the sounds i've never heard before the intensity of the screams the shaking the the fire and the joy all mixed in one and i'm in a room with a hundred first-year students and i don't like empty seats either i think i got that from my father-in-law so i jam them in a room that seats like 30 people it was pandemonium god canceled my sermon he canceled our curriculum [Music] with himself and i thought lord do it every day well then he did it again another day and i thought [Music] i really don't know what to do right now lord like i don't know how to lead a school in a movement that just looks like people are getting tasered like how do i what do i do right now so i just sat on a chair and watched equally amazed as the people getting taser but then the fiery darts come sadly from the church you know and today in my room i thought what an amazing outpouring that this place has been to the world but what a price they are not in the leadership of paid being the brunt of criticism within the house of god and i thought the lord challenged me today as i began to think of john and carol i felt the lord challenge me and say how bad do you want it so i want to publicly and i want all of us to honor these two amazing vessels of god that we have all had the privilege in one way or the other of drinking from this well would you all just honor them please would you do that so amazing yeah so beautiful you know we're one of the amazing things the lord is doing in this hour is he is uh how many of you feel the lord right now so that's more important than what i'm saying and i'm okay with that so give your heart to him while i'm speaking and if he decides to come in and possess this meeting he has it 100 that's the reason we live amen one of the things that god's doing now is he's breaking down barriers that we've created there are no denominations in heaven there's no methodist street there's not a catholic street there's not a pentecostal street a side note pentecostals do not have a monopoly on the holy spirit neither do us charismatics and i have news for you there were no charismatics prior to the catholics receiving the baptism of the spirit and that's where the name came from so all of us are indebted to one another i grew up greek orthodox i mean i was first exposed to the presence of god through a unorthodox priest who had been in pittsburgh when miss kuhlman was there and got filled with the spirit and he walked into my cousin's house we were having a memorial my cousin had just my uncle i just passed away and he walked in and when he walked in the entire room changed in a second the air changed when this man walked in you know the bible doesn't say that the walls shook in the book of acts when they prayed the bible says the place they prayed was shaken when jesus walks into a room he'll shake the stuff you don't even think is there the air will react to the lord because he holds it together with the word of his power that's what jesus is like he's phenomenal the kingdom of heaven which is the king by the way and let me say this the kingdom without the king is dumb it's a system it's a system that jesus himself is the kingdom he is the kingdom he is the point listen gosh i feel the power of god listen jesus is the point he's the point we will never unify around unity we will only unify around jesus and i have news for you your bible is not about your bible your bible is about jesus from genesis to revelation it is about one person this is my beloved son can i keep going the father has one sermon look at the new testament this is the father's sermon this is my son and i'm just believing that if that sermon is good enough for the father i pray to god it will be good enough for the church again that jesus himself would be our obsession not the concept of jesus not the theory of jesus not the doctrine alone of jesus though that is beneficial the actual person the actual christ if he is not in us if he is not among us if he is not on us this is not a church this is a kiwanis club his presence is him [Applause] there is no scalpel thin enough as my friend eric says there is no scalpel thin enough to divide jesus and his presence he is his presence without his presence pastors listen without him your sermons have no source no point and nothing to land on i never went to bible school i grew up with monks and priests some of them would drink to communion so fast i wondered what are you doing over there i grew up an altar boy that was my church experience growing up on easter we'd make firecrackers and bombs and at the strike of midnight to celebrate the resurrection in our culture we blew things up and somehow it was biblical we even laced the altar in the orthodox church with firecrackers the priest didn't know and at midnight we sing a song christos it's a powerful song it's amazing that my father-in-law and i connected so deeply he was raised in the same church in jaffa the orthodox church he was also part of it here in toronto and and we'd sing a song christ is risen from the dead at the strike of midnight and with death he hath conquered death into those in the tombs he has given life wow that's a song that's a song by the way singing a song about how you're doing is not necessarily praise and worship you're not informing god with your son god is well aware of how you're doing that's why i sing the old songs because they still work we don't who cares who wrote it at what in what decade they wrote it whether it's new or old sing the songs with glory on them sing the songs that came from heaven they still worked you know why because they're still singing them up there of course they work what was i talking about ah and right before the priest sang the song we lined that beautiful ornate greek orthodox altar with firecrackers the poor man at the strike of midnight he lit his candle and then the whole church just started blowing up bottle rockets and it was all very spiritual to us that was my bible school and then at seven my when my cousin died we were in a in a in a greek home you know greeks have awake and then a bunch of memorials in the homes and then a funeral and some of it's to mourn some of it's just to eat we like to eat and i remember being in the home and it was jam-packed and as we were sitting there i was a little boy right there on the floor and my dad had a disease called micro bacteria marinum he had just come out of surgery about two days prior i remember my dad being in a wheelchair or on crutches for many years so like the ages of maybe three through seven i remember my dad being on on crutches or in a wheelchair which was really you know it's still a very vivid memory it's a real difficult time to see your dad like that and so at the wake my dad had just come out of surgery back then do you remember when they used to staple the wound with metal staples my dad had long pants on and under the the incision he had the staples just two days in and the crutches were behind the couch and he had long pants on there was no way to know that he had surgery no way at all and this priest walked in and when he walked in i will never forget that moment do you know what the world is lacking people who've been with jesus because it's not just what they say their eyes preach a message you can hear me you can hear him on the tone of their voice it used to bother me when i was my father-in-law's assistant i was studying every healing video i could he could sing old macdonald and there'd be a thousand miracles i was seeing no breakthrough he could sing like kumbaya and felt like amazing how was it he'd been with jesus and this priest walked in and his eyes were flickering with this holy wildness the eyes never lie they don't lie you can change the tone of your voice you can put on a new bible cover you can call him papa daddy you can adopt the lingo and did you know what the danger is with an intimacy the intimacy movement right now is adopting the lingo with no encounter [Music] i'm all about it but the height of religion is language with no encounter if he's your daddy proof of that is that you come in as a son and daughter every day every day the proof of that sonship is being the bible says led of the spirit these are the sons of god as many as are led by the spirit in other words that cloud is in front of you and whatever it does you react and that man walked in his eyes were flickering man like a fire he didn't say a word he just sat in a chair and his face seemed to be possessed with god completely possessed i'm serious he knew what he was there for he knew the lion but somehow had not become prideful the lamb and the lion lived in like his face he was gentle and fierce at the same time and there's only one person like that his name is jesus if god possesses your body you won't have to worry about building a ministry god will bring him to you and he just sat there and i thought as a little seven-year-old boy what is with his face his face is different than everyone else is in this house and when he looks at me it says something about my heart what is going on with this guy and why is the room changed we all love his presence but there's a place in his presence where jesus begins to enjoy yours when that realm breaks open man more will happen by accident in our lives than we ever contended for [Applause] it's true i've heard so many teachings on why peter's shadow healed the sick and many are true and right but maybe god just liked living in that shadow with peter maybe peter had so been in the presence of god that god said i like walking with peter now even on his way to church can we have a holy ghost meeting tonight okay good because he's god the holy spirit is not a side note he doesn't make our meetings a little better i have news for you the holy spirit doesn't take a decent meaning and make it a little better if he's not here this is not a christian meeting the christian life is experiencing christ the actual person i'll stop okay so that man sat there and just just looked at us and the air shifted and he looked at my dad and said this is at a memorial he's supposed to be in a bad mood i went to school with a lot of these priests or they were a lot of the you know i went to a greek school in the greek church and they seemed to be in a bad mood a lot some of them were and the women the women uh used to make us put our hands out and they hid our hands you know when we talked in class this guy was different he was just different he had met someone and he looked at my dad all the women were in black and the women started falling over i thought this is wild this isn't a funeral i don't know what it is but this is not a funeral i remember the women screaming they'd get close to him bam they hit the ground and he looked at my dad and said i have a question for you my dad said yes father what's the question he said have you ever seen jesus my dad said no he said why not i thought this is getting really good i was sitting on the floor now my dad my dad grew up in a town that had the highest murder rate in america back in those days called gary indiana my dad was a military man raised in gary old school greek guy drove around with a 45 caliber exposed on the dashboard in case anybody wanted to stop him at a stop play and he never stopped at stoplights he said and gary just kept driving my dad was a tough tough and still is a tough old school military greek man when the priest said when the priests began to speak this directly to my dad i thought this priest is about to meet the lord you you can i come down okay i figured that's what these were for here he looked at my father and he said why haven't you ever seen the lord my dad said i don't know he said do you want to i thought this is awesome my dad goes yeah sure he stood up and walked toward my dad and he grabbed the the knee that was hidden that was covered in staples and squeezed the knee yeah do you know something you know what i've learned about the holy spirit and i'm still learning his number one priority is not making you look balanced he doesn't care that's nowhere on the first page when the lord wants to touch somebody doesn't go okay now as i'm doing this i want to do it in a way that makes michael look very well put together he doesn't give a rip how cool you look it's nowhere on his agenda it's not even anywhere on his mind i want to touch them but i need them to look very very proper he grabbed the knee and i thought this priest is about to get knocked out cold by my dad and he squeezed the knee and he prayed a prayer i will never ever ever forget this is what he said in the name of jesus christ of nazareth be healed and walk at a funeral now it's interesting to me that he chose jesus of nazareth in other words i'm not talking about just any jesus here because the name jesus and yahushua or joshua are one in the same there are many joshuas in toronto who won't get you out of a wheelchair their name does not register there are many people named jesus in colombia whose name will not get you out of a wheelchair there are jesuses listen that the church has created that are not the jesus from the bible you see there's one jesus there's one jesus we're at the mention of his name the mere mentioning of his name all of heaven experiences a holy silence and this priest knew i'm not talking about their jesus their perspective on jesus the jesus they grew up with i'm talking about the jesus from the word of god jesus of nazareth that one right there the jesus who grew up in a ghetto called nazareth the jesus born of a virgin named mary the jesus who was not just humble enough to become a person but to become a seed in the womb of a woman [Applause] you know what the lord told me in 2004 michael i'll give you a message so old it'll sound new again it'll be the message of jesus the message of jesus he's amazing guys the jesus who walked the streets who suffered who was ridiculed who was spat upon all to reveal the love of the father the jesus who answered every question regarding what is god like the moment jesus came on the scene he settled the score never again can man go i just don't know what the father is like he has perfectly revealed the lord perfectly he is the express image of the father the very brightness listen not just the brightness not just the glory he's the very brightness of the glory he's the apex of every mountain he's the point and the glory listen the glory is a person second corinthians 4 6 the glory of god is found in the face of jesus every realm of god is found in the heart of jesus if it's not about jesus guys it's not about god so jesus said he said if you knew the father you'd love me he's perfect you know why he's like that because the bible says he came from his bosom he came from his bosom that was his view that's why he perfectly revealed him he's the literal heart of the father of course of course he is how else could the father speak and the son come because it's from the abundance of the father's heart that the mouth speaks to if that were only true for us and not the father he would not be authentic are you hearing me so the father jesus lived in his bosom and the father wanted to speak and that's what hebrews 1 says that jesus himself has exegeted the father he has come as the perfect expression there's one jesus one jesus it's the jesus of the word and he just he didn't just show up in matthew and take off in the book of acts he's the point of the bible this bible reveals the son of god you think noah's ark is about boat building do you think god is wanting us to understand how to build bigger boats no jesus is the ark he's the ark of safety it's his heart and the feelings the grieving of his sufferings that's the pitch that holds the wood together the window on the side is the wounded side of jesus that would release the dove the cleansing power of the spirit and the blood that is all about jesus the whole thing the whole the whole thing is about jesus everything we do it's about jesus you say what about the holy spirit oh my friend if you meet the holy spirit he's got one channel he's got one message he doesn't have a remoteness and he's not changing the channel he's saying this is the one i love this is the one listen are you listening because i'm telling you god's about to smash this place he's saying this is the one where i took him the bodiless word the formless word living in the bosom of the father he's the one i took and implanted into the womb of the virgin and that's why jesus said sacrifice an offering you did not desire but a body a body thou has prepared for me if my body that's the holy spirit's subject why why do you know the trinity they're not a board of directors thank god in heaven thank you jesus i love our board but my god it's it's just so refreshing they're not a board of directors just trying to get something done they're not up there going man we could just get enough people saved to meet our quota we just got to do it guys what do you think father yeah i'm sure the father is crazy about jesus the father is absolutely enamored with the son and the son is absolutely enamored with the father to the degree he would do nothing nothing that he didn't see him do and say nothing he would not hear him say why out of duty no out of being in love how did that happen by the spirit the spirit is the vision of the trinity the spirit is the ability of god he is the power of the trinity if you fall in love and build a relationship with the holy spirit he's going to tell you about jesus 24 7. [Music] yeah you can give him praise could somebody could someone just help me with that baby i love babies i have three someone could just help me with that one till it's done crying and uh duncan will send you a nice joke just help me with that one right there until it settles down so this man sat there and grabbed my dad's leg and said in the name of jesus of nazareth get up and walk so my dad reached for those hidden crutches behind the couch and when he grabbed went to grab the crutches the priest said no crutches walk my dad was a heathen how many of you know jesus doesn't heal us because we're so great he heals us because he loves us and so my dad put the crutches down took his first step still in pain but as he began to walk he said he felt fire go through his body real fire now you have to understand something we didn't grow up watching christian television none of this was planned we didn't know what to do we didn't know the right things to say the wrong things to say we didn't we hadn't watched any videos this was 1984. had i turned on christian television i would have gotten in trouble and so my dad took his second step and then tears began to flow down my dad's face never saw my dad cry until those tears began to run down his face the next day we went to the knee specialist my dad took me with him which was totally ordained of god and i got to sit there as a little boy and watch my dad leg press more with the knee with staples that have been wheelchair for years that his good knee and all the muscle grew back in one night completely healed the doctor said this is amazing yeah you can give the lord praise yeah jesus you're amazing and so so yeah well's right i remember it i want you to hear me there's something real he is real i know you know it but do you really know it do you know if you really knew you'd put your cell phone down and spend time with him if if we really believed that if we searched for him with all our hearts we would find him if we believe that promise was as secure as john 3 16 we'd give him no rest until he touched us pay whatever price you have to pay to get touched by god i i heard people say all the time oh i don't need to go there and typically sadly it's leaders it's pastors who don't want their people to go somewhere else and say you don't need to go there because we have we can have the same thing here you know what a childlike mindset says but we don't have the same thing right here we don't we don't and that's what is written in the song of solomon that when she went out searching for her beloved the watchmen wounded her they wounded her in the name of balance sometimes we call our dead services balanced services they're not balanced they're just dead because we've made them our services they're not our services the clock didn't die on the cross either jesus died on the cross these are his meetings he's the head of the church he purchased it not with silver and gold the bible says but with the precious blood of the son of god do what you got to do to get touched maybe you weren't born with a light over your bassinet like william branham i was born with cigarette smoke over my bassinet and and probably people in the kitchen drinking uzo who knows i don't know but in 1989 five years after my dad got healed i got sick with epstein-barr's disease how do you know what that is it's like living with the flu it starts with mono and it advances and there's it just stays with you there's no getting rid of it it's horrible and i was in bed for most of the year and another one of our greek orthodox cousins who was a priest imagine that he picked up a very dangerous book called good morning holy spirit very dangerous be very careful and he came to our house he said guys i just got this book [Music] called good morning holy spirit by this time i was 12. i had lost tons of weight and i grew up competing i played professionally as a golfer and played for the florida gators and that was my life as a kid and i was i couldn't compete anymore and i'm there in bed and my cousin comes over one night saying he read this book and he had a video in his hand and that video was of him taking a secret visit to orlando christian center where my father-in-law was pastor well side note number one if you don't want to get called out and my father-in-law's meetings are mine don't wear a caller because you just bring back great memories we love priests it's like our background so anytime my father-in-law would see a caller he would honor them which is the right thing to do and he called my cousin up my cousin didn't want to go up my cousin was a theologian he taught at the orthodox seminary and was a marine yeah help me please just help me please with that baby so so he calls my cousin up my marine theologian cousin his name is father sam calamaris came walking up this side of the platform i'll never forget it and i'm watching this video glued i'm glued he gets to about from here the pulpit and pastor benny turns and points at him and he says you're gonna have a healing ministry i'm like no way like you're gonna pick my cousin the priest for a healing ministry lord he points at him and it looks like my cousin gets assassinated by a sniper rifle and he goes flying flying on the ground my balanced theologian marine cousin is shaking on the ground he gets up of course he gets hit again i love it all i want everything god has for me don't you you know what the shulamite said she said kiss me with the kisses of your mouth not one the lover of jesus is addicted and and the lover of jesus wants more than one kiss and you know what jesus can't kiss a moving target if he starts kissing you just stay right where you are stay right where you are so my cousin got up and i'm watching this video like this is the wildest scene bodies flying people being touched this is crazy he said but i got to tell you guys something my cousin told me i said what father sam he said i started speaking this weird language i go what my mom says what do you mean it's called the gift of tongues i found it in first corinthians i found it finally found it after like 40 years as as a theologian like it's it's there you know there's so much truth there if you don't read the bible with the spirit you find nothing you find nothing if you don't believe me go on a tour guided trip to the holy land many of the best guides historically no chapter and verse but they don't know jesus it's true so he said yeah i found it in first corinthians chapter 12 and i and i i start reading and i go wow yeah that's what that says he looks at my mom he says you know evelyn michael's been sick for a while why don't we take him to this guy my mom's like that guy because he was like moving across the platform to me he was like a glorified i couldn't even figure him out i was like this guy is wild but here's the deal when i watched that video i felt what i felt when the priest walked in five years before do you know what listen listen to this do you know what children do not do when a loaf of bread comes their way they don't read the ingredients they eat the bread they don't even know if bread makes sense they don't know the history of the bread they don't know if it's organic though i do recommend it they don't know if the flour is unbleached i recommend that too they don't study it to figure out children just say that's bread i want a bite i said mom take me there so she did we drove three hours from my hometown near tampa bay tarpon springs florida is the town i grew up in and we drove to maitland florida which is a suburb of orlando when we took a left the church was on and i feel it now i don't think we realize how real the lord is his reality is our reward him his reality when we talk about him like this he hears us he said is he who planted the ear can he not hear you and once he hears us he looks at us because he's in love with us and once he looks at us he comes our way and when he comes our way things happen because he's not lazy he's not irresponsible that's why we feel him now we're talking about him and so i took a left off of forest city road that's where the church was a four city road and the moment the car broke the boundary and pulled into the parking lot it was like we drove into another world i don't understand it all i don't understand the theology behind it i can just tell you this god can so inhabit a people that it'll drip out onto the property he'll saturate the building and the moment we parked my legs started shaking i thought what is this and then i said i know this feeling we have offended the holy spirit by saying feeling his presence doesn't matter and we've called it faith do you feel your chair right now you feel your chair yeah you feel your shirt you feel the person sitting a little too close to you yet the ancient of days comes our way and we don't think feeling his presence is important can i go a little deeper john the baptist looked at israel and said there is one standing among you he felt him before he saw him why if you can't steward the sense of his presence why would he entrust you with a vision to say behold the lamb who take away the sins of the world it starts with that burning bush touch it starts with this flame of fire saying would you turn and look aside do you think i'm valuable enough moses to stop what you're doing to stop working and look at me so many times we come to the lord for direction yet he's thinking about affection moses turns aside and the rest is history and my legs started shaking just my little 12 year old legs skin and bones just shaking and my heart said i know this presence and so then we left the parking lot and got in line which was a shock to me because we lined up to leave church growing up and let me say i have seen so much breakthrough in the orthodox church they're my dearest friends there's stuff going on at some of the highest levels that i've been invited into that are amazing and god's gonna blow through that whole world that whole eastern mediterranean the middle east northern africa through the orthodox church that in a way we've never seen half of my library is probably catholic and orthodox a deep deep value but the reality was we couldn't wait to leave now there were people lining up to get in i thought it's august in florida the service starts at six and man we're here at two and i have to stand in line this isn't in a church growth book and this was the weirdest thing the whole time in line these people were singing i thought these people are weird to make it even more weird people i never met kept saying love you brother love you brother i thought you love me i don't even know you what do you mean you love me love you i heard so many i love yous and they were all smiling and it was during those integrity worship days they were singing as the deer all these different songs and you know what they were happy joy is so wonderful joy is so wonderful then this man i'll never forget him his name was jimmy he was a jamaican usher he's gone on to be with the lord he peeked his head out the door man when that crowd saw him come near the door they turned into like holy spirit-filled wolverines [Music] like oh we're only an hour and a half away from the doors opening and jimmy looked out and just smiled his smile looked like an angel i thought these people are so happy finally jimmy came back and i don't know why i knew to do this but my little spirit said when those doors open i'm coming i'm coming do you know your prophetic destiny manifesting is not a guarantee some of it depends on us the graveyard is full of unfulfilled prophetic destiny one of the saddest things in the world are people buried in the ground who didn't turn aside and so that door opened and i came running i ran over gray-haired people i rolled over i ran over no-haired people i didn't care if they were 80 or 8 or 4 if you got in my i just knew i need to get close and we've preached our way out of this stuff man because we want we want it all to be fair god is not fair he's a just king can i can i say another thing god has favorites now he doesn't respect a person above another but he has favorites there would be no way to offer favor without that person becoming a favorite all of us here have if something really hit the fan we've got about four or five people we call yet we know thousands why don't we call the rest those four or five seem to have a connection i'm calling them i'm calling them and that offends the mind it offends the mind because we want god to be fair god is faithful and as a rewarder of those who diligently seek him get in the game baby get in the game get in the game lock the door shut the door and don't stop until he comes and if you don't know how to pray ask the one who is prayer the spirit of prayer and supplication say i don't know what i'm doing in here but i know you'll teach me because if there's one thing on your agenda it's to get me to know how to love you get in the game he will not leave you if your father if you ask him for bread will he give you a stone if you ask for a fish will he give you a serpent no if you being evil wouldn't do that how much more would your father give the holy spirit to those who ask i didn't want an empty hand to be laid on empty heads i said god can i just let you into my heart i said god you got to do something i don't want to just touch people i want you to touch people i don't want to be mocked anymore by devils and sickness that's a mockery of the stripes of jesus it's a mockery of the triumphant death burial and resurrection of the son of god the one who plundered hell and laughed at it you got to touch me jesus so i ran down i got in that second row i didn't even know where my family was i didn't care where my family was you know why i felt the one i felt as a little boy he might come like fire it might come like wind but that fragrance is always there did our hearts not burn within us so i sat there for another two hours once i got my seat you say that offend you no i was hungry then a pastor came out named steve hill not from brownsville another steve hill beautiful smile and he prayed i said he's happy too wow these people are so happy then a man named bruce hughes came out on the piano and he was smiling too a whole lot of joy there and he started to play and that feeling increased then the choir came out and when they lined up they looked like holy little i don't even know they had robes on it was a wild scene they came out like marching and lined up on the choir loft and when they started singing he touched me that power increased i didn't know you're supposed to lift your hands i didn't know other people were lifting their hands i just knew my body was screaming yes and my hands flew up in the air and when they did i started to sing with everything in me my eyes were closed and then all of a sudden all of a sudden that glory that presence doubled went up more it didn't increase and this is what my heart said somebody just like that priest who knew who knows the jesus that they're singing about just walked on the platform my eyes were closed but i just knew that somebody walked in the room that knew the lord and i opened my eyes and i saw a peculiar looking man in a white suit oh man listen so refreshing to hear people talk about him who have been with him it makes all the difference in the world a leader came to me the other day goes how do i build in our environment the word and presence we want the cloud but we want to teach i said bro just teach from the cloud why are we choosing and the singing stopped and benny just went like this he said if you want this jesus come on down didn't beat us over the head because jesus was in the room and i ran down led us to the lord and then he i went back to my seat and then he he said you little boy you come up here i said me yeah you said not me he said you come up here and i did when i touched the platform could somebody help me on keys please when i when i touched the platform it was different i took three steps towards him and i felt something come off him and hit me and i hit the ground when i did i felt waves of some hot glorious water-like power going into my legs out my head into my legs out my head into my legs out my head and then i heard pick him up [Applause] which which i began to hear in my dreams when i worked for him and my nightmares because i've had some wild stuff happen while i was catching i had a lady's wig get stuck on my watch in a stadium it was hanging off the class and i i was trying to marry his daughter so i felt like an idiot my wig was he goes get the wig up get it back on her and i'm like oh there was cameras or like 20 000 people there just he's like get it off and i'm like okay so i took it off and put it back on her but i didn't know there was a front and a back to a wig so i put the back end on the poor lady and it came down and hovered over her eyes and the back went up like a biker's helmet like a 10-speed helmet and he goes mikey just get her off now and i go okay just you know threw her back to her seat that was my some of my uh horror stories on the platform but i heard i heard him say pick him up and then he came back toward me and that power shot off him again you can help me at any time just a nice pad no piano and uh then i heard his voice but it sounded like it was in a tunnel i didn't know what all of it meant i just knew i loved it it just down just down a bit yeah it's a bit soft perfect this is what he said he said this young boy will one day take this anointing to his generation and he'll shake the nations with the gospel i didn't know what the anointing was i didn't know what the gospel was i knew what nations were i didn't know what's shaking them man it sounded scary to be honest with you but oh what a world was on that platform i got back to my seat i shook in my seat for two hours when i got up i forgot i was ever sick and i've still forgotten and it's been 29 years oh what god can do with someone who shuts the door just right here near this in this city a young benign said i'm shutting the door for a year and i'll give nine hours a day to the lord every day nine hours a day what god can do with someone who shuts the door [Music] pastor john and him joined hands how old were you guys in that car when you prayed that prayer early 20s they joined hands and prayed this prayer a young benign and a young john or not with a german shepherd between them which is great because he hates dogs and the thought of him having dog hair on him makes me so happy it just does i just think he needed it he needed that you know and this is what they prayed in their early twenties they joined hands and said father we will not give you rest until you use us to shake the nations there's got to be a few people in this room who won him [Music] who are pressing through the layers of ambition ministry yeah ministry dreams notoriety movement this and that and they're pressing through pulling back the layers of every thank you father every lesser lover they grab one curtain in the tabernacle who is christ himself and pull it aside and say i'll grip you but i need more and they're pressing through and trimming the layers of fat off their will and off their desires and not just what they're doing but why they're doing it and the holy ghost is pinpointing it he's going deeper and deeper and deeper until the heart just finally screams i don't care if you give me a platform i don't care how many people know me i want you jesus i want you to walk in the room i want you to come in and if you come in just help me keep you there that's what i want i just i want you to stand right there in front of me as the bread of life there's a people coming that's what carol was saying there's a bride coming they're not working for god god is working through them god is not raising up better employees he's using laid down lovers a people possessed with one thing give me my bridegroom give me my bridegroom give me my bridegroom catch my heart up into the upward call of god in christ and that's the place where everything happens pick up those keys just a small bit please that's the place where everything happens that you dreamed of it's the place where your shadow heals the sick it's the place where people run to the altar before you ever give a call because it's the lord hooking them with cords of love because he's in the room in the room in the room walking down every aisle up and down every aisle pricking your hearts right now is the pick of the keys just a little please pricking your hearts is the burning verse saying will you look at me will you look at me am i valuable enough for you to have a look at this is the language of the spirit it's the obsession of heaven the one who's wounded the one who's been lifted the one who was suspended [Music] mara that's what he's doing in you [Music] that's what's happening here [Music] it's the holy spirit he's saying that ambition is good but it's not god [Music] that is fine but there's something better [Music] yes you can have that cue but if you'd come after me you'd have it on you'd have it automatically that's what he's doing he's wanting to be the topic of your sermons the topic of your bible reading the topic of your time with him the topic of the house the topic of your marriage he's the topic he's the source he's the point hey turn up those keys please just a pad fill it fulfill the whole house with it everyone begin to pray in the spirit please just begin praying in the spirit all over this place yeah pray in the spirit [Music] bring me this blonde right here and i'll need one catcher please can someone come fish fish come here right here bring her bring her yeah yep bring her up the stairs pray in the holy ghost right here bring her bring her bringer yeah yeah bring her up here come come come come come come come come father in the name of the lord jesus christ bring me her bring me her bring her pray in the holy ghost pray in the holy ghost the fire the intensity of the spirit awakening the bride [Music] the baptism of fire goes on yeah bring me the guy in the purple purple shirt pray in the holy ghost something stirring [Music] something's stirring something is stirring defend the order defend the order something is stirring something is stirring [Music] [Applause] more [Applause] just worship the lord pray in the spirit this is a different anointing careful with her careful careful careful pray in the spirit pray in the spirit pray in the spirit i need the drummer i need the drummer mary the healing power of the holy ghost come here young man get up here i see the nations all over you you missionary evangelist i see the nations all over you stretch your hands right now stretch your hands stretch your hands towards him stretch your hands pray in the holy ghost [Applause] the fire of the spirit of god release him to the nations and give him souls [Applause] give him souls jesus release your heart for the lost and awaken him in fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just pray in the spirit trust me pray in the spirit [Music] [Applause] stretch your hands stretch your hands pray in the spirit that's it jesus like a canopy of your glory the shadow of the most high over you and your family thank you jesus doing her what you did in me do it do it can you lift your hands and pray in the spirit or sing in the spirit for a minute [Applause] come here come on run up here run up here pray in the spirit out loud come on jesus give him souls give him [Applause] souls ah that god is feeding the hungry god is feeding the hungry yeah baby god is feeding the hungry [Music] wow bring me that girl bring me both of them both of them both of them wait wait wait both of them bring them pray in the holy ghost hit those drums now pick up that sound please hit him again oh warriors hit him hit him hit him hit him hit him oh warriors of heaven stretch your hands break through in jesus name fire of heaven fire of the holy ghost warriors [Music] warrior warrior of heaven [Music] bring me this girl yes yes yes yes yes yes yes receive the anointing of the holy ghost [Music] received you want more ask jesus fire of the holy ghost consumer oh consuming fire [Music] oh consuming fire [Music] this el farah you'll find a lot of love stuck in wonder lord [Music] where's the other guy that was catching come here fish you'll find a lot of love your bridegroom is coming now [Music] he's riding on a white horse with a sword in his hand his robe is dipped in blood [Music] his name is the word the word of god and he wants to put a ring on you and take you away [Music] and take you away as a token for a generation take you away stretch your hands and take you away and take you away you'll come away or come away with me cause i'm drawing you tonight hoping you'll run hoping you'll run [Music] so wear it faithfully wear the ring [Music] wear the ring where the ring people [Music] i love you lord how we love you lord [Music] and i love the light of fire in raleigh [Music] wow i'd love to light a fire in raleigh because heaven's coming duncan just lay on the altar build me an altar says the lord build me an altar says the lord because i need bring me duncan i need you to wear a cross on your back i need you to wear a cross on your back because every cross is an altar fire falls on the cross [Music] i'm slow come slow fire falls on the cross i need you to wear a cross now it's mine nobody wants my mantle but a few they're looking at others i chose a mantle of wood the cross of calvary so take it up take it up you know what i'm talking about take it up and stare at the naysayers with love in your eyes yeah pray in the holy ghost pray in the holy ghost [Music] stretch your hands and pray in the holy ghost i'm taking you in to the fellowship of my suffering there's a beautiful pain in there you know it's a beautiful pain it's the cross it's the mantle of wood and fire falls on wood and dead wood burns and living words smokes and i want you to burn there's a regional fire coming to raleigh and connect with charlotte and go back and forth consume them tonight everyone pray pray pray pray agree with me consume them tonight break them down break them down champion of heaven break them down tonight give them a limp and change their name [Music] oh jacob oh jacob who wrestles with god tonight i've made you israel another name and i've wounded your strength night with my hand and my fire consumes you and destroys all that is not me and you're only left with me but you're left with everything and i'll give you both a limp tonight your walk your gate will shift and in my weak in your weakness you will find my strength tonight heaven pulls back the boat and fires the arrow a fiery love at any independence around you and in your world even in your leaders even in those who think they know but don't know they've not stood in the counsel of the lord tonight the lord lets the bow fly and the arrow comes and strikes you in your strength that is where [Music] the spirit finds his rest in this couple [Music] lift your hands to heaven i'm simply going to invite the lord to touch you he knows the cry of your heart for those of you ran down here because you're hungry he sees it he sees it give him your body now as a living sacrifice it's our rightful service [Music] i'm gonna invite the holy spirit to touch you when i do his power is going to flow through your body renew your soul completely possess you lift your hands to heaven now pick up those keys please pick up those keys holy spirit i welcome you now come and fill come and fill this temple now receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive the fire of the bridegroom receive receive receive this side receive receive receive the fire the fire of the bridegroom the fire of the brineger the fiery love of the bridegroom receive receive a receive the fiery love of the bride love of the bridegroom buddy the love of the bridegroom god always finds that david in the sheep boat hiding god sees you it always finds the david and the sheepfolk a man looks at the outside and the lord looks at the heart possess him with the lightning of heaven one hand on the throne yes and one hand on the sick young man heal the sick in jesus name heal the sick he always finds that david [Music] pastor john carroll would you come i'm done [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want you to pray for me i want you to pray for me thank you jesus tomorrow night yeah i will i will pray father i thank you i thank you i thank you i thank you lord for the tenacity for the burning fire lord that he saw in that priest's eyes jesus they were your eyes that burned into ah and lord i thank you ah that lord you are going to increase and increase in michael god your burning eyes of fire lord you said [Music] that you would come and baptize us with fire lord is a baptism of you it is a baptism of your fire and god i ask that you would increase it in michael god let him be used to raise up this next generation [Music] of fire lighters a passionate brides and bride group for the bridegroom king lord the harvest must come in and the lovers must be lovers and i asked lord for more i ask you for more you we agree lord with the secret place when we meet with you in this secret place and you meet with us in the public place we bless you michael in the name of jesus and jessica to just take this glory and run with it to the ends of the earth giving it away to hundreds of thousands of young people that are already disillusioned many of them they need to see the real jesus in action and be touched mightily by his love so we bless you in the name of the lord we bless you so i want you to get with a friend right now whoever's close by and begin to just bless them in the name of the lord let the fiery presence of the holy spirit keep flowing through this room nothing stops you holy spirit nothing and we're believing you for the greatest revival the world has ever seen [Music] take it up lord up up up in the name of jesus where we are is good but not good enough lord yes lord we must have more multiply men and women who will be laid down lovers for jesus give it all to you let a fire go forth from this place again we worship you we worship you we worship pray that fire down on one another come on stir up that gift that's within you and let that river flow oh god multiplied healings multiplied blessing multiplied souls coming into the kingdom hundreds and hundreds and thousands and thousands running to jesus and loving him with all their heart and soul let fire begin to fall on the cities across north america in raleigh and beyond [Music] foreign [Music] la it's over and over and over again [Music] here comes the harvest daughter here comes the harvest now for all the pain and all the toils here comes the harvest [Music] over and over and over again [Music] over and over and over again [Music] just have a drink tonight a new wine is flowing [Music] the new wine is flowing if your cup runs over tonight have a drink have a drink now [Music] are you ready for us to send people to the parallel to whatever pastor [Music] i want you to worship him with all your heart we've heard the word of the lord tonight our prayer is that you would go home changed forever more and so jonathan can you lead us in a i don't know a love song that's got some depth and intimacy and whatever i want us to sing this together and then make your way to the prayer lines at the back that's our altar all over the room and we're going to come along and lay hands upon you and bless you ask the holy spirit to do a deep deep work within but let's worship first and then go [Music] do you know where my bible is [Music] she creatures [Music] oh come on lift it up and sing it to him with all your heart i love you lord mean it come on [Music] oh let it [Music] [Laughter] let it be a sweet wherever you want to go now let it be let it be [Music] is [Music] is [Music] without it i will not live [Music] there is no [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] lifted [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lovely [Music] oh there's no other name like that name just say that name to him jesus we worship you we honor you we love you thanks for being with us tonight we're going to ask you to begin to make your way to the back where you can stand on the prayer lines and we're going to need about 40 or 50 people to help us with catching and so ministry team if you would for before i do that how many are willing to help us with catching just wave at me just bear in mind the catchers always get the double blessing okay all right you can put your hands down ministry team if you want to make your way to the back hold your hand up if you're on the ministry team meaning one of you who offered to be a catcher find someone whose hand is raised and in the air and go to them and if you've never done this before they will give you some basic instruction of how to make it safe for you and also the people that you're helping so ministry team hold your hand up keep your hand up until you have someone to to help you with catching all right are we clear okay you
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 3,702
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: Worship, Praise, Canada, Music, Christian, Spontaneous, Live, Encounter, Presence, Transformation, Church, Production, Broadcast, Stage Design, Musician, Catch The Fire, Christmas, Message, word
Id: DFEhjbaU8BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 45sec (7545 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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