Prequilt & Just Get It Done Quilts Youtube Live

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[Music] now hi everyone welcome i am just thrilled that you are all here and it is six o'clock in toronto here and we chose this time just so that uh we could catch some of the night owls in the uk and we could catch some of the early birds down under so just so glad everyone is here i see people here from england and australia so our plan has worked we've got everybody and people from the midwest hello linda from idaho and connecticut so glad to see you um i know this is not my normal time but i was um talking with uh laura and angie about prequels and just thought that this would be a good thing for us to do so um you know that i had an interview with angie of gnome angel i think it's about three months ago now i think it was in september and we had so much fun that by the end of the interview i had signed up for a hundred days a hundred blocks and then um last week i did a video called preparing for a quilt along and through building and doing all the research for that i realized that uh angie and prequel got together and pre-quilt has done some coloring pages for this year's quilt along so i thought there would be nothing better than to sit down with laura a pre-quilt and have a chat so i am just going to invite her on board let's see laura are you there oh nope there we i'm here go you so much for having me karen so uh laura what i think one of the problems that all of us have of quilters have is that we are just so anxious to see what our quilt looks like before we start a project like before we cut we just want to be reassured that we know what it's going to look like and pre-quilt does that doesn't it yeah it totally does and um i'm i'm one of those people who i'm i'm very sacred with my fabric i even solids i don't know why because it's not like i can't get any more and so i really once i put a thought or an idea through prequel then i can move forward with a lot of confidence and i get really excited then so i i jump very quickly into the cutting and into the piecing it'll sit a while for the quilting but um the actual getting it done it really um it just pre-cool really gets me to launch off so yeah and just before we go forward everyone um i want you to know that laura and i were members of the toronto modern guild together but this is not sponsored by laura prequel orc um no gnome angel we're not affiliated we are just people who get along and like to work together so um i really you know my video for 10 free free tools uh quilting tools i think pre-quilt is so wonderful it's just easy to use and since you um just very easy to entry on it too so that's what laura's going to show us today so i'm just going to hand it over to laura now and she is going to tell us how to sign up yeah um yeah thank you so much so prequel in itself we have three different levels um and i'm just going to pop over um [Music] we have three different levels this is what the website looks like and um you can see here i'm just gonna actually oops sorry sorry sorry i i need to switch over to different maybe this wasn't the best way sorry guys um [Music] sorry here we go so we have three different levels of plans and i just had to switch screens because i'm logged in so i wouldn't see this here but we always we always encourage people to just give it a try we don't want to have people buy it and then find out that it's not the right fit because there's a learning curve with everything and this might not be built around the way that you design or the way that you think so we really encourage everybody to use the free plan you can you can create one quilt free it is limited to the rectangular grids and some of the entry-level features but it will give you really a good sense of is this a good way for me to work and do i enjoy it um and so then you know if you do decide that this is something that you really enjoy working with we have a basic plan um which is fifty dollars a year or five dollars a month we are priced in u.s dollars so um we haven't gotten to the point where we have multiple um currencies um so you can you can sign up for that and if you're a designer like or you plan on making quilts and then patterns and you want to sell those patterns you can you can upgrade to the market plan and the difference between those two is one you have unlimited quilts um the first on the basic ef50 but you can also then generate coloring pages which i can show you later for for kinship what those look like but you can generate your own coloring pages that you can then give to your customers and then they can use some of these similar capabilities to get excited about making your quilt pattern but in their in their actual fabrics so um so somebody needs to sign up how did how did they do it yeah so let me walk you through the process here so when you just say you decide you want to use the basic you just put in it's gonna show you all my stuff but you would put in your email address you would create a username one thing that i'd like to say is that while it's not impossible to change your username sorry i live on a busy street um well it's not impossible to change your username it's something that gar would have to do on like the database end so um just put a little bit of thought into it before you you throw it in if you are going to have it don't just put something in that you might want to change later and then a password um and then what it'll do is it'll bring you up to a credit card um page where you could then i mean i could probably just go through this but if they're just looking for the basic one how do they sign up for that not the basic sorry the the free one yeah so here you can you can sign up for the free account it'll create the same information um it'll it'll collect the same information but there won't be any payment and then if you even don't even want to do that right now you can always try it without an account and that'll just bring you up um and so gar has a little bit of a tutorial here um but that'll just bring you up to a point where you can't say you know you just can't save it because you're not logged in but you can just start playing with it you know like put put that in there and colorize it and stuff like that just to get a hang of it so you've just thrown up a whole bunch of triangles there uh do you have something simple that we could start with yeah um definitely like one of the things that we find really fun is you can you can rotate the blocks and so i'll just use oh see that's always deselect um so you can you can rotate the blocks into a design that you enjoy so i'll just um try and find something really quickly [Music] let's say i like this chevron um then what you can do is you can go and select all four of these when you um we would highly encourage you to use a computer or a laptop something that has a mouse because it does really it makes it a little easier you can do it on um ipad but those are for more like just getting an idea out really quick not anything super robust and so what i'm doing now is i'm just pasting that design into these new quilt at these new blocks and then i can um i can even do this i can even copy the entire couple rows and paste it um so now i have like a really quick fun chevron idea um and now you yeah you're going quickly through these you've got tutorials on your youtube page how to do this right if anybody wants to go back and follow you closely right yes yes and actually karen i'm just going to stop sharing my screen real real quick and i'm going to go into a different mode and show you the youtube one so okay sorry guys one second no nope while you're doing while you're doing that um we've got a couple of uh questions in the feed and we can tackle them so idaho lily has asked is 50 quilt limit per subscription per year that's over the lifetime so you can always throw things away and we also have a new feature where a lot of people were um and i did it myself before gar developed this new thing called colorways so what i would do is i would copy the quilt make it a different color and so i'd have the same quote you know 15 times with different colors but now he has a feature called colorways where you can save all those different color palettes or versions in the same quilt so that would be one way to work around that 50 quilt limit but it is per the lifetime but it's 50 at a time it's not you can only make 50. it's you can just have 50 designs saved in pre-quilt at a time so if you delete some then you've got more i find on that way i think i've got like 25 and then i i cancel 10 and then i add them back in but now that you've got the extra colorways that's going to be a great feature because that will save a number of copies yeah and the great thing about that too that that ask actually came from one of our users who just reached out and was like is there a way to save these all in the same quilt because i find like i have to exit and then come back in and and that's honestly that's the best way for us to develop the products that you're wanting to work with like or the product that you're wanting to work with because that gives us all these different scenarios that take us outside of our own thinking and so please we encourage you to send us an email ask us lots of questions um and just the other day um there was somebody else who recommended how do i randomize just a select color group i don't want to do all of kona i want to do just these ten and so gar developed a feature that um will do just that so yeah please email us and let us know uh geraldine marie has asked um what is the best beginner quote now i'm not sure if you're talking about in general but i'm going to refer to you as far as um pre-quilt is concerned um i'm i'm going to say just start with the hsts and play around with that because i think you'll get a lot of well one is a lot of fun the randomizing the colors and the and the turning and the patterns that come up um everybody talks about my red quilt that's behind my um behind me in my studio and that's how i did that with uh with prequel yeah yeah and i would also i did a workshop with the ancaster modern quilt um modern quilt guild um last weekend and the way i think that you know there are beginner quilters that dive right in and they're like i'm gonna do this like intricate you know cat quilt from elizabeth hartman and it's like okay good luck um but but if you ask somebody first or like start with start with squares you know nest those seams get them lined up you know and that's also like i would suggest that that's a good starting point too because you can very easily just click on a square put a one patch in there um so you could start with that as well okay so you you had a screen to show us yeah so i wanted to show you i'm just gonna do windows and i'm gonna do this sorry guys um so can you see my youtube um channel here karen is that showing up no no we're seeing um the heart okay sorry so sarah wilson has asked can you print out your quilts easily and save them and um or on your pc before you delete them yes if you bring them as pictures um like they download into a jpeg and you can save that on your computer um it doesn't it's not something that you can manipulate it's just a picture but definitely you can download them before you move on yeah and i can okay so can you see it now right now uh yep yep now can you see the youtube yep we've seen youtube great so um so so to answer the earlier question um yes we do definitely try and have as many tutorials one of the things that we're trying to always do is circle back so we get really excited about a new feature and we put it out there in the world and then we sometimes forget to tell people that it's there so um the next challenge that we have is going back and and making tutorial videos for all the new features that we have either coming up or just launched so you can get them all here you can see a lot of the videos here we also did a few a couple of videos for kinship so that's there as well and then i could show you um so um this is just an idea of one of the quilts that i was thinking i probably won't make it to 80 blocks i have to really set my expectations um but i could um potentially get really excited about maybe getting to 80 blocks so um here's what i'm going to just show you the different colorways that i was telling you about so this is like this very orange background version and i had also created um this one that i really liked with a more of um a darker background and orange and purples and so when i want to save an image i just go down to the download image and it'll generate um a whole picture of it sorry it's taking a couple of seconds because it does have 80 blocks in it um i understand kinship is uh one of your well the most involved project that you've done to date yes yes this one that i'm showing you now it did make me cry because it's so intricate and it has a lot of pieces that don't line up so the sashing here it kind of it kind of is just on its own and so it doesn't have anything to do with the center blocks so um i i love puzzles so i've always had a lot of fun um helping collaborators and people recreate their work in um prequel so this was a good challenge um so here if i go to download this it'll just download the image as a jpeg and then i would have to say that this is the best one of the best features of prequel because now this becomes your quote map and you can visually see when you might put the block in the right in the right place and in the wrong place so i would i would think that this this is one of the best features if you have a color printer if you go to like uh fedex or whatever you go to to print them staples and then another great feature for the kinship is if you get the block add-on you will also be able to see each of the blocks in the colors that you have that you want and you can also download this and then as you go through the 100 days um you can you have kind of a bit of a visual like blueprint on how to proceed so would you mind just backing up a bit and just let's take a look at how you get where are the coloring pages and how how do you get in and start playing with color yeah sorry i kind of leapfrogged over that um so here i'm just on the screen it's you can go to and that is um that's just our homepage and we have like a little bit of a a little banner ad here but we have we have angie on our site right here and if you scroll down um we have a little bit of information about um the kinship fusion sampler and the 100 days so we also have a micro site here um that is just just about kinship so um we have the introductory video if you're if you're wanting to sign up this step this this video will walk you through the whole process um we also have information about about the block library so this is where it'll um the block library is all 100 blocks but you also get nine different layouts um and this is about the coloring pages so i just want to make a distinction here the coloring pages are free to use for anyone but they do follow the guidelines that are in the pattern so the pattern is um the pattern is designed with this blue version so there's four fabrics there's one two three and four and so any time and i can show you any time you change one color like and i'll show you on the on the big one again that way so you can see here you have one two three four and then because this one is the sashing version you have the background so any time this blue if you want to change that blue color to to this um rosebud it'll change it for all the dark blue uniformly like universally um and so you don't have any kind of customization within the block so if you didn't want this block itself to have that rosebud you wanted it to be a lighter pink that's where the add-on is really valuable to you because then you can start overriding the the color fabric um i guess legend um for your own customization so we can always do something like randomizing so this when you hit that randomize so it's that top button the top button in the middle thing and that is the program choosing the colors for you yeah yeah it's just so that's randomly taken yeah yeah and then what's great too is just say you um you find a color combination that you really like so for example i mean actually this is all working together yeah keep the keep the pickle and change all the other ones yeah so i'll lock this and i'll say i love this and i definitely want this in there and then what it does is it'll only change um once you and one two and four but it'll keep that number three locked um and so again like you can keep locking things as you as you fall in love with them um and kind of like well done prequel this is all kind of working pretty well together so if um if you're joining us and you haven't thought about starting kinship and you like the idea of it we um we have a by the pattern button here and again like what um karen was saying we're not affiliated so we're i'm we're just really doing it because we we kind of really love angie and i just thought this was a great way to have people bring their ideas to life um and so we're not we don't get a kickback or anything but we definitely always want to to direct people to go and buy the pattern at angie and her in her shop so yeah okay so uh let's just see we've got a couple of uh questions here can you design your own coloring your own quilts or use yes uh you can design your own quilts and somebody's asking how it works with the first block of kinship but that is in the extra add-on so that's not in the coloring pages so we'll get to that later ellen um amanda uh kano has said she's so glad that she's caught this q a because i'm not because she bought uh ordered pre-quilt a month ago and she doesn't know how to navigate it so welcome amanda i'm glad that you've shown up um denise cullen has asked does the program calculate fabric required so right now it will do that however it will only do it for rectangles squares and half square triangles so um it's very yeah it's very challenging and the reason why is because when you put a block into prequel it will expand or resize itself according to the the grid so if you create a quilt and they're 10 by 10 inch blocks anything that you put in there will just fill that block flush to the sides so there are some blocks that you know you can only make in increments of two and a half inches right you can make a five inch or seven and a half inch or a ten inch um so we haven't yet been able to figure out how to measure all those to give you an accurate fabric um requirement and we've kind of found like we didn't want to push it and then get people really upset about you know i need 72 yards of black fabric like that can't be right and it's like yeah it probably isn't right so um so for right now i can show you here um i'm just trying to find where i had my um so i'll just show you here on the dashboard um so this is what when you have an account with pre-quilt this is what it would kind of look like and i taught a workshop so i'm just going to open up these quotes so i'll show you what it looks like to have the fabric calculator um so these are what i was talking about just like starting out with square blocks and then when you're in the command center is what kind of what i call it and you click on this blocks when you go show more you can do fabric requirements and that will show you um okay so you need from this one patch block in lagoon which has a finished size of five by five and an unfinished size of five and a half by five and a half you'll need 32 of those and if you are using yardage you'll need about 28 inches and then you know we kind of try to be helpful when you know you buy in yardage and the shop's not going to give you 28 inches well round up to a yard so we do have that i know it is kind of limiting because this is you know probably easier math to figure out on your own but we're not we're not there yet for the other shapes or blocks so just while you're here in this easy screen is uh terry mcmillan has asked is there a way to introduce a fabric collection of prints into the palette tab yes so um actually we got a really good um suggestion out of the workshop which was being able to um make a palette out of out of your prints so for right now what we have is um when you go into edit we have these different um this is what we call a palette so i created this because i was trying to work on a curated quilts um challenge that has a very select um color palette um so you can make your own color palettes and then like um you can randomize from them we are going to try and do the same thing where you can make your own color palettes in the printed fabric but right now we don't have a folder system yet for that so i could import though um just say i really like this orange and i and i think that it would work similarly well in this quilt so what i can do there is i can let me make sure i'm in the right one so i go down to konomango that's the one i want to replace and i click on this edit button and then i i'm not in solids i don't want to replace it with a different solid i want to replace it with a printed fabric swatch and then i just click on that and it'll replace all of that and we're not quite there yet with being able to scale it um with measurements but we do have some like um a scale of being able to double things and and one of the challenges too is that if you take a picture with your phone that's going to come in at a different scale as if you download it from your fabric shop so that's why we give people the capability of eyeballing like what that scale would look like and then you just x out of it and now you kind of can um visualize what this quilt would look like with that printed fabric instead of that solid orange right okay so um just uh does prequel work on an ipad or only for a computer um it does work on an ipad uh we have the buttons built in so that they work on both a computer and an ipad so for example if i wanted to highlight this entire row i could do it one at a time which you can push with with your finger on an ipad or you can click on the two and that will highlight the entire row and so like when i'm using a mouse i would just right click but because with um an ipad you can't do that we do have these buttons here for options and then that'll open it up i would have to say that i find it much easier to use pre-quote when i'm on a computer with a mouse even even when i'm on my laptop with the trackpad it can be a little bit more cumbersome so if you have the ability to use a laptop or a computer i would i would nudge you in that direction okay now sherry has asked um is there a way i know the answer to this one is there a way to calculate what i can make if you have the number of blocks that you have and i'll start this one because that's the way i made my red quilt that the the half square triangle one that's in the in the backdrop of my video um maybe uh here you can show off to the side laura the counter so you know whether you've got enough yeah yeah that's a really good question so we do like if you see here because i'm using one patch it would look the same but the blocks would be up here it'll tell you you need 39 of this a 32 of b 32 of c so if you've already figured out like what your yardage is and you realize you only have space for you know just say for this blue you only have maybe 30 you could only do 30. well you could come in here then and so i've just selected these three blues in the center and then i could either make them blue and now i have this really big negative space in the center or i could go back and click them again and i could see what would like that look like with these flowers in it again or if you're like actually i want to have a completely other fabric you can i just what i did is i clicked on this make a one patch and now i'm going to edit that and i'm going to pick a new color so i've just created a new color tag with a new one patch and then i would add that to the quote and maybe i would like okay so the reason why this is coming up this was an exercise for the workshop that i did so what i did is i merged all these so we um we really geeked out on excel and and how excel and google sheets work so we're like let's merge it right so then guard developed this so you can highlight all 10 of these blocks and merge it but you can also unmerge it which is what i'm going to do here i can fill that in with the blues again because what i wanted to do was maybe put another green right in the center and create like this little bit of a secondary nine patch there so um that's kind of how some of the capabilities were but i know karen you had a much more like a little bit more elaborate like um process as well with the hsts that you did well i knew i had i was using a charm pack that um that i turned everything into an hst so i had pairs and i knew how many number of pairs that i had so as i was doing that um looking at the side panel i could see whether i i had used the proper amount i think i did that in the pre-quilt challenge too i worked that way yeah and i don't know if this feature was around when when we did that um but another thing that you can do is you can randomize the blocks [Music] so i don't it doesn't work on the one patches so i'm just gonna delete these all and put um sorry one second pending um i'm just gonna put so you can also load blocks um from the library so you can go here to show more options and load blocks so this is where the kinship blocks would be in the collaboration so if you buy the collaboration you can see all those blocks for the for the kinship quilts um but i'm just gonna add here um the drunkards path i'm gonna add it and now i'm gonna import it um so you can just kind of grab and go as you please and then i'm gonna put this into the quilt so they're all there so if i um if i wanted to now maybe make um a different a different version like just say i wanted to have blue drunkard's path and i wanted to have pink drunkard's path what i can do here is i can clone this block and then i can edit it and so now and this is similar to the way that you would customize your kinship blocks as well you would load the block or you would select the block and then you would just edit it and so instead of angie's dark blue color one fabric you could then edit it and then make it this teal and cor and can make that blue whoops you could make it um a light aruba and then you save it and then what i'm going to do now is i'm going to randomize the blocks so i go back to the command center i click on the randomize thing it expands down and now i'm going to randomize the blocks and so um right now they're going to randomize at an almost equal proportion so i if i select all the cells and i apply now they they it's probably not exactly half like it's 62 of the blue and 59 of the of the teal but it gives you a good enough um a good enough uh proportion right so that's one way of doing it too so then just say i wanted to have way more um way more of the blue and just a couple of the teals then i select all the cells again and i apply that and now i just have um [Music] just a few so just say you only have like a fat quarter of these two and you had tons of yardage of those um you could do that as well and then you can also um and sorry you can see here now we have 103 of the blue and 18 of the teal and you can also randomize the rotation so you just highlight everything and then you randomize the rotation and now you have this really really quite really junkard's path kind of going on and you can override the rotation if you want to fix something or you want to do something to make it more um like what you're thinking or what has inspired you from this and again to you can always randomize the colors well that actually how did that happen it's almost the same oh that was weird it changed it to something very so i similar i did something wrong there sorry okay so uh jl has asked if they print out a hard copy how much information description color identification is provided could you provide an example if you watch my video um 10 free quilting tools you'll see me print out an example and that will show you it gives you a color you have the choices of your color swatches and the actual printout of the quilt um so uh there's a lot of information that's been going by here but i want you to know this is just supposed to be a taste okay so um this is supposed to be an opportunity for you to answer the questions and it is for me a lot of it is about playing so it's about going in there and having fun and playing with the the colors and the um and the layouts but let's just slow down and let's take a look at um the kinship um the kinship pattern itself and how you would color those blocks laura yep yeah not a problem um let me get back so um like i like um i think i had mentioned before we do have coloring pages so when you're um when you're on the micro site for kinship and you click down to coloring pages it will bring you up to the nine different layouts we have so you can start coloring those using using the randomize or going in and overriding them you can do that and it'll change it on every time that fabric one shows up it'll change that dark blue to the cyan but what i'm going to show you now is what it would look like if you um if you bought the add-on and you wanted to customize it to be um specifically what you wanted for individual blocks um what i really loved about what angie was doing this year specifically and what also has really gotten me like committed to to participating is that she's built out these bonus layouts which are bl 1 bl2 bl3 and so forth and those are all designed with a different kind of off-ramp almost and so um like this one is 10 blocks this bl2 is 21 blocks i think 50 64 80 and 100 so there are three different hundred size sizes and i think what that really is like you can participate at the scale that you want and you just have to hit that milestone and then you'll still have a finished quilt and you won't have this ufo lingering because you weren't quite sure how all those blocks would fit together um so i'm going to show you um i i'm going to commit to 21 blocks and later on probably next week i'll have a video showing like how i you know how i came to my final design um well i am back in sorry i'm in the wrong one so okay so this is what it'll look like when you have the add-on it's in the kinship so from the dashboard which is this um we have a kinship button and when you add by the add-on this is what it'll look like and so i'm going to come here to the 21 quilt and i'm going to import it to my account which means it's going to clone the entire quilt and then put that into your dashboard so whatever changes you make to this one it'll be yours and yours alone and then somebody else can in the future take that next one um and so then when once you've selected which one you want to do you can open the quilt and this is where you'll see the blocks so it comes because this is the 21 block layout it comes with the first 21 blocks i can show you how if for example you really want to make the heart but you're like i'm not going to make it to 100 blocks what you can do is you can take this one out and then go the same way you would load a different one when you're in kinship stuff you can load a block go to the collaborators um and then you can you can see all 100 blocks and then you just load that 100 and you can kind of like kind of get to the end without doing the whole thing and then you can load that um that block there um just say i want that heart to be pink i don't want to be blue i can click on this and i go in to edit the block and then what i do is i just click on these and because um because i might only want this color coming in for this one i might want to keep these color tags that will change any time any time you change number three all the number threes but i want this one to just be on its own um i'm clicking on the shape here and i can change that so i can override that to i'm gonna go i really love paintbrush studio so i'm gonna go here and i'm going to turn it to hot pink you can also hit shift and you can select multiple ones and then you go back to that static and it'll always highlight colors that are already being used so then you can easily find the next one and so when i save this to the quilt now it'll override that one but you'll notice it didn't change all the other instances of the light blue those are all still like locked or stay still there um and so now i can i can edit all of these blocks the same way um another thing too just because there are so many blocks here and it's easy to get lost when you have selected a block there's a little legend up here that'll tell you which one it is so you're not spending you know like on 21 blocks it's not that big a deal but when there's all 100 blocks you could be scrolling quite a long time to find the image so that's a really good useful tool to get you where you need to go faster [Music] okay um jennifer m has asked uh can you add more than four colors on the coloring pages um so not on the coloring pages those are all locked to the way that angie designed the pattern um and so that's why those ones are free because we want to encourage anybody to use them and if you're just going to follow the pattern exactly as it is but instead of dark blue you want to use a printed tula pink or whatever but you're going to stay consistent that fabric one will be fabric one everywhere that's where the the free coloring pages really excel but if you want to be able to customize and override the pattern instructions that's where the add-on is is going to add you value value okay linda has asked your quilt layout is square can we can we do a rectangle quilt yes yes you can and and i would encourage you um to if you're going to make changes do it on a la on on a laptop and you are able to do it so just say i wanted um just say i wanted to add a fifth row so what i can do is i can okay so this is where it gets a little tricky so we put a lot of work into building these out so they're grab and go if you want to override things you're going to have to get your hands dirty a little bit which is no problem totally cool but you just have to be a little patient so um as you can see here this whole thing lights up and um sometimes so if i wanted to add um something up another row see how all that kind of breaks so this one breaks it doesn't extend all the way down that's because you're um kind of almost breaking the foundation like i kind of always think of it as an apartment building if you if you bought an apartment building and you wanted to shove another floor in it it's not going to really work so what you would have to do is you would just have to unmerge this okay and unmerge this one and then you can start playing with it so now i've added this row and um i'm gonna want to add another one of these after and so i think this was four yeah so this is four inches so now you just have to change and resize this to four inches um so i would i would say that these are much more advanced ways of using prequel but it it's totally doable and if you like puzzles it is and once you get the hang of it it's you can do it so then if i wanted to do so i'm wondering if we can have um these advanced techniques maybe we should if anybody's interested in that um maybe you can leave your comments uh a comment down in the notes below um and you can also contact maybe you laura and garr can get together and put together maybe a more advanced um uh q a or a zoom meeting for that because i think i think you you're you're way above so many of us so many of us are just getting our our fingers uh our fingers wet here or toes wet so sorry guys you can totally do it just [Laughter] yeah so um let's just go back to one of the other screens uh one of the other coloring pages [Music] okay so yeah i do have um the other ones so for example i think karen you said you really like this corner one yes i really like that i really like that layout i really think that's a really smart one angie did a great job on that one yeah yeah and this one too it's it's it's nice because it doesn't so the quilt that i just showed you sometimes it would have two rectangle blocks together and it would make a square visually it would make a square um this one is easy to to swap out blocks because you always know which shape is supposed to go in there um so uh i could show you just um well i don't know what what do people want to see i think truly we're at 45 minutes here so i think people might be getting tired so um what i would like from everybody who's still in the uh still in the live stream is just to leave a comment um on what further information you want from laura and that will give laura a better idea of where to go next um whether uh to do another live live stream or to do it as a zoom meeting or to do it as a workshop and i mean these are just absolutely fabulous tools i did see someone ask if you can um you have a trial version of this one and i think the answer is no right for kimchi for kinship like to actually know to play with the kitchen yeah not for kinship you you get a free trial of pre-quilt in general but you in fact you have it free forever but you only have the option of one quilt design um but the the full version and the kinship version there's no free trial yeah so it was um because because the add-on comes with a hundred blocks and already nine quote layouts and the free account only holds it it's just coded to only have one thing um it just wasn't possible yeah so um just trying to figure out if there's any other um [Music] is there any last uh questions here uh yeah terry has said um you need the advanced you need if you're going to make it scrappy you need to have the kinship add-on pack that's just the way it works yes so um thank you very much laura for being with us today there's just so much information and you guys keep using all these advances so uh quickly and um there's just it's just uh there's just so much to learn every single time you turn around but i would encourage everyone to get on there if you've got the free trial or you have the basic package just to get on there and play because you learn so much it may be overwhelming when you see the totality of all of the features but you don't learn that way you learn one thing at a time and i will just say the tutorials are extremely helpful so if you're interested please take a look at the tutorials because that will get you uh learn one skill at a time and it will build on top of everything so um as well one more sorry one more thing we do have um in celebration of kinship and then and ramping up there is a code you can use um it's for your first annual you can save 20 off um and then the add-on is just five dollars on top of that um or uh you can also just do a monthly so if you're like i'm only gonna use it for kinship and you can sign up for a monthly and then cancel when you're you know when you don't need it anymore okay that's great that's great um so let me just go here and so just so you know let me just go back here um we talked about if you are interested in seeing any of my videos they are in the background um laura just before we go um how do they get a hold of you yeah they can email me at hello at we're also on instagram under prequeled and on youtube at prequel we're not always as good as at facebook sorry but um those are the best three options okay so that's um and if you are wanting to sign up for 100 days 100 blocks and you haven't done so you can do so at you can order the pattern through the pre-quilt website or you can order it directly from her website yeah we just direct people back to her website so okay rambling way to get there well thank you laura for being on the show that was so much information just so much possibilities [Laughter] there is just so much so much to know just so much all just so much you've just done you and gar have just done such a great job so thank you thank you very much for having me thank you so much everybody for coming great um just again um if you uh where are we going here we the thumbnails here so if you have not seen uh my videos that i've talked about kinship or talked about a quilt along or even pre-quilt how i made my uh laura and i did a pre-quilt challenge a couple of years ago just go to my library and you'll see them there so thank you i want to give a shout out to brandi who's been in the background answering the questions for us and um gar if he's anywhere around thank you for helping behind the scenes okay so take care and i will see you next week all right bye [Music] you
Channel: Just Get it Done Quilts
Views: 11,284
Rating: 4.8427672 out of 5
Id: sV576ma9TgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 3sec (3183 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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